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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by BroMikey
    Just in case you don't know who Lucifer is, he is the pervert who doesn't mind murdering.
    religious twaddle. No such nonsense.

    unicorns and sky castle. Rubbish and santa claus

    Creationist hogwash


    • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
      religious twaddle. No such nonsense.

      unicorns and sky castle. Rubbish and santa claus

      Creationist hogwash
      10 Reasons Naked Mole Rats Will Inherit the Earth

      10. Naked mole rats are the ideal underground organism
      9. Naked mole rats are masterful bomb-shelter builders
      8. Naked mole rats can run backwards as fast as they do forwards
      7. Naked mole rats are "extreme sensory specialists"
      6. A naked mole rat's teeth function like a biological swiss army knife
      5. Naked Mole Rats are eusocial
      4. Naked mole rats know how to use tools
      3. Naked mole rats laugh in the face of cancer
      2. Naked mole rats are the longest-living rodents on Earth
      1. The skin of a naked mole rat cannot detect pain — even from an acid burn

      Naked mole-rat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



      • @5150
        The bottom line is today I try my best to avoid having any contact with them whatsoever and when I see them I go the other way. However when I see reports on the news of another LEO being shot to death or given a hatched in their head I smirk with pleasure knowing their Karma is upon them
        To each his own I guess, when I lived in the city my next door neighbor was a police officer. Super nice guy, soft spoken, with a beautiful wife and two kids. Two houses down was another photo radar police officer, again a wife and two kids who were good friends with my kids. He said he personally didn't agree with photo radar nor how it was used but that was his job. To be honest he was also a super nice guy and we would talk quite often.

        Funny thing is you would never know they were police officers out of uniform. They were ordinary good honest people trying to make a living and just happen to wear a uniform as part of their job. Personally if push ever came to shove I would give them the shirt off my back as I would most anyone else. I think there are good people and bad people everywhere however lumping them all in the same group just because they wear a uniform is not right in my opinion.

        Violence and hatred has never solved anything nor has it made the world a better place. If we want to change the world then we have to be better than that, better than we were yesterday. thats my 2 cents.



        • Quotable quotes of the day....

          "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." - Frederick Douglass

          In other words, and as simply stated by Benjamin Franklin, "If you make yourselves sheep, the wolves will eat you."
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • The continuing saga of dirty trick politics

            You folks may remember that TEA Party candidate Chris McDaniel beat incumbent GOP establishment RINO Republican Senator Thad Cochran in the Republican primary held back in early June, but won by a small margin of about 1500 votes. Under Mississippi election law, this forced a runoff vote held on June 24th, which resulted in Cochran winning by 7,000 votes. McDaniels protested the results when it was disclosed that Cochran's campaign resorted to tactics which included enticing several black reverends to convince their followers that McDaniel was a racist, and to offer payments to black Democrat voters who would cross over to vote for Cochran in the Republican primary runoff. Angered by the fact that Thad Cochran’s camp stiffed him after he helped them commit a massive voter fraud Reverend Stevie Fielder of the First Union Missionary Baptist Church, came forward to admit his part in the crimes. Fielder said that, acting in concert with Saleem Baird of the Cochran camp (who was also a paid staff member of Mississippi's other US Senator, Roger Wicker), he agreed to pay $15.00 each to black Democrats who crossed over to vote for Cochran in the runoff against Chris McDaniel. Fielder was to receive $16,000 in return for his part in the scheme.

            With the Republican establishment party leaders unwilling to reverse the bogus runoff results, McDaniels took the matter to court. McDaniels was prepared to prove that the vote results were invalid because the Democrats who voted in the Republican primary runoff had also voted in the Democrat primary, which was therefore a violation of the state's election laws. As you might have suspected, the court refused to even hear McDaniels' evidence of voting fraud, and instead tossed the case out, saying that McDaniels had waited too long to file his case. Evidently McDaniels had assumed that the state's GOP hierarchy, after having been shown the strong evidence of voting fraud, would toss out the bogus votes. That wasn't the case, though, and by the time they rejected his argument, the time for filing a court case, unknowingly to McDaniels, had gone past the window of opportunity to do so.

