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The American Ruling Class

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  • If you dont want BIG government your a terrorist now? That is hate-speech plain and simple. Only democrats passed Obamacare and now they are "shocked" Republicans want to defund it.

    Originally posted by rickoff
    Their strategy is to make as many people as possible ticked off about the current shutdowns and blame Republicans for these events.
    Remember when Obama shut down the white house for the Sequestration.
    School kids couldnt even visit.

    Originally posted by
    Without insurance, you’d also face a double whammy. By 2016 you’d be forking over almost $700 to the federal government and having nothing to show for it, and still have to pay your own medical bills if you’re injured or become ill.
    ....Wow...Seems like the system we have always HAD...
    (Except you didnt have to pay the government)

    I will do everything I can to help Obamacare crash and burn.
    We needed real healthcare reform without BIG government involved.
    Last edited by jdodson; 10-04-2013, 02:01 PM.


    • A lot of people

      DON'T really realise whats going on.
      If you say to these whiners/complainers, what we need is Representatives who are going to go to Washington to DO what their voters elected them to do; who aren't going to 'play the gme', and vote for legislation only if they get their share of 'pork', or in exchange for assignment to commitees, people who aren't intending to make it a career, who are 'new', and don't know or care about doing things 'the way they have always been done', who aren't going to do what their party TELLS them to, many would say "Yes, thats EXACTLY what we need."
      And then would get REAL p*ssed off, when you pointed out to them thats EXACTLY what these Tea party Republicans ARE!

      To those who complain that Congress is acting like a 'bunch of spoiled brats', I say "Well then, they are doing a very GOOD job of representing their constituencies, aren't they?"

      We, collectively, for many years, have been telling our representatives that we want more and more Gov't services, with lower and lower taxes.In other words, we want the candy, but DON'T want to do our chores! And Congress has been like the 'permissive' parent, who indulges and 'spoils' their kid. And no one has less respect for such a parent, than their own kid!
      The Tea Party is advocating a 'Tough Love' approach, and being villified for it.
      I wonder how many of those who are saying Congess is acting like a bunch of 'spoiled children' realise THEY, in fact, sound just like 'spoiled children' who have been told they CAN'T have desert, unless they eat their vegetables?Jim


      • O'bummercare quashes REAL healtchcare reform

        Firstly, there is 'Concierge' healthcare. For those unfamilar, this was a growing movement started by Dr.'s dissatisfied with the standard way of practice.
        They DON'T 'accept' health insurance; what you do, (as a patient) is 'sign up' with the practice, which incudes showing them you have a 'catastrophic' healthplan, and paying them a yearly 'membership' fee, (typically, $2500 for an individual, and $3500-$4000 for a family.
        Because they don't have 3 or 4 back office gals, constantly filling out Insurance forms, and argueing with insurance companies, and they aren't waiting 3-4 months for (reduced) payments, etc. they have a lower overhead.
        In exchange for the 'membership' fee, they offer 'unlimited' care; you can see them every DAY, if you want. They are able to structure their practice so they have enough income to cover their operating costs, and they can spend as much time with a patient as they need, instead of feeling they have to rush, in order to see enough patients per day, so as to be able to cover their costs.
        And, it is in the Dr.'s best interests to keep their patients healthy; and practice 'wellness care'. It was/is one viable alternative way of running a healthcare system, (not for everyone, obviously), and I suspect with o'bummercare, is now dead.

        Actually, I expored a 'different' way, myself. I called around and found a Dr. who gave a discount for 'self-pay'; since he/she is getting the $ 'up-front', on the day of my appt., (instead of having to wait for the ins.), and has less overhead, less forms, etc. any Dr. SHOULD offer such a discount; any who doesn't is just greedy, and so don't want them being my dr. anyway!
        I paid $75 for any visit lasting less than 15 minutes, and $100 if it went over.

        I always made sure to pay in CASH, and told the 'office manager' in a loud voice i didn't need a reciept. I got GOOD care, and noticed the Dr. would spend more time with me, than some of his other patients, and would often give me 'samples', for Rx. medications.

