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The American Ruling Class

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  • I watched much of the Benghazi hearings yesterday on C-SPAN, which stands for cable satellite public affairs network. C-SPAN is a good network to watch if you want to view real time government proceedings. I thought the hearings were to be continued today, but could not find it scheduled at Live Video - C-SPAN3 | C-SPAN

    It seems that many of the speakers did not have papers and documents of importance supplied before hand. Perhaps the Dems need some time to study so they can put their spin on them.

    In the hearings it seemed that the dems were blaming everything on the budget and the fact that there could not have been a timely response by aircraft to the attack, and to this I say better late than never. How did they know how long the fight would go on??

    The questions from the repubs were more focused on who was responsible, and why actions were not taken.

    I believe It was Gregory Hicks who said that many requests were made for more security at the embassy but had been denied.


    • Stephen Hawking

      8 May 2013
      Last updated at 12:44 ET

      "The academic boycott against Israel is in our view outrageous and improper, certainly for someone for whom the spirit of liberty lies at the basis of his human and academic mission," conference chairman Israel Maimon said in a statement.

      The Israeli Ambassador in London said it was a shame Prof Hawking would not be attending.
      "Rather than caving into pressure from political extremists, active participation in such events is a far more constructive way to promote progress and peace," he said.

      But Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain of Maidenhead Synagogue said: "As someone who admires Stephen Hawking enormously, it is so disappointing that he is letting political arguments prevent academic discourse.

      BBC News - Stephen Hawking boycotts major Israel conference

      By Mendy Finkel
      Published May 09, 2013

      When I first read that the preeminent physicist, Stephen Hawking, had joined the boycott of Israeli academics, I thought to myself, “good for him.”

      Surprisingly, with the exception of his Israel boycott, I could not find any instances of Mr. Hawking boycotting or even speaking out against other nations in the Middle East.

      But fine, Mr. Hawking has no responsibility to monitor the suffering of the entire Middle East; it’s really just the suffering of Palestinians that he’s concerned with. And it’s no secret that the current governing administrations in the Palestinian territories have an atrocious human rights record, with the persecution of gays, religious minorities and women among its leading offenses.

      Stephen Hawking’s double standard | Fox News



      • Quotable quote of the day......

        "We can't solve problems by using the same kind

        of thinking we used when we created them. "

        -- Albert Einstein

        Einstein was right, and this concept is so self-evident that you would think everyone in Congress would understand that illegal alien amnesty, with talk of tightening up border security and passing legislation to limit the hiring of illegals, will have no positive effect. This was already tried in the 1986 "Immigration Reform and Control Act," which was touted as the cure-all that would put an end to illegal immigration. That was a Demonrat plan approved by a Demonrat House and Senate and signed into law by Ronny 'Raygun.' Initially that only amnestied 3 million illegals, but the total was 16 million by the time Bush #1 and Clinton left office. The 1986 Act probably would have worked if language to impose harsh penalties on employers of illegals had not been stripped out before passage.

        The "Gang of Eight"wants to cram their "Immigration Reform" proposal down the throats of the American public. Make no mistake - this proposal has nothing whatever to do with real reform. At a time when 20 million legal US workers are out of work, it is insane to propose a plan that would legalize 33 million otherwise illegal aliens within the next decade, but that is exactly what the plan is. Initially, 11 million or more illegals would be granted immediate amnesty, issued work visas, and become immediately eligible for free medical care, food stamps, and a host of other welfare programs. Studies have shown that it would be far less costly to US taxpayers to simply enforce the existing laws regarding illegals, and deport them. The Demonrats, of course, are all for amnesty because those who are amnestied will forever be grateful to the Demonrat party in future elections. The Rebuttlickans are just as bad, as they are quite likely to cave in on this amnesty for fear of further alienating Hispanic voters. There is little doubt that they will do everything they can to sell Marco Rubio to Hispanics as the best thing since burritos, and as the best candidate for President in the 2016 elections, despite the fact that he is no more constitutionally eligible than Barry. The Rebuttlickan party hopes that by moving farther left in their ideology they will somehow capture enough votes to win in 2016, but that is irrational thinking. Those who want to be given free handouts for the rest of their lives are well aware that it is the Demonrat party which has historically made this possible, and we already have 47% of the people living off the labors of the other 53%. This amnesty is the tipping point that will put welfare recipients into the majority, and forever ensure a one-party system, putting the final nail in the coffin of liberty.
        Last edited by rickoff; 05-10-2013, 07:50 PM.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Rick

          I DO agree with much of what you say. The Rebuttlickens have tried to 'appear' hard on immigration and amnesty, by focusing on 'Border enforcement', and establishing certain 'benchmark' measurements of border security effectiveness, as a condition for anmnetsy; this is all a 'smokescreen', the KEY weakness of the 1986 law was that, as you say, WORKPLACE enforcement was weakened, in the law, and further weakened in enforcement; Immigration Dept. was pressured by congress, (at the behest of Chamber of commerce and similar lobbying groups) to concentrate enforcement on the 'illegals', and leave businesses alone, except for the occasional 'show' raid, on chicken processing plants, etc.