            The fact that GOP hierarchy upheld the runoff results in the face of strong evidence that the results were fraudulent just shows the lengths that the establishment, and establishment incumbents, will go to in ensuring that their reelection is secured, and that challenging TEA Party candidates are thwarted. If for some reason Cochran had ended up losing in the runoff, it is quite likely that he would have simply run as a claimed Independent in the November election, and that the establishment would have ensured that he won by tampering with the voting machine tallies. I think it is quite safe for us to assume that a lot more dirty tricks have been, and will continue to be, played out before the November elections are over. While the Republican party may gain control of the Senate, that control will be in the hands of establishment RINO Republicans and will mean that nothing in Washington will really have changed.
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

              To each his own I guess, when I lived in the city my next door neighbor was a police officer. Super nice guy, soft spoken, with a beautiful wife and two kids. Two houses down was another photo radar police officer, again a wife and two kids who were good friends with my kids. He said he personally didn't agree with photo radar nor how it was used but that was his job. To be honest he was also a super nice guy and we would talk quite often.

              Funny thing is you would never know they were police officers out of uniform. They were ordinary good honest people trying to make a living and just happen to wear a uniform as part of their job. Personally if push ever came to shove I would give them the shirt off my back as I would most anyone else. I think there are good people and bad people everywhere however lumping them all in the same group just because they wear a uniform is not right in my opinion.

              Violence and hatred has never solved anything nor has it made the world a better place. If we want to change the world then we have to be better than that, better than we were yesterday. thats my 2 cents.


              Anyone who says violence doesn't solve anything apparently isn't using enough violence.

              Regarding the police officer friend of yours who was doing the photo radar stuff and personally didn't agree to how it was used but did it anyway because that was his job is a (excuse the pun ) a cop out.

              This basically means he is willing to trade his morals and beliefs for a pay check. Sugar coat it any way you like but thats the bottom line.

              I do lump them all together because as soon as they decide to accept the job as an LEO regardless if they are in uniform or not or have a wife and kids or are as you say a good person the same basic principal applies, they might not agree with their job or aspects of it but they do it anyway as its their job.

              If they are willing to accept the high risks of death and being a target of hate then being an LEO,they are not putting their family first or the consideration their children might one day be fatherless. For me this too indicates a very selfish narcissistic personality trait that defines the majority of LEOs. the first response I always hear is that someone has to be there to try to do good, yet its always an empty shallow thinking as they are still a target.

              We can agree to disagree

              PS I too once had a neighbor who was a cop, today he's in prison and is some thugs Maytag. Karma.. he is getting his bountiful supply of it
              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


              • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
                Anyone who says violence doesn't solve anything apparently isn't using enough violence.
                VIOLENCE doesnt even MEAN ANYTHING.

                Killing and Murder are BOTH definitionally VIOLENT.

                Killing another (self defense etc) is Justified.

                Murder is (rape, murder, etc etc , molestation etc) is UNjustified.

                It is only by CONNOTATION that we call an insane Murderer VIOLENT
                and a woman that shoots a rapist has no such connotation, however the ACT is violent.

                There are NO EVIL ACTIONS (~ violence), only an (violence in TRUE) EVIL MIND

                The body is a puppet,
                .....when are ignorant fools (not referring to you) going to wise up.

                You ARE CORRECT, definitionally VIOLENCE DOES "solve things", only demented fools and myopic intellectual midgets think and espouse otherwise.

                There are OTHER methodologies, dependent upon circumstances, but one cannot debate or reason with an ANIMAL (even human animals), and therefore the Noble person knows that "violence is the ONLY option" in such a case.

                As against the soccer-mom mentality so commonly found in the West
                and Europe (especially Britain), there are no evil actions, rather
                only an evil mind. The often repeated phrase “it is wrong to kill
                another” is a heinous non-Noble fallacy which belies the ape mentality
                of the politically correct generation of “live and let live”, even in
                the face of necessary self defense. As is demonic the slaying of
                innocents by the hands of a psychopath is the lemming pacifist
                mentality that one should cower and hope for the best in the immanence
                of self-defense’s necessity, in the moment of oneself being attacked.
                It has frequently be the retort by pacifist goons that ‘those who live
                by the sword shall die by the sword’, therefore those who concern
                themselves with concealed carry deadly weapons as a means of self-
                defense in a brutal world are therefore those same who “live by the
                sword” and are therefore doomed. This misunderstanding however is
                highly pathetic and most certainly incorrect in that said passage
                refers to violent men who “live by the sword” from the position of
                violence, that in turn, “violence will certainly be returned to them”.
                The innocent man who “picks up and raises the sword (or gun)” when the
                time has arrived that violence has been leveled upon him is at no
                fault, for when danger has passed, the Nobleman “lays down the sword”
                and returns to his peaceful life. We however call them evil who “carry
                in front of them the sword whence and wherever they go”. Those evil
                men with evil minds who seek out violence and murder, in contrast to
                them, the Noble who defend self, family and lands is the blameless
                and noble paragon of virtue, which none can assail, even if a thousand
                bodies of evil men lay slain at his feet.

                Like the gun or the sword, both tools, so too is the body the
                tool of the mind of man, his spirit (in the case of the Noble ) takes
                charge and is control, of which the body and its deeds are blameless
                in all instances, but that the laws of man cannot punish the Noble
                spirit, but rather imprison the body, and that “men see not the minds
                of others, rather the deeds and actions which are committed by their
                bodies”, such is the case that men are often judged not in spirit or
                intent, but in deeds. Whilst some actions could near never be
                rationally justified as having a noble premise in the mind, such as
                necrophilia, or pedophilia; killing is certainly nothing near either
                of such as these. The reductionistic pseudo logic of modern ‘peace-
                mongering at all costs’ pacifists is that “killing is killing,
                regardless”; however none of philosophies great-men have held such an
                ignoble position, this is something found only recently and most
                commonly in European minds, and that of far left-wing American
                pacifism. The false view that pacifism is the moral principle that the
                use of force is wrong for any reason is a metaphysical fallacy in that
                it sees all actions as reducibly equal, but this is not, cannot be the
                case, for body as a tool cannot ever be accused of equally reducible
                deeds in light of the mind, or spirits intent.

                The pacifists growing consensus (= profane, non-Noble , low, base)
                to wit “it is wrong to kill another” cannot be justified or enjoined
                by any with wisdom, for the mother in her home who has been attacked
                upon by a madman set upon her demise and that of her sleeping children
                has no fault to slay to death that very same man; that such a one as
                her is “equally to blame” as, say a Jeffrey Dahmer or any other crazed
                murderer, is a reductionistic and fallacious position as held by those
                with irrational and illogical minds who are driven along solely by
                their feelings and hormonal emotive bundles. Self defense, by gun or
                by fist, of oneself and those who are innocent is rationally noble, is
                Noble ; is indeed and undeniably an Noble virtue and necessity. These
                same sort of non-Noble minded peoples might insanely say that a time
                traveler who goes back to 1943 and puts a bullet in the head of Adolph
                Hitler out of the Noble will towards millions of innocent Jews, and
                Europeans, is “equally to blame” as, say, Jack the ripper. The
                historical Gotama himself praised the Noble deed of killing by his own
                hands of another: "I got good merit (in a past life) for killing the
                evil man"-Gotama Buddha [Jataka 4-197].

                Certainly it would be true that many a demented and demonic
                tyrant or dictator has pathetically rationalized killing (but which is
                rather murder) of innocents; this ignoble rationalization in no way
                diminishes the Noble and “blameless” (Digha Nikaya1 and elsewhere:
                Arhants who “took the knife blamelessly”) who have killed out of love,
                for either self-defense or love of others in saving the lives of
                innocents from the insanity and rage of a demented and evil Samsarin
                (profane worldly, a vile non-Noble ). Even the mass-murderer
                Anguilamala, in the Majjhima Nikaya of Buddhism’s earliest texts,
                became an Arhant in very short order in the Anguilamala Sutta. This is
                an important and defining characteristic between Buddhism and Jainist
                pacifism, which very few make any distinction thereof. Jains
                themselves ignorantly deny that wisdom can transcend karma (actions)
                ‘in an instant’, of which Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta do indeed
                claim. All actions (karma, Pali: kamma) are equivalences to avijja
                (agnosis, ignorance) in that the atman or soul is ignorantly seen as
                an agent (karmin) in and of samsara, which it is fact not. The false
                and common conception that Buddhism is pacifistic is utterly without a
                basis in its doctrine and rational postulation.

