"Bro" Mikey
Where to begin???
Firstly, I too am a 'child of God" (Woodstock generation).
Hey, if you can REMEMBER the 60's, you didn't grow up in them, right?
(Cause all your memories are a blue-grey sweet smelling smokey haze!)
Initially, I embraced the counter-culture; sex, drugs and rock and roll. Want to change things, "Go to the streets", SDS, etc.
And I saw where THAT led; Chicago 'riots' guaranteed Nixons election, etc.
Having initially embraced the naive liberal view, I had a 'rude awakening, and have become steadily more libertatian/conservative in my views, with the passage of time.
As for wealth, most sheeple are as ignorant of finances, as they are of medical (how there body works), legal system, or even how there own car works.
Wealth consists of having some $ 'left over', after you pay all your expenses; Food, clothing, shelter, transportation, (other) energy, i.e. heating and coolong, etc., and entertainment, cause SOME entertainment is neccesary for mental health.
Of caorse, the MORE you have 'left over', the 'wealthier' you are. Most people have a foggy but generally accurate understanding that THIS is what wealth is, and say they want to be 'comfortable'.
But they have absolutely NO idea how to get there, and they continue to do the same thing over and over, expecting different results; they think if they could just INCREASE their income, THAT would solve their financial woees; WRONG.
Most people are consistently spending MORE than their income, for the 6 'essentials' )FCSTEE. They are able to do this thru 2 ways; firstly, thru debt, which is absolutely stupid, of coarse. The second is because the income and outgo don't happen at the same time, so they are able to 'rob Peter to pay Paul', and 'Live from paycheck to paycheck'.
The first key to establishing wealth is to establish a budget, and firstly force yourself to live within it. Secondly, to realise that its VERY difficult to substantially increase your income, and if you haven't learned to budget you will just continue to spend more than you bring in, but at a 'higher' level.
And the 'key' is simple, although few are willing to accept it; If its very difficult to increase your income, and wealth is having truly discretionary $ 'left over', than the ONLY realistic path to wealth is to reduce your outgo.
THAT way, you WILL have $ 'left over', every month, month in and month out.
Simple concept, but it requres changing your behavior, which is the hardest thing anyone has to do.
"God, grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I can not change,
The COURAGE to change the things i CAN,
And the WISDOM to know the difference."
We can't change the system, or what the "American Ruling Class" are doing.
We can't change, in any significant way the 'system' we have. We can't change ANYONE elses behavior; not our spouces, or kids or parents, neighbors, co-workers or bosses, we can't change the sheeple, etc.
The ONLYthing we can change is OUR own behavior, and thats TOUGH and requires COURAGE, intorspection, and an ability to question ourselves and break through our own denials. Just ask anyone in AA, NA, anyone who's tried to diet, etc. Its VERY difficult. But, thats the only thing we can change.
Buying into the American Nightmare ("Dream") is for suckers.
I am neither 'uneducated' nor 'mindwashed'; I simply have the wisdom to know what I CAN change, and what I can't, and the SERENITY that comes with that knowledge. TRYING to have the COURAGE to change the things I can, which IS a constant struggle.
And your right, having a dialogue like this is foolish, as we will continue to talk past each other. Jim
Where to begin???
Firstly, I too am a 'child of God" (Woodstock generation).
Hey, if you can REMEMBER the 60's, you didn't grow up in them, right?

(Cause all your memories are a blue-grey sweet smelling smokey haze!)
Initially, I embraced the counter-culture; sex, drugs and rock and roll. Want to change things, "Go to the streets", SDS, etc.
And I saw where THAT led; Chicago 'riots' guaranteed Nixons election, etc.
Having initially embraced the naive liberal view, I had a 'rude awakening, and have become steadily more libertatian/conservative in my views, with the passage of time.
As for wealth, most sheeple are as ignorant of finances, as they are of medical (how there body works), legal system, or even how there own car works.
Wealth consists of having some $ 'left over', after you pay all your expenses; Food, clothing, shelter, transportation, (other) energy, i.e. heating and coolong, etc., and entertainment, cause SOME entertainment is neccesary for mental health.
Of caorse, the MORE you have 'left over', the 'wealthier' you are. Most people have a foggy but generally accurate understanding that THIS is what wealth is, and say they want to be 'comfortable'.
But they have absolutely NO idea how to get there, and they continue to do the same thing over and over, expecting different results; they think if they could just INCREASE their income, THAT would solve their financial woees; WRONG.
Most people are consistently spending MORE than their income, for the 6 'essentials' )FCSTEE. They are able to do this thru 2 ways; firstly, thru debt, which is absolutely stupid, of coarse. The second is because the income and outgo don't happen at the same time, so they are able to 'rob Peter to pay Paul', and 'Live from paycheck to paycheck'.
The first key to establishing wealth is to establish a budget, and firstly force yourself to live within it. Secondly, to realise that its VERY difficult to substantially increase your income, and if you haven't learned to budget you will just continue to spend more than you bring in, but at a 'higher' level.
And the 'key' is simple, although few are willing to accept it; If its very difficult to increase your income, and wealth is having truly discretionary $ 'left over', than the ONLY realistic path to wealth is to reduce your outgo.
THAT way, you WILL have $ 'left over', every month, month in and month out.
Simple concept, but it requres changing your behavior, which is the hardest thing anyone has to do.
"God, grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I can not change,
The COURAGE to change the things i CAN,
And the WISDOM to know the difference."
We can't change the system, or what the "American Ruling Class" are doing.
We can't change, in any significant way the 'system' we have. We can't change ANYONE elses behavior; not our spouces, or kids or parents, neighbors, co-workers or bosses, we can't change the sheeple, etc.
The ONLYthing we can change is OUR own behavior, and thats TOUGH and requires COURAGE, intorspection, and an ability to question ourselves and break through our own denials. Just ask anyone in AA, NA, anyone who's tried to diet, etc. Its VERY difficult. But, thats the only thing we can change.
Buying into the American Nightmare ("Dream") is for suckers.
I am neither 'uneducated' nor 'mindwashed'; I simply have the wisdom to know what I CAN change, and what I can't, and the SERENITY that comes with that knowledge. TRYING to have the COURAGE to change the things I can, which IS a constant struggle.
And your right, having a dialogue like this is foolish, as we will continue to talk past each other. Jim