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  • More government BS and wasted tax dollars

    Ok so the FBI in all of its hypocritical and infinite wisdom is going to pay $50,000.00 to anyone helping provide information leading to the arrest of this guy. Be forewarned the government often finds a BS excuse ..ur I mean a logical and legal reason for not paying these rewards but I digress. Anyway so what did this guy (who isn’t even an American Citizen) do that was so bad that the us Government wants to arrest him and pay all the money to extradite him and have a dog and pony show? Well he only created and sold a computer program that spies on people.

    The hypocrisy here is that the NSA is doing the same damn illegal spying activity yet where the hell is the Department of Justice or the FBI? They are of course wasting more tax payer dollars chasing down foreigners who do the same thing they are doing.

    I swear the entire government is nothing but a joke! What hypocrisy!

    By the way I hope that Mr Carlos Enrique Perez-Melara enjoys a long prosperous life and evades the hypocritical US "dick-headed" authorities who have nothing better to do with their time than to chase such nonsense when their own house isn't even in order.

    The FBI added five people to its list of "most wanted" cybercriminals, including an ex-San Diego college student who developed a program to "catch a cheating lover."
    FBI wants hacker who helped catch cheating lovers

    Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


    • It appears that it took this fellow with a pre-existing condition so long to sign up for ObummerCare that he faded away before be could sign on, let alone get a doctor's appointment.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Coming soon to a location near you.....

        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
          Did anyone get to see the presentation of "JFK:The Smoking Gun," which aired on the ReelzChannel network last night?
          I am not going to make a big stink about it if no one agrees, I watched the show and I ordered the book to read.
          This to me is the most plausible story yet.. The man who wrote the book ,Bonar Menninger, was the LEADING ballistics expert in this country from 1969 - 1977.

          He stated that Oswald got 1 shot off that missed and hit the road. This was corroborated by a witness who saw sparks on the road and thought the POP was firecracker. She testified that, to the Dallas sheriff's and was not interviewed by the Warren Commission (WC).
          A piece of that bullet or the pavement came up and hit Kennedy in the head or arm and he said abruptly "I have been shot". This was heard by the governor and his wife, and the driver of the car. Whatever hit him did not cause damage.
          At that time HICKEY came out of his seat having noticed the shooter in the window, you can see it on various films, more than likely took the safety off the gun and was bringing up through the crowd of men that were in the car (3 up front 4 in the back and 2 runners on the side, crowded car). Both the Presidential car and the backup car sped up.
          Oswald got another shot off, this is the famous curving bullet or whatever they call it. (More on that later). It hit both the President in the top of his shoulder and the Governor.
          So Again the 2 cars had started accelerating, at the same time Oswald got shot in Hickey got knocked backwards and pulled the trigger. He was not turned around yet as he was still trying to come up.
          Remember the whole thing took 5.8 seconds or something like that.

          So back to the curving bullet. Bonar Menninger redid the ballistics on this shot after obtaining a correct seating arrangement from the manufacturer of the vehicle and the whole shot lines up. The seats in the car were not arranged correctly in Warren commissions testimonies. The seats the Governor and his wife were in were more to the center of the vehicle. They were small and lower to the floor board then back seat bench Kennedy was in. The damage inflicted was consistent with the round fired by Oswald, which full metal round that did not break apart.

          Also the Dallas sheriff's interviewed and recorded a woman who testified she seen one of the Secret Service men in the car SHOOT BACK at whoever was shooting. When asked the direction he was firing she said to the front of the vehicle towards the overpass, and he was shooting from the HIP. Which really doesn't make sense at all but that was what she said. She was never brought before the Warren commission.

          11 People on the ground in vehicles and pedestrians smelt gun powder at street level. 6 were interviewed by the Warren Commission.

          There is a picture took by a pedestrian that was also interviewed by the Dallas Sheriff's of Hickey with the gun out before that car went under the overpass. Yet Hickey's statement claims he could not get the gun out and loaded in time to fire back at Oswald until they were well past the overpass. Why would law enforcement of any kind have an UNLOADED GUN? 2 witnesses one was film.

