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The American Ruling Class

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  • And along that line we have a new petition on the Whitehouse site demanding that Obama resign!
    In the past it took 25,000 signatures for the WH to respond to a petition. However as it turned out that wasn’t all that hard to archive. So to prevent undo harassing of the president by "frivolous petitions" the number of needed signatures was raised to 100,000.


    • MRSA Screening Saves Lives -
      MRSA Epidemic Spreading Globally

      CHICAGO, June 4, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- MRSA Survivors Network, the Chicago-based nonprofit continues to raise the alarm concerning the MRSA epidemic in the United States and worldwide. With eighty-five percent of all MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infections occurring in U.S. healthcare facilities due to lapses in *infection control, the public has become aware of this deadly, silent and secret disease.

      More Americans die every year from MRSA than from HIV/AIDS – over 19,000. The Netherlands and Scandinavian countries have controlled MRSA for many years in their healthcare facilities by screening and isolating patients. It continues to be unclear why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has not adapted and strongly recommended this evidence-based approach, ADI (active detection and isolation) decades ago and now with 300 evidence-based studies (including the incredible success of the VA System Nationwide and many other hospitals and healthcare systems) proving ADI is effective in reducing MRSA infections along with being cost effective.

      MRSA Screening Saves Lives - MRSA Epidemic Spreading Globally - KAIT-Jonesboro, AR-News, weather, sports



      • Al

        MRSA, while bad, is only the 'tip of the iceberg'. Over 100,000 people die in hospitals every year, as a direct result of 'iotogenic' causes. These are people who died BECAUSE of their treatment. Wrong medications or doses, contracting infections trhey didn't have before going into the hospitals, etc.

        I suspect the hospitals are resisting this approach, because of the $; they would have to give these patients there own room, with special isolation, etc. Hospitals are set up to 'assembly line' treatment; it IS more efficient, but it is not necesarily the best for patient care.

        Healthcare is just another example of an institution we originalkly created to serve us, which is now run amok. A recent article in Time, (or was it Newsweek?) extensively covered the rediculous way hospitals bill, and exposed the myths and realities. We're going down, hell in a handbasket, and its the waiting thats frustrating! Jim


        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          MRSA, while bad, is only the 'tip of the iceberg'. Over 100,000 people die in hospitals every year, as a direct result of 'iotogenic' causes.
          Today, 80 percent of all the antibiotics sold in the United States are used in livestock production - not humans. This widespread abuse of antibiotics on farm animals that are not sick is contributing to the escalating public health crisis of antibiotic resistance. The science overwhelmingly supports the conclusion that the misuse of antibiotics in livestock production poses a threat to human health. Leading medical and scientific organizations from the American Academy of Pediatrics to the Centers for Disease Control agree that “[o]veruse and misuse of important antibiotics in food animals must end, in order to protect human health.” The CDC has said that there is “strong scientific evidence of a link between antibiotic use in food animals and antibiotic resistance in humans.”
          NRDC: Press Release - NRDC: To Fight Superbug Crisis, Public Needs More Data on Farm Animal Drugs

          NRDC filed a lawsuit late last week against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for once again failing to respond in a timely manner to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information, this time about antibiotic-resistant bacteria on meat and how antibiotics are used on livestock and poultry. The public health crisis of antibiotic resistance is reaching alarming proportions, and the public and the scientific community deserve the best available information to better understand resistance trends, monitor risky practices, target solutions, and track progress in reducing livestock antibiotic use.
          NRDC sues FDA for failing (again) to disclose information about antibiotic resistance | Avinash Kar's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC



          • Senator Rand Paul's statement concerning NSA seizure of Verizon phone data:
            "The National Security Agency's seizure and surveillance of virtually all of Verizon's phone customers is an astounding assault on the Constitution. After revelations that the Internal Revenue Service targeted political dissidents and the Department of Justice seized reporters' phone records, it would appear that this Administration has now sunk to a new low.

