117 RINO Republicans
Today 117 RINO Republican traitors (30 in the Senate, and 87 in the House of Representatives) voted to both keep Obamacare intact and raise the Debt Ceiling. Go here to see who these traitors were.
As fully expected, the end result was not even a compromise. Barry and Dirty Harry were given everything they wanted by the RINO's who sold us out. These traitors put on a show, hoping to gain the admiration and support of grassroots conservatives, by voting to defund ObummerCare, but like Senator John McCain they all were determined that the TEA Party caucus effort to defund ObummerCare and hold the line on a debt ceiling increase would fail. Boehner, the head House RINO, was heard saying "We fought the good fight. We just didn't win." Bull****! If all Republicans in the Senate and House had stood firm, they would have won. Caving in is not standing on principle and fighting. Every one of these traitors who is up for reelection in 2014 must be booted out of office and replaced by principled men and women.
Today 117 RINO Republican traitors (30 in the Senate, and 87 in the House of Representatives) voted to both keep Obamacare intact and raise the Debt Ceiling. Go here to see who these traitors were.
As fully expected, the end result was not even a compromise. Barry and Dirty Harry were given everything they wanted by the RINO's who sold us out. These traitors put on a show, hoping to gain the admiration and support of grassroots conservatives, by voting to defund ObummerCare, but like Senator John McCain they all were determined that the TEA Party caucus effort to defund ObummerCare and hold the line on a debt ceiling increase would fail. Boehner, the head House RINO, was heard saying "We fought the good fight. We just didn't win." Bull****! If all Republicans in the Senate and House had stood firm, they would have won. Caving in is not standing on principle and fighting. Every one of these traitors who is up for reelection in 2014 must be booted out of office and replaced by principled men and women.