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The American Ruling Class

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  • Not so much 'Low',as,..DESPERATION

    Latest #'s came out, and O'bummercare is DEFINETLY in a 'death spiral' trajectory, if not already in a death spiral; only 4 million signed up, and only a couple of weeks to the 'deadline' where they needed 7 million.

    Even MORE 'telling' is the demographics; not enough 'young, invincibles', and too many older/chronically ill. The real 'death nell' will come in 2015, when insurance companies,having look at the 'actuarials', will raise their rates, and/or simply stop writing policies in certain areas.

    And the question will then be; "O.K., WHAT are supposed to do, NOW?"

    Extreme liberals will chortle and rub their palms, and insist the ONLY answer is to go to a 'single payor' nationalised healthcare system; bacally, delete "Over 65 from the medicare law.

    But, Dems are looking to LOSE, in next election (midterm), in part BECAUSE of O'bummercare. Once 'wound', we can't/won't simply unwind this whole thing, at least I can't see it.

    The individual mandate is a false threat, I've already changed my withholding situation, LEGALLY, I might add, so as to get no Fed. return, and therefore give Uncle Sammie no way to penalise me.

    What such a disfunctional Washington is going to be able to come up with, is anyones guess, this point. Its going to be,...interesting!

    Anyway, his appearence on between 2 shrubs, or whatever it was, is just a sign of how DESPERATE they are, to get young invincibles to sign up. Overall, polls show the young have deserted O'bummer in DROVES. Idealism is fine, but once you start messing with MY 'pocketbook', its amazing how PRACTICAL I can become! LOL Jim


    • Presidential law writing violates the presidential oath of office, steals power from Congress, disrespects an equal branch of the government and, when unchecked, accumulates such power in the executive branch that it effectively transforms the president into a menacing tyrant who rejects his constitutional obligations and limitations.

      And in a series of salvos that hit home, the president has modified the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) 29 times, by changing its various dates of effectiveness for some but not for others, by changing the meanings of terms for some but not for others, and even by diluting the signature obligation we all have to obtain the platinum insurance policies it commands for some and not for others. He has done all of this on his own, with no input from Congress. He has even threatened to veto any congressional effort to enact into law the very changes he alone has made.

      And while all of this is going on, Congress largely sits as a potted plant. In the Senate, Sens. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee have complained long and loud, but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will not permit legislation to address presidential lawlessness to reach the Senate floor. A few dozen Republicans in the House have complained, but Speaker John Boehner will not permit the House to address corrective legislation. Institutionally and officially, Congress is sleeping.

      These are dangerous times because this is a lawless presidency and a pliant Congress. The president's willingness to violate the Constitution publicly calls into question his fitness for office. And that deafening silence from Capitol Hill manifests a spineless refusal to preserve constitutional government.

      Whoever permits this to take place lacks fidelity to the Constitution, is unworthy of holding governmental power in a free society and should be removed from office.

      An unconscionable silence | Fox News



      • Yes, Al

        Its a mess. But what is anyone going to DO about it? Jim


        • Erwin Rommel, who was also known as Desert Fox, was one of Germany’s most respected military leaders in World War Two.

          Rommel died ‘of his wounds’ on October 14, 1944. He was given a state funeral. But it was later revealed he committed suicide.

          He agreed to kill himself by taking a cyanide pill, in return for assurances his family would not be punished.

          Letter reveals Rommel's son account of his general father's last moments after being ordered to commit suicide by Hitler | Mail Online

          Originally posted by frisco kid View Post
          One of many facts, they cannot explain the blood splatter shown clearly in Zapruder and x-rays. His face was clear according to the autopsy report/photos, and eyewitnesses.

          Jfk's face was clear in reality. But, the x-rays and front of frame 313 and 327 show it removed. This cannot be reconciled without copping to film and x-ray alteration.



          • Insurance vs. the FED

            There seems to be a log-jam in the moral and ethical department in Congress. They don't seem able or ready to reorganize the current cabal. So, the natural consequence will unfold. This is how it seems to be playing out. Any time serious issues arise, such as budget problems or debt limit issues, the PTB lean on the FED and the other players, but mainly the FED, to wink at the money printing, aka, the QE. The insurance companies, having already taken subsidy $$$ from the Treasury, will be easy to compromise a second time. The gullible and those afraid to rock the boat will go along with the fraud. This could go on for some time. As I read recently, the thing to remember about a currency collapse is that it happens gradually, gradually, gradually and then very suddenly. As more people shift their assets into hard assets the tipping point comes closer and closer.

