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The American Ruling Class

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  • The only big government mandate I want ....

    is to have the federalist papers be a major portion of American history and (Nikola tesla) in our schools.


    • Rick

      Harry Reid 'want' to say something truthful? Come on, its EASY to tell when he's lieing; his lips are moving!

      Seriously, what you say about Tea Party strategy is a challenge; as long as they remain as they are, they have the option of being able to 'knock off' so called mainstream candidates in the primaries, and thereby gain ever larger #'s in the Congress, while denying their opposition such seats.They won't be able to do that, if they 'declare' and register as a seperate party.

      On the other hand, at SOME point, they WILL have to have a 'break' with the party, as this insurgency coarse of action can't continue indefinetly. The key ? is WHEN to make the break. I DO think they have been taking a long view, and, contrary to MSM view, have been doing pretty well at holding and even gaining ground.

      I do think WHEN they make their break, they COULD do it with fairly short notice, and take a LOT of people with them, from ALL parts of the political spectrum. Jim


      • Originally posted by gene gene View Post
        CPA Caucus Finds Massive UW System Slush Fund - YouTube

        Being from Wisconsin I am glad to see that info contained in these CAFRs (comprehensive annual financial reports) is finally being looked at and perhaps more people will become aware of the trillions of dollars being held in these slush funds.
        THIS CONTRACT for the Construction of Public Improvements to be … and the City of Madison, (“City”,)
        a Wisconsin municipal corporation located in Dane County, Wisconsin.

        Double Crossing the Mafia

        A Mafia Godfather finds out that his bookkeeper has cheated him out of ten million bucks. His bookkeeper is deaf.
        That was the reason he got the job in the first place.
        It was assumed that a deaf bookkeeper would not hear anything that he might have to testify about in court.

        When the Godfather goes to confront the bookkeeper about his missing $10 million, he brings along his attorney, who knows sign language.

        The Godfather tells the lawyer, "Ask him where the 10 million bucks he embezzled from me is."
        The attorney, using sign language, asks the bookkeeper where the money is.
        The bookkeeper signs back: "I don't know what you are talking about."

        The attorney tells the Godfather: "He says he doesn't know what you're talking about."
        The Godfather pulls out a pistol, puts it to the bookkeeper's temple and says, "Ask him again!"

        The attorney signs to the bookkeeper: "He'll kill you if you don't tell him!" The bookkeeper signs back: "OK! You win!
        The money is in a brown briefcase, buried behind the shed in my cousin Enzo's backyard in Queens!"

        The Godfather asks the attorney: "Well, what'd he say?"
        The attorney replies: "He says you don't have the balls to pull the trigger."

        Don't you just love lawyers?
        Life's Happenings: Double Crossing the Mafia



        • I have made more than a few posts in past months regarding how our educational system has become an indoctrination system, and how children nowadays are being fed a steady diet of malarkey through their textbooks. I wrote about looking through my granddaughter's high school "Social Studies" textbook, and finding chapters which make the "Progressive" movement, and the Federal Reserve sound like they are the best things to ever happen to America. Makes you wonder who is writing this garbage, and more importantly, why educators and school systems are allowing this crap to be used in their schools. At first thought, one might be prone to blame lazy and uninvolved parents who either don't notice this stuff or don't complain loudly enough about it. Then again, others would say it is the teacher's unions which have made teachers far more concerned about their wages and benefits than their educational curriculum. Both of these factors are strong contributors to the problem, of course, but there is a much more powerful influence which many people do not understand, and that is the Department of Education (DOE).

          The DOE was split from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in 1980, and its mission became to standardize education in all the states. At first glance, this sounds like a good thing in that all children would have an equal opportunity to be well educated. On the other hand, though, by standardizing educational programs and curriculum it takes away the ability of the states, who have their own Departments of Education, to manage and improve school programs. Understandably, state DOE's have been reluctant to hand over what authority they had to the federal DOE, but Barry and his DOE Secretary, Anne Duncan, came up with proposals that made it almost impossible for states to turn down. The first was the announcement in 2009 of $4.35 billion in federal "Race To The Top" grants which were funded by the so-called American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Schools were to compete for these hefty grants by supposedly lifting their educational standards, and to be eligible to receive such grants the schools and their states had to adopt the "Common Core Curriculum (CCC)." To date, Alaska and Texas remain the only states not to have adopted the CCC, so you can see that this odious initiative has rapidly taken over.

