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The American Ruling Class

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  • another option

    I know a guy who dug two large holes(swimming pool size) in his back yard. One is a water reservoir, the other is a living quarters. Both are poured concrete bunkers. Joined together by a water pipe and spigot. Both are covered with a concrete slap and then 3 feet of dirt. The gutters on his house channel rainwater into a pit of grave fist, the a pit of sand, and finally a pit of lime. Also he has a whole house filter on his outlet. He normally would have around 50.000 gallons of water in his reservoir. He also has an underground sewage system for the bunker. Stockpiled with 3 years of provisions. Also he has 5 gallon buckets of food buried all over his yard at intervals he can find in the dark. The only entrance into his bunker is 2-55 gallon barrel with both ends cut out angles about a 45*. A lid fastened to the top barrel is covered with sod and looks like normal landscape. Expensive, yes, but for those who can afford it, it is almost the perfect solution for long terms survival. Good Luck. stealth


    • Www3

      WWW3 (World Wide War#3)is coming yes. When these RULERS do finally succeed in getting us all to blow up the world THEY will run underground, the door will be sealed for many months if not years. The air from the outside can not be used to breath. An underground generating system could access the air from the surface and also exit the exhaust but humans would die.

      The under ground generator needs to power an artificial atmosphere producing machine to provide breathable air for the coming years.

      The doors must be sealed. No outside contact can be permitted for almost a year depending on how much radiative dust you can measure with your under ground equipment.

      Even if the fallout was lite duty you would still die in a short time if you were exposed to the surface. Eating food grown from above would be slow poisoning and breathing the air would mean the same even after many years of hiding.

      basically what I am saying is that people have no idea how dirty that stuff is and what it would take to isolate oneself to maintain the current quality of life.

      Take a look at Fukushima and Chernobyl with the death of the population. These are examples of very small amounts of fallout.

      You and I would not last long with the home made get up.

      The only survivors will be those who sign on to the 500,000,000 member club who will be left to repopulate earth. The plan is to kill off 6.5 billion.

      There is no other conclusion.

      Mike Enjoy it while you got it boys cause when she goes up, you won't even know it

      Originally posted by Stealth View Post
      I know a guy who dug two large holes(swimming pool size) in his back yard. One is a water reservoir, the other is a living quarters. Both are poured concrete bunkers. Joined together by a water pipe and spigot. Both are covered with a concrete slap and then 3 feet of dirt. The gutters on his house channel rainwater into a pit of grave fist, the a pit of sand, and finally a pit of lime. Also he has a whole house filter on his outlet. He normally would have around 50.000 gallons of water in his reservoir. He also has an underground sewage system for the bunker. Stockpiled with 3 years of provisions. Also he has 5 gallon buckets of food buried all over his yard at intervals he can find in the dark. The only entrance into his bunker is 2-55 gallon barrel with both ends cut out angles about a 45*. A lid fastened to the top barrel is covered with sod and looks like normal landscape. Expensive, yes, but for those who can afford it, it is almost the perfect solution for long terms survival. Good Luck. stealth
      Last edited by BroMikey; 11-24-2014, 01:25 AM.


      • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
        Mike Enjoy it while you got it boys cause when she goes up, you won't even know it
        the pyramid 2014



        • Resistance is futile. Surrender Now!

          The Speech That Sealed JFK’s Fate - Freedom Outpost

          Sorry! I don't mean that! Please continue to resist.
          There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


          • Black Magick Occult Rituals

            Hey Al

            That was was breath taking dude thanks

            Check out Johnny Depp who is a current American Idol promoted by the RULING CLASS. Killing "AS A RULLER" is a requirement.

            Johnny sucks tongues with men on talk shows, movies and back stage as he is front man for the RULING CLASS.

            These clips are proofs of that lifestyle.


            Enjoy it while the gift is still yours


            Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
            Last edited by BroMikey; 11-27-2014, 02:59 AM.


            • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
              Enjoy it while the gift is still yours

              Joan Rivers Live

              Homo-domesticus Proportions



              • Yes

                Yes Sir that is correct


                Masonic Celebrity Rituals - YouTube

                Mike(PS right on)

                Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                Last edited by BroMikey; 11-29-2014, 07:14 PM.


                • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                  Under Whose God?

                  pantheists divide and conquer



                  • Donno

                    It's anybodies guess? Who do you mean?

                    Did you see the video? Maybe you meant that anything goes? As many as you want?

                    Got me.

                    Cooper was a drunk and a money grabber. The ruling class does way better than this. The big Oil money keeps guys like Pat Robertson collecting the big change. Pat tells everyone what they want to hear.

                    The Ruling class also funds the other big names such as Benny Hinn, Billy Graham who have been on the payroll since day one. All the big TV names collecting the gold.

                    You can not find one man of God with a real set of balls. Now i hope I said that clear enough. The ruling class put up a bunch of yes men who are worthless. These so called leaders in religious organizations are viewed as very important to the RULING CLASS. Popes and so on. Priests harboring little boys as pets.

                    My My we must keep all of the yuppies in line saying their hail Marys and so forth. Keep that money comin in, cause those sinner are bound to slip and fall and forgiveness is measured in dollars and cents, you know?

                    The RULING CLASS play all angles and THEY can't overlook the big money now can THEY?

                    It doesn't matter who you bring up, these public figures are nothing more than trash who honor and worship money. I know I have been right in the middle of it. These so called men of God who lead at big Churches are on the take. They must pay in also.

                    I have known dozens that I have seen their beginning AND end. The RULING CLASS pinups, slippery/fast talking effeminate males who are very submissive to the Politically Correct agenda.

                    Some are projected as a MANS MAN. Big mouth tough words on the surface when using a microphone like the wind blowing a rug flapping on the clothes line.

                    The People follow blindly because they don't want anything else. The people want these guys, so this is what we have.

                    There is no religion on the face of the entire earth that speaks the truth. These RULERS own all of the religious organizations. The plan is to give the people a variety so they can feel like their's is one of a kind.

                    The system set up by THE RULERS is working out well for them. Money and control is THEIR GOAL.

                    IN GOD WE TRUST is on the money because MONEY IS GOD to them.

                    The money will fail now. The RULERS have planned it all out.

                    Where I grew up in Detroit there were 3 bars and 3 Churches for every 10 square blocks.

                    Think about it? In the last 30 years from 1985-2015 they have all closed.

                    Boards on the windows and burned out first floors.

                    America is falling at the hand of THESE RULERS.

                    Mikey PS like I said it don't matter who you bring up, I have run down the list for 30 years. I know who they are and what this is all about$$$$$$$$ BY BY money

                    Last edited by BroMikey; 12-01-2014, 10:29 AM.


                    • Quotable quote of the day....

                      Elitist Republicans keep saying that the Republican party cannot do anything to stop Barry's illegal alien amnesty. That's pure bulldiggy, of course, as noted in the following quote:

                      "That is absolute nonsense. The notion that Congress can turn on a money spigot but is banned from turning it off is nonsense. And the worst part is that it's willful nonsense... Republicans can add defunding language to any bill whenever they so choose. The issue is not that they can't use the power of the purse to block Obama’s lawless power grab. The issue is that they don't want to. The real shame is that they can’t even be honest about that." -
                      Sean Davis with The Federalist
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Another Perspective to consider

                        Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                        It's anybodies guess? Who do you mean?

                        Did you see the video? Maybe you meant that anything goes? As many as you want?

                        Got me.

                        Cooper was a drunk and a money grabber. The ruling class does way better than this. The big Oil money keeps guys like Pat Robertson collecting the big change. Pat tells everyone what they want to hear.

                        The Ruling class also funds the other big names such as Benny Hinn, Billy Graham who have been on the payroll since day one. All the big TV names collecting the gold.

