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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
    I have noticed that several posts made lately appear to be focusing on religious topics. Several times in the past I have made it clear that all religious topics should be posted to an existing religious thread, or to a new one of your choosing instead of this one, and am once again politely requesting that those who post herein refrain from such posts. This is the wrong thread for presenting religious beliefs and Bible lessons, or for arguing why one or another religion or religious sect is right or wrong, or denouncing any one else's religious belief or non-belief. Also please refrain from posting any material which is not suitable for readers of all ages, including young children. As founder of this thread, I would ask those who have made any such posts to locate and delete them so as to comply with this and previous requests, and thank you in advance for your respectful cooperation and compliance.

    I have removed all religious posts and will address this in my own thread.
    You can not separate religious views from The ruling class. It is not an American Ruling Class. It is a "Ruling Class" world wide.

    I respect your right to send me away from your thread.

    I went back and removed JIHAD, posts, Shiva posts, Sharia Posts, Catholic Pope's, Jewish posts, Buddhist posts and except for one or two I have removed myself from your thread at your request.

    Thanks for hearing me this long Rick, you did hear me out and I respect that from an atheist.

    Sincerely, Mikey I'LL be right hear in another thread Called "NO AMERICAN RULING CLASS"

    The way I see you Rick is as an atheistic College grad who presents himself as this super Mr Politically correct hiding in the news, thinking you are a self made man because you can afford some things. To me this makes you sedate.

    Your trying to make some of these posts with the bird finger up into something bad for children is a joke. Children are permitted and engage in every vile act. You must find somethings to pick at in the other person so you can belittle them. Because you must be and do everything perfect.

    Well this is your presentation. Ever so gentle and right, always.

    The Rick post before bedtime complete with yawning as you pick out some text that doesn't mean anything, yet you see it as really important but you are not sure why. It5 comforts you to be so right about the news and showing how we are RULING THE WORLD here in America.

    That is just not the way it is, but it is a sleep time message for those those believe it, I guess.

    My whole family is the same way. The majority are you know.

    Then reject all of the important documents. It's like you don't see them, never a comment.

    That is because you have left out the spiritual aspect of mankind in every nation including America. So this makes judging events and people as to why things are going the way they are, impossible.

    I have reached out to you Rick. I came here knowing that you might run me off and did not plan it all out. I wasn't really sure what your reaction would be to the truth.

    Anyway it is not your truth, you have made that clear.

    You didn't say remove all of the religious posts even tho I did.

    You came on here and said "Remove anything to do with the Bible.

    There is a big difference.

    I will not be back to your thread.
    Last edited by BroMikey; 02-05-2015, 10:51 AM.


    • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
      I have removed all religious posts and will address this in my own thread.
      Thanks for complying with my request. I appreciate that and hope others will do the same.

      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
      You can not separate religious views from The ruling class.
      I can, I do, and simply request that others do the same when posting in this thread.

      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
      It is not an American Ruling Class. It is a "Ruling Class" world wide.

      We certainly do have an American Ruling Class in this country, and though that is the title of this thread, I have made it well known throughout the thread that there is a world wide Ruling Class and cited many examples. As a late arrival, you probably did not read earlier posts and did not realize that.

      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
      I respect your right to send me away from your thread.

      My previous post made no demand that you leave this thread, and did not single you out. It was a request to all those who post here to refrain from posting certain subjects which are better stated elsewhere. All are welcome here who post on topic and in a polite manner.

      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
      Thanks for hearing me this long Rick, you did hear me out and I respect that from an atheist.

      Requesting that certain subjects, including religious ones, not be discussed herein has absolutely nothing to do with being an atheist. My reason for repeatedly making this request is that religious posts invariably lead to argumentative exchanges which devolve into a war of words and personal attacks which detract from the thread and cause readers to
      become disgusted and leave. As I suggested in my previous post, there is a better place to post religious discourses and viewpoints in an existing thread here at energetic forum, and that would be the Bible thread. You would probably regret tagging me as an atheist if you were to read posts that I made in that thread in answer to a true atheist. Look here and here.

      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
      The way I see you Rick is as an atheistic College grad who presents himself as this super Mr Politically correct hiding in the news, thinking you are a self made man because you can afford some things. To me this makes you sedate.
      You're welcome to form your own opinion about me. While incorrectly assuming that I am an atheist, you are correct about me being a college graduate. Actually I graduated with dual majors in business administration and computer science. I don't flaunt that achievement, and in fact don't even remember stating that before at energetic forum. Neither do I speak of anything I have worked for as somehow making me more important than anyone else. I openly share my knowledge with anyone who will listen, and if you think that reading my posts has been a waste of your time then you are certainly free to think that way. What I have posted in this thread is far from being the "official" or politically correct version of the events that have affected our world and our nation, and you won't find any of this stated in the lamestream media, unless it was some nonsense that I reported having seen in MSM and wanted to debunk.