          The CCC is a standardized educational curriculum which these states and their schools must now strictly abide by. In other words, teachers at these schools must teach what the CCC says to teach, and must teach it in the manner directed by the CCC using CCC approved textbooks. No deviation is allowed, and once a state adopts the CCC program it is nearly impossible to back out of it. Leaving the program would require approval from all other CCC states, as well as a final approval from the federal DOE, and of course it stands to reason that any grants a state had received under the program would have to be repaid. Alabama is so far the only state to have begun an attempt to repeal the CCC, and it will be interesting to see if that attempt has any success. If not, then other states will likely not follow suit.

          So you see that under the CCC the states who joined have literally handed total power over education in their states to a federal government bureaucracy, and to an administration that is hell bent on rewriting history texts and promoting the widespread diffusion of misinformation and political indoctrination. That's a very dangerous development, and can only result in the further dumbing down of the American public. It is all part of the Ruling Class/NWO objective to gain centralized and total control over every aspect of our lives. And one more very hideous aspect of the CCC which greatly enhances and furthers that NWO objective is a national database containing personal, as well as educational data, on every student in every school in America. Every state that accepts CCC also is required to design, develop, and implement statewide P-20 (preschool through workforce) longitudinal data systems that can be used in part or in whole by other states, by the federal government, or by any organization said to be conducting an "evaluation study" on educational programs. Forty-six states already have such databases up and running. These databases contain names of family members, addresses, Social Security numbers, date and place of student's birth, disciplinary records and biometric records.

          The Home School Legal Defense Association has long opposed any efforts to create a national student database and says, “We believe that it would threaten the privacy of students, be susceptible to abuse by government officials or business interests, and jeopardize student safety. We believe that detailed data systems are not necessary to educate young people. Education should not be an Orwellian attempt to track students from preschool through assimilation into the workforce.” I totally agree with that sentiment.

          For further study on this matter, I suggest watching this video.
          Last edited by rickoff; 09-15-2013, 04:14 PM.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
            Seriously, what you say about Tea Party strategy is a challenge; as long as they remain as they are, they have the option of being able to 'knock off' so called mainstream candidates in the primaries, and thereby gain ever larger #'s in the Congress, while denying their opposition such seats.They won't be able to do that, if they 'declare' and register as a seperate party.
            The idea from the start was of course to infiltrate and take over the Republican party in the House and Senate. They did make some significant headway in 2010, of course, but not nearly as much in 2012, and I'm sure that is because both Democrats and RINOS were onto them in 2012 and willing to spend whatever it took to defeat new TEA Party candidates and retire as many as possible that were elected in 2010. Note that of the 16 Senate candidates endorsed by the TEA Party in 2012, only 4 won. And since Jim DeMint resigned, there are now only 3 Tea Party Republicans in the Senate Tea Party caucus. In the House Tea Party caucus there were 59 before the 2012 elections, but only 48 afterwards. So what became of the 11 who are no longer there? Five either left the House to pursue non-political interests, or ran for other political seats in the Senate or in Governorships. The two who ran for Senate seats both lost. Two more of the 11 lost members lost in the primary elections, obviously to well funded GOP backed competition. The remaining four lost in the General Election. From 59 down to 48 is nearly a 20% reduction, and that's not good.

            Democrats were quick to note that of the 48 Tea Party Caucus members who were reelected to their seats in 2012, 5 of them ran unopposed. You can be sure that Dems won't let that happen again in 2014. Those seats will be targeted for some heavy spending. Likewise, not wanting to lose their House majority to the Democrats in 2014, the GOP will quite likely attempt to win primary elections away from Tea Party candidates, and will see this as a priority.

            So you see, Jim, TEA Party Republican candidates in 2014 are really going to be up against the wall and will be squeezed from both sides. I can't see that there is much to be gained, if anything, from continuing that strategy. I really think the time is ripe for establishing a major third party, and the TEA Party has enough support from a two-party weary public to make this a reality. Less than one in 5 voters across the political spectrum approves of the way Congress has done their job, so it would seem that 4 out of 5 voters would like to see a change. That doesn't mean that Democrats would jump to the TEA Party in large numbers, but some who are now quite unhappy would. And so would a whole lot of the people who voted Republican or who voted for one of the minor independent parties. There would of course be some die-hards who, like in every past election, would say that any vote for a non-Republican candidate is a throw away vote for someone who cannot possibly win, but even these die-hards may change their minds when they see just how large the Tea Party movement will become once it is an official political party. Finally, voters will have a real choice and not be saddled with feeling that there is no choice but to vote for what they see as the lesser of two evils.
            Last edited by rickoff; 09-16-2013, 03:00 AM.
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Tea Party

              You MAY be right, Rick. Certainly at some point, the Tea Party is going to have to decide which path to take, and this MAY be the time.

