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The American Ruling Class

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  • The US House of Representatives is scheduled to vote today on H.R. 45, which is a full and complete repeal of ObamaCare. It will be interesting to see which reps vote against the bill, especially if any of them are Rebuttlickans.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Alert! Please read and sign the NO NATIONAL ID petition today!

      If you haven't done so already, please take a moment to sign the NO NATIONAL ID petition which "The Gang of 8" is attempting to foist upon us by hiding it within the over 800 pages of garbage being touted as "immigration reform." As with Obamacare, chances are that no one in Congress is going to bother reading this enormous piece of legislation, which is loaded with power grabs that steal our liberties.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • As expected, H.R. 45 (to repeal ObamaCare) was passed in the House of Representatives with the vote tally being 229 Yeas to 195 Nays.

        Here's the breakdown on who voted, and how they voted.

        Of course this is not the first time the House has voted to repeal ObamaCare, and there is no chance that the Senate will go along, or that Barry would not veto it if it ever came across his desk. So H.R. 45 isn't going to accomplish anything unless the House votes to use its power to withhold funding for ObamaCare. The House could now do this, but will they? I doubt it, since they could have done this back in 2010 when they gained the House majority, but that is the question to be answered.
        Last edited by rickoff; 05-18-2013, 02:12 PM.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Re: Adam Kokesh

          In a February 2012 post I told how Adam Kokesh, a former US Marine corporal turned anti-war activist and libertarian, had organized a veterans rally and march in Washington, DC to bring attention to the numbers of servicemen who have needlessly died in Iraq and Afghanistan during Barry's term in office. The mainstream media made little or no mention of that event, and military brass warned all active duty servicemen not to participate, citing that it was against the rules to participate in any kind of public political activism. That was because both veterans and active duty military were well known to support Ron Paul for a presidential bid far over any other candidate.

          Two days ago, Adam Kokesh was arrested at a marijuana rally in Philadelphia, and questions abound as to why he was arrested and what the charges could possibly be. Several YouTube videos which show the arrest of Kokesh by park rangers reveal that Adam was standing with his hands in the air after being accosted by the rangers. Some videos also show that another man, who was adjacent to Adam, reached his arm behind Adam's back, and possibly may have planted some "evidence" on him. In any case, persons present when Adam was arrested say that he was not smoking marijuana, nor doing anything illegal, at the time of the arrest.

          I would suspect that Adam's arrest was most likely the result of his May 6th call for, and planned participation in, a July 4th open carry armed march on Washington in support of gun rights. “This is now a call for mass civil disobedience on July 4th anywhere in Washington, D.C.,” Kokesh wrote on the event’s Facebook page. “We will march with rifles loaded & slung across our backs to put the government on notice that we will not be intimidated & cower in submission to tyranny.”

          Well, this should be a very interesting event, and one that the mainstream media will find difficult to ignore. Of course they will paint it as a bunch of wacko anarchists dangerously storming the Capitol with loaded weapons and endangering the lives of everyone in the area. Makes you wonder what show of force the "government" will have in place to "protect" the public and the "government" from these "extremist" armed demonstrators. Alex Jones says he is going to be there to report on the event, and is calling for an army of thousands of supporters/observers, armed with cameras, to capture everything that occurs.

          Kokesh makes it clear that though protesters will be openly carrying loaded weapons, the protest "will be a non-violent event, unless the government chooses to make it violent. Should we meet physical resistance, we will peacefully turn back, having shown that free people are not welcome in Washington, & return with the resolve that the politicians, bureaucrats, & enforcers of the federal government will not be welcome in the land of the free. 'When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.' - Thomas Jefferson. Does the government fear the people? If not, something is wrong, and we aim to change it.'
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • If this is Obama's real birth certificate, why are we still being ruled by him. Is this evidence not good enough to be admitted in court?

            His presidency may well go down in history as the biggest scam ever perpetrated against the whole world.



