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The American Ruling Class

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  • Here's a link to a video in which David Icke explains why his newest project, The People's Voice, is so important. The People's Voice is an ongoing effort to establish a radio and TV network to empower the People by offering truth in newscasting as an alternative to mainstream media, and to offer this alternative on a technologically equal footing. So far, over 150,000 British Pounds have been raised towards implementation, nearly all of which has come from small donations. David is hoping for donations to go beyond 300,000 Pounds by June 30th in order to make this a reality.

    I think this is a great idea which is long overdue. With the mainstream media being controlled by a mere handful of elite Ruling Class members, all the news that matters is either downplayed in importance or left out altogether. How refreshing it would be to turn on the radio or TV and hear the latest real and uncensored news on the same things that we talk about here. About the only thing we have here that even comes anywhere close to this is Link TV, which is a network I mentioned in my first post to this thread. Link TV does offer some important videos that people should watch, but really doesn't go nearly far enough to expose government corruption and tyranny, or to reeducate and awaken the sheeple.
    Last edited by rickoff; 06-17-2013, 02:57 PM.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Stranger and stranger

      This whole thing about the contractor for the NSA, "exposing' secrets! ALL of this info,on the keeping of phone records, and 'monitoring/reading' e-mails, was written about extensively in the N.Y. times, back in 2006!

      So, that being the case, exactly HOW can this guy be guilty of treason, etc.???

      In his interview, hemade statements which few are finding 'credible', and that he has (so far) not provided any proof of, like that he could read anyones e-mail even the Presidents. BUT, the thing 'they' are saying was 'treasonous', and that 'harmed National Security', was telling the 'existence' of these programs, which as I say, had ALL been convered by the N.Y. Times, back in 2006.

      Also, his 'choice' of going to Hong Kong; very strange. The guy had plenty of $, based on his salary. And, isn't an idiot.You would think he would go someplace that DOESN'T have extradition.Looking very much like a 'dis-information' operation, maybe aimed at the Chinese, and very poorly done, at that!



      • Corrupt Politicians

        Take a corrupt politician! Please! They can't stand up to all the other corrupt politicians, because their own corruption might be revealed. Therefore, corruption continues. Where are the honest, ethical, righteous judges? It seems there are not enough around to take on the REAL corrupt individuals that are staking out Washington DC. What is the solution? Stand for the right, stand for TRUTH, stand for Justice, even if it in inconvenient. At least one can do the right thing whenever possible. Don't be a wimp!
        There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


        • There will be a vote today in the Senate on the "Thune Amendment #1197" to the "Immigration Reform" bill. This amendment would require that the 700 mile, double-layered southern border fence be completed before any form of amnesty is granted to illegal immigrants.

          Although we keep hearing that "conservatives" such as Marco Rubio are demanding border security first, we know that is just hogwash. Rubio has already been exposed as having addressed a speech to Latinos in which he stated that legalization would come first, before border security. Rubio, like most politicians, says and promises whatever he thinks people want to hear.

          I seriously doubt that the Senate will vote YES on the Thune Amendment. Several other border security amendments have already been voted down. Both parties are thinking of "Immigration Reform" purely in political terms, without giving any real consideration to solving the problems which allow and reward illegal immigration.

          Republican Lindsey Graham, hoping to convince other Republicans that they need to pass the "Immigration Reform" bill said that, "if we don’t pass immigration reform, if we don’t get it off the table in a reasonable, practical way, it doesn’t matter who you run in 2016. We’re in a demographic death spiral as a party and the only way we can get back in good graces with the Hispanic community in my view is pass comprehensive immigration reform. If you don’t do that, it really doesn’t matter who we run.” Graham's way of thinking makes no sense whatsoever, for the following reasons:

          Passing this "reform" bill would immediately legalize 11 million or more illegal immigrants, and legalize a total of 30 million immigrants over the next decade. A very high percentage of these immigrants are Latinos, who historically vote 80% for Democrats, and who will continue to do so regardless of whether Republicans block amnesty to illegals. Bringing in 30 million new voters, 24 million of which will vote Democrat, can only fuel a Republican death spiral.

          Remember when McCain ran for president? He was all for amnesty to illegals, but he lost the election. There is no way that Republicans can capture the Latino vote, and offering Rubio as a candidate in 2016 won't help either. Besides, he's no more qualified to be a presidential candidate than Barry was.
          Last edited by rickoff; 06-18-2013, 03:31 PM.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
            There will be a vote today in the Senate on the "Thune Amendment #1197" to the "Immigration Reform" bill. This amendment would require that the 700 mile, double-layered southern border fence be completed before any form of amnesty is granted to illegal immigrants.

