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The American Ruling Class

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  • I just watched this video. Really the best speech I have seen in years that basically sums up the whole picture of the world we live in:

    David Icke The Robots Rebellion


    • @ H20 - Another good video, and what it points out to those who don't quite understand, is that when the economic collapse goes into its final phase the Ruling Class will not go down the tubes with everyone else. That's because they have invested their real wealth in hard and tangible assets that will always have value.

      @ Farside - Yes, I mentioned this [Economic Hitman] in post #74, page 3 of this thread back in October, and gave a link to a video about that, in which former hitman John Perkins tells what really goes on. Very interesting, and I'm sure the strategy is just as prevalent today as it ever was.

      @ lamare - The Robots' Rebellion is definitely one of Icke's better contributions in the effort to unmask the Ruling Class and expose their agenda. This was done several years ago (1994), at a time when hardly anyone was thinking about the possibilty of the population being microchipped. It all seemed like futuristic science fiction back then. But like many of the things David warned about back then, we can now see that those things have either come to pass already or are well underway.

      Last edited by rickoff; 02-02-2010, 09:19 PM.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Hi Lamare,

        I feel a lot like this Icke guy in my ways of thinking, but the one thing I know about myself is I am not prone to collective thinking or pier pressure. I will willfully jump the hell off of a band wagon once I find out that I am on one. I unlike a lot of people still ask questions, but in those that do ask question, I even differ from them in that I will go about answering these questions. Icke appears to know this is a free mans mind set. I like the video, thanks for posting it



        • Here's another good one. I doubt it'll be up long...
          YouTube - The Last Days of Lehman Brothers Excerpt

          this is also a good read:
          It's The Chart, STUPID | zero hedge
          Last edited by Farside; 02-02-2010, 10:07 PM.


          • Hi folks, i'm still awaiting your thoughts rickoff, on what you recommend people do about what I quoted from you.
            peace love light


            • i hate to say this but gold platinum and oil and such are not real Hard assets the ubers might think so but when everything fails they are about the same meaning as fiat currency they only have value if you think they have value. True Hard assets are the essentials in life food, water and shelter. So the best asset in life is how to acquire these essentials.

              exp. if you just have enough food for you and your family are you going to give it to a person who has gold. Is gold going to feed your family better than real food. I think the answer would be no.

              for thousands of years people lived without Modern stuff and survived.

              IMHO the ubers are cutting there own throats this time because unlike other depressions ect the whole world is linked not just one area of the world and when it falls it falls all around them, hopefully enough people have awakened to not fall for there enslavement again.

              As for what we can do. I really don't know even if you get your government back they own the banks so they will bring the nation down financially. If you take the banks back they say what your fiat currency is worth and bring it to it's knees again. I can only see one way out for anyone worldwide wake people up and just let the system fail and start something different and see if that works.


              • Hi Greystar;

                Gold and silver will always be accepted in payment as they have a history going back at least 3500 years. The value may vary but the ruling class will always accept them and they will still control many of the essentials you speak of.

                Yes, people lived for thousands of years without "modern stuff", but the majority today have no idea how to do that even if they had the resources to do it; i.e. enough land for a farm big enough to feed their family, raise livestock, etc.

                As for what we can do. I really don't know even if you get your government back they own the banks so they will bring the nation down financially.
                The government does not own the banks, they are privately owned by the elite and that is the biggest problem; that's who is controlling things. Here is how it happened;

                THE HISTORY OF MONEY Rothschild Banking

                The solution in America is to take control of our country back by using the precinct system as posted earlier in this thread. It will not be easy as the political parties are on to that idea and are closing ranks to keep out anyone who doesn't fully support the their platforms. But it will work if we keep at it.

                When enough good people are in Congress they can kick the bankers out and issue our own currency as Lincoln did. Read the previous links on Lincoln and on "Tally sticks" to see how well that can work, and this one;

                Ghost Nation: The Tally Stick



                • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                  Hi folks, i'm still awaiting your thoughts rickoff, on what you recommend people do about what I quoted from you.
                  peace love light
                  Sorry, Tyson, I hadn't seen that, so went back in to find it. You said,
                  Do tell us what one could do to prevent such a scenario, that is with peaceful intent.
                  I think I have already said what we can do - get busy with an all out effort to set things straight by use of the Precinct Strategy. It is really the only realistic short term peaceful means available to us to actively turn our country around from its present course of destruction. And speaking of the alternative isn't fear mongering, it is simply facing reality. The reality is that our nation is moving further and further towards socialism and a police state, and that our freedoms are being taken from us one by one, by corrupt politicians and lawmakers who serve only the interests of the powerful elite. If you don't see that then nothing I can say will help you avoid it.