        It REMINDS the Dr. WHO he's working for; ME. And (I figure) when the office manager tells the Dr. "We're going to have to make a deposit; Mr. "X" paid in cash.",..the Dr. may well say "Oh, just give it to me, i'll take care of it." (And 'screw you, I.R.S.!) LOL

        Back when I was doing this, I COULD have gotten insurance coverage, at $140/month (plus co-pays). Instead I paid for 4 office visits/year, so $300/year vs. $1680/year.No 'contest', really.
        And, I had/have a 'catastrophic' health ins., in case i had anything which required hospitilisation.
        Anyway, its AN alternative most people never think of, and will also be an option not available, because of O'bummercare.(actually, even with the fine, it still may be cheaper).Jim


        • Quotable quote of the day......

          During his 1956 presidential campaign, a woman called out to Adlai Stevenson: "Senator, you have the vote of every thinking person!" Stevenson called back: "That's not enough, madam, we need a majority!"

          Fifty seven years later, and Adlai's words still ring true. The majority of voters are uninformed voters, not thinking people. So what will happen in 2014? Well, if we can get that far then the majority will vote based on feelings and instincts rather than an informed decision. I believe that the Democrat hierarchy sees the TEA Party as a huge potential threat in 2014, and that this is why they are attempting to vilify TEA Party politicians at every opportunity. They, and the media, hope to drive home the idea to the public that everything wrong with government is the fault of the TEA Party. There's a good chance they will succeed in that endeavor unless the TEA Party begins a campaign concentrated on educating and informing the public, and that campaign would, by necessity, have to be equally as aggressive, well funded, and noticeable, as the Democrat/MSM campaign. Of course that's a really tall order, and therefore is likely impossible.

          In 2010 the TEA Party strategy was to run TEA Party candidates against Republican incumbents, and if that same strategy is used in 2014 they can easily win quite a few seats if they educate the People to the fact that those seats are currently held by RINOS and traitors. But it will take more than just winning those seats. Infiltrating the Republican party is not enough. To go for a majority of the vote, TEA Party candidates should also run in Democrat primaries. Several Democrats presented themselves as TEA Party candidates in 2010 and 2012, so there is no reason why candidates with TEA Party ideals could not run as Democrats.

          Last edited by rickoff; 10-06-2013, 02:19 PM.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • California has passed and signed into law a bill now known as the "California Liberty Preservation Act,” which nullifies sections 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA; the bill states:
            "This bill would prohibit an agency in the State of California, a political subdivision of this state, an employee of an agency or a political subdivision of this state, as specified, or a member of the California National Guard, on official state duty, from knowingly aiding an agency of the Armed Forces of the United States in any investigation, prosecution, or detention of a person within California pursuant to (1) Sections 1021 and 1022 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (NDAA), (2) the federal law known as the Authorization for Use of Military Force, enacted in 2001, or (3) any other federal law, except as specified, if the state agency, political subdivision, employee, or member of the California National Guard would violate the United States Constitution, the California Constitution, or any law of this state by providing that aid. The bill would also prohibit local entities from knowingly using state funds and funds allocated by the state to those local entities on and after January 1, 2013, to engage in any activity that aids an agency of the Armed Forces of the United States in the detention of any person within California for purposes of implementing Sections 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA or the federal law known as the Authorization for Use of Military Force , if that activity would violate the United States Constitution, the California Constitution, or any law of this state, as specified."
            For a state where its people are known to act against and repeal unfair laws, it is amazing to me that Californians chose 35 Democrats to represent them in the US Congress in 2012. They seem to also have a knack for electing state senators and reps who want to pass some truly zany bills, such as the one to be signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown which will allow illegal aliens to obtain driving permits.

            Of course there were a large number of establishment Republicans who supported the unconstitutional NDAA, and those who did should be booted out in 2014, hopefully along with the Democrats who supported it.

            Last edited by rickoff; 10-06-2013, 12:15 AM.
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post

              Fifty seven years later, and Adlai's words still ring true. The majority of voters are uninformed voters, not thinking people. So what will happen in 2014?

              What good fortune for governments that the people don't think ~ Adolf Hitler

              User:The Ungovernable Force/Sandbox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



              • Rick

                I didn't realise 'Tea Party' candidates ran in democratic primaries, and I suspect MOST people don't realise that. I DO know the 'membership' is comprised of (former) Dems and independents, and not JUST Repubs, although you wouldn';t know THAT, from MSM coverage.

