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The American Ruling Class

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  • "Bro" Mikey

    Where to begin???
    Firstly, I too am a 'child of God" (Woodstock generation).
    Hey, if you can REMEMBER the 60's, you didn't grow up in them, right?
    (Cause all your memories are a blue-grey sweet smelling smokey haze!)

    Initially, I embraced the counter-culture; sex, drugs and rock and roll. Want to change things, "Go to the streets", SDS, etc.

    And I saw where THAT led; Chicago 'riots' guaranteed Nixons election, etc.

    Having initially embraced the naive liberal view, I had a 'rude awakening, and have become steadily more libertatian/conservative in my views, with the passage of time.

    As for wealth, most sheeple are as ignorant of finances, as they are of medical (how there body works), legal system, or even how there own car works.

    Wealth consists of having some $ 'left over', after you pay all your expenses; Food, clothing, shelter, transportation, (other) energy, i.e. heating and coolong, etc., and entertainment, cause SOME entertainment is neccesary for mental health.

    Of caorse, the MORE you have 'left over', the 'wealthier' you are. Most people have a foggy but generally accurate understanding that THIS is what wealth is, and say they want to be 'comfortable'.

    But they have absolutely NO idea how to get there, and they continue to do the same thing over and over, expecting different results; they think if they could just INCREASE their income, THAT would solve their financial woees; WRONG.

    Most people are consistently spending MORE than their income, for the 6 'essentials' )FCSTEE. They are able to do this thru 2 ways; firstly, thru debt, which is absolutely stupid, of coarse. The second is because the income and outgo don't happen at the same time, so they are able to 'rob Peter to pay Paul', and 'Live from paycheck to paycheck'.

    The first key to establishing wealth is to establish a budget, and firstly force yourself to live within it. Secondly, to realise that its VERY difficult to substantially increase your income, and if you haven't learned to budget you will just continue to spend more than you bring in, but at a 'higher' level.

    And the 'key' is simple, although few are willing to accept it; If its very difficult to increase your income, and wealth is having truly discretionary $ 'left over', than the ONLY realistic path to wealth is to reduce your outgo.

    THAT way, you WILL have $ 'left over', every month, month in and month out.

    Simple concept, but it requres changing your behavior, which is the hardest thing anyone has to do.

    "God, grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I can not change,
    The COURAGE to change the things i CAN,
    And the WISDOM to know the difference."

    We can't change the system, or what the "American Ruling Class" are doing.
    We can't change, in any significant way the 'system' we have. We can't change ANYONE elses behavior; not our spouces, or kids or parents, neighbors, co-workers or bosses, we can't change the sheeple, etc.

    The ONLYthing we can change is OUR own behavior, and thats TOUGH and requires COURAGE, intorspection, and an ability to question ourselves and break through our own denials. Just ask anyone in AA, NA, anyone who's tried to diet, etc. Its VERY difficult. But, thats the only thing we can change.

    Buying into the American Nightmare ("Dream") is for suckers.

    I am neither 'uneducated' nor 'mindwashed'; I simply have the wisdom to know what I CAN change, and what I can't, and the SERENITY that comes with that knowledge. TRYING to have the COURAGE to change the things I can, which IS a constant struggle.

    And your right, having a dialogue like this is foolish, as we will continue to talk past each other. Jim


    • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
      Where to begin???
      Firstly, I too am a 'child of God" (Woodstock generation).
      Hey, if you can REMEMBER the 60's, you didn't grow up in them, right?
      (Cause all your memories are a blue-grey sweet smelling smokey haze!)

      Initially, I embraced the counter-culture; sex, drugs and rock and roll. Want to change things, "Go to the streets", SDS, etc.

      medical (how there body works), legal system, or even how there own car works.

      Wealth consists of having some $ 'left over', after you pay all your expenses;
      THAT way, you WILL have $ 'left over', every month, month in and month out.

      Simple concept, but it requres changing your behavior, which is the hardest thing anyone has to do.

      "God, grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I can not change,
      The COURAGE to change the things i CAN,
      And the WISDOM to know the difference."

      We can't change the system, or what the "American Ruling Class" are doing.

      The ONLYthing we can change is OUR own behavior, and thats TOUGH and requires COURAGE.............

      Buying into the American Nightmare ("Dream") is for suckers.

