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The American Ruling Class

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  • Precious Metals Manipulation

    Published on May 26, 2014

    The interview you are about to hear contains some of the most shocking information we've ever heard. Our friend and fellow precious metals researcher Road to's Bix Weir was recently interviewed by History Channel 2 for THREE HOURS as part of their new documentary style series America's Book of Secrets. The information Bix shared with them on camera was to be aired in the episode titled America's Book of Secrets: Secret Underground. What Bix said on camera was so shocking, after the interview the entire crew told him that they were going to pull all funds out of their bank accounts. But when Book of Secrets: Secret Underground aired, Bix had been cut from the show -- Not one word Bix shared with them was allowed to be broadcast. But you can know it all right now... Find out the shocking secrets the History Channel could NOT broadcast.




    • bumper stickers

      Last edited by rickoff; 06-04-2014, 01:49 PM.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Dead-Day



        • I'm sure that you are aware of recent posts that I have made concerning the efforts of Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth to educate the public as to the truth concerning the collapse of World Trade Center buildings in New York City on 9/11/2001. Their latest effort centers around three separate endeavors - the first being to pass out educational leaflets to the public who are visiting the newly opened 9/11 Memorial Visitor's Center and Museum. As one would expect, there is no display or mention to the public, inside the center, of the fact that the WTC North and South Towers, as well as Building 7, were the only high rise buildings in history to have collapsed due to the officially stated reason of fire damage. There is also nothing stated to visitors concerning how these 3 buildings fell at near free-fall speed, which is only possible as the result of carefully preplanned demolition. And, of course, no mention of the fact that Building 7 was never said to have been hit by a plane and only suffered minor and scattered fires. The people of New York City have long been among the most skeptical critics of the "Official" 9/11 story, and since Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth began posting large billboards in Times Square several months ago, the people have been effectively reawakened to the many inconsistencies and disinformation contained in the "official' report.

          The second recent and ongoing effort by A&E 9/11 Truth is to call attention, and lend support, to a High Rise Safety Initiative petition drive started by a group of concerned New Yorkers. The group is calling upon New York City to fund an independent and thorough investigation regarding the collapse of Building 7, and has already attained around half of the 70,000 petition signatures required to force the issue. A one minute and 43 second ad concerning the petition is now posted on YouTube
          and the group is hoping to secure adequate donations to allow them to complete the petition drive signature gathering by the July 3rd deadline. If you have ever wondered what we as individuals can possibly do to make a real investigation happen, there is no better time than the present to spring into action by contributing $10, $5, or even a single dollar, to help this petition drive succeed.

          A third, and also very important effort by A&E 9/11 Truth is to attend the National Convention of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), which will be held in Chicago June 26-28th. This convention will be attended by an expected 20,000 building professionals from across the nation. A&E 9/11 Truth will be setting up an informational booth to present their evidence that the WTC buildings were brought down by controlled demolition, and they expect to add at least 100 or more signatures of building architects and engineers to their current total of more than 2,200 architect and engineer petition signatures demanding a thorough investigation which includes all discovered factors that they have uncovered. To learn more about these factors, visit the A&E 9/11 Truth website's Evidence Page.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • World Trade Center


            The thought that “our” government working for us can be complicit and even the mastermind in such criminal activity and outright murder of their own innocent citizens is just too hard to fathom, even for those who can accept it as truth.

            The evil that lies in such men who would plan and execute such an operation simply to further their own sick agenda shows these people are very sick individuals. No citizen of any age is safe with these types of people at the helm of government or power, yet these types of human garbage and defective personalities always seem to rise to the top of such spectrum's.

            These criminals have tried to pass off what they feel is a plausible excuse that large amounts of burning jet fuel which created such high temperatures was what melted the structural beams in the Twin Towers and for many gullible people they might just buy into this lame reasoning. However when World Trade Center Tower 7 is mentioned there is no plausible explanation for its demise and that in itself should be enough reason to question the “official” story.

            The simple truth is that history has proven several times with irrefutable evidence that “our” government has on many occasions engaged in murder, psychological operations, and other nefarious and criminal activities against its own people with little or no regard to their well being or their rights as humans, therefore it should not come as any surprise that the same government would go to such extents to further their agenda or hide certain criminal activities like the loss of billions of dollars or records that could expose other criminal activities.

            Unfortunately even removing the current crops of criminals in the government would solve anything as other criminals with the same defective personalities and social disordered would again rise to the top and again take control.

            Very similar to a man who becomes a police officer because he thinks he can make a change for the better in society and in the end he becomes changed but not for the reasons he originally planned. He is changed and becomes one of the very types he was originally trying to make a change against, and so goes anyone with political hopes at any level. The greed and corruption are just to embedded to root out.
            Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


            • Impeach The Bum

              How can Obama get away with this?


