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The American Ruling Class

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  • Scared?

    No I am not scared of gays, it's just not what our country was founded on in the beginning. America stood for more rational behavior than a man putting his privy member in another man's feces as if this was some clean practice.

    I grew up in Detroit so the gays have been out of the closet along long long time. Their unclean zexual practice will cause diseases to spread and incubate. America was more shame faced in the past, now even the commander and chief is illegally functioning in an office that his gay lifestyle disqualifies him for.

    Where a person goes to the toilet is a bad place for another man to enter.

    Disgusting, yet men who lead this country calling themselves the RULING CLASS should never be permitted to practice uncleanness and be examples of uncleanness to our children.

    The gays tried to pick me up in Detroit as far back as I can remember in the 60's and 70's. They have 100's of partners per year on the average. This is the norm for gay life.

    I personally do not condone this unclean lifestyle, even though I have come across hundreds of openly gay teens, elderly both male and female.

    The Armory generals want young men to stay with them at the Armory building in Pontiac Mi. They are gay and do not hide it. The armed forces in America have been slowly changing over the years. Yes I disagree with this disgusting practice and would never direct my children to look up to our President knowing he is a perverted lying fool.

    I am not mad or angry about it. Just definite about my view.

    People have this life to make a choice, that is what it is all about.

    After this will be the fiery judgement against those who openly show their hate for the SUPREME LAWGIVER.

    It is unnatural for any animal to eject seeds into a poop shoot.

    And now-a-days we are told that Homo's are to be accepted as clean playmates such as our President.

    This is treason.

    When WWW3 comes I won't even care because it is time for the land to be purged. You want-a-chum with them that is your business.

    My views are those of any normal animal, boy with boys is not part of natural selection process

    Thus the AMERICAN RULING CLASS. They are bandits.

    Murdering and gay practices are both on a level together. It is a violation of the perfect common Law. Common sense Law or whatever YOU call it.

    These people idolize Alister Crowley who was known as the wickedest man on earth at that time because he murdered and used children to practice rituals.

    Many music company records feature Crowley on their albums in the past 50 years. The people that run the world, control the music industry and idolize men who think nothing of gay life and murder.

    Sure they rape and murder , they always have and always will till LAW is restored. THE LAWGIVER with not spare anyone.

    The day of Vengeance is in HIS HEART!! No one will escape HIS judgement.

    Ignorance is no excuse.

    If people can't figure out which orientation they are they should follow the animals into the barn yard, at least they make sense and came produce off spring NATURALLY.

    What our new controllers want is for men to sleep with men and the women sleep with women, so the offspring count falls, then they can clone all of the rest of the slaves for the work force. Just subordinates at their beckon call.

    They are THE AMERICA RULING CLASS of perverts. You want to butt buddy with them? That is your business. eat it up man, you won't last long.


    Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
    Afraid of gay people? How pathetic.

    Afraid they might re-decorate your house when you arent looking.

    The ancient Greeks would laugh at this insanity (just a Judeo-Christian nonsense).

    Focus your attention on Islamic dogs that are cutting peoples heads off and raping little girls.......

    not two guys in pink shirts that want to redecorate your house.

    priorities son. PRIORITIES.

    Obama, yes, is a loser and a scumbag, and a vile POS ruining the country.
    .........but it has nothing to do with his stance on Adam and Steve
    Last edited by BroMikey; 10-23-2014, 02:14 AM.


    • Better the Devil You Know than the Devil You Don't

      CDC estimates that 1.1 million people in the United States are living with HIV – and nearly one in six of those are not aware that they are infected.1
      Approximately 50,000 people become newly infected each year.2 In addition to recognized risk behaviors, a range of social and economic factors places some Americans at increased risk for HIV infection. Prevention efforts have helped keep the rate of new infections stable in recent years, but continued growth in the number of people living with HIV ultimately may lead to more new infections if prevention, care, and treatment efforts are not targeted to those at greatest risk.
      CDC - Today's HIV/AIDS Epidemic - HIV Prevention in the U.S. - NCHHSTP Newsroom



      • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
        Their unclean zexual practice will cause diseases to spread and incubate.
        insane religious BS (judeo-christian twaddle).

        Your premise then is that sexual diseases discriminate between queers and straights.

        That other thread on FLAT EARTH has more cred and believability than your insane statement.