          And the round and its damage in the head was consistent with a round carried by Law Enforcement at the time. A very Brittle hollow point. Why did his head rock back. The car accelerated...He was already dead by the time his head rocked back. Have you ever seen the damage that can be inflicted by an AR round. You can get hit in the ankle and the bullet might come out of your face. And that full metal Jacket. I can't imagine a hollow point at that velocity.

          The list of stuff this guy came up with was unreal from a ballistics standpoint. He published the first theory of it in 1977, in the Baltimore Sun Sunday Magazine and although every paper sold out for the first time ever no one paid attention. He went on the work on the whole thing some more and finally published again in 1992 with a co author.
          His daughter claimed he realized the story was not fantastic by any means. No Dark Conspiracy involved in the KILL shot. Just simple accident and cover up by the agency involved.

          There is so much more to the story including what happened afterwards, the testimony that was given later by the Bethesda and Dallas hospital staffs about the secret service threatening people if they spoke out. ect..ect...

          Look at what the consequences of this accident would have caused if brought to light. All the people who worked for the secret service would have been out of a job. More than likely they would have disbanded the organization and people helped cover it up to prevent that.

          And it was easy to cover up as they already had a shooter with intention. Plenty of room still for conspiracy on the Oswald front if he was truly the one in the window.

          You should try to get a copy of the show if you and the book if it truly interests you. The evidence is tight and doesn't leave much wiggle room.

          Last edited by Matthew Jones; 11-08-2013, 01:29 PM.


          • Haven't seen the show, or read the book,...

            AND I don't know how much SS 'procedures' may have changed, over the years; currently, it is my understanding that agents don't use a safety; their guns are not only always loaded, but are always 'ready to fire'. When I first heard this, it occurred to me that they could possibly end up shooting 'the principle' as they refer to the person they are 'guarding', but apperantly that is the policy now.

            Warren report is so obviously a joke; how much of it is from incompetence, and how much from deliberate 'cover up' is hard to say. The one thing to come out of Dallas; locals fought for and won 'jurisdiction', and hence interviewed Oswald for hours, with no tapes or even notes. I believe it is now resolved that in any future attempt, the Feds will retain control of the investigation, although not sure thats MUCH better, cause suppose the Feds are behind the attempt?

            Imagine if we had had cell phones with cameras, the way we do today, in 1963; instead of 1 grainy Zapbruder film, we would have the thing filmed from 100's of locations; would it make a difference, or just confuse things more?

            We all know Warren report was a joke, a piss-poorly executed cover-up. We all know SOMETHING stinks, but we'll never know for sure what really happened, and those involved aren't talking, so it will always be a mystery.

            And they are apperently content with that.

            My favorite 'version' is the one in Red Dwarf; time travelers going back to SEE the assasination inadvertently INTERFERED with the assasination. So, they went to Kennedy, showed him what his legacy WOULD have been, (if he had been assasinated), and compared it with his (current) legacy, with his infidelities with Marilyn and others, etc. his escalation of Viet Nam, etc. and persuded HIM to be the shooter on the 'grassy knoll'. Once he shot himself, he disappeared, of coarse. LOL Jim
            Last edited by dutchdivco; 11-08-2013, 01:37 PM.


            • Also if anybody want further reading

              George Hickey : Biography



              • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                Oh No The CMA has gone off and made fun of Obama care on national television. Don't they know that nobody makes fun of Obama or his agenda and gets away with it, especially when they do it on such a national level with such fan fair.

                I bet Obama is fuming over all of this but I am so glad to see all the stink finally reaching a point to where its disturbing so many people.

                Brad Paisley And Carrie Underwood sing Obamacare by morning Obama Care - YouTube
                The last 3 words of the song, "six people served," is a factual reference to the fact that only six people were able to sign up for ObummerCare on the first day that the website opened for business. Even the ABC news network, a.k.a. "the all Barack channel," had to admit this was true.