                        You can not find one man of God with a real set of balls. Now i hope I said that clear enough. The ruling class put up a bunch of yes men who are worthless. These so called leaders in religious organizations are viewed as very important to the RULING CLASS. Popes and so on. Priests harboring little boys as pets.

                        My My we must keep all of the yuppies in line saying their hail Marys and so forth. Keep that money comin in, cause those sinner are bound to slip and fall and forgiveness is measured in dollars and cents, you know?

                        The RULING CLASS play all angles and THEY can't overlook the big money now can THEY?

                        It doesn't matter who you bring up, these public figures are nothing more than trash who honor and worship money. I know I have been right in the middle of it. These so called men of God who lead at big Churches are on the take. They must pay in also.

                        I have known dozens that I have seen their beginning AND end. The RULING CLASS pinups, slippery/fast talking effeminate males who are very submissive to the Politically Correct agenda.

                        Some are projected as a MANS MAN. Big mouth tough words on the surface when using a microphone like the wind blowing a rug flapping on the clothes line.

                        The People follow blindly because they don't want anything else. The people want these guys, so this is what we have.

                        There is no religion on the face of the entire earth that speaks the truth. These RULERS own all of the religious organizations. The plan is to give the people a variety so they can feel like their's is one of a kind.

                        The system set up by THE RULERS is working out well for them. Money and control is THEIR GOAL.

                        IN GOD WE TRUST is on the money because MONEY IS GOD to them.

                        The money will fail now. The RULERS have planned it all out.

                        Where I grew up in Detroit there were 3 bars and 3 Churches for every 10 square blocks.

                        Think about it? In the last 30 years from 1985-2015 they have all closed.

                        Boards on the windows and burned out first floors.

                        America is falling at the hand of THESE RULERS.

                        Mikey PS like I said it don't matter who you bring up, I have run down the list for 30 years. I know who they are and what this is all about$$$$$$$$ BY BY money

                        Phenomenal post

                        I agree that all religion is corrupt, but why are the Muslims being deemed the major terrorists? Perhaps some of them are, but only because they are on the pay role of you know who. What is it that has to be suppressed and was 9/11 way of ushering in a new phase of ruling control? All questions BrotherM.

                        Here is a Muslim perspective production getting to grips with who the ruling classes are. A slightly different slant, hope you find it relevant re the bigger picture.

                        'Phase 3' by the Wake Up Project- a series of 10 minute programmes; not anything really new to you, but as I said, another perspective, not brand new either.



                        • Not Sure why

                          I think the RULING CLASS see Sharia as an ENEMY because they are free.

                          Here is the real economy report and why wars fuel the USA.

                          American Economic Collapse, martial law - YouTube

                          Enjoy it while you can Mikey


                          • US Senator John McCain in Pics



                            • Bigger picture

                              Thank You for your kind words


                              Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
                              Phenomenal post

                              All questions BrotherM.

                              Here is a Muslim perspective production getting to grips with who the ruling classes are. A slightly different slant, hope you find it relevant re the bigger picture.




                              • Don't want to?

                                Woe, now that speaks loud. These guys say they are for the USA and won't defend HER?

                                I think our leaders are all props who have been bought off. Either they take the money and position or be moved out of the way.

                                I have noted the glancing evasive looks from even local political figures for over 30 years in Detroit. They are not honest people. Detroit or Car Town made Tanks for the world wars and has always been a model for great success.

                                My family members are among the highest paid people in the world. The children in the streets are without help because of robbery like you are talking about.

                                The purpose is to bring people together to fight over what is left so it gets eaten up faster this way. America is being torn into pieces by the dogs of war who have hated freedom for generations.


                                Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                                Elitist Republicans keep saying that the Republican party cannot do anything to stop Barry's illegal alien amnesty.

                                The issue is not that they can't use the power of the purse to block Obama’s lawless power grab. The issue is that they don't want to.

                                The real shame is that they can’t even be honest about that." - [/I]
                                Sean Davis with The Federalist