            When Sen. Mike Lee and I offered an amendment that would attach Fourth Amendment protections to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act last year, it was defeated, and FISA was passed by an overwhelming majority of the Senate. At the time, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid remarked that FISA was "necessary to protect us from the evil in this world."

            The Bill of Rights was designed to protect us from evil, too, particularly that which always correlates with concentrated government power, and particularly Executive power. If the President and Congress would obey the Fourth Amendment we all swore to uphold, this new shocking revelation that the government is now spying on citizens' phone data en masse would never have happened."
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • I for one applaud Edward Snowden for having the courage to come forth as a whistleblower and expose the extent of the "government" surveillance of American citizens. Snowden's story is a remarkable one. He left the comforts of a job, working in Hawaii, and earning $200,000 a year, to embark on a very uncertain future where he knew he would have to live in the shadows. The reason he chose to do this is quite simply that, as Edward explains, "I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things. I understand that I will be made to suffer for my actions, but I will be satisfied if the federation of secret law, unequal pardon and irresistible executive powers that rule the world that I love are revealed even for an instant. I really want the focus to be on these documents and the debate which I hope this will trigger among citizens around the globe about what kind of world we want to live in. My sole motive is to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them."

              Snowden, a high school dropout, worked for the past 4 years at the NSA, as a computer security specialist hired by defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, and previously had worked for the CIA as a technical assistant. These agencies are not normally eager to hire high school dropouts, so it is rather obvious that they hired Snowden because he had an unusually high degree of computer expertise, especially in the area of "hacking" awareness. What better person to offer advice on protecting the NSA's supercomputer system against hackers than someone who is a hacking guru? That would explain why he was hired, and why he was paid a $200,000 salary. Evidently, Snowden used his ability and authority to learn a lot about the NSA's constitutionally prohibited activities, and supplied documentation of those activities to The Guardian, the UK news agency which published Snowden's "leaks."

              Snowden left the NSA after gathering documentation, telling his supervisor that he needed to go on leave for a couple of weeks "to receive treatment for epilepsy," and then boarded a flight to Hong Kong on May 20th. News reports today said that Snowden had left the Hong Kong hotel he had been staying at, and that his present whereabouts is unknown. It's a good bet that the NSA knows exactly where he is, and he may have been spirited off to some detention and torture center so that they can determine the full scope of what Snowden knows. I hope that isn't the case, and that Snowden is able to stay safe, but with the NSA having virtually unlimited instantaneous access to worldwide records of every imaginable type, how long could he hope to evade NSA operatives?

              The "government" and mainstream media will do their best to paint Snowden as "the bad guy" and as a "traitor" for leaking "sensitive and highly classified information" which could compromise "national security." Of course that explanation is preposterous, and Snowden only did what any other true patriot would have done had they known what goes on at the NSA, or any other "government" agency which is supposedly working "to protect us."

              For a video of Snowden telling his story, go here.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Al

                Just a follow-up, on your follow-up, re: antibiotics in animals. The irony is, one of the main resons these antibiotics are used so much is because Cows are being fed CORN, something thier digestive systems can't readily digest.

                So, they are given antibiotics and steroids, to deal with the results. y feeding the cows corn, they can fatten up quicker than they would if allowed to 'free range', and eat grass.And, since beef is sold by the pound, the fatter the cow, the more meat for the rancher. So, have the cows stand still, and feed them corn from a 'shoot', rather than have them walk around, and eat grass.

                And the steroid (hormones) and antibiotics gets in our food, beef and milk, and contributes to many diseases, including these anti-biotic resistant strains. Hospitals adopt an 'assembly-line' approach to patients, which also contributes to the development of these disease.