                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                    I think I have already said what we can do - get busy with an all out effort to set things straight by use of the Precinct Strategy. It is really the only realistic short term peaceful means available to us to actively turn our country around from its present course of destruction. And speaking of the alternative isn't fear mongering, it is simply facing reality. The reality is that our nation is moving further and further towards socialism and a police state, and that our freedoms are being taken from us one by one, by corrupt politicians and lawmakers who serve only the interests of the powerful elite. If you don't see that then nothing I can say will help you avoid it.

                    Interesting to see how many Americans still equal "socialism" to communism, Russian and Chinese style, while to me as a Dutchmen, the term socialism is much more nuanced, like explained on Wikipedia:

                    Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    "Socialism refers to the various theories of economic organization advocating public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources, and a society characterized by equal access to resources for all individuals with a method of compensation based on the amount of labor expended.

                    Most socialists share the view that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital and derives its wealth through exploitation, creates an unequal society, does not provide equal opportunities for everyone to maximise their potential. Capitalism does not utilise technology and resources to their maximum potential nor in the interests of the public."

                    So, to me, the core of socialism as described here does make a lot of sense, even though it has been abused by one and the same elite that is abusing capitalism. This is not about capitalism vs. socialism, this really is about ordinary people vs. the ruling class.

                    Anyway, I think lots of things are changing and are changing fast. To me personally, basically my whole world view has changed over the past few years, up to the point that I really believe that the whole system of fear and manipulation that has been set up and utilized by the elite is about to come to an end. It can simply not be sustained in a society with informed people. And I also believe that there is much more to the UFO phenomena than we have been told. For example, the Germans already had saucer shaped craft during WW-II: HAUNEBU and also the patent databases confirm that mankind already has the knowledge to build craft we would call UFOs:

                    Considering all this, I am beginning to believe more and more in the stories that extra-terrestrials are ready to assist us with the revolutionary process that is taking place. I know, it sounds a bit far fetched, but some of the messages I read do make a lot of sense and give me a lot of hope things are changing in the right direction. Decide for yourself wether or not you like these and/or which parts you like:

                    Galactic Federation |


                    Just stumbled across this site:
                    Majestic Evidence We Are Not Alone

                    This contains really awesome documents about UFO's, like a briefing to Eisenhower stating the recovery of bodies at Roswell (I assume):


                    The comments on the index page about this document:

                    Majestic Documents Dated 1948-1959

                    This "NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION" is classified "TOP SECRET". After identifying the 12 Majestic members, it states that the Kenneth Arnold sighting had caused near hysteria; noted that there was a secret recovery operation starting on 07 July, 1947; four dead bodies; wreckage moved to several locations. It showed Harry Truman's top-secret memo as Appendix A on page 008 setting up the program. Stan Friedman is a notable expert on this document. Some statements agree and some do not agree with statements in other documents. This does not necessarily imply fakery, because of heavy compartmentalization of the facts. "Implications for the National Security are of continuing importance in that the motives and ultimate intentions of these visitors remain completely unknown."
                    Last edited by lamare; 02-03-2010, 02:23 PM.


                    • Mike Maloney is probably the worlds foremost precious metals historian:
             - Buy Gold & Silver Online - Gold & Silver Charts, Graphs & News
                      He has some videos explaining the role these metals play.

                      Yes it is true that you can't eat Gold but luckily that is not what it's for. Gold is a medium through which you store concentrated wealth and yet be portable, i.e. You can flee and still take your wealth with you.

                      If we go mad max then you will need food, guns, something to trade with and precious metals. The metals will preserve your wealth until things settle down and we can start rebuilding our lives.


                      • Fiat Money

                        Originally posted by ANTIQUER View Post

                        The government does not own the banks, they are privately owned by the elite and that is the biggest problem; that's who is controlling things. Here is how it happened;

                        THE HISTORY OF MONEY Rothschild Banking

                        The solution in America is to take control of our country back by using the precinct system as posted earlier in this thread. It will not be easy as the political parties are on to that idea and are closing ranks to keep out anyone who doesn't fully support the their platforms. But it will work if we keep at it.