                Its not just Dems who are 'scared' of the Tea Party; 'lamestream' Repubs, i.e RINO's are terrified as well, and are happy to go along with 'painting' the tea party as 'zany extremists' as well. These are 'lifelong, carreer' politicians, and don't want to lose primary elections to tea party candidates, of coarse.

                This 'tension' in the Repub party has been going on for a long time, between 'mainstream' (sell-outs) and conservative/libertarian group; Goldwater vs. Rockefeller, Reagan vs.Ford. Just as Reagan brought many 'Reagan democrats', seems to me MANY of the things being said by the 'occupy' movement, (remember them?) are VERY similar to things being said by the tea party. For instance, the shared disgust with TARP, and the Wall Street 'Bailout'; this PR campaign your talking about, that the tea party needs to engage in, might bring many former 'occupiers' to their ranks, if they can successfully communicate what the tea party is REALLY 'for', rather than what they are portrayed as being for.

                R.P. didn't stand a chance, against the 'lamestream', and the way they rigged the primary results, etc. (with a fully complicit Lamestream media).Wondering if his son will have better success, in 2016? He seems to have more 'appeal' than Cruise. But, in 2016, a bunch of lamestream career Pols', who sat out the 2012 election, will be in the running; Jeb Bush, Christy, etc. And you can bet the full dirty tricks, rig the primaries 'campaign' will be in full swing! Jim


                • I think we have a larger than life problem here ..... Oregon as an example has 46.2% public land that's "CONTROLLED" by the Federal Government's US National Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management is now "CLOSED" you can possibly be arrested or even shot for trespassing .... thank you Oregon State Congressional senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley for finally showing how you @?%#&! really care about Oregonians and Americans.

                  For those legal hunters going onto Federal land "carrying a firearm" your life may be in danger of being classified as a domestic terrorist being shot on sight. Those with the thinking if someday using any Federal Land as a safe haven from a tyrannical government is the LAST place you want to hide on Federal Land.

                  Last edited by FuzzyTomCat; 10-07-2013, 04:44 AM. Reason: grammer_spelling
                  Open Source Experimentalist
                  Open Source Research and Development


                  • Being there's this manufactured Federal Government shut down and the punishment to the American People is by closing down all Government "Home Page" web sites, the black out has verification of talking points made by the bias news media's and elected Democrats on what was actually in the context of bill sent and NOT voted on by the US Senate from the House of Representatives is extremely hard to find unless you know exactly where to go.

                    Please find the attached (PDF) last amendment bill sent to the Senate on the "Continuing Resolution" funding the Federal Government without the DE-FUNDING of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) (H.J. Res. 59): keeps the government running at current spending levels; ensures there’s no special treatment for Congress under the president’s health care law; and delays ObamaCare’s individual mandate, providing all Americans with the same relief the president has given big businesses. (Passed 09-30-2013 in the House 228-201)


                    Open Source Experimentalist
                    Open Source Research and Development


                    • Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
                      For those legal hunters going onto Federal land "carrying a firearm" your life may be in danger of being classified as a domestic terrorist being shot on sight. Those with the thinking if someday using any Federal Land as a safe haven from a tyrannical government is the LAST place you want to hide on Federal Land.
                      Hi Glen,

                      Of course we know that the House passed funding legislation specifically to keep all national parks open, but that Dirty Harry Reid refused to go along. Shutting these parks down is crazy, as I mentioned earlier, for the following two reasons:
                      1. The public pays admission fees and campsite fees to use these parks, and the revenue gained from these activities more than pays the costs of operations and employees.
                      2. The cost to hire guards to effectively enforce a shutdown, and keep visitors out at these parks, is likely more than the cost of normal operations if the parks are left open.

                      Besides, who do these authority figures think they are in telling We The People that we must stay out of our parks? The parks belong to the People, collectively, not to any government agency.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Quotable quote of the day...

                        We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by
                        the majority that participate.” - Thomas Jefferson

                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                          We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by
                          the majority that participate.” - Thomas Jefferson

                          Opinion of the Court

                          Chief Justice John Marshall concluded that the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution applied only to the federal government. This, he said, was the original intention of the framers of the first 10 amendments. Thus, the 5th Amendment could not be used by Barron to require Baltimore to pay him “just compensation” for taking his property. According to Marshall, the Supreme Court had no jurisdiction in the case, and so it was dismissed.