                In fact, in many areas of our society, we have adopted assembly line approaches, and/or approaches which were deemed to be most 'efficient'. Thing is, efficient is NOT always 'best', especially for society. And yet, we have accepted 'efficiency' as the goal, in all circumstances. In particular, PEOPLE don't respond well to being 'assembly lined'. Schools have adopted this approach, with disasterous results, hospitals too.
                And, many jobs have use assembly line techniques; yes, the production of the product is very efficient, but the workers are BORED out of their minds, doing the same thing, over and over. WE weren't 'built' this way; in the Hunter/gatherer lifestyle, we were generalists, NOT specialists; each individual participated in shelter building, hunting, gathering, food prep, etc.

                In our 'modern' life, ALL our 'necesities' come to us through a long 'pipeline', from a central source; Food, water, Shelter, Security, Education,Healthcare,etc. It IS a very 'efficient' system, but IS is the 'Best' for society? I have my doubts,...Jim


                • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  Just a follow-up, on your follow-up, re: antibiotics in animals. The irony is, one of the main resons these antibiotics are used so much is because Cows are being fed CORN, something thier digestive systems can't readily digest.

                  So, they are given antibiotics and steroids, to deal with the results. y feeding the cows corn, they can fatten up quicker than they would if allowed to 'free range', and eat grass.And, since beef is sold by the pound, the fatter the cow, the more meat for the rancher. So, have the cows stand still, and feed them corn from a 'shoot', rather than have them walk around, and eat grass.

                  And the steroid (hormones) and antibiotics gets in our food, beef and milk, and contributes to many diseases, including these anti-biotic resistant strains. Hospitals adopt an 'assembly-line' approach to patients, which also contributes to the development of these disease.

                  In fact, in many areas of our society, we have adopted assembly line approaches, and/or approaches which were deemed to be most 'efficient'. Thing is, efficient is NOT always 'best', especially for society. And yet, we have accepted 'efficiency' as the goal, in all circumstances. In particular, PEOPLE don't respond well to being 'assembly lined'. Schools have adopted this approach, with disasterous results, hospitals too.
                  And, many jobs have use assembly line techniques; yes, the production of the product is very efficient, but the workers are BORED out of their minds, doing the same thing, over and over. WE weren't 'built' this way; in the Hunter/gatherer lifestyle, we were generalists, NOT specialists; each individual participated in shelter building, hunting, gathering, food prep, etc.

                  In our 'modern' life, ALL our 'necesities' come to us through a long 'pipeline', from a central source; Food, water, Shelter, Security, Education,Healthcare,etc. It IS a very 'efficient' system, but IS is the 'Best' for society? I have my doubts,...Jim

                  Jim you must be living in a cloud here, this whole bit of info is like 10% accurate. Did you study physiology, do you fully understand the problems with the food chain, health care and what is coming, how hospitals really cause the problems they have (what you get in hospital is worse than what you go there for). Man what is going on here are you in a mind melt down?


                  • This explains a lot

                    The year was 1947. Most of you will recall that on July 8, 1947 a little more than 65 years ago, numerous witnesses claim that an Unidentified Flying Object, (UFO), with five aliens crashed onto a sheep and mule ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico.

                    This is a well known incident that many say has long been covered-up by the U.S. Air Force as well as other Federal Agencies and Organizations. However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of April 1948, nine months after the historic day, the following people were born:

                    Barrack Obama Sr.
                    Albert A. Gore, Jr.
                    Hillary Rodham
                    William J. Clinton
                    John F. Kerry
                    Howard Dean
                    Nancy Pelosi
                    Dianne Feinstein
                    Charles E. Schumer
                    Barbara Boxer
                    Joe Biden

                    As you can imagine, this is very likely the consequence of aliens breeding with sheep and jack-asses. I truly hope this bit of information clears up a lot of things for you. It certainly did for me. And now you can stop wondering why they support the "Immigration Reform" bill to give amnesty to all Illegal Aliens.
                    Last edited by rickoff; 06-11-2013, 03:14 PM.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Aliens breeding with Sheep and jackasses!

                      Good one, Rick! Only I don't see much of the alien intelligence, in the offspring!
                      Dr. Stifler, not sure I follow. I was just trying to comment on one small part of the issue, in order to try to get to the bigger issue.

