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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by iflewmyown View Post
    So what happened on the 24th??
    Nothing happened on the 24th, and here's why:

    Judge Raymond Elliott of the NY State Supreme Court, took it upon himself on April 18th to unilaterally dismiss the case which the NY CLGJ had filed, despite the fact that the NY Common Law Grand Jury (CLGJ) had filed a Writ of Prohibition prohibiting Elliott from assuming jurisdiction over the case or acting in anything other than a ministerial function.

    As a result, the NY CLGJ Rescinded the judge's improper and illegal decision, filed a Writ of Error against Elliott, fining him 100 silver dollars, and also filed Fraud On The Court charges against Elliott for engaging in felony rescue of lower court officials which the NY CLGJ had filed charges against. A new target date of May 12th has been established for commencement of the hearing which should have taken place April 24th. We'll soon see what the outcome of that action will be.

    There will undoubtedly be further attempts by the NY Supreme Court to obstruct justice and fend off the NY CLGJ as if it had no authority or legal standing, and of course this will mean that the case will at some point in the near future have to be heard in a higher court. A higher court will eventually be forced to agree that the NY CLGJ does have authority and standing to press charges against NY state court officials for failing to abide by case law rulings. The law in this case is abundantly clear, and fully supports the NY CLGJ's charges. As I see it, there are only two possibilities:
    1. Magistrate Elliott never read the documents submitted by the NY CLGJ, and therefore did not take heed of, or understand that the CLGJ's position was fully supported by the case law cited. If this is the case then Elliott wrongfully deprived the CLGJ of its rights.
    2. Elliott did read the documents submitted by the NY CLGJ, and understood full well that he was acting improperly and treasonously in using color of law to cloak a felony rescue of his lower court cohorts.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Apparently, we no longer trust our leaders;
      Activist Post: The Beginning of the End for the Leaders Of The Free World...Humanity Awakens!
      Last edited by Danny B; 05-25-2014, 03:07 PM. Reason: bad grammar


      • Civilizations come and go
        On psychopaths dough.



        • Quotable quote of the day....

          Whether lying about ObamaCare, and now lying about Benghazi, this administration has no decency.” - Arizona Representative Paul Gosar, a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which has also been investigating the Benghazi attack.

          Judicial Watch recently obtained, through FOIA requests, about 25 e-mails regarding the Benghazi cover-up, out of more than 40 which the State Department had identified as being relative. The e-mails show that the White House controlled the "talking points" given to Susan Rice, and also show that the several mainstream media TV news shows which Rice appeared on were nothing more than pre-engineered talking points interviews in and of themselves. These shows are listed as "Promos," and Barry's administration knew ahead of time exactly how theses shows would be advertised and promoted on their respective stations. They knew what questions would be asked of Rice, and decided how she would answer those questions. She, as well as the newscasters doing the interviews, were merely puppets voicing their parts in a script written by administration officials who crafted the "official" story line for the purpose of deceiving the American public while attempting to take the blame off the backs of Barry and Hillie, where it truly belonged. It takes a while to sift through the e-mails, but they are definitely quite revealing. You can download a pdf file of those e-mails here. Makes you wonder what was in the portions, and full e-mails, that the "government" has redacted or refused to release because they didn't want you to know.

          Now a new investigation has been opened as a result, and we'll see how that goes. Here's a preview on video of Trey Gowdy asking some of the questions that need to be answered, and he is going to be heading this investigation, but somehow I suspect that the end result will probably be that some lower level person or persons will take the fall in order to allow the higher level conspirators to save face while at the same time making the public believe that justice has been served. It is an obvious truth that we were lied to by White House spokesman Jay Carney, Hillie, Barry, and Ms Rice, and all of these people and more should face real consequences for that at the very least. Furthermore, someone needs to accept the blame and disgrace for allowing the Benghazi attack to go unchallenged at a time when the US "government" had two drone aircraft overhead relaying real-time video to the military and administration officials showing exactly what was happening on the ground during the several hours long attack.
          Last edited by rickoff; 05-08-2014, 05:54 PM.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Read all about it......