            • Originally posted by gene gene View Post

              If this is Obama's real birth certificate, why are we still being ruled by him. Is this evidence not good enough to be admitted in court?

              His presidency may well go down in history as the biggest scam ever perpetrated against the whole world.

              Hi Gene,

              I posted a link to this certificate image, as well as a video link where Lucas Smith (who obtained the document in Kenya) shows it, in post #742 of June 2010. At that time, what I found most intriguing was the fact that the document at least appeared to be authentic, while Barry's purported "certificate' was obviously a fake. The O-bots quickly went into action to "debunk" the Kenyan certificate, and came up with a story that the certificate held by Smith was a forgery. A second document, produced by lawyer Orly Taitz, was said by the O-bots to be composed by altering the original certificate of a David Jeffrey Bomford, an Australian citizen. Bomford "verified' that this was in fact the case, and so the debunking explanation gained traction and appeared, to many people, to have validity after ran with it as their "official" explanation. Bomford had allegedly posted a copy of his 1959 certificate on the Internet, and it was claimed that a forger had taken that image and altered it to enter Barry's info. Here's an image of the Bamford certificate that utilizes:

              Here's the "certified copy" that Orly Taitz said was the real deal:

              To suggest that the Kenyan certificate was a joke, posted a link to a web site where you can go to make your own faked Kenyan birth certificate.

              It was later learned that the web site where the Bomford certificate was allegedly lifted was owned by a Richard Bomford, and it was also found that Richard Bomford had been involved in a massive fraud case adjudicated in Australia in July of 2009. Further, GIM International lists Richard Bomford as a GIS expert. GIS information experts have software to produce maps and edit images of such quality, that forging a BC would be child’s play. Skeptics of the Bamford story argue that the Bomford certificate is likely a fake created from Barry's Kenyan certificate, rather than the other way around.

              Besides the document shown at the top of this post, and the one held by Orly Taitz that is shown above, there are two more documents involved. One is alleged to be an application form that has been filled out to request issuance of a birth certificate, and an image of that can be seen in this video. Another similar document says that Barry was born at King George V Hospital in Nairobi.

              I do think that some of this stuff, and perhaps even all of it, was created by O-bot disinformation agents with the object in mind of hoping to refute any claim of a real Kenyan certificate by raising legitimate doubts about at least one or more of the purported certificates. Such disinfo serves two purposes:
              1. It casts doubt on the claims of "birther" groups who accept these documents as real and widely disseminate them.
              2. By convincing much of the public that the alleged Kenyan certificates are bogus, this lends credence to the story that Barry's Hawaiian "certificate," which is attacked by the birther movement, might be real. And those who then assume it may be real are likely to accept that as reality, without ever scrutinizing Barry's document.

              To me, it is laughable that the O-bots will go to extremes to examine and debunk the Kenyan certificates, while they won't even take the time to do a very basic examination of Barry's "official" Hawaiian document, which is a definite and obvious fabrication.

              I'm definitely not convinced that Barry was not born in Kenya. As I reported here some time ago, it is known that Barry signed off on the use of something like $35 million of our tax dollars to be gifted to the Kenyatta Hospital for AIDS research. There are many who believe this was a bribe to the hospital to prevent them from disclosing information about Barry's Kenyan birth, as the Kenyatta Hospital was formerly named the King George V Hospital. There are several other pieces of information that make a Kenyan birth appear likely, and these include:
              • A taped phone interview with Barry's grandmother in which she claims that she and other family members were present at the hospital during Barry's birth. Attorney Philip Berg claims to be in possession of the tape.
              • A radio station interview with the Kenyan ambassador to the US, who admits that Kenya is Barry's birthplace, and that the actual location of his birth is well known to Kenyans. This interview can be heard in a YouTube video.
              • Barry's book publisher consistently stated in Barry's bio that he was Kenyan born, for a number of years, up until Barry had aspirations to run for President.
              • Records of passengers arriving in the US on international flights for the week directly after Barry's birth have disappeared from microfilm records kept at the National Archives. These records could have proved that either Ann Dunham did not enter the US with an infant, or that she did come here with Barry from Kenya or another country. With the records missing, neither scenario can be proven. I'll bet that they would somehow be "found" very quickly, though, if they were not supportive of foreign-born "birther" claims.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Hi Rick,

                Ahh yes, thanks for the refresh. I remember now your going over all this back in 2010. I think at the time I failed to follow the links that you provided because I didn't remember seeing the coast province general hospital birth certificate.

