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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
    This video offers many good examples of what I pointed out in a post I made on October 13th: According to the SCOTUS, in the case Self v. Rhay, "The Common Law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land. The code, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are not the law." Government agencies and authorities would like us to believe that all of this garbage is law that we must abide by, but it really is just an illusion - a grand illusion, to be certain. (emphasis added by rickoff)

    In actuality, and as the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled in Rodrigues v. Ray Donovan, "All codes, rules and regulations are applicable to the government authorities only.."

    So, in reality, these codes, rules, regulations, policies, and statutes, have no enforceable effect upon us unless we consent to be constrained by them, but they are applicable to the agencies and authorities that would like for us to be constrained. No matter how knowledgeable we may be in all other subjects, if we are not well versed in the Common Law then the pursuits we follow during our lifetimes are but fool's errands, for we can easily lose all that we have gained just for not understanding the law. For example, a police officer may ask you if you understand, after reading you the Miranda rights, or a judge may explain something and ask if you understand. This seems like a straightforward and simple question, but in reality what they are really asking is whether or not you agree to stand under their authority - in other words, do you consent to allow them to have authority over you. You give that consent by answering "yes." A better answer, and one that protects your rights under Common Law, would be to say, "If you are asking whether or not I consent to being arrested, charged, or judged under any codes, rules, regulations, policies, or statutes, or whether or not I consent and agree to grant you authority over me in matters related to said codes, rules, regulations, policies, or statutes, then my answer is an emphatic no!" You would then cite the above court rulings, and if the officer or judge fails to release you then you have a solid case for appeal, as any court of appeal must accept a higher case law ruling. Of course you could be legally arrested, charged, and judged in a "court of record," if you have done something that is a violation of the Common Law, and for that to be applicable there must be an "injured" party. What "injured" means is that whatever you did would have had to cause someone else a degree of actual suffering, damage, or loss. And under Common Law, a court does not have the authority to claim the state is the injured party because the state cannot be judge and prosecutor. In addition, under Common Law an officer cannot be a witness.

    Let's consider an example, and suppose that you are fishing without a fishing license. According to the game warden who comes along and writes you a citation, you have violated the fishing rules and regulations that were adopted by your state legislature. He says you have broken those "laws" and your options are to pay the mandated fine amount by sending payment to the address noted on the citation, or to appear in District Court, on the date specified in the citation, if you want to contest the citation. He asks you if you "understand," and you then recite the answer noted above. The warden will probably look at you in bemusement, because he has been trained to believe that the fishing rules and regulations are laws, and that he has the authority to enforce those laws, but neither of those beliefs are true. They are, in actual law, what is referred to as a fiction, and only have the "color of law," meaning that while they may have the appearance of being laws, they actually are not. So you go to court on the date stipulated, and the judge first tells you what you have been charged with and then asks if you "understand." You answer the same way as you answered the warden, you cite case law (Self v. Rhay) as the reason why you have answered thusly, and demand that the charges be immediately dismissed "without prejudice." If the judge has at least half a brain then the judge will do so. The judge may attempt to persuade you by saying that fishing, in your state, is a privilege, not a right, and available only to those individuals who have purchased a valid fishing license. You have already made your case sufficiently, but could also cite other case law which rebukes the judges argument. Specifically, you could cite Sherar v. Cullen, which says that, "For a crime to exist, there must be an injured party. There can be no sanction or penalty imposed because of this exercise of Constitutional rights." As noted earlier, the state cannot claim to be the injured party, and no one else has been injured by your activity, unless you snagged someone in the neck while casting your line. In addition, you could also cite Bennet v. Boggs, which says that, "Statutes that violate the plain and obvious principles of common right and common reason are null and void." Finally, you could say that there was a time, in your state, when one was not required to have a fishing license in order to fish, and ask the judge if this is not so, and the judge would have to agree that this was true. At this point you would say that, indeed fishing was once considered a liberty that could freely be exercised by anyone without penalty, and you would then cite Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham, which says, "If a state converts a liberty into a privilege, the citizen can engage in the right with impunity." You then again demand that the judge dismiss the case against you without prejudice, and if the judge attempts to fault your reasoning, tries to intimidate you, orders you to pay a fine, charges you with contempt of court, and/or has you arrested or otherwise detained, you then have a rock solid case for appeal.

    Note: In the case Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham, the word "citizen" is defined as meaning a citizen of a state, not a US citizen. The People are citizens of their respective states, not of the Corporation United States as claimed in the unconstitutional 14th Amendment.

