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The American Ruling Class

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  • The Bigger They Come, the Harder They Fall

    Explosive demolition is the preferred method for safely and efficiently demolishing larger structures. When a building is surrounded by other buildings, it may be necessary to "implode" the building, that is, make it collapse down into its footprint.

    A building implosion isn't truly an implosion -- atmospheric pressure doesn't pull or push the structure inward, gravity makes it collapse. But the term implosion is in common use for this sort of demolition. In this article, we use the word this way.

    The basic idea of explosive demolition is quite simple: If you remove the support structure of a building at a certain point, the section of the building above that point will fall down on the part of the building below that point. If this upper section is heavy enough, it will collide with the lower part with sufficient force to cause significant damage. The explosives are just the trigger for the demolition. It's gravity that brings the building down.

    In order to demolish a building safely, blasters must map out each element of the implosion ahead of time. The first step is to examine architectural blueprints of the building, if they can be located, to determine how the building is put together. Next, the blaster crew tours the building (several times), jotting down notes about the support structure on each floor. Once they have gathered all the raw data they need, the blasters hammer out a plan of attack. Drawing from past experiences with similar buildings, they decide what explosives to use, where to position them in the building and how to time their detonations. In some cases, the blasters may develop 3-D computer models of the structure so they can test out their plan ahead of time in a virtual world.

    HowStuffWorks "How Building Implosions Work" the hidden story of Building 7: Building 7's Location

    Building 7 was the only of the seven buildings with a World Trade Center address that was on a different block. It, along with the 6 other buildings, were completely or largely destroyed on September 11th. No large buildings outside of the two turquoise zones in the map to the right suffered more than superficial damage, such as gashes caused by flying pieces of steel from the Towers.



    • Weather Modification

      A permit is required to modify the weather in Colorado. Cloud seeding contractors must work with local interests to develop an operational plan and funding for a cloud seeding project. The contractor then can apply for a permit to cloud seed from the State of Colorado on behalf of the project sponsors.
      Colorado Water Conservation Board

      The main purpose of AREP in Weather Modification is to promote scientific practices in weather modification research. This is done through the WMO Expert Team on Weather Modification and through organizing the quadriennial scientific conferences on weather modification.

      The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It is the UN system's authoritative voice on the state and behaviour of the Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, the climate it produces and the resulting distribution of water resources
      draft weather mod

      The "polar vortex" which has been dominating the scene (in North America) is beginning to press Eastward across Greenland, bringing major winter weather to Northern Europe.

      As this is happening, we are seeing a NEW large "polar vortex" form just Southwest of Alaska. This new dominating flow will press Southeast towards North America.
      2/10/2014 -- NEW Polar Vortex coming, Southern Snow, Overall Global Cooling - YouTube

      earth wind map

      Kerry calls climate change ‘weapon of mass destruction’ — Nation — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine
      “The bottom line is this: it is the same thing with climate change. In a sense, climate change can now be considered another weapon of mass destruction, perhaps even the world’s most fearsome weapon of mass destruction.”



      • This first video below shows some things I think make sense. The second one I
        downloaded and kept myself as it shows several oddities, if you look closely.

        The woman talking in the second video must be a battle hardened reporter or a
        machine, she has very little to no emotion. Or just maybe she was struck
        almost "dumb" by the sight of the odd things that were flying around that day.

        When they remove the background of a live shot video, something is wrong and people are doing evil.

        This is a very good video analysis of the second tower impact and what hit it. A damning video.

        UFO 911 From Another Helicopter clear seen 'Back Off' instructions After Explosion - YouTube


        P.S. In the second video I see the object drop into the top right hand corner
        of the frame at 2:14 but the reporter says nothing about it.
        Then at 2:16 it disappears. Then a 2:26 impact. And no plane is seen.

        The reporter has no idea what hit the tower. There are balls in "controlled flight" around in several places.

        Looks to like high technology doing evil at the whim of evil men.

        I think that reporter would be lucky to be still alive, and I think she knew
        trouble was coming or could sense something was very very wrong with what
        she was seeing.

        Last edited by Farmhand; 02-18-2014, 05:01 AM.


        • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
          This first video below shows some things I think make sense.
          In the computer age?