                      There's only one way I'll get into a hospital; if I'm literally dragged in, unconscious!

                      The point I was trying to make (admittedly, poorly). In our individual lives, we make decisions. Like coming to a fork in the road, and deciding to go left, instead of right. We can all 'look back', and think of decisions we've made, and wonder what would have happened if we took the 'other' road.

                      Similarly, mankind has made decisions. Cumulatively, 'we' have made a series of decisions, that have led to the development of the society we have today.

                      A society that is set up so we are at the end of long supply chains, and we are dependent ON those supply chains for our necesities. Largely, these decisions were made on the basis of efficiency, and short term individual gain.

                      And now we are seeing these supply chains break down, and we are beginning to reap the long term effects of these decisions. Kind of like when I divorced my first wife; I am STILL experiencing the long term effects of that STUPID decision to marry that women, and I divorced her MANY years ago!

                      Mono-crop farming, Medical care, the public education system, "Healthcare" system,and on and on; all 'choices' "WE" as humanity have made, that have long term consequences. All made on the basis of being 'efficient', and short term 'best interest'. And all fatally flawed decisions. IMHO.

                      And yes, our food supply system is right in there. Jim


                      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                        I don't think the system needs any help; karma WILL happen, and the system WILL collapse under its own weight. And, I really doubt there is anything any individual can do, or even any group, to either hurry or delay the process.

                        Certainly 'taking out' Obummer would NOT be a good thing; then we would have Bitem, and I find it hard to believe anyone can think THAT would be a good thing!

                        Stock markets up where it was before 2008, Car sales are up,housing is up and all the infomercials on 'house flipping to become a millionair' are back, employment is starting to 'pick-up', and of coarse the Banks are playing monopoly with derivatives, unchanged from what they were doing in 2007. (Remember the 'London Whale'?)

                        We are once again 'cruising for a bruising', and this time we WILL run off the cliff. Instead of getting angry, (5150) might as well A) 'Cheer' our leaders, for their mindlessly steering us off the cliff, and B) securing your own situation, as best you can, to withstand the 'fall'.

                        It can be frustrating, waiting for the 'other shoe to drop', just need patience.Jim

                        Highlighted the two key points here,

                        I agree the system will implode on itself and even when it does the government and those working for it will use all those bullets and their last ounce of power to try to control the people they consider slaves.

                        The sad part of it all is the people will have stood by and done nothing to prevent it so in a lot of ways they deserve what is coming to them.

                        As for "taking out" Obama, doing so would only cut off a limb of the tree of evil and NOT even affect the root of the tree. It would be pointless besides the fact Obama isn't even the real power in DC. He is just the spin master and public face of the entire charade. I would never advocate for his assassination, I'd rather see him live a long life and feel the shame of his lies and failed administration which should torture his soul for the rest of his days if he is even capable of feeling any real shame. It will also be a huge wake up call and a lasting reminder for all his dumb supporters who blindly believed him.

                        Once the system does implode and all hell breaks lose then it will be time to see all those snakes (politicians) scouring for the dark hidden recesses in an attempt to save their lives. I'm sure at that time Karma will find them and rightfully so.
                        Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                        • Ahhhh, 5150

                          Glad to see we have some areas of agreement. So, 'we' (collectively, I mean; not you and me) have gradually accepted all these things; the 'need' for a government, and the 'ease' of working for others for money, (at mindless jobs) in order to purchase all our necesities from long supply chains, etc.

                          In effect, we started the process of choosing 'security' over personal freedom, about 10,000 years ago, and its been a gradual and steady progression, ever since.

                          Its like, a decision I made 20 years ago, (that I NOW regret), led inevitably to me making OTHER decisions, which lead inevitably to certain consequences.

                          The decision to stop being hunter/gatherers led to people staying in one place, which led to the development of towns, then Cities, then huge cities.And those choices led to centralised production, distribution systems, monetary systems, Gov't, and so on. Yes, there were many 'benefits' that resulted from these choices, at least in the short and even mid term.

