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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
    Of coarse, you are right in your description of how our Gov't. is supposed to work. And its true that many fail to understand that we are a republic, rather than a democracy, and why/what that means.

    Still, in the end, our system,in order to work, requires THE PEOPLE to be the ultimate 'check' on Gov't. power. The very 'sheeple' that we all decry.
    I think you meant 'of course' (which means the same as 'certainly' or 'definitely,' rather than 'of coarse,') since the definition of 'coarse' is
    something composed of relatively large parts or particles. For example: The beach had rough, coarse sand.

    You are absolutely correct, however, in your statement that the People are the ultimate check on government power. The Founding Fathers made that very clear both in their writings to each other, and in the way they set up our Constitution. The only question that must be asked is whether or not a sufficient number of patriots are willing to learn the true laws of our nation and use those laws to oust corrupt politicians and bureaucrats and restore our rightful freedoms and heritage. When I say "a sufficient number of patriots," I am not talking about a majority of the People. A very small minority, actually, is all that is necessary, but these must be true patriots who are willing and committed to stay the course and do what is necessary.

    No matter what state you live in, there are towns, cities, and counties. You may live in a small town which only has a population of a few hundred people, but that is not a deterrent to achieving success. If you were to post a notice at a conspicuous location in your town, and in say 3 or 4 other towns that are nearby, stating that a meeting will be held on such and such date and time at a central location for the purpose of explaining what patriotic and concerned Americans can do to restore freedom and justice, how many people do you think would care enough to take an interest and show up? For that matter, would you show up if you saw such a notice posted? If you would say "just a few," then let's assume for the moment that "just a few" would mean just 5 people, with yourself included. If that is all you can scrape together, then that is enough. If your effort is repeated in other locations throughout the county in which you live, and if just 25 willing patriots, county-wide, can be found, then there is a solution that can be carried forward with success. Does that sound "impractical," or "undo-able" to you?
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • For anyone who doesn't believe that a national gun registration database is a precursor to gun confiscation, I suggest that you watch this video which shows how gun registration data in Canada has already been used to confiscate firearms.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Here is a screenshot of the Kochs' 2002 introduction of their "Tea Party," with a quotation from the original Tea Party's leader, Sam Adams, back in 1773:

        Final Proof The Tea Party Was Founded As A Bogus AstroTurf Movement | Eric Zuesse

        This is "democracy" in today's United States. The agenda of the Republican Supreme Court in Citizens United, etc., is to increase this "democracy" by removing the limits on campaign finance. Instead of one person one vote, we are increasingly moving toward one dollar one vote, which will leave the 1 percent of who own almost everything owning the government too. But is that democracy? Or is it fascism? And do Republicans and other conservatives know the difference between the two? And do non-conservatives even care whether they do? Because that's what we're getting more of, even if Republicans, or even liberals, don't care about it - and maybe even because they don't care about it.



        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
          For anyone who doesn't believe that a national gun registration database is a precursor to gun confiscation, I suggest that you watch this video which shows how gun registration data in Canada has already been used to confiscate firearms.
          Decision of the Court
          In this case, the Supreme Court held that with the exception of a criminal law context as provided for by s. 11(g) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, “there is no requirement of legislative prospectivity embodied in the rule of law or in any provision of our Constitution.”15 It then cited with approval the following passage from Peter Hogg’s Constitutional Law of Canada:
          Apart from s. 11(g), Canadian constitutional law contains no prohibition of retroactive (or ex post facto) laws. There is a presumption of statutory interpretation that a statute should not be given retroactive effect, but, if the retroactive effect is clearly expressed, then there is no room for interpretation and the statute is effective according to its terms. Retroactive statutes are in fact common.


          • Judicial Watch has just released their 2013 list of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians." The list of names is probably close to what any of us might have expected, so should come as no great surprise, and is shown below in alphabetical order:
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Rick

              re: pos 4996, yes, sorry to say but I do think it is 'un-doable'. Hey, I'm a pessimist, what can I say. And sorry for the mispellings, or misusing of words. I was failed by the public school system, and only realised later in life that the main thing that they taught me, (that i was 'stupid') was, in fact wrong. Been playing catch up ever since. Jim


              • this is total BS

                The fact they can take your laptop or cell phone or any digital device without any suspicion and copy all of it's contents and even keep the device for several days is criminal. These government thugs have gone too far with with homeland security BS.

