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The American Ruling Class

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  • Hi Farside,

    Yeah this is a good thread to learn more about the Ruling Class and ways that are being tried to stop them. I found it very interest as it added to my knowledge about them. The missing 13th amendment would put a stop to all of their doings if it is rewritten properly with no loop holes in it.

    One of the moderators has lost all of my trust now, just wish I knew how to turn a moderator in for miss behavior on this form. I can't believe he found a loop hole in my line of questioning and instead of answering the question used that loop hole against me like a scum sucking lawyer. Oh well, live and learn I guess, huh?

    Oh, and welcome to the form Farside

    Last edited by h20power; 02-01-2010, 07:07 PM. Reason: Added in clarity


    • Thanks H2Opower,
      the further you go down this rabbit hole the darker it gets I'm afraid to say.

      Typically the "game" is played as follows:
      1. Define a set of defined rules that are there to keep us all out of trouble.
      2. Operate by exploiting loopholes in the rules you made.
      3. When you get into trouble, change the definition of the words that make up the rules so that you can manage perception.
      4. When you can no longer manage perception by changing the definition of things, change the rules.
      5. When you can no longer change the rules because reality is knocking on the door, blame somebody else, pay off as many people as is required and run before the public finds out.

      We, as a global economy, are transitioning from stage 4 to 5.


      • I mentioned the bond markets earlier. They are a critical peice of the puzzle.
        It will most likely effect you directly even if you don't own them for the reason I'm about to explain.

        For years the US has lived beyond its means by borrowing money. They do this by selling bonds (basically IOUs) to other countries. China and Japan are the biggest buyers of these for reasons I won't go into right now.

        The problem now is that these countries know that shortly - within the next 24 months, the US will have to borrow more money than they currently do just to cover the interest payments on the bonds they already sold. This is like maxing out your credit card and then going to the bank to ask for another one so you can pay the interest on the first.

        These countries have been "diversifying" their investments over the past 12 months. They have also been selling their long term bonds they own and buying short term ones (30 day). This is equivilent to closing out your fixed 18 month deposit at the bank and putting the funds in your cheque account. Their overall balance remains the same but they can now withdraw their funds at the drop of a hat.

        The US treasury knows this and they can't sell any more of their long term bonds. If the world finds this out (which they do but human nature is to live in denial as long as possible) then the US bond market would collapse, it would default on it's debt and the economy would crash taking everyone with it including the "ruling class".

        The current solution? Have the Fed buy the bonds. The problem with this is that the Fed doesn't have any actual assets to buy them with. They have to print new money to buy these bonds. Consider that a US Dollar is actually an IOU (YouTube - Money As Debt (1 of 5)) the the Fed is buying one form of IOU with another form of IOU. I wish I could do that lol!

        This effects everyone holding US Dollars because if the number of US dollars in existance increases then the value attached to each must decrease, therefore the value of the money in your savings account decreases. This is my many see inflation as a stealth tax. This is also why you see things like Gold increasing in value (Gold never actually increases in value - it's the currency you are measuring its value in fluctuating in value).

        This current situation will not last much longer. Another solution must be found. What the US Govt has done in the past is tap areas of wealth to buy this debt. They have done this with social security for example. There is no money there. If you look you will find that social security assets are in the form of bonds - IOUs.

        This is where it will effect you directly. The only place left to target is IRA/RSP. You can currently invest an any number of things for your retuirement throught these tax deferred structures.

        This is likely to change in the near future. Prepeare for the introduction of new rules stating that these vehicles must be either partially, or fully invested in US treasury bonds.

        This is how the baby boomers will be stripped of what is left of their wealth after the real estate market bottoms in 2016.


        • Here is a good book by Eustace Mullins titled "The World Order"

          you will be lucky to ever find one in print. And if you do you will pay a high price even used.

          Enjoy the read...
          Good Day!!!...24


          • Here is a video of a soldier that has waken up from the deep sleep of the Ruling Classes shadow cast on the vast majority of Americans and other countries around the world: YouTube - AMAZING SPEECH BY WAR VETERAN




            • The SEC just the other week changed the rules so money market funds can suspend redemptions, freezing your assets. This rule is designed to push investors out of money market funds and into US Treasuries and Agency bonds.

              This is the first step.


