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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
    Take away the incentive, and they won't come. So why are we talking about the wrong things, and not talking about or doing the right things???
    I thought that was exactly what we here have been talking about. By "we," I assume you really meant Congress and the Obummer administration. A really smart move for them would be to quickly adopt the same immigration laws that are already in effect in a neighboring country. Check these out, as they all make perfect sense:

    1. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools.

    2. All ballots will be in this nation's language.

    3. All government business will be conducted in our language.

    4. Non-residents will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they
    are here.

    5. Non-citizens will NEVER be able to hold political office.

    6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food
    stamps, no health care, or any other government assistance programs. Any who are a burden will be deported.

    7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount at
    least equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.

    8. If foreigners come here and buy land, their options will be
    restricted. Certain parcels including waterfront property are reserved
    for citizens naturally born into this country.

    9. Foreigners may have NO protests; NO demonstrations, NO waving of a
    foreign flag, no political organizing. These will lead to deportation.

    10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be actively hunted
    and, when caught, sent to jail until your deportation can be arranged.
    All assets will be taken from you.

    Too strict? The above laws are the current immigration laws of MEXICO!
    If it's good for American's to obey Mexican laws, then it's good vice
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • The bankers have something to do with it.

      Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post

      They come here, PRIMARILY, for jobs. Eliminate the realistic possibility of Jobs, they won't come.
      That may be true. But, I think they are now looking for health care, welfare, and money from the banks.
      There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


      • Rick and Wayne

        Yes, thats what I meant. Specificaly, I am very irritated at the "Tea Party", and many Washington Repubs, for reiterating this mantra about 'secure the border', ad infinitum, and saying NOTHING about interior enforcement.

        I really wonder if the tea Party hasn't been co-opted, much like Perots party was, AFTER he ran; Pat Bucanun (sp?), a former Nixon speach writer and 'pundit', took over the party Perot created, specifically to kill it.

        And I have seen and heard that there are 2 'tea parties'; ONE in Wasington, with its 'agenda', and another in the 'hinterlands'; the true 'grass roots' movement. Evidence the recent election where Eric Cantor lost; the Washinton Tea Paty movement had nothing to do with that, it was ALL 'grass roots'.

        I think the Washington Tea Party sucks; I don't know whetehr they are deliberaely trying to torpedo the movenent or not, but they are doing stupid things; and applying the same kind of tactics as the 2 mainstream parties. Continueing to harp on 'Border enforcement', instead of even MENTIONING interior enforcement is a great example.
        Rick, your thoughts on this??

        Wayne; they are coming here for a 'better way of life', with ALL that entails; jobs, and a 'safety net', i.e. food stamps, etc. if they are unable to get work.

        However, as we saw in Arizona, after 1070 was passed, if the jobs aren't 'available', they will leave. Soon, the world is going to move away from using the U.S. Dollar as the worlds 'reserve' currency. Thats the ONLY thing that has enabled the U.S. (Corporate) Gov't to continue to spend WAY beyond its 'means'. When that happens, (and its coming soon), we won't have to worry about illegal immigrants; they will 'self-deport', as there won't be any jobs, OR 'safety net' programs for them,....or for any of us, either!

        China will (probably) back their Yuan with Gold, and that will be the death nell for the U.S. dollar, and they are mving closer to that point, every day. ALL the crap that people are talking about now, will become meaningless at that point. I give it 2-4 years, tops. Jim


        • JESUIT Rulers

          The American Dollar is meaningless and the gold is not going to stop the GMO foods from lowering population. Radiation from bombs,em guns, nuclear plants are being used to lower population.

          Our controllers think that it is a good thing to kill off the masses. Less money kills more. Less of everything is where they are taking us.

          Of course they will smile in all of our faces as they are filmed kneeling in prayer to Jesus. Most of you will believe their lies and swallow the bait.

          Last edited by BroMikey; 07-23-2014, 08:28 AM.


          • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
            I am very irritated at the "Tea Party", and many Washington Repubs, for reiterating this mantra about 'secure the border,' ad infinitum, and saying NOTHING about interior enforcement.