                Court Rules No Suspicion Needed for Laptop Searches at Border

                A federal court today dismissed a lawsuit arguing that the government should not be able to search and copy people’s laptops, cell phones, and other devices at border checkpoints without reasonable suspicion. An appeal is being considered. Government documents show that thousands of innocent American citizens are searched when they return from trips abroad.

                “We’re disappointed in today’s decision, which allows the government to conduct intrusive searches of Americans’ laptops and other electronics at the border without any suspicion that those devices contain evidence of wrongdoing,” said Catherine Crump, the American Civil Liberties Union attorney who argued the case in July 2011. “Suspicionless searches of devices containing vast amounts of personal information cannot meet the standard set by the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. Unfortunately, these searches are part of a broader pattern of aggressive government surveillance that collects information on too many innocent people, under lax standards, and without adequate oversight.”
                read more

                Court Rules No Suspicion Needed for Laptop Searches at Border
                Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  re: pos 4996, yes, sorry to say but I do think it is 'un-doable'. Hey, I'm a pessimist, what can I say.
                  Come on, Jim, you've got to be kidding. You really don't believe that you could find 4 other people in the area of the county you live in who would be willing to do something that could actually bring about the changes that are needed to regain liberty and justice while thwarting corruption and tyranny? Or are you just saying you're not interested enough to give it a try?
                  Last edited by rickoff; 01-04-2014, 02:01 AM.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                    The fact they can take your laptop or cell phone or any digital device without any suspicion and copy all of it's contents and even keep the device for several days is criminal. These government thugs have gone too far with with homeland security BS.
                    You're so right, 5150. This is a prime example of why we need People's grand juries - to hold any officials who participate in such unconstitutional acts accountable. These people truly are nothing but government thugs, and only we the People can hold them accountable. Surely no one in government will.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Quotable quote of the day....

                      "Here is the reason they [establishment Republicans] can’t squash the Tea Party. The Tea Party is an attitude – an attitude of the working class that goes against the political class. The Tea Party’s attitude says live within your means and stop taking away our liberties. The political class is just the opposite. They want to settle for what they can get, like this last budget they went along with. They’re more worried about being blamed for stuff than they are accomplishing stuff.

                      The Tea Party is not one organization or one figurehead. When someone emerges to lead this movement in Congress, like Ted Cruz and a few others, the establishment wants to quiet him down.

                      You might be able to silence a few voices, but you’re not going to silence an attitude. And if the Republican Party ever wants to win, it needs to stop trying and start trying to actually accomplish the things the Tea Party stands for." - Herman Cain (Yes, even Herman Cain gets it)
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Legal Corruption - Follow The Money

                        Hi Rick,
                        I have known for some time that our government is corrupt but I did not know exactly where the corruption was and how it is used against us. I believe some time back you explained much of this for us but I must not have done my studies, or just plain didn't get it.

                        Searching for answers I came across this short video Ted talk by Lawrence Lessig. Lawrence Lessig: We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim | Video on

                        It has cleared up many things for me and now when I'm asked (where is the corruption and how can we stop it?) I at least have some answers for those who wish to know.

                        WE NEED REFORM-This video offers a solution and it is as you say, starts at the local level. But can this happen in time? Is it already to late?

                        I see that Maine is one of the few states that has adopted small funded systems, this imho is a big step toward the ending of the corruption. It also tells me at least one of the reasons Maine was picked for electronic voter fraud against Ron Paul. They knew vote #'s there were going to hurt, and they did not have Ron in their pocket.$$$$

                        Thanks for all you do here, Gene


                        • The Department of Education has partnered with billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Institute to promote a global education initiative that seeks “a world where each and every person on Earth can access and contribute to the sum of all human knowledge.”

                          The “Why Open Education Matters” competition is sponsored and organized by three groups – the U.S. Department of Education, Soros’ Open Society and a group known as Creative Commons.

                          Creative Commons was founded in 2001 by Lawrence Lessig, a technology adviser to Obama. Lessig works closely with a Marxist activist who has argued for the dismantling of the U.S. capitalist system and whose George Soros-funded group petitions for more government control of the media.

                          Lessig reportedly has known Obama since their days teaching law at the University of Chicago. Lessig now teaches at Harvard.

                          Lessig drew some controversy during the 2008 campaign after he circulated a video depicting Jesus lip-syncing to Gloria Gaynor’s late 1970s disco hit “I Will Survive.” In the video, a mock Jesus is seen stripping down to just a diaper while he effeminately struts along a city street and finally gets run over by a speeding bus.

                          Lessig is a close associate of Robert W. McChesney, an avowed Marxist who favors the dismantling of capitalism.

