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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    Nasa comes up with all of the miracle weapons that are planned against ALL PEOPLE.

    I believe youre right, I found ultimate proof of same....>


    • Rulers Weapon

      Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
      I believe youre right, I found ultimate proof of same....>

      CDC apology

      Bill Gates Paralysis (Speaker from India)

      Mary Tyler Moore


      • I guess that Netanyahoo rates among the American ruling class. At the age of 14, he moved to America. He seems to be attracting some negative attention.
        "Haaretz Editors Urge Removing Netanyahu With All Urgency"
        Haartez is the voice of the Shin Bet,,, the secret police.
        The Shin Bet removes any prime minister who threatens to agree to a 2 state solution like Yitzhak_Rabin. At the same time, they can't allow anybody to completely alienate the West.


        • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
          I believe youre right, I found ultimate proof of same....>

          Why Are Women Joining?



          • Vaccine Brain Damage

            RULING CLASS WEAPONS now admitted

            Vaccine Brain Damage Cover Up Implodes


            Last edited by BroMikey; 12-12-2014, 08:22 AM.


            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
              In the coming days, confirmation of what I am saying will be proven if the House agrees to a long term fiscal year spending bill before the new Congress convenes. That is because a short term spending bill, with wording that prohibits spending to implement Barry's amnesty plan, is the only tool that the House has available to stop Barry's plan. The House has the "power of the purse," meaning that without their consent there is no plan of Barry's that can move forward. The attempt to use this power to halt implementation of ObummerCare failed only because the establishment Republican leadership caved in rather than standing firm, and caving in was always part of Boehner's plan. I strongly doubt that Boehner's plans have changed. - Nov 21, 2014 - post #5659
              Last night, my above warning was confirmed. The House, by a narrow margin, voted to approve the so-called CR/Omnibus spending bill, a $1.1 trillion bill composed of 1,600 pages of pork-laden and special-interest legislation. Obviously no one in Congress who voted to approve the bill had read it, as it only became available just shortly before the deadline to vote on it. Of course that was no accident, and all the drama leading up to the deadline vote was planned in advance as a means of scaring the public into thinking that something terrible would happen unless Congress voted to pass a spending bill. Then too there were many references made to the "government shutdown" over ObummerCare, and a lot of finger pointing to accuse and lay blame for that upon TEA Party Conservatives. Those who would believe that narrative are clearly deluded. The TEA Party did not bring our country to the brink of financial disaster. That was accomplished by the establishment career politicians of both parties exercising their ever increasing big government tax and spend mentality. The TEA Party only came into existence and gained popularity with the People as a means of halting the insanity of that devastating agenda.

              The recent elections were a loud and clear message from the People to those in Washington, demanding that they do everything in their power to halt that agenda, and nothing was any clearer than the public's rejection of Barry's planned, and later implemented, amnesty for illegal aliens. Every politician who voiced approval of granting an amnesty, and was up for election or re-election lost their bid, and was beaten by a Conservative politician who promised to stop Barry's plans, so how could the message be any clearer?

              House Republican "leadership" inserted language into the spending bill that would fund everything through 2015 except the Department of Homeland inSecurity (DHS), which would only be funded until February 2015 by a Continuing Resolution. This was the CR part of the CR/Omnibus spending bill. The purpose of including this CR language was to appease the People by making them think that the House was actually doing something that would prevent Barry's amnesty from taking effect, and which would give Republicans the opportunity to kill the amnesty once their new majority convenes in both the House and Senate. Nothing could be further from the truth, however. Plans are already in place to issue work permits and Social Security cards to at least 5 million illegals, and this will have occurred before the new Congress convenes. The damage will already have been done, and even if Republicans attempted to pass legislation to recall and void those SS cards and work permits, they would not have the 2/3 majority in the Senate required to override Barry's assured veto of such legislation. Therefore, nothing will happen to stop the amnesty.

