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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
    I think in Jan 2016 the dollar will crash its a pointless argument anyway.

    before anyone questions this I suggest they read the link Rick provided ,

    “The Coming Return of the Real US Dollar” – by Ambassador Leo Wanta | Maine Republic Email Alert

    But once the BRICS System goes live, many economic experts expect the Worldwide US Dollar Derivative System, the largest Ponzi scheme in History, to collapse like a house of cards.
    So when this new banking system goes online in 20 16 what then for the US dollar?

    Rick what are your plans with everything you know about whats to be expected? Are there preppers here? anyone going to bug out? anyone have a rural BOL (Bug Out Location)?????

    We all know the US dollar will not last forever and its amazing it's lasted this long so are we really surprised?

    Also if this does come to fruition by the end of 2015 and the US economy does in fact collapse does that mean Martial Law will be ordered and Obama will be come a new dictator, or at least the last US President under the "old" system??? So many questions.. yet nothing but uncertainties
    Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


    • National Liberty Alliance

      "Power of the Grand Jury - In a stunning 6 to 3 decision Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government "governed" and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights, see United States -v- Williams."

      The Line in the Sand - Breaking News November 10, 2014 Unified Common Law Grand Jury in every State files writ_quo_warranto.pdf in every Federal District Court, United States Supreme Court and served upon every Federal Judge and all 9 US Supreme Court Justices. Information in the nature of a quo warranto. A proceeding against the usurper of a franchise or office. Jarman v. Mason, 102 Okl. 278, 229 P. 459, 460.; An extraordinary proceeding, prerogative in nature, addressed to preventing a continued exercise of authority unlawfully asserted. Johnson v. Manhattan Ry. Co., N.Y., 53 S.Ct. 721, 289 U.S. 479, 77 L.Ed. 1331. watch the Video below.
      National Liberty Alliance


      • Diesel fuel and everything else.

        Originally posted by 5150 View Post
        Are there preppers here? anyone going to bug out? anyone have a rural BOL (Bug Out Location)?????

        Also if this does come to fruition by the end of 2015 and the US economy does in fact collapse does that mean Martial Law will be ordered and Obama will be come a new dictator
        I've got a BOL in western oregon with unlimited water, wood ( free energy) and game.
        As you can see, fracking is crashing. When the dollar is rejected for foreign trade, oil will be hard to obtain. Will GOV reserve that oil for GOV? Will GOV distribute oil so that farming and food distribution can keep going?
        If you listen to Lindsey Williams, you know that the heads of the oil majors really hate obummer. They could play hell with oil refining and distribution. Should diesel fuel stop flowing most of the country will stop moving.
        The northern command only has 80,000 troops. Martial law would be a joke with everybody on bicycles.
        Where do you go with your last tank of gas?

        If / when credit crashes, where will the farmers go for loans to fertilize / plant / harvest?


        • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
          If / when credit crashes, where will the farmers go for loans to fertilize / plant / harvest?
          I think most farmers will have just enough to keep their families in food. They will resort to old fashion plows pulled by animals, their fertilizer will be more direct manure based products, and their harvests will be much smaller but they will be be able to provide for their family if its not strong armed from them.

          I think the people will be screwed and even preppers with simply a food supply of can goods will see the fear as once their supplies are exhausted what next...
          Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


          • Grand Jury

            The Grand Jury only works when THEY say it is okay. The Grand Jury is all show boat. It is a front. We just went through a trial in SC where a preachers was sexually abusing many teen girls, stole money from their parents and the Grand Jury tried to set things in order when the big money preacher put up just under a million dollars.

            A few months later it was all appealed in a tiny corner of the court house with no one present except the school children from that area on a learning adventure.

            There is no justice in this land, only the appearance of what might seem like it when things go your way once in a while. As far as a Grand Jury having any power? No way.

            This system is a democratic dictatorship. I know it sounds odd.

            You and I can be arrested and put in jail, never to be seen again without ever getting a chance to show cause in a court room. You are guilty. You are owned by these slave masters.

            This system only seems to be functional on the surface as some good must be on display before the people in order to keep the masses from raging in the streets.

            It is going to come. The process is clear to me. Dangle the people, just give them what they want, take it away, play fair and pull a dirty stunt.