      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
      Your trying to make some of these posts with the bird finger up into something bad for children is a joke. Children are permitted and engage in every vile act. You must find somethings to pick at in the other person so you can belittle them. Because you must be and do everything perfect.
      Mikey, the further you go into your post the more it sounds like a personal attack, and I can't understand your reasoning for this. I don't mean to belittle you, and have never said anything to you that could be so construed. When I requested that users refrain from posting material not suitable for young readers, I think that most folks who visit this thread would agree. I don't know if you have, or have had, any young children live with you, but I do know that conscientious parents who care about the material their children are reading would likely frown upon them reading posts having to do with sexual depravity, the labeling of non-heterosexual people as homos, or derogatory comments focused against certain religions of which the child, or an adult, might belong to. This just isn't the place for that sort of thing.

      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
      I have reached out to you Rick. I came here knowing that you might run me off and did not plan it all out. I wasn't really sure what your reaction would be to the truth.
      No one is running you off the thread, Mikey. Just asking that all posters be respectful of others and use common sense in posting articles that are appropriate for readers both young and old.

      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
      You didn't say remove all of the religious posts even tho I did. You came on here and said "Remove anything to do with the Bible." There is a big difference.
      No, Mikey, you have quoted me incorrectly. That is not at all what I said. What I did say was, "
      This is the wrong thread for presenting religious beliefs and Bible lessons, or for arguing why one or another religion or religious sect is right or wrong, or denouncing any one else's religious belief or non-belief."

      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
      I will not be back to your thread.

      Sorry to hear that, Mikey. I think that you could offer some valuable contributing posts here if my content requests are complied with. It's up to you whether or not you wish to do that. If you do start another thread then I wish you luck with it and hope that others will respect your opinions.

      Best regards,

      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • gods plans?

        World Events 2015?



        • Guess who

          Can you guess who the fellow is in the photo shown below?

          Might be tough, unless you notice the swastika between his eyebrows. This is none other than an 80 year old Charles Manson. The 27 year old woman with him is his fiancee, and she wants to marry Charlie so that when he dies she can claim and put his body on display in a glass coffin and charge an admission price for people to see it. Pretty sick, huh? Maybe not as sick as Charlie, though. According to those who know him, Charlie thinks that he is immortal and will never die. I wonder what it has cost us taxpayers to incarcerate Charlie all these years, rather than executing him. Anyone have an idea? Of course Charlie never actually murdered anyone that we know of. He simply told his sick band of followers to do that and they obliged quite willingly. It's pretty much the same, when you think about it, as the events that took place on 9/11. Some sicko wanted it done, and convinced his followers that it was the right thing to do. The only difference, really, is in the number of victims who were murdered, and the fact that this sicko and his followers never served a day behind bars for their crimes.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
            The 27 year old woman with him is his fiancee, and she wants to marry Charlie so that when he dies she can claim and put his body on display in a glass coffin and charge an admission price for people to see it. Pretty sick, huh?

            So what, its no diff. than half the earth worshiping a Jew nailed to a cross.

            Religions big or small are based in ignorance, greater or lesser.

            Satanists, muslims etc etc. all diff. flavors of the same mental insanity.

            Stuff him and mount him and let his satanist followers pray to him. Who gives a flying hoot in Hades.


            • I thought it was that old Manson charisma that attracted airheads from miles around. She looks just like one of his early followers.
              I was part of a video crew who did an interview with him back in the '80's. His tat was much fresher then, and his eyes were crazed. He gave me the willies.


              • Originally posted by Ted Ewert View Post
                I thought it was that old Manson charisma that attracted airheads from miles around. She looks just like one of his early followers.
                I was part of a video crew who did an interview with him back in the '80's. His tat was much fresher then, and his eyes were crazed. He gave me the willies.


                thanks for the inspiration for me to create that pic<<<


                • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                  Will you continue to support such evil?

                  This is an important question to ask, because it reveals the depth of the spell and the strength of the grip that these psychopaths have over the entire planet. You should by now have realized why no decent person ever wins in politics, why that is such a fundamental impossibility, and why politics is always absolutely corrupted by scruple-free psychopaths. That's right, you're ruled by people who will callously have you thrown in a cage if you resist them, and then blame you for what they did to you. And most people literally can't think about not abiding this.

                  So, when you ask yourself why there aren't any decent candidates (that don't end up lying once in power), when you tell yourself "I don't understand why Congress did this, or the President did that", when you're baffled that politicians didn't do as promised, when you plainly see that what they're doing is evil, when they order people to be treated like garbage, when they have others murdered with brutal violence, when you can't for the life of you comprehend "why would anyone of these wonderful people do such a thing"...