            I think the Washington Tea Party sucks; I don't know whether they are deliberately trying to torpedo the movement or not, but they are doing stupid things and applying the same kind of tactics as the 2 mainstream parties. Continuing to harp on 'Border enforcement,' instead of even MENTIONING interior enforcement, is a great example.
            Rick, your thoughts on this??
            I would be quick to agree that several members of the Washington DC Tea Party Caucus do not really share the goals of the Tea Party grassroots movement. Michelle Bachman, for example, launched and chaired the caucus. Before joining Congress, she was an IRS lawyer, and I've never heard her apologize for, or offer regret for that experience. She and others saw a great opportunity for their own advancement by professing support of Tea Party goals. She will show up at the larger Tea Party rallies to offer a speech and attempt to convince people that she is sincere, but as with most other politicians it is really all about harvesting large donations to her campaign fund and getting reelected. Heck, even John McCain, John Cornyn, and Mitch McConnell, all staunch establishment Republicans, were once members of the Tea Party Caucus. I can't imagine why any of them would have joined other than to get an inside view, exercise some control, and scuttle the movement.

            Of course there are several people in Congress who have either left the Tea Party Caucus or refuse to join, but who profess support of the Tea Party Movement and have remained as Tea Party favorites. One of those is Ted Cruz, and of course he offered an amendment that demanded border security first. Rand Paul calls for the same. I think that both of these men are well intentioned, and I'm sure they realize that the real answers to illegal immigration lie in removing all things that currently award illegals, but they both know that will never fly with establishment politicians of either party. Ted tried introducing some common sense amendments more than a year ago that would have prohibited federal, state, or local entitlement benefits for those here illegally, and would have ensured that illegal immigrants are not given a path to citizenship, but of course the establishment politicians weren't about to even consider either of those proposals. So instead, Ted and Rand now offer bills or amendments that focus on something that both parties should be willing to agree to simply because 70% of Americans are in favor of closing the gaps in border security.

            Like you say, Jim, true border security is just about unachievable, but it could be a heck of a lot better than what we currently have going for us, which is next to nothing. Rick Perry called out 1,000 National Guard troops a week ago to act as a deterrent force to illegal immigrants, but the Guard admits that this is more of a symbolic gesture than anything else, since they have no authority to arrest illegal border crossers or to force the illegals to return from whence they came. So basically then all the Guard can do is report illegal crossings to enforcement agencies, and those agencies have been ordered to stand down and even assist illegals. Fencing won't help much, but how about using motion detectors, attack dogs, and drone aircraft? Junkyards employ attack dogs to prevent illegal entry to their premises, so why not use them on our border? Why not equip drone aircraft with sedative darts that could be fired at illegals so that they would be put to sleep until security forces arrive and round them up? Heck, we can think of numerous deterrents that would work rather well to curb illegal immigration, but we both know that none of these suggestions will be implemented. It now looks as though Republican "leadership" is willing to give Barry about half of what he is asking for without demanding anything of substance from Barry or the Democrat controlled Senate in return. Of course that figures, since it has been the real plan of action all along.
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post

              70% of Americans are in favor of closing the gaps in border security.

              true border security is just about unachievable, but it could be a heck of a lot better than what we currently have going for us, which is next to nothing
              Brown told reporters that California's record on immigration will boost the state's success south of the border.

              “Because of our proximity, and our history, and also our sympathetic policy both to Mexico and to the plight of people who have struggled to get [to California] from Mexico," he said, "we are in a very good position to forge very close and productive relationships.”

              The governor, who has called the issue a "humanitarian question," has sought to position California as a more welcoming place for immigrants, including those in the country illegally. He's signed legislation allowing them to obtain driver's licenses and reducing the number of situations in which arrests by local law enforcement triggers deportation proceedings.

              Jerry Brown kicks off trade mission in Mexico - LA Times



              • Mexico and Kindness

                Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                Brown told reporters that California's record on immigration will boost the state's success south of the border.

                “Because of our proximity, and our history, and also our sympathetic policy both to Mexico and to the plight of people who have struggled to get [to California] from Mexico," he said, "we are in a very good position to forge very close and productive relationships.”

                The governor, who has called the issue a "humanitarian question," has sought to position California as a more welcoming place for immigrants, including those in the country illegally. He's signed legislation allowing them to obtain driver's licenses and reducing the number of situations in which arrests by local law enforcement triggers deportation proceedings.

                Jerry Brown kicks off trade mission in Mexico - LA Times

                Showing love to Mexican people is a wonderful way to live, or any other race.

                The double standard we see is the issue where these people can run around with no drivers license (our here the feds got sick of hearing people complain and cracked down for a while) or many other laws that they violate that I would go to jail for or be fined huge sums of money.