                Regards, Gene


                • Cracks in the 'Teflon'?

                  Barry's admin has seemed, for quite some time, to be 'teflon-coated'; from the way 'Fast and Furious' didn't go anywhere, to the dismissal of 'Birther' claims, negatives seem to have been succesfully dismissed by the admin, and Lamestream, due to their love affair with barry, have let it slide.

                  IS this beginning to change?? I thought Benghazi would do it, but they seem to have almost succeded in dismissing it as 'politics as usual', in the media and the publics mind. But this AP story seems to have the press REALLY P.O.'d, ( o.k. to trample everyone elses rights, but HEY! We're the Press!, and this IRS story just seems to be the story that keeps on giving! Heads have rolled, and more to come. Yet NO one from the IRS has even TRIED to give an explanation of why or how; they just shrug thier shoulders! This idea that it was a rougue (sp) operation by a 'few bad actors' just ISN'T going to fly.

                  So, is O'bummers' Teflon beginning to crack? Or is this just wishful thinking on my part??Jim


                  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    So, is O'bummers' Teflon beginning to crack? Or is this just wishful thinking on my part?
                    It should have cracked up long ago, as we have seen non-stop scandals, one after another, throughout Barry's political career. The fact that all of these scandals have been downplayed by politicians on both sides of the aisle, have all but gone unreported by MSM, and have been set aside in the court sytem with no one ever being held accountable, leads me to believe that - quite unfortunately - a call for true justice is just wishful thinking. After all, when the very agency (inJustice Department) that is responsible for investigating such scandals is headed by a man appointed by Barry, and embroiled in several scandals of its own, can we really expect that agency to carry out a proper and intensive investigation and indict all persons who should be held accountable? It is now a known fact that Eric Holder's signature is all over the paperwork authorizing surveillance against Fox News reporter James Rosen. This was revealed just hours after Barry O-bummer told America he would assign Holder to get to the bottom of the scandal. Holder probably didn't even have time to ask himself any stern questions in the mirror before this revelation of truth leaked out. And it is now known fact that IRS Director of Exempt Organizations Lois Lerner - who was supposedly shocked to discover those fabled "low-level employees in Cincinnati" were systematically discriminating against conservative organizations - was signing off on intimidating letters to those very same organizations, nine months after she said she learned of the abusive practices and put a stop to them. Lerner, after pleading the Fifth Amendment before a Congressional panel, is now on paid administrative leave (in other words, on a paid vacation), reportedly because she refused to resign. Furthermore, if Barry would appoint a "special prosecutor," as some Congressmen (such as Louis Gohmert) have asked for, to dig up dirt on the Benghazi scandal, or any other scandal, how could we trust anyone who Barry appoints to actually do right by us?

                    My belief, though I hope I'm wrong, is that all of this will continue to be "swept under the carpet" until Barry has completed his second term, and that just like 9/11, the "government" will expect that we will all either drop our calls for truth exposure or become focused on newly important issues.
                    Last edited by rickoff; 05-24-2013, 07:47 PM.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Every once and awhile I like to highlight a case in which some unfortunate American has been grossly and unfairly treated by power hungry local, state, and/or federal authorities hell bent on abusing their power while depriving the unfortunate one of their constitutional and legal rights. Today I bring you the story of Randy Zeilinger, a Michigan man who was brought up on criminal charges and convicted for the "crime" of raising chickens on his property. You read that correctly, and I assure you that this is no joke. It all started when an ordinance officer visited Randy's property, told Randy that a city ordinance did not allow the keeping of chickens within the city limits, and set a court case in motion. At the court hearing, Randy was prepared to show that the city had no case against him because a state law barring cities for imposing any such restrictions trumped the ordinance and thus made it ineffective. That state law reads:

                      "Except as otherwise provided in this section, a local unit of government shall not enact, maintain, or enforce an ordinance, regulation, or resolution that conflicts in any manner with this act or generally accepted agricultural and management practices developed under this act. This section affirms your Michigan right to continuation business farming operating within generally accepted agricultural and management practices (GAAMPS) guidelines and supersedes any city laws that may forbid said farming." - Michigan's "Right To Farm" Act, (P.A. 93)

                      At the court hearing, Randy was not permitted to enter this, or previous relevant court decisions, as evidence of his innocence and right to continue raising chickens. Randy was convicted on criminal charges, and the imposed judgement against him included the following:
                      • 30 days in jail
                      • 6 months of reporting to probation
                      • $905 in fines (an additional $227 was added 10 days later)
                      • Pay for the court appointed attorney
                      • Comply with all city ordinances
                      Is this zany, or what? To read more about this story, try any of the following links:

                      Convicted Criminal Chickenkeeper - BackYard Chickens Community

                      Garden City, MI: Man sentenced to jail time on the CRIMINAL charge of keeping chickens! | Ferndale Chickens
                      Michigan Right to Farm Law, what does it mean?

                      GUILTY: Man Sentenced To Jail For Keeping Chickens - Off The Grid News

                      Garden City man's chickens could land him in jail - Fox 2 News Headlines

                      Please Help the Chicken Criminal by Randy Zeilinger - GoFundMe (Randy's own website)
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Speaking of scandals, and other zany lamebrain things, the Washington Times reported just a day ago that Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan, who murdered 13 people and wounded several more, has retained his military rank and has continued receiving full pay while awaiting a court martial trial for thee and a half years. That pay continuance now amounts to $278,000! Nice job, huh? And even if found guilty, he won't be required to pay back any of that income. To make matters worse, this killing spree was classified as "workplace violence" rather than an act of terrorism, and this means that surviving victims, and the families of those who were killed, will not be eligible for the higher damage benefits that would have been due had the shootings been classified properly. What's more, surviving victims are now saying that they have been denied treatment, having been turned away at government medical facilities. One of those victims is Alonzo Lunsford, who was shot seven times by Hasan, and still has a bullet remaining in his back. After finally receiving treatment, Lunsford learned that his pay was being garnished to pay the medical expenses. What a sham! And why was this not brought to trial quickly, rather than allowing trial to be put off for 3 and 1/2 years? How much time does the prosecution need to prepare the case when there are obviously multiple eyewitnesses who can testify that Hasan was the killer? This is so insane that it just has to make your head spin.
                        Last edited by rickoff; 05-24-2013, 08:28 PM.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • I will take a guess and say that Hasan's liar is being paid by the hour.


                          • Such a shame

                            I find it hard to keep coming back to this thread and reading post after post of the crimes and tyranny being committed by the US government against it own people. Then coupled with the sad fact the people do not stand up and do anything about it.

                            I do not have anything personally against Obama but at the same time I think he is a lying sack of excrement> he is an embarrassment to the nation regardless of his race. I hate the fact he is supposedly half black and half white but always takes the side of being a Black man and using his race as a defining point when he is mixed race. this is just a pet peeve I have but its not important in the larger picture other than it goes to highlight his own character flaws and shortcomings.

                            Don't get me wrong I am an equal opportunity hater as they say as I did not approve or like what Bush did or many of the other Presidents before these men. Congress is the biggest threat to the nation and regardless s of what political side you fall prey to they are all nothing more than sell out *****s for power and money and if you think they have your best interest at heart you are fooled and deserve to lose everything.

