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The American Ruling Class
Open Boarders
Here is the low down on open boarders Alex tells all showing Obama's talk.
Anyone is welcome, free handouts for all paid for by the working class.
Originally posted by aljhoa View PostLast edited by BroMikey; 12-04-2014, 05:22 AM.
Originally posted by BroMikey View PostThe RULING CLASS play all angles and THEY can't overlook the big money now can THEY?
There will ALWAYS be a "ruling class" as long as there are WISE people and (most people>) IDIOTS.
None of your pissing or moaning or mentions of non-existent Creationist Gods (pure nonsense) will change this fact.
This is the ORDER OF THE COSMOS, the wise / intelligent RULE, .......the inferior DO NOT (rule).
This will NEVER change, NOR should it.
Originally posted by BroMikeyThese wise/intelligent people (one does not come with the other) are inferior.
Pythagoras and Plato and anyone with 2 brain cells would NEVER agree with that bullshat.
Originally posted by BroMikeyMen are not just animals.
Some are animals, some are not. what is POTENTIAL is not ACTUAL.
An acorn is NOT an oak tree, son.
Originally posted by BroMikeySo you will throw religion at me to win your little verbal battle?I despise religion, its for the weak minded such as thou.
At last!
Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Postbecause they ARE, and youre deluded as the "flat earth" society if you dream to think otherwise.
I do like your resolve generally but I feel you have the blinkers on here. It's not quite as cut and dry as you conceive, trust me
Look into the mystical side of Islam- you might have missed a few points magnetically speaking, sorry Im beeing cheeky, but the Islamic scientists, philosophers, medics made some points at present not explored in order to be proved truth.
Open your mind... a bit more
Originally posted by SYDERA View PostOpen your mind... a bit more
open minds are only good open UP TO A POINT, and no further.
Yours is "too open" .
Of all the types of people who have ever lived, there are only four types of gatekeepers of the mind.
1. The gatekeeper of the mind
which lets in everything, this is the most common type in the world.
2. The gatekeeper of the mind which lets in nothing, this is the
second most common type; of those that are sure they are right, and all others are wrong.
3. The gatekeeper of the mind which lets in
those things it likes or agrees with and not those things it does not like or agree with, even if those things are true and wise. This is the
third most common type.
4. The gatekeeper of the mind which judges things as wise and logical, and lets those things in, and judges
things as unwise and irrational and bars them from entry into the mind. This type of gatekeeper of the mind is the most sublime and
rare. Open minds are only good up to a point at which nonsense, lies, and irrational chaos is allowed to enter.
Closed minds are only good up to a point where things wise and true are barred entry.
At this point we must agree that wholly open minds are bad, and
wholly closed minds are equally as bad. – TheoriaApophasis
Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View PostThe ancient Egyptians were NOT BLACK, blacks were SLAVES, 100% in ancient Egypt. ........
THAT IS NOT Michael Jackson, son.........its the blade work of MANY MANY MANY SURGEONS.
This is M. Jackson:
These Rulers have moved beyond our comprehension. The people do not understand.
Last edited by BroMikey; 12-06-2014, 05:17 AM.
Rulers "we Are Gods"
Here is a preview of these RULERS technology. Immortality.
These Rules will have NEW BODIES SOON. This is a synthetically grown human organ Donner.
Get ready for new bodies right? Never. The Ruling Elite Class Only as they merge with animals to make a more perfect being.
Doesn't it just sound yummy? NOT!
This guy needs a new body fast.
Last edited by BroMikey; 12-06-2014, 08:10 PM.
No matter what anyonethinks about Eric Garner, certainly no one deserves to die for a "crime" so insignificant as selling single cigarettes to passers by on a New York sidewalk. While I believe that most of us would agree that officer Pantaleo and the other policemen who assisted him in taking down Mr Garner had no intent of killing the man, and would also agree that this was not a racially motivated incident, there should be no question that Garner was unnecessarily choked to death. The video of the incident should leave no doubt as to that fact, so it is no wonder that so many people are appalled that the Grand Jury did not indict Pantaleo. And even though a federal investigation is promised, that is not likely to result in an indictment because a federal case would have to be based upon a racial motivation and an intent to deprive Garner of his life. The real reason why there was no indictment is because the Grand Jury was selected, schooled, and manipulated by the court and the District Attorney to reach the conclusion that no True Bill of Indictment was necessary. The DA wrongly started out by granting immunity to all of the officers who assisted Garner in exchange for their willingness to testify. That's insane, because the Grand Jury members had every right to call each and every one of the officers before the Grand Jury and to thoroughly question these men without any offer of immunity at all. If it had been done this way, it is likely that at least one of the officers would have blamed Pantaleo for being overly aggressive with his chokehold in an attempt to take the burden of guilt off himself for failing to stop Pantaleo from killing Garner. In failing to stop Pantaleo when they could have, and in making no attempt to revive Garner when it was obvious that Garner was no longer breathing, the assisting officers all became accomplices to the killing and should therefore have been indicted and brought to trial along with Pantaleo. Well, that's the bad news - but here is the good news:
There are 62 counties in the State of New York, and every one of these counties has constituted a Common Law Grand Jury (CLGJ). Fifty of these Grand Juries came together to file Presentments indicting NYPD Code Enforcement Officer Pantaleo for the murder of Eric Garner in the United States District Court for the Southern District of NY: Read the Presentment HERE > Officer_Pantaleo_NY._Presentment.pdf for the murder of Eric Garner
This is precisely why Common Law Grand Juries, operated by the People with full power to investigate any report of unlawful conduct, and to act on such matters independently from the influence of Judges and District Attorneys, is an absolute necessity. It is our Constitutional right, and that right has been upheld by the SCOTUS in the case US v. Williams.
It is doubtful that you will hear anything in the lamestream media about the CLGJ Presentments, as they are more interested in promoting the idea that the incidents of late are likely to continue and to escalate due to racial intolerance and racial profiling. Then too, the PTB which controls the MSM, doesn't want the People to become aware of their right to constitute CLGJ's and to exercise their ability to hold police, court officials, bureaucrats, and legislators accountable."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Originally posted by rickoff View Postfailing to stop Pantaleo from killing Garner.
Garner was a walking heart attack. He was fatter than HELL, and had giant man-boobs and looked like he had been eating gravy and chicken fat for 40 years.
Even his own family admits he was a walking medical tragedy
A HARD SLAP from a 90 pound girl would have given that POS a heart attack.
He wasnt KILLED, he was in a circumstance that would NOT HAVE KILLED any normal human, but he was NOT NORMAL.
Your statement is the watermark of foolish blather, lies and pure rubbish.
Emotions and conspiracy-based political SPEW rule your comments, ......logic and yourself are TOTAL STRANGERS.