            The May 2014 issue of Whistleblower magazine goes right to the point of spelling out exactly what we are currently up against, and it is nothing short of blatant fascism. Some highlights of this current issue are the following articles:
            • “Welcome to the new fascism” by David Kupelian, on how totalitarian oppression is growing in America – all in the name of "equality" and "tolerance”
            • “The new blacklist” by Patrick J. Buchanan, on how, “In the new dispensation, opposition to same-sex marriage” will cause “the ruin of your career”
            • “Nothing 'new' about the thought police” by Joseph Farah, who explains why unabashed tyranny is now sweeping the land
            • “Fabulous fascism” by Steve Deace, on how “tolerance” has been transformed into “totalitarianism”
            • “What the left did in one week” by Dennis Prager, recounting a stunning wave of assaults in the new civil war
            • “Liberal fascism: Putting global warming skeptics in jail” by Jim Lakely
            • “Concentration of power: Formula for great evil” by Walter E. Williams, who explains what enabled governments to kill millions in the last century – and makes a chilling parallel with Obama’s America
            • “Criticize ‘gays,’ get sued for ‘crime against humanity’” by Bob Unruh, on the precedent-setting case were the judge questions whether a pastor’s biblical perspective is protected by the First Amendment
            • “Customs and cops pursue ‘haters’” by Bob Unruh, on another pro-family leader who is detained, then arrested, for witnessing to truths everyone understood a generation ago
            • “When bullying kids is disguised as ‘anti-bullying’” by Linda Harvey, who exposes how supposed “anti-bullying” programs end up bullying, intimidating and indoctrinating children throughout America's public schools
            • “Gay mafia” attacks Focus on the Family movie” by Drew Zahn, on the LGBT intimidation campaign that insists “Americans should not tolerate” a wholesome, positive, pro-family film
            • “The strange, strange story of 'gay fascism' deniers” by Scott Lively, on the astonishing exposé by a well-known self-described “gay, left-wing” journalist who explains how and why “Gay men have been at the heart of every major fascist movement”
            • “Amazon now urged to blacklist ‘haters’” by Bob Unruh, on how the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center is focused on putting conservative and Christian organizations out of business by officially classifying them as “hate groups”
            • “A lawless president and a sleeping Congress” by Andrew Napolitano, in which the former judge shows how Obama’s breathtaking violations of the Constitution are met, mostly, with yawns
            • “Unmasking the ‘Imperial Presidency’” by Phyllis Schlafly, who maps out specific ways Congress could rein in today’s out-of-control Obama dictatorship
            • “Freedom: Fight for it or lose it” by Thomas Sowell, who says: “Officials who want more power are not going to stop unless they get stopped”
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Thanks for the update. Is there a web site that posts updates?


              • Psychopath vs. Sociopath

                One afternoon in October 2005, neuroscientist James Fallon was looking at brain scans of serial killers.

                “I got to the bottom of the stack, and saw this scan that was obviously pathological,” he says, noting that it showed low activity in certain areas of the frontal and temporal lobes linked to empathy, morality and self-control.

                When he looked up the code, he was greeted by an unsettling revelation: the psychopathic brain pictured in the scan was his own.

                The Psychopath Inside. In it, Fallon seeks to reconcile how he—a happily married family man—could demonstrate the same anatomical patterns that marked the minds of serial killers.

                But when he underwent a series of genetic tests, he got more bad news. “I had all these high-risk alleles for aggression, violence and low empathy,” he says, such as a variant of the MAO-A gene that has been linked with aggressive behavior. Eventually, based on further neurological and behavioral research into psychopathy, he decided he was indeed a psychopath—just a relatively good kind, what he and others call a “pro-social psychopath,” someone who has difficulty feeling true empathy for others but still keeps his behavior roughly within socially-acceptable bounds.

                The neuroscientist who discovered he was a psychopath -

                For a little while, Order of Chaos is merely dim-witted malarkey, as Vieluf strains to orchestrate an edgy, Bret Easton Ellis–style decadence — editor Jennifer Mayer seems to have been paid by the flash cut — but soon it becomes painfully clear that the filmmaker actually envisions this mano-a-mano revenge tale as some sort of tortured commentary on the corruption of the American Dream.
                Movie Reviews: Ajami, Order of Chaos, The Wolfman | Film Reviews | Los Angeles | Los Angeles News and Events | LA Weekly



                • Originally posted by iflewmyown View Post
                  Thanks for the update [on the NY Common Law Grand Jury (CLGJ) case against the NY court system]. Is there a web site that posts updates?
                  Yes Gary, there is a website where you will find updated information posted, and you will find that at this link. You will notice that the latest update was actually posted today, and informs us that the next hearing will be on June 2nd, and held in a federal court, which happens to be the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK, located in Albany NY, the state capitol. This is going to be very interesting, mainly because the federal court is more likely to understand the significance and ramifications of the NY CLGJ's charges against the lower NY court officials. At each step where justice is shoved aside, those who participate in aiding and abetting the abusers will themselves become lawbreakers and be subjected to charges and fines for their illegal conduct. It will be difficult to impossible for a federal court to rule against the CLGJ, since it receives its authority in the Bill of Rights. Furthermore, since a SCOTUS decision written by justice Scalia reaffirms that the CLGJ is actually a fourth branch of government administered solely by the People for the purpose of government oversight, the federal court would have to either agree with the CLGJ's charges or toss out the SCOTUS decision. Therefore, the only avenue that the US DISTRICT COURT can pursue, if their aim is to further obstruct justice, is to delay a hearing for as long as possible, hoping that the NY CLGJ will ultimately give up the battle.