            I read recently about the social situation in Rome. You ought to do the same. The divide between the haves and have-nots was MUCH wider than I had thought before I happened to read an account of the situation. Having seen 3rd world poverty, I don't think Americans, in general, have a clue what is in their future.
            There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


            • Predictable, and

              starting already! Even as many try to deny O'bummercare is in a death spiral, 'hard core' liberals are starting the drumbeat. Bill Maher, on NBC sunday show, said it; "The Problem with the (affordable care act) isn't the socialis, its the capitalism; get the insurance companies and drug companies out of it" i.e. there will be a building drumbeat; firstly, we can't go back to the way things were, pre-Obummercare, (as if thats the only alternative) and second, go to a 'single-payor' system, i.e 'Nationalised' healthcare. Just delete "Over 65" from the legislation establishing Medicare.

              There ARE alternatives, all the things that were proposed by repubs, and rejected by Dems, during the drafting of Un-affordable care act; 'allowing' Insurance companies to sell health Insurance nationally, just as car insurance is sold, re-vamping Tort law, so we don't see Lawyers getting filthy rich on malpractice suits, etc.

              A 50,000 word article, in (I think it was) Newsweek, within the last year, put the boot to the commonly repeated lie regarding hospital charges. In an in depth analyses it clearly revealed the reason we (thru our insurance) pay $8 for an aspirin, $80 for a bag od salt water, etc. ISN'T because the hospital has to charge that much, to make up for the people who they are forced by law to treat, who have no insurance. As youmight expect, its so they can pay outrageously high pay packages to the CEO's, and give steady high returns to investors.

              There IS no 'solution', and don't be sucked in by the desire to believe there is one; yes, corporate greed IS A problem, but nothing done in D.C. is going to address it; any attempt to rain in Wall Street, in any of its forms is a smokescreen. After all, D.C. is bought and paid for. But, the thing is, the problems are deeper than any of this. WE, collectively, have created problems for which there IS no solution, and any attempts to come up with solutions is just trying to prolongue the inevitable. So, let the fat cats aquire there (ultimately worthless) wealth, for all the good it will do them.

              Collapse, hurry up and come! Party, as Rome burns, I say! Jim


              • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                Collapse, hurry up and come! Party, as Rome burns, I say! Jim
                Queen Elizabeth II listened to Quran in the Mosque - YouTube

                Muslim call to prayer makes christian cry - YouTube

                True News About POPE Converted to ISLAM? Must watch - YouTube



                • The collapse is already here

                  I hear what you are saying, the collapse is here, the sooner the better, but it seems to me that the collapse is still coming. Things are moving SLOWLY in the direction of collapse, but the rate of collapse is rather moderate at this time. A sudden acceleration of the rate of collapse will be like a chain reaction. It will be sudden, unpreventable and unstoppable. Some say the point has been reached but I say things are still moving at a moderate pace. When you can look back just two weeks and say to yourself how much things have changed in just two weeks, then you will understand what a collapse looks like. At that point, preparation will be impossible and the 90 percent (or more) will be trapped without hope of a short-term recovery. The big media will be confused and screaming at the outrage and looking for or picking and choosing villains and scapegoats. When I say people don't know how bad things can be, I mean exactly that. A few think we are going though a collapse now, but they are wrong because they don't understand how bad things can be.
                  There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                  • Control

                    The USA is being dismantled piece by piece by the "Federalists" and its power is going to be transferred to the UN, a proxy for the new governing group yet to reveal itself. Obama this week just assigned all rights to the internet to the UN. Some are surmising the UN will use it as a tax gathering income stream for its operations but it is more than that. The internet has joined the CIA, the NSA with every other secret service and intelligence group in the world and voila, here is your new government for the globe.

                    They have the data and so the New World Order can begin its operations knowing they have the control and the income to proceed. They have the worldwide banking system, they have access to all political groups both in and out of office everywhere and they have restructured religion, eliminating what they do not want and they have made most military groups subservient to the globe, replacing patriotism with "humanity". They have done what they told us would be done and it was without bloodshed galore.