              It SHOULD be obvious, that themainstream media has worked hard, to portray Tea party as 'a bunch of kooks', and both Dems and Rino Repubs have seen them as a threat, and are working hard to beat them down.

              I say SHOULD, because a lot of people seem to have bought the line, being shoved down their throats,...sheeple syndrome, once again!

              And yes, there will be those who continue to say 'Your just throwing your vote away, if you vote for a 3rd party, etc. How many will remember that Perot got 20% of the vote, and if everyone who later SAID they had voted for him, really had, he probably would have one.

              Also how many have noticed that unlike other 'former candidates for Pres.', after the election you NEVER heard from him, again? I DID see one interview he gave, right after the election. He made it clear he felt that BOTH parties 'teamed up', and used all sorts of 'dirty tricks', ala NIXON/Watergate, to beat him.

              We saw similar 'tricks' used against Ron Paul, recently. Any one who goes 'against' the parties, head on, is going to face similar onslaught. From things like ordering 300 pizzas delivered to campaign headquarters, (and similar things to sap $), cancelling reservations for a 'big rally', or painting the bleachers with slow drying paint, stuffing ballot boxes, etc. The 'party regulars' regularly engage in this crap, all the time, and when/if a 3rd party steps up and appears threatening, they WILL co-operate, and the gloves will be off.

              I think your right that the merican people might be ready for a 3rd party, but I'm not sure the Tea party will be prepared for what they are going to be up against.

              The 2 parties have had many years to refine the system in their favor.Barstuds!Jim


              • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                You MAY be right, Rick. Certainly at some point, the Tea Party is going to have to decide which path to take, and this MAY be the time.

                And yes, there will be those who continue to say 'You're just throwing your vote away, if you vote for a 3rd party, etc. How many will remember that Perot got 20% of the vote, and if everyone who later SAID they had voted for him, really had, he probably would have won.
                Here in Maine, Perot received 30.44% of the vote to edge out Bush and take second place behind Clinton, who had 38.77% (if you believe the vote tally was not manipulated). Mainers liked Perot because he was truthful and talked about things that really mattered - like reckless government spending. Mainers have a deep seated distrust for politicians, and were eager to vote for someone who was not a politician.

                Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                Also how many have noticed that unlike other 'former candidates for Pres.', after the election you NEVER heard from him, again? I DID see one interview he gave, right after the election. He made it clear he felt that BOTH parties 'teamed up', and used all sorts of 'dirty tricks', ala NIXON/Watergate, to beat him.
                I'm sure that Ross simply had way more than enough of the political arena, and all the crap that comes with it. When he dropped out of the race (before coming back in) he said that he dropped out because someone had made threats that they would release nude, slutty photos of Ross' daughter before her planned wedding. The photos were no doubt Photoshopped images taken from some porn magazine with his daughter's head attached, but the story that would have circulated would have gone really big in the news. Talk about dirty tricks! And the Mainstream Media was relentless in their attempts to minimize Perot. Remember the many comedy skits on Saturday night live? In one there was a mock debate of the candidates, and 'Perot' was speaking from his podium. 'Clinton' looked over at 'Perot,' and the next thing you saw was 'Clinton' envisioning 'Perot' as a Munchkin. A lot of people watched Saturday Night Live, and I'm sure that many bought into the idea that Perot was just a joke to be laughed at. Of course they were relentless with Palin too, and would do this sort of thing to beat down anyone who they see as a potentially viable threat. You can bet that anyone fronted for President or Vice President by the TEA Party would get the worst of the worst treatment possible.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Someone explain to me how any government can feel they have a "right", power, or authority over any individual person who refuses to give up or submit to any such power or control by their said government?

                  This entire sovereign movement thing seems to have basically died down while the FBI has labeled the sovereign individual movement a threat. (what isn't a threat these days) but with the looming war (another war) in Syria the question Putin asked was who does the USA think they are being the world police.

                  It's a valid question and the same can be asked of why any country feels they have control over any individual who doesn't want or feel they have to be controlled by an out of control government.
                  Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                  • Education System


                    Your post regarding the education system and the grants (money) given to the states who signed up and agreed to a federal CCC standardized educational curriculum is standard operational procedure for the federal government.

                    The US government is basically just like a john who is paying a prostitute. They pay their money and basically get what they want, and in this case the Federal government uses their money (tax dollars) to buy off states (and people) to further their agenda.

