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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
    MonsieurM, there are just not enough hours in the day to try to follow all the groups that are fighting for power. Have you read Juri Lina?
    In a general sense, the smart people are trying to live well at the expense of the stupid people.
    The Story of Your Enslavement - YouTube
    It isn't so much that they are smart. They are smart and ruthless. Not being ruthless, we are at a disadvantage. Bill Still has written quite a biy about this.
    The Secret of Oz - Winner, Best Docu of 2010 v.1.09.11 - YouTube
    The answer is education to avoid manipulation.
    Originally posted by aljhoa View Post

    No Congress, no President has been strong enough to stand up to the foreign-controlled Federal Reserve Bank. Yet there is a catch - one that President Kennedy recognized before he was slain - the original deal in 1913 creating the Federal Reserve Bank had a simple backout clause.
    The investors loaned the United States Government $1 billion. And the backout clause allows the United States to buy out the system for that $1 billion.
    If the Federal Reserve Bank were demolished and the Congress of the United States took control of the currency, as required in the Constitution, the National Debt would virtually end overnight, and the need for more taxes and even the income tax, itself.
    Thomas Jefferson was concise in his early warning to the American nation, "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

    The Federal Reserve Bunk

    H.R. 7837
    P4g3 xxiiix, 53c. xxx. 7h3 r1gh7 70 4m3nd, 41t3r, 0r r3p341 7h15 4c7 15 h3r3by 3xpr3551y r353rv3d.
    4ppr0v3d, D3c3mb3r 23, 1913.
    Published on Jun 5, 2013

    Where's the bullhorn Alex?
    We need you to say it LOUDER. Be the patriot you claim to be.
    This should put an end to the Alex "Jonestein" moniker you know you have.
    (This is an older rare recording mind you and not on his own show)
    I don't blame you for being a little concerned about being labeled a rabid you know what.
    It's all they've got though.
    America deserves to be given back to America and you are one of our only voices.

    ALEX JONES Does BLAME 7h3 j3w5 - YouTube



    • Well, thank goodness the Zimmerman trial is over. Mainstream media used the trial as a focal point rather than reporting on things that had true national significance. Of course the media never reported on facts behind the scenes of the Zimmerman trial either, such as the fact that Holder's inJustice Department helped organize protest rallies calling for charging Zimmerman with murder. Neither was it mentioned that Trayvon Martin had a record of stealing jewelry and other items from students at the school he attended, nor that he was known to exhibit aggressive behavior. Time and again the media reporters spoke of Trayvon in the light of simply being a good kid who had no intention of doing anything but eating a package of Skittles candy the evening he was killed by Zimmerman. The picture which that suggests can be likened to someone saying that you don't bring a package of Skittles to a gun fight, and of course was aimed at making Zimmerman's use of deadly force with a weapon look like extreme overkill. What the media never reported on was that Skittles weren't the only items Trayvon was carrying. In addition, he had a can of Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Coctail and a bottle of Robitussin DXM cough syrup. When these three items are mixed together, they create a potion known as “Lean”, a concocted high which can cause psychosis and aggression over the longer term. According to Trayvon's autopsy report, his liver showed damage consistent with DXM abuse.

      Very telling, isn't it, that this was not allowed into evidence for jury consideration, and that the media never reported on it either. If this hadn't been a jury trial then the outcome would very likely have been quite different. Gun control advocates saw it as an opportunity to advance their cause, and the black community presented Trayvon as the poster child of their insistence that his death was due to an act of racial violence. It was hardly a surprise that the verdict was used as an excuse to promote a view of racism as the deciding factor, or that black mob violence would follow after the verdict was handed down. It is no wonder that Zimmerman has now gone into hiding. He has very good reason to fear for his own life at the hands of hate filled vengeance seekers. Consider an editorial which appeared in the Detroit Free Press yesterday:

      George Zimmerman deserves no respite. No peace. Doesn’t matter that his prosecution for killing Trayvon Martin left so much to be desired. Doesn’t matter that his attorneys worked wonders in raising doubts about the case against him, or that they were successful in convincing a jury to declare him not guilty of second-degree murder or even manslaughter. Zimmerman killed a kid. An unarmed kid who had been doing nothing wrong. A kid he stalked and confronted without cause and against the admonishment of law enforcement, and whom he shot to death after the altercation he provoked spun out of his control. My job is typically to make policy sense of news events. But here, I’m at a loss. As a parent, as an African American, I can’t get much past thinking Zimmerman has earned every day of the hell his life should be from here on out. Injustice? I hope it visits with him often. - Stephen Henderson, Detroit Free Press editorial page editor
      Of course it was the Ruling Class elite, or PTB, that won in this case. They succeeded in sharply dividing the citizenry along racial lines by making all of this out as a black vs white thing, rather than focusing on the facts of the matter. Division along racial lines, political party lines, and many other lines, is an ageless ploy of the PTB and has continued to keep this nation in constant turmoil. It focuses the mindsets, the fears, and the anger of these groups on each other, thus drawing attention completely away from where it should be focused - upon the PTB.
      Last edited by rickoff; 07-17-2013, 02:25 PM.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • That pretty much covers it.