                            Its against the law to incite or even talk about how to bring down the government so I will refrain from doing so but I sure the heck hope the damn thing implodes on itself and takes many of those snakes down with it. Karma is going to open up a banquet of retribution on those slimy snakes in DC and all their families who benefit from the misery and theft of the people they were sworn to serve.

                            Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                            • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                              I find it hard to keep coming back to this thread and reading post after post of the crimes and tyranny being committed by the US government against it own people. Then coupled with the sad fact the people do not stand up and do anything about it.
                              That is understandable. But then most people have little or no interest in how government is run and what little they do know are the lies told to them by the MSM. On the plus side it only takes a few percent of the people to wake up and demand and get change. I believe we are nearing that point.

                              I do not have anything personally against Obama but at the same time I think he is a lying sack of excrement> he is an embarrassment to the nation regardless of his race. I hate the fact he is supposedly half black and half white but always takes the side of being a Black man and using his race as a defining point when he is mixed race. this is just a pet peeve I have but its not important in the larger picture other than it goes to highlight his own character flaws and shortcomings.
                              Yes we must not criticize him for fear of being called a racist.
                              Don't get me wrong I am an equal opportunity hater as they say as I did not approve or like what Bush did or many of the other Presidents before these men. Congress is the biggest threat to the nation and regardless s of what political side you fall prey to they are all nothing more than sell out *****s for power and money and if you think they have your best interest at heart you are fooled and deserve to lose everything.
                              Yup, when listening to some diehard republican or democrat telling me that if only everyone would vote for their party all our problems could be solved, it is hard not to outright laugh in the face. They need only look back in history to when their party was in power, did they keep us out of senseless wars, or control the economy, or keep jobs from being exported, etc? But I guess none of that matters so long as they keep their blinder firmly in place and only watch CNN or FOX.

                              Its against the law to incite or even talk about how to bring down the government so I will refrain from doing so but I sure the heck hope the damn thing implodes on itself and takes many of those snakes down with it. Karma is going to open up a banquet of retribution on those slimy snakes in DC and all their families who benefit from the misery and theft of the people they were sworn to serve.
                              It may implode sooner then you think. Those that are in power are addicted to the money that they can acquire and with it they can then use it to control the sheeple. But if you take away the money you take away their power. In case you haven’t noticed the Wall Street money people are coming under and all out attack, not that this is something the MSM has gone out of its way to mention, but many of these money people are running scared. They are not used to having people question how they got their money and the way they are using it. False flag terrorist events have be staged to get people to look the other way however some of these are so patently fake that it causing even more people to question just what is really going on. Things are changing even it the elites MSM would like you to believe otherwise.


                              • Be patient, its coming

                                Yes, there are SOME people who just don't 'get' it; women who favor more women in politics, blacks favoring blacks, etc.

                                They just don't get it; Politicians aren't 'human'; it doesn't MATTER what race they are, or gender either; they are POLITICIANS.

                                Anyway, I DO see a change a comin; Politicians, muneygrubbers, etc.; they are ALL Sociopaths.And Sociaopaths are notorious for self-imolation.Their brais work differently and they don't think about long term consequences, only short-term gratification.

                                And, I find that when I talk to people, friends, neighbors, and even strangers, all SEE whats happening; our 'instituions' are not servoing the people; we are serving them! Gov't, Lamestream medicine, and on and on. Its not possible to see what the tipping point will be, but the time will come when the sheeple will wake up, and look up, and be PISSED. As you say, 5150, KARMA will exact its due.

                                Even IF you buy this idea that IRS, Benghazi, AP/Fox 'scandals' are due to incompetence, it totally undermines O'bummers main phylosophy, that Gov't can be a 'force for good', (and hence we should have more and larger Gov't.)

                                And I see more and more 'talking heads' pointing this out. So hang in there, 5150; don't NEED to 'lock and load', just wait for the *******s to shoot themselves in the foot! It WILL happen, and when it does, there won't be enough rope, or lamp posts! Jim