                    The same thing happens everyday around the world as the US government bribes and buys various governments by "providing" aid packages. They do this for two reasons, one of course is to get what they (The USA) wants and the second is to keep the US Dollar a valid commodity. They are basically killing two birds with one stone.

                    By exploiting the greed factor which most people have the US government gives billions of dollars away each day around the world and the people accepting these dollars surly don't want to accept worthless money so they accept these Dollars and want to use them, thus helping the US Dollar to stay afloat. The US government realizes this and knows that if they stopped giving away money like they do, the Dollar would crash over night as it is basically worthless.

                    I remember the US gave Mexico billions of dollars in aid under the pretext
                    of helping curb the drug violence and working together to fight crime, but the catch was that Mexico had to allow the US government to open house and operate inside of Mexico. Of course Mexico agreed and I read a long list of US government agencies that now have offices and operate inside of Mexico. On the list were several US government agencies you would scratch your head at like the Forestry department, agriculture, IRS, and several other "odd" agencies. Of course at the top of the list was the CIA and the FBI.

                    Under the new Mexico presidency, Mexico has taken roads to curb the US involvement inside of Mexico as the Mexican people have raised protest and even the Mexican government (like Alabama with their attempts to withdraw from the CCC) Mexico is trying to quietly withdraw from their agreements with the USA as they see what a mistake it was.

                    The entire US government operates on intimidation, threats, bribes and buying people and governments off. There is nothing honorable, honest, ethical, or beneficial about the US government or the "representatives" who claim they serve the people.

                    The day has come where several countries like Russia, China, and many other countries are no longer interested in whoring themselves out by accepting the "US Aid Packages" that are entangled with so many strings attached. The US government realizes they are losing ground on this once time tested strategy and are struggling to keep it all together before the great crash.

                    Putin realizes all of this and he is basically become the unofficial spokesperson for several of these disenfranchised countries who are no longer falling victim of the US propaganda and political games. Putin is also gaining huge popularity as he strategically stands-up to the USA and condemns their actions publicly on the international stage. With Obama as the president, Putin has it much easier than if it were dealing with a real world leader who had political experience. Putin is probably laughing inside at how he is basically walking all over a lame ass world leader who he probably refers to as the great community organizer.

                    The USA days are numbered and the USA people don't even see it.
                    Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post

                      I think your right that the merican people might be ready for a 3rd party, but I'm not sure the Tea party will be prepared for what they are going to be up against.

                      The 2 parties have had many years to refine the system in their favor.Barstuds!Jim

                      Two party system? What two party system? At least at the top it is just a one party system as the red and blue flags merge into a mud color.

                      I am familiar with a local Tea party group, and have attended a number of their meetings. Because of the negative publicity they refrain from publicly calling themselves tea partyers. Instead when talking to people about candidate they support they make a point to talk about issues not party loyalties.


                      • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                        I read a long list of US government agencies that now have offices and operate inside of Mexico. On the list were several US government agencies you would scratch your head at like the Forestry department, agriculture, IRS, and several other "odd" agencies. Of course at the top of the list was the CIA and the FBI.
                        Yes, some of these agencies having offices in Mexico seem to make no sense at first glance, but there definitely are reasons for their presence. Back in May, in post #4240, I wrote of how the Department of Agriculture (DOA) is actually distributing a pamphlet to communities in Mexico telling Mexican citizens how to go about applying for US food stamp benefits, and explaining how illegal aliens may apply for these benefits without need for divulging their illegal status. In other words, the DOA has been actively participating in an illegal alien training program to support and encourage would-be Mexican illegals to come to the United States and apply for welfare benefits. The DOA Secretary, Tom Vilsack, should be forced to resign and be sent to prison for allowing this program to happen on his watch, but of course there's no talk (in government circles) of any such thing. When Barry's nomination of Vilsack as DOA Secretary was announced in December 2008, the Organic Consumers Association filed a report stating several reasons why Vilsack was an inappropriate choice for the position. Among these reasons were the facts that, "Vilsack has repeatedly demonstrated a preference for large industrial farms and genetically modified crops; as Iowa state governor, he originated the seed pre-emption bill in 2005, effectively blocking local communities from regulating where genetically engineered crops would be grown; additionally, Vilsack was the founder and former chair of the Governor's Biotechnology Partnership, and was named Governor of the Year by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, an industry lobbying group." As one can see, Vilsack is exactly the kind of man that Monsanto would love to see in the position of DOA Secretary, and that independent farmers would abhor. And sure enough, Vilsack has seen to it that Monsanto is now allowed to develop, sell, and grow genetically modified crops to consumers with total immunity from legal actions. An amendment to the Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund government operations, back in March of this year, was sneakily slipped in to the CR which allows the planting and growing of these genetically engineered crops, even if a court initially ruled that the engineered crops were not adequately approved. Quite appropriately, this idiotic and sinister piece of legislation, which was very inappropriately tagged as the "Farmer Assurance Provision," is now known as "The Monsanto Protection Act, which is something I wrote about in post #4143. For more about how Monsanto has Vilack under its thumb, see this article.