            Fears of National ID With Immigration Bill
            By ERIC LIPTON
            Published: June 15, 2013
            WASHINGTON — Driver’s license photographs and biographic information of most Americans would be accessible through an expanded Department of Homeland-Security nationwide computer network if the immigration legislation pending before the Senate becomes law.




            • The Tea Party Patriots group has been planning for an IRS protest rally to take place tomorrow in Washington, DC. The group will be calling for an audit of the IRS to determine the full scope of its misdeeds and illegal harassment of conservative groups. As with the 'Audit The Fed' movement, I'm sure that a lot of politicians will claim that they are all for a full audit of the IRS, but I doubt that any meaningful action will ever be taken to assure an audit as long as these politicians remain in office.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • As I concluded in post 4339, the Senate did in fact vote against the Thune Amendment, which would have required border security as a first measure of immigration reform. Only 5 Republicans voted against the amendment, and four of them were of the 'Gang of 8,' which of course included Senator Rubio. The 5th Republican was Murkowski of Alaska. Remember Murkowski? She lost a primary election in 2010 to a TEA Party supported challenger, but refused to step aside. Instead, she ran against the TEA Party candidate as an independent and somehow "won" the election. As I had pointed out in post 854, on page 29 of this thread, Murkowski is anything but a conservative. Murkowski is a RINO (Republican In Name Only) of the first order, and has voted in support of every sordid item on Barry's agenda. So it's not at all surprising that she voted against the Thune Amendment.

                Today, two more 'Border Security First' amendments will be up for vote in the Senate, and it is almost a given that these too will be defeated. These amendments were offered by Senators Mike Lee and Ted Cruz:
                • Cruz Amendment #1320 - Offered by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), this amendment would require completion of reinforced, double-layered border fencing and completion of the biometric entry/exit system at all ports of entry (both of which are required under current law) before illegal aliens can receive Registered Provisional Immigrant (RPI) status.
                • Lee Amendment #1208 - Offered by Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), this amendment would require Congressional approval of the border plan before illegal aliens can receive RPI status.
                The Lee amendment is rather weak in my opinion, because "Congressional approval" of measures to strengthen border security will have no impact if they are not implemented, and there would be no guarantee of implementation, or a time frame for implementation. If the Senate does vote to approve the Lee amendment, it will only be because it has no teeth to it and therefore is unenforceable.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Time to stop the lies, Mr Rubio

                  If you are outraged by the false claims of the Rubio TV and radio ads claiming that his 'gang of 8' work on "immigration reform" is a "conservative" approach which requires border security first, requires illegals to pay fines and "go to the back of the line," and says that there will be no benefits paid to these illegal immigrants, then go here and sign the petition telling Rubio to pull the false ads. Here's the body of the petition:

                  We the undersigned are outraged that you would continue to run your "Today" advertisement that you have acknowledged misrepresents S. 744, the Gang of Eight immigration bill. We demand that you pull the ad and begin telling the American people the truth about your bill. Virtually every claim you make in the ad is either misleading or false.
                  * You say: "It (S. 744) puts in place the toughest enforcement measures in U.S. history." In fact, S. 744 weakens current immigration law. It calls for the completion of an electronic entry/exit system that must be used at all seaports and airports. But it excludes 106 land border entry points where most crossings take place, and it eliminates the biometric requirement. All the entry points were required under a 1996 law , which has been reaffirmed by Congress 5 times since, but every President has refused to implement it.

                  * You say: "No Federal Benefits." While illegal aliens will be barred from means- tested benefits, they'll be eligible to receive tax refunds, public education benefits, and college subsidies. Once green cards are issued (many after only five years), illegal aliens will be eligible instantly for Obamacare, followed soon after by the full range of welfare, Medicare, and Social Security benefits.

                  * You say: S. 744 "Does not encourage people to come illegally in the future." In fact, it sets the stage for the next amnesty. No provisions call for the removal of illegal aliens who entered after the December 31, 2011 deadline or who come in the future. In fact, the bill hamstrings future enforcement by giving the administration almost total discretion to not deport future illegal aliens, including criminals.

                  You have an obligation to come clean and be honest with the American people about the provisions of S. 744. Pulling your ad is a first step in that direction.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Remember Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground domestic terrorism group leader who later became a Chicago "educator" and helped launch Barry's political career from the living room of Bill's home? Yes, the same Bill Ayers who says that he wrote Barry's book, Dreams from My Father. Well, Bill is now saying that Barry should be put on trial for war crimes, along with every other president during his lifetime. Each president, says Bill, "comes into an office dripping with blood and then adds to it."