              • Originally posted by h20power View Post
                Here is a video of a soldier that has waken up from the deep sleep of the Ruling Classes shadow cast on the vast majority of Americans and other countries around the world: YouTube - AMAZING SPEECH BY WAR VETERAN
                Good video, H20.

                I think that most of the people in our armed forces, who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan, went there with the feeling that they would be doing something necessary and important, and that they would be protecting both the US and the people of Iraq and Afghanistan from terrorists. Some who have served there still feel that way, but a great many - like the soldier in the video - now have a different mindset. After watching the movie, The Hurt Locker, it is easy to see how our soldiers can become indoctrinated to believe that every Iraqi civilian they see is a potential terrorist trying to kill them. The door to door searches, in an effort to find terrorists hiding amongst the public, is no doubt causing the Iraqi people to look upon the American soldiers as the real terrorists. Can you imagine a group of foreign military soldiers forcing their way into your home and holding you and your loved ones at gunpoint while they search through your rooms, closets, and belongings, and knowing that these searches can be repeated at any time? It's hard for us to imagine such a situation, but if we don't see it coming here at home and aren't willing to do whatever it takes to prevent that from happening, it won't be long before we are subjected to the same tactics.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Now we have to get the public this information for our mainstream media will not show this type of information to the general population. As a veteran myself serving in the same 10th mountain division, I was even there at the same time as he was, I know all too well of the racism that has a big foot hold on the military and how they use it to get people to do things to others they wouldn't normally do without the tactics being used on them.

                  I was a Sargent at the time and I can tell you the brain washing had started when Bush made a visit to Fort Drum. But the racism was there already as the base was having gang violence inside of the base when I first got there in 2001. I fought the "Good old Boy net work" during my stay there and started to turn the tide on all the money being just given away to line their pockets with government contracts. I was jumped but they underestimated me and I beat them all up and took them to the MP station. Later I learned they had all been released with no charges brought up against them by the base commander. I am a big guy having took fourth place in a muscle building competition, and they put me on the fat boy program with only .3 % over the standards. The Sargent that put me in the program was way overweight, but they doctored their own records so they could make the next rank. I went to Jag with this information and they did nothing about it even when I broke into their computers and made hard copies of all the wrong doings these "God Old Boys" where doing. In the end I was finally injured by one with over 23 years of service and quickly given a medical discharge and a attempt to throw my family out on the streets of upstate NY with 4 ft of snow on the ground. Luckily for me we got a new Sargent Major that was not a "Good Old Boy" and he took a strip from my Sargent and corrected my railroading by my chain of command but could do nothing against the base commander. So I know all about the mind set of the 10th mountain division.

                  Last edited by h20power; 02-02-2010, 07:51 AM. Reason: made more clear


                  • Hi folks, you said this rickoff,
                    It's hard for us to imagine such a situation, but if we don't see it coming here at home and aren't willing to do whatever it takes to prevent that from happening, it won't be long before we are subjected to the same tactics.
                    Do tell us what one could do to prevent such a scenario, that is with peaceful intent. My opinion is, is that there is nothing you can do, if you think thats what will occur. From what i see it has already occured, just in a different way that is more acceptable to people so they dont revolt. The police forces in every city and town show the proof of this. Now if anyone thinks the police are serving our best interests then i feel for you that you have been so mind controlled. Lets be honest folks in this thread and stop hiding from what already is and will not last much longer anyway so quit the fear mongering about troops knocking down doors, when they already do that, just not in the guise of troops or soldiers. The people are awakening, so there is no need for scare tactics, for it really serves no purpose and if you think it does, i would like to hear it. Let me make myself clearer. Claiming that soldiers are going to come in and knock down our doors serves only to feed the fight or flight instinct and that means irrational behavior and actions
                    that generally are not from a reasonable and peaceful mindset. Unless by these words, you are encouraging violence to meet violence, that has never worked either, since that is what they want us to do, is that what you want us to do rickoff.
                    peace love light


                    • rickoff

                      I'm totally amazed and cold, all seems the NWO now, look here in Colombia Health Public System has collapsed then Alvaro Uribe Velez had declared National Social Emergency, this Health System is a contributive system and was invented and established by himself in his first years of governement, now had collpased.. This Emergency gives to the President DISCTATORSHIP POWERS, and this son of B has imposed A PIRATED COPY OF OBAMACARE, holy s**t this morning Healt professionals are on the streets to avoid this imposition, I thinking seriously that Uribe is a Skull & Bones is really connected and stoling us our civil freedoms how can impose us reforms, reelections, referemda etc. It's incredible how this man is each day more like Chavez, when both are declared enemies each other, both are exactly the same SOCIALISM. This Health system reform states that if you need a quirurgical intervention, you need demostrate your TOTAL POORNESS if you have House, Car, access finanacial system then you have uses this resources first, sell your car, uses your retirement resources, banking loans etc. This Devil wants letting us in TOTAL POORNESS.

