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The American Ruling Class

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  • From 1845-50, The British government pursued a policy of mass starvation in Ireland
    with the intent to destroy in substantial part the national, ethnical and racial group known as the Irish People...
    While there are many legitimate subjects of debate surrounding the Famine,
    there is no doubt that the British Government committed genocide against the Irish People.
    This particular “debate” should therefore come to an end.

    The Great Irish Famine Was Genocide | Global Research

    On 27 April 2010, a draft Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe resolution declared
    the famine was caused by the "cruel and deliberate actions and policies of the Soviet regime" and was responsible for the deaths of
    "millions of innocent people" in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Russia.[106] Even though PACE found Stalin guilty of causing the famine, they rejected several amendments to the resolution, which proposed the Holodomor be recognized as an act of genocide against the Ukrainian people.



    • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
      Yes, it's a must see, but probably not for the reasons you may think. I strongly urge you to follow this link to a post I made in May of 2011 to caution those who view any of the Zeitgeist series videos.
      Human dystopia - YouTube

      Wall-e Captain Rising - YouTube



      • Originally posted by gene gene View Post
        [IMG]July 30, 2013 - Re: Civil Disobedience, Edward J. Snowden, and the Constitution
        Thanks for posting this letter, written by Bruce Fein. Everything he says is right on the mark. Barry, Eric, and their cohorts are the ones who should be prosecuted for treason, not Edward Snowden.
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • The Indebted States of America

          We often talk about the national budget deficit, and national debt, which are both horrendous, but state budgets and debt problems are every bit as bad. Here's a link to a very informative article which is well worth reading to understand what's been going on, and why it has been allowed to continue.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
            We often talk about the national budget deficit, and national debt, which are both horrendous, but state budgets and debt problems are every bit as bad. Here's a link to a very informative article which is well worth reading to understand what's been going on, and why it has been allowed to continue.



            • Wow I was parked in this thread this morning and I was going to make a post on the Edward Snowden situation. I read an article yesterday about his asylum and then spent a good half hour reading all the comments.

              Seems many people posting can now tell who the paid trolls are who were posting that Snowden was a traitor or how good congress or the government were and how they needed to catch the guy and hang him. several people trying to sway public perception on the side of the government and yet making comments about how sometimes the constitution is not needed in matters of national security.

              I cannot believe there are that many stupid people but nothing surprises me anymore and if they do think its ok for the government to lie and spy on its people and ignore the constitution then they deserve the government they currently have.

              The government just sentenced a sovereign resitant leader to 18 years in prison for telling and teaching people how to (as the government put it" "defraud the IRS and the US government. Funny thing was the guy was doing the same thing the US government does to the people and using the same tricks they were using yet what happens to the government? nothing

              The real crooks are in DC and their days are short and they know it, this is why such people like Snowden and this sovereign guy have to made examples of so others will have second thoughts to standing up for whats right.

              Obama is a Joke and it has nothing to do with me hating him, it has EVERYTHING to do with his lies and lack of real leadership. He promised Gitmo would be closed in 100 days of taking office and here in his second term they haven't closed it but are expanding it. Obama promised the most transparent Administration yet it is now on record his administration is the most secretive and deceptive in all of history. These are just two of the many hundreds of examples of lies out of his own mouth yet when anyone mentions these things or talks negative about Obama for any reason are castrated as a racial hater.

              its totally messed up!

              Snowden should be a hero and treated as one. I know he would be welcomed to my apartment any time and I would treat him like he was family.
              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


              • Burn Your Obamacare Card


                There are a million reasons to burn your ObamaCare card, whether it’s the sky-high costs or your right to choose your own health care. We’re asking Patriots across the country to pledge to burn their ObamaCare card and opt-out right now.

                Open Source Experimentalist
                Open Source Research and Development


                • I like it, Glen! They can't arrest anyone for burning a faked registration card, but it does send Washington a loud and clear message. They already know that roughly 70% of Americans don't like Obamacare and want it defunded. The House has had the power to do that since the 2010 elections, since the House holds the power of the purse strings on all funding matters, and that should have been their first and highest priority, but no - they sat on their arses and did nothing except vote thirty some times to repeal Obamacare, a tactic they knew would go nowhere because the Senate would not go along with them and neither would Barry. Defunding is the only logical answer, and a bill (HR 1005) was introduced by Georgia Republican Tom Graves to do just that. The bill has already gained at least 117 cosponsors, and yet House speaker Boehner is totally non-commital when it comes to a defunding effort. The plan behind HR 1005 is to strip funding for Obamacare out of the next Continuing Resolution to fund government. Democrats would have to either accept that or be responsible for shutting down government for a period of time. Of course Barry, Harry, and other Democrats, as well as the media, would do everything they can to shift the blame for a government shutdown onto the Republican party, so that's why Boehner and other establishment Republicans won't commit to the plan. Boehner should realize that the only reason he is speaker of the House is that the TEA Party made it possible for Republicans to gain a House majority in the 2010 elections, and yet Boehner and other party leaders continue to put down and bash the TEA Party caucus at every opportunity that arises, choosing instead to play along with the Progressives and cave to their every demand.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                    Just a short note;
                    "The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is contacting storable food suppliers requesting immediate delivery of food reserves within a 24 hour period, increasing suspicions that the federal government is accelerating its preparations for social disorder or an environmental calamity."
                    » FEMA Demanding 24 Hour Delivery of Emergency Food Reserves Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
                    Japanese American Internment (U.S. Govt Propaganda) - YouTube

                    Two questions, intended to separate the "loyal" from the "disloyal," most disturbed the internees:
                    -Question #27 asked:
                    "Are you willing to serve in the armed forces of the United States on combat duty wherever ordered?"
                    -Question #28 asked:
                    "Will you swear unqualified allegiance to the United States of America and faithfully defend the United States from any or all attack by foreign or domestic forces, and forswear any form of allegiance or obedience to the Japanese emperor, or any other foreign government, power, or organization?"