                          This decision legally established the widely held view that the federal Bill of Rights was intended by its framers in 1789 to bind only the federal government. The constitutional issue of this case was settled until passage of the 14th Amendment in 1868, which was designed to limit the powers of state governments in order to protect the rights of individuals. However, the Supreme Court did not begin to use the 14th Amendment to incorporate, or apply, parts of the federal Bill of Rights to state governments until the second quarter of the 20th century, beginning with Gitlow v. New York (1925).

                          Read more: Barron v. Baltimore: Information from



                          • As you know, the National Park Service closed the National Mall in Washington to visitors, and elderly World War II veterans who had come to Washington on "Honor Flights" to see their memorial were met with park guards and barricades. The same held true for Vietnam veterans who attempted to visit their memorial last Friday. Like the World War II vets, the Vietnam vets were determined to visit their memorial despite the barricades and guards who had been told to keep everyone out. When non-veteran members of the general public followed behind the vets to pay their respects, the park service guards told everyone that they had to leave, and re-erected the barricades.

                            Yesterday, while the National Mall was still under shutdown orders that kept visitors from entering, a group was seen erecting a stage on the Mall in preparation for a concert and rally. That rally is taking place today with permission and blessings from the Obummer administration and the National Park Service. So why the special treatment for the group holding this rally? Why aren't they too being met with park guards and barricades to keep them out? Well, it is because this is a rally for "immigration reform" being held by illegal immigrants and those who support them.

                            A spokesperson for the "March For Immigration Reform" group said that the Park Service was allowing the event to take place under the group's rights as granted by the First Amendment. Strange, isn't it, that illegal aliens who are not supposed to be here at all are granted permission to enter a National Park closed to US citizens and exercise First Amendment rights that don't belong to them while these rights are denied to US citizens. Is that wacky or what?

                            Too bad ICE didn't have the fortitude to stand against this illegal activity and bring in enough buses to deport all the illegals that attended the event. Deportation YES, citizenship NO!
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • ObamaCare rollout a joke

                              Those who supported ObummerCare and eagerly awaited the opportunity to sign up, or check out the rates, on the government's website are now facing the reality that government run healthcare is a joke, and running into countless problems including a website that does not function, inability of human contacts to resolve issues or provide information, and "sticker shock" at seeing what "Affordable Care" is actually going to cost. Barry's administration claimed that 9 million people visited the website during its first 5 days, and that problems encountered were due to the website being overwhelmed by requests to sign up. That is most certainly a lie, as the Wall Street Journal reported that insiders and insurance-industry experts estimated only a few thousand people in the entire nation had signed up for Obamacare in its first six days. Besides, since they estimated that this would insure 30 million people who currently don't have health insurance, they should have figured that millions of people would be signing up and should have been prepared to handle the website traffic at least as well as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, and countless other Internet sites are able to. Just goes to show that anything operated by government is doomed to failure and excessive costs, delays, and red tape.

                              Here are some examples of ObummerCare failures posted by irate customers on the ObummerCare Facebook page:


                              Lance Link: “Why can’t I see rates without giving all my personal info? I just want to compare things. Are the rates so horrible that you can’t just show them?”

                              Walter Whitfield: “I have been trying to register six times a day for three days. I have never been able to do it successfully. Seriously, you guys had three years to prepare for this. Whoever was in charge of setting this up needs to be looking for a new job.”

                              Becky McElhaney: “I have wasted countless hours trying to create an account on this site. Something is very wrong that they are not prepared for the website to handle this kind of traffic or whatever the problem is.”

                              Julie Harmon Thomas: “Good grief. Day 3 of trying and still can’t get on this website. The government KNEW about this thing going live for two years. TWO YEARS! And this is the best they could do? I shudder to think what’s going to happen once they are in control of my health care. They can’t even get their website functioning properly. If my business had rolled out a piece of crap that worked like this I’d be out of business.”

                              Bobby Boyer: “, you need to have a media blast ‘notice’ when all the kinks are worked out. I’ve been trying for a third day now, nonstop, and I’m officially giving up. Inform the masses via TV news outlets when the website is actually function[al], and you really should encourage Washington to expand the cutoff date for enrollment. At this rate, there [are] going to be A LOT of Americans who give up, somewhat like the government has this week!”

                              Troy Tyson: “You’ve cut the wait times by a third?! I’ve been trying to log in for over two hours! On the rare occasion that I’m able to get as far as logging in at all, it logs me out before it loads anything!”