    My extensive firsthand experience with the legal system and the 5.0 is that they will laugh at you for trying this, and they will send you through so many circles that you will screw yourself into the ground.

    Sure you "might" win at appeal but that might be 2 years after the fact and a lot of money spent on legal fees, lost wages, etc.

    I think its just time to shot the bastards before they arrest you. Ok thats a joke but its basically a lost cause trying to fight them with their own systems but I greatly appreciate your posts and learn a lot from them.
    Last edited by 5150; 10-23-2013, 01:07 AM.
    Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


    • Unbelievable, but true!

      In a fundraising e-mail sent out last night, House Democrat Alan Grayson called the TEA Party the modern day Ku Klux Klan. A manipulated image which appeared within the e-mail message, and shown below, depicts two KKK members in full regalia with a burning cross serving as the "T" in TEA PARTY and is captioned as "Now You Know What the "T" Stands For."

      I used to have some respect for Grayson, which I thought he deserved for taking the Fed chairman to task during House investigations, but after this disgusting display of blatant hate speech my respect for him has completely vanished. This kind of finger pointing hate speech is focused at promoting racist attitudes and inspiring violence against its target. The House Ethics Committee should censure Grayson for this and force his resignation, though I doubt that will happen. When confronted by House Republicans about this, Grayson responded, "If the shoe fits, wear it."
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post

        Too many snouts in the trough.



        • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
          The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally.

          Sen Barack Obama (D) IL - 2007
          Hi 5150 the downfall of America is not a very nice prospect particularly as it will bring everything crashing down behind it .
          I happen to be British but obviously fall under the same empire like it or not. Here then regarding the impending doom which I start to consider is totally unavoidable and not because of obomination care but rather because of this scenario …and my (perhaps wrong view of the causes) I first suspect that like the British public before them Americans have got totally confused with the “American Empire” history records that at the height of empire the British public lived in dire conditions ergo the empire is nothing what so ever to do with the population .
          The population are sorry to say for the most part unknowing dupes . Cannon fodder to keep the cap stones in place. It seems to me that any real wealth is being moved east at a huge rate of knots. It looks rather like all that will remain is promissory notes for liable debt. Which promise the bearer misery and starvation.
          I guess Its an energy forum and I'd like to tie that to the dollar, the empire , and its inevitable and rapid destruction and planned replacement … after all you may see a way out, which I cant.
          First I think for all the Smarmy talk and diplomatic diatribe this is Tricky Dicky on behalf of the American people .. welshing on Its debts and internationally arranged obligations in a way that Greece for instance or Spain cannot do in the present day.
          Nixon Ends Bretton Woods International Monetary System - YouTube
          The “international speculators” in this case was the French government who needed to fund their social services … and by far the biggest economy meant .. Biggest debt in the world and very complicated means up yours suckers And temporary means if you suckers buy this crap … till hell freezes over .
          What then could possibly induce anyone to buy this useless currency backed only by lies ?
          It was IMHO the slight of hand and trickery of Kissinger here explained in a short series of video's which I hope you can take the time to watch. these are nearly 10 years old .. and so I'm sorry If I'm preaching to the converted.

          John Perkins, Part 1 at the VFP National Convention - YouTube
          John Perkins, Part 2 at the VFP National Convention - YouTube
          John Perkins, Part 3 at the VFP National Convention - YouTube

          So Its blatant and obvious that the “American empire” and the ruling class have arranged a skewed system founded on a dollar which is tied by trickery lies and sleight of hand to energy.
          The problem is energy is freely available I have proved it many times to myself and so have many others on this forum … Hence the brick wall that researchers encounter regarding “free energy” If free energy were introduced today the Dollar would be worthless tomorrow most of the worlds currencies would follow .. that became obvious watching the debt ceiling fiasco which only seems to have moved the USA further down the credibility rankings anyway.
          China is buying huge parts of the USA and Europe and of course the currency.
          I have no doubt in due course. When the elite have finished extracting all the real wealth and moving it east these “assets” will be dumped on the market. The result “a new empire” same emperors. .. no doubt after a huge bloody conflict of some sort.
          After all the total population of the puny USA doesn't even make up the census “error factor” of China.
          The question then 5150 is … assume I have the information that allows a simple 5kw power source should it be released ?
          At the moment the question seems rather like asking would you like to die today or tomorrow?
          I must confess I didn't really grasp the significance of “The debt ceiling” anyway surly with this rotten skewed system America can just roll the presses any time it wants anyway and print some more paper. everyone else has to pay for by the barrel load ?
          As for Obamination care I'm afraid the whole health Industry is corrupted too. pretty much world wide . Starting with Hoxey .. Rife and on down the line.
          So it seems to me America is going down the pan … It has a system built on lies and trickery. Its obvious that sooner or later the “truth will out” it aways does . The ruling class (most of who are not American anyway) are shifting assets … It looks like stormy weather ahead .. unless you see something different ? or a way to turn the run away train around ?
          Last edited by Duncan; 11-06-2013, 06:35 AM.
          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