                  ...when you ask yourself these questions, now you know the answer. It's because they're psychopaths and you're not. You can't conceive that anyone would these things because you're decent, but they're not. They can calmly tell you what you want to hear while they ream you in the ass, and then they'll gaslight you into believing that the courtesy rape session was consensual. That is fundamentally the kind of people they are, choreographed displays of charm notwithstanding.


                  Would You Vote for a Psychopath?

                  Hillary about GMO



                  • Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
           - Explosion in Donetsk

                    This video was taken from approximately 15 miles away

                    This is claimed to be a picture of it from space

                    This was a massive explosion but little about it has been in the news. There have been claims that it was caused by a factory blowing up while under shell fire but that does not seem to be quite right to me. A factory blowing up, or even an ammo dump would likely cause a succession of explosions and not a single event such as this.

                    The following video shows a huge crater that is not in a factory environment that was supposed to be caused by the explosion. It is in a forest area close to the factory Although I dont agree with all they say, at least they are talking about it. My personal opinion is that it may have been a tactical nuke. We know the wast has been provoking Russia and that Russia has said that they will use nukes if the west supplies the Ukraine with weapons. Not much of this has been talked about in the media. Could it be that Putin set off a tactical nuke? It was exploded in pro Russian territory so as not to be an act of aggression towards the west but is a clear warning that Russia will use nukes.

                    I think the warning was read and understood by many EU countries as they have now agreed to work with Russia since this event.

                    What do you think?
                    What's going on in Russia right now? : videos




                    • Not solving the problems

                      Here is a quote from a recent article at "The Automatic Earth" Behind The Global - Game Of - Thrones - The Automatic Earth

                      I think it addresses a lot of issues, whether it be these "trade agreements" or Greece's plight.

                      "We, as in mankind, the human species, didn’t develop to have just a few of us take decisions for hundreds of millions of us. It is simply too much for our brains to comprehend, and that is true for both the brains of the rulers and of the ruled. For some of us, though, the brains developed in such a way that they are geared towards seeking maximum power over others. Those people are called sociopaths or psychopaths, depending on the case.

                      "We’re not going to solve this the way we are. We need a much deeper and more comprehensive change to how we’ve organized our societies. Syriza understand this, and they’re acting on it, but they can’t do it alone, and besides their priority must be the Greek population, not the systems that are strangling the world, because that’s what they were voted into office for. We need to support them much more than we have so far, or both their fight and ours will end in defeat.

                      "Supranational organizations will all tend towards developing dictatorial traits, both because of their very structures, and because of the type of people they attract to rise in their ranks.

                      "I’m by no means the only one to say that NATO should be disbanded, Ron Paul made a passionate speech about it in 2008. The problem is that if NATO is not disbanded, it will run amok (it already has). NATO’s purpose was to defend Europe from the Soviet Union’s communist threat. When Russia was no longer a threat, some 25 years ago, the whole apparatus was still left intact, albeit with a few budget cuts, and so NATO went looking for a purpose. I give you: Ukraine.

                      "Whether it’s NATO, or the IMF, or the EU, they’re all part of the same problem. A problem that won’t be solved as long as these institutions are in place. That is not possible. They are organizations that find their purpose in NOT solving problems, because once they’re solves, they no longer have a reason to exist. And they’re not going to volunteer to become obsolete. They’re going to find a reason to find relevance, even if that hurts whoever it is they’re supposed to represent.

                      "We’re never ever going to find a solution to problems like Ukraine or the Eurozone, because we’ve – all over the world – allowed an alphabet soup of institutions to build up that we have no control over, and that we claim can and will solve the issues for us.

                      "We have put the sociopaths in charge, in an international and largely anonymous dictatorship. Who really pulls the levers in the IMF, or NATO etc? We have no way of knowing. And that’s the problem. And that is what Syriza, and precious few besides them, are set to fight. And why they deserve – and need – our support. Because if they don’t win, we don’t."


                      • Driven by fear

                        My opinion is these sociopaths and psychopaths are driven by fears such as fear of death, fear of pain, fear of powerlessness, etc. Using that as a guideline or ecosystem, they are going to act in a certain way and it is seems rather predictable. Other people with their own ghosts will act out of fear of them. In other words, fearful people fighting each other because they are driven by fear. Now, enter Master Kane of Kung Fu. (1970's) Conquer fear, master your destiny. Something to think about. Live well and let the powers of evil destroy each other. Or, something like that. Putin will not go away without his piece of flesh. Iraq, Libya and now Ukraine. Is there a pattern there?
                        There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                        • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                          Here is a quote from a recent article at "The Automatic Earth" Behind The Global - Game Of - Thrones - The Automatic Earth

                          I think it addresses a lot of issues, whether it be these "trade agreements" or Greece's plