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The American Ruling Class

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  • You're right, Jim, in that anyone who does join a CLGJ group to take a stand against tyranny will surely become 'blacklisted' by state and federal authorities as being a "trouble maker." But keep in mind that just by writing entries in this thread we have most likely already been blacklisted for using key words such as "government," "Constitution," "patriot," "9/11," and numerous others. Yes, by standing up to oppose tyranny you become visibly more noticeable, kind of like a nail head protruding from a plank and inviting a hammer blow to smack you down. But if we don't have the will to stand against tyranny in a non-violent and legal way, then when would we take action to protect ourselves? If we choose not to get involved then we may initially save ourselves some hassles, but may as well line up at the gates of the nearest FEMA camp and wait to be processed.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Martial Law Alert

      As if the Obama administration’s purchase of more than 2 billion rounds of ammunition, and nearly 3,000 urban tanks, along with their unprecedented (and highly illegal) domestic spyingprogram was not enough to convince you that the federal government is about to suspend the Constitution once and for all, the man who once vowed to run “the most transparent administration in history” has just rather inexplicably, ordered the U.S. Army to seize every Apache attack helicopter currently in use by the National Guard.
      In all, the Defense Department will confiscate 192 Apaches from National Guard units around the country and give them to the active duty Army.
      In exchange for the heavily armed and highly maneuverable choppers, Guard units will receive 111 UH-60 Blackhawk transport helicopters from the Army, Defense One reports.
      Last week, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee, claiming that the measure will save taxpayers $12 billion, over the next three years.
      Of course, when one considers that this ‘cost saving’ move comes from an administration which regularly runs trillion-dollar deficits and, to date, has proposed no less than 442 tax increases since taking office in January 2009, the idea of saving money for the American taxpayer is a bit hard to swallow.
      So, what could be another, more reasonable explanation?
      The Apache, which began service in 1986, is armed with a 30 mm M230E1 Chain Gun (with 1,200 rounds), Hellfire anti-tank missiles, and 70 general-purpose 70 mm rockets. In short, it is capable of fending-off any enemy, foreign or domestic.
      Obviously, these helicopters could pose a substantial obstacle to say, a tyrant drunk on his own power, with an army at his disposal.
      With the recent, attempted seizure of the Bundy family ranch in Nevada by more than 200 armed federal officers, including many snipers, we know that the Obama administration is not afraid to use force against the American people.
      Furthermore, considering the unprovoked attacks and murders of U.S. citizens on their own property by federal agents, such as the Ruby Ridge and Waco massacres, we also know that the federal government has no problem suspending due process and using lethal force on its own citizens. Couple that with the as yet, unexplained, massive arms buildup by the Department of Homeland Security, and the National Defense Authorization Act which allows the feds to arrest and detain any U.S. citizen indefinitely without charges, and even the most establishment-minded American should be able to see what is coming.
      There are a few governors around the country who would not stand for martial-law being arbitrarily declared by this or any president, but without any teeth (i.e. Apache attack helicopters) what could they use to stop Obama’s tyranny?



      • [QUOTE=rickoff;

        Similar efforts are now underway in the remaining 40 states, and it is expected that all 50 states will be fully constituted by or before summer's end. This will be a huge step towards taking our country back and restoring liberty. States which had the earliest starts in this process met with fully expected resistance from county court clerks, lawyers, district attorneys, and judges, as well as superior court officials in their state judicial systems, who refused to recognize the validity of the People's CLGJ's and refused to file any court documents presented to them by the CLGJ's. As a result, the CLGJ's are pressing criminal charges against these officials. New York, the first fully constituted state, is paving the way for other states to file similar actions against officials in their own states by taking the necessary steps to hold New York judicial system officials accountable. On April 24th, just one week from now, all eyes will be upon New York as their CLGJ's assemble at 9:30 am in the Green County Courthouse, Catskill New York, to issue indictments and arrest warrants, and impose fines upon all officials who have acted in illegally obstructing the grand jury. In the New York CLGJ's own words:

        "On April 24, 2014 at 9:30AM we, the New York Unified Common Law Grand Jury (62 counties), will be assembled as a tribunal in the Supreme Court, Greene County Courthouse to issue indictments and arrest warrants from within the courthouse under the auspices of Justice. This is the first step by the People to reinstate the Republic first here in New York and then across America. What does this mean? It means reinstating justice back into our courts; obedient elected and appointed servants and bureaucrats; end of the Safe Act, Agenda 21, and other unconstitutional acts; end of dictatorships, from our Governor’s office to the Whitehouse; the end of judges legislating from the bench; the end of legislative tyrants and a return to the law of the land."[/QUOTE]

        So what happened on the 24th??


        • Originally posted by iflewmyown View Post
          So what happened on the 24th??

          Lets see, On dancing with the stars two couples were eliminated and in other news Justin Beiber was stopped and searched for drugs but let go, and Lindsey Lohan had her new TV show put on hold while she visits the Kardashians in Las Vegas.

          Oh in political news, lets see.. the economy is in full rebound while the housing market is showing it's strongest gains since records have been kept, there is a brutal winter storm still in parts of the country but thats due to global warming which Congress is working on a bill that will tax carbon credits but we have to pass the bill first before we can see whats in it.

          basically the same ole **** every day while erosion or our natural rights is eaten up
          Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


          • Gene and Rick

            GG; Yes, I posted on this move by the defence Dept. to 'take back' the Apache helicopters. Ariz., (where I live) is one of the states 'losing' their Apaches. The local Commandant was on the (local) news, talking about it; he said he asked the pentagon WHY, and was told they no longer had confidence in the National Guards ability to complete the mission.
            So, as you surmise, its NOT about money; they don't want such an awsome weapon in the hands of states.

            Rick; Of coarse i realise by posting on this forum we make ourselves 'stand out'; Heres an Ergo proct, ergo Procter hoc for you;
            Darpa, the 'mad scientist' research group working for the FED, developed the I-net. They foresaw the evolution of the I-net, and cell phones, and that they would become so 'necesary', and so addictive that everyone would carry around a personal computer, with ALL their personal info, and GPS tracking, and would use it as their primary communication device, for phone calls, e-mails, and postings;
            As a result, they KNOW where we are, what we're saying to others, and even what we are thinking.
            Is there much doubt how SCOTUS will rule, on the police being able to comb thru your phone, if they arrest you for anything? (Current case before the court).
            Big Brother is HERE, NOW. And, we all co-operated in our own enslavement, because the technology is so,...seductive.

            Welcome to a Brave, new world! And you actually think forming these 'commities of concerned citisens' , and electing alternative legislators is going to 'fix' things? When THEY have Apache helicopters armed as described in genes post?

            You think you can use the Constitution, to 'force' THEM to peacefully and lawfully return 'power' to the people? When we've seen time and time again the Constitution trashed, Laws ignored or not enforced, and Lies, lies lies?

            Sorry if I'm harsh, Rick. I find it difficultto understand how on the one hand, you can post post after post, on how PTB operate, how manipulative they are, how they abuse power, etc. and then post that you honestly think any of these 'schemes' you have for peacefully and lawfully 'taking back' the country, and returning us to a constitutional gov't. can possibly work?
            s if TPTB are going to say "Oh, yeah; your RIGHT! The Constitution! Well, just give me a chance to clear out my desk, and of COARSE I'll move out of my office, so you people can take over!

            Just seems a little,...naive? Jim


            • Jim,

              I cannot speak for Rick but I will try to make a general observation of where I feel Rick and many others in his demographics fall into the same category. This is my personal opinion and I am not looking for any arguments or drama so if Rick or others feel different or disagree than that’s their right, as they are also entitled to their individual opinions. Again I’m just sharing what I personally think.

              I don’t think Rick is naïve and I don’t for one minute think Rick doesn’t grasp the reality of the overall situation regarding the corrupt and evil Federal Government but what I see many American’s doing is trying every last resort they can so that when it finally comes down to it they can argue that they exhausted every peaceful avenue if for no other reason to have a clear conscience when the time comes they too have to engage in active resistance (which is also known as violence).

              “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

              I really hate to spew out tired of clichés and quotes but this one above is basically telling it like it is. The Federal government has far over stepped its authority and respect for truth, honor and respect. The people are rising up in a swelling force of anti-government sentiment that is growing into action.

              It’s my hope that many more individuals rise up in force and together fight against the corrupt federal government and strip it of its powers of authority and taxation abilities. The Federal Government is nothing but a huge criminal organization that is totally out of control and abusive in its lies, misrepresentation, theft and misuse of tax dollars and criminal agendas all across the globe.