              We should take note that an amendment to the CR/Omnibus spending bill was introduced that included language specifically stating that no funds could be used to implement Barry's illegal amnesty to illegal aliens. Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA) joined Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) and Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ) to offer that amendment on December 10 and at least 53 of their House colleagues also signed on as cosponsors. “Our amendment is simple and straightforward,” said Brat. “It specifically says DHS cannot use funds to implement the executive amnesty outlined in 10 memos from DHS and two from the president himself. Our amendment says we in Congress refuse to allow an agency of this government to commit an act that the leadership on both sides has said is illegal. The president himself said he does not have this power. The Constitution says he does not have this power. And the American people have demanded the rule of law be followed. This amendment will ensure that happens.“

              The amendment was rejected by the House Rules Committee, ensuring that Barry's unconstitutional executive amnesty will not be stopped. It cannot be any clearer that this outcome is what establishment Republican politicians wanted and planned for all along. As I commented on November 21, Boehner's speech condemning Barry's executive amnesty plans was only cheap talk intended to pacify public outrage. This is now proven, and sets the stage for what can be expected from the Republican party during the last 2 years of Barry's unconstitutional reign. A very disappointed Dave Brat said of the amendment's rejection, "Republicans are going to lose the American people if we don't draw some stark red lines and stick to them, because they're going to think we're playing the same old game." Of course anyone with a brain will know that as a certainty, Dave, and not just think it's the "same old game."
              Last edited by rickoff; 12-12-2014, 05:38 PM.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Thanks For The Letter

                Very interesting. Rick you got all the nuts and bolts of these guys operating strategy. I never would'a caught all of that without you writing this letter. It shows us how the last of the great American opposition is being pushed aside.

                Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                Last night, my above warning was confirmed. The House, by a narrow margin, voted to approve the so-called CR/Omnibus spending bill, a $1.1 trillion bill composed of 1,600 pages of pork-laden and special-interest legislation.

                Obviously no one in Congress who voted to approve the bill had read it, as it only became available just shortly before the deadline to vote on it. Of course that was no accident, and all the drama leading up to the deadline vote was planned in advance as a means of scaring the public into thinking that something terrible would happen unless Congress voted to pass a spending bill.

                Then too there were many references made to the "government shutdown" over ObummerCare, and a lot of finger pointing to accuse and lay blame for that upon TEA Party Conservatives. Those who would believe that narrative are clearly deluded. The TEA Party did not bring our country to the brink of financial disaster. That was accomplished by the establishment career politicians of both parties exercising their ever increasing big government tax and spend mentality. The TEA Party only came into existence and gained popularity with the People as a means of halting the insanity of that devastating agenda.

                The recent elections were a loud and clear message from the People to those in Washington, demanding that they do everything in their power to halt that agenda, and nothing was any clearer than the public's rejection of Barry's planned, and later implemented, amnesty for illegal aliens. Every politician who voiced approval of granting an amnesty, and was up for election or re-election lost their bid, and was beaten by a Conservative politician who promised to stop Barry's plans, so how could the message be any clearer?

                House Republican "leadership" inserted language into the spending bill that would fund everything through 2015 except the Department of Homeland inSecurity (DHS), which would only be funded until February 2015 by a Continuing Resolution. This was the CR part of the CR/Omnibus spending bill.

                The purpose of including this CR language was to appease the People by making them think that the House was actually doing something that would prevent Barry's amnesty from taking effect, and which would give Republicans the opportunity to kill the amnesty once their new majority convenes in both the House and Senate. Nothing could be further from the truth, however.

                Plans are already in place to issue work permits and Social Security cards to at least 5 million illegals, and this will have occurred before the new Congress convenes. The damage will already have been done, and even if Republicans attempted to pass legislation to recall and void those SS cards and work permits, they would not have the 2/3 majority in the Senate required to override Barry's assured veto of such legislation. Therefore, nothing will happen to stop the amnesty.

                We should take note that an amendment to the CR/Omnibus spending bill was introduced that included language specifically stating that no funds could be used to implement Barry's illegal amnesty to illegal aliens. Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA) joined Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) and Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ) to offer that amendment on December 10 and at least 53 of their House colleagues also signed on as cosponsors. “Our amendment is simple and straightforward,” said Brat. “It specifically says DHS cannot use funds to implement the executive amnesty outlined in 10 memos from DHS and two from the president himself. Our amendment says we in Congress refuse to allow an agency of this government to commit an act that the leadership on both sides has said is illegal.

                The president himself said he does not have this power. The Constitution says he does not have this power. And the American people have demanded the rule of law be followed. This amendment will ensure that happens.“

                The amendment was rejected by the House Rules Committee, ensuring that Barry's unconstitutional executive amnesty will not be stopped. It cannot be any clearer that this outcome is what establishment Republican politicians wanted and planned for all along.

                As I commented on November 21, Boehner's speech condemning Barry's executive amnesty plans was only cheap talk intended to pacify public outrage. This is now proven, and sets the stage for what can be expected from the Republican party during the last 2 years of Barry's unconstitutional reign.

                A very disappointed Dave Brat said of the amendment's rejection, "Republicans are going to lose the American people if we don't draw some stark red lines and stick to them, because they're going to think we're playing the same old game." Of course anyone with a brain will know that as a certainty, Dave, and not just think it's the "same old game."
                Last edited by BroMikey; 12-12-2014, 08:03 PM.


                • Caving in or Winner Takes ALL

                  Associated Press

                  (AP) – Time running short, Republicans and Democrats agreed Tuesday on a $1.1 trillion spending bill to avoid a government shutdown and delay a politically-charged struggle over President Barack Obama’s new immigration policy until the new year.

                  In an unexpected move, lawmakers also agreed on legislation expected to be incorporated into the spending measure that will permit a reduction in benefits for current retirees at economically distressed multiemployer pension plans. Supporters said it was part of an effort to prevent a slow-motion collapse of a system that provides retirement income to millions, but critics objected vehemently.

                  There was no immediate reaction from the White House to the bill.

                  At 1,603 pages, the spending bill adheres to strict caps negotiated earlier between the White House and deficit- conscious Republicans, and is also salted with GOP policy proposals. As described by unhappy liberals, one would roll back new regulations that prohibit banks from using federal deposit insurance to cover investments on some complex financial instruments.

                  FAX BLAST SPECIAL: Take Action! Shock the Washington establishment by participating in the “No More Red Ink” campaign. Fax Blast all 535 members of Congress demanding they vote “NO!” on increasing taxes and out of control spending.

                  Elsewhere, there were trade-offs. Republicans won a $60 million cut at the Environmental Protection Agency, and said the agency’s workforce would be reduced to the lowest level since 1989. Democrats emerged with increases for enforcement activities at the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

                  “The federal government’s going to run out of money in two days. … We’ve been trying to work with Republican leaders to avoid a shutdown,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada said at midafternoon as final negotiations dragged on.

                  Speaker John Boehner said he hoped for a vote on the measure on Thursday, and officials expressed confidence they could overcome opposition from tea party-backed Republicans and avoid a government shutdown.

                  House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued a statement that said she was hopeful her rank and file could support the bill, but needed to review the final language.

                  Senate approval would then be required to send it to Obama – one of the final acts of a two-year Congress far better known for gridlock than for accomplishment.

                  Not only a two-year Congress, but also a political era was drawing to a close as the lights burned late inside the Capitol on a December night.

                  For the first time in eight years, Republicans will have a Senate majority in January after their hugely successful midterm election, and newly elected GOP senators-elect participated in closed-door strategy sessions during the day.

                  Before time runs out on his majority, Reid said he wanted to assure confirmation of nine more of Obama’s judicial nominees and approve the appointment of Vivek Murthy as surgeon general.

                  Also on Congress’ must-do list is legislation to renew a series of expiring tax breaks, and a bill to authorize the Pentagon to train and equip Syrian rebels to fight Islamic State forces in the Middle East.

                  The compromise spending bill will permit virtually the entire government to operate normally through the Sept. 30 end of the fiscal year, with the exception of the Department of Homeland Security.

                  Funds for that one agency will run out again on Feb. 27, when Republicans are expected to try and use the expiration as leverage to force Obama to roll back a decision suspending the threat of deportation for an estimated 4 million immigrants living in the country illegally.

                  Not all Republicans agreed with the strategy of postponing a fight over immigration. Some conservative lawmakers demanded a change deny the use of federal funds to carry out the president’s new policy.

                  Earlier in the day, House Republicans removed one obstacle to passage of the spending measure by announcing they would pass legislation separately to renew a requirement for the federal government to assume some of the insurance risk in losses arising from terrorism.

                  In talks with Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., Republicans led by Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas., agreed to the renewal, but said they wanted to roll back portions of the 2010 Dodd-Frank law that tightened federal regulation on the financial sector.