          • Hey Duncan, i thank you, you are precious stuff.

            Please keep on keeping.

            Warmest regards Cornboy.


            • 2 recent news stories

              applicable to obummercare, BECAUSE the IRS is the designated 'enforcement arm', but will ALSO be the agency to 'give' out credits.
              Story 1, (sorry, no 'links', but I'm sure you can find them). IRS recently 'admitted' they gave out a boatload of $ as 'earned income tax credits' to people who 'shouldn't' have recieved them; in SOME cases they say it was due to people 'gaming' the sysyem, or dishonest tax preparers, in other cases they say it was,....wait for it, DUE TO THE COMPLEXITY OF THE LAW. (As in 26000 page o'bummercare law?).
              Other story was a local one, where they 'busted' 4 'cons' (currently doing time for other crimes) and one (outside) accessory, for filing false returns. These 4 had files around 50 tax returns.
              Actually, this story has been going on for over 10 years that i know of; someone figured out a major hole in the system; you file a 'false' tax return, claiming low income and several children, so you qualify for this 'earned income credit' intended for poor families raising children. It (this 'scam') has spread like wildfire thruout the penal system, and the IRS has been struggling for years to 'get a handle on it', and Billions have been paid out.
              Point being, these are the same people (IRS) who are going to be issueing 'tax credits' to people for getting the mandated health insurance, and sure as s*it, some clever people will figure out a way to 'game the sysytem', and get these credits 'illegitimately'. Medicare fraud has been going on for years, and also totals billions. Hey, you know what they say in D.C; A Billion $'s here, a Billion $'s there, sooner or later it adds up to real money!"

              Anyway, the end is nigh, the writings on the wall, just a matter of when, and what turns out to be the straw that breaks the camels back.Jim


              • Duncan

                I agree the downfall of the USA is not a very nice prospect and with it will come great stride and tribulation around the world, but IMHO it needs to happen (and will).

                The global banking cartel also needs to be brought down. Through the greed of powerful bankers and the elite (enabled by the complacency of the people) is what has brought this all on. Now it’s time for the people to pay for “their” complacency and the bankers to pay for their greed.

                With the fall of the USA will come a great awakening that should indicate no single nation should ever again have so much economical manipulation or world dominance. The US Dollar was created by the greedy bankers and the US government sold out “the people” for the promise of global power and control, yet they didn’t realize they too were pawns in the banker’s great game.

                As for money moving East, yes anyone with any sense is moving their money / investments anywhere outside of the USA. Even Mexico is a better investment now than the USA.

                Your question regarding the free energy and if you should release such a device (or information), I would say yes. Although I’m not sure the people would really bother to care as so many prefer the comfort of the system they are hypnotized by. I also feel that free energy is not really a huge issue, as the control is in the money. Through the control of a nations money you can control everything. Free energy cannot stop the money or the greed, all it will do is cause it to find other avenues.

                Either way there is great change coming for the entire world in the very immediate future, a change that will be thousands of times greater than the false “change” Obama promised the world.

                There is no turning it around, what is to happen, is to happen and all anyone can do is make sure there are right with their creator.
                Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                • And ANOTHER one bites the dust!

                  Check out this article in 'The Washington Post"; health Insurance co-operatives were set up with Federal loans, to the tune of a Billion $'s, and they are going 'Bust' as a result of the Un-Affordable Care Act. As they default, the U.S. Government (Corporation) is on the hook, as I'm sure Rick will point out, although the article says its the U.S. taxpayer that is 'on the hook' Thats o.k., if sheeple readers read the article, and get p*ssed off, as they see YET, AGAIN, that they are being scr*wed with their pants on, so much the better.
                  How many more "Unintended, unntentional" side effects are we going to see, from this abortion of a law. The proponents WILL get what they originally wanted, a 'single payor' system, eventually.Jim


                  • Saw another article,

                    the LEADING cause of death in the U.S.; medical errors! Its not NEWS, to me, its "Olds", like MOST of what passes for News. Jim


                    • The real killing fields ..

