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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    In our personal life we can overcome evil yes. Yet for thousands of years evil has dominated mankind and will until the KING comes back to set up shop.

    Till then the prince of the power of this air is Louie. hE is the gOd of forces and the gOd of "THIS WORLD" or you could say the gOd of the current system.

    As far as overcoming this evil system and getting rid of it completely is what you suggest and is not going to happen.

    Evil will always exist along side of good so each person living today can make his or her choice. So yes evil should be an eventual process in ones life that they should and will overcome evil. Deciding against evil not for it.

    The challenge is that if Louie could get folks sinning they would never go back to the boring ALMIGHTY with all of HIS rules.

    Evil has a job Sir. I hope people choose against what they don't believe in? Wait that doesn't make sense.

    "Choose you this day whom ye shall serve"

    "And they loved not their lives till death" ?????????????????????????

    Does anyone know the WORDS of LIFE?

    How on earth can the present day "Christian"? Eliminate half of the scripture in favor of a loop sided view that without THE KINGS return "we are GOD"

    We are not GOD.

    We are the sheep of HIS pasture and the "FLOCK OF SLAUGHTER"

    WHo's afraid of the big bad wolf? Well if there is no wolf how can one be afraid of something that does not exist?

    Without cold there is no hot.

    Without evil and good there is no choice. One can not exist without the other.

    "And I saw the saints beheaded"

    "They were sawn asunder"

    You see the version of Christianity that is propagated today is another JESUS that no one will suffer death or anything due to the fact (THEY SAY) that God has made a way for us to be spared?

    All will be tested. All love of every kind is ALWAYS tested. ALWAYS!!!!!!

    It is only at the point of death or losing something of one's life that shows really what they are all about. YOU WILL!!!! be tested.

    Overcoming evil is possible for those who have their spiritual muscles pumped up, no problem but even Sampson had his eyes gouged out.

    We all fall short and sin prevails so "When ye fail" When? oh yeah you will fail.

    What is he saying? What am I talking about?

    You and I overcome evil because we run to daddy to get forgiven. PERIOD!!!!!

    Isn't that a ridiculous statement?


    I don't run to daddy, never have, I didn't say anything about getting rid of evil completely and, "God" is the proper way to type God.

    As to the rest of that ramble, sounds like one big excuse to sit on your ass and let a bunch of sadistic criminals rule over you and destroy the earth. Popularizing that message of course is a very common shill ploy, so, thanks but no thanks. I'll keep working on defeating evil in every way I can in my life, in my republic and in my world. And Fook Louie. We're opposing forces, that's how God made us and intended things.

    God never told us to buy into the do nothing cowardice shi te, quite the opposite is repeatedly written, for whatever that's worth. Jesus didn't like the idea of pandering to weakness, idleness nor tepidity either. In fact, show me one single successful person in history who's said it's ok to give up on what you want or to think small. What a crock, Sorry, but I'm outa here. My time is much better spent writing at the Goyim Gazette.
    Last edited by DregHunter; 06-25-2014, 02:27 AM.


    • Opinions

      Originally posted by DregHunter View Post
      I don't run to daddy, never have, I didn't say anything about getting rid of evil completely and, "God" is the proper way to type God.

      As to the rest of that ramble, sounds like one big excuse to sit on your ass and let a bunch of sadistic criminals rule over you and destroy the earth. Popularizing that message of course is a very common shill ploy, so, thanks but no thanks. I'll keep working on defeating evil in every way I can in my life, in my republic and in my world. And Fook Louie. We're opposing forces, that's how God made us and intended things.

      God never told us to buy into the do nothing cowardice shi te, quite the opposite is repeatedly written, for whatever that's worth. Jesus didn't like the idea of pandering to weakness, idleness nor tepidity either. In fact, show me one single successful person in history who's said it's ok to give up on what you want or to think small. What a crock, Sorry, but I'm outa here. My time is much better spent writing at the Goyim Gazette.

      Hey Dreg

      You have your ideas and I have mine so let's remember THE SELF EXISTENT ONE is the creator of both.