                    WRA Director, Dillon S. Myer, later admitted: "A bad mistake was made in the loyalty question." For one thing, question #27 put to the Issei (first-generation Japanese immigrant), whose average age was 54, was not conceivable, while question #28 forced them into an untenable position: they had not been allowed U.S. citizenship, and now they were being asked to renounce allegiance to the only country of which they were citizens.
                    Questions of Loyalty > The Camps Experience

                    Last edited by aljhoa; 08-07-2013, 02:54 PM.


                    • Some posters for you........compliments of the TEA Party

                      Last edited by rickoff; 08-08-2013, 05:31 PM.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                        The Federal Reserve strategy, quite obviously, has been to create an ever growing cycle of unrepayable US debt. .....
                        Section 4 of the 14th Amendment to our Constitution declares that
                        "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law,...... shall not be questioned."

                        Originally posted by Berg View Post

                        Executive Order 11110



                        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                          They already know that roughly 70% of Americans don't like Obamacare and want it defunded. The House has had the power to do that since the 2010 elections, since the House holds the power of the purse strings on all funding matters, and that should have been their first and highest priority, but no - they sat on their arses and did nothing except vote thirty some times to repeal Obamacare, a tactic they knew would go nowhere because the Senate would not go along with them and neither would Barry. .

                          This is what the American people get, an ineffective government that wastes time and tax payers money. The entire government is freaken joke!
                          Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                          • The US $50 Dollar bill

                            In 1966: WILL PAY TO THE BEARER ON DEMAND was removed from the obverse and IN GOD WE TRUST was added to the reverse of the $50 Federal Reserve Note beginning with Series 1963A.
                            Translation = This means if the dollar crashes you better have trust that God will help you because you sure as heck won’t get squat if you demand payment from the criminal organization referred to as the Federal Reserve or its partner in crime the US government.

                            United States fifty-dollar bill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                            Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                            • When the mainstream media went big time on gun control advocacy after the Newtown incident, they seemed to want to outdo each other with daily stories of shootings and other editorial pieces. Many online news agencies followed right along, including several Gannet news publications. Caryn McBride, an editor at New York's Rockland County Journal News decided to post an interactive map pinpointing the locations of homes in Rockland and Westchester Counties that were the addresses of registered gun owners. This map was included in a Journal article titled, “Where are the gun permits in your neighborhood?”

                              The gun owners were rightly furious over this, as it could be used by thieves wanting to locate and steal firearms. In fact, shortly after the map was published, one of the homes was broken into and a gun safe was damaged in an attempted theft. Even non-gunowners were angry at McBride, because they understood that since their homes were not pinpointed they would be recognized by would-be burglars and rapists as safe havens for them to carry out their activities.

                              In response to the map being made available online, someone got the bright idea to create a map showing the locations of McBride and other news staffers' homes, and declaring them as "gun-free zones." This map was posted on the Internet in a story titled, “Where are the Journal News employees in your neighborhood?” This alarmed McBride, and other Journal employees, who then felt threatened enough to demand that the Journal hire armed security guards to protect them. Later, McBride and several other staffers at the Journal were fired due to the backlash of angry letters and phone calls that followed after the Journal's news story.

                              Over and over again we have seen the hypocrisy of gun control advocates who want to see everyone else's guns taken away, but who either arm themselves or hire armed guards for protection of themselves and their families. A good example of this hypocrisy is CNN's Piers Morgan, who has relentlessly aired dozens of shows in which he calls for total gun control and abolishment of Second Amendment rights. And yet Piers obviously realizes that guns can provide safety and security when used properly, and posts a sign on one of his Hollywood properties to warn that the property is protected by "armed response security systems."

                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Another person learns reality, the hard way

                                This experience has taught me one very important lesson: without congressional action or a strong judicial precedent, I would _strongly_ recommend against anyone trusting their private data to a company with physical ties to the United States.

                                this was in his letter to his customers. Here is the article and the letter

                                An encrypted e-mail service reportedly used by Edward Snowden is shutting down, presumably in response to an investigation of the NSA whistleblower's use of the service.

                                Ladar Levison, the owner of Lavabit, announced the move Thursday in a note posted to the service's home page. Although Levinson's cryptic note doesn't mention Snowden by name, he does say that he's "been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit in crimes against the American people or walk away from nearly 10 years of hard work by shutting down Lavabit."
                                Encrypted e-mail service linked to Edward Snowden shuts down | Politics and Law - CNET News


                                My comments:

                                As more and more businesses realize they are better off doing business outside of the USA the USA will continue on the its path until every city looks like Detroit.

                                Laws, taxes, regulations, and an ever overreaching oppressive government are all factors in businesses seeking out better places to do business. The fact this business owner cannot even by NEW laws discuss why he has no rights to discuss whats going on should be a HUGE red flag to everyone but again and over and over the red flags are being raised and nothing is done to stop the government from its criminal activity.

                                This is why the American economy will NOT ever fully recover and anyone who thinks it will even long term without it first totally collapsing is kidding themselves.
                                Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.