                If white man living in the USA gets stopped for driving without proper paper work in the past his car was impounded, locked behind a tall fence at the lot and he must spend 1000's to get everything correct.

                Should I go on and on about this double standard?

                No, instead let me say that the fed's want unrest while they make it look like that the leaders we see are good law abiding givers who demand equality.

                Nothing could be further from the truth.

                These people who actually make policy and run things want to stimulate violate unrest. The divide and conquer plot is an age old weapon to wear the people out fighting amongst one another.

                It is one thing to help the Mexicans who work and need help and I agree we should always reach out to the perishing.

                But the policy holders use that bleeding heart and at the same time we are being drained to show our good faith the new comers are not required to keep the same laws that we the people are committed to up hold and abide by.

                This double standard has enraged Americans.

                Lately the Mexican's have been cracked down on and deported if they didn't pay their entire life's earnings. This double standard was a trap that the planners who rule had in mind from the beginning. Give these people some slack so we can bleed them too.

                You see that because for a good number of year the system permitted this outlaw spirit to run wild so to speak with every intention of ensnaring them.

                Keep the people off balance, keep your enemies is a state of unrest, let them kill each other and fight. These people hate you, the Mexican people and the whole lot of them.

                Now it would be nice if we all could have an outcry for equality and make a difference. We should try because the people still have a voice here in the USA.

                That voice is quite often belittled and ignored.

                Let me tell you a short story about the system of Law.

                One time I caught a preacher stealing money and abusing his position as Pastor to seduce many young girls some of which were teens who produced children that he had aborted.

                Now what should I do? Well I went to the police who told me that this preacher had been doing this for 20 years before I came along.

                Wow I thought these guys know it and can't nail him.

                I was furious. I knew all of the people and loved them all as brothers and sisters in Christ and hated that they had been abused and mostly spiritually damaged.

                So since the ruling body in the Church rejected my inquiry I thought that someone should know. Nothing happened. The fathers of the victims forbid their girls to do anything against this man.

                I was beside myself. Here was a man living in America who had violated the Law many times over and had been getting away with it for years and it seemed there was nothing anyone could do.

                I was furious. I was smoking angry every day. I called everyone up who had been run off wondering what had actually happened and why they no longer fellow-shipped with the rest of us.

                Little by little I found out what was going on.

                I was smoking mad. I had gone to the RULERS in America. I went to the Attorney General, He laughed in my face and had a whole office of young black slave girls willing to do anything he asked.

                All he said was he knew who I was talking about and then joked that he couldn't figure out how he could keep up his strength with so many hot legs to keep up with.

                I had told him I was a man of God and wished that he might consider my report and the stories about girls who were now contracting herpes.

                When he joked I wept in his presence and he was so uncomfortable that he began trembling and quickly left the room for just a few moments to regain his composure.

                I left cast down.

                I thought there must be someone left in the RULING body that was like me wanting justice and hated to see young peoples lives damaged beyond repair so I went to the state offices.

                These are the AMERICAN RULER's in high offices 20 years ago.

                I went to the Governor's office made an appointment days in advanced and told this man my story.

                He laughed as well, walked right out of his office in contempt for me that I should ask him to help me in this case. The Governor ask ME "Where do you come from" or in other words "What planet was I from"? That I didn't know that this is the same ole same so I should just get use to it?

                These guys have their heads full of coke and beaches galore. Why should they care.

                I was smoking mad again, this time that last guy really pee peed me to the limit, they were all in for big trouble.

                I know how to file LAWYER papers. I can read their statues too.

                I did just that. I filed 3 or 4 documents that were sent to ALL of THEIR department heads and went to all of the newspapers.

                The papers called the victims and the victims and parents would not lie when put on the spot (Cept I was a dirty rat ) the officials had heard my story in advance and they were scared to leave this guy unchecked.

                The man was arrested 9 months after I started smoking like a chimney

                Now I could rest and be happy again.

                I was exhausted.

                That guy had been hurting people and getting away with it come to find out for over 30 years, with everyone knowing it doing nothing.

                I am applaud.

                I am disgusted.

                I am an American who is "THE RULING CLASS" and so are each of you who demand equality.

                God Bless and fair well.

                Michael (Central Kansas)
                Last edited by BroMikey; 07-29-2014, 08:51 AM.


                • It's about time that this was done!