          This is in line with the oft heard "we CAN'T deport 11 million people!" argument; and the ONLY thing Romoney ever said that I agree with, although they made it appear that THIS is why he lost; IF illegals can't get work in the U.S., they will 'self-deport', or won't bother coming here (illegally) in the first place.We don't need to spend 10's of billions of tax dollars on contracts for sophisticated electronics, etc. (many of which have been found to not work, and undoubtedly many of these Rebuttlicken Congressmen got campaign contributions for voting for!); if we had effective workplace enforcement, we would get far more 'bang for our buck'; a National law, like the Az. law, only that was worded so as to eliminate the word 'Knowingly'; in order for Sheriif Joe and the State attorney to prosecute a company for hiring illegals, they have to be able to PROVE that the company was 'knowingly' hiring illegals.

          Don't have to meet such a high burden of proof for many other crimes; "Oh, we can't PROVE you 'knowingly' were robbing a bank, commiting a Terrorist attack, etc. so we are not going to prosecute!" IF all employers were required to submit every employer to E-verify, (or face prosecution), and if a small portion of the $ spent on 'Border security' were instead spent on building up the E-verify system to handle the increased 'traffic', Border patrol could concentrate on true security issues, as the flood accross the border would become a 'trickle'.

          As you said in your first post of this thread, you don't watch much T.V., or Lamestream media coverage. It was interesting to see the Benghazi coverage this week! On Wed. nite, they DID cover the hearings and showed maybe 30 seconds of testimony by the #2 man at the embassy, Mr. Hicks, and then showed a 'outburst' by a democrtatic committee member, in which he was making it clear he was NOT directing his comment to the witness, but to the Repub members of the committee, and basically saying 'this is all just politics'.

          Impression left for viewers was this is all just 'more of the same old sh*t; Repubs and Dems fighting. BUT, on Thurs. and Friday, after the e-mails were released, I saw on both NBC and PBS nightly news, clear concessions that its OBVIOUS; it was the STATE department, and NOT the CIA, that was 'scrubbing' the 'talking points' to remove any reference to Terrorism and Al Quaida, etc., and that there motive was clearly 'perception', NOT keeping info 'top secret' for any security reason. Saw at least one reporter saying that Petraius, (head of the CIA) was 'upset' and adamantly opposed to the 'scrubbing', and will probably be called to testify; Hillie will be back testifying again as well, and her "What does it matter" argument ISN't going to work, next time! This may well torpedo ANY Presidential bid for her, in 2016!

          Coarse it is all theater, and i've given up a long time ago on trying to come to any definite conclusions as to what 'they' are really trying to do, but I DO think Benghazi is going to continue to stink. Jim


          • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            Boney M - Rivers of Babylon 1978 - YouTube



            • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
              I DO think Benghazi is going to continue to stink.
              No doubt about that, Jim, and here's why. Let's take a look at the actual Benghazi incident timeline, which was taken by Doug Ross from information culled by Stephen Hayes and the House Oversight Committee:

              Notice that Ambassador Stevens called Hicks immediately after the first shots were fired, to advise him of the attack in progress, and that Hicks obviously called the State Department and Department of Defense (DOD) quickly, because in just 19 minutes after the attack began the DOD ordered a drone surveillance aircraft to be positioned over the attack site. Just 6 minutes after that, Barry's White House and Pentagon Brass were notified of the ongoing attack - by an e-mail message sent from the State Department! Good grief, wouldn't it have been much quicker to make a conference call to the White House and Pentagon? Regardless, it would be foolishness to think that Barry was not personally briefed on the situation by 4:05 pm that afternoon, the time the e-mail was sent. And just one hour later, at 5:06 pm - while Barry, Bite-em, and Panetta were meeting at the White House, the State Department sent another e-mail saying that Ansar al-Sharia, a Muslim extremist militia group, claimed responsibility for the attack. So roughly an hour before dinner time on the day of the incident, Barry, Bitem, Panetta, and obviously Hillie too, knew this was a terrorist attack and knew the terrorist group that was responsible. Incredibly, Hillie is announcing, just 4 hours after learning the actual facts, that an Internet video had incited an angry mob to carry out this violence, and it is not until 11 days later that White House spokesman Carney admits this was a terrorist attack. Pay special attention to the fact that the timeline indicates that General Ham was relieved of his AFRICOM command position on October 18, some 37 days after the Benghazi incident. Actually that is pure bull. It may be the day he was "officially" relieved, but as I stated in post #3554 on November 14th, Ham was actually relieved of his command at gunpoint on the day of the attack, with the reason being that he was refusing to obey the order to "stand down." Ham had learned of the ongoing attack and had ordered a rapid response team to respond to it when the order came from higher up to restrain Ham and stop the rescue mission. I'd say that we especially need to hear testimony from Ham and determine exactly who gave the stand-down order. Then we need to hear from that person as to where that order actually came from, and trace back to determine who was the originator. The order most likely came to General Ham from the Pentagon, but at who's request? Leon Panetta, Hillie, Barry? These are questions that must be answered, and make all else look like small stuff. As mentioned in the above linked post #3554, whoever issued the stand down order, and resultantly aided the enemy in carrying its attack to completion, is guilty of treason. It is high time that the perp was unmasked and held accountable.

              As Doug Ross says of the above information,

              "It is now clear to me that:

              a) Hillary Clinton lied under oath to Congress.
              b) Barack Obama went to sleep knowing that a U.S. Ambassador and other Americans were under terrorist attack.
              c) Barack Obama awoke refreshed the next day to begin fundraising.
              d) The entire Executive Branch lied repeatedly to the American people to save Obama's chances for reelection.

              Could someone drag John Boehner out of whatever bar he's in, wake him up, and let him know: There is more than enough material for impeachment proceedings to begin and criminal charges levied against Hillary Clinton."
              Last edited by rickoff; 05-11-2013, 08:18 PM.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Also on Benghazi

                Dems disinfo has also tried to say lack of responce to security requests was because repubs 'blocked' funding for emabassy security. And THIS was 'reported' in lamestream. But I ALSO saw reports which made it clear this is B.S., and there WAS sufficient funding to provide security for the Benghazi mission. It seems the reasons why the security requests were denied had more to do with 'maintaining a small footprint', than anything to do with funding.
                Yes, need to hear from gen. Ham, who gave the order to 'stand down', and WHY, and who ordered him relieved of his command at gunpoint, and WHY!

                There are only a few people with the authority, right? And it seems like the main players were aware of what was happening, and were talking, but their focus was on how to 'spin' the situation, rather than how to DEAL with it. Shameful disgrace, and lots of heads SHOULD roll, for this!

                I'm not sure this rises to the point of impeachable offence, YET. Leave Boerner in his bar, but what comes out by following the trail, questioning Gen. Ham under oath in a public hearing, etc. and building a case to bring 'Whats it matter?' Hillie back for a serious grilling, may well lead to,....Oh, crap! I forgot about O'bummers 'insurance policy'; Bitem! Whatever we do, musn't impeach O'bummer, until Bitem can be included. The only thing that could be worse than O'bummer as Pres., would be Bitem as Pres.!

                Come to think of it, its 'open secret' that Bitem wants to run in 2016. If this does indeed torpedo Hillie, it leaves an opening for Bitem. Coarse, if he is 'tarred' with the same brush,....actually, the Dems ARE 'due' to lose in 2016, no matter who they run, if you look at recent history; Bush 1 following Reagan is the only time I can think of, where a 2 (full) term with one party in the W.H. was followed immediately by a third.

                Not that I'm terribly excited by ANY potential candidate for Repub, in 2016. I suppose MAYBE I could get a LITTLE excited about Rand Paul, but I suspect party won't allow him to get close to the nomination.Jim


                • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  Yes, need to hear from gen. Ham, who gave the order to 'stand down', and WHY, and who ordered him relieved of his command at gunpoint, and WHY!


                  • Just to see what kind of drivel is currently being promoted by CNN, I took a quick look this morning while having some coffee. I was disgusted to see them showing something that looked like one of those Saturday Night Live comedy spoofs in which 'Congressional investigators' looking into Benghazi were questioning 'Jodi Arias.' Jody is understood to be a compulsive liar of course, besides being a murderer. The 'question' being asked came from 'Darrel Issa,' and was something like "Do you know what group is responsible for the Benghazi attack?" The answer from 'Jodi' was something like "You already know that was Ansar al-Sharia, so what is the purpose of this questioning?" And to that, 'Issa' simply gets a stupefied look on his face as everyone laughs, including the reporters showing the clip on CNN.