      I am neither 'uneducated' nor 'mindwashed';

      And your right, having a dialogue like this is foolish........................................ Jim

      Let me say first may God Bless you. Your open message has moved me at my core, this is embarrassing to the flesh or foolish to the natural man that a man should strip himself naked to everyone to see.

      Don't you believe it for one minute dude. You just did something very powerful.

      I am not going to sit here and pick apart your last message in some kind of a defense that I am right. You Sir are well able to put those false ideas to flight.

      I am so thankful when someone can actually level with the entire group and put off that phony smile proving how happy they are.

      No one has to tell me what American man are up against as I have experienced this for boyhood. I had scraped bottom 30 yrs ago and I will tell you this as a preach. Not this phony cheesy preach thing begging for money either. I work and will never live off the people.

      I will tell you this about your message, you have power to change your own ways and life "Yes" other people? Naw.

      You just put all of your enemies to flight is the best way I know how to say it.

      Those FOOLISH feelings you have mentioned are being chased away as we expose them with the light of our communication.

      Bravo let's leave it at that.

      Like you talked about money and what looks like a RULING CLASS of people is only an illusion. Enjoy today and take a deep breath, you are alive.

      I mean in the spirit. When the spirit of GOD comes you know it is there by the action IT performs. What action is that? Simple, IT "THE SPIRIT" will convince YOU and I of our failures.

      This is foolishness to those who perish and cling to their self made man who is very proud.


      Last edited by BroMikey; 06-17-2014, 06:34 PM.


      • American Sanity Quiz

        I don't keep up with this forum so if this is already posted then I apologize for the repost.
        Attached Files


        • Good 'quiz' Orion. While I'm confident that those who post herein will have no problem answering this quiz correctly, I also know that there are huge numbers of people who would either have no idea what the answers are, or do know but choose to believe these facts are lies.

          Speaking of lies, Barry and his administration are probably right in thinking that their supporters will believe the latest lie, which is that the administration was "surprised" by the huge wave of illegal immigrant children crossing into the United States. How could they be "surprised" when they planned for this very occurrence and enabled it to happen? The DHS advertised, back in January of this year, for a vendor contractor to handle 65,000 unaccompanied alien children. Here are the bidding contract specifics:
          [...] The Contractor shall provide unarmed escort staff, including management, supervision, manpower, training, certifications, licenses, drug testing, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide on-demand escort services for non-criminal/non-delinquent unaccompanied alien children ages infant to 17 years of age, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year. Transport will be required for either category of UAC or individual juveniles, to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25% local ground transport, 25% via ICE charter and 50% via commercial air.
          [...] In addition, the Contractor shall have personnel who are able to communicate with juveniles in their own designated language(s).

          At least 47,000 unaccompanied illegal alien children have already entered the US in the past few months, and the Customs and Border Patrol estimate that 90,000 of these children will have entered by year's end. Compare this to the average of 5,000 seen in recent years, and it becomes rather obvious that this influx is going to be a huge problem having huge costs. The contract specifics, shown above, are outrageous. These children should promptly be returned to their parents in their country of origin. Busing or flying this many children to those destinations will be costly, but a relatively small cost when compared to the estimated $31,000 per child annual cost of allowing them to remain here, and allowing them to remain only sends a message to millions of parents in countries south of our border that they too can successfully send their children here and expect us to bear the burden of caring for them while they and their governments are relieved of that burden.

          This policy is a bad one - bad for the US, and bad for the children. The parents of these children are placing them in danger of being harmed by the drug-running, gun-running, human traffickers who are offering their services at a hefty cost. This will not end until we send these children home and make it clear that illegal entries will not be tolerated. Further, the cost of returning these children, and all other illegal aliens for that matter, should be borne by their countries of origin, and this could be accomplished by deducting that expense from the amount of US foreign aid which those countries would otherwise receive. Sensible solutions do exist, but our "government" chose instead to first create a problem and then secondly to make it worse.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Illegal Immigration has always been Policy

            My career, when I was able to stomach corporate politics, was Software Engineer. I know how databases work. Because of the UN-Official and very Hypocritical policy of AIDED illegal immigration; the IRS and Social Security Agency have to actually ADD code to their databases to ALLOW duplicate Social Security Numbers to be admitted in their databases so that these "Illegal" Immigrants can actually work in a quazi-legal system with invisibility, even to the point of paying taxes, and to get drivers licenses, and buy cellphones.