                      Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                      the LEADING cause of death in the U.S.; medical errors! Its not NEWS, to me, its "Olds", like MOST of what passes for News. Jim
                      Oh dear Dutch I'm afraid I couldn't help reading about this obomination care when I dropped by and hope you don't mind my observations. It could be that I miss understand things being the other side of the atlantic but you seem to have totally the wrong perception of what the health Industry is designed to to do and how it goes about doing it the “corporation way” around the globe.
                      I don't really want to outstay my welcome but you seem to think the health business is about making you well, That’s an outrageous concept !
                      The the whole Idea is to kill you but do it slowly in order to extract the maximum wealth. And of course give you “the illusion” that your getting the best deal available. (this is done by making one or two folks better) Of course there's also the usual business ambition of expanding, gaining a world wide monopoly, and removing any opposition, Just like the game plan of any other Industry.
                      medical treatment like energy, food, water and the air that we breath is essential to life. There fore tptb (the powers that be) aim to control it , by doing so they control us. It is not a finance thing … these people control finance, If they want more of your money and effort they just roll the printing press. Particularly America because what she prints everyone else has to pay for in barrels.
                      I have already posted on this subject before so with a little editing here is a rough sketch of the world wide “killing system” and on some of the things that could be done almost instantly to make it so very much better. (if there was the public will and force) I'm afraid I have included some pretty long video's (I put the post originally on a life and death thread you see) anyway I guess if you have time to watch them there could well be information that might just save your life … or some one close to you...

                      George Carlin on "the American Dream" - YouTube

                      So Where to start with the medical industry and what really should be,.. The Giant for me here is Royal Raymond Rife head and shoulder's above other contenders. It is recorded that he entered the Ellen Scripps Terminal Hospice filled with patents in the last stages of life. With the sanction of the highest medical authorities in the land and under the directorship of two medical university’s (at his own insistence).. each and every patient was returned to Robust health in one month !!!. The Technology and indeed Rife himself was effectively destroyed by the AMA in the guise of Morris Fishbein. The very sad tale of Royal is told in his life story which although quite a long film I recommend .. If there is one film I could wish every school child to see .. It would be this one
                      you'll find the link to “ The Royal Rife story” about half way down this page I'm sorry It's 2H12min
                      long, and you'll just get angry and very upset .. still its better to know these things, isn't it?

            ,The Royal Rife Story, Royal Rife-In His Own Words

                      You May wonder what Happened to “Morris Fishbein” as a person who on reflection .. has whilst representing the Rockefeller foundation and the AMA probably caused more misery, pain , suffering and death world wide than all the mass murders and torturers in history put together.
                      Why of course .. They put up a statute and named a university hall after him … the faculty of .. wait for it ….. medical History , gotta love the “land of the free” very Ironic
                      I wonder if it has the Joseph Goebbels cafeteria for hungry students, Somewhere near the Pol Pot common room?

                      home of the fishbein centre in Chicago (1126 East 59th Street if you feel you'd like to rush over there to pay homage)

                      You may wonder what happened to this “de – facto” mass murderer .. well This next video although perhaps a little further “down the food chain” also seems to demonstrate a very effective cancer cure that was suppressed by Fishbein .. This time Fishbien is exposed, as Harry Hoxey vigorously defends his corner, and smashes the AMA in the law courts, Morris is forced to admit as a medical student he failed anatomy and had never practised a days medicine in his life. As for an effective cancer cure .. judge for yourself. IMHO .. were it my own case .... I think I'd at least like the option.

                      WHEN HEALING BECOMES A CRIME by Kenny Ausubel - YouTube

                      There are of course quite well known cancer cure alternatives and teachers . One such is Bill Henderson . What would be his take on the AMA . BMA and what place do the “Societies” that we suckers run marathon miles in silly costumes in the hope of helping .. here's a short audio which takes a little time to start .. which really “tells it like it is” uninformed boobs helping the ... well listen to it yourself ..


                      So just for a personal view IMHO .. The best of these so far shown technologies is/was Rife. Unfortunately with the destruction of Rife a very determined destruction of the equipment took place . The superb microscopes he built seemed an insurmountable impediment. One of the remaining units John Bedini made a long and expensive attempt to recover .. That frustrating episode of Johns life is told here, with video's and radio interviews. Its a great pity he could not prevail.