        • The Blunt Truth About The Trayvon Martin Case. [Video]
          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


          • The Federal Reserve Explained - YouTube
            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


            • Rick you posted a picture of Watermelon Flavored drink when in fact it was actually fruit punch Tea Trayvon was drinking. Are you promoting racial stereotypes and prejudices You creepy racial cracker you!

              I’m joking of course as the MSM reported it as Watermelon tea then later corrected it to say it was fruit punch.

              Yea the entire Trayvon martin / Zimmerman trial was a joke. Apart from the authorities even trying the case or the courts hearing it the media should be ashamed of themselves but they have no conscience nor does the government. The ignorant people out there claiming Trayvon was the innocently little kid are too dumb to see facts even when presented to them so there is nothing you can do but feel sympathy for them as well as they will never be smart enough to get it much less be productive and support themselves.

              The entire situation is really sad and there are a lot of “what if’s” being thrown around such as what if Zimmerman hadn’t got out of his car, or what if Zimmerman had not been so aggressive. If anyone reads the 911 transcript that alone indicates Zimmerman was not racially motivated nor was he trying to do anything other than keep an eye on the suspicious person who was clearly acting in a strange manner.

              Not once do I hear that proper parenting was lacking or at fault where the parents of Trayvon should have taught their child not to put himself in a position of causing any question to his actions. A what if could have been what if Trayvon been educated to maybe consider the fact he was in a neighborhood that wasn’t his and automatically considered a stranger out of place therefore his behavior and actions would have been above reproach but then of course they would require responsibility and that is something he apparently desperately lacked and so do many of his supporters. This has nothing to do with race as the same rules apply to any person of any race in a similar situation.

              The reality is that a young man is dead due in large part to his own actions and behavior and as much hate there is for the race issue the reality is the kid is dead at his own hands.

              On a side note people like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson only stir the pot and manipulate and incite ignorant people by taking advantage of their ignorance and fuel their emotions and the sad post is not only is this unchristian it’s sad the people who follow these charlatans are too stupid to see it themselves.

              If you remove the race factor and emotions and look at all the evidence of the case then you can see it for what it really is and Zimmerman was innocent.

              A very good article !

              Getting the Facts Straight in the Zimmerman Case

              Articles: Getting the Facts Straight in the Zimmerman Case

              Justice for Trayvon???

              Trayvon already received his justice, he and his supporters just didn't like the justice he was served.
              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


              • Originally posted by 5150 View Post

                Rick you posted a picture of Watermelon Flavored drink when in fact it was actually fruit punch Tea Trayvon was drinking. Are you promoting racial stereotypes and prejudices You creepy racial cracker you!

                I’m joking of course as the MSM reported it as Watermelon tea then later corrected it to say it was fruit punch.
                That's actually "creepy ass cracka," isn't it? At least I think that is the term Trayvon's girlfriend Jeantal used to describe Zimmerman.

                The picture was correct, in that it identifies exactly what Trayvon had with him at the time he was shot. Most people think of tea when they think of the Arizona brand of drinks, so it's not surprising the media called it "watermelon tea." They were a lot closer when they later called it a "watermelon fruit punch," which could be thought of as synonymous with the actual product name - "Watermelon fruit juice cocktail."

                Ayuh, as we say here in Maine, the fact that this case ever came to trial says a lot more than anything that was heard during the trial. If not for the public outcry for "justice" for Trayvon which came from black communities nation-wide, the case would likely never have been heard. Blacks are conditioned to be quick to believe that everything that goes bad for a black person is the result of racial bias. Knowing that, and wanting to use this to advantage, Barry and Eric Holder jumped onto the bandwagon as racial arsonists by paying the supreme racial arsonist - Al Sharpton, to travel to Florida and use his brand of hate speech to incite black mobs to protest angrily and demand that Zimmerman be charged and prosecuted. That's what brought this trial about. And now that it's over, Barry and Eric are both saying that the "stand your ground" self-defense laws have it wrong and need to be ousted. As attorney General, Holder's first priority should be to uphold the Constitution, and the laws that are currently in place. For him to question those laws, pick and choose which laws he will support, or lead a charge to repeal laws he doesn't like, is a violation of his oath of office. Strange, isn't it, how these race baiters can openly use these tactics and suffer no consequences while the least amount of criticism from us is promptly slapped down by their supporters and labeled as racist rants. Wasn't Barry the man who said he would heal America's racial divide if he became President? Instead, he has ensured that the divide has only widened, and has stoked the fires of hatred and mistrust.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Yahoo - Driving somewhere? There's a government record of that

                  Not only are your phone calls being recorded and your online activity being recorded...Your car is now being recorded. They are using scanners to read your license plate, identify you, and record where you are...all of us.