            I read once, back in about 2005 that they found 1200 people had the same SS number. I was in Oregon in 2006. I went to the DMV for a licence. Out of forty or so people there, I was the ONLY Caucasian and I am including the employees as well. There was a row of computers where they were taking their test in SPANISH. When I sat down, I was also given that option.

            At the Sprint store, it was the same scene with very little English being spoken and cellphone contracts being signed right and left.

            How to you go from a fake SS number to a valid Drivers License???
            With Government Assistance, a wink, and a nod.

            It is now and has, for a long time, been the unofficial policy to let the hordes in. I think it is about the numbers, the consumer driven economics. Simple as that. Americans dropped to under the 2.3 children replacement. The PTB need numbers, consumers. What else could be driving this policy?

            Oh yeah, I keep forgetting; they want everyone to be productive and die at 67 or sooner so they don't collect SS. They want to rid the planet of ALL gun owning, constitution following citizens and replace us with slave labor.

            I agree many people wouldn't have a clue about the quiz. And that's a sad commentary on those people


            • Quotable quotes of the day....

              The quotes found below were spoken yesterday by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal in a keynote address to the Faith and Freedom Coalition in Washington:

              "I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren."

              "I am tired of the left. They say they're for tolerance, they say they respect diversity. The reality is this: They respect everybody unless you happen to disagree with them. The left is trying to silence us and I'm tired of it, I won't take it anymore."

              "Are we witnessing right now the most radically, extremely liberal, ideological president of our entire lifetime right here in the United States of America, or are we witnessing the most incompetent president of the United States of America in the history of our lifetimes? You know, it is a difficult question. I've thought long and hard about it. Here's the only answer I've come up with, and I'm going to quote Secretary Clinton: `What difference does it make?"'
              Last edited by rickoff; 06-23-2014, 01:33 AM.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
                It is now and has, for a long time, been the unofficial policy to let the hordes in. I think it is about the numbers, the consumer driven economics. Simple as that. Americans dropped to under the 2.3 children replacement. The PTB need numbers, consumers. What else could be driving this policy?
                Many will think that this policy is a political ploy, used by whichever party is in power as a means of promoting their party to the illegals and later gaining the voting base of these people (either through fraudulent voting, or legally as the illegals are granted amnesty and become citizens). In actuality, though, there is a lot more going on with the current open borders/amnesty policy. Barry is an Alinskyite who is practicing all that he learned from Saul Alinsky's book Rules For Radicals. Barry understands that in order to transform America into a communist state he must achieve certain objectives:
                1. The People must become bitterly resentful of their current government, and be pushed into rebellion. This tactic is working, as never in our history has our nation been so divided along ideological lines, nor has confidence in our government sunk to such low levels of approval.
                2. The People must be disarmed. This tactic is being employed feverishly on a daily basis through MSM newscasts featuring "gun violence." Barry may not achieve gun confiscation before his term ends, but we can be assured that if Hillie is next in succession she definitely will. She just made that clear in her statement that, “We cannot let a minority of people [gun owners], and that’s what it is, it is a minority of people, hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people", and Hillie too is an Alinskyite who actually wrote her 1969 Wellesly College thesis on Alinsky.
                3. The nation must be plummeted into an irreversible bankruptcy from which it cannot possibly recover, and this will be what ultimately forces a change in our form of government. Barry has already done a great job at racking up an unsustainable debt, and his push for a huge illegal alien amnesty will surely hasten America's demise. Granting amnesty and work permits to illegals will not improve America's economic status. Consumers are of no economic value unless they are working consumers (or independently wealthy). When 15 to 20 million amnestied illegals compete for jobs with a like number of currently unemployed Americans, there can be no economic gain. And if the jobs don't exist to begin with then an amnesty only adds an additional 15 to 20 million people to welfare rolls.
                Last edited by rickoff; 06-23-2014, 04:09 AM.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • I agree with jindal,

                  at least to this extent; "Is this all part of a 'Grand conspiracy', (alinsky, Ruling class, etc.) OR is it a result of incompentence, shortsightedness, etc?
                  What difference does it make? In terms of the outcome, not a bit! Jim


                  • The ruling Class of murderers

                    Need I say more than to post this link?

                    Laugh if you will and snicker if you must but do yourselves a favor and finish reading this site from top to bottom. It looks like a tabloid but is all very true.