                        When enough good people are in Congress they can kick the bankers out and issue our own currency as Lincoln did. Read the previous links on Lincoln and on "Tally sticks" to see how well that can work, and this one;

                        Ghost Nation: The Tally Stick

                        MEET BILL STILL, FIAT-MONEY ADVOCATE
                        An analysis of the documentaries Money Masters and Capital Crimes
                        © 2006 by G. Edward Griffin

                        The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate two video documentaries on monetary issues that were written and produced by Bill Still. One is The Money Masters and the other is Capital Crimes. They are excellent productions with a great deal of history and professionally created images. They tell the story of our debauched monetary system based on fractional-reserve banking. There is just one problem. They offer a false solution – which is to say they offer no solution at all. The alleged solution is that we abandon our present fiat money system and adopt another one similar to it. Yes, they actually advocate FIAT money! The proposal is that we should take the power to create money-out-of-nothing away from big, bad bankers and turn it over to nice, trustworthy politicians. In my view, it is very naïve to think that politicians are more trustworthy than bankers. The problem with money created out of nothing is not who does it but that it is done at all.

                        Once again, Simon and Schuster provided the American people with a false opinion leader. What's the point of getting all frothed up over a president lying to the voters and deliberately causing thousands of Americans to be killed if we are then to decide that he was a hero for dong so?

                        That is exactly what Bill Still has done in his documentaries. The solution to fiat money is not MORE fiat money. It is REAL money based on tangible assets, and none has yet been discovered that serves as well as gold or silver.
                        He claims that we should take this power from the bankers and give it to the politicians, because they are chosen by the people and, therefore, can be trusted.
                        In my view, this is the most naïve concept since Adolph Hitler won the elections in Austria as “the man you can trust.” We must not forget that politicians gave this monopoly to the bankers in the first place. Politicians continue to cooperate with the system in all of its corruption. Politicians derive huge benefits from this system and repeatedly place their careers above the public good. Politicians vote the bills that spend more than comes in from taxes and thereby create that hidden tax called inflation. Politicians write the laws that take away our liberty in the name of fighting terrorism or crime or drugs. It is the height of folly to design a plan of monetary reform based on the assumed wisdom and incorruptibility of politicians.

                        The only way to remove the temptation from both bankers AND politicians is to restrain them with a money system that is backed 100% by precious metal. Period! And all the half-truths about Talley Sticks and Greenbacks and Ben Franklin quotes cannot change that.

                        Freedom Force International - Welcome



                        • There is one problem in a Gold only monetary system and that is that we have reached "Peak Gold". We can no longer mine new Gold fast enough to keep pace with economic expansion. This is actually what brought down the Bazentine empire - their mines ran dry, they could no longer expand the economy so they resorted to the debasement of their monetary system.

                          The Roman empire fell after it's Gold backed system was debased too.

                          You hit the nail on the head regarding politicians and bankers. We can expand this idea to include all humans. It is simply human nature and we must develop a monetary system that enforces discipline. The problem is that throughout history, this issue has been dealt with only to have the monetary laws repealed by later generations who think they are so much smarter than their predecessors.

                          Look how the US monetary system was created - properly. Look how it has been debauched by the future generations.

                          Greed and Pride.


                          • Originally posted by Farside View Post

                            You hit the nail on the head regarding politicians and bankers. We can expand this idea to include all humans. It is simply human nature and we must develop a monetary system that enforces discipline. The problem is that throughout history, this issue has been dealt with only to have the monetary laws repealed by later generations who think they are so much smarter than their predecessors.

                            Look how the US monetary system was created - properly. Look how it has been debauched by the future generations.

                            Greed and Pride.
                            The “what’s their name” commune exploits goyim religious nature for millennia.
                            Founding Fathers, the secret societies members as well as stoolpigeons, warned about “what’s their name”.
                            Without REAL money based on tangible assets the future goyim generations cannot bypass all “obstacles” incorporated into the Founding Fathers Constitution by the well entrenched “what’s their name”.



                            • Originally posted by screaminvern
                              Hey everyone, joined about a month ago but this is my first post. I feel our government has failed us miserably. I have first hand experience at being attacked by the system for a something I didn't create but I wound up paying for. Some people who have not been attacked by the system don't understand why people like myself feel the way we do. Just my two cents.
                              My sentiments, exactly, and I have said this previously. Unless and until someone has been mistreated, they aren't likely to see anything other than what the Ruling Class wants them to see, which is just a fantasy world of deception. It usually takes a bit of a shock to wake people up to the fact that we need to be vigilant, and that we need to question authority figures. That shock can come when a corrupt law officer writes us a ticket for something we didn't do, or mistakes us for a criminal and handles us roughly, or when a judge just won't give credence to our side of the story. It can happen in many ways, but it will always be something that shakes our confidence in justice to the core. It takes something of that nature to wise us up to the real world we live in. It doesn't have to mean that we must automatically mistrust everyone we meet, as that would be a state of unfounded paranoia. It simply teaches us an important lesson, and helps us to move forward in a state of awareness.

                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