                      The excuse is the same OUT OF MONEY, but here in Colombia Health Budget is only 1% GDP mean while Militar Budget is a secret but can be easily about 5%. This country not import oil or carbon but export it...

                      Now meanwhile Colombia gives another step to the FEUDALISM, in Venezuela the Heat is On, TOTAL KAOS, the ELECTRICAL SYSTEM HAS COLLPASED there is black outs in hole country two hours per day, but the situation get worst before get better, this is the governement more corrupt on the Earth, nobody has sent to the trash about 1 trillion dollars of income in 10 years, and the country in near to TOTAL COLLAPSE. We need a World Revolution, now in this moment countries like Spain is facing the highest undemployment since 1996 all that economic prosperity was sent to WC only in days... How can be this possible? now is well but only a couple days is broken?


                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs. Apple CEO


                      • Hi Patmac,
                        I would like your opinion on something.
                        I have been collecting information on how a US citizen (I am not one btw) can get themselves and their assets out before a facist state is imposed or anything really serious like that.

                        Columbia, amoung other countries has come up as a good place to "evacuate" to before this all goes down. Apparently the government is relatively stable and democratic, crime is not anything like the American press reports and there is a good infrastructure.

                        Can you confirm this or do you see a different situation "on the ground"?
                        How serious is the sabre rattling with Venezuela?


                        • Here is a good article on corruption in American politics:
                          Johann Hari: This corruption in Washington is smothering America's future - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

                          The ones in power have done an excelent job at controlling the American people. One way they have done this is to divide them in half and pit them against each other. The two groups are called Republican and Democrat.
                          All the while they back both parties at the same time.

                          Remember this when you read articles, or talk with each other. They might be a democrat and you might be a republican but that is BS invented by the ruling class to keep you from seeing eye to eye.

                          If you're busy arguing over which administration did what then you fail to recognise the real evil lurking in the shadows.


                          • It's a really complex problem Colombia has about 40 years in war now this war is near to end by the governement, the high popularity of Uribe is by this reason, this man has practically erradicated the guerrilla.

                            But this seems more like a dictatorship but hey!!! is more like a Economic Dictatorship that political, for example here the Central bank has established loan rates on about 3.5% annual but privated bankters use rates on about 25% annual. Our perception like latin american people is very complex too, because is different for your's EUA recently in past years was living in a prosperity enviroment, latin americans practically never we've living in total prosperity. For example Colombia export about 500.000 oil barrels per day but here we have the highest gasoline prices of America practically actually the rate is about 4 dollars per gallon. High if you look the minimun job pay day (< U$10 8 hours daily) on about 250 U$ dollards per month and very little people has stable income.

                            Recently unemployment here is SKYROCKET in big cities is on about 15%, the problem is because the gov hide the real problem. Venezuela is a problematic country too but not totally actually in Venezuela is living on about 5 million colombians and near to the half population in Venezuela is sons of Colombian mother or father. Recently with the high petroleum prices Venezuela help very so much the Colombian economy in my personal concept without this multimillion help on favor to Colombia export and employment of colombian citizens on Venezuela, Colombian economy could crash something like Mexico actually. The politic problem can get worst now Chavez think can get down the Uribe popularity by create a economic asphixia in Colombia. Venezuela was the first exportation targets of Colombia in industriy and manufactory meanwhile EUA is only for Petroleum & Carbon, after a littler coffe or flowers. The problem is products exported to Venezuela is the employement engine in Colombia, (Clothes, Cars, Agriculture etc) and the corporatization of incomes in Colombia avoid this country can invest in create new jobs using oils incomes for example. Here Gains are Corporatized and Looses Socialized.

                            Both countries are very rich on natural resources, Venezuela now has biggest oil reserves of the World, about 500 billions barrels near twice of Arabia Saudit reserves. Now this oil is very heavy is that truth, but in past governents the development in petroleum industry and research was very important, they have a system to reconvert this heavy oil in light oil and Diesel. This product is called Orimulsion(r) and is comparable to Diesel high quality low particles. And is possible put this product in normal Diesel Engines.