                    Clint Eastwood, all of the big names go there to sacrifice to Moloch.

                    Pedophilic Yehudim Satanists From Hell – Part 2 | Goyim Gazette

                    Oh yeah don't forget the magick mushrooms. They are inbred pedophiles.

                    Hail Satan for HE is Lord.

                    Open your eyes you blind guides.



                    • satan is not the Lord of gentiles, that's God. satan is lord for satanic jews, satanic Christians, satanic Muslims, satanic Atheists and other satan worshippers though. And you want to know what they all have in common? Here you go; The call themselves jews, christians, muslims and atheists but they're not, they're of the synogogue of satan.

                      Read Rev 2:9 and 3:9.

                      And by the way, anyone who denies anything at the Goyim Gazette linked by BroMikey, is either possessed by satan, deceived by satan or worshipping satan. No other options. (fearing satan or not believing in satan is being deceived by satan.)

                      Chew on that with your donuts this morning.


                      • Magick Powers

                        This American Ruling Class hail Alister Crowley as one of their leaders who called the wickedest man in the world claiming he sacrificed 160 children.

                        The Beatles album cover has him on it, David Bowey sings about him so did OZZY. So many more bands who are funded by freemasonry.

                        People think witchcraft is only a toy doll being poked with needles and just laugh it off. Witchcraft offers folks power to deceive.

                        So stopping these rulers (If this is what you want to call them) would require that you have some sort of super power, like a superhero. Of course you can have that power of light through GOD and be told to sit back.

                        Sit back? Why would God tell HIS children to hush up and sit back when they have the power to deaf the entire system?

                        Well it's not quite that simple.

                        First of all there are not many around the world with any power of light to war against the darkness. The reason is that most do not believe that there is a devil per say.

                        As long as the pawns live in denial darkness prevails.

                        The American Ruling Class uses good people as their front men and women.

                        It looks like I am wrong from your perspective, I understand.

                        I have met 2 witches in my lifetime who told me out right they belong to some club known as "WICCA" These 2 separate girls from 2 different states in the USA were able to appear one way to one person and look completey different to another, standing in the same room together.

                        Think about it? Please!?



                        • I don't know that I disagree with anything you're saying other than thinking we can't defeat the scum leaders is total bunk.

                          We can and will defeat them because they're evil, you'll see.

                          The next question today would be, who or what is satan. Is "it" an angel, the Jihn, billions of demons, spirits from another realm, etc. ?

                          Or does it even matter? I like that thought best. It doesn't matter who or what satan is. All that matters is that we identify the criminals who are evil in our society and prosecute them. That's it, nothing more. That's how you defeat evil in the here and now.

                          Identifying them is about 90% of the game and is the primary purpose behind the Goyim Gazette and Unidigi. Once that's done, the Goyim Gazette will be useless and the focus will shift to 100% restructuring of humanity/society via pure democracy with REAL freedom, equality and justice via Unidigi (or something else like it)


                          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                            Good 'quiz' Orion. While I'm confident that those who post herein will have no problem answering this quiz correctly, I also know that there are huge numbers of people who would either have no idea what the answers are, or do know but choose to believe these facts are lies.

                            Speaking of lies, Barry and his administration are probably right in thinking that their supporters will believe the latest lie, which is that the administration was "surprised" by the huge wave of illegal immigrant children crossing into the United States. How could they be "surprised" when they planned for this very occurrence and enabled it to happen? The DHS advertised, back in January of this year, for a vendor contractor to handle 65,000 unaccompanied alien children. Here are the bidding contract specifics:
                            [...] The Contractor shall provide unarmed escort staff, including management, supervision, manpower, training, certifications, licenses, drug testing, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide on-demand escort services for non-criminal/non-delinquent unaccompanied alien children ages infant to 17 years of age, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year. Transport will be required for either category of UAC or individual juveniles, to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25% local ground transport, 25% via ICE charter and 50% via commercial air.
                            [...] In addition, the Contractor shall have personnel who are able to communicate with juveniles in their own designated language(s).