                  It is rather obvious, of course, that the federal court will not want the NY CLGJ to be recognized as a legitimate Grand Jury, as once that occurs then the authority of CLGJ's in every other state will also become instantly recognized, and at that point in time the CLGJ's will begin taking our constitutional Republic back by issuing indictments against any and all federal, state, and local officials who have been wrongdoers, and arrests will be made. The federal courts will fully understand this.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Rickoff,
                    Misfeasance malfeasance and nonfeasance of office are crimes in most States and torts in all of them.

                    For the record, You can't win in Federal Courts. There is no common law at the federal level and the Feds can't help you defend your common law rights.

                    You need to go after the people (personal capacity) involved not their organization or office.


                    • Originally posted by indio007 View Post
                      Misfeasance malfeasance and nonfeasance of office are crimes in most States and torts in all of them.

                      For the record, You can't win in Federal Courts. There is no common law at the federal level and the Feds can't help you defend your common law rights.

                      You need to go after the people (personal capacity) involved not their organization or office.
                      What the Federal District Court will actually do with this case is open to speculation, however the Federal District Court was constitutionally created by Congress and is a Common Law Article III Court.

                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Preposterous!

                        A growing number of states which had set up their own state-run health care exchange websites have failed miserably in their efforts. The latest example is Oregon, where the state had hired Oracle to develop and implement their 'Cover Oregon' website. The cost to Oregon was $134 million, and to this amount the federal "government" contributed another $250 million in grant money for the project. Therefore, the total cost was a staggering $384 million for a website that never functioned and never was able to enroll a single person. Even more astounding is the fact that Oregon was told that to "fix" the website they would have to cough up another $78 million! What the H-E-double-hockey-sticks is going on here? Obviously, Oregon contracted with Oracle to build the website. Did Oregon officials not demand inclusion of a clause stating a time frame for completion of a fully functioning website, a maximum amount that Oregon would pay for such site, and consequences and concessions to be borne by Oracle for failing to meet the project deadline and standards?

                        This would be like any one of us taking our car to a shop to have the engine rebuilt at a cost that would far exceed the cost of purchasing a new car, and then finding that after the work has been completed the engine will not run. Wouldn't we demand that the shop make things right before we pay the bill? If the shop told us that to make the engine run it would cost us an additional charge above the amount we had previously agreed on, wouldn't we tell them to pound sand, demand that the engine work be completed satisfactorily in all due haste, and file charges against them if they failed to comply?

                        Oregon chose to scrap their 'Cover Oregon' website and convert to the federal Obamacare portal at a cost of $4 to 6 million, which means that taxpayers across America have seen $384 million wasted on a project that produced absolutely nothing. It seems that both state and federal officials in charge of producing adequate and timely results, when called upon to facilitate a project, simply don't have a clue as to how things should be done. Think about it - there already exist fully functioning healthcare insurance portals for numerous insurance companies. Take Blue Cross/Blue Shield federal employee program, just for an example. Their program already met or surpassed all Obamacare requirements. Whatever software development firm that developed and has maintained that software could easily have taken the code for that software and simply modified it as needed to create a website customized for Oregon, or any other state. The cost for doing so should have been minimal. Even one million should have been considered as being on the high side for such development. State and federal "governments' are so drunk on wasteful and needless spending that they think nothing of blowing huge amounts of taxpayer dollars to accomplish what they want, and in cases such as this to accomplish nothing whatsoever. "Hope and change" hasn't worked, except as a well crafted campaign slogan. It is time, and well past time, for real change, and the change we need will not come from "government" or political parties. It must come from the People. We the People must become involved in making that happen.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Gov't 'run' healthcare, and Political appointees'

                          As if we NEEDED it, this LATEST VA 'scandal', (one of MANY over the years, going back to the civil war) shows why the naive idea that the Government can run healthcare is fatally flawed.

                          And, I stongly suspect if one scrutinised the Indian healthcare system, one would find the same kind of flaws.

                          What a great example, for ACA!

                          Beyond that, this and other incidents point to a flaw in our system; look at Hillary and benghazi, Shinzeki and the VA, even that bozo running FEMA during Catrina, or Skelatore running 'Homeland Security'. A 'new' President is elected, and he appoints 'his' person to run these huge beaurocracies. In many/most cases, these 'jobs; are handed out as 'rewards' to contributors or supporters, and to people with little to no experience in the area.

                          Technically, they are the 'boss', but the beurocracies they 'run' KNOW they are going to be around for at most 4-8 years, have no experience, etc.
                          And in many cases, the beaurocrtats who REALLY 'run' things know they are virtually secure in their jobs, and so can pay lip service to the 'boss', while continueing to run things the way they always have.

