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The American Ruling Class

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  • Individual Action

    I thought the 'Attack or Evade' meme was quite appropriate in the video on psychopaths. Each thinking person must decide where they want to place themselves in the ongoing effort (battle, if you wish) to make things better. It seems indeed that many want to make things worse. I don't think one can lay all the responsibility on one person. The secondary psychopaths are the uninformed stooges of the primary psychopaths who unknowingly cooperate in the subterfuge. In a word, most if not close to all of the 'common citizens' are deceived. Perhaps they can be enlightened. Perhaps they can not. But, at least, good people will make the effort to inform and educate. Mobs, gangs and panic fueled idiots will put us all in danger eventually if we do not.

    Also, since the blame cannot be centralized into a single person, one would be almost forced to think some level of conspiracy is in play. The theory may be wrong but the conspiracy is real.
    There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


    • Cdc

      The CDC is not completely incompetent, but they are lying and full of contradictions. Why did they not properly quarantine the people that came in close contact with the carrier? Two possibilities present themselves. 1. Somebody wants this virus out in the wild. (Big Pharma would benefit.) or 2. The threat is not as real or dangerous as people fear, in which case, the medical establishment can boast of how good they are when nothing serious come of it. And, they saved a lot of money to boot.
      There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


      • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
        We have created a culture of psychopaths

        broad generalization,
        leave the ME out of "WE"


        • psychopaths

          Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

          It's funny you should mention that because every soldier and police officer are trained to kill without remorse as part of their job. As such it doesn't seem extraordinary to label them as psychopaths because that is exactly what they have been trained to be.
          I'm about 1/4 through this -

          Just happened to see this last night 'Gluten Brain': Wheat Cuts Off Blood Flow To Frontal Cortex | Wake Up World schizophrenia is definitely different than psychopathy but the lack of activity in the frontal cortex seem to be related. Check this out: "As far back as 1954, reports of the full or partial resolution of schizophrenia following a gluten free diet began to surface in the medical literature. "

          Even if genetic, I'm sure high gluten intake isn't going to help the growing number of psychopaths that are becoming more and more prominent.

          In regards to the police, couple psychotic behavior or tendencies with a low I.Q. and we have serious problems. I'm not saying all police have low IQs or are psychotic, but from what we're witnessing more and more these days is that there are certainly a lot of them! And a judge ruled that a police dept can refuse applicants who score too high on IQ tests. Police Officially Refuse To Hire Applicants With High IQ Scores

          I'd definitely be all for requiring brainscans for anyone that runs for office.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • @Aaron
            In regards to the police, couple psychotic behavior or tendencies with a low I.Q. and we have serious problems. I'm not saying all police have low IQs or are psychotic, but from what we're witnessing more and more these days is that there are certainly a lot of them! And a judge ruled that a police dept can refuse applicants who score too high on IQ tests. Police Officially Refuse To Hire Applicants With High IQ Scores
            I understand the people in uniform are by no means the sharpest crayons in the box by any means however let's face the fact that it is a crappy job nobody wants to do yet it must be done. Kind of like a plumber and I think we all understand we could do it we just choose not to. I don't think it's a matter of degrading ourselves persay it is seeing the degradation of our supposed humanity first hand and nobody wants to go there.

            It's a matter of perspective I guess, some are bound to this Earth and see only the human condition while we see more. We look to nature and the stars, we see what we could be rather than what we assume we are. We are the future and they the past because if we are not moving forward we are moving backward, there is no static in the dynamic.

            One day the pieces of this puzzle will fall into place for us and we will see the big picture, we will put it on display for them so they might see it as well. However we as the artisans should understand there is no undoing what has already been done. There is no looking back on that already seen and there is something to be said concerning the notion that ignorance is bliss.

            It is our responsibility to do it right the first time otherwise we are no better than the people we presume to be worse. Beer helps... not always but sometimes.



            • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
              It is our responsibility to do it right the first time otherwise we are no better than the people we presume to be worse. Beer helps... not always but sometimes.
              Inbred "Hillbillies" Attack

              Hysterotomy or Caesarean Section

              Used mainly in the last three months of pregnancy, the womb is entered by surgery through the wall of the abdomen.
              The technique is similar to a Caesarean delivery, except that the umbilical cord is usually cut while the baby is still in the womb,
              thus cutting off his oxygen supply and causing him to suffocate. Sometimes the baby is removed alive and simply left in a corner to die of neglect or exposure.

              Pregnant - Your Options - Abortion - A Loving Choice Adoption Services



              • Gluten and carbs

                Its hard for me to imagine hunter/gatherers eating, as a large portion of their diet, grains. I'm not saying, when nothing else was available, that they didn't eat SOME ,....something similar to 'oatmeal'. But they were hardly likely to gather up large amoun of wheat, corn, oats, etc. especially when there were other things to eat.
                Its only with the advent of AGRICULTURE, which was (probably) what lead humans to cease hunter/gathering, and staying in one place.

                And, staying in one place is what archeologists define as 'civilisation'.

                And MODERN society has lead to us having a diet with a much higher proportion of CARBS in our diet, than would have been the case for H/Gers.
                Grains and refined sugars; here again, other than occasionally 'raiding' a bee hive, theres really no source for such 'refined' sugar; even most fruits have lots of fiber, etc. in addition to the sugar, and fruits generally ripen just before the winter, when H/Gers would have benefited from putting on a little fat.

                Recently, I looked at 3 different 'diets'; The book "Grain Brain", and several on 'Paleo' diets. The DVD "Forks over Knives", which makes arguments against eating meat, and the "RAW" diet, where advocates believe that cooking, which destroys enzymes, is what leads to health problems.

                The thing is, while each 'diets' advocates point to what they believe is the 'culprit', (cooking, meat, or grains), AND while each diet can point to the advantages of THEIR diet, (lowering blood sugar, 'bad' cholesterol, reducing obesity, heart attacks, diabetes, etc. they ALL 3 can point to these positive outcomes!

                So, I looked at "What do these diets have in COMMON?" And they all reccomend getting away from 'processed' foods, and eating organic, fresh fruits, vegetables, and, (except for "Forks over Knives) eating organic meats and animal products (such as butter and even yes, LARD) that are derived from animals that are not produced by the big agriculture operations, where the animals are force fed and pumped full of antibiotics and steroids.

                Anyway, just thought I'd share this, for what its worth, (even tho I know 'no one CARES what I think). I think in each case, the advocates of each of these diets mistakenly focused on what THEY thought was the 'culprit', but coincidentally gravitated to the 'common elements', and trefore obtained similar results.

                Not an uncommon human behavior, and one thats often mirrored in political thinking, social thinking, etc. So, Liberals think Government is the 'answer', and Corporations are the devil, Conservatives think small Governments the answer, and 'allowing free enterprise to reign unfettered' is the answer, etc.

                ALL are focusing on SOME institutions or hierarchies as the culprit, and others as the 'answer'. None are seeing that CIVILISATION is the real problem; we humans are simply living in a system we are not equipped for, and we haven't 'evolved' nearly enough to be able to make civilisation 'work' for us, long term. Jim


                • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                  how is it that a healthcare worker who was wearing full protective gear and following all CDC guidelines was then able to contract Ebola??????
                  Yes, the healthcare workers, both here and in Africa, who contracted Ebola were wearing protective gear, but the most opportune time for contracting the disease is when that gear is removed, after treating the patient. Obviously the most prominent point of contact with an Ebola patient is the health care worker's gloves. The gloves protect while they are being worn, but if you have ever tried removing a pair of rubber gloves then you know that it isn't easy. Pulling the glove by the finger tips will almost always cause a break or tear, so most people will use one glove to grab the other one at the wrist end of the glove and then turn the glove inside out while pulling on it. It is this moment, when a person, out of sheer necessity, ends up touching their wrist in order to grasp the glove, that their skin becomes contaminated. That's why no healthcare worker should attempt to remove their own protective gear. It should be removed by a second person dressed in uncontaminated protective gear, using some type of device that can be held and used by the 2nd person in such a way that they totally avoid contaminating their own protective gear. Otherwise, of course, a 3rd person would be required to remove the second person's gear, and so on, in an endless chain.

                  Regarding judge Jenkins, am I the only one (or among few) that wonder why a Texas judge is being used as a media spokesperson? Ebola certainly cannot be his area of expertise, if in fact he even has any such area, so why is he given a podium to express his views (or the "official" slant on this story)?
                  Last edited by rickoff; 10-16-2014, 06:20 PM.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • grain and the brain

                    Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                    Its hard for me to imagine hunter/gatherers eating, as a large portion of their diet, grains. I'm not saying, when nothing else was available, that they didn't eat SOME ,....something similar to 'oatmeal'. But they were hardly likely to gather up large amoun of wheat, corn, oats, etc. especially when there were other things to eat.
                    Its only with the advent of AGRICULTURE, which was (probably) what lead humans to cease hunter/gathering, and staying in one place.
                    If you're looking at diets, I haven't read this book, but my friends recommend it highly and it has great reviews: Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health: William Davis: 3520700000720: Books

                    Searching brain and grain connections, this book came up - also with amazing feedback:

                    The wheat of today is has little to no resemblance of the ancient grains and even our "organic" wheat of today is problematic and can still cause joint inflammation, etc... I believe in the concept of grain being the "Staff of Life" and should be stored for emergencies and used very little in the normal diet.

                    If you want to eat bread, etc..., Emmer is thought to be closer genetically to the more ancient grain and doesn't have the associated health problems with our typical wheat. "Lesser of the evils" I suppose.

                    Before there was development in cultivation practices such as selective breeding, corn didn't even exist as it does today - would resemble a grass so probably difficult to collect very much and that would be the case I would imagine for most grain. Aside from fruit, there seems there would be very little grain or vegetables growing naturally that would provide for very much. Looks like nuts and seeds, fruits and meats/fish/poultry would be the main food.

                    I accept it as obvious fact that Monsanto and their GMO push is not just to control food, but to kill everyone off. With what has been known since the 50's in terms of gluten and the frontal cortex, our entire commercial "food" system also looks like it is designed to create entire societies of people with mental problems such as psychopathy, etc... It's no mystery that govt's lke ours want lazy brain dead people.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • Conspiracy Theory

                      For anyone interested in a good conspiracy theory, which we see over the years that most of the big conspiracy theories are not actually theories but are proven to be true - read this: Study Demonstrates How We Support Our False Beliefs - University at Buffalo They don't use the term "conspiracy theory", but that is exactly what they're referring to - those who believe the official story (about 9/11, etc...) are generally more hostile.

                      Here is an article about the above study using language that calls it for what it is: Scientific study reveals conspiracy theorists the most sane of all -
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                        In regards to the police, couple psychotic behavior or tendencies with a low I.Q. and we have serious problems. I'm not saying all police have low IQs or are psychotic, but from what we're witnessing more and more these days is that there are certainly a lot of them! And a judge ruled that a police dept can refuse applicants who score too high on IQ tests. Police Officially Refuse To Hire Applicants With High IQ Scores
                        I won't get into how current neuroscience has parts of pseudoscience. Namely brain scans correlating to complex behavior.

                        The connection has not been proven.

                        Anyhow the point of my post, is high IQ actually correlates to mindless following orders. see Milgram's Obedience to Authority experiments.

                        The research has been criticised as bunk. I'm not sure but it is the only public research of the type. I know that RAND Corporation and SRI International has private research in the area but the results is proprietary and secret.

                        The utility of the IQ test hasn't even really been proven. So the jury is still out even on that.

                        Sciences regarding human behavior is very shaky.

                        I'll let Feynman tell it. The reason why Feynman gets my respect is he didn't sell out for NASA and he admitted his own errors.


                        • IQ and following orders

                          Originally posted by indio007 View Post
                          I won't get into how current neuroscience has parts of pseudoscience. Namely brain scans correlating to complex behavior.

                          The connection has not been proven.

                          Anyhow the point of my post, is high IQ actually correlates to mindless following orders. see Milgram's Obedience to Authority experiments.

                          The research has been criticised as bunk. I'm not sure but it is the only public research of the type. I know that RAND Corporation and SRI International has private research in the area but the results is proprietary and secret.

                          The utility of the IQ test hasn't even really been proven. So the jury is still out even on that.

                          Sciences regarding human behavior is very shaky.

                          I'll let Feynman tell it. The reason why Feynman gets my respect is he didn't sell out for NASA and he admitted his own errors.
                          Much of all of the mainstream sciences are pseudoscience. Most of the field of mental health is pure quackery - creating diseases out of thin air so they can sell a patented drug. No different than other fields of health but it reigns supreme in the field of psychiatry - the grand bible of bs - DSM.

                          Nevertheless, over the decades, decreased activity in the frontal lobe has been repeatedly shown to be associated with all kinds of mental problems by whatever names anyone wants to give them. Without getting into all the causation vs correlation, etc... I think it is self-evident that when certain parts of the brain aren't firing that there are bound to be problems.

                          Thanks for the reference - "high IQ actually correlates to mindless following orders. see Milgram's Obedience to Authority experiments" - but we do see certain groups with IQ's intentionally kept low who perfectly demonstrate the mindless following of orders.

                          For me, the jury is out on Feynman - as long as he isn't talking physics - he's alright with me.

                          Don't want to get off topic in this thread, but this is what I mean - one of the most ridiculous circuses of philosophical hogwash I have ever heard. Yeah, I get what he is saying, but damn - would have been much too short of an interview if he just said, "I don't know" and save everyone 6 minutes of their life. Most of his non-physics discussions I find absolutely awesome and agree with so much of it, but this one is an embarrassment to any thinking person.

                          Feynman discussing magnetism is virtually indistinguishable from Reggie Watts discussing science right here - from 5:50 to 7:11 LOL
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • Interesting read regarding the Ebola virus and each person must make up their own mind as to what they take away from this one theory

                            The link is found here but I have permission to post the full article

                            Every report on this web site is public domain and can be re-posted in full. Just mention this web site by linking back to the original here

                   - The new root of truth.


                            Thomas made me aware of the following through the Jimstonefreelance mail box:

                            I have confirmed the following is real, and was written by a man living in Accra Ghana.


                            From Ghana: Ebola is not real and the only people who have gotten sick are those who have received treatments and injections from the Red Cross
                            Other than the original facebook post, this web site is the first one to carry this and it needs to be spread, the future may be riding on this one, ARCHIVE, POST POST AND RE-POST!

                            UPDATE: Nana Kwami's facebook became inaccessible from America and probably other places, but it still works from Mexico. They are censoring this geographically because it is too important. HERE IS HOW IT ALL APPEARS:Nana's facebook, referenced business facebook, and referenced business web site all proving this really did come from Ghana.

                            Nana Kwame wrote:

                            People in the Western World need to know what's happening here in West Africa. THEY ARE LYING!!! "Ebola" as a virus does NOT Exist and is NOT "Spread". The Red Cross has brought a disease to 4 specific countries for 4 specific reasons and it is only contracted by those who receive treatments and injections from the Red Cross. That is why Liberians and Nigerians have begun kicking the Red Cross out of their countries and reporting in the news the truth. Now bear with me:


                            Most people jump to "depopulation" which is no doubt always on the mind of the West when it comes to Africa. But I assure you Africa can NEVER be depopulated by killing 160 people a day when thousands are born per day. So the real reasons are much more tangible.

                            Reason 1: This vaccine implemented sickness being "called" Ebola was introduced into West Africa for the end goal of getting troops on the ground in Nigeria, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. If you remember America was just trying to get into Nigeria for "Boko Haram" #BULL**** but that fell apart when Nigerians started telling the truth. There ARE NO GIRLS MISSING. Global support fell through the floor, and a new reason was needed to get troops into Nigeria and steal the new oil reserves they have discovered.

                            Reason 2: Sierra Leone is the World's Largest Supplier of Diamonds. For the past 4 months they have been on strike, refusing to provide diamonds due to horrible working conditions and slave pay. The West will not pay a fair wage for the resources because the idea is to keep these people surviving on rice bags and foreign aid so that they remain a source of cheap slave labor forever. A reason was also needed to get troops on the ground in Sierra Leone to force an end to the diamond miners strikes. This is not the first time this has been done. When miners refuse to work troops are sent in and even if they have to kill and replace them all, the only desire is to get diamonds back flowing out of the country.

                            Of course to launch multiple campaigns to invade these countries separately would be way too fishy. But something like "Ebola" allows access to an entire area simultaneously...

                            Reason 3: In addition to stealing Nigerian oil, and forcing Sierra Leone back to mining, troops have also been sent in to FORCE vaccinations (Deadly "Ebola" Poison) onto those Africans who are not foolish enough to take them willingly.

                            3000 troops are being sent in to make sure that this "poison" continues to spread, because again it is only spread through vaccination. As more and more news articles are released as they have been in Liberia, informing the populous of the US lies and manipulation, more and more Africans are refusing to visit the Red Cross. Troops will force these vaccinations upon the people to ensure the visible appearance of an Ebola pandemic. In addition to this they will protect the Red Cross from the Liberians and Nigerians who have been rightfully ejecting them from their countries.

                            Reason 4: Last but not least, the APPEARANCE of this Ebola "pandemic" (should Americans not catch on) will be used to scare the countless millions into taking an "Ebola vaccine" which in reality is the pandemic. Already they have started with stories of how it has been brought to the U.S. and has appeared in Dallas, how white doctors were cured but black infected are not being allowed to be treated, etc.

                            ALL that will do is make blacks STRIVE to get the vaccine, because it appears that the "cure" is being held back from blacks. They will run out in droves to get it and then there will be serious problems. With all we have seen revealed about vaccines this year you would think we learned our lesson. All I can do is hope so, Because they rely on our ignorance to complete their agendas.

                            Ask yourself: If Ebola really was spread from person to person, instead of controlled spread through vaccination - then WHY would the CDC and the US Government continue to allow flights in and out of these countries with absolutely no regulation, Or At All? We have got to start thinking and sharing information globally because they do not give the true perspective of the people who live here in West Africa. They are lying for their own benefit and there aren't enough voices out there with a platform to help share our reality. Hundreds of thousands have been killed, paralyzed and disabled by these and other "new" vaccines all over the world and we are finally becoming aware of it. Now what will we do with all this information?


                            Remember what Wesley Clark Said

                            GEN. WESLEY CLARK:
                            This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.

                            kind of make sense in perspective .. what do you guys think???
                            Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                            • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                              I'd definitely be all for requiring brainscans for anyone that runs for office.
                              psychopath mri - general psychology - YouTube


                              In the table below, the numbers in the right hand column refer to the average ranking position of each president across both PPI dimensions.

                              The Presidents: A League Table of Psychopathic Traits

                              John F Kennedy 4
                              William Clinton 4
                              Andrew Jackson 6.5
                              Theodore Roosevelt 7
                              Lyndon B Johnson 8.5
                              Franklin D Roosevelt 7.5
                              Chester Arthur 9.5
                              George W Bush 9.5
                              George H Bush 32
                              Grover Cleveland 33.5
                              James Buchanan 34.5
                              William Taft 28
                              Rutherford Hayes 23.5
                              James Monroe 35.5
                              Millard Fillmore 33.5
                              William McKinley 39.5
                              Psychopathy and the Presidents - Professor Kevin Dutton - Author of The Wisdom of Psychopaths and Flipnosis



                              • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                                Interesting read regarding the Ebola virus and each person must make up their own mind as to what they take away from this one theory
                                Dr. Logan Wants Support for His Ebola Treatment Protocol’, Which He Has Used to ‘Cure’ 10 Ebola Patients

                                Sun, 10/05/2014

                                According to Dr. Logan, “If this Lamivudine drug can be used to cure hepatitis and also in combination with Zidovudine to treat HIV, and the question then asked was, would this help to cure Ebola virus? when would this research and study be conducted when our people are dying? I decided to try this medication on 15 persons.”

                                According to the U.S. Nation Institutes of Health, Lamivudine is in a class of medications called nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs). It works by decreasing the amount of HIV and hepatitis B in the blood. Although lamivudine does not cure HIV, it may decrease your chance of developing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and HIV-related illnesses such as serious infections or cancer.


