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The American Ruling Class

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  • Right before Obama hopped to sign his anti-gun bill we have a “terrorist” attack. My my my isn’t that convenient.

    And isn’t it strange that just how often in “terrorist” attacks like this that "just coincidentally" there is some government agency is already there practicing for just that type of attack?


    • go to Wal-Mart during gun control legislation; the sporting goods section is full, all the rifles are sold out, and the ammo is about gone. EVERY TIME.
      Also there is a link between prescription drugs and mass killings


      • Here is a follow up video (19 min.) of someone else coming to the same conclusion. This was a false flag event!

        Boston Black Ops Operatives - YouTube!


        • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
          People don't obey their respective governments because they love them. They obey their governments because men with big bad guns will either lock you up or shoot you dead for disobeying them.
          'Obey' in what sense? (I'm sorry, I've only read a few posts on this thread.)

          I'm Canadian, but I'd say people generally obey the law (but not their gov't*) when they recognize it's everyone's best interest. So for example, people who would never even think of stealing or harming someone, will speed, park illegally, smoke where they're not supposed to and break all kinds of laws without deliberately trying to avenge their gov't for what they believe are obviously tax grabbing laws or ones that they feel impinge upon their civil liberties (no smoking).

          I've lived in China for the past decade. You wouldn't believe how safe a society this is. Sure, there's crime--scams, stealing, pickpocketing, corporate crime, even gov't crime (the last 2 are connected)--but violent crime is next to nil here. As someone who's obviously 10 X richer than the majority (just by being foreign), I can walk through the poorest neighbourhoods IN ANY CITY here ANY TIME and the worst thing I'd fear is being pickpocketed (it happened to me only once, on a crowded bus.) There are no guns here but if everyone had one, I don't think it'd be much different.

          Someone did a survey crime in America going back over a century and what was surprising was the close correlation between trust in gov't and crime rates. Crime is always less when people have more trust in their gov't and vice versa.

          *We Canadians hate our fed gov't leader even more than Americans hate Obama!!!


          • Good sleuthing, Inspector Rickoff!!!
            The CIA, caught at their own game!?!? Were they marathon enthusiasts hoping to capture finish-line moments on their cellphone cameras? Not likely! Journalists? Not with the heavy backpacks--note the one on the ground. Tourists/businessmen hoping to meet up with someone? Why there and with the heavy backpacks?

            After watching Dr Judy Wood discuss the evidence for free energy in her 9/11 'dustification' theory and reading how even Wikipedia faults the CIA for allowing the 'attacks'. This is a surprising admission given that Wikipedia runs with the official gov't version. Furthermore, while claiming on its Talk Page, it's such a 'highly sensitive topic about which people have diverse opinions' and discussions on this page "may escalate into heated debate" fails to include any of those alternative viewpoints which based on surveys, account for the majority of opinion. Guess I shouldn't have been that surprised to not find anything on 'dustification' or 'Judy Wood' on Wikipedia.


            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
              Problem comes in the details. At what point do they say someone who got angry, because a auto-repair shop ripped them off, and so they yeled and created a 'scene' and police were called, and had to 'escort' them off the premises, (no arrest made) gets put on the 'list'? i.e. where do you draw the line??

              Hey what are you worried about after all if it makes our country safer and protects children then why worry about any line?

              I mean I's a convicted felon and my crime didn't involve a weapon but you and your family sleep so much better at night knowing I cannot legally own or posses a gun right?

              the stupidity of anyone being restricted from owning a gun is just that... stupidity! Didn't the sandy hook guy get his guns from his mother and yet he was certified a nut and didn't own any guns.

              I just laugh at the people and the laws

              by the way this post is mixed in with sarcasm so excuse me if it comes off any other way
              Last edited by 5150; 04-19-2013, 10:05 PM.
              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


              • Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
                'Obey' in what sense?
                I was generally speaking

                Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
                for example, people who would never even think of stealing or harming someone, will speed, park illegally, smoke where they're not supposed to and break all kinds of laws without deliberately trying to avenge their gov't for what they believe are obviously tax grabbing laws or ones that they feel impinge upon their civil liberties (no smoking).
                Yea I wont harm another person unless they get in my face and I feel threatened but yea I will smoke pot and break all sorts of other laws.

                I do not like tax grabbing laws or those laws that reduce or restrict civil liberties. As a felon the gun laws are stupid to me, I mean if I'm already willing the break the law do you think another restrictive law is going to stop me?

                Am I afraid of becoming more of a criminal?? no.. my jacket is already on and people and society have already judged me so I could care less if I break any laws, I just work overtime not getting caught. let me clarify that laws that I break are not those that hurt others or are criminal in a property sense (Vandalism, stealing, assault etc)
                Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                • To me these guys look like feds. Their hair cuts, the way the one guy wears his hat and glasses with a cocky type attitude and the way the dress. You can spot a cop a long way off as they are often clean shaven and have short haircuts and just have an arrogance about themselves which can bee felt far away.