                In other Obummercare news, Barry was caught telling a whopper of a lie this Monday when he addressed a gathering of his devotees at the St. Regis Hotel in Washington, D.C. In response to having been quoted as saying, “If you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan, period,” Barry denied ever having said that, and explained to his audience, “What we said was you could keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law was passed.” Evidently, Barry was either unaware of, or thought no one else would notice the fact that The Daily Caller has researched the issue and found at least 29 videotapes (here's just one of them) that have Obama saying the very words he was quoted as saying, and that his explanatory phrase is completely absent from the 29 tapes.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                  I am not going to make a big stink about it if no one agrees, I watched the show and I ordered the book to read.
                  This to me is the most plausible story yet..
                  I find it hard to believe that this was just an oops by a security guard “Oh damn I think I just shot the president by mistake”. There are too many other anomalies of this story for that to be the case.


                  • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                    I find it hard to believe that this was just an oops by a security guard “Oh damn I think I just shot the president by mistake”. There are too many other anomalies of this story for that to be the case.
                    Well Like I pointed thats why the theory had never gotten any attention most -peoples "Conspiracy Needs" weren't satisfied. Even if the ballistics which is now a recognized forensic science says that this is the case and there is almost no doubt, people still won't believe that it might be that simple.
                    Had the secret service allowed the locals to do an investigation as the Dallas Sheriff's office was doing we might have even more evidence, but they put an end to all investigations and seized all evidence that was collected including the metal fragments that were extracted from Kennedy's brain tissue.
                    If you watch the movie later in the mid 70's they did another investigation/ hearing named something like the ARRP. In that investigation they got permission to release everyone from their NDA's / GAG order imposed on them from the secret service. The Doctors who examined him testified about the metal fragments and the X-ray tech who initially did X-rays on his head testified that he forced to go back add fragments from bullet that were fired by the gun Oswald used as to verify that Oswald shot him. He also was forced to make new X-rays. His life was also threatened by the secret service if he ever spoke up, but by mid 70's most of the people who were involved on the secret service end were gone from service.

                    Since we will never know its best to just keep an open mind...



                    • One other thing also that was very suspect in the whole thing that I forgot to mention was the bullet hole.
                      For yesrs there was debate about where the bullet entered and exited. The top right portion of Kennedy's was taken off an there was bullet hole in the back left side that enter at an angle (Can't remember the angle).
                      The hole in the back of the head was 6.3mm wide. The hole in his back from Oswald was 7.0 mm in diameter.
                      The rounds that were shot from Oswald were 6.5 mm wide and left a 7mm hole.
                      The round from an AR-15 which is what Hickey had, has a 6mm diameter.

                      The point being a 6.5 mm round will not leave a 6.3 mm hole. That is true in any gunshot and is considered fact by forensics to this day.



                      • lots of smoke and mirrors and this too?
                        seems to me he gets it twice ... that shot (perhaps from the driver ) seems to very near blow his head off .. its (his head) rocked backwards in time with the muzzle flash .. but thats just my take ..
                        Last edited by Duncan; 11-09-2013, 04:18 PM.
                        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                        • Another aspect of o'bummercare lies;

                          "If you LIKE your current healthcare, NOTHING changes for you, with the passage of this law!"
                          We all KNOW about the 5 million or so in the 'private' insurance market, for whom this was a lie, and its pretty obvious to most that he and his KNEW they were lieing.
                          But, heres another aspect of the lie; my wife has worked for a 'good' and big company for 8 years, which has always provided their employees with GOOD healthcare, at NO cost to them. If they want dependents to be covered, they had to pay, but not for themselves. This year, for the first time, they are saying employees will have to pay $60.00/mo., or around $700/year, in order to keep coverage.
                          We don't believe in Insurance, or the current healthcare delivery system, but since it was free, we figured what the heck, right?
                          NOW we have to decide whether to pay, or drop coverage and face the fine.
                          The reason for the having to pay is O'bummercare, plain and simple, as well as the knowledge that 'since its mandated, people will pay'. This is yet another aspect of how it HAS changed for people who 'like their healthcare and want to keep it. We, personally, as I said don't like it, but the majority in her company, (and in how many other companies?) are seeing similar changes, and are KNOWING O'bummercare is responsible.

                          We don't USE Dr.'s, or Rx., but are forced to pay for the coverage that we will never use.