      Great writing at the paper.



      • Originally posted by DregHunter View Post
        "God" is the proper way to type God.

        As to the rest of that ramble, sounds like one big excuse to sit on your ass and let a bunch of sadistic criminals rule over you and destroy the earth.

        Popularizing that message of course is a very common shill ploy, so, thanks but no thanks.

        I'll keep working on defeating evil in every way I can in my life, in my republic and in my world. And Fook Louie. We're opposing forces, that's how God made us and intended things.

        God never told us to buy into the do nothing cowardice shi te, quite the opposite is repeatedly written, for whatever that's worth.

        Jesus didn't like the idea of pandering to weakness, idleness nor tepidity either. In fact, show me one single successful person in history who's said it's ok to give up on what you want or to think small. What a crock, Sorry, but I'm outa here.

        My time is much better spent writing at the Goyim Gazette.
        Nafeez Ahmed
        The Guardian
        June 19, 2014
        So how does open source everything have the potential to 're-engineer the Earth'? For me, this is the most important question, and Steele's answer is inspiring. "Open Source Everything overturns top-down 'because I say so at the point of a gun' power. Open Source Everything makes truth rather than violence the currency of power. Open Source Everything demands that true cost economics and the indigenous concept of 'seventh generation thinking' – how will this affect society 200 years ahead – become central. Most of our problems today can be traced to the ascendance of unilateral militarism, virtual colonialism, and predatory capitalism, all based on force and lies and encroachment on the commons. The national security state works for the City of London and Wall Street – both are about to be toppled by a combination of Eastern alternative banking and alternative international development capabilities, and individuals who recognise that they have the power to pull their money out of the banks and not buy the consumer goods that subsidise corruption and the concentration of wealth. The opportunity to take back the commons for the benefit of humanity as a whole is open – here and now."

        For Steele, the open source revolution is inevitable, simply because the demise of the system presided over by the 1% cannot be stopped – and because the alternatives to reclaiming the commons are too dismal to contemplate. We have no choice but to step up.

        "My motto, a play on the CIA motto that is disgraced every day, is 'the truth at any cost lowers all other costs'", he tells me. "Others wiser than I have pointed out that nature bats last. We are at the end of an era in which lies can be used to steal from the public and the commons. We are at the beginning of an era in which truth in public service can restore us all to a state of grace."

        The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% - ex CIA spy | Nafeez Ahmed | Environment |



        • Might AS WELL "JUMP"

          "Might as well "JUMP" is the philosophy of the American gullible class. Many other philosophical flowery phases to stroke the imagination. 25, 35 yrs, 45yrs and at 55 years old you begin to see the unending worthlessness of mans foolish talk.

          Not "ALL" but plenty of foolish delusions are spewed forth swaying the simple minded. Then comes the grime reality that should have been something folks were ready for but are not. "THE TRUTH"

          "The Truth" is that men say things only to look good quite often, I have done that. But was I successful for doing it? Successful in who's eyes. Successful how? Successful because I said or did something that many others have said and done?

          Successful because I have more money? Successful because I have a nice car while the street rats walk?

          What is he talking about others reading might ask?

          I am talking about the mind of the AMERICAN INTELLECTUAL who thinks his or her knowledge can make them ruler.

          Successful because I tell everyone what to do? How?

          I am not impressed.

          It's all hot gas pouring out.

          Last edited by BroMikey; 06-28-2014, 08:29 AM.


          • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

            I am not impressed.

            It's all hot gas pouring out.
            Win every 9/11 debate with this one fact ! - YouTube

            Are You Not Entertained? - YouTube



            • Here's one fact you need to know it was BS.
              Jet Fuel DOES NOT EXPLODE at sea level.

              Jet A Material Safety Data Sheet

              Flash point: the minimum temperature at which a liquid gives off vapor within a test vessel in sufficient concentration to form an ignitable mixture with air near the surface of the liquid. The flash point is normally an indication of susceptibility to ignition.