                  The stand-alone bill seemed likely to clear the House, but its fate in the Senate was uncertain.

                  The pension-related talks between Rep. John Kline, R-Min., and George Miller, D-Calif., were designed to preserve benefits of current and future retirees at lower levels than currently exist, but higher than they would be if their pension funds ran out of money.

                  “We have a plan here that first and foremost works for the members of the unions, the workers in these companies and it works for the companies,” said Miller, retiring at year’s end after four decades in Congress.

                  The AARP, which claims to represent millions of retirement-age Americans, attacked the agreement as a “secret, last-minute closed door deal between a group of companies, unions and Washington politicians to cut the retirement benefits that have been promised to them.”

                  Also driving the talks was concern over the financial fate of the fund that insures multiemployer pensions at the government’s Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. The agency said in its most recent annual report that the fund’s deficit rose to $42.2 billion in the fiscal year ending Sept, 30, up from $8.3 billion the previous year, and that the likelihood of its bankruptcy is 90 percent by 2025.

                  Agency figures show as many as 1.5 million retirees could be affected by any change in law to permit a reduction. An estimated 400,000 of them receive benefits from the Teamsters’ Central States Pension Fund.

                  News from The Associated Press
                  - See more at: Boehner Caves to King Barry; Reaches Budget Deal That Funds Obamacare, Amnesty - Tea Party News


                  • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                    This gets to the heart of the problem.
                    If you can't offer people a safe store of value,
                    they have no reason to produce an excess.
                    The Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service (CDARS),
                    is a US for-profit service that breaks up large deposits (from individuals,
                    companies, nonprofits, public funds, etc.) and places them across
                    a network of more than 3000 banks and savings associations around the United States.
                    This allows depositors to deal with a single bank that participates in CDARS but avoid
                    having funds above the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) deposit insurance limits in any one bank.

                    Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    CDARS – Where to Find



                    • Very interesting Aljhoa,,, CDARS
                      Wiki; "The Bank of New York Mellon provides issuance, custody, settlement, and recordkeeping services for the CDARS network.[6]"
                      "Bank of New York Mellon Corp. must face a lawsuit by the New York Attorney General that accuses the world’s largest custody bank of defrauding clients in foreign-exchange transactions. "

                      Paul Craig Roberts always has something interesting to say;
                      ** On the Brink of War and Economic Collapse** :* Information Clearing House - ICH
                      Gordon Duff claims that the actions in Syria are executed by a gang of criminals.
                      Gordon Duff at Syria Terror Conference | Veterans Today
                      Last edited by Danny B; 12-15-2014, 01:57 AM. Reason: more info


                      • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                        Gordon Duff claims that the actions in Syria are executed by a gang of criminals.
                        Gordon Duff at Syria Terror Conference | Veterans Today
                        Here is transcript of this Historic Keynote Address by Gordon Duff
                        at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremist Conference held in Damascus, Syria first week of December, 2014.
                        Gaps are where his speech was translated to listeners.

                        Gordon Duff: Too many people have died for people to continue speaking in terms that are unclear and just not speaking the truth.

                        It’s time we simply said what we know, whether it’s classified information or not.
                        All of you have seen the results of what we’re saying.

                        What we’re saying will fit what has happened here and what facts you’ve been able to bring out…

                        Our hypothesis is based on solid information, solid research on the ground, using human signals intelligence from our extensive capabilities.

                        We don’t guess.

                        We know what we’re talking about here.

                        Their motivation is largely economic.

                        They’re a criminal organization but they are part of a worldwide criminal organization.

                        And they’re here in your territory, taking your things – your factories, your lives, your people – for the enrichment of a specific group of people who need to be held to account.

                        It’s almost as though it’s a police problem.

                        This is crime.

                        This terrorism you’re suffering is worldwide crime on a scale we have never seen before.
                        There has never been anything like this.

                        Gordon Duff: I appreciate your statements and I recognize the truth and honesty of what you were saying but I do believe there are areas of misunderstanding how the United States works politically.

                        And this is a problem, a tremendous problem in the Middle East and one of the things that’s driven us here is it’s very difficult to understand what has happened as far as Israeli control of American politics and I will, as succinctly as possible, I will explain this to you.