                  Below is a portion of an article appearing on the website and requiring all able-bodied persons to work in order to keep receiving food stamp benefits. This is a great idea which is long overdue, but in my opinion does not go far enough. This is estimated to affect only 12,000 food stamp recipients, while the total number of Maine recipients, at about 240,000, is twenty times the 12,000 figure. Certainly there must be a great many able bodied individuals within this large recipient group who are capable of working, so what's really going on?

                  The work requirement affects persons between 18 and 49 years of age, which is somewhat reasonable, but why not 18 through 65? Is a 50 year old person incapable of work simply because of their age? What's more, the work requirement excludes all pregnant women. While a pregnant woman should not be required to perform work that is physically demanding, there are many activities in which pregnant women could be employed without posing a health risk, and pregnant women who are gainfully employed are commonly seen performing and continuing such duties until shortly before their due date. The new work requirement also excludes anyone who has "dependents living with them," and what sense does that make? This has to be a huge number of individuals. This would negate the work requirement for anyone who is married or has any children, which is crazy. This group of individuals should be the first ones put to work, as they represent the highest burden to taxpayers. Instead, this exemption encourages recipients to be non-productive. One could suggest that parents, especially single parents who have young children, need to care for their children and therefore cannot work, but this should not be an excuse for non-work. Heck, why not train some of these single parents to work at providing child care for other single parents so that all these parents would be working?

                  As usual, the solution that is presented by government, and shown below, is not really a solution at all. Those who have been long-term food stamp recipients will continue to do the least they need to in order to continue receiving these benefits, and thus will ensure that they are within the groups that are excluded from work requirements.

                  – The Maine Department of Health and Human Services announced today (July 23) it will require that most able-bodied recipients work, provide volunteer services or be involved in a specialized work training program in order to receive Food Supplement benefits.
                  Recipients of Food Supplement, more commonly known as Food Stamps, who are between ages 18 and 49, who have no dependents living with them, who are not pregnant and who are not disabled will have to meet the work participation requirement or the benefit will no longer be provided after three months.
                  “People who are in need deserve a hand up, but we should not be giving able-bodied individuals a handout,’’ said Maine Governor Paul R. LePage. “We must continue to do all that we can to eliminate generational poverty and get people back to work. We must protect our limited resources for those who are truly in need and who are doing all they can to be self-sufficient.”
                  Nearly 12,000 people in the Food Supplement program are considered ‘Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents’ by federal rules. Approximately $15 million a year in Food Supplemental benefits are provided to this group.
                  - See more at: - Government: News
                  Last edited by rickoff; 08-01-2014, 03:54 PM.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • I recently reported on the New York City "Highrise Safety Initiative," which is a grassroots effort to place a ballot question before NYC voters asking for a comprehensive and independent investigation into the collapse of WTC building 7. As my last report stated, the petition drive was successful, and the petitions were delivered to city hall. The mayor and city council members, of course, were reluctant to allow this question to be placed on the November ballots, and played the citizen initiative up as being an unnecessary, unjustified, and needless expense, and claiming that the matter has already been amply investigated by federal authorities and agencies.

                    In order to ensure that the question would be placed on the ballots, a second petition drive was put in motion, and required a minimum of 15,000 additional signatures. The actual amount of signatures gained in this second drive topped 33,000, and these petitions will be delivered to the city hall in the first week of September.

                    It is a virtual certainty that the mayor and city council will continue to obstruct inclusion of this ballot question, but the petitioners are prepared to take these authority figures to court if need be, and are confident that they will win.

                    In the meantime, the citizen initiative has been gaining more and more supporters, as well as becoming the focus of many news stories which are drawing attention to the issue, and this is definitely a good thing.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Finally, some well deserved media attention presented fairly

                      Architect Richard Gage, the founder of Architects and Engineers For 9/11 Truth, appeared on CSPAN's morning show Washington Journal yesterday. His appearance was a 45 minute segment, which allowed Gage the opportunity to explain how the NIST report on the collapse of WTC Building 7, as well as the twin towers, fails to address the forensic evidence that AE911Truth's building and technical experts have accumulated, including the symmetrical destruction of Building 7 at free-fall acceleration, the explosions reported by first responders, the evidence of thermite in the dust, and the molten iron found in the rubble of all three towers. Gage also pointed out that at least two media outlets — CNN and the BBC — reported the destruction of Building 7 before it actually occurred.