                          McChesney founded Free Press, a Soros-funded organization with close ties to the White House that petitions for more government control of the news media.

                          Lessig has penned numerous op-ed pieces with McChesney, and the duo have worked together on numerous media projects.

                          Read more at Obama’s Education Dept. partners with Soros



                          • Rick

                            Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                            Come on, Jim, you've got to be kidding. You really don't believe that you could find 4 other people in the area of the county you live in who would be willing to do something that could actually bring about the changes that are needed to regain liberty and justice while thwarting corruption and tyranny? Or are you just saying you're not interested enough to give it a try?
                            Since you asked,...
                            Firsly, no, I DON'T think that me and 4 other people in the county I live in can bring about the changes your talking about. On a more basic level, we disagree as to the nature of the problem, and so disagree as to solutions, or even the possibility of a solution. YOU are an 'optimist'; you seem to be saying "If we could just get back to a Constitutional form of Gov't, by repealing the 17th amendment, (and perhaps several others), eliminate the FED, IRS, (and Dept. of Education?) AND if we could get 'good, honorable' people serving in Washington, we could solve all these problems.

                            I would point out you spent a # of posts, before the 2012 elections, explaining this 'plan' whereby people could elect a 'Constitutional' form of Gov't. which would replace our current Gov't. It didn't work,....why? Cause TPTB sabatoged (sp?) it, or bcause not enough people got involved to make it viable?

                            More basically, I see these problems we're all talking about as being a direct result of 'human nature', and evolution; we have evolved to develop Civilisation, and we have 'promoted ourselves to our level of incompetence, (as a species). These problems are worldwide, and go far beyond 'fixing' whats wrong with the U.S. government. And, getting 'honorable' people in D.C., who can't and won't be corrupted, well, good luck with that! And sorry for the mis-spellings, gramatical errors, etc. Jim


                            • What happened next was extraordinary. The belief that citizens had to pay for the mistakes of a financial monopoly, that an entire nation must be taxed to pay off private debts was shattered, transforming the relationship between citizens and their political institutions and eventually driving Iceland’s leaders to the side of their constituents. The Head of State, Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, refused to ratify the law that would have made Iceland’s citizens responsible for its bankers’ debts, and accepted calls for a referendum.

                              Of course the international community only increased the pressure on Iceland. Great Britain and Holland threatened dire reprisals that would isolate the country. As Icelanders went to vote, foreign bankers threatened to block any aid from the IMF. The British government threatened to freeze Icelander savings and checking accounts. As Grimsson said: “We were told that if we refused the international community’s conditions, we would become the Cuba of the North. But if we had accepted, we would have become the Haiti of the North.” (How many times have I written that when Cubans see the dire state of their neighbor, Haiti, they count themselves lucky.)

                              Iceland’s Revolution Against Globalist Banksters | LeakSource

                              Four bosses of Iceland's failed Kaupthing Bank face prison terms of between three and five years and must pay millions of pounds in legal costs. They were convicted of fraud ahead of the collapse of the country's biggest bank in October 2008.
                              Icelandic 'banksters' get jail time over Kaupthing fraud — RT Business



                              • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                                Since you asked,...
                                Firsly, no, I DON'T think that me and 4 other people in the county I live in can bring about the changes your talking about.
                                Gee, that's too bad, Jim. Does that mean you wouldn't even be willing to try, even if you knew you were doing the right thing and that the law was on your side?

                                Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                                I would point out you spent a # of posts, before the 2012 elections, explaining this 'plan' whereby people could elect a 'Constitutional' form of government which would replace our current government. It didn't work,....why? Cause TPTB sabotaged it, or because not enough people got involved to make it viable?
                                The fact is, Jim, that it has come very close to being fully realized. There were only two states that failed to rally to the cause and elect a governor by the end of the 2012 elections. The other states could have gone ahead without those two, but it was decided at the start that they would not implement the final stages of the plan until all 48 had elected a jurisdictional state governor. As of November 4th, 2013, however, I can now report that all 48 states have successfully and legally elected an original jurisdiction governor. There is more to the plan than that, of course, but this was the all important and most difficult first step. The second step is for the 48 states to reseat our nation’s original jurisdiction Senate, and that would be followed by reseating the original jurisdiction President. These tasks are expected to be completed in 2014.
                                How, you might ask? If you remember the basics of the plan, the Constitution provides that state Governors can appoint and seat vacant seats for their state in the nation’s Senate. And because the original jurisdiction Senate can seat a vacant seat of their President of the United States of America (which has not been done since 1913) this is a very powerful concept.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