              FLASH POINT: > 100 F (38 C) TCC
              AUTOIGNITION POINT: 410 F (210 C)
              OSHA/NFPA FLAMMABILITY CLASS: 2 (COMBUSTIBLE) (see Section 14 for transportation classification)

              LOWER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT (%): 0.7
              UPPER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT (%): 5.0
              When vapors of a flammable or combustible liquid are mixed with air in the proper proportions in the presence of a source of ignition, rapid combustion or an explosion can occur. The proper proportion is called the flammable range and is also often referred to as the explosive range. The flammable range includes all concentrations of flammable vapor or gas in air, in which a flash will occur or a flame will travel if the mixture is ignited. There is a minimum concentration of vapor or gas in air below which propagation of flame does not occur on contact with a source of ignition. There is also a maximum proportion of vapor in air above which propagation of flame does not occur. These boundary-line mixtures of vapor with air are known as the lower and upper flammable limits (LFL or UFL) respectively, and they are usually expressed in terms of percentage by volume of vapor in air.See figure below.

              In popular jargon, a vapor/air mixture below the lower flammable limit is too "lean" to burn or explode, and a mixture above the upper flammable limit is too "rich" to burn or explode. The LFL is also known as the lower explosive limit (LEL). The UFL is also referred to as the upper explosive limit (UEL). No attempt is made to differentiate between the terms flammable and explosive as applied to the lower and upper limits of flammability.

              You'll love this one.
              The plane was traveling at 24408 centimeters/second = 546 MPH

              Jet A Explosion Experiments:
              Laboratory Testing
              Joseph E. Shepherd, J. Christopher Krok, and Julian J. Lee
              Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories
              California Institute of Technology
              Pasadena, CA 91125

              The leaner the mixture, the lower the flame speed.
              Near the flammability limit, the flame speed decreases to about 4 to 5 cm/s. There is no data available in the literature on Jet A flame speeds other than a range of 0.3 to 0.6 m/s quoted in CRC (1983).
              Hazard Rating Index: Flammability
              Materials that must be moderately heated or exposed to relatively high ambient temperatures before ignition can occur. Materials in this degree would not under normal conditions form hazardous atmospheres with air, but under high ambient temperatures or under moderate heating may release vapor in sufficient quantities to produce hazardous atmospheres with air. This degree should include:
              Liquids having a flash point above 100�F (37.8�C), but not exceeding 200�F (93.4�F);


              • As part of our Independence Day celebrations, let us remember these all important and resounding words from the Declaration of Independence:

                "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • I recently reported on an ongoing grassroots petition drive in New York City referred to as the High Rise Safety Initiative. I'm pleased to report that as of yesterday there were 67,192 signatures submitted to the NYC city clerk's office, which was 37,000 more than the requisite number for a charter amendment to be submitted to the voters at this November's election. If passed by voters on November 4th, it would require the City's Department of Buildings to investigate the collapse of WTC 7 and any future high-rise collapses.

                  The next step in this process
                  is to gather an additional 33,000 signatures (the requisite number is 15,000) to submit on September 4th. If successful, this will force the initiative onto the ballot in the event that the City Council fails to take action or votes against including it on the ballot. I think we can safely assume that NYC officials will try everything possible to avoid opening and conducting such an investigation, so they will likely vote against inclusion of the initiative on the November voting ballots. Therefore, this last phase of signature gathering is crucial and cannot be allowed to fail if we ever hope to see an investigation into building 7's collapse. Public disclosure of the actual facts regarding building 7's demise will be instrumental in opening further investigations into the collapse of the WTC towers, as well as the Pentagon scam.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Things are really heating up regarding the DHS attempts to relocate illegal aliens to cities across the United States. Click here to see an interactive map showing where planned re-locations and already implemented re-locations have been taking place, as well as locations where such attempts have failed because of public outrage and resentment. The lamestream media are playing down the scope of this outrage by focusing their newscasts on a single area - Murietta, California, and attempting to convince viewers that the outraged protesters who have forced DHS busloads of illegals to turn around are simply a small group of incompassionate racists and haters. They won't show how similar attempts to relocate illegals to Chicago and New York, both of which are Democrat controlled areas, have been thwarted by similar outrage and opposition.

                    Across the country, folks are justifiably angered over lax border security and non-enforcement of existing immigration laws, and nowhere is this more evident than in the states which border Mexico. Seeing that neither their federal government nor their state governments are doing anything to halt illegal immigration, the People are rapidly reaching a consensus of opinion that it is now up to them to take action.

                    A group of concerned Texans is calling for armed militia members from other states to join them in creating a human barricade against illegal invaders. They say they are fed up with Governor Rick Perry's non-response to the invasion, and aren't going to stand idly by any longer while this invasion continues. This call to action is likely to make the Bundy Ranch standoff look very small in comparison, and the danger of a gun battle instigated by authorities posing as citizen militia, TEA Party activists, or anarchists, can not be overstated.

                    Using our hard earned tax dollars to bus and fly illegals to sanctuary locations in cities across the United States, when they could just as easily be bused or flown back home instead, is a disgusting abusive policy. Of course it is only likely to outrage those who are actually paying the cost, as well as those aliens who have obeyed our laws and waited to come here legally.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Wow Wee Facts

                      Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                      Things are really heating up regarding the DHS attempts to relocate illegal aliens to cities across the United States. Click here to see an interactive map showing where planned re-locations and already implemented re-locations have been taking place, as well as locations where such attempts have failed because of public outrage and resentment. The lamestream media are playing down the scope of this outrage by focusing their newscasts on a single area - Murietta, California, and attempting to convince viewers that the outraged protesters who have forced DHS busloads of illegals to turn around are simply a small group of incompassionate racists and haters. They won't show how similar attempts to relocate illegals to Chicago and New York, both of which are Democrat controlled areas, have been thwarted by similar outrage and opposition.

                      Across the country, folks are justifiably angered over lax border security and non-enforcement of existing immigration laws, and nowhere is this more evident than in the states which border Mexico. Seeing that neither their federal government nor their state governments are doing anything to halt illegal immigration, the People are rapidly reaching a consensus of opinion that it is now up to them to take action.

                      A group of concerned Texans is calling for armed militia members from other states to join them in creating a human barricade against illegal invaders. They say they are fed up with Governor Rick Perry's non-response to the invasion, and aren't going to stand idly by any longer while this invasion continues. This call to action is likely to make the Bundy Ranch standoff look very small in comparison, and the danger of a gun battle instigated by authorities posing as citizen militia, TEA Party activists, or anarchists, can not be overstated.

                      Using our hard earned tax dollars to bus and fly illegals to sanctuary locations in cities across the United States, when they could just as easily be bused or flown back home instead, is a disgusting abusive policy. Of course it is only likely to outrage those who are actually paying the cost, as well as those aliens who have obeyed our laws and waited to come here legally.
                      Thanks Rick

                      Hearing your delivery on policy took me back to the large city of Detroit that just went bankrupt. I have escaped to the simple life in Kansas for 12 years and before that 7 years in SC low county but your discourse has reminded me so much of what Mom is saying over the phone.

                      The poor minorities have to eat so the big wigs have filled our streets with desperate souls from other counties to run drugs. In 40 years the car company has vanished where I watched the huge helicopters pull out the foundry stack in 1990. This stack was not upgraded either.

                      That stack came apart in sections taking many days in Pontiac Michigan where the world war tanks were built and where I was just laid off from.

                      Black Monday hit and the financial bottom fell out just a little, the houses are all shot up and the poor minorities are arested everyday only to be replaced by 10 more.

                      Police cars raid houses from all sides and off they go to jail for a hot meal, processed back out into the streets of another state and back they come in a few months.

                      I could go on for hours. All of the nice homes in the richest county in the USA for 100 years (OAKLAND COUNTY) are broke down and boarded with spray painted symbols.

                      I wake up once in a while (Not much anymore) trying to get away for a group of known bullies who will surround a person, take their money and beat you up bad so you can't remember them or are to afraid to speak.

                      Most folks are gaming and sucking on a Miller bottle and are as blind as bats.

                      Thanks for the reality check dude. The white shirts (The supposed Ruling Class ) say they hate whats going on in this respect but spend the most money on street drugs to keep this all in place.

                      It is Dark outside. The media paints a fuzzy picture of a warm protected fireplace and Santa coming down the chimney distributing packages for all so the white shirts keep drinking their Koolaid.

                      The white shirts (American RULING Class) are front men and make the policy makers look good because a larger portion are good honest Americans. Oh some of them indulge but for the most part are just used as pawns.



                      • All this crazy talk about "SATAN"

                        Not to sound too pompous, but the ONLY INTELLIGENT PAPER you can or will ever read on "SATAN" is on page 23 to page 33 of this book I uploaded:

                        Metaphysics by Dr. AK Coomaraswamy

                        Metaphysics by Dr. AK Coomaraswamy

                        Article is "Who is Satan, and where is Hell?"

                        I own all the rights to Dr. AK Coomaraswamy's works as granted to me by his son, Rama P Coomarswamy

                        Dr. AK Coomaraswamy was one of the most intelligent people who ever lived.

                        He wrote SO SO SO many books and articles, they had to write a book after he died JUST listing all his books and articles he wrote.

                        He knew 27 languages and his intellect is absolutely second to none.

                        He was put on the national stamp of India, however he lived MOST of his life here in the USA.

                        I have ALL his works digitized for download

                        814 MB PDF File

                        DO NOT OPEN THAT LINK!!!!!!! ITS TOO LARGE.....TO download it:::: Only right click on it and "save link as"

                        Im a Platonist, not a Creationist, nor a (miserable) Atheist in love with 'nihil ex nihilo'.

                        Anyway, you dare not speak of "Satan" or knowing what that principle (not persona) is WITHOUT having understood and read that article above.

                        period. No offense.
                        Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 07-05-2014, 09:03 PM.


                        • No Offense Taken Sir

                          I am checking this guy out right now. We gotta be ready for the meeting with "The King"

                          PS ANSWER Reincarnation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          Ananda Coomaraswamy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                          Last edited by BroMikey; 07-06-2014, 08:47 AM.


                          • Quotable quote of the day....

                            “This [influx of illegal alien children] is not a humanitarian crisis. It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor illegal alien children at risk for purely political purposes. Certainly, we are not gullible enough to believe that thousands of unaccompanied minor Central American children came to America without the encouragement, aid and assistance of the United States government.” - the National Association of Border Patrol Officers
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                              All this crazy talk about "SATAN"
                              I wasn't aware that there was any such ongoing discussion. If there is one then this isn't the place for it. Long ago I asked readers here to refrain from using this American Ruling Class thread to post unrelated items, or to engage in religious arguments with others. Late arriving readers and posters here may be unaware of this, so I once again ask that this thread policy be respected. There are other threads here at Energetic Forum which are more appropriate for carrying on religious or philosophical discussions. Bible related discussions, for example, might best be posted in the Bible thread. Just remember that participants in any discussion, in any thread where there is disagreement, should refrain from making any type of personal attacks. Thanks in advance to everyone for helping to keep this American Ruling Class thread on topic and respectful to all those who read and post herein.

                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                                Need I say more than to post this link?

                                Laugh if you will and snicker if you must but do yourselves a favor and finish reading this site from top to bottom.
                                It looks like a tabloid but is all very true.

                                Clint Eastwood, all of the big names go there to sacrifice to Moloch.

                                Pedophilic Yehudim Satanists From Hell – Part 2 | Goyim Gazette

                                Oh yeah don't forget the magick mushrooms. They are inbred pedophiles.

                                Hail Satan for HE is Lord.

                                Open your eyes you blind guides.
                                Antonia - Marionettes - YouTube

                                Pantheism is the belief that the universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity,
                                [1] or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent God.
                                [2] Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god.[3] Some Eastern religions are considered to be pantheistically inclined.

                                Pantheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                BILL COOPER TPTB - pantheistic order - YouTube