                    Henceforth we are all subjects to whatever our new masters want us to do. Who are our new "leaders"? They are giant international corporations with offices in every country, sending goods, things we all need all over the world and they are about to show their power, especially to those who do not cotton to their new position. They have invented complicated new financial "instruments" with which to reward or punish any group that thinks it can survive without them. We will be ruled by contracts and the contracts will be enforced with draconian methods.

                    They know all about the Takers and the Makers and they have devised a clever stratagem to appease both. They have taught them to enjoy leisure, play games, to consume and shop. As they encounter the more astute, they will lure them with trading on exchanges being set up for everything and anything, and credits will replace money as people learn to use it all.

                    The funny thing is that most of us will not even notice what is happening since we will go on living as we have, giving the nod to our new masters to solve any problems that erupt while we go on doing what we do.

                    Welcome to The New World Order and the Illuminati who now have our lives in their hands. I doubt we will ever know who they are.


                    • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                      The USA is being dismantled piece by piece by the "Federalists" and its power is going to be transferred to the UN, a proxy for the new governing group yet to reveal itself. Obama this week just assigned all rights to the internet to the UN. Some are surmising the UN will use it as a tax gathering income stream for its operations but it is more than that. The internet has joined the CIA, the NSA with every other secret service and intelligence group in the world and voila, here is your new government for the globe.

                      They have the data and so the New World Order can begin its operations knowing they have the control and the income to proceed. They have the worldwide banking system, they have access to all political groups both in and out of office everywhere and they have restructured religion, eliminating what they do not want and they have made most military groups subservient to the globe, replacing patriotism with "humanity". They have done what they told us would be done and it was without bloodshed galore.

                      Henceforth we are all subjects to whatever our new masters want us to do. Who are our new "leaders"? They are giant international corporations with offices in every country, sending goods, things we all need all over the world and they are about to show their power, especially to those who do not cotton to their new position. They have invented complicated new financial "instruments" with which to reward or punish any group that thinks it can survive without them. We will be ruled by contracts and the contracts will be enforced with draconian methods.

                      They know all about the Takers and the Makers and they have devised a clever stratagem to appease both. They have taught them to enjoy leisure, play games, to consume and shop. As they encounter the more astute, they will lure them with trading on exchanges being set up for everything and anything, and credits will replace money as people learn to use it all.

                      The funny thing is that most of us will not even notice what is happening since we will go on living as we have, giving the nod to our new masters to solve any problems that erupt while we go on doing what we do.

                      Welcome to The New World Order and the Illuminati who now have our lives in their hands. I doubt we will ever know who they are.
                      Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign-Five Man Electric Band-NOW - YouTube

                      Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here lyrics and meaning - YouTube



                      • Still no Rick? Wonder where he is? Hope all is well with him!

                        As for the collapse, well I agree it's already upon us most people just don't see or understand the ramifications. When the collapse does arrive I hope ever member of Congress is hunted down and executed in the streets and EVERY federal employee in DC who are tied to the banking and general operations of the Federal government are also hunted down and captured and executed for treason.

                        Those criminals are getting away with organized crime, treason, extortion, embezzlement and a whole host of other crimes. They will pay for their deeds but at this time they are still too well protected by the federal law enforcement agencies who do their bidding, but once those officers lose everything they might open their eyes to the reality that even they were used and abused. I cannot wait for the day to see the drunk lady hang.

                        As for Obama what a international joke he has become. He has turned out to be the largest single American disappointment in terms of a leader the USA has ever had. Putin is further making Obama and the USA eat dirt and it's actually about time. Too bad Obama cannot tax Putin like he can the Americans because taxing him to death seems to be the only thing Obama is capable of doing. He is going to try to sanction Russia to death but the international community is secretly laughing at Obama and the USA for their lack of leadership, the "American hypocrisy" and the lame sanctions.

                        Sure let McCain and other pound the drums of the war via the faltering machine but even that too is a joke. The USA just basically got their ass checked and its far from over.

                        Soon the USA dollar will no longer be the world currency or be used as the petro dollar and then the USA will hear clearly the fat lady singing.
                        Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                        • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                          I cannot wait for the day to see the drunk lady hang.
                          Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens? - Dr. Jim Garrow - YouTube



                          • Im starting to worry about rickoff.
                            Him being gone this long...cant be good.

                            the u.s. is right in the middle of collapse.
                            We are printing a trillion dollars a year...just to keep the economy running.