                              Sticker shock

                              Marketa Winfield: “I have been a long-time Obama supporter, but it seems that that the only people who will be able to afford this are those who don’t need it. There is something wrong here, folks.”

                              Carole Pratt Ri DeCarlo: “I have had my own private policy that I will not be able to afford to keep once the rates triple per the letter I received from Humana. I’m not eligible for ‘affordable’ coverage on the exchange, don’t qualify for subsidy. I am living, documented proof this is system will not work for me. No propaganda here.”

                              Patti Gray: “So, these ‘free’ mammograms are costing me triple the premium costs, plus a HUGE new deductible and co-pay. Thanks Obamacare!!!”

                              Cheryll Quail Feather Hart: “Where the heck is the AFFORDABLE part of this???? $17, 000.00 per YEAR to insure my family of 4???? And no help from subsidies because my work offers ME and, yes, only ME, coverage????”

                              Jenn Tate: “Payments are more than we can afford. Sorry, my family needs to eat and keep a roof over our heads all year, not just at tax refund time.”

                              Crystal Riggle Deans: “So, I have a family of five and we live 83 percent below the poverty line. We will be charged over $1,000 per month for insurance, and we are looking at $12,700 in out-of-pocket expenses, NOT including premiums. Hahaha, I haven’t even paid my rent this month because we couldn’t afford it. We have no car payments, no cable, no cell phones. We are not on welfare or food stamps.”

                              Irene Waldron: “My daughter must pay $1,272 a year for an Obamcare policy with a $5,000-a-year deductible plan, or be hounded by the IRS to pay the penalty. She does not have an extra $200 a year, let alone $1,272. What an incredible scam. Obama lied."

                              Lynn Watson: “I just got a call from a friend in Texas. She is single and 62 years old. The plan she got information on will cost her $450.00 a month with $6,000.00 deductible. This is the silver plan. You call this the affordable health care bill?”

                              Sha Sha Corbley: “Sticker shock is a huge understatement. We currently pay $1,158 PER MONTH for a personal policy. Closest choice to what we have now but not as good being offered in 2014, will cost us $1,937 PER MONTH, and we don’t qualify for any subsidy!”

                              Tremendous demand?

                              William Mittica: “No excuses. You guys should have been more prepared. You’re giving Fox News all the ammunition they need, and you deserve every bit of it.”

                              Greg Noblin: “There are tons of sites on the web that can handle more ‘demand’ than you can. And those sites didn’t cost $55,000,000 taxpayer dollars to set up.”

                              Maven Dex: “So let’s recap, the government has computing power to break almost all encryption systems, snoop on your Internet, snoop on your phone … design the Internet, have back doors built into almost all hardware and software available, but can’t support this website because? 2 billion for a super computer facility for the NSA and health coverage sites gets what, used servers? Just an observation.”

                              Stephen Harris: “Third day. System still down in NJ. I do not believe it is demand. It is a poorly architected[sic] application. If I were the programmers of this, I would be embarrassed. Or they should be fired. Third day and yet still fail????”

                              Jackie Trapp Price: “Nobody believes you! Facebook and Google can handle multi-millions of people at once, and they don’t have these problems.”

                              Frank Cormier: “Three days now, and I see the site is still down. Facebook, Google, eBay, Amazon, etc., handle millions of visitors a day. How screwed up is this government? They had years to set this up.”

                              Tom Peranteau: “Over $300 million spent on their servers/Internet system, and they can’t handle the traffic? Google handles more traffic than they are experiencing every minute!”

                              Paulin Soleyman: “As someone who’s somewhat technically savvy, I can’t help but ask: If you can’t even manage to maintain your website code, servers, etc., so that the whole system doesn’t crumble under the weight of heavy Internet traffic, how are you to be trusted to be able to keep your website safe from hackers, spammers and identity thieves? To me, all these ‘glitches’ spell nothing but disaster, and I will not trust this site with my personal info.”

                              Katie Anderson: “I am able to log on just fine. It takes my username and password. However, it takes me to a blank website. It’s white. What I don’t understand is, if you were pretty sure that there would be so many people trying to sign up at once, [wouldn't you think] it would probably shut the site down and people would have problems? Why didn’t you set it up so certain people can sign up on certain days? Like people with the last names beginning with letters A-F can sign up during the weeks of Oct. 1-7 and so on and so on. Don’t you think it would have made things easier for all?”

