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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by BroMikey
    The average Christian oriented American has a much kinder disposition.

    A lobotomized retarded human
    is almost always found with a smile too.

    As such your observation is counter-helpful to your cause.


    • Kindness

      Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post

      A lobotomized retarded human
      is almost always found with a smile too.

      As such your observation is counter-helpful to your cause.
      No I don't think it is so bad to share from the heart of kindness. The dog eat the dog survival lifestyle just leaves one on the run.

      The purpose of this thread is to share judgements as to what seems proper or completely unethical. This leaves a huge gap between fittest mentality and loving kindness.

      The beauty of a pure heart does not depict a brain dead individual. It is a gift that maybe you don't have so enjoy it while you can.

      I am glad you have continued this rant. You see the man that was over weight might have had a body part that was failing for 40 years. In the dog eat the dog thought process that man is judged to be nothing more than a worthless slob who deserved to fall over dead.

      On the other hand people who have been raised in a more loving atmosphere might give the man the benefit of the doubt wishing him well regardless of his physical condition.

      Judgement about so many things concerning the ruling class, the ethical/moral is what we are engaged in. Each one has a viewpoint that should be respected. To do this a person who does not totally agree with the other should still try to see the good in each person's way of looking at things.

      This is how our great country was founded. It use to be that each person in congress had a special gift recognized by one another so together they could represent the people.

      Similarly a woman may tell her husband what she likes and looks at things so he considers this when making decisions. In the past this is what has made AMERICA great.

      In other countries the women are told to shut up and they have no say so. The males demand the woman wear a hat of somekind and so on down the line.

      All of these important matters effect a person's judgement.

      As far as I can tell Theo, your judgement is lacking like so many so we should humble ourselves to let others views sink in to our lives.

      In your case this is probably not possible

      The principles of love joy peace long-suffering goodness meakness kindness, gentleness and more are what the AMERICAN people have tried to raise their children to do in the middle of a wolf den.

      That DOG EAT THE OTHER DOG stuff is so inferior as compared to these powerful works.

      Judgement is turn away back where anything goes and the people howl.


      Last edited by BroMikey; 12-08-2014, 02:54 AM.


      • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post

        A lobotomized retarded human
        is almost always found with a smile too.

        A Detroit judge has awarded over $100,000 in attorney’s fees in the case of a Christian, George Saieg, who was attacked and arrested at the festival.

        “This case is a stunning example of the pernicious influence of stealth jihad and Shariah law in America. The city of Dearborn is now a serial violator of Christians’ constitutional rights and has wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and costs defending its insidious conduct. Apparently, in Dearborn, where Shariah and jihad is advocated openly, it is a crime to preach the Christian gospel. AFLC is committed to stopping this attack on our Constitution. And the ruling today allows us to do just that,” said Yerushalmi, an AFLC attorney.




        • Good vs. Evil and Wisdom vs. Stupidity

          Here is how to tell the difference. Take as an example someone you know or think you know or imagine you know or just a caricature of someone you know or don't know or whatever.

          Just imagine someone.

          Now, imagine about 100 or 1000 people exactly like the one that you have imagined.

          Now, imagine them all living together someplace where enough resources exist for them to form a society.

          Now imagine them living there long enough for their inner true character to be revealed.

          If the society of clones manages to survive and not kill each other off, that would be a good society and the original someone would be a good and wise person. If they fight and make guns and knives and attack each other with them, that would be a bad society and the original someone would be evil and stupid.

          So, now you know what I think about it.
          There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


          • Exactly Right

            40 years ago when Detroit- Pontiac, was a triving place I was finding jobs. One time I hired in to a Jewish place and when they wanted me to quit one of the young family members came in one day and hit me over the head with a pipe. I was 18 years. It is called RECYCLED BUG not and he has a huge building like a high rise in the industrial parks but before this he had only a dealer ship in my town (Waterford)

            When I went down to dearborn the young men would sort of hide their violent talk. Many muslims have huge sums of money sent to take over that area. They hate and they hate and they hate.

            Over the years some of them were cast out of Muslim circles because they no longer want to murder Americans.

            No one will cut the head off of my little girl without a fight. A fight these people will have. They shall die on the mountains of Israel.

            You are seeing it now. They live by violence and shall die by the same never to be remembered. This is because all sane people can't wait to get as far from them as they possibly can.

            She will have her head cut off for being another religion other than Sharia.

            Here is a little Indian Boy, these people are destine to die the same deaths that they enjoy seeing others experience. They are without conscience.

            Save me from my people

            Originally posted by aljhoa View Post

            A Detroit judge has awarded over $100,000 in attorney’s fees in the case of a Christian, George Saieg, who was attacked and arrested at the festival.

            “This case is a stunning example of the pernicious influence of stealth jihad and Shariah law in America. The city of Dearborn is now a serial violator of Christians’ constitutional rights and has wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and costs defending its insidious conduct. Apparently, in Dearborn, where Shariah and jihad is advocated openly, it is a crime to preach the Christian gospel. AFLC is committed to stopping this attack on our Constitution. And the ruling today allows us to do just that,” said Yerushalmi, an AFLC attorney.




            • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
              No one will cut the head off of my little girl without a fight. A fight these people will have. They shall die on the mountains of Israel.

              One thing agreed on........

              Nuke Mecca.

              then bomb Tehran into the dust.

              Islam is the nearest thing to pure evil and a death cult that exists.


              • Law of war

                No one will stand by while these people murder with great joy.

                Great to hear you say that Mecca is EVIL My main man

                Three stages of Jihad, the root of the Muslim murders

                Obama talks about it in this video


                Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post

                One thing agreed on........

                Nuke Mecca.

                then bomb Tehran into the dust.

                Islam is the nearest thing to pure evil and a death cult that exists.
                Last edited by BroMikey; 12-08-2014, 06:53 AM.


                • Old Timer

                  This man is dead now but he was a historical writer

                  Many advanced warning foretold. First 3 minutes is quotation then the man spells it all out

                  Real footage

                  Israel, Islam and Armageddon (Video) Dave Hunt (September 1926 – April 5, 2013)


                  Last edited by BroMikey; 12-08-2014, 07:54 AM.


                  • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post

                    One thing agreed on........

                    Nuke Mecca.

                    then bomb Tehran into the dust.
                    Islam is the nearest thing to pure evil and a death cult that exists.
                    I would like here to point to five paradoxes that are shared by Christian and Muslim scripture.

                    The first is that Christians and Muslims regard themselves as both the servants and the friends of God.
                    The second paradox is that Christians and Muslims regard their own faith as the true way yet also affirm the truth of other paths.
                    The third paradox is that Christians and Muslims must announce the truth of their own faith but are also committed to dialogue.
                    The fourth paradox is that Christians and Muslims acknowledge two ways of being a believer: an ordinary way and a more perfect way.
                    The fifith paradox is that Christians and Muslims strive against evil but also encourage forgiveness and reconciliation.

                    If we learn to be receptive to the presence of paradox in our own faith tradition we may be more understanding of the way
                    paradox appears in the faith tradition of others. We shall avoid focusing on texts from other religious traditions that state only one side of the paradox.
                    Ultimately, too, sustained reflection on the paradoxes to be found within each of our faith traditions may open us
                    to a more profound awareness of the mystery of
                    inbred mongoloids.
                    Paradoxes of Christianity and Islam



                    • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                      Paradoxes of Christianity and Islam[/SIZE][/url]


                      only an idiot cares about the "paradox" of muslims and christians.

                      theyre BOTH Creationism lies , nonsense and twaddle for weak minded fools.


                      • Ruling Class strategy

                        No religious faction that we see that is an organized money taking corporation truly serves the Self Existent One. The Ruling Class take on a religious form that makes people happy. These Rules have spent generations making a farce out of Christian living.

                        These Rulers hate freedom which is directly connected to forgiveness, you can't have one without the other and THEY know it. The RULERS understand that men are going to have their faults, so instead of being glad that people can live together in harmony, THEY go out of their way to set up religious lies to charge money for things that are free for all.

                        No one can ignore history. Anyone claiming to be a heavy historically speaking knows that what we are discussing is all that there is. That is it, period. Religious tyrants do prevail from generation to generation.

                        Name all of your major religions and the RULING CLASS is planning to augment/ highjack and pillage them, twisting that belief system into a tool to control folks.

                        In essence (In case most of you don't know) The prediction of Israel becoming a cup of trembling has been projected for 1000's of years with THE SELF EXISTENT ONE saying that HE had to pick one race to make HIS power known among the heathen.

                        And Not a bad thing at all because with all of the clouds of confusion HE says HE is going to make HIS power known for HIS SAKE and no other reason.

                        The picture is painted as such "Rejoice" in so many words because THE SELF EXISTENT ONE will now reveal himself to the HEATHEN. Despite what your local Church organization teaches THE SELF EXISTENT ONE loves the Heathen just as much as anyone else.

                        Further it is my opinion that HE considers many of them more of a friend than self righteous chUrCh peoplE.

                        At least the Heathens who don't yet know this self existent one display a more rational interaction between their fellow mates. This is the basis of the freedom of the soul.

                        If you are not free today it is because you let some form of religion bind you.

                        Good Day for now. Theo has the right idea, he knows what THE SELF EXISTENT ONE is not. That is a start.

                        The RULING CLASS is making a degenerate religion to control all people while they use the power of fleshly lust to keep their religion more compatible with the masses who are party animal oriented. In fact this new religion will be like religious orgy where anything goes.

                        Common sense teaches even the Heathen that that design is out of order.


                        Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                        I would like here to point to five paradoxes that are shared by Christian and Muslim scripture.

                        The first is that Christians and Muslims regard themselves as both the servants and the friends of God.
                        The second paradox is that Christians and Muslims regard their own faith as the true way yet also affirm the truth of other paths.
                        The third paradox is that Christians and Muslims must announce the truth of their own faith but are also committed to dialogue.
                        The fourth paradox is that Christians and Muslims acknowledge two ways of being a believer: an ordinary way and a more perfect way.
                        The fifith paradox is that Christians and Muslims strive against evil but also encourage forgiveness and reconciliation.