                          It IS a 'more efficient' system. But, is it a BETTER system? And, are there flaws in the systems, which are FATAL flaws, and will inevitably lead to a collapse of the whole thing? Well, you and I, and many on this board think so.

                          Question is, what happens then, and how soon is the collapse? Personally, I don't think the powers that be are PLANNING this collapse, or 'wanting' it to happen. I think they are seeing the potential, and trying to make some plans for how to 'manage' it, and will try to retain power. I think they are doomed to fail in such an attempt, as I don't think it will BE 'manageable'. But, thats just speculation. Meanwhile, I'll do what I can, to try to 'prepare', and if people call me a 'prepper', or a 'doomsayer' so what? Gotta see things the way I see them, and act accordingly. Jim


                          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                            Meanwhile, I'll do what I can, to try to 'prepare', and if people call me a 'prepper', or a 'doomsayer' so what? Gotta see things the way I see them, and act accordingly.
                            According to several studies, obstetricians and *gynecologists write 2,645,000 antibiotic prescriptions every week. Internists prescribe 1,416,000 per week. This works out to 211,172,000 prescriptions annually in the United States, just for these two specialties. Pediatricians prescribe over $500 million worth of antibiotics annually just for one condition, ear infections. Yet topical povidone iodine (PVP-I) is as effective as topical ciprofloxacin, with a superior advantage of having no *in vitro drug resistance and the added benefit of reduced cost of treatment.
                            The End of Antibiotics and the Rise of Iodine as an Effective Alternative | Real Raw Food

                            1 Pound Mixing Instructions for 28% Sodium Chlorite
                            Fill plastic container with 32 US ounces of warm water (100 to 150 F).
                            While sprinkling in the entire contents (1 pound) of the sodium chlorite powder, Stir,with a non-metallic spoon.
                            Once all of the powder is dissolved, let stand for several hours or overnight in a dark location.
                            The solution will be green and clear and will probably have some sediment on the bottom of the container and/or a light film on the surface.
                            Remove the film and slowly transfer the solution into a clean and preferably dark plastic container leaving the sediment behind.
                            You should now have 34 US ounces of 28% sodium chlorite solution ready for use.

                            MMS - citric acid mixing instructions | Real Raw Food



                            • Oh no no no! Why you might wind up with slight case of diarrhea or even maybe throwing up as your body is getting rid of toxins purged by the MMS. The drug companies don’t want you to suffer like that. Instead you should be taking their pills that offer you some real life threatening side effects. Plus their treatment will only cost you 10-100 times what MMS costs. Do you really want to deprive the drug companies from making their meager little profit at your expense?

                              Just the same I think I will keep my bottle of MMS handy just in case.


                              • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                                Oh no no no! Why you might wind up with slight case of diarrhea or even maybe throwing up as your body is getting rid of toxins purged by the MMS. The drug companies don’t want you to suffer like that. Instead you should be taking their pills that offer you some real life threatening side effects. Plus their treatment will only cost you 10-100 times what MMS costs. Do you really want to deprive the drug companies from making their meager little profit at your expense?

                                Just the same I think I will keep my bottle of MMS handy just in case.

                                Ever see a TV commercial for Chantix? (Its a medication to help people stop smoking) the entire TV commercial is a disclaimer and its freaking sad. If you watch the commercial it's a wonder anyone in their right mind would ever take the pills. pleasing images and music while the narration is saying, if you experience homicidal or suicidal thoughts or bleeding ulcers or paralysis you might want to discontinue taking Chantix, if you are vomiting blood or passing blood in your urine or stools and feel faint or having hallucinations ou might want to consult your doctor to see if your medication levels are properly administered.

                                The list of the possible side effects and incredible

                                Chantix Dangers Need Government Attention, Study Says - ABC New

                                yet they can sell that Chantex stuff and much more but pot smoking is frowned upon as being evil and bad for you
                                Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.