                          It also occurs to me, remember all the talk of 'moral hazard', during the economic meltdown? They were talking about what happens when the Gov't bails out people for bad behavior. Well, in the case of those who are being f*cked by O'bummer in the 'individual marketplace', these are people who took responsibility for themselves; they didn't get insurance from their employers, so went out and bought their own policy.
                          Stay with me, here; the reason or justification for O'bummercare was largely to address the people who were 'abusing' the system; they had no insurance, and when they got sick, they got services and didn't pay for them. So, they were being irresponsible, as the argument goes. And so the gov't. is punishing responsible behavior, and also, in effect, rewarding irresponsible behavior.

                          Nothing new, of coarse; earned income credit pays 'parents' for bringing children in the world, with no economic security to support them, and the more children you have, the more $ the gov't gives you, and of coarse their are many other examples.

                          Anyway, I wonder how many people are getting health insurance through their work, and are having premiums imposed where they never were before, or are having premiums raised, as a result of Un-affordable care act? This in addition to those who are having coverage dropped, (another category of 'losers' in this winners losers calculation), those who are having hours cut back, to avoid company mandate, those who have been buyig their own insurance, and are being told they can't renew, and of carse young, healthy people who are being required to get insurance, and pay more in order to reduce the amount of cost to those who are older and sicker. Quite a list of 'losers'! And the 'winners'? Well, those who are 'older/sicker', the chronically ill, and of coarse the 'poor', although many of them were already on medicare/medicaid.

                          I still haven't gotten a clear answer; since O'bummercare specifically exempted illegal aliens, what happens when one shows up in an ER with serious, life-threatening (and expensive to treat) condition? The hospital still can't refuse care, so are going to have to 'eat' the cost, and presumably 'pass the cost' on to everyone else, in the fees they charge. (At least, that was part of the argument advanced to justify O'bummercare). And that doesn't seem to have been adressed at all, even tho that was one of the primary justifications for the law! What a mess. As for Kennedy assasination, I have heard a number of credible theories, but don't put stock in any one of them. Certainly wouldn't bother to argue with anyone for or against any of them. I will say I don't believe 'forensics' is anything like an exact science; like medicine, it is inexact. Jim


                          • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                            Since we will never know its best to just keep an open mind...

                            Kennedy was hit from behind whether Oswald fired that shot or it was someone else, it was not the kill shot.
                            The fact that his brains were splatter all over the back of the car says the real kill shot came from in front.
                            Who fired that shot was it from the driver, either accidentally or on purpose, or someone else????
                            The FBI reportedly questioned 15-20 people who were close to the car when he was shot. Apparently most of them died of varying causes shortly afterwards.

                            I’m sure if Kennedy had managed to survive that his mind would be open to alternative possibilities. OK that's bad.


                            • Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                              I’m sure if Kennedy had managed to survive that his mind would be open to alternative possibilities. OK that's bad.
                              Patriotism and Marxism

                              Marxists have taken various stances regarding patriotism. On one hand, Karl Marx famously stated that "The working men have no country"[9] and that "the supremacy of the proletariat will cause them [national differences] to vanish still faster." The same view is promoted by present-day Trotskyists such as Alan Woods, who is "in favour of tearing down all frontiers and creating a socialist world commonwealth."[10]

                              On the other hand, Stalinists and Maoists are usually in favor of socialist patriotism based on the theory of socialism in one country.[11]

                              Patriotism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



                              • Part 1 of 2 posts in reply to Matthew Jones

                                Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                                Bonar Menninger was the LEADING ballistics expert in this country from 1969 - 1977.

                                He stated that Oswald got 1 shot off that missed and hit the road. This was corroborated by a witness who saw sparks on the road and thought the POP was firecracker. She testified that, to the Dallas sheriffs and was not interviewed by the Warren Commission (WC).
                                A piece of that bullet or the pavement came up and hit Kennedy in the head or arm and he said abruptly "I have been shot". This was heard by the governor and his wife, and the driver of the car. Whatever hit him did not cause damage.
                                I'll have to post a two-part answer, as there is not enough room allowed in a single post to adequately refute your, and Menninger's, assertions. Here's PART 1 of 2:

                                Did not cause damage? That's hardly the case. As the Zapruder film clearly shows, President Kennedy, who had just been waving to the crowd, suddenly reached for his throat, and leaned over towards Jackie. Jackie leaned forwards a bit while turning towards her husband, and was seen supporting him. Her back is not supported by the seat back. Several frames later, the fatal head shot occurs and President Kennedy's head is violently thrust backwards, then bounces forwards off the seat back as he collapses. This was obviously not due to the car suddenly accelerating. In fact, the driver momentarily slowed down after the fatal shot. The driver could see that Secret Service agent Clint Hill was climbing onto the rear of the limousine, and that Jackie, who had dropped the President and was climbing over the seat back, was reaching back over the trunk to help Clint Hill into the car. Had the driver sped up before Jackie and Clint were safely back into the car, it is very likely that both Jackie and Clint would have fallen off onto the road. From viewing the Zapruder film, both at regular speed and in slow motion, it is very clear that President Kennedy was not thrust backwards because of his limo suddenly accelerating. This is quite apparent for two reasons:
                                1. The background images pass by at a slower speed after, than before, the shooting.
                                2. Jackie, who was not supported by the seat back as she leaned forward and turned towards the President, was not thrust backwards against the seat.

                                Watch the Zapruder film footage in slow motion and you will see that what I say is correct. At 0:07 seconds elapsed time (frame count 199) the President is still waving to the crowd, just before passing behind a street sign which obscures him from view. Upon emerging from behind the street sign (frame count 226), it is evident he has been hit and Kennedy reaches for his throat as he leans towards Jackie. In frames 280 through 290 president Kennedy is leaning against Jackie, and she momentarily rests against the seat back, before beginning to lean forwards again at frame count 291. By count 311 she has leaned well forward of the seat, and the fatal shot then commences at count 313. Kennedy's head is violently thrust backwards and bounces off the seat back at count 321, and all the while Jackie has remained in position without any sign of being thrust backwards even though she has nothing supporting her to prevent her from being thrown about.

                                The kill shot came from Kennedy's front. The only thing about the theory you accept as being "the most plausible story yet" that does make sense is that Kennedy was obviously struck by a kill shot from a hollow point bullet, which is not the type of bullet that Oswald could have fired (if he actually fired any shots that day).

                                And contrary to your assertion that Kennedy "was already dead by the time his head rocked back," Kennedy was still alive, with heart beating, when he was taken in at Parkland Hospital. The doctors who tended to the President at Parkland stated that his injuries were consistent with having been shot from the front. The Dallas medical examiner would have been able to corroborate that conclusion had he been allowed to perform an autopsy, but the G-men forcibly removed Kennedy from the hospital, at gunpoint, over the medical examiner's very vocal protest as he stood and blocked a doorway in an attempt to prevent the body being taken out.

                                An autopsy was performed in Bethesda by Navy physicians, and there were at least two examinations of Kennedy's brain. The first was performed on November 22nd, and the brain was removed from the body and placed in a white jar to which a fixative was added. Former FBI agent Francis X. O'Neill Jr., who was present at the Nov. 22, 1963, autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital, stated to the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) in a 1997 deposition that at the Nov. 22 autopsy "there was not too much of the brain left" when it was taken out of Kennedy's skull and "put in a white jar." He said "more than half of the brain was missing." Shown the brain photographs deeded to the National Archives by the Kennedy family, which were taken sometime after the November 22nd autopsy, O'Neill said they did not square with what he saw. The "only section of the brain which is missing is this small section over here," O'Neill said of one photograph. "This looks almost like a complete brain." Navy photographer John Stringer, who said he attended a November 25th brain examination said the photos he took at the "supplementary examination" (conducted by J. Thornton Boswell and James Humes) did not resemble photos at the Archives. He said the Archive photos seemed to be on "a different type of film" from the one he used. He said he also took photographs of "cross sections of the brain" that had been cut out to show the damage. No such photos are in the Archives collection.