                    It disgusts me that CNN would stoop so low as to show this clip. There's nothing funny about it, unless you happen to be Barry, or someone in his administration. Clearly the purpose of showing this was to promote the idea to the public that the Benghazi investigation is simply a political witch-hunt, and that Issa is a complete moron for asking stupid questions about something that's already been looked into. Made me want to barf.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Your right rickoff that is disgusting and pathetic.

                      Innocent people were murdered both by terrorists and by jodi
                      What kind of sick people make a laughing joke out of those situations.

                      Truly disgusting.


                      • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
                        Your right rickoff that is disgusting and pathetic.

                        Innocent people were murdered both by terrorists and by jodi
                        What kind of sick people make a laughing joke out of those situations.

                        Truly disgusting.
                        What is a never-ending story
                        intended for "washing" and soap selling?



                        • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                          What is a never-ending story
                          intended for "washing" and soap selling?
                          Hmmm let's see........... isn't that the "official" government explanation to every matter of public concern or protest?
                          Last edited by rickoff; 05-13-2013, 01:29 PM.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Hi Rick,

                            Any update on the Alabama supreme court, eligibility case? It was over 2 wks ago when you posted about it.

                            More scandalous activities, this time its the I.R.S. !!!!!

                            McConnell: IRS Can't Be Trusted to Implement Obamacare

                            Earlier this week, the senator demanded the resignation of IRS Acting Director Steven Miller, who admitted that he had known about the singling out of conservative groups with such words as "tea party" and "patriot" in their names since last May.

                            McConnell tells Newsmax that the current IRS controversy is yet another effort by the Obama White House to suppress those who oppose its policies. He cites moves by HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius regarding Obamacare.

                            "During the debate, she sent out a directive to the health insurance companies telling them they couldn’t send a letter to their policyholders giving them their impression of the impact of Obamacare on premiums," he says. "Now, the same secretary is shaking down those companies for contributions to a fund that will apparently pay for ads to be beamed at the American people trying to convince them that they should like Obamacare."

                            Read Latest Breaking News from McConnell: IRS Can't Be Trusted to Implement Obamacare
                            Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

                            If you or I were to pull something like this in our business, we would be jailed for sure. All these people do is resign, most likely with an under the table bonus, only to be replaced by the next appointed, bought and paid for puppet in line.
                            Our government is so corrupt that I feel all our efforts are in vain.

                            Regards, Gene

                            Read Latest Breaking News from McConnell: IRS Can't Be Trusted to Implement Obamacare
                            Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!


                            • I think it’s time to lynch one of those *******s and set an example. You don’t like our government? Then move the **** out of the country! God they piss me off.

                              Ok thats a quote from the article and was a response posted on a Facebook page regarding these Robin Hooders..

                              A group of self-styled Robin Hoods who scamper around the streets of a New Hampshire city and feed expired parking meters for strangers has been hit with a harassment lawsuit.

                              here is the link to the article

                              'Robin Hoods' who feed parking meters are hit with lawsuit in New Hampshire - U.S. News

                              and here is a link to their website

                              Free Keene


                              My thoughts on this are that these Robin Hooders are basically standing up and using a peaceful for of activism to say NO more Abuse! They are basically preventing the city from collecting fees for tickets. I think it's great!

                              In regards tot he argument they are harassing or causing issues... I think this is just BS to have a way to sue them and get a court order for them to stop. so..lesson learned.. in the future anyone doing this type fo stuff elsewhere needs to just go quietly about heir business and pay the meters without speaking to or confronting the meter maids.

                              I wish there were many more examples of this kind of stuff all over but the system is set up so they will collect revenue and put a stop to most people who want to stand up.

                              As for the comment by the person who said if someone doesn't like the government they can get the heck out of the country, well I I just have to shake my head at such an ignorant statement like that.

                              What do you guys think of this story and the idea of peaceful activism like this?
                              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                              • Hi 5150,

                                Your post made me laugh. Thanks I needed that.

                                Obama would like us to believe that he is the Robin Hood of health care, but he is in fact the prince of thieves.

                                Now if one of these Robin Hood guys or gals would like to pay my taxes, OK sign me up. LOL

                                Best to you, Gene