                            America is a consumer country. Not a producing country.
                            Our biggest export is Hollywood movies.
                            We have Massive welare and food stamp distribution.
                            More and more people have no idea how to live...without government checks.
                            Not to mention, The rest of the world is sick of America running the show.

                            Within the next 10 years, the us dollar will be worthless. After we hit 30 Trillion in debt (maybe 20), our credit rating will be downgraded and our dollar will be removed as the worlds reserve currency.

                            America does not produce. America will have no ability to consume. (no more credit)
                            Which means the economy will be in shambles, less jobs due to less consumers. No job means no income, no income means no food. Don't expect to get food stamps when the government has NO credit.

                            My gold and silver...immediately.

                            Right now the American people possess immense wealth. That wealth can be preserved individually regardless of what the government does. By protecting ourselves, it will ultimately help protect the country.
                            Our politicians have failed us, because we have failed ourselves. The politicians we have are the ones we elected. They don't care about a collapse because they are already rich and are buying re-elections by bribing the citizens with our own money - which we have been warned about.

                            Its unfortunate, too many people unwilling to see whats coming. Willfully ignorant. (ig·no·rant 3. uninformed; unaware. )

                            P.S. I hope your ok rickoff.


                            • There has been

                              some really NASTY weather, suppose Rick COULD be dealing with that, or some other disaster which is occupying all his time/attention. HOPING he is 'well', but begining to wonder if we will hear from him, again.

                              I and wife has 'divorced' ourselves from credit. NOT sure if its the 'right' way to go, but its the path we decided to take.

                              MAYBE the thing to do, now, is to USE credit to aquire as much material goods as you can, to stockpile for the coming collapse? After all, when it all goes to s*it, you'' just be one of millions or billions with 'worthless', uncolletible debt. And, it could even be said you are 'helping' to bring the system down, a little faster, by your participation?

                              Still, I and mine will continue to live debt free. I'm not sure how much difference it will make, in the end, but its a way we are most comfortable with.

                              And, I'm not sure, in the end, whether Gold and Silver will be of any more 'value' than worthless 'greenbacks'? Yes, I know in such times in the past, people have 'always' turned to Gold, but people were saying, prior to 2008, that 'real estate in U.S. ALWAYS increased in value, ad so 'always will'. Boy, were they wrong!

                              While we talk a lot about the 'sheeple', and how they hide their head in the sand, and don't see whats coming, I wonder?

                              Polls show a greater % than ever before, and well over 50%, say "we are on the WRONG track. Higher # than ever in our history! And, when i TALK to people, neighbors, friends, relatives, een strangers while waiting inline, I don't see any sheeple; everyone seems to agree "we are going to Hell, in a 'handbasket', and everyone seems to be waiting, for something bad to happen.

                              People continue to go to work, shop for food, etc. i.e. 'go on with their lives', cause "What else are you going to do?" I really think there are fairly few, who willbe really surprised,when the collapse finally occurs. I THINKmost will sigh a kind of sigh of relief, (in a way). Its like "O.K., I KNEW this was 'coming', now its finally happened!" Its like "Waiting for the other shoe to drop".

                              Have you really talked about the things we talk about here, to others in your life, and found anyone who adamantly disagrees? "No, 'Things' are FINE! We aren't 'headed for a precipace'! Everything is going great!" I know I haven't found such a person!

                              If ANY are 'in denial', I suspect it MAY be some of the 'haves'; not the 'ruling Elite" Rick talks about, I think they KNOWwhats coming, and are trying to manipulate things so they can come out on top, but those just below them. The ones who 'have' some wealth, some 'prestige', etc. And even those, I suspect, see enough of the 'signs' of whats coming, that they are nervous about losing what they have. So, I'm not exactly sure their ARE any sheeple, or at least not sure there are that many.

                              I supect there are a lot more, who are 'waiting with baited breath'; we all know SOMETHING is coming. We SEE the 'signs', we just don't know, (and can't know, really) exactly what will be the 'precipitating event', or exactly how it will play out. And so, we 'go about our daily lives', (cause what else is there?) on one hand dreading whats coming, on the other hand just wishing it would go ahead and happen, cause the 'suspence is killing me!'. Jim


                              • Originally posted by jdodson View Post
                                Our politicians have failed us, because we have failed ourselves. The politicians we have are the ones we elected.
                                Pink Floyd - Have A Cigar - YouTube