              While I am not a Russian supporter I praise Russia for standing up against the corrupt and tyrannical United States Government and pushing for the fall of the Mighty Petro Dollar. I hope and pray that China soon follows and pushes the US Economy over the cliff while Obama is still sitting there talking about sanctions. I could go on all day long about what an empty suit Obama is but in many ways I am glad he is the president to help usher in such a disaster so history will record all his (and his parties) shortcomings. Although I have long seen the false façade of the two party system, and feel anyone in DC or government regardless of what side of the isle they sit on are nothing but a self serving, two faced criminal, and trust me I know real criminals when I see them.

              With this Bulls*it land gram the BLM is currently trying to exercise in several places but especially with Clive Bundy I think it’s backfired more than the government stooges ever expected. The people see those hundreds of well armed Federal Agents treating Americans this way and they (Like me) are fed up.

              I am one of those lone wolf’s the government is so worried about because I am silently sitting on the sidelines waiting for that call to action and I trust me I will know the call when I hear it. I will be one of the thousands who will rise up against the Federal Government and will fight the good fight. The Federal Government and those criminals in DC know their time is short and they are scrambling for straws.

              If anyone looks back just 30 years ago when the government was telling everyone their lies that the people’s lives would be getting better can now see that the Government in the past 30 years has failed at everything they have done or promised. The people’s lives have not gotten better they have gotten worse, the economy is in shambles, inflation and spending are through the roof but hidden with more lies and distortions. The false promise of the most transparent administration to help the people has turned into the most dangerous administration for the people where through more lies we are now at the brink of a world conflict and economic crisis like never experienced in world history. All of this brought to you by the lies of the Federal Government and their henchmen known as the CIA and the FBI and other agencies that work and spread their cancers.

              Put me on any list you want because I already have an X on my back and I'm marked as a criminal who is pushed into the corner so I have nothing much to lose. I will shout out and speak the truth on how corrupt the Federal Government is and how bad it needs to be removed from power along with the CIA and all other government agencies and the entire banking cartel.

              It’s time we rise up and fight the good fight so send your representatives all the letter you want as they just ignore them and laugh while drinking brandy and planning the next criminal act they will proudly engage in.

              Rick your at the age where you’ve worked hard all your live, tried to play fair and honest and stood for the good principals that you were engrained with but you like many others have reached the threshold of the reality where you now see all the bul**** for what it really is and you’re upset at the betrayal of those who swore to honorably represent you and your fellow American’s The Fed’s free ride are soon to be over!
              Last edited by 5150; 05-03-2014, 02:48 AM.
              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


              • @gene gene
                The Apache, which began service in 1986, is armed with a 30 mm M230E1 Chain Gun (with 1,200 rounds), Hellfire anti-tank missiles, and 70 general-purpose 70 mm rockets. In short, it is capable of fending-off any enemy, foreign or domestic.
                Obviously, these helicopters could pose a substantial obstacle to say, a tyrant drunk on his own power, with an army at his disposal.
                I'm not sure you fully understand modern warfare, in the real world anyone can buy a wide spectrum scanner, GPS autopilot/POV guidance system, micro-gas turbine and a 100$ micro-computer all off ebay. Throw in a high speed DIY Kevlar drone and we have a high speed long range hunter killer platform. It's an Apache killer because there really cheap and can be configured in swarm mode running at near 500 mph and can be built by your average teenager. You see it's a new world which is why the U.S. failed miserably in Iraq/Afghanistan and will continue to fail in any war which does not constitute British warfare. That's where a bunch of half-wits line up all their forces and go head to head until a clear winner is obvious.

                Not to mention the fact that a relatively small light weight weapon can be built to penetrate 2 feet of hardened steel which makes anything less than the best tanks completely obsolete. You should thank your lucky stars the middle east is pretty much decades behind in shaped charge technology otherwise the close quarters conflicts would have amounted to a blood bath on the part of the U.S.

                In any case whatever you think you may know about modern warfare is already completely obsolete and within the next 10 years the tables will turn in ways you cannot imagine. I mean as soon as they figure out any fool could strap a small shaped charge to an RC truck which can easily do 100 Km/hr and pull 2 G's guided by POV the ground conflict is pretty much over.

                I mean no offense but 99% of the population has literally no idea what we are already capable of. Don't worry about some archaic Apache helicopter it's a flying dinosaur. The future is small, it's very small extremely fast and most of all it's smart and autonamous. That my friend is something the military is not quite ready for because most have the IQ of a mushroom.

                The old way is trying to hit a bullet with another bullet, in the new world the bullet turns around if it misses and takes another crack at you and it keeps doing this until it wins hence the term "smart" weapon.

                Last edited by Allcanadian; 05-03-2014, 02:31 PM.


                • @5150
                  It’s my hope that many more individuals rise up in force and together fight against the corrupt federal government and strip it of its powers of authority and taxation abilities. The Federal Government is nothing but a huge criminal organization that is totally out of control and abusive in its lies, misrepresentation, theft and misuse of tax dollars and criminal agendas all across the globe.
                  That was a nice post and I think many people have similar feelings. Personally I would never fight any government nor would I ever bring harm to another person directly or indirectly, it's just not my thing.

                  However I think we should be clear a "government" is a body of people and it is these people we find disagreement with not a government persay which is an entity. The problem I see with this is the same problem as what happened in Iraq in my opinion. A small group of people forming the upper government were making bad choices so another government, the U.S., went in and killed 1.5 million innocent civilians while trying to remove the small group of bad people in control.

                  It should be obvious that this is absurd because one cannot speak of liberty and freedom and then go off and kill millions of innocent men, women and children. Yet this is exactly what you are talking about isn't it?, to bear arms against a small group of people in government you may see as evil in which millions of completely innocent people will get caught in the crossfire. This is not "the good fight" and in my opinion it is BS because at the end of the day innocent people will die because of our belief's which makes us no better than the people we disagree with.

                  Personally I think there is a better solution however it is one where few are willing to go. The people we disagree with must be engaged on the same level which means the public forum. We cannot hide behind a computer on the internet we must go out into the streets and be heard and recognized by name. This is me, this is who I am and this is what I stand for and this is why I disagree with what is happening.

                  If your looking for a role model Mahatma Gandhi is your man. I could go on but needless to say you may think your playing the game your way but your doing exactly what they want.. you are not in control. Do you know what infuriated the British government to no end concerning Gandhi?. He wouldn't play by their rules he made up his own, he changed the game on them and it was a game they could not possibly win. The British had massive firepower, large ground forces and near unlimited resources and an old man in a white dress kicked their ass... priceless.

                  Mahatma Gandhi said -- "Be the change that you wish to see in the world" however if we wish to fight and bring death then we have changed nothing. We are simply another flavor of what we claim we are not, it is a lie to them and ourselves. The real fight will be fought on the streets with words swaying public opinion against those who oppress us. In fact it is the only concept which has been proven to work.

                  Last edited by Allcanadian; 05-03-2014, 03:52 PM.


                  • Arizona man accused of sexual assaults re-arrested

                    Arizona man accused of sexual assaults re-arrested

                    Arizona man accused of sexual assaults re-arrested | Mail Online

                    An 18-year-old Arizona man accused of being a serial sex predator who allegedly targeted fellow high school students has been re-arrested.

                    Officials say Pinal County sheriff's detectives arrested Tyler Kost on Thursday on new allegations that include additional cases reported after his initial arrest.

                    'This is a serious and serial sex offender and rapist,' Sheriff Paul Babeu said during a news conference. 'We're approaching 20 victims. There likely will be others that come forward.'

                    Nearly all of the potential victims are high school students.


                    Notice in the article title they used the term "Man" instead of teenager or student

                    Often when it suits their agenda the media will switch things up to generate more division or hidden agenda, remember CNN saying in one of their past stories "What led to African-American teenager Trayvon Martin's death became clearer on Thursday", yet both boys were teenagers and students.

                    yet Trayvin wasn't identified as a man but rather a teenager and there are many more examples out there. Please don't mistake my using Trayvon Martin in this example as anything racial, I am simply using the age description in this case as the example. Race has nothing to do with this.

                    as for my thoughts on this Tyler Kost,

                    Poor boy (Teenager) just got tossed away like yesterday’s trash by the same hypocritical society that’s too stupid to see they are happily being raped of their rights, freedoms, and money by the police state. By the use of programming, conditioning and agenda control the government is trying to legislate morals and behavior to suit its own sick needs.

                    This kid will probably get sent to one of those “for Profit” prisons where some upstanding private citizen or company along with a few politicians will all financially benefit for incarcerating this kid for as many years as possible while the gullible tax payers foot the bill.

                    Then this kid will be placed on some large dose of pharmaceutical drugs to control a variety of mental issues and again large corporations will financially benefit while the tax payers foot that bill. Not to mention all the staff at the prison facility that have good jobs supervising and guarding this kid (and others) who will also financially benefit at the misery of others. This while another family is torn apart which only adds to the growing numbers of dysfunctional and broken homes across the United States that’s beginning to weave a very dangerous fabric of what America is truly becoming (or has become).

                    To many people due to programming see sex as the most evil moral sin out there but porn and sex sales account for revenues greater than all forms of sporting events combined and the question is who's buying and viewing all this smut? yup the same hypocritical society. Heck let a kid get drunk and drive and kill a few people and then use the Affluence defense and he gets released on probation for treatment but let some young horny boy have some sexual aggression and everyone is on the band wagon to cast the first stone.

                    Society as a whole is too stupid to see the fact they are being used and manipulated by the media and government to further the overall agenda, until of course it’s one of their own children and then they beg for mercy or a second chance for their misguided or precious child. I don’t know what’s worse, a society that’s too fast to hate and condemn or a society that’s too blind to see they themselves are being used as tools to destroy their own society from within.

                    Those that will scream it was underage girls he assaulted are the very example of stupidity and hypocrisy and before any of you start blabbing your mouths I will suggest you go back to your facebook or watching the Kardashians because you’re probably too stupid to see reality for what it is.

                    As for all the haters posting comments in the comment section of the second article I linked, I hope that one day they don't face the same judgment and hate that they are spewing but if they do then its called Karma, and under this police state the chances of that Karma visiting them is a high probability.

                    As for the victims of these crimes, they too will be sent for counseling and given medications to help them while unwittingly helping further the entire agenda and making those same pharmaceutical companies richer.
                    Last edited by 5150; 05-03-2014, 05:00 PM. Reason: Spelling
                    Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                    • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

                      That was a nice post and I think many people have similar feelings. Personally I would never fight any government nor would I ever bring harm to another person directly or indirectly, it's just not my thing.

                      However I think we should be clear a "government" is a body of people and it is these people we find disagreement with not a government persay which is an entity. The problem I see with this is the same problem as what happened in Iraq in my opinion. A small group of people forming the upper government were making bad choices so another government, the U.S., went in and killed 1.5 million innocent civilians while trying to remove the small group of bad people in control.

                      It should be obvious that this is absurd because one cannot speak of liberty and freedom and then go off and kill millions of innocent men, women and children. Yet this is exactly what you are talking about isn't it?, to bear arms against a small group of people in government you may see as evil in which millions of completely innocent people will get caught in the crossfire. This is not "the good fight" and in my opinion it is BS because at the end of the day innocent people will die because of our belief's which makes us no better than the people we disagree with.

                      Personally I think there is a better solution however it is one where few are willing to go. The people we disagree with must be engaged on the same level which means the public forum. We cannot hide behind a computer on the internet we must go out into the streets and be heard and recognized by name. This is me, this is who I am and this is what I stand for and this is why I disagree with what is happening.

                      If your looking for a role model Mahatma Gandhi is your man. I could go on but needless to say you may think your playing the game your way but your doing exactly what they want.. you are not in control. Do you know what infuriated the British government to no end concerning Gandhi?. He wouldn't play by their rules he made up his own, he changed the game on them and it was a game they could not possibly win. The British had massive firepower, large ground forces and near unlimited resources and an old man in a white dress kicked their ass... priceless.

                      Mahatma Gandhi said -- "Be the change that you wish to see in the world" however if we wish to fight and bring death then we have changed nothing. We are simply another flavor of what we claim we are not, it is a lie to them and ourselves. The real fight will be fought on the streets with words swaying public opinion against those who oppress us. In fact it is the only concept which has been proven to work.


                      I don’t think I’d look very good in a white dress even if I was kicking ass, so that’s just not going to happen.

                      As for you never fighting the government or bringing any harm to another person, that’s your choice and I’m sure if you were put in a position to you would or you’d be killed or enslaved if you didn’t stand up for yourself, but again it’s your choice.