                    I'd say that's a fair assessment, because each President comes into a White House tainted by all the wrongdoing that has preceded him, and then adds to that wrongdoing either knowingly or by being duped and mislead by the true puppet masters that make all the real decisions - a.k.a. The Ruling Class elite. The Ruling Class agenda always moves forward no matter who is in office, and if a President attempts to go against that agenda, as Kennedy did, then you know what happens.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • At a time when the IRS is embroiled in several scandals, the agency is moving ahead in its plan to divvy out $70 million taxpayer dollars to IRS agents and supervisors in the form of bonuses. These bonuses are part of a collective bargaining agreement that was just renewed in March. It is bad enough that any IRS employee should be paid a bonus, but it makes you wonder what criteria determines who gets what as their bonus. Rather obviously, those who get the largest bonuses will be upper echelon employees who are quick to do the bidding of their superiors without asking any questions.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Quotable quote of the day....

                        "Anybody want to fire some IRS agents? Why don't we start with the sixteen-thousand I.R.S. agents that are going to implement Obamacare." - Senator Rand Paul, at the TEA Party rally held at the national mall in Washington DC yesterday.

                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                          Anybody want to fire some IRS agents?[/URL] Why don't we start with the sixteen-thousand I.R.S. agents that are going to implement Obamacare[/I]." - Senator Rand Paul, at the TEA Party rally held at the national mall in Washington DC yesterday.

                          Fire?!?! Why not hire another 160,000 to go after the 1%?


                          • Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
                            Fire?!?! Why not hire another 160,000 to go after the 1%?
                            And this will do what? Collect a whole bunch of money. But lets take it a step further and confiscate everything from the 1%. That will give us an even bigger pile of money. But you know what, that won’t even make a dent in the amount that we “supposedly” owe on the national debit. Of course we really don’t owe that as this debit was created by the bankers and it is now they who want us to pay off all their bad investments.

                            So perhaps we should all decide to voluntarily stop making payments to the IRS particularly seeing as how the new director just recently in a congressional meeting told our congressmen that it was indeed a voluntary program!


                            • immigration and Republican hogwash

                              Repubs who want to appear 'tough'on immigration are requireing (or SAY they are requireing) border enforcement, as a condition of 'allowing' a path to documentation, which is hogwash.
                              Lets see now, a bunch of people broke into jewelry stores, (violating the law). There are too many to arrest and prosecute, so we're going to disallow their crime. But only if the stores agree to put in unbreakable glass!

                              The DRAW for 99% of illegals is the prospect of being able to work here, once they get inside the country. If companies who hire illegals were fined, or had their business licences revoked, for having 'undocumented workers' in their employ, (NOT for 'knowingly' hiring illegals), and are required to use E-verify for ALL employees, not just new hires, and if this standard were implemented nationwide, we wouldn't NEED to spend Billions on 'border security'; as there would be no reason for people to illegally cross the border.The ONLY illegal crossers would be drug smugglers, or others who the Border security coyuld focus their full resources on apprehending.

                              So, this whole argument for 'tieing' Border enforcement to the 'path to legal citesinship' is a boog-a-boo, a false argument.But, Repubs don't really WANT to have strong work place enforcement, because the Chamber of commerce doesn't want it.

                              NAd so, this will be a repeat of 1986, where they will pass a 'comprehesive' bill, that will 'allow' more illegals than estimated to gain citesenship, and will do little to nothing to stop the flow.

                              Its a crock, and a con-job distraction.

                              As for taxes, its obvious that however much $ the gov't takes in in taxes, it will always spend more. Unfortunately, without a balanced budget amendment, the Gov't will spend $ it doesn't take in, so JUST limiting taxes isn't enough to rein in the spending.

                              Unfortunately, I don't see a balanced budget amendment passing, even tho it COULD be written so as to be constitutional.

                              So, there is no answer. Except continue on the path we're on, until the next 'financial crises', when the whole system collapses. Jim


                              • Sen. Paul Introduces National ID Card Amendment
                                Jun 20, 2013

                                WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sen. Rand Paul today announced the introduction of the Protect Our Privacy Act as amendment to the Senate's Immigration Reform Bill. This amendment would prohibit the issuance of a national identification card system. In the wake of the IRS scandal and NSA wiretapping revelations, Sen. Paul believes that his amendment is necessary to protect the privacy of all citizens.

                                The Protect Our Privacy Act does the following:

                                · Prohibits the Department of Homeland Security from interpreting the immigration reform bill to permit a national identification card or system;

                                · Prohibits the Federal or State government from requiring photographs or biometric information without probable cause;

                                · Prevents the provision in the bill titled "Photo Tool" from allowing the government to force all citizens to provide a photo;

                                · Prohibits a "biometric social security card" for citizens; and,

                                · Forbids a "de facto national registry of citizens."

                                Sen. Paul Introduces National ID Card Amendment Rand Paul | United States Senator