              This shows exactly who's side Obama is on and it is NOT! with we the people of the U.S.

              Did he do this without anyone else knowing about it in advance? I think NOT!!


              • Yesterday's Virginia primary election defeat of House majority leader Eric Cantor by TEA Party candidate Dave Brat was a huge upset to Republican party leadership, and goes to show that establishment Republican and media claims of the TEA Party's demise have been highly exaggerated. The GOP spent millions in hopes of retaining Cantor's House seat, while college economics professor Dave Brat was only able to raise $200,000 in campaign contributions from grassroots supporters. Cantor, of course, was being groomed by the GOP to become the next Speaker of the House, but Virginia Republicans rejected Cantor's pro-bailout, pro-amnesty, pro-taxes, pro-big government record in favor of an almost unknown candidate who ran a campaign based upon TEA Party values of anti-bailout, anti-amnesty, less taxes, and smaller government.

                The next thing to watch in this unfolding drama is the June 24 Mississippi runoff election in which TEA Party candidate Chris McDaniel is pitted against establishment Republican Thad Cochran. Chris already won the June 3rd primary election, but must now compete in a runoff with Cochran because Mississippi rules require that a candidate must capture more than 50% of the total votes cast, and some votes went to minor party candidates, leaving Chris with 49.57% of the total votes. After Cantor's defeat, the GOP is sure to intensify their efforts to retain Cochran's Senate seat so I think it can be expected that they will run endless smear and fear ads hoping to sway public opinion. Cochran is a RINO and a career politician who has been in office since 1978. Career politicians in both major parties are dead set against Chris winning the runoff election, as Chris has promised to fight for Congressional term limits as well as lower taxes and a total repeal of ObummerCare.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Why are we surprised?

                  (That the 'media' is distorting news, when reporting on the Tea Party?

                  I suspect most sheeple don't even know what the TEA in Tea Party stands for, if polled. A basic thing for media to report.

                  But, encouraging that the media hasn't succeded in this case.

                  So, 3 steps to dealing with an insurgent movement; ignore, suppress, absorb.

                  And we've seen elements of all 3, but the 3rd is going to be the most difficult; career 'mainstream' Rino's can SAY they have tea party 'values' but will balk when it comes to term limits, and or sound like bigger idiots than they already do.
                  " I support and even embrace tea party positions!" "But Senator, the Tea party supports term limits, and you've been in the senate since 1950!"

                  "Errr,... next question!"


                  • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                    Unfortunately even removing the current crops of criminals in the government wouldn't solve anything as other criminals with the same defective personalities and social disorders would again rise to the top and again take control.

                    Very similar to a man who becomes a police officer because he thinks he can make a change for the better in society and in the end he becomes changed but not for the reasons he originally planned. He is changed and becomes one of the very types he was originally trying to make a change against, and so goes anyone with political hopes at any level. The greed and corruption are just too embedded to root out.
                    Good post, 5150. You are absolutely right in what is stated above, if we do nothing to stop these career criminals. Sending in a few fresh faces with the goal of changing how politics works, while leaving hundreds of corrupt career politicians in place, can not accomplish the changes that are needed. For one thing, the 'good ole boys' club will never agree to pass legislation to self-impose term limits upon themselves. The only way we will ever see term limits come into play is if we impose those limits, and we can effectively do that at the ballot box during elections, or recall elections when necessary. Unfortunately, though, the reason why these career politicians are successful at getting reelected again and again is because they are supported by two nearly unstoppable forces. The first is a cadre of very wealthy and very influential backers with very deep pockets who are more than willing to offer some of what they have in exchange for political favors and promises. The second is the multitudes of voters (and non-voters) who are either content with their status-quo, and see no reason to desire a change in their representation, or have become totally apathetic and believe there is nothing they can do to force a change.

                    The ousting of Eric Cantor proves that the People do have the power to reject and remove establishment career politicians who fail to keep the promises they were elected upon. Never before has a House majority leader been unseated in a primary election, and it goes to show that there are large numbers of people who are fed up with politics as usual and are not going to put up with it any more. And that has to be a good thing.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Yes, 5150

                      "Unfortunately even removing the current crops of criminals in the government wouldn't solve anything as other criminals with the same defective personalities and social disordered would again rise to the top and again take control."

                      So, whats the point? Half of eligible voters actually VOTE, in general elections, and obviously most don't understand the process, as much less than that vote in Primaries.

                      If there IS a 'conspriacy' to 'kill off' much of the population, reducing it to 500 million world wide, I say it sounds like a pretty good idea; most 'humans' are a waste of good, breathable oxygen. 'Too bothered' or apethetic to even involve themselves in the political process, and so complicit by inaction in everything that goes on in Washington.

                      Unwilling to change our lifestyle, even as we poop in our own soup, we ARE 'killing' the planet, by our shear #'s.

                      Its all good to rant and rave about the profligate spending in D.C, but the politicians have given the 'people' what 'we' have consistently told them we wanted; LOW taxes, but greater and greater 'sugar' in the form of 'benefits', entitlements, a robust military so we could protect 'our' interests around the world, etc.

                      China and the rest of the world are tired of the abuses of the U.S., and are (and have been) preparing to alter the 'landscape' dramatically, by moving away from the dollar, (and treasury bonds) as the world reserve currency, which is the only thing thats enabled the U.S. (corporate) Gov't. to continue to spend without end.

                      Like a 'Ponzy' scheme, or 'check kiting', the scheme only works until it doesn't, and then the whole thing comes crashing down, and its going to happen pretty soon. Enough with promoting ways to 'restore democracy', its time to focus on prepping to 'hunker down' or 'bug out'. Anything else is just wasted effort, IMHO. Jim


                      • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                        Anything else is just wasted effort, IMHO. Jim
                        At the National Art Gallery in Dublin,
                        a husband and wife were staring at a portrait
                        that had them completely confused.

                        The painting depicted three black men totally naked
                        sitting on a park bench. Two of the figures had black willies,
                        but the one in the middle had a pink willie.

                        The curator of the gallery realized that they were having trouble
                        interpreting the painting and offered his assessment.

                        He went on for over half an hour explaining how
                        it depicted the sexual emasculation of black men
                        in a predominately white, patriarchal society.
                        'In fact,' he pointed out, 'some serious critics believe
                        that the pink willie also reflects the cultural and
                        sociological oppression experienced by gay men in contemporary society.'

                        After the curator left, an Irishman, approached the couple and said,
                        'Would you like to know what the painting is really about?'

                        'Now why would you claim to be more of an expert than
                        the curator of the gallery?' asked the couple.

                        'Because I'm the guy who painted it,' he replied.

                        'In fact, there are no black men depicted at all!
                        They're just three Irish coal miners.
                        The guy in the middle went home for lunch.'



                        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post

                          Unwilling to change our lifestyle, even as we poop in our own soup, we ARE 'killing' the planet, by our shear #'s.

                          Humans are truly a cancer,

                          Just image how cancer starts and infects healthy cells and then takes over and spreads through a human body killing everything it comes in contact with, sometimes very quickly.

                          Now imagine the plant earth as being a huge healthy cell in the universe and humans actually being the cancer. As humans reproduce and spread they deplete all the natural resources and eventually kill the very place they call home. Humans are no different than the worse form of cancer that’s found inside the human body.

                          Just think of all the construction and urban sprawl that continues today, the depilation of the rain forests and all the pollution in the ocean and landfills, and yet we are too stupid to change our ways so we will eventually pay for that stupidity, or actually our descendants will.
                          Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                          • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                            we are too stupid to change our ways so we will eventually pay for that stupidity, or actually our descendants will.
                            Stephen Harper and Oz Prime Minister John Howard SAME SPEECH - YouTube



                            • Brainwashed

                              Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                              Humans are truly a cancer,

                              Just image how cancer starts and infects healthy cells and then takes over and spreads through a human body killing everything it comes in contact with, sometimes very quickly.

                              Now imagine the plant earth as being a huge healthy cell in the universe and humans actually being the cancer. As humans reproduce and spread they deplete all the natural resources and eventually kill the very place they call home. Humans are no different than the worse form of cancer that’s found inside the human body.

                              Just think of all the construction and urban sprawl that continues today, the depilation of the rain forests and all the pollution in the ocean and landfills, and yet we are too stupid to change our ways so we will eventually pay for that stupidity, or actually our descendants will.
                              No offense but this is what you are brainwashed to believe. With this mind set our leaders could and will call you young guys to active duty and YOU will slaughter your own people using your previous excuses.

                              Humans are your target as you have been instructed. Now like a big boy video game you can lock and load.

                              Everything is under control just keep saying yes to the media machine.



                              • ?

                                Al, good one; 3 coal miners!

                                5150, I have to agree with you, not 'Bro', although i would say a virus, rather than cancer. But, since cancer IS caused by viruses, its a difference without a distiction; Human BEANS are legumes with legs, and really ARE 'Too stupid to live!"

                                I wonder if its 'inevitable'; that is, if, all over the universe, there aren't, periodically, species that develop 'intelligence', and that only develop enough intelligence to bring about their own destruction? Jim