                      As for the good fight, I will vote to out the bastards and I refuse to play their games and I agree with you that’s exactly what they want, people like me who refuse or “break laws” so they can justify in locking my ass up or killing me, but what good is life as a slave and not dying proud as a free man.

                      I am not advocating murdering innocent people, but I am advocating the take down of government officials or employees who refuse to do right by the people or step down if they are asked. Take down meaning arresting them or holding them in jail and killing them only if they too refuse to submit like they demand the citizens do under their own rule.

                      As for innocents getting hurt or killed, what did Madelyn Albright say about those many thousands of innocents being killed, something along the line of well it was necessary to accomplish the overall goal, and what’s sad is the governments think they have the authority to arbitrarily decide the fate of innocent people’s lives over agendas. I am not naive to the fact and I’m fully aware that I am already considered by the government as one of those disposable souls they can justify getting rid of, but so goes life.

                      I will quietly refuse to participate in their game and I won’t work or pay taxes into such a corrupt system but never mistake what side I am on, when the balloon goes up I will fight to the death against the government. I will fight for the better good of the greater population of people and those innocents who cannot fight for themselves.
                      Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                      • @5150
                        I will quietly refuse to participate in their game and I won’t work or pay taxes into such a corrupt system but never mistake what side I am on, when the balloon goes up I will fight to the death against the government. I will fight for the better good of the greater population of people and those innocents who cannot fight for themselves.
                        I think were on the same page however I tend to use more passive terminology. I wouldn't say "fight the government" rather fight corruption within the government. Again this is specifically targeting the people within government we disagree with who do bad things rather than the whole of government which I think all of us still firmly believe in.

                        We believe in good government which is fair and just and acts in our best interests rather than their own. I think it's important to be clear on what we mean and how it is perceived by others.

                        For instance I am presently employed by the federal government, what of me?. I am not your enemy and I agree with most of what you imply so why would you fight me?. It is kind of comical because when I tell some people where I actually work which is rare I see hesitation in them. As if I am the bad guy but I'm the good guy who would never do anything which I felt was wrong no matter what level of authority told me to do it. Make no mistake I have went toe to toe with many of my supervisor's and looked them square in the eye and told them no to their face. Every single one of them backed down because they know who I am and they know I will not put up with that kind of BS.
                        I like to think of it as laying out the ground rules, this is who I am and this is what I believe and if anyone tells me to do something I know is wrong then any authority they may believe they have over me is now a non-issue. It then becomes "personal" and I will refuse them as a matter of principal, there are no exceptions to my rule.
                        It makes life easy... most of the time, lol.

                        Last edited by Allcanadian; 05-03-2014, 06:40 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

                          I think were on the same page however I tend to use more passive terminology. I wouldn't say "fight the government" rather fight corruption within the government. Again this is specifically targeting the people within government we disagree with who do bad things rather than the whole of government which I think all of us still firmly believe in.

                          We believe in good government which is fair and just and acts in our best interests rather than their own. I think it's important to be clear on what we mean and how it is perceived by others.

                          For instance I am presently employed by the federal government, what of me?. I am not your enemy and I agree with most of what you imply so why would you fight me?. It is kind of comical because when I tell some people where I actually work which is rare I see hesitation in them. As if I am the bad guy but I'm the good guy who would never do anything which I felt was wrong no matter what level of authority told me to do it. Make no mistake I have went toe to toe with many of my supervisor's and looked them square in the eye and told them no to their face. Every single one of them backed down because they know who I am and they know I will not put up with that kind of BS.
                          I like to think of it as laying out the ground rules, this is who I am and this is what I believe and if anyone tells me to do something I know is wrong then any authority they may believe they have over me is now a non-issue. It then becomes "personal" and I will refuse them as a matter of principal, there are no exceptions to my rule.
                          It makes life easy... most of the time, lol.


                          Well I can understand your argument in differentiating between fighting the corruption inside of government opposed to fighting the actual government, but while I understand your argument in many ways I disagree.

                          I personally feel the Government is so infested with corruption and so many of their actions in passing so many laws, resolutions and their overall unconstitutional operations have resulted in a status quo of permanent lies, corruption, and evil selfish deeds which is basically the core DNA of the entire Federal Government.