                            At least 47,000 unaccompanied illegal alien children have already entered the US in the past few months, and the Customs and Border Patrol estimate that 90,000 of these children will have entered by year's end. Compare this to the average of 5,000 seen in recent years, and it becomes rather obvious that this influx is going to be a huge problem having huge costs. The contract specifics, shown above, are outrageous. These children should promptly be returned to their parents in their country of origin. Busing or flying this many children to those destinations will be costly, but a relatively small cost when compared to the estimated $31,000 per child annual cost of allowing them to remain here, and allowing them to remain only sends a message to millions of parents in countries south of our border that they too can successfully send their children here and expect us to bear the burden of caring for them while they and their governments are relieved of that burden.

                            This policy is a bad one - bad for the US, and bad for the children. The parents of these children are placing them in danger of being harmed by the drug-running, gun-running, human traffickers who are offering their services at a hefty cost. This will not end until we send these children home and make it clear that illegal entries will not be tolerated. Further, the cost of returning these children, and all other illegal aliens for that matter, should be borne by their countries of origin, and this could be accomplished by deducting that expense from the amount of US foreign aid which those countries would otherwise receive. Sensible solutions do exist, but our "government" chose instead to first create a problem and then secondly to make it worse.

                            Illegals cost money. The jewish owners of the FED make money from interest on their fiat currency. The jewish owners of America take out loans from the FED to pay for the illegals needs. The jewish owners of the FED and America like illegals. Nothing else matters other than getting rid of the corrupt jews. They're the REAL ILLEGALS.


                            • Overcome Evil?

                              Originally posted by DregHunter View Post
                              I don't know that I disagree with anything you're saying other than thinking we can't defeat the scum leaders is total bunk.

                              We can and will defeat them because they're evil, you'll see.

                              The next question today would be, who or what is satan. Is "it" an angel, the Jihn, billions of demons, spirits from another realm, etc. ?

                              Or does it even matter? I like that thought best. It doesn't matter who or what satan is. All that matters is that we identify the criminals who are evil in our society and prosecute them. That's it, nothing more. That's how you defeat evil in the here and now.

                              Identifying them is about 90% of the game and is the primary purpose behind the Goyim Gazette and Unidigi. Once that's done, the Goyim Gazette will be useless and the focus will shift to 100% restructuring of humanity/society via pure democracy with REAL freedom, equality and justice via Unidigi (or something else like it)
                              In our personal life we can overcome evil yes. Yet for thousands of years evil has dominated mankind and will until the KING comes back to set up shop.

                              Till then the prince of the power of this air is Louie. hE is the gOd of forces and the gOd of "THIS WORLD" or you could say the gOd of the current system.

                              As far as overcoming this evil system and getting rid of it completely is what you suggest and is not going to happen.

                              Evil will always exist along side of good so each person living today can make his or her choice. So yes evil should be an eventual process in ones life that they should and will overcome evil. Deciding against evil not for it.

                              The challenge is that if Louie could get folks sinning they would never go back to the boring ALMIGHTY with all of HIS rules.

                              Evil has a job Sir. I hope people choose against what they don't believe in? Wait that doesn't make sense.

                              "Choose you this day whom ye shall serve"

                              "And they loved not their lives till death" ?????????????????????????

                              Does anyone know the WORDS of LIFE?

                              How on earth can the present day "Christian"? Eliminate half of the scripture in favor of a loop sided view that without THE KINGS return "we are GOD"

                              We are not GOD.

                              We are the sheep of HIS pasture and the "FLOCK OF SLAUGHTER"

                              WHo's afraid of the big bad wolf? Well if there is no wolf how can one be afraid of something that does not exist?

                              Without cold there is no hot.

                              Without evil and good there is no choice. One can not exist without the other.

                              "And I saw the saints beheaded"

                              "They were sawn asunder"

                              You see the version of Christianity that is propagated today is another JESUS that no one will suffer death or anything due to the fact (THEY SAY) that God has made a way for us to be spared?

                              All will be tested. All love of every kind is ALWAYS tested. ALWAYS!!!!!!

                              It is only at the point of death or losing something of one's life that shows really what they are all about. YOU WILL!!!! be tested.

                              Overcoming evil is possible for those who have their spiritual muscles pumped up, no problem but even Sampson had his eyes gouged out.

                              We all fall short and sin prevails so "When ye fail" When? oh yeah you will fail.

                              What is he saying? What am I talking about?

                              You and I overcome evil because we run to daddy to get forgiven. PERIOD!!!!!

                              Isn't that a ridiculous statement?



                              • Way over our heads

                                Here it is in real world terms


                                The world is full of the worship of Satan. But Jesus Saves


