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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
    We can agree to disagree all day long but they way I see it is that everyone belongs to the government and is owned and forced to pay. Therefore everyone is a slave in one form or another.
    I absolutely agree with that sentiment, and even made that same exact argument in another topic. I was referring to it in the sense of violently being forced to work for pennies on the dollar as you would see in sweat shops across china.

    Originally posted by 5150
    Now if you’re talking about slave labor where you are forced to work for little or no wages, well this is why the southern border is still wide open. Those “illegal Aliens” are modern day slaves working for little wages yet they keep the economy moving along.
    First, no one is forcing them to come here. Although I do agree and have direct knowledge of companies abusing illegal aliens specifically to pay them less than minimum wage.

    My point was that, through the public's oversight of the government and the governments oversight and regulation of businesses these practices are sought out by law enforcement and prevented with all means necessary.

    That is not the case everywhere else in the world.

    As far as I understand the southern border has only produce around 11 million people illegally. To deport them, I doubt that would damage the economy to a high degree considering we already have a large percent of legal Americans unemployed. I am convinced keeping illegals here is more about elections than the economy. Afterall the democrats threw a fit when the supreme court has now basically allowed states to require legal ID to vote.

    what I do scream for is an honest government working for the people in a fair and ethical manner.
    How would a new government differ from our current government? I understand your frustration but we currently have the ability to vote out the people in our current government now. So if replacing people is not enough to solve your frustrations, what would be enough?


    • Originally posted by jdodson View Post

      How would a new government differ from our current government? I understand your frustration but we currently have the ability to vote out the people in our current government now. So if replacing people is not enough to solve your frustrations, what would be enough?

      Good question. A new government wouldn’t really differ from the old one if the people inside the new government were allowed to take over and control it like the current government has. I mean heck the current government sits around voting themselves pay raises while shredding the bills of rights and the constitution and selling the people out, and doing all of this while passing new laws and bills that make it legal to do so. Money and power corrupts in all things and a new government would be no different.

      My only idea would be to basically do away with 95% of the federal government and let the states take over most of the revenue in taxes that is generated by their own people. I would also scale everything back and lay out everything until it was so simple that everything was totally transparent and open. No more secrets, government pork projects or any BS.

      It would not be a very popular proposal especially for all the hand out people who would be basically left to work. All the surplus tax money that we have been spending on wars and other international aid would go into state funds that helped small business with interest free loans. I would abolish the Federal Reserve and restrict banks from making profits on the backs of the people or getting tax help to stay afloat. I have no problem with banks charging certain fees but the tricky fees and some of the unethical ways banks operate would come to a stop.

      My ideas are way too grand to ever work because they call for stopping the big boys from raping the people. I would be assassinated like Kennedy was before I could ever get such plans to even be considered by the people.
      Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


      • My only idea would be to basically do away with 95% of the federal government and let the states take over most of the revenue in taxes that is generated by their own people. I would also scale everything back and lay out everything until it was so simple that everything was totally transparent and open. No more secrets, government pork projects or any BS.
        I don’t see that as a very radical idea, what your calling for is that government go back and operated the way the constitution allows and no more. Well OK I guess that is kind of a radial idea as least now days. Still when it was created it worked quite well and it should be able to do so again.

        My ideas are way too grand to ever work because they call for stopping the big boys from raping the people. I would be assassinated like Kennedy
        I don't think it is too grand of an idea. As there are people working to do just that, and just as a precaution they don’t go usually go riding around in open convertibles.
        To get a bit of an idea of what’s go on you might want to check out this site from noon to 3:00 (CST) every Sunday.

        Drake's Vital Weekend Update - Sunday 06/30 by Universal Voice Radio | Blog Talk Radio

        First, no one is forcing them to come here. Although I do agree and have direct knowledge of companies abusing illegal aliens specifically to pay them less than minimum wage.
        The illegal alien problem is easily solved and it doesn’t require building fences or more border guards, etc. All that would need to be done is to get for congress to pass a law that would fine anyone that knowingly hired and illegal alien. If there were no jobs available unless they legally entered the country the flood coming across the border would cease and those here would be forced to leave.

        Of course this isn’t likely to happen because as we know there are many other factors that make the current status quo very profitable for the "correct" people.


        • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post

          The illegal alien problem is easily solved and it doesn’t require building fences or more border guards, etc. All that would need to be done is to get for congress to pass a law that would fine anyone that knowingly hired and illegal alien. If there were no jobs available unless they legally entered the country the flood coming across the border would cease and those here would be forced to leave.

          Of course this isn’t likely to happen because as we know there are many other factors that make the current status quo very profitable for the "correct" people.
          8 USC § 1324a - Unlawful employment of aliens
          (a) Making employment of unauthorized aliens unlawful

          (1) In general
          It is unlawful for a person or other entity—
          (A) to hire, or to recruit or refer for a fee, for employment in the United States an alien knowing the alien is an unauthorized alien (as defined in subsection (h)(3) of this section) with respect to such employment, or

          (2) Continuing employment
          It is unlawful for a person or other entity, after hiring an alien for employment in accordance with paragraph (1), to continue to employ the alien in the United States knowing the alien is (or has become) an unauthorized alien with respect to such employment.

          8 USC § 1324a - Unlawful employment of aliens | Title 8 - Aliens and Nationality | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute

          Americans Working to Stop Illegal Immigration
          Get the Facts about Illegal Immigration

          It is Illegal To Bring Illegal Aliens Into US under current Laws
          (Sec. 273. [8 U.S.C. 1323])
          It is Illegal To Harbor Illegal Immigrants
          (Sec. 273. [8 U.S.C. 1323] )
          It is Illegal To Employ, Recruit, or Refer Illegal Aliens for Jobs
          (Sec. 274A. [8 U.S.C. 1324a] )
          It is Illegal To Forge Documents for Illegal Immigrants or violate Identity Theft Laws
          ( Sec. 274C. [8 U.S.C. 1324c] )
          US Laws Declare it is Illegal To Aid or Abet Illegal Immigrants
          ( Sec. 277. [8 U.S.C. 1327] )
          LEGAL Immigrants Must Know English, US History, US Laws, and Principles
          ( Sec. 312. [8 U.S.C. 1423] )
          Legal Immigrants Must Display Moral Character and No Crime Record
          ( Sec. 316. [8 U.S.C. 1427] )
          Legal Immigrants Must Be Investigated and Screened for past crimes and terrorism links
          ( Sec. 335. [8 U.S.C. 1446] )
          It is Illegal For Illegal Aliens to Bypass Medical and Physical Exams for illnesses and infectious diseases
          ( Sec. 232 [8 U.S.C. 1252] )
          Illegal Aliens Deported are ineligible for readmission to US Under Current Laws
          ( Sec. 250. [8 U.S.C. 1260] )
          It is Illegal for Illegal Immigrants to possess a firearm or ammunition
          ( [18 U.S.C. 922(g) and (n), 27 CFR 478.32] )

          Illegal Immigration Laws



          • Originally posted by Mad Scientist
            All that would need to be done is to get for congress to pass a law that would fine anyone that knowingly hired and illegal alien.
            As aljhoa pointed out, it is already a unlawful. I think (maybe this was your point as well) that anyone found of employing an illegal should be hammered hard. Even if they didnt know the person was illegal. Every employer should do extensive identification background checking. They should know.

            Personally I think any business paying illegals should be "shut down" for a couple months on top of being fined and charged criminally...Then you know employers simply wont continue to "look the other way".


            • Well I was not aware that it was quite that long a list, but it doesn’t surprise me. Obviously TPTB don’t want those laws enforced. But if we were to present that list to our local sheriffs and point them in the right direction and then demand that they do their job now that could get interesting.


              • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                Well I was not aware that it was quite that long a list, but it doesn’t surprise me. Obviously TPTB don’t want those laws enforced. But if we were to present that list to our local sheriffs and point them in the right direction and then demand that they do their job now that could get interesting.
                you mean like Sheriff Joe tried to do, then they could be called racial and using racial profiling. the circle jerk just continues
                Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                • Yup. What most people don’t realize is that in their community their local sheriff is the ultimate law enforcement official not the FED. If some federal agents come into your town and start harassing the residents your sheriffs has the right to let them sit and inspect the inside of his jail until such time as they decide harassing the locals was maybe not such a good idea.

                  Actually the sheriff is not the ultimate local law enforcement official. That duty falls onto the local citizens who band together and form a militia. It is they who decide what laws their local officials shall be allowed to enforce.


                  • On second thought there might be a few problems with that so first lets put it into perspective by reviewing a bit of our history.

                    Americans Don't Know WHY We Celebrate the 4th of July or WHAT COUNTRY We Declared Independence From! - YouTube


                    • Ethics and Morality in Government?

                      Is this not what the current situation needs in extra measure? The corruption needs to be curtailed, reduced, eliminated and to a great degree totally wiped out. Every appointee, every elected position, every position of trust. At EVERY level of government, at EVERY level of responsibility, in EVERY department and in EVERY agency with EVERY change in policy, steps need to move in this one direction. It is much too simplistic and ineffective to say the federal government or one branch is where the action needs to take place. It is also too little and too late to think that one SUPER-HERO leader will make a dent in the criminal, lying, evil cohort that continues from year to year. Every citizen and voter needs to make every personal decision count in a best-effort manner. Every trip to the mall, the gas station or to work needs to be done in the context of who and what is gaining power and influence in the grand scheme of things. Can we really afford to wait until the next election cycle to begin to have an effect? I don't think so. So, talk about eliminating the FED or reducing the population and I think you are creating more of a DISTRACTION than you are a solution. just sayin.....
                      There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                      • Here are two examples of why ethics is important at ALL levels of government.

                        (not just the IRS, for example) I include the source of the information for reference purposes.