                                [Hmmm, does anyone wonder why some of the original autopsy photos, of which Stringer said he "gave everything" from the brain examination to Humes, who claimed that he then gave the film to Kennedy's personal physician, the late Adm. George Burkley, are not included in the Archive photos, and why the ones which are included were not the ones taken by Stringer and are of an entirely different brain? This was answered in the ARRB report written by Douglas Horne, the board's chief analyst for military records. Horne stated that, "I am 90 to 95 percent certain that the photographs in the Archives are not of President Kennedy's brain. If they aren't, that can mean only one thing -- that there has been a coverup of the medical evidence." Horne contends that the damage to the second brain [the one pictured in Archive records] reflected a shot from behind. He says the first brain [the one originally autopsied] was Kennedy's and reflected a shot from the front.

                                The Kennedy family had insisted that the brain be interred with Kennedy's body at the time the President's coffin was buried on the afternoon of November 25, and Humes testified in a 1996 deposition that Kennedy's brain was not sectioned in the way Stringer had described because Admiral Burkley had taken possession of it and delivered it to Robert "Bobby" Kennedy. Strange then, that a third autopsy physician, Pierre Finck, said in a 1965 report, based on earlier notes, that Humes called him on Nov. 29, 1963, four days after the burial, to "examine the brain" at Bethesda. Horne said in his memo that this examination may have taken place as late as December 2nd, 1963, in light of the recollections of Chief Petty Officer Chester H. Boyers, the officer in charge of the pathology department at Bethesda. Boyers told the House Assassinations Committee, in 1978, that he processed brain tissue and prepared paraffin blocks "of eight or 12 sections of the brain" on December 2nd. So what brain would that have been? Certainly not Kennedy's.

                                The Navy photographer may have been confused as to the actual date he was present to take photos, and that it was December 2nd rather than November 25th. Then again, he may have taken photos on both occasions, or the photos taken December 2nd, some of which later made their way to the Archives and were not of Kennedy's brain, could have been taken by a different photographer. An article written about the ARRB report, which appeared in the Washington Post on November 10, 1998, stated that, "Boswell told a reporter yesterday that the brain was "examined in detail" at the Nov. 22 autopsy and once more "a few days later" after it had been "put in form and fixation." Boswell was one of the autopsy physicians who had examined the brain during a supplementary examination.

                                While it is unknown who's brain is pictured in the Archives, it is clear that it isn't Kennedy's. The Archive photos were deliberately placed there, rather than any factual photos of Kennedy's brain, to mislead the public, and perhaps the Warren Commission, as to how Kennedy's wounds were inflicted. My own belief is that the Warren Commission was in on the cover-up from the start, and that they were assigned the task of "proving" the official government story that the patsy Oswald was the shooter in the assassination. There are just too many questions and "coincidences" concerning the events, the aftermath of the events, and the investigations, for me to believe that the Commission report was anything more than a poorly handled cover-up of the facts. The Commission overlooked and ignored a great deal of evidence and witnesses that would have proved problematical and contrary to their report. Speaking of witnesses, by 1967, just 4 years after the assassination, 18 witnesses had turned up dead (several from gunshot wounds). A mathematician was hired by The London Sunday Times in February 1967 to conduct a statistical profile on the probability of 18 witnesses connected to the JFK Assassination having died in so short a period of time, and he concluded that the probability was one hundred thousand trillion to one! Many more have died since that time, and a great many of these deaths were under very unusual circumstances. You can read about these deaths, listed in chronological order, in the book JFK : The Dead Witnesses.

                                Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                                Also the Dallas [sheriffs office] interviewed and recorded a woman who testified she [had] seen one of the Secret Service men in the car SHOOT BACK at whoever was shooting. When asked the direction he was firing she said to the front of the vehicle towards the overpass, and he was shooting from the HIP. Which really doesn't make sense at all but that was what she said. She was never brought before the Warren commission.
                                That all makes perfect sense if you consider that it may well have been one of the seated agents who was firing the gun, but that from the woman's vantage point it may have seemed that one of the men standing on the vehicle's running board was the shooter. That would explain the perceived "hip shot." And the fact that the gun was being fired towards the overpass area makes all the sense in the world if you realize that the fatal head shot came from Kennedy's front and may well have come from, or close to, the overpass area. It also explains why "People.... in vehicles... and pedestrians [smelled] gun powder at street level," as you stated.

                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