                        Gordon Duff: In 2005, the Supreme Court of the United States had a decision on a case called Citizens United.
                        The decision of the Supreme Court legalized unlimited corporate bribery.

                        This turned control of the Congress of the United States over to human traffickers, narcotics traffickers and in particular, the most powerful individual in the United States today is a gambling boss named Sheldon Adelson, an Israeli citizen who fled the US living in Macau.

                        He spent over one billion dollars in the last election and bought control of both Houses of Congress.

                        Now Senator John McCain, the father of al Nusra, the father of ISIS, will be running US legislative and military foreign policy.

                        Gordon Duff: American generals like General McInerny and General Paul Vallely, specialists in psychological warfare, helped organize Daish.

                        They have traveled in and out of your country here, Syria, over and over, as had Senator John McCain.

                        Meeting with al Qaeda – an organization created by the American, Saudi and Israeli Defense Forces and Intelligence Services.

                        Gordon Duff: Only a week ago, the US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, resigned.

                        Chuck Hagel was the individual that stopped the United States from bombing Syria over the false flag gas attacks near Aleppo.

                        Gordon Duff: It was our organization here that supplied the intelligence that stopped those attacks.

                        Gordon Duff: It’s our goal here, while we are here,
                        to try to establish a method of communication that will allow Syria and
                        other nations within the area to understand Israel’s control of the US,
                        the control of the US by organized crime and
                        how the US government is subservient to a worldwide criminal organization.

                        Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World | Veterans Today


                        • Is the Sh** about to "hit the fan?"

                          Certainly people at the Federal Reserve Board and the US Treasury Department are expecting something really nasty to happen. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is seeking “survival kits for its employees.” These include emergency food supplies, blankets, water purifiers etc.
                          This is definitely not the sort of stuff used in run of the mill financial crises. Another sign of the banksters prepping for trouble is the fact that the Chicago Branch of the Federal Reserve Board has bricked up its windows! Clearly they are expecting violence to erupt. Since they have talked openly in the past about confiscating people’s bank accounts, it may be that they are getting ready for the riots that would certainly follow such a move. See minute 15 of this video for a picture of the bricked up windows:
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                            Certainly people at the Federal Reserve Board and the US Treasury Department are expecting something really nasty to happen. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is seeking “survival kits for its employees.” These include emergency food supplies, blankets, water purifiers etc.
                            This is definitely not the sort of stuff used in run of the mill financial crises. Another sign of the banksters prepping for trouble is the fact that the Chicago Branch of the Federal Reserve Board has bricked up its windows! Clearly they are expecting violence to erupt. Since they have talked openly in the past about confiscating people’s bank accounts, it may be that they are getting ready for the riots that would certainly follow such a move. See minute 15 of this video for a picture of the bricked up windows:
                            Hans Zimmer - Time



                            • Originally posted by BroMikey
                              This way a person has more time to get ready in their hearts to meet the KING of TPTB.

                              Aquater 2050 is a concept for a new way of life based on the ocean. It includes a life-sustaining, energy producing watercraft (a SEMAN) that gathers energy from wind, waves, and sun by it’s special equipment and then stores the energy for sale to people on the land. It also has a unique design that keeps the craft from rolling in the waves, making travel more pleasant and energy harvesting on the sea possible. It has hydroponic components that can grow food on the sea, and reverse osmosis components to create potable water.

                              About Aquater 2050



                              • Ruling Class ethics

                                The RULERS of AMERICA are not from here. TPTB. They hate religion all except worship of some twisted horned God with a goats head. These people revere Allister Crowley who can be seen on the Beatles Albums and many other world renown groups. They want to adopt the method of doing away with folks like China has.

                                I think it was Nixon who first liked the idea. Mobile Execution death Vans for organ harvesting. ISIS is only the beginning of heads rolling over seas. The Americans will see the day when the mobile vans operate in this great land of the free and home of the brave.

                                Well we ain't so brave anymore.

                                Children are accused every year of wrongful crimes as a means of black market organ harvesting.

                                ISIS wants the heads of loving God Fearing Christians that are cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Their God forgives and shows kindness which is a weakness in the minds of our rulers.

                                These stupid Americans want THE BLOOD? We will give them some Blood is their mental response.

                                Last edited by BroMikey; 12-17-2014, 08:08 AM.