                          I am not opposed to government on a local level where the local government oversees the needs of the people and serves them in a more respected manner. However what we have today is a Federal Government that is so large and out of control it’s basically a power unto itself running not only the lives of the people it is suppose to serve (The US Citizens) but has grown to the point that it feels justified in running the entire globe and every world affair under the guise of “US Interests”.

                          The federal Government has grown so arrogantly large and powerful that for some time it’s felt it is in total control of the people to runs their lives in knowing what’s best for them, and even when it’s not best for the people it still subjugates them to one sided rule of law. Meaning the Government no longer serves the people but rather it serves its own selfish needs and has for years now unchecked because so many people like you still want to believe in government.

                          I me further say that while you might believe in “government” (In general terms) which is a noble view you simply believe in the wrong organizational government which is actually a criminal organization disguised as a morally honest operational government. The US Federal Government and all its branches and employees are all part of the overall problem and this is why people look at you with hesitation.

                          When President Bush Jr. declared that anyone funding, supporting or aiding any form of terrorism even in a secondary or supporting role would be considered aiding the enemy and will face the same ramifications as the actual terrorist, this too is how I feel regarding employees of the Federal Government. They too (you included) are thus automatically considered aiding and supporting the criminal organization known as the Federal Government. Your individual motives and morals might be upright and upstanding but it’s not different than if you claimed the same as working as an accountant for the Mafia, your still aiding or working with the enemy IMHO

                          If you argue that change can come from within if enough people rise up and argue to remove corruption I have to say that at this late date it’s just not possible nor is it going to happen. The Federal Government is no different than a parasite that feeds off its host, and the people and tax revenues are the host in this case. It has sucked the people and their wealth dry and has basically killed the host it once supposedly served.

                          If you disagree look at the national debt, or the real employment numbers or the shrinking wealth or class divide, or the many thousands of new laws that get passed each year that only strangle the peoples freedoms more every day. I could go on for hours citing examples in each branch of government whether it’s the CIA, IRS, DHS, DOD, FBI, EPA, FDA, BLM DOE, or the many numerous other agencies but being in this thread you should already know I don’t have to spend time highlighting the millions of examples because they are all for everyone to clearly see.

                          In Nevada where Clive Bundy and all his supporters were gathered they were asking where their local Sheriff was and he was not readily available due to the fact there where so many federal agencies strong arming the situation and his voice which should have ruled over all those agencies was silenced, and therefore the “people” were silenced.

                          Ask me if I would respect the rule of law on a small local level or pay taxes to help support my community and I would not only tell you that I would but I would say it was my obligation as part of the community but ask me if I feel obligated to pay taxes when that money is mismanaged or used to support Israel and other nations in the name of US Interest while our local communities are facing deplorable situations ranging from failing infrastructure, to economic ruin and education failure, and social strife all while the money and jobs are being sucked out of here to other people’s pockets or other corners of the world. The fault and responsibility lay at the feet of the Federal Government and their employees.

                          I could write for hours but I think I’ve made my personal point a few times in this long post
                          Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                          • shtf in a warzone in Bosnia

                            Here is a question and answer session with a man who lived through a shtf situation in a war zone and what he did to survive. Included is many of the valuable items which we might think are not that important. Very good information. Good luck. stealth
                            Last edited by Stealth; 05-05-2014, 04:46 PM.


                            • link does not work

                              Stayin' Alive - Bee Gees (lyrics) - YouTube

                              Nena - 99 Luftballons German Version - YouTube
                              99 Red Balloons (English) - YouTube



                              • I don't know what happened. I tried to fix the link, but to no avail. SHTF School | Real Life Survival Experiences He (Selco),tells of bartering for things he needed most. His best bartering items were alcohol, matches, candles, kerosene(lamp oil), and petrol(gasoline/diesel) They were basically surrounded and no shipments of anything came into the city, except MRE's from the U.S. Many died from a lack of sanitary conditions. Others were killed outright by large gangs roaming the cities looking for anything to eat or barter with. He and his family banded together to repel these gangs, but were vulnerable when they went to grab the MRE's being dropped. Many had to stand guard while one or two gathered the MRe's. They secured many guns from those who were killed and now have a sizable arsenal of pistols and rifles as well as military rifles. Good Luck. stealth
                                Last edited by Stealth; 05-05-2014, 05:03 PM.