                Modern histories famous pacifists (since pacifism is a foreign
                concept near entirely in the distant past) have themselves been ones
                to recognize the needs and Noble nobility to kill another in defense
                of innocents, be that oneself or another. "If someone has a gun and is
                trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own
                gun." [The Dalai Lama, in The Seattle Times, May 15, 2001]. "Among the
                many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the
                Act depriving a whole nation of guns, as the blackest deed." [Mahatma
                Gandhi- An Autobiography : The story of my experiments with truth, by
                M.K. Gandhi, p.238]. Japanese, Italian and Nazi aggression that
                precipitated World War II often is cited as an argument against
                pacifism. If these forces had not been challenged and defeated
                militarily, logically many more people would have died under their
                oppressive rule. A frequently used quote is from Edmund Burke: "The
                only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
                nothing”. “Being a pacifist between wars is as easy as being a
                vegetarian between meals” - Ammon Hennacy. “Since pacifists have more
                freedom of action in countries where traces of democracy survive,
                pacifism can act more effectively against democracy than for it.
                Objectively the pacifist is pro-Nazi”- George Orwell.

                It has been argued by pacifists and unintelligent idiots that no
                one need carry around with them a weapon as any Noble is ought and in
                the right to do, given that a 911 call to the police dept. is recourse
                for such emergencies. Laughably shortsighted as this is, it must be
                stated that in a dangerous self defense situation the average elapsed
                time is two minutes from start to end, and the average American 911
                response time is fourteen minutes; leaving a mere twelve minutes for
                one to either bleed to death, or mentally prepare for the passing from
                this life! In an equal regard pacifists and Leftists have deemed those
                who carry concealed weapons to be ‘cowards’, in fear of what ‘most
                likely will never happen’; while this is, regarding the later,
                partially accurate, the boy scout motto is a worldly truism “be
                prepared!”. Peoples (including pacifists) don’t own fire
                extinguishers, buy medical insurance, and elsewise out of being
                ‘fearful’ or ‘cowardly’, nor still does the Noble who carries a gun
                with him everywhere fear the unknown, but rather knows the nature of
                existence and the varieties of evil men who lurk the world, looking to
                pray upon the weak (= pacifists). You cannot reason with a rabid dog,
                nor either a rabid and deranged human either hell-bent on rape,
                murder, etc. To think otherwise is extremely unintelligent; any
                policeman knows this very well.

                The last irrational position by the looney Leftists in their
                defense (sic) of hatred for justified killing of another is to attack
                the tools of killing, namely guns. “Those evil guns” as they are wont
                to say, but it is rather instead true that ‘fools fear guns, whereas
                the wise fear only a fool with a gun’. These ‘anti-killing’ peoples
                are the same sort of demented fools who claim a lifeless hunk of
                steel, a gun, is inherently evil in and of itself, as if a gun has
                ever jumped up from a table and accosted someone, or killed another.
                They vociferously claim “there are many reasons to control the use of
                guns” however gun control is less about guns, than about control, for
                criminals do not follow the law, to them gun control pertains only to
                those who obey the law & its controls; to control guns is only to
                control the normal citizen, not the criminal who cares not for laws.
                It has been their refuge to blame the tool rather than the handler as
                a last defense, for they are often to say “guns kill people”, however
                the Noble cannot capitulate to the insane notion that lifeless steel
                could jump up and kill a man; only a fool blames the tool rather than
                the wielder or same. Again, there are no evil actions, only an evil
                mind. The body is a tool, just as a gun is a tool, used either to
                murder, commit evil, or in the case of the Noble , to save, protect,
                defend “those who are most certainly innocent”. There are no rational
                men who hold to a position of “evil tools”. All tools carry the
                responsibility that the owner know the manner in which to use it and
                have the intelligence enough to rationality and correctly use the tool
                they own or purchase. Just as is necessary here in life are not only
                guns needed, but also coffins, for all men die, so too medicine for
                the foul body which is bound to corruption, and all the other
                necessities of living.

                It has been said by those against the killing of another for any
                reason: “If you want peace, be peace” this sort of pathetic reasoning
                would assume that a chaste, pure of spirit lovely woman might tread
                thru cities at night with no worry of the dark and deranged souls who
                would lurk and pounce upon her. The Noble knows that the Absolute and
                its metaphysics are “beyond good and evil”, for in the Absolute there
                is not deed or misdeed by wisdom alone which has caused one to acquire
                that attainment.
                Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 10-27-2014, 12:47 AM.


                • Originally posted by BroMikey
                  Amen Rick

                  The behavior and reasoning of others can be rigorously analyzed leading us to the ends of the earth for the "WHY" so many atrocities are allowed to continue.