            First one way and then another, to the right then to the left. What I am describing is an agitator with it's back and forth motion to beat or washout.

            The goal is to wear out and wash out the American dreamer so a world dictator can realign this entire world system. Order out of confusion. THEY bring in the confusion so THEY can save you from it.

            What we are seeing all around the USA is a complete and total contradiction on every hand. Conflicting ideas and standards bring with it confusion. Ask any Lawyer if I am right?

            As long as the money it there you may go in peace but when your money is gone you will rot in a jail. The tax payer funds the jailhouse system so the Overlords clean up on both ends at the same time.

            It is common knowledge the Judges in every big city are into shady dealings yet are never touched in a court of Law.

            Ask the youngest street walker in the cities which judge pays the best, they'll tell ya.


            Originally posted by Danny B View Post
            "Power of the Grand Jury - In a stunning 6 to 3 decision Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government "governed" and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights, see United States -v- Williams."

            The Line in the Sand - Breaking News November 10, 2014 Unified Common Law Grand Jury in every State files writ_quo_warranto.pdf in every Federal District Court, United States Supreme Court and served upon every Federal Judge and all 9 US Supreme Court Justices. Information in the nature of a quo warranto. A proceeding against the usurper of a franchise or office. Jarman v. Mason, 102 Okl. 278, 229 P. 459, 460.; An extraordinary proceeding, prerogative in nature, addressed to preventing a continued exercise of authority unlawfully asserted. Johnson v. Manhattan Ry. Co., N.Y., 53 S.Ct. 721, 289 U.S. 479, 77 L.Ed. 1331. watch the Video below.
            National Liberty Alliance
            Last edited by BroMikey; 11-21-2014, 08:26 AM.


            • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
              I've got a BOL in western oregon with unlimited water, wood ( free enAs you can see, fracking is crashing.

              Where do you go with your last tank of gas?
              From L.A. to L.B. Marina
              On the way to Catalina.

              Originally posted by Danny B View Post
              If / when credit crashes, where will the farmers go for loans to fertilize / plant / harvest?
              Qahal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



              • If you are a prepper, it might be foolish to reveal the location of your bugout hideaway or even the direction taken to get there. Knowing either one of these things could be enough to set up an ambush to overtake you and use your provisions. If/when the economy crashes, it might be prudent to just slip away quietly. The less people that know your plans, the less chance of someone ruining them for you. Family or very close friends may be told a partial plan, but revealing all of it and the location would endanger those with the knowledge, if they were to become drunk or threatened to reveal your plans. Keep a low profile and reveal the least amount of knowledge that you can. Like they say in the army, you are on a need to know basis. This should also be your motto when dealing with those who will ultimately share your location and provisions with you. Good Luck. stealth


                • Boehner is playing stupid

                  Yes, House speaker Boehner is playing stupid. In an announcement that he made before Barry's amnesty speech yesterday, Bohner said, "Instead of working together to fix our broken immigration system, the president says he’s acting on his own. That’s just not how our democracy works. The president has said before that ‘he’s not king’ and he’s ‘not an emperor,’ but he’s sure acting like one. And he’s doing it at a time when the American people want nothing more than for us to work together.”

                  Nothing more? Boehner is suggesting that this understanding of the mid term election results shows that the American People simply want Republicans to "work together" with Barry and Democrats in Congress, and of course that would mean reaching compromises in which Democrats maintain most of what they have already implemented, as well as gaining further ground in the establishment's NWO agenda. Obviously Boehner can't possibly be so stupid as to actually believe this is what the American People want. This kind of talk only demonstrates the fact that none of the establishment political party leaders is hearing the American People's demands or is willing to implement what the People want - which is to bring a grinding halt to the NWO socialist agenda.

                  Today, in a reply to Barry's amnesty speech, Boehner said, "In the days ahead, the People's House will rise to this challenge. We will not stand idle as the President undermines the rule of law in our country and places lives at risk. We'll listen to the American People, we'll work with our members, and we'll work to protect the Constitution of the United States."

                  While his latest announcement sounds a bit more promising, notice that Boehner did not say "Constitution for the united states of America," which is the proper reference to our organic Constitution. He instead chose to use the name of the Corporation US corporation charter. Boehner is well aware of the difference, but hopes that most Americans will not be learned enough to differentiate between the two names. And of course House Republicans will "listen to the People," but will only hear what they want to hear and ignore the rest. Sure, they will "work with our members," which means they will work with Democrats and establishment Republicans to move the socialist NWO agenda forward, rather than firmly opposing Democrats and halting that agenda. After all, doing so is good for the corporation, and their political careers, and that's all that matters to these deceivers.

                  In the coming days, confirmation of what I am saying will be proven if the House agrees to a long term fiscal year spending bill before the new Congress convenes. That is because a short term spending bill, with wording that prohibits spending to implement Barry's amnesty plan, is the only tool that the House has available to stop Barry's plan. The House has the "power of the purse," meaning that without their consent there is no plan of Barry's that can move forward. The attempt to use this power to halt implementation of ObummerCare failed only because the establishment Republican leadership caved in rather than standing firm, and caving in was always part of Boehner's plan. I strongly doubt that Boehner's plans have changed.
                  Last edited by rickoff; 11-21-2014, 08:00 PM. Reason: sp
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Originally posted by Stealth View Post
                    If/when the economy crashes, it might be prudent to just slip away quietly. The less people that know your plans, the less chance of someone ruining them for you.
                    Right you are, Stealth. That's good advice. There has been a lot of discussion here, in past posts, about both the need to prepare and how to prepare, and while it is good to share this information by conversing in generalizations and sharing useful links, no one should broadcast anything that would be useful to those who could thwart one's plans. We have to assume that those who would are also reading these posts.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Bugout Hide Away

                      How long can I last in a hide out? How many years can I do my own farming or raising of live stock with no electricity or fuel for my tractor?

                      How many cans of rations will it take to keep me going for 1 year?

                      How can I keep clean water around?

                      Will I have loved one's who are unable to live under those conditions?

                      How long will my garden grow if depleted Uranium fallout from shell fire is faintly present in the soil?

                      Where on this earth could I live where no one can find me or wants to be?

                      I have thought of finding this place in the Rockies or swamp lands then maybe the northern cold near the pole?

                      How many years would I be out there? What would I be waiting for? Would I be thinking that the world would change for the better so that the people would go back to the earth? Maybe the gov would change hands? What am I to think?

                      Would I be hidden from inferred scanning equipment used by search and rescue? Could I be hidden from the satellite? Why would people be hunted this way?

                      Why would these control freaks want to herd people like cattle? Would these freaks actually use high tech devices to force their plans on the entire world?

                      Would they consider me a threat to their world control if I were living outside their control?

                      My opinion is that these coming rulers will stop at nothing to control every single soul. These freaks are proving it everyday.

                      Your steps will be guided at that time by the Self Existent One and the people will help one another to find their way. The governments of the world will finally revolt and put a stop to it.

                      Your food supply is wise but where is another question.

                      It will be a great trial.

                      Enjoy it while you can today.


                      Originally posted by Stealth View Post
                      If you are a prepper, it might be foolish to reveal the location of your bugout hideaway or even the direction taken to get there. Knowing either one of these things could be enough to set up an ambush to overtake you and use your provisions. If/when the economy crashes, it might be prudent to just slip away quietly. The less people that know your plans, the less chance of someone ruining them for you. Family or very close friends may be told a partial plan, but revealing all of it and the location would endanger those with the knowledge, if they were to become drunk or threatened to reveal your plans. Keep a low profile and reveal the least amount of knowledge that you can. Like they say in the army, you are on a need to know basis. This should also be your motto when dealing with those who will ultimately share your location and provisions with you. Good Luck. stealth
                      Last edited by BroMikey; 11-21-2014, 09:19 PM.


                      • Power Over

                        Here is one good example, I buy RAW MILK locally. If you frost now raw milk is against the rules. They come in your home and tell you what to do. But they will sell you hard liquor, beer, cigarettes and tell you it is safe.

                        Swat team" Don't move! Do you have food in here?" I'll shoot, don't move"

                        Food police target organic foods in California! - YouTube

                        Milk Police Cracks Down On Raw Foodies - Mike Adams - YouTube

                        Feds raid organic food stores - YouTube

                        90 year old arrested for feeding US homeless faces 2 months jail - YouTube

                        POLICE STATE VS CITIZEN - Officers get caught harassment abuse misconduct profiling - YouTube

                        Mikey PS Enjoy it while you can
                        Last edited by BroMikey; 11-22-2014, 01:49 AM.


                        • I am not going to try and tell you all the answers here, not that I have all the answers, but I will give you a hint at what I believe would be the perfect hideout(bugout) location. If you are a spelunker, then you already know what I am about to reveal. No need for heating, cooling, only a small fire for cooking. Mostly concealed within the structure. In some parts of our country they even have running water and could be dammed up to make a large reservoir. Since this water most likely comes from underground it would not be subject to fallout for some time, as the earth would filter some of the contaminants out. As far as being detected, I don't know if they have the technology to detect underground or not, maybe only detecting a void and not a life signature. You could grow limited, sustainable vegetables, mushrooms and fish in such an environment, with the help of a water driven generator for lights and pumps using an aquaponics system. Other subjects such as medicines, first aid, hygiene, clothing, and food storage/preparation would also have to be considered. You could live on a basic simple diet and possibly even harvest some wild game with a bow or slingshot. Good Luck. stealth


                          • Stealth

                            And how many caves are out there and where or how do you access them? Do you then use them to stockpile a bunch of stuff and then hope it all works out, doesn't get stolen or damaged due to humidity, mold or critters.

                            In terms of BOL I think if you don't already have one and are working it then it will be too late. The sad fact is millions of people will die and who the heck wants to live in such a world after such a great disaster created by man (should it be nuclear war)

                            Just enjoy the time you have here and life it to the fullest. Have preps if you can and plan for small disasters.. other than that its out of your control
                            Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                            • Caveman

                              Hiding in a cave is quick and painless I agree. Nothing like tonnes of rock to shield the human body from fall out. Now the location is settled. I quess this is why the Government has these underground cities like you mentioned.

                              THEY have seeds down in their bunkers so in case nuclear winter ruins everything above ground for a few years,THEY can replant down the line.

                              Kind of reminds me of THE TIME MACHINE with the ELOY underground folks who needed to be there for some time. Yes underground is the way to go till the poles shift a tad.

                              Mikey PS enjoy it while you got and if you got it you are rich

                              Originally posted by Stealth View Post
                              I am not going to try and tell you all the answers here, not that I have all the answers, but I will give you a hint at what I believe would be the perfect hideout(bugout) location. If you are a spelunker, then you already know what I am about to reveal. No need for heating, cooling, only a small fire for cooking. Mostly concealed within the structure. In some parts of our country they even have running water and could be dammed up to make a large reservoir. Since this water most likely comes from underground it would not be subject to fallout for some time, as the earth would filter some of the contaminants out. As far as being detected, I don't know if they have the technology to detect underground or not, maybe only detecting a void and not a life signature. You could grow limited, sustainable vegetables, mushrooms and fish in such an environment, with the help of a water driven generator for lights and pumps using an aquaponics system. Other subjects such as medicines, first aid, hygiene, clothing, and food storage/preparation would also have to be considered. You could live on a basic simple diet and possibly even harvest some wild game with a bow or slingshot. Good Luck. stealth
                              Last edited by BroMikey; 11-22-2014, 09:22 PM.


                              • It is not the perfect solution, I agree, but it is cheap and in a pinch, if it is close then you can bugout there fast. If a nuclear war were to erupt, I don't know if there would be any hope for mankind. Underground would be the only solution and then it could be easily compromised. Without a renewable and sustainable food source you would be at the mercy of the forests and fields, living off the land with whatever it could provide. As for stocking supplies, dehydrated and dry foods are the only logical source. Canned goods are great but require much more effort carrying and stocking. Canned goods would have to be stocked ahead of time. Dried grains, fruits, nuts, granola, trail mix, jerky, crackers, canned fish, chicken, spam and of course peanut butter all would be relatively cheap and easily carried and stored. Shake or crank flashlights, radios, and rechargers for GMRS, cell phones and possibly a small wind generator or solar panel setup for backup, if it is remote. It would probably not be suitable for a long term survival location unless it had running water and the entrance was well camouflaged or walled up, using an alternate entrance. Also remember that safety is greater with a number of people. Good Luck. stealth
                                Last edited by Stealth; 11-22-2014, 11:15 PM.