                      My Work on Rife

                      I.M.H.O This story isn't played out quite yet … although we do not have the superb microscopes of Rife, You will recall the technology originally came from Germany. That Technology didn't stand still. Another Medical researcher Frenchman Gaston Naessens required such a Microscope.
                      He called it the “somatoscope” here shown in this short video.

                      Gaston Naessens - The Somatoscope - YouTube

                      Gaston was put on Trial basically persecuted and hounded out of France . He found some sort of relief in Canada.
                      He also of course managed to discover his own cure for “cancer” speaking for myself .. I can see this scope is the equal of any Rife produced. Given the will , the money and the acumen to hold tptb
                      at bay … a marriage of this somatoscope and the electrical heterodyne principles of Rife and the frequencies he has left as a legacy … well you see the possibilities I'm sure, But until trickery .. greed.. murder .. intimidation and money manipulation are removed and power returned to,.. and used for benifit of humanity... soon I hope! human pain and suffering will probably remain a controlled closed shop industry ... I should never really make light of cancer under any circumstances however I hope there are some leads and information here that can help anyone in need
                      Last edited by Duncan; 10-24-2013, 04:58 AM.
                      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                      • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                        Oh dear Dutch I'm afraid I couldn't help reading about this obomination care when I dropped by and hope you don't mind my observations. It could be that I miss understand things being the other side of the atlantic ........
                        No Duncan you are not miss-understanding our medical system. I spend a lot of time at an alternative medicine site and I can assure you that the only thing our medical system wants to see healthy, is the bottom line of their financial report. If in the process of achieving that goal they somehow manage to actually help someone that is simply and unintended consequence.

                        At the turn of the last century there was no controlling agency to determine the competence of our doctors. Thus there were good ones, bad ones, and of course total scam artists. At that time a marketing guy came up with a plan to make the “robber barons” of the day seem like really good people. His plan was to have them fund medical research and teaching schools. These schools would train all new doctors in the latest and greatest medical procedures and treatments after which they would then be certified as “doctors”. At the same time the job of the research side of these schools would be to find medicines and new pills to cure all our ills. This sounded good to the general public.

                        Naturally someone would have to produce all these new pills and medicines and this were the robber barons came in as this gave them new avenues to invest in and exploit.

                        However laws were then pasted, for our safety of course, stating that you could only be treated by a “certified doctor”. Anyone else would be considered practicing medicine without a license and would be arrested. Also if your doctor did not practice medicine exactly the way he was taught and did not prescribe for you only the official pills and procedures for your ailment he would lose his certification, even if he knew those pills and procedures didn’t work.

                        So while the system was sold as promoting the general health and welfare in reality it was all about gaining complete control and dominance over the peoples health.


                        • I well understand the

                          way the medical system works, and have written extensively on it. The only way I will be 'under a Dr.'s care', is if I am dragged in unconscious, possibly.

                          The truth about this Obummercare website is beginning to come out, and it stinks like benghazi!

                          It was only fairly late in the game, that the decision was made to CHANGE the site, so you HAD to 'register', before you could 'shop' for prices. And the decision to make this change was made by the Gov't., NOT the programmers setting up the site.
                          Why woukd they make such a change? Well, several peoiple HAVE actually been able to access the site, and (for instance) have found that if you live in Michigan, the prices for the 'plans' are 40% higher than what you would play by simply buying your own 'private' plan.

                          They didn't want people to be able to 'window shop' on the site, and find out that the prices are not 'as advertised'.
                          By the way, exactly where is the $ 'coming from', to pay for these 'tax credits', people are supposed to get to 'offset' the cost of the insurance? From the 'general fund', I assume. And the 'offset' for this was things like the medical devices tax, which obviously will be repealed. So, Corp U.S. is on the 'hook' again, and the stockholders are getting scewed, again. More of the same old wine, in a brand new bottle. Jim


                          • Great nation .. great people .. prostituted .. Its .. so so Sad, whats even worse is try as I might right now I dont see an answer
                            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                            • On the lighter side of a sad situation, this cartoon is worth a thousand words:

                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                On the lighter side of a sad situation, this cartoon is worth a thousand words:

                                If the dog in the image had been a black lab, I'm sure someone out there would have cried racism and claimed it was aimed at blacks. With it being a white dog..well nobody can scream racism can they .. all they can do is read the validity of the message and wish they had a way to play the race card
                                Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.