                      If you missed Gage's appearance on CSPAN, which was seen by millions of viewers, you can still see it here. And if you haven't watched AE911Truth's video which explains the evidence of controlled demolition, go to this link: 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Feds Demo 9/11

                        How else would they be able to put their supercomputers in so fast? I heard these guys over the phone say this years ago on the ALex Jones show.

                        Then I watched each floor implode one behind the next in a perfect harmonious display of state of the art demolition. Boom, Boom, Boom each floor disintegrated, magically, by accident, each detention a split second apart.

                        Of course the mainstream liars will just wave their witchcraft wands moving their lips and all of the airheads from around the globe just line up like pigeons to be fed the evil worm.

                        Mainstream news just keeps the beer commercials running like a faucet while they slip in a few more mis-truths so the tittering populous with never really catch on. Tomorrow CCN will cast a new spell on their captives who teaches those watching around the world that we are all one big happy family.

                        Last edited by BroMikey; 08-06-2014, 08:42 AM.


                        • Retired Border Patrol Agent Leaks The Real Story On Surge Of Illegals [Video]
                          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                          • New examples of arrogance

                            When you consider the leaks and whistle blower comments that the unintelligent media let slip at an almost continuous rate, is it not a wonder that the powers continue in arrogance and smug contempt of the majority? Democracy is a sham. Pollsters demonstrate that every day. The majority does not rule. We live in an oligarchy. It is really quite obvious. The natural questions really do have answers, but few people have the courage or integrity to act on the obvious. Look at two examples with me.

                            1. Why do the majority tolerate this irrational behavior?

                            2. What should be done about it?

                            The majority tolerate the behavior of the powers because they believe they are helpless to do anything about it. The fact, of course, is they are not helpless. The problem is courage, not lack of power.

                            The majority need to realize they are the majority and act on that knowledge with integrity. What would that look like? Stop repeating lies and confront the false information that saps the power of TRUTH, JUSTICE and RIGHT. Act with integrity with every fiber of your being. The lies and fraud are being exposed and things can move in a better direction. Exercise what little power you have now and "shame the devil" by your own words and deeds. Study the polls and realize that the deception is failing right now, right here in full view.
                            There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                            • I’m watching the events unfold in Ferguson Mo where the young black teen was shot and killed. I am very pleased to see the riots and protests against the police but I hate to see the looting which is taking place.

                              I personally feel (but get a feeling it’s a general unspoken consensus among the other whites I know) that it’s a very sad reflection on the overall black community that those two parasites Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are there once again exploiting the black people for their own selfish personal gain and attention. These two men are leeches and only make the black community look bad and only erode any validity that race relations play into such issues.

                              Another black commentator was telling his people (referring to other blacks) that he was upset at all the looting because while this story was bringing such international attention it was those blacks looting that stood out and gave the appearance that it was the Planet of the Apes #3. While I agree the black community does hurt itself at times I think this entire story is much deeper than race. Sure the white cracker police were profiling, that’s a given but what’s deeper is the fact they police are killing unarmed innocent people and pets every day and then lying and getting away with it.

                              I am glad people are standing up and fighting the police I think it’s time. This entire case is so wrong and the officer who shot this young man deserves to be tried for murder and set to prison, until that happens there is no justice and this case might eventually blow over but the people are finally standing up. Like with Clive Bundy, I think the people were not so much for him as they were opposed to how the law was treating him, in this case I think it goes the same.

                              I feel very soon the white police chief will be relieved of his duty and the officers will be found to have lied and covered up their crimes. They will be exposed and charged. Until then there is no justice for any race out there as the police have become too powerful and too corrupt.

                              I hope the protests and the curfew breaking continues but I hope that if there is going to be any further looting that its done to the police station or directed at something significant, and not a private business.
                              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                              • I have to say Ferguson is the perfect storm of BS.
                                Vandalism was misreported as looting the night before last. Look at the pictures from then. Curiously all the stuff is still on the store shelves.
                                Looters that forgot to loot i guess.

                                Secondly , protests of this kind or any other type of issue advocacy has been proven to be absolutely USELESS.

                                Testing Theories of American Politics
                                Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens

                                This paper reports on an effort to do so, using a
                                unique data set that includes measures of the key variables for 1,779 policy issues.
                                Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence.
                                If they really want to make a change, the people there should unincorporate Ferguson and start from scratch.

                                Fire the whole lot of public officials.

