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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by gene gene View Post
    Obama doesn't care
    Ex IRS agent tells it like it is part2 - YouTube



    • Selective enforcement?

      Is it 'just me'? The O'bummer admin seems to be 'using' selective enforcement a lot more than previous administrations. They 'chose' NOT to enforce immigration laws, for those In the country, who 'weren't breaking any laws' (other than being in the country illegally, and oh, maybe ID theft). What they said and meant was that ICE was going to concentrate on apprehending illegals who were ALSO robbing, stealing, raping and murdering, dope dealing/smuggling, etc. and not 'waste their time' pursuing illegals who were not engaging in criminal acts.
      The AG 'chose' not to argue in behalf of DOMA, even tho (I THINK) he's NOT supposed to decide if a law is constituitonal or not, thats SCOTUS's job, he's SUPPOSED to argue FOR the LAW, 'to the best of his ability', and let SCOTUS decide if its constitutional or not.

      So, now in addition to using executive orders to expand the power of the Executive, without all the 'bother' of trying to work with Congress, this administration is deciding WHICH laws (passed by Congress) it will 'bother' to enforce, and which it won't.

      What a slippery slope we're sliding down!

      And we STILL haven't gotten ANY 'explanation' for the IRS 'scandal', and they've 'blown us off' on Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the AP and FOX News 'leak' investigation,, they also seem to think they can simply decide which 'scandals' they want to answer to the American people, and which they don't. And, for the MOST part they seem to be getting AWAY with it!



      • Is this not the height of arrogance? But then would we expect any less?

        Obama orders Federal workers to spy on each other.

        They are to be on the watch for different lifestyles, attitudes or behaviors, odd working hours, unexplained travel. Is someone under stress from divorce or financial problems.
        They are to check on each other online activities.

        Those failing to report problems face penalties and criminal charges!

        Of course when Snowden reported seeing some problems he was then branded a traitor.


        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post

          And we STILL haven't gotten ANY 'explanation' for the IRS 'scandal', and they've 'blown us off' on Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the AP and FOX News 'leak' investigation,, they also seem to think they can simply decide which 'scandals' they want to answer to the American people, and which they don't. And, for the MOST part they seem to be getting AWAY with it!
          1. All Governments are corporations;
          2. STATE governments are sub-corporations of FEDERAL UNITED STATES governments;
          3. COUNTY governments are sub-corporations of STATE governments;
          4. CITY GOVERNMENTS don't have a right to exist as a Sovereign Power; [I reiterate, allgovernments are corporations]
          5. All "Court Houses" are "Dry Docks" within the Admiralty Jurisdiction operating as "For Profit" [“Also Trades As”] in their several and joint enterprises within the Private PlacementPlatforms of Commercial Trade through the BIC (Borrower In Custody) venue of Chicago TradeBoard on a nightly/hourly basis;
          6. All Police Enforcement Personnel , when acting outside any "occurrence of an Injury to anyActual/Real Man/Woman, are acting in the Nature of, withmens rea, an INLANDPIRATE.
          7. When any Police Enforcement Officer, or supporting personnel of every category throughinterlocking directorates, captures ANY Living Man/Woman, under vi et armis, their private property or their time with their productive potential being disrupted, that Officer and all supporting personneldo so at their own peril.
          8. Claimant IS a "State" Citizen and a Citizen of The United States of America, but Claimant isNOTa U.S. citizen of the United States as found at U.C.C. 9-307(h) "The United States islocatedinthe District of Columbia." The "Federal Question" Diversity of Citizenship wasinvokedab initio.
          9. The Federal Government is "Foreign" to State or Tribal Government: a well established fact.Private is "Foreign" to Public.

          007 Memorandum of Understanding - Continuum



          • Sign the petition to force Holder's removal and prosecution

            A Call for Eric Holder's Resignation & Prosecution
            Holder's Unconstitutional Use of the DOJ Needs to Stop!

            980,124 Actions Taken So Far
            Let's make it a million or more!
            Take Action
            Created by
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Isaac Fulwood, Jr. – Controls the Justice Department



              • Cheney & Bush Asked Tom Daschle Not To Investigate 9/11 AT ALL - YouTube
                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                • Here is an interesting story. I wonder far it will get?
                  A New Hampshire state representative has filed a petition to remove 189 legislators from the House of Representatives for voting to diminish citizen’s rights of self defense. John Hikel filed an Emergency Petition of Redress and a Verified Complaint of Breach of Oath of Office and Conspiracy against Rights in April against 189 members of the New Hampshire House of Representatives who voted to repeal the state’s “Stand Your Ground” law for “Breach of Oath of Office and Conspiracy against Rights.”
                  N.H. Rep. files petition, criminal complaint against oath-breaking colleagues |


                  • Police state

                    Yet Another Teen Making Stupid Jokes On Social Media Now Faces Years In Jail

                    Yet Another Teen Making Stupid Jokes On Social Media Now Faces Years In Jail | Techdirt

                    The latest one involves Justin Carter, a teenager in Texas who made a joke on Facebook where he and some other kids were hassling each other over the video game League of Legends. One of the kids said something to Justin along the lines of, "Oh you're insane, you're crazy, you're messed up in the head." In response, Justin said:

                    'Oh yeah, I'm real messed up in the head, I'm going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts,’ and the next two lines were lol and jk.