        I suggest you "test" your theory on a female hooker with AIDS and report back to us if the disease "spares you" because you're straight and Jebus is in yer heart.

        Psssst, by the way son
        ,........ ALL SEX is a dirty "unclean" poke in some nasty hole.

        all you're doing is comparing ONE dirty hole with another. A fallacy to be certain.

        not to get too graphic.
        Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 10-23-2014, 05:26 AM.


        • That dirty Hole

          The one we come out of is clean dim wit

          You couldn't toe the line with me pal. I would have you out in the chicken pen. Once again none of your reasoning is rational so we can see you for what you are.

          Nothing personal no one is surprised. Just ready to throw up.

          You are confusing religious twaddle ( toddler) with barn yard common sense.

          Go out to the barn and watch the animals and then you can follow their lead so when you see a girl you know what to do.

          Sex is a religion, so what.

          Let me also address your Jesus comment. If Jesus is in your heart this means you agree with the words yet the beast nature in us may prevail at first.

          Don't flip out and go all rainbow on me

          Do what is right and like I can see you and many others do not know right from wrong never having been taught so go out in the barn to see how it is done properly.

          Any leader in the white house living a gay life and trying to enact laws to change the Constitution is a trader. The word "SODOMY" as defined by the dictionary can never be changed to a clean/Holy/pure/righteous act.

          You make no sense Theo.


          Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
          insane religious BS (judeo-christian twaddle).

          Your premise then is that sexual diseases discriminate between queers and straights.

          That other thread on FLAT EARTH has more cred and believability than your insane statement.

          I suggest you "test" your theory on a female hooker with AIDS and report back to us if the disease "spares you" because you're straight and Jebus is in yer heart.

          Psssst, by the way son
          ,........ ALL SEX is a dirty "unclean" poke in some nasty hole.

          all you're doing is comparing ONE dirty hole with another. A fallacy to be certain.

          not to get too graphic.
          Last edited by BroMikey; 10-23-2014, 06:21 AM.


          • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
            The one we come out of is clean dim wit
            No farmer or doctor who has seen BIRTH would agree with that BS,
            its a dirty hole, period.

            Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
            Sex is a religion, so what.
            Only to demons and animals

            and human animals that are SLAVES to their crotches, I assume then therefore , this is your MALADY.

            Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
            Do what is right and like I can see you and many others do not know right from wrong never having been taught so go out in the barn to see how it is done properly.
            There are NO EVIL ACTIONS, only an evil mind, the body is a puppet of the mind.

            Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
            Any leader in the white house living a gay life and trying to enact laws to change the Constitution is a trader. The word "SODOMY" as defined by the dictionary can never be changed to a clean/Holy/pure/righteous act.
            One assumes you meant TRAITOR
            There is nothing CLEAN about the body, its a pile of putrid sh*t, thru and thru.
            there is NOTHING Holy, or CLEAN, or PURE about the body.
            any body, any time, OR ANY AGE.

            Logic and wisdom are strangers to you.

            Your Jebus , your 'Satan' are fantasies like unicorns and Santa Claus.

            Suggest you read the article "Who is Satan and Where is Hell" by Dr. AK Coomaraswamy

            but, that is lost on you, because you are not a truth-seeker (ala the Platonic variety).

            but this is no slant, almost nobody is.
            Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 10-23-2014, 06:29 AM.


            • traitor

              yes I meant Traitor

              I see the guys stuff and when i say something is "clean" I mean lawful not that illegal entry stuff into the excretion zone.

              I don't follow the American traditions with pumpkins and little elves fixing up toys at the north pole.

              I can see that you will need to hear me for quit awhile to understand.

              of course THE AMERICAN RULING CLASS likes your Coomaraswamy because he is the escape away from lawful intellect.

              You are free to do as you will in this country but when people force their way of life on others you will find the breaking point.

              This breaking point MUST be found. This is the test in life we all face in order to arrive at a persons bottom-line so to speak.

              We have been and will be tested as human being as to what our values are. This is the purpose of man. The purpose is to place man into a circumstance where he can choose.

              Choosing has it's basis in having choices.

              Between the clean and the unclean.

              Yes it is an unclean behavior for our AMERICAN RULING CLASS to plot the murder of millions of women and children. Just in case you can not distinguish the difference between clean and unclean.

              Or unlawful by any standard even the Greeks.

              When men are without guidance through some form or tradition they become their own law and their own rules.

              They have always done this. For instance peoples and nations wanting to live in peace do not want to be KILLED so common sense teaches them that they should not kill.

              This is due to the fact that man is a higher form of life than the animal kingdom. The light of understanding is the candle of the SELF EXISTENT ONE searching around in there to see if that soul will agree or disagree.

              You are free to hide. But a recommend that all men face themselves now.
              We are just men full of bacteria as you pointed out and we are prone to fail our higher calling.

              Lowering standards only serves to destroy diversity so why not live higher than pack animals with a dog nature.

              This is the crux THE AMERICAN RULING CLASS has a gOd and it is a DOG.

              You want to follow these controllers? Have at it.

              I will stick to me and my girl.


              Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
              No farmer or doctor who has seen BIRTH would agree with that BS,
              its a dirty hole, period.

              Only to demons and animals

              and human animals that are SLAVES to their crotches, I assume then therefore , this is your MALADY.

              There are NO EVIL ACTIONS, only an evil mind, the body is a puppet of the mind.

              One assumes you meant TRAITOR
              There is nothing CLEAN about the body, its a pile of putrid sh*t, thru and thru.
              there is NOTHING Holy, or CLEAN, or PURE about the body.
              any body, any time, OR ANY AGE.

              Logic and wisdom are strangers to you.

              Your Jebus , your 'Satan' are fantasies like unicorns and Santa Claus.

              Suggest you read the article "Who is Satan and Where is Hell" by Dr. AK Coomaraswamy

              but, that is lost on you, because you are not a truth-seeker (ala the Platonic variety).

              but this is no slant, almost nobody is.
              Last edited by BroMikey; 10-23-2014, 08:09 AM.


              • There is no such BS as the "AMERICAN RULING CLASS"

                it doesnt exist.

                There are 3 superior humans in the world
                , regardless of politics / govt. 2 UNREAL , 1 REAL

                the politically superior/ (in govt. etc)..........won by tongue or popularity, elected by the common idiots because he speaks superior, impresses others with speeches etc etc........

                these people have TEMPORARY superiority, and it is not inherent, but GIVEN or GAINED by various means

                the financially superior, .....either gained by MERIT/INTELLECT or inherited from priors or gained by CHANCE (lottery etc).

                these people have TEMPORARY superiority, and it is not inherent, but GIVEN or GAINED by various means

                the intellectually superior...
                .....those who will ALWAYS rule over ALL peoples, because they are 10 steps or more ahead of ALL PEOPLE.

                these people have genuine superiority, it IS inherent, not GIVEN nor GAINED by various means......these people may be robbed and stripped naked of all they own, and they will still rise above all other people by power of their intellects / wisdom.

                this is TIMELESS, it will NEVER CHANGE.

                and not ONE GODDAMN thing your or ANYONE here says , or pisses or moans about it will EVER CHANGE IT

                its a timeless eternal fact that is universal, it always HAS been, and always WILL BE

                youve been schooled.
                Youre welcome.
                Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 10-23-2014, 08:32 AM.


                • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                  There is no such BS as the "AMERICAN RULING CLASS"

                  it doesnt exist.

                  There are 3 superior humans in the world
                  , regardless of politics / govt. 2 UNREAL , 1 REAL

                  the politically superior/ (in govt. etc)..........won by tongue or popularity, elected by the common idiots because he speaks superior, impresses others with speeches etc etc........

                  these people have TEMPORARY superiority, and it is not inherent, but GIVEN or GAINED by various means

                  the financially superior, .....either gained by MERIT/INTELLECT or inherited from priors or gained by CHANCE (lottery etc).

                  these people have TEMPORARY superiority, and it is not inherent, but GIVEN or GAINED by various means

                  the intellectually superior...
                  .....those who will ALWAYS rule over ALL peoples, because they are 10 steps or more ahead of ALL PEOPLE.

                  these people have genuine superiority, it IS inherent, not GIVEN nor GAINED by various means......these people may be robbed and stripped naked of all they own, and they will still rise above all other people by power of their intellects / wisdom.

                  this is TIMELESS, it will NEVER CHANGE.

                  and not ONE GODDAMN thing your or ANYONE here says , or pisses or moans about it will EVER CHANGE IT

                  its a timeless eternal fact that is universal, it always HAS been, and always WILL BE

                  youve been schooled.
                  Youre welcome.
                  10 steps or more ahead of ALL PEOPLE

                  TIMELESS, it will NEVER CHANGE



                  • Possessions through fear.