                  All of this data is saved in a government database. All in the name of "FREEDOM"...They have to protect us from Muslims who live in caves on the other side of the world (aka terrorists)

                  Any rogue branch of undercover operations is undoubtedly going to be able to access these databases...The only question is...What is they're real agenda?

                  Suppression undoubtedly exists. They admit they are suppressing terrorism.
                  Do you really believe that is all they are suppressing?

                  They can track who you call and what you say. They can track what you view and search for online. They can track where you travel.

                  Freedom is the illusion.


                  • Originally posted by jdodson View Post

                    Freedom is the illusion.
                    The question is who are they most afraid of? Who do they consider to be the real terrorists? The Al-Qaeda types that they train and finance or the armed citizen who is willing to protect himself?


                    • The Federal Government is the real terrorists. They are afraid of the people one day rising up and taking away their power and control. This is why the Federal government is using all these pretexts such as terrorism, and "homeland Security" to monitor everyone and take away the peoples power.

                      The people just sit back and discuss the erosion of their rights and freedoms here on these types of forum boards and the truth is most of us are just too powerless to really fight the system. That's the way the Federal Government wants it..the people powerless to do anything!

                      However I know Karma works its magic and one day the Federal Government of the USA will be the laughing stock and highest example of a failed government in the recorded history of the world. When that day comes I will rejoice!
                      Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                      • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                        However I know Karma works its magic and one day the Federal Government of the USA will be the laughing stock and highest example of a failed government in the recorded history of the world. When that day comes I will rejoice!
                        It's breaking my heart to watch you run around
                        'Cause I know that you're living a lie
                        That's okay baby 'cause in time you will find...
                        What goes around, goes around, goes around
                        Comes all the way back around ...

                        What goes around... comes back around Lyrics - YouTube



                        • Well folks, it is now official - the city of Detroit Michigan has filed for bankruptcy in the largest Chapter 9 filing in American history. And surely this is just the tip of the iceberg, with countless other large cities not far behind. I pity anyone who was dumb enough to invest in Detroit municipal bonds. This was a situation long in the making, and where poverty and crime drove away 2/3 of the city's population, leaving homes and properties on street after street vacant, abandoned, and in ruin.

                          Despite the resulting downsizing of Detroit's population, Detroit government has not accordingly downsized, and is one of the primary reasons why the bankruptcy was unavoidable. By 2005, the city began floating municipal bonds just to pay day-to-day expenses. Even back then, 38 cents on the dollar was going to legacy costs like retiree pensions. Now it's doubtful the pensioners or the bondholders will get their money. That's what happens when people get too greedy and try to get too much milk from the cow. Greedy unions forced the big auto companies into unprofitable territory, which placed their jobs in jeopardy and necessitated a bail-out. Greedy and corrupt politicians, elected mainly because of union PAC's, and promises to raise pay and benefits to city employees, fueled the fire that eventually burned Detroit. There's obviously a lesson to be learned from this, but how many other cities will learn anything and prevent their own bankruptcy? Probably close to none. After all, none of the politicians or union organizers will ever be held accountable for the mess they have caused, so why should they worry? They'll be perfectly happy to continue their current courses until their cities, like Detroit, are bled dry.
                          Last edited by rickoff; 07-19-2013, 02:45 PM.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • thought it might add a historical perspective to your discussion :

                            Terrorism in the Ancient Roman World

                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • They are really serious about this Survey thing

                              Recieved in the mail today notice that because I have not sent in the Community Survey (Authorized by the Census Bureau) which they claim to have made multiple requests (not true); they will send someone to my house to collect this information.

                              What will they think when I don't answer the door?

                              What will they think when they return and whatever they left on my porch is still there and weathered.

                              I don't use the front door, ever. No really!

                              If they send a sheriff's deputy, am I required to answer the door?

                              This sucks, because as a supposedly free American, I want nothing to do with these clowns.


                              • Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
                                This sucks, because as a supposedly free American, I want nothing to do with these clowns.

                                You are not the first to get his “survey”; it has been around for quite some time. From what I hear the only questions that the constitution allows the census bureau to ask and demand that you answer, are how many people live at this address and what their ages are. Of course this does not mean that they will not try to pressure and threaten you into filling it out.

                                So when census worker shows up politely tell him how many people live there and their ages. Then ask him to show what part of the constitution allows him to ask the remaining questions.
                                You will probably be told it is census bureau rule or it is the law. But that which goes against what the constitution allows is illegal and thus any such rule or law and is automatically considered null and void as if it never existed. You might also ask if he is aware that anyone or group that attempts to restrict, limit, or modify a constitutional right that that is considered a treasonous act.
                                This will probably not make him a very happy camper.