                        If we learn to be receptive to the presence of paradox in our own faith tradition we may be more understanding of the way
                        paradox appears in the faith tradition of others. We shall avoid focusing on texts from other religious traditions that state only one side of the paradox.
                        Ultimately, too, sustained reflection on the paradoxes to be found within each of our faith traditions may open us
                        to a more profound awareness of the mystery of
                        inbred mongoloids.
                        Paradoxes of Christianity and Islam

                        Last edited by BroMikey; 12-10-2014, 07:07 PM.


                        • Religious Brainwashing

                          Top post Mike

                          All points covered.


                          • Religion and Good behavior

                            Thank You SYDERA

                            I am 57 years old and at age 14 yrs I started summer time Bible schools till I was nearly 20years. I spoke (Preached around the world on multimillion dollar broadcasts in my 40's. I spoke every week even twice aweek to the nations of the world on Bible Study SHORTWAVE, AM and FM radio.

                            So I have a long enough track record to understand people. People in Bars have more decency than so called self righteous Church folks.

                            These Religions are based on good things but have been twisted to fund people behind the scenes. The MOTHER CHURCH is what they call it where the money pours in, buying diamond right, porch cars and large dwellings costing millions.

                            These religions are run by big oil money using the name of the KNOWN GOD to further their agenda.

                            Wherever I have gone to minister over a 40year time period I have found no one who does not compromise for the sake of money. Religion is nothing more than a front where wolves in sheeps clothing do more damage than the Satanist.

                            When and If the KING OF GLORY does shine HIS face your way in an extraordinary way, you will be changed forever.

                            Religion keeps you away from the SELF EXISTENT ONE where the power to live pure is. The RULERS do not want people to get together and rise above, so they divert families from their youth with one lie after another.

                            This is why the RULING CLASS must have a world religion.

                            Stick to your guns don't let these people force you to do anything. Pay your money or die the death of a bad man. They have twisted it. Tithing was for the LEVITES the tribe in ISRAEL who had families to feed, so food items were pasted down to them so they could tend on the TEMPLE work.

                            The RULING ELITE worship money and demand tithes be paid in the form of money to them, which was never an enacted rule. Only Food was a TITHE.

                            They have twisted religion to rake in the bread, Gov/Religion

                            Mikey Thats how you tell the difference.

                            Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
                            Top post Mike

                            All points covered.


                            • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                              only an idiot cares about the "paradox" of muslims and christians.

                              theyre BOTH Creationism lies , nonsense and twaddle for weak minded fools.
                              Shariah: The Threat To America

                              Lying in Islam - Taqiyya and Kitman



                              • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                                Liberal radicals love to ignore FACTS. Its typical Communist filth.
                                I take it, then, that you are a liberal radical. I am a liberty loving, Constitution defending conservative.

                                Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                                Garner was a walking heart attack. He was fatter than HELL, and had giant man-boobs and looked like he had been eating gravy and chicken fat for 40 years.

                                Even his own family admits he was a walking medical tragedy

                                A HARD SLAP from a 90 pound girl would have given that POS a heart attack.

                                He wasnt KILLED, he was in a circumstance that would NOT HAVE KILLED any normal human, but he was NOT NORMAL.
                                Yes, Garner was a 350 pound obese man who obviously must have thrived on junk food. There's no arguing that fact. But did he really deserve to die at the hands of the police? Consider the "crime" that he was being accused of - selling single cigarettes to other adults passing by on a city sidewalk. Supposedly, the crime was that a cigarette tax was not collected and submitted in regard to these sales, but does that even make sense? Garner had obviously bought the cigarettes, either in pack or carton quantities, and had therefore already paid the applicable tax on these cigarettes. Furthermore, there was no crime committed by Garner because there was no corpus delicti. For a crime to have been committed, there must be an injured party, and for a person to be arrested for a crime the injured party must file a sworn affidavit, or appear in person, stating how, and to what extent, the accused had injured him or her. There is no report of anyone claiming to be an injured party demanding Garner's arrest, and neither the police, the borough of Staten Island, New York City, nor the State of New York can claim to be the injured party.

                                If officer Pantaleo, or any of the other officers who participated had actually thought Garner's violation of a city ordinance was sufficient cause that he should appear in court, they could simply have handed him a summons to appear. There was no need for an arrest. Furthermore, if Garner was in such obviously impaired physical condition that, as you said, "A HARD SLAP from a 90 pound girl would have given that POS a heart attack," shouldn't Pantaleo and the other officers have realized that a forceful takedown onto a concrete sidewalk, with an unrelenting chokehold being applied, would also likely cause severe injury and possible death?

                                Time for you to get real, Theo. Just keep in mind that if you give police thugs like these officers the okay for killing a man for a minor infraction, when no "crime" actually existed, your complacency may well lead someday to the demise of yourself or your loved ones (if you have any) at the hands of LEO's who, like Pantaleo and his accomplices, believe they are above the law and are immune to prosecution for the unconstitutional deprivation of rights, including the right to life.
                                Last edited by rickoff; 12-09-2014, 06:23 PM.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