                        I haven't had time to research reasons why the other cabinet level US government agencies are involved in Mexico, but I think we can all safely assume that, like the DOA, they are actively involved in implementing the NWO agenda, and in destroying our Republic.

                        Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                        The entire US government operates on intimidation, threats, bribes and buying people and governments off. There is nothing honorable, honest, ethical, or beneficial about the US government or the "representatives" who claim they serve the people.
                        Bulls-eye, 5150. Right on the mark. If they ever do get around to serving the people, it will probably be at a Congressional barbeque, and be accompanied by use of Barry's special honey glaze barbecue sauce.
                        Last edited by rickoff; 09-18-2013, 03:25 PM.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                          If they ever do get around to serving the people, it will probably be at a Congressional barbeque, and be accompanied by use of Barry's special honey glaze barbecue sauce.
                          In The Making

                          There are three kinds of men:
                          The ones that learn by reading.
                          The few who learn by observation.
                          The rest of them have to touch an electric fence.
                          Will Rogers Legacy: Remembering That Old Cowboy



                          • Update on IRS targeting of TEA Party

                            You all remember how IRS officials first denied any targeting of the TEA Party and other Conservative groups during the 2012 election cycle, and then later admitted to it but blamed a couple of "rogue agents" in Cincinnati for these actions, right? We all had the gut feeling that was just a lot of b.s., especially when Lois Lerner appeared before Congress and refused to answer any questions, pleading the Fifth. Now proof of high level IRS targeting has surfaced in the form of e-mail messages unearthed by the House Ways and Means Committee. In a February 2011 email, Ms. Lerner advised her staff—including then Exempt Organizations Technical Manager Michael Seto and then Rulings and Agreements director Holly Paz—that a Tea Party matter is "very dangerous," and is something "Counsel and [Lerner adviser] Judy Kindell need to be in on." Ms. Lerner adds, "Cincy [Cincinatti] should probably NOT have these cases."

                            "Very Dangerous," huh? Dangerous to the 2012 Democrat campaign to reelect Barry, that is. Delaying or denying TEA Party and other Conservative group applications for exempt organization status was purely a politically motivated tactic that had a severe effect in minimizing the potential of these organizations to expand membership. By law, non-tax-exempt organizations are required to disclose information about their donors, and that fact caused many potential donors to remain on the sidelines for fear of reprisal.

                            Earlier this summer, IRS lawyer Carter Hull, who oversaw the review of many Tea Party cases and questionnaires, testified that his oversight began in April 2010. No doubt this came about after the TEA Party's success in the 2010 elections. Tea party cases under review are "being supervised by Chip Hull at each step," Ms. Paz said to Ms. Lerner in a February 2011 email. "He reviews info from TPs, correspondence to TPs etc. No decisions are going out of Cincy until we go all the way through the process with the c3 and c4 cases here." (Note that TP stands for Tea Party, and Paz is referring to 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) nonprofit groups.)

                            With these e-mails now exposed, some executive heads should roll at IRS, and there should be demands to make any such targeting of political groups a felony offense. Legislation to end the IRS should also be pushed full speed ahead, but I seriously doubt that any of these things will come to pass, mainly because the IRS is the primary enforcement arm of the NWO agenda.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • I’m sure most are aware of the flooding in Colorado, many homes have been lost, whole areas cut off, etc.
                              However there is one thing has been notably absent from any reporting.
                              Where is the talk of rioting, looting, and general lawlessness? I mean come on people this is a natural disaster and we have seen in the past how this used as a trigger for general hell-raising, so what is going on here? You’re letting a perfectly good disaster go to waste.


                              • Yesterday, September 17, came and went without much mention by MSM that it was Constitution Day. I can remember when this was considered an important day and was marked on calendars as such, but I think you will find that it is no longer mentioned on calendars. I'll bet too that there is scarcely a mention of Constitution Day in the public schools, let alone devoting the curriculum of the day to studies of the Constitution and its importance. Pull any school age children aside, begin asking questions about our Constitution which they should know, and I think you will find that they know little if anything about it, and that what they do think they know is incorrect. What a shame that is, and it is definitely an ominous sign for the times that we live in.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