          However, 2(UFO) + 2(WTC1&2) = 4 NOT 5

          The Revision
          Donald Rumsfeld 2.3 Trillion Dollars Just Gone - YouTube



          • American elites

            The Wall Street Journal has something to say about the ruling elites;
            Our Decadent Elites - Peggy Noonan's Blog - WSJ


            • Left vs Right

              I found a very interesting post at The Daily Bell;

              Only the naive doubt the existence of a non elected elite which controls governments. The elite are invariably socialists but are immune from socialist policies such as heavy taxation. They hide behind tax exempt foundations and trusts which attract little or no taxation. Left or right they care not not about the politics; and are all about exercising power and control. For the populace life at the extreme right or extreme left is identical. On the left side, you have a politburo managing an indentured population with no individual liberty, serving the state. On the extreme right you have government controlled by corporations managing a population with no rights living an neo-feudal existence serving the corporations. In either case, there are no democratic elections, no constitution and no bill of rights, so pick your poison. Some aspects of America are very left and other aspects are very right.

              Corporations in America are clearly in control. Corporations are considered persons from a legal perspective but many pay no taxes and are immune from incarceration, unlike the average man on Main Street. They have manipulated trade agreements to remove barriers to cross border movements of capital and production. The result has been the off-shoring of factories and intellectual talent. The coming TPP agreement will allow corporations to regulate much of the international commerce. They will even regulate safety of imported food products for example. This has been termed the revenge of the 1%. It will devastate remaining manufacturing in the US. This is the extreme right at work. This is something that Wolf Blitzer, or, right wing shill Bill O'Rielly will not discuss.

              To compensate for the lost of employment the Fed has ramped up money printing, deficit spending, food stamps and unemployment benefits. Economic stats are manufactured numbers, to make the populace feel warm and fuzzy. These are extreme left strategies to keep the population disillusioned, while the economy is robbed by the extreme right. In the absence of these extreme socialist policies, America's streets would resemble those in Caracas or the Kiev.

              Thanks to a media, populated by leftists, the public only hears about a fictional recovery and wars instigated by rogue nations in the middle east, where intervention by Israel and America is necessary to democratize despotic regimes. The media itself is owned by extreme right wing corporations disguised as leftists. Americans are told and believe that they are exceptional. In a sense that is true; they are exceptionally naive.

              So in reality America, has a blended economy of left and right elements, both operating at the fringes. Social programs for the unemployed. Social programs to bail out bankrupt corporations and bankers. At the right fringe we have wars to protect and expand democracy and garnish resources for corporations. On the left, there are laws that strip freedoms and on the right there are laws to expand corporate power over the government and the economy and limit unwarranted competition. in this blended economy, social handouts have never been at current extreme levels, and, never has the disparity between rich and poor been so extreme. It is a Goldilocks economy where the poor and favored corporations get handouts and the disparity between rich and poor grows and has never been greater. It is cash for the rich an bread and circuses for the poor. Everybody except the middle class wins.

              Left and right are relative terms that change over time. Today there is little difference between the left and right political parties. You could argue till the cows come home as to whether this shift towards the left is coincidental or intentional. I would refer you to this 1958 video and let you decide
              1958 Robert Welch founder of John Birch Society Prediction Americas Destruction from Inside - YouTube

              I would assert that if you compare the conservative party platform in any western nation today, or, left wing party platform for that matter, to what they were in the 30's you would have to conclude, that, by 30's standards, both political parties today are communist.


              • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                The Wall Street Journal has something to say about the ruling elites;
                Our Decadent Elites - Peggy Noonan's Blog - WSJ
                Membership Roster
                (as of February 19, 2014)
                Eric Nonacs
                Peggy Noonan
                William S. Norman

                Membership Roster - Council on Foreign Relations


                • Danny B

                  I follow what you are saying in your last post, and don't disagree, although I ould express it differently, or 'look' at it from a different angle.
                  Regardless WHAT 'political system' a country has in place, there has been, and will ALWAYS be, those who will look to gain/exert INFLUENCE, in order to 'game' the system, to their advantage.
                  And, regardless of the system, there will always be those within the government who can be 'bought', who will succumb to inducements to enable those wishing to exert influence to be able to do so.
                  It has happened in Communist regimes, like the soviet union and China, in Fascist dictatorships, and YES, most definetly in Democracies. Much as it is said "The poor will always be with us', CORRUPTION wi always be with us; it is a part of human nature, once you go about setting up a 'government'; ANY government. The founding fathers recognised this, which is WHY they said you need a Revolution every 10 years; cause thats about how long it takes for this 'ruling elite' that this thread is named after, to begin making 'inroads', and for those in Government become cynical and corruptable.
                  After all, we would all LIKE to be able to have such influence; to be able to 'sway' the actions, policies and rulings of the governmenmt the way WE think they ought to go. And, of coarse, we each think WE know 'the way' things ought to go.
                  But, individually, we have little real 'chance' or opportunity to exert any influence. But, not so for those who are wealthy. And so, they exert influence, and those in Government succumb to that influence. Its 'the way of the world'. And yes, to a degree terms like "Socialist, Communist, Libertarian, Conservative, Liberal, Democracy, Fascist Dictatorship, etc. are all terms for describing the way a government is structured, and is 'supposed' to work, but regardless of that, those with authority (in Gov't.) will inevitably succumb to those with $.
                  And, those with POWER; (Authority and Responsibility) WILL, with every resource at their command, FIGHT to keep the status quo, form which they and theirs benefit. We see it in Russia, where whats going on next door in Kiev, etc. scares the crap out of Putin, which is why he is coming down so hard on a 'punk' rock girls group. We see it in Egypt, where the Army 'sacrificed' a figurehead, but retains an iron grip.
                  And we see it here, where, 4 years AFTER the Unaffordable care act was passed, companies are STILL being given 'extensions' and 'delays' for THEIR mandates, but individuals are not.
                  "Democracy is the WORST form of Gov't., except for all the others" ? Actually, what we have is the ILLUSION of Democracy, just as other Governments are the ILLUSION of 'Socialism'. At least "Fascist Dictatorship" is honest; it makes no denials or excuses for what it is.
                  I THINK we are all engaged in massive denial; There is simply NO way to make 'civilisation' work; there IS no 'answer', cause its like the couple that moves every couple of years thinking that will solve their problems, and it never does; no matter where you go, there you are! The 'problem' is US; Human nature. We did not evolve to exist and function well in a complex society that we have only created in the last 10,000 years. This whole 'experiment' in civilisation is a failure, doomed to crash and burn. And. unfortunately, survivors, not learnig the lesson, will undoubtedly repeat it, and begin building a new civilsation on theashes of the old. Also human nature, to keep doing the same thing, over and over again, and expecting different results! Jim


                  • Human Nature

                    Its 'hard wired' into our very genes; to 'see' peope as 'us' or 'them'; the hormone 'oxytocin' plays a key role in this. Its part of our 'Human Nature'.

                    Their are those on this thread who see 'them' as being 'the Government', and those who see 'them' as being "The BIG Corporations".

                    Heres a mental excersise; Imagine a skyscraper in NYC; it is the 'headquarters' of a large, multi-national conglomeration.Imagine it as functioning; there are receptionists, workers, security and janitorial. Lower, middle and 'upper' management. Because its a 'hierarchy' there is a board of directors, CEO, etc. at the very top.
                    Now, imagine as you enter this building, and travel the elevators and walk around the various floors, there are NO PEOPLE !! NONE. And its not Sunday, and its like this EVERY day. Point is, Corporations, while I agree they aren't people, they ARE made up OF people. And, while we don't want to admit it, they are people JUST like us, going about their jobs, and trying to provide for their families, etc.
                    And, of coarse for those who think "Government is the problem", you can do the same 'mental excercise' imagining a big, government building in D.C.
                    Point is, the REAL problem, (that we don't WANT to recognise) is that 'the problem' ISN'T "Government", or "Corporations", its PEOPLE! And wherever we go, there we are! Hence, there IS no 'solution' to these problems WE, collectively, have created for ourselves. Jim


                    • Hi all,
                      WHERE IS RICK? Does anyone know? He hasn't posted since 1/23/2014 that's not like him. I'm just a bit worried and hopping all is well with him and his.

                      Regards, Gene


                      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                        Regardless WHAT 'political system' a country has in place, there has been, and will ALWAYS be, those who will look to gain/exert INFLUENCE, in order to 'game' the system, to their advantage.
                        Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                        This whole 'experiment' in civilisation is a failure, doomed to crash and burn. And. unfortunately, survivors, not learnig the lesson, will undoubtedly repeat it, and begin building a new civilsation on theashes of the old. Also human nature, to keep doing the same thing, over and over again, and expecting different results!
                        Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                        Point is, the REAL problem, (that we don't WANT to recognise) is that 'the problem' ISN'T "Government", or "Corporations", its PEOPLE! And wherever we go, there we are! Hence, there IS no 'solution' to these problems WE, collectively, have created for ourselves.
                        “Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.”

                        “Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.”

                        “You don't reason with intellectuals. You shoot them.”

                        “History is a set of lies agreed upon.”

                        Napoleon Quotes (Author of Love Letters Of Great Men - Vol. 1)



                        • Originally posted by gene gene View Post
                          Hi all,
                          WHERE IS RICK? Does anyone know? He hasn't posted since 1/23/2014 that's not like him. I'm just a bit worried and hopping all is well with him and his.

                          Regards, Gene

                          Could be he is caught up in winter weather and related issues. Power outages, snow, repairs, and staying warm and alive. Knowing how prepared he is I don't worry about him not being able to take care of himself or his family, however I hope he is alright and just busy with life things.

                          He is a great guy and I have learned a lot from him here. Hope he is well
                          Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                          • o.b. method