                  Also ask yourself what average citizen would attend such a rally or event with large pack packs? I mean ever since 9/11 its been drilled into the minds of the people this is a huge no-no. I mean at concerts and other events they search your coolers.

                  I'm sure these guys were free to walk around with those obviously large packs and were not bothered because they were LEO and the other LEO's there knew who they were.

                  I mean they stick out so much but I do not think for a moment they were bad guys in the normal sense. I mean I am convinced the police and LEO's and government are the bad guys so in that sense yea these guys are bad guys but not the boogy man the media and cops want us to believe. .

                  Last edited by 5150; 04-19-2013, 10:39 PM.
                  Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                  • I'm not convinced

                    that this was a 'black flag' event, but most particularly I'm not convinced that it helped O'bummers G.C. agenda.
                    Before it happened, the G.C. legislation, and the whole taking the Sandy Hook families to D.C. on Air Force One, and lobbying congress was all the news. And, when the bill was defeatewd they wanted to focus a lot of attention on those who voted it down.
                    This was all drowned out by the marothon coverage of the Marothon bombings.
                    Did you note they brought in 9000 officers, to apprehend 2 suspects! Just a bit of an 'overkill', don't you think? For 2, count them 2 'armed and dangerous' suspects. Can you imagine say,...a bank robbery, where the robbers shoot their way out, kill some people, and get away from the bank, and the police respond in this manner? And, I THINK this may be the first time in modern history where they 'shut down' an entire large city, and its suburbs, putting the whole area in 'lockdown'.There have been lots of other situations where they have had 'armed and dangerous' suspects on the 'loose', and they haven't gone to such extreme efforts.

                    I am personally sceptical that they will try to 'ban' the sale of gunpowder; there are just too many ways of making improvised explosives; they didn't ban fertiliser after oklahoma, although if you try to buy a truckload, you'll probably get someones attention real quick.

                    Like other 'news' stories, I'm not confident we are getting the 'whole' story, by any means. Just not quite so quick to see this story as being advantageous to 'them'.

                    Curious 'coincident'; right after 911, there was the 'anthrax' letters, (which I'm not sure we ever got the 'real' story on), that was supposedly unrelated to 911; and right after THIS bombing/terrorist event, we again get a totally unrelated guy send letters with Ricin to Gov't officials. What are the 'odds'?Jim


                    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                      Curious 'coincident'; right after 911, there was the 'anthrax' letters, (which I'm not sure we ever got the 'real' story on), that was supposedly unrelated to 911; and right after THIS bombing/terrorist event, we again get a totally unrelated guy send letters with Ricin to Gov't officials. What are the 'odds'?Jim
                      A Song For 911 - YouTube
                      Christopher Bollyn - Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World - Online Book - YouTube



                      • Great to see Gun Control fail.
                        I would not think this bombing was false flag, if it were they would have probably used guns not bombs. I enjoy the break from the gun ban nonsense, maybe common sense has been restored since the failed votes.

                        This Boston Bombing would have never happened with more security,
                        Its now time....Increase background checks on pressure cookers!

                        Anyone can see thats nonsense, yet this is the logic of the gun control "debate".
                        No matter how many freedoms are stolen.
                        No one will ever stop all crazy people from hurting others.


                        • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
                          This Boston Bombing would have never happened with more security,
                          Its now time....Increase background checks on pressure cookers!
                          I was about to say the same thing. Hay it follows right along with our "conventional logic".
                          By the way can a large pressure cooker even fit into a backpack?

                          I do believe this was a false flag event, just like Sand Hook, there are too many discrepancies.
                          We have military guys running around before the event supposedly practicing looking for bombs; obviously they didn’t do a very good job

                          The MSM has avoided talking about the fact that these military guys were even there using this as a practice exercise. Which I find quite telling all by itself.

                          We were told early on that they had a suspect and were taking him to the court house, and then independent pictures came out of other more suspicious characters and the first suspect never made it to the court house “because of a bomb scare over there” and then sort of disappeared from view.

                          Then with the first suspect bomber dead and the second bomber is still on the run Boston was basically placed under Martial Law.

                          If you can believe this with apparently over 10,000 police plus a bunch of military guys were use to hunt down the remaining suspect! Welcome to a brave new world under martial law. Was this a test to see how much people would put up with.

                          Just like Sand Hook reporters are told to ignore all stories floating around except those from the “officials”

                          I don’t think this had anything to do with the current gun control bills per say, but rather was designed to instill fear in the public. If the public can be keep totally terrified then there is no end to what rights and freedoms they could be convinced to give up.


                          • Just in.

                            Boston bombing suspect suffers throat injury, may not be able to talk

                            Now isn't that convenient!


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