                    Thanks Theo for your opinion

                    It represents so many other people and we need to have all sides. The reason you are right about these people RULING is because they have exercised themselves in the practice of controlling by means of appealing to mens base nature. Give them what they want.

                    These men as you say who are the supreme RULERS are in power because they tell the people what they want through media programming and then show them how to get it.

                    In this way the entire life of the individual is spent in a tail spin chase for simple things, such as fine cars and special homes with high interest payments.

                    Game over.Yes these RULERS are winning this war because men are beasts and as I have said before this is the plan of the SELF EXISTENT ONE, to give all men a choice.

                    You can't choose without choices.

                    These elite are men who have lived like beasts and know what it takes to out do the other beasts around them. The cutting of the financial throat of their predecessors is THEIR way of life.

                    This is what we see today. This is a beastly Governing body whose only allegiance is to self/power and force. It has no boundaries.

                    These Dark Lords are operating a spiritual force that controls THEIR every move. As they grow in power the force with which they operate in takes full control of them as this is the love of their existence.

                    These Lords do everything they are told to gain more power and the voice that directs them is unknown he average person. The more fear these Lords can generate the more power they possess.

                    Sure they are the RULING CLASS because they willing to kill and move anyone of anything out of their way.

                    The rest of us are unwilling to do things this way.

                    Thanks aljhoa for keeping me informed as I am the underclassmen on so many issues.


                    Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                    There is no such BS as the "AMERICAN RULING CLASS"

                    these people may be robbed and stripped naked of all they own, and they will still rise above all other people by power of their intellects / wisdom. [/I][/U]

                    this is TIMELESS, it will NEVER CHANGE.

                    and not ONE GODDAMN thing your or ANYONE here says , or pisses or moans about it will EVER CHANGE IT

                    its a timeless eternal fact that is universal, it always HAS been, and always WILL BE

                    youve been schooled.
                    Youre welcome.


                    • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                      tell the people what they want through media programming
                      such propaganda only works on stupid people.

                      The intelligencia / intellectually superior are UNAFFECTED by such BS.

                      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                      In this way the entire life of the individual is spent in a tail spin chase for simple things, such as fine cars and special homes with high interest payments.
                      such propaganda only works on stupid people.

                      The intelligencia / intellectually superior are UNAFFECTED by such BS.

                      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                      You can't choose without choices.
                      Choice belongs ONLY to the WISE and INTELLIGENT, not to the common human who has a reactive will, who is a monkey / fool.

                      Free will is POTENTIAL, not ACTUAL
                      , animals OR humans.

                      Proactive wills are rare and belong ONLY to the intelligencia / intellectually superior
                      , .......not to stupid people that are REACTIVE by their WILL

                      kick a dog, it bites you, ... REACTIVE WILL

                      I see you have no intellectual background in abstruse philosophical thought (ie wisdom).

                      what is potential IS NOT ACTUAL

                      an ACORN is not an OAK TREE.

                      All youve done is make hyperbolic statements that ONLY APPLY to stupid people.

                      Which is of course MOST people.
                      Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 10-23-2014, 09:15 PM.


                      • Sheople

                        Like little sheep lead to the slaughter so gullible and easily mislead, simple kind hearted souls who's gentle kindness spills over on everything around them. They are the little indians.

                        Yeah those stupid people as you call them.

                        It's your big chance to plunder cause yer so much higher and Billy Bad Boy Special.

                        This is the mind of a foolish man who thinks all men are the same.

                        You see once again everything you say puts you into the light that much more. Just keep on the way you are treating the average Joe like dirt.

                        Joe is what he is, not dirt. He is Joe, so leave him to what he can do and stop trying to steal from Joe because he is easy prey.

                        Once again you are failing your test with thinking like this.

                        You could rise above, if only you weren't so much better than everyone else


                        Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                        such propaganda only works on stupid people.

                        The intelligencia / intellectually superior are UNAFFECTED by such BS.