                    In context, there is nothing surprising or odd at all about this conversation. It's how teenaged boys communicate. They get on each other and mock each other and the response was actually pretty reasonable. One kid called him insane, and he responded by effectively mocking the claim that he was insane. And then immediately followed it up with lol and jk to cement the fact that he was kidding -- which should have been obvious to everyone anyway, even without the caveats.

                    But... apparently it was not obvious to the police, or to some very confused woman in Canada who called the police.
                    Anonymous 'Good Samaritan' Pays Justin Carter's $500k Bail After 4 Months In Jail For Online Trashtalk

                    Anonymous 'Good Samaritan' Pays Justin Carter's $500k Bail After 4 Months In Jail For Online Trashtalk | Techdirt


                    Super sad the nation allows such stuff to happen but even worse that the dumb ass police cannot see it for what it was, a joke. I mean what a total police state! then the fact a judge give the kid a $500,000 dollar bail. I mean WTF that judge need to be locked up with a $500,000 dollar bail in solitary confinement to get a taste of their own medicine.

                    Welcome to the USSA where freedom is only a catchphrase and where the president is a total hypocrite when it comes to anything that comes out of his mouth.

                    On a side note I hope Russia given Snowden asylum as even Obama claimed his administration would be the most transparent in history and yet as soon as anyone reports bad doing on the behalf of the government (which should fall under transparency) they are labeled an enemy of the state and a traitor. What hypocrisy.
                    Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                    • Great post 5150, freedom is just the illusion.

                      "He’s charged with making a terroristic threat and is facing eight years in prison, according to his dad."

                      This is why america has the worlds most prisoners. Freedom isnt real.


                      • NSA liars lose to honest questions

                        NSA Recruiters get served and owned by college students


                        • Advice needed

                          Has anyone else received this ridiculous American Community Survey?
                          Unbelievable questions like what time to do you leave your house for work.
                          It says your response is required by law. Title 13 as changed by Title 18, imposes a penalty for not responding. wtf???

                          I thought we had only a constitutional requirement to state the number of people in our household in order to apportion voting districts. Now I have a survey in hand that requires me to tell them if I am living with a girlfriend....among other intrusive questions.

                          Any advise would be helpful from those who know better how to handle this kind of thing. From my perspective.....I never received it and I never open my door to anyone I don't know. Is this nationwide or just a test balloon here in NC?


                          • Ols

                            Haven't got it, but,...
                            Its a long accepted legal principle that the COPS can (legally) LIE to a 'suspect'.
                            Similarly, the Gov't, which will jail you for lieing to THEM, has no problem with lieing to the citisenry.
                            For instance, where I live, they regularly send out notices for jury duty.
                            In RED, it says 'failure to respond can result in jail sentances and/or fines), and even quotes the statute.
                            It then advises you to call this phone #, to 'sign in'.

                            The thing is, they DON'T send it out registered mail, return reciept requested, as it would cost too much. Therefore, if you DON'T respond, there is NO WAY, legally, that they can prove yoiu ever got it, and so the penalties are meaningless.UNLESS you call the #, and sign in; if you do, they have your voice, on tape.
                            Personally, I would keep this survey, (in case you run out of toilet paper), but I certainly wouldn't fill it out, or send it in!

                            "When do you leave home?!!" Why, so you can burglarise my place?!!!F*CK'em!!Jim


                            • Exactly, I never saw it.
                              They also want to know what kind of computers and internet service providers I have. It is the most intrusive thing I have ever received. There are two people in my household...that's all they get....and only every ten years....and this ain't that year!


                              • Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
                                Exactly, I never saw it.
                                They also want to know what kind of computers and internet service providers I have. It is the most intrusive thing I have ever received. There are two people in my household...that's all they get....and only every ten years....and this ain't that year!
                                WHEN ENCOUNTERING
                                LAW ENFORCEMENT
                                This booklet addresses what rights you have when you are
                                stopped, questioned, arrested, or searched by law enforcement
                                officers. This booklet is for citizens and non-citizens with extra
                                information for non-citizens in a separate section.