                        July 2, 2013
                        Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

                        A few friends sent me a disturbing, shocking, gut-wrenching video yesterday.

                        It's amateur footage of police officers from a LA metro-area unit shooting, and killing, a man's dog. While they were arresting him. For the crime of... recording them.

                        Apparently the cops were in the neighborhood to make an arrest. Several people were outside watching. And one man who was out walking his dog started filming with his cell phone camera.

                        About 2 minutes later, the man notices the police walking towards him, no doubt to harass him for the heinous act of recording them. So he puts his dog in the car, meets the police halfway on the sidewalk, and assumes the "I surrender" pose.

                        The dog starts barking and actually squirms out of the car and ran over to the man, jumping on one of the officers. Another drew his sidearm. And in one of the most cold-blooded acts I've ever seen, he shot the dog. Four times.

                        Trust me, I recommend that you not watch this video. It turns the stomach.

                        Not to be outdone by the West Coast, government agents in the State of Virginia recently assaulted a 20-year old girl, guns blazing, because she was exiting a local supermarket with cookie dough, ice cream, and a box of bottled water.

                        The cops assumed that she had purchased alcohol; apparently they can't tell the difference between La Croix pure sparkling water and a case of Bud Light... and even still, they felt it was necessary to brandish firearms against this criminal terrorist.

                        It's truly mind boggling that this is what passes for professional police force in the Land of the Free.

                        Average, every day people get taken down and threatened with deadly force for committing egregious acts like... photographing the police. Or buying bottled water.

                        Meanwhile, the real criminals (i.e. the politicians, central bankers, and puppet masters) continue waging destruction and plunder on a largely unsuspecting population.

                        It may be premature to draw too many parallels to Hitler's Schutzstaffel force. But to see this culture of fear, submission, and intimidation continue to flourish within the Land of the Free, one can't help but wonder...

                        Until tomorrow,

                        Simon Black
                        Senior Editor,
                        There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                        • Obama to Africa: Be wary of foreign powers, even United StatesPresident

                          Obama pledged $7 billion in aid Sunday to provide electricity to sub-Saharan Africa, as he warned Africans to be wary of exploitation by other countries, including the U.S.

                          “If somebody says they want to come build something here, are they hiring African workers? If somebody says that they want to help you develop your natural resources, how much of the money is staying in Africa? … Don’t just assume that folks come here and they’re automatically benefiting Africans. And that includes the United States. Ask questions in terms of what we do.”

                          Mr. Obama told the audience at the University of Capetown that Mr. Mandela inspired his first political act, when he was a 19-year-old student at Occidental College in California.

                          Obama to Africa: Be wary of foreign powers, even United States - Washington Times



                          • Seeing as how it is almost the fourth of July this article seemed appropriate. It is a bit long but it does tie together many of the things we have talked about here.

                            The Echoes of Gettysburg by Michael Henry Dunn, July 3, 2013 |


                            • Hey

                              On Immigration, one of the 'exclusions' specifically 'carved out' in the Fed. Immigration laws, was/is the recognition that STATES have authority over granting Business Licences. Thats why Az. was able to pass 1070, but unfortunately it is worded such that businesses can only be prosecuted for KNOWINGLY hiring illegals.
                              While the employer using E-verify was/is a 'pre-emptive' defence, it was not a requirement of the law. It WOULD be fairly simple to 'solve the illigal immigration problem', as noted above. Each State could adopt a similar law, but change it to eliminate 'knowingly' as in knowingly employing an illegal. If businesses knew they risked losing their licences, most would decide the risk wasn't worth it, and the jobs are the primary draw; no jobs for illegals, no illegals.
                              And yes, i don't 'blame' the illegals, it was our Gov't that created this problem.

                              "Good question. A new government wouldn’t really differ from the old one if the people inside the new government were allowed to take over and control it like the current government has. I mean heck the current government sits around voting themselves pay raises while shredding the bills of rights and the constitution and selling the people out, and doing all of this while passing new laws and bills that make it legal to do so. Money and power corrupts in all things and a new government would be no different."

                              If it wasn't the 'same people', it would be the same KIND of people; you will ALWAYS have people who want to 'game' the system; the less intelligent and/or less 'fortunate' will become 'criminals' the more intelligent or 'better off' will become Politicians, Lobbyists, Beurocrats, etc.

                              I also agree there are entirely too many people. Heard a guy today, said "Eventually, I think all of humanity will be in 2 groups; those standing in line for food, and those distributing food. Sounds about right.

                              The changes in food production, started in the U.S., and now being spread around the world, are yet another example of "It SEEMED like a 'good idea', at the time. Yes, greatly increased production, by turning from small 'subsistence farming' to large, agri-business operations. We are and will continue to pay a price for this decision, which (collectively, at least) it seems we can't undo. Jim


                              • BUSH HIDING IN EXILE! Obama's Arrest, Bush's Trial - YouTube
                                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question