                        such propaganda only works on stupid people.

                        The intelligencia / intellectually superior are UNAFFECTED by such BS.

                        Choice belongs ONLY to the WISE and INTELLIGENT, not to the common human who has a reactive will, who is a monkey / fool.

                        Free will is POTENTIAL, not ACTUAL
                        , animals OR humans.

                        Proactive wills are rare and belong ONLY to the intelligencia / intellectually superior
                        , .......not to stupid people that are REACTIVE by their WILL

                        kick a dog, it bites you, ... REACTIVE WILL

                        I see you have no intellectual background in abstruse philosophical thought (ie wisdom).

                        what is potential IS NOT ACTUAL

                        an ACORN is not an OAK TREE.

                        All youve done is make hyperbolic statements that ONLY APPLY to stupid people.

                        Which is of course MOST people.


                        • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                          Like little sheep lead to the slaughter so gullible and easily mislead

                          its their destiny to be slaughtered,

                          natural selection.

                          Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                          This is the mind of a foolish man who thinks all men are the same.
                          You dont read, Ive said from the beginning men are NOT THE SAME.

                          Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                          Joe is what he is, not dirt

                          Joe is dirt, not his spirit.

                          The Xtian fallacy that all men are "equal under god" etc, its nonsense.

                          There are 3 passages in the Bible where God hates an unborn child.

                          People are equal in SPIRIT, not however the EMPIRICAL PERSONA, ie "JOE"

                          water is water is water is water,........but humans dont DRINK FROM THE SEWER / TOILET

                          Get it yet? Equal in principle (spirit, water), but NOT EQUAL empirically.

                          No worries, all creationists are ignorant of such simplex facts of primitive Pythagorean logic.

                          Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                          You could rise above, if only you weren't so much better than everyone else
                          Those who ARE ABOVE are already risen.

                          There is nothing for THEM/ US to "rise above"


                          • Supremist

                            Your rant is

                            Darwinism, Marxism, Communism these are YOUR religious preferences.

                            These doctrines are in your heart like Jesus is in the Christians heart.

                            Good talking to ya, I knew you would show out.

                            The essence of life is the special gift that each man possesses. Each man is different from the next, not lesser.

                            The doctrinal position that you love and hold to makes it easy to put the Jews in a gas chamber. Because you are superior.

                            Just keep it up and you will have what you wanted, alone forever, as no one will be good enough to measure up and you would only end up incinerating them anyway.

                            No equality means some are lowering than beasts and you of course will be the judge of that in your infinite wisdom from ZEN.

                            You will of course try to twist everything you have answered me I am well aware of who i am speaking with.

                            The facts are in on you Theo. You feel like some are higher than others because you are basing your decision on things that mean absolutely nothing.

                            Men are all wonderfully made in the image and Glory of GOD who is a FATHER to those who would be real fathers.

                            All your theories about the ashes blowing in the wind at death repopulates the species of a flower are the twattle of a stammering clown.

                            Twattle as you put it.

                            When you come back, maybe you will be a wart on a frogs backside?

                            Come on Theo, quit hiding around. We know all the words. Your religion and all.

                            Mikey Yes Theo you have the mind of THE AMERICA RULING CLASS

                            Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post

                            its their destiny to be slaughtered,

                            natural selection.

                            You dont read, Ive said from the beginning men are NOT THE SAME.

                            Joe is dirt, not his spirit.

                            The Xtian fallacy that all men are "equal under god" etc, its nonsense.

                            There are 3 passages in the Bible where God hates an unborn child.

                            People are equal in SPIRIT, not however the EMPIRICAL PERSONA, ie "JOE"

                            water is water is water is water,........but humans dont DRINK FROM THE SEWER / TOILET

                            Get it yet? Equal in principle (spirit, water), but NOT EQUAL empirically.

                            No worries, all creationists are ignorant of such simplex facts of primitive Pythagorean logic.

                            Those who ARE ABOVE are already risen.

                            There is nothing for THEM/ US to "rise above"
                            Last edited by BroMikey; 10-24-2014, 02:19 AM.


                            • Beware of the troll

                              Warning! Warning! Do not feed the troll.
                              There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                              • signing off

                                Originally posted by wayne.ct View Post
                                Warning! Warning! Do not feed the troll.
                                Thanks Wayne, will do.