                          This is 'the way we've always done things', but I wonder if this isn't a 'fatal' flaw in our 'system'? I have no idea what an alternative would be, and I doubt it would be 'doable', anyway. So, just an observation, i guess. Jim


                          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                            What the Federal District Court will actually do with this case is open to speculation, however the Federal District Court was constitutionally created by Congress and is a Common Law Article III Court.

                            Did you miss Section 2 of Article 3?
                            The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority;--to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls;--to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction;--to controversies to which the United States shall be a party;--to controversies between two or more states;--between a state and citizens of another state;--between citizens of different states;--between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens or subjects.
                            There is no Federal Common Law
                            Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins - 304 U.S. 64 (1938)

                            It's pretty unambiguous.
                            There is no federal general common law. Congress has no power to declare substantive rules of common law applicable in a State whether they be local in their nature or "general," be they commercial law or a part of the law of torts. And no clause in the Constitution purports to confer such a power upon the federal courts.
                            Individual men and women are not a party to the Constitution. The States are the parties.
                            The States can abolish direct voting to any Federal Office altogether.


                            • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
                              What does the rule of law mean?, It means that everyone is subject to the law, that no one, no matter how important or powerful, is above the law.

                              I was reading another thread here, The American ruling class, and they seem to be pretty passionate about the law and their rights but they are insane so I thought I would share my thoughts on this issue here.

                              I have seen the truth and if anyone was actually interested in the truth or justice then we would develop a full-proof lie detector and if there were any doubts we would willingly submit to it but nobody wants to go there do they?.... that is the truth.

                              The Talmud in tractate Shabbos 31a relates the following well-known story of Hillel:
                              "On another occasion it happened that a certain heathen came before Shammai and said to him, "Make me a proselyte, on the condition that you teach me the whole Torah while I stand on one foot."[1] Thereupon he chased him away with the builder's cubit that was in his hand.[2] When he came before Hillel, (he also asked Hillel to teach him the entire Torah while standing on one foot) Hillel replied, "What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor: that is the whole Torah while the rest is commentary; go and learn it."[3]

                              To Love A Fellow Jew: Hillel And Rabbi Akiva

                              The Golden Rule: Those Who Own All the Gold Make All Of The Rules - YouTube



                              • I've Lost Count ..... Where Is The Justice ??

                                Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                A growing number of states which had set up their own state-run health care exchange websites have failed miserably in their efforts. The latest example is Oregon, where the state had hired Oracle to develop and implement their 'Cover Oregon' website. The cost to Oregon was $134 million, and to this amount the federal "government" contributed another $250 million in grant money for the project. Therefore, the total cost was a staggering $384 million for a website that never functioned and never was able to enroll a single person. Even more astounding is the fact that Oregon was told that to "fix" the website they would have to cough up another $78 million!
                                Well Rick this was a posting of mine earlier in the thread .....

                                Originally posted by FuzzyTomCat View Post
                                The affordable health care act ( Obummercare ) is getting it's due share of failures with just the federal UN-lubricated end not working but states like Oregon that opted to conjure up their own exchange. This grand opening has a tax payer funded video with psychedelic flying cartoon characters promoting what looks like anything "BUT" the affordable health care act and more like a bad mushroom trip ..... Obummercare is not even mentioned .....

                                Cover Oregon: "Fly With Your Own Wings" - Dave Depper - YouTube

                                To this day of my posting this web site created by Oregon for this democrat branch of the country's legislators does "NOT" work at all, they can't even give a date now. This is going to be quite the trick, to fix a broken Federal system too go to a broken State system and get a mandatory insurance policy. NOT!!!

                                This whole things reminds me of Obummers infrastructure push to repair roads and bridges to have better access to "BANKRUPT" city's like Detroit, Illinois ..... and the hundreds to follow
                                Don't ya just love that video Oregon spent $10 million in advertising Obamacare the Affordable Care Act with this and other advertisements that don’t even mention the program or how to enroll in it."

                                Cover Oregon and the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) - the state agency which helped develop the IT system - collectively received $305,206,587 of federal grant money for the health insurance exchange are the public offered stats. Those grants were to last Cover Oregon from Sept. 30, 2010 through Dec. 31, 2014. So far, Cover Oregon and OHA have spent two thirds of that money on the exchange, which amounts to $199,199,688. That leaves $106,006,899 for the remainder of 2014 to fix a broken website and enroll thousands more Oregonians. This does not include the millions of dollars Oregon Tax payers contributed to this Democratic mandated mess and to think the top three Oregon Administrators of this program were able to quit their position, not getting fired and will receive compensation when they retire.

                                Open Source Experimentalist
                                Open Source Research and Development