                  The best answer I have come up with as to the "HOW' and the "WHY" tyrants continue is that the good hearted are afraid.

                  Look at Mexico. For the last decade the Mexican Government has abused their rights as protect-rite of the people. Their RULERS like the AMERICAN RULERS are buddies with AND fund the drug cartels.

                  News of heads being lopped off and rolled down the aisle of a restaurant or teens being raped and sodomized, boys as well. The list it long and the years went by.

                  The little boys in any society GROW UP AND REMEMBER.

                  The young ZORO's shall prevail in the end, die if they must to avenge their parents murder.

                  When drug Lords exercise power or RULE, the people are put in the grinder as these maniacs think nothing of killing. All without feeling.

                  The vigilante forces are mounting at the broader of California/Mexico lines. Texas/Mexico as well.

                  The young men 16-18 yrs run check point and if you are a drug cartel member you butt is in a ringer.

                  This world will always right itself with the proceeding generation.

                  Let me ask everyone a question.

                  Which side do you think is going to win at these broaders?

                  The USA/Mexican police in Bed with their Governments who murder for drugs and sex or THE YOUNG MEN WHO LOST THEIR SISTER,MOTHER,DAD to freaks partying under the influence??


                  Who do you think is going to be more vigilant? Who do you think will run like scared chickens, to save their skins in the face of DO OR DIE?

                  Think about that one.

                  Our resolve must be tested. I hope we all do as well when we are tested. ARE WE GOING TO LET THE INNOCENT BE KILLED?

                  Will the good people stand by and do nothing?


                  The Mexican government is no different that the USA Government with the exception the US government is more powerful and corrupt.

                  I also disagree with your assessment of the Mexican youth rising up one day to take back their country. You might get small pockets that try to stand up like the recent students in Guerra but what did that get them? 48 of them ended up in a mass grave along with thousands of other murdered people who were either into bad things or in the wrong place at the wrong time.

                  As for which side do I think will win, I vote for the Mexican side simply due to the fact that they are more mentally prepared, stronger, and more united and they know when to keep their mouths shut and look the other way or else.

                  those who will run are the PUSSSY ass Americans who act tough but when the Sh*t comes down they are too soft to really do much unless they have a group of people with large guns, but even thats no match for the hard core Mexicans
                  Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                  • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                    VIOLENCE doesnt even MEAN ANYTHING.

                    Killing and Murder are BOTH definitionally VIOLENT.

                    Killing another (self defense etc) is Justified.

                    Murder is (rape, murder, etc etc , molestation etc) is UNjustified.

                    It is only by CONNOTATION that we call an insane Murderer VIOLENT
                    and a woman that shoots a rapist has no such connotation, however the ACT is violent.

                    There are NO EVIL ACTIONS (~ violence), only an (violence in TRUE) EVIL MIND

                    The body is a puppet,
                    .....when are ignorant fools (not referring to you) going to wise up.

                    You ARE CORRECT, definitionally VIOLENCE DOES "solve things", only demented fools and myopic intellectual midgets think and espouse otherwise.

                    There are OTHER methodologies, dependent upon circumstances, but one cannot debate or reason with an ANIMAL (even human animals), and therefore the Noble person knows that "violence is the ONLY option" in such a case.

                    Yea my response in saying anyone who thinks Violence doesn't solve anything isn't using enough violence was more of a line of thinking I was using to point out what I consider flawed thinking by pacifists and suggesting more violence be used.

                    I also agree with you that Violence doesn't really mean anything but in a way it's defined by actions so in that regard it is used to describe something most people can at least grasp. The problem though is most people think violence is not the answer yet they live in a very sheltered environment protected by their slave masters who protect them in exchange for their freedom.

                    I love the people who cry out, Live free or die yet they are often so enslaved they cannot even grasp their own reality.

                    I know a guy who shot 3 police officers and killed one of them. He regrets not killing the other two and was upset he did a year or so in jail. Now he would be considered a cold blooded killer by many people and is hated by the law enforcement community as being a violent criminal but you know what he is alive and is not in jail and why, the court ruled it was self defense.

                    Had he not used violence and force to save his life even against armed corrupt police he would be dead, and the bad guys would have won. So yes many times violence does solve problems and violence is needed. Those who disagree can and will eat dirt
                    Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                    • Your crazy post deserves a crazy picture


                      • I was responding to your question

                        Originally posted by BroMikey
                        Which side do you think is going to win at these broaders?
                        Then after I posted my opinion you comeback with this,

                        Originally posted by BroMikey
                        I will attempt to show you what I am talking about.