                            Now in Venezuela Chavez is trying to stablish a socialism, but is confusing now the Chavism people are the richest people here this is more like a FEUDALISM but hey parallel to Uribe Gov en Colombia now Uribist are the economic elite here too, both STRONGS MEN has eliminated the laboral rights the salary is reajusted very in the bottom of the inflation, this year was 2.5% meanwhile inflation is over 5% for the gov, but many basic products is skyrocket on 10-20%... Now Colombia has a very big problem if you live here and you try to protest then YOU'RE CAN CONVERTED IN TERRORIST, and terrorist loose his rights. The ecomomic problem is BIG too, but this gov hide the problem you can ask how?. Easy with INTERNAL DEBT, External Debt is highly controlled but internal debt is near to be secret but you can get amazed here very little people can pay for retirement, now this Retirement System was privatized by this strong man, but many people things that the private system is far better because the public system is corrupt, but this people don't know the real problem because their education is poor and manipulated from childrens by the governement and the church in past generations. Look the Retirement system is privated you pay 1500 weeks and you get your ret in your 67 years birthday, all well is ok. but we have a problem this country like many third world country are yougs countries the default age here is about <28 years aprox, then for the gov is easy hhahah everybody only pay but this no guarantee that in the next 50 years when this people get old this retirement system can be able pay to everybody. To begin near to the half money for retirement goes direct to Bonds Internal Dent called TES titles, then the whole debt here is representing >52% of total GDP income, this country in this way is goes to the total ECONOMIC CRASH like Argentina. Here the budget for military is very high, is so high that soldiers hurts and loose a hand for example is sended to the Retirement system is this the another reason why I think that this retirement system goes to direct broke. Then when this soldier receiving his retirement this is showed in the budget like Social Budget not military budget.

                            Ok you real question is if you come here for invest your money in this country and if this country is safe to invest.... Ok yes this gov gives more rights to foreing investor that citizens no problem you can invest here but the problem is that a people ungry and poor can get tired and the society can get burned. That is my real preocupation, the live here is near to unsustainable high taxes no employment no laboral rights.

                            The problem btw Colombia-Venezuela is beacause Chavez is a paranoic person he believe that ( in his own words) "USA wants to invade Venezuela to steal the Oil". Then the Military Bases of USA here in Colombia has begun the conflict btw. But think in a war is some totally different look in Venezuea many soldiers and militar personnel is colombian descendent too (They rally don't wats go to the war against Colombia and this soldiers can use the Vienna treaty). Venezuela on 1950-1960 was a country very little in population only 10 million aprox now is 30 million the half of Venezuelan people is foreign descendent mainly from Colombia and europeans immigrants like Spain, Portugal, Italy.

                            The Venezuelan culture is more American style that Colombian culture, I can speak some english because I've received a Venezuelan style education, beacause is biligual in the private institutions, now Chavez wants get end all this culture american way of life, but the people really don't wants including many of their followers, in Venezuela the main sports is the Baseball and BasketBall, in Colombia the main sport is the Soccer, venezuelan cities are more like Miami or San Francisco meanwhile Colombian cities are more like London, Paris or Venice. All is very complex here I Think that this dictatorship uses the philosophy "confuse and conquer". The strong relations btw USA and Colombia is because Colombia used his guerrilla to recieve economic and military help from USA and USA gives help because FARC are Terrorist and EUA wants to kill TERRORIST. Ok this was some good for Colombia in my this guerrilla was very criminal. But Hey Terrorism or Guerrilla is a problema but What about Narco traffics?. I think that Narco is strongest now because is infiltrating the and protecting behind Uribe followers this is very danger. Venezuela is the main bridge for colombian drug traffic but Venezuela don't produce this drug because to produce drug you need a speacial climate condicionts like mountains shadows and wet, Venezuela lands are very warm to produce cocaine.

                            Hey why before think get out of your country I think is better make a WORLD REVOLUTION.
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs. Apple CEO


                            • Thanks Patac for your insights.
                              The book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" I think you would find very interesting as some of it, I remember, is specific to Columbia.


                              • Here is a good video to show the mindset of the typical American that right at this moment believes in his/her government: YouTube - 'The Creditor and the Plastic Duck Junkie'