                              Sarcasm and outrage

                              Todd Smith: “This website had a pre-existing condition.”

                              Larry McLarry: “Can I raise my debt ceiling to pay for this?”

                              Amy Gobrecht Moffitt: “‘Tremendous demand’? How about revealing how many people have actually signed up??? More like tremendous failure.”

                              Shana Allen: “It’s funny how they say people are overloading the system ‘cuz it’s so popular, if by popular you mean mandatory. Lol.”

                              Michael Emerson: “There is NO WAY 7 million were able to access this site. Jay Carney is a liar.”

                              Todd Smith: “Government forces people to pay a new tax. People click on website to see how much this new tax will cost them. Website crashes in the first hour. Government calls it a huge success.”

                              Amy Gobrecht Moffitt: “Looks like someone should’ve accepted the plan to delay it.”

                              Jeff LoBalbo: “I just want to know one thing: How come all of the same people who are saying ‘just be patient’ on the Obamacare website would be screaming their heads off if Google, Amazon or the iTunes store would be down more than an hour. Think this is fun? Wait till they have to see a doctor, or God forbid a life-threatening emergency, if this is any indication.”

                              Mike Apilado: “Millions of Americans on Facebook, and 200,000 like this page. Reality set in much? Truckers to shut-down D.C. is almost as popular!!”

                              Dwight F Roberts: “I went ahead and made accounts for Harry Reid and Barack Obama to help them sign up!”

                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Emperor has NO clothes!

                                Lets get this straight; 'failing' to raise the debt limit would throw the worldwide economy into a tailspin. (We are told) this is because the WW economy uses U.S. treasury bills as a 'baseline'; they are concidered to be a -0- risk investment, (cause they have 'always' paid off, when they said they would, and for the return promised).
                                The 'risk assesmant' of all other 'investments'; currencies, stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc. is BASED on U.S. treasury bonds being -0- risk. But, lets face it, if a CORPORATION, (yes, I KNOW, Rick, you keep telling us the U.S. IS a Corporation!) I mean if ANOTHER Corp. were to run their books the way the U.S. Gov't., does it would get a HORRIBLE rating; no agreed on budget, for what,..4 years now? Future committed expenditures far outweighing future anticipated earnings,....

                                So, for the US to 'default', by not extending the 'debt' limit, would simply expose that the Emperor has no clothes. But almost everyone seems to prefer ignoring the Naked Emperor, rather than face the 'unpleasent' truth; our whole, world-wide economic system is based on a myth; it starts with the idea that THIS piece of paper I throw in the recycle bin, (trash) but THIS piece of paper, I put in my wallet;

                                If our elected Representatives are acting like 'spoiled children', than they are doing a REAL good job of representing 'the people' who elected them!

                                After all, for time out of mind , both in electoral and opinion polls, 'the people' have told our representives we want MORE and MORE Gov't services, but 'keep our taxes low'. Isn't this like the kid who expects to eat his desert, even though he didn't eat his vegetables?
                                Or wants to go to the zoo, even though he didn't do his chores, and throws a tantrum when he's told "No", you can't!

                                And so, our elected representatives have, for years, engaged in bookkeeping trickery, 'tapping out' the Social Security 'trust fund', by putting it in the General fund, taking us off the Gold standard, and BORROWING, in order to 'give' us more and more 'things', without having to pay for them.

                                Commitments to Social Security, Medical care for Vets, Food stamps and all the other 'entitlements' and 'safety net' programs, education, defence, etc. far outstrip our projected income.

                                And yet, U.S. treasury Bonds are considered to have -0- risk?,....Just becaause they have 'always been good'. Thats just like, prior to 2008, everyone THOUGHT U.S. real estate was a 'sure thing', cause it had only ever increased in value (at least in recent memory).

                                So, our whole worldwide economic system is based on a myth; isn't it about time to recognise that? How in the *uck is the FED going to let off, on this 'quantitative easing',..gradually? Even if 'they' do agree to raise the debt limit, its just prolonging the inevitable. Its just everyone in the world agreeing the Emporers new outfit looks,...STUNNING!
                                Last edited by dutchdivco; 10-10-2013, 03:19 PM. Reason: spelling