                        I will add more links of what I think is true not that garbage you are hearing.

                        Our opinions are meaningless. They are in this war, not us.
                        If our opinions are meaningless then way ask what others think?

                        As for the garbage I am hearing... please clarify what it is you think it is that I'm hearing or what I "don't" know. I know VERY well whats going on in Mexico I hang with some Taco homeboys
                        Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                        • Originally posted by BroMikey
                          Amen Rick

                          The behavior and reasoning of others can be rigorously analyzed leading us to the ends of the earth for the "WHY" so many atrocities are allowed to continue.

                          The best answer I have come up with as to the "HOW' and the "WHY" tyrants continue is that the good hearted are afraid.

                          Look at Mexico. For the last decade the Mexican Government has abused their rights as protect-rite of the people. Their RULERS like the AMERICAN RULERS are buddies with AND fund the drug cartels.

                          News of heads being lopped off and rolled down the aisle of a restaurant or teens being raped and sodomized, boys as well. The list it long and the years went by.

                          The little boys in any society GROW UP AND REMEMBER.

                          The young ZORO's shall prevail in the end, die if they must to avenge their parents murder.

                          When drug Lords exercise power or RULE, the people are put in the grinder as these maniacs think nothing of killing. All without feeling.

                          The vigilante forces are mounting at the broader of California/Mexico lines. Texas/Mexico as well.

                          The young men 16-18 yrs run check point and if you are a drug cartel member you butt is in a ringer.

                          This world will always right itself with the proceeding generation.

                          Let me ask everyone a question.

                          Which side do you think is going to win at these broaders?

                          The USA/Mexican police in Bed with their Governments who murder for drugs and sex or THE YOUNG MEN WHO LOST THEIR SISTER,MOTHER,DAD to freaks partying under the influence??


                          Who do you think is going to be more vigilant? Who do you think will run like scared chickens, to save their skins in the face of DO OR DIE?

                          Think about that one.

                          Our resolve must be tested. I hope we all do as well when we are tested. ARE WE GOING TO LET THE INNOCENT BE KILLED?

                          Will the good people stand by and do nothing?


                          In the case of questioning who will win the fight, if it's between the good people or the corrupt bad guys and cartels, ... well there is no winning they will find their place and either get along or they will war with each their until their deaths.

                          These young men growing up who who've lost fathers or relatives to these gangs often know these deaths came about for their involvement in such circles. Those who do stand up and try to fight these groups are crushed and or killed. Those groups pretending to be like militia or classified as vigilante forces too will fall under the same spell of power, money and corruption. They will be no different than the forces they are supposedly fighting. Its all about power, control, and greed

                          all that other Zoro nonsense of retribution and taking back control is nothing but fantasy thinking because as soon as reality hit them they are stuck realizing they too have become the same thing they are fighting against.

                          No different than a man who becomes a police officer because he thinks he can make a change, yet in time he realizes he wasn't able to change the system but rather the system changed him.

                          Now between the Mexican drug cartels and Americans, I know the cartels will win. they are too powerful, too organized, and not afraid to die.
                          Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                          • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post

                            this is TIMELESS, it will NEVER CHANGE.

                            and not ONE GODDAMN thing your or ANYONE here says , or pisses or moans about it will EVER CHANGE IT

                            its a timeless eternal fact that is universal, it always HAS been, and always WILL BE

                            youve been schooled.
                            Youre welcome.



                            • Truth or Fiction?

                              It is said that truth is stranger than fiction. How easy it is to take off from there? Very easy. I forebear. Those who choose not to think for themselves will continue to be deceived. In fact, they will believe in lies. The path of least resistance is taken by the majority of "electrons". The curse of God (or if you prefer, "the gods") rests on those who don't know Truth. The prophet has said the deception will be strong enough to deceive even the elite and most knowledgeable, if that were at all possible. (That is a paraphrase of a quote that many might recognize but I have disguised it so that only the insiders will know what prophet I am quoting.)
                              There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                              • Originally posted by BroMikey
                                Interesting post Mike.

                                I have thought for a long time the elite are nothing more than spoiled little children, that have never had their ass beat purple for the wrongs they have done. And now that they are grown up and have all the power in the world, the evil they can wield has no bounds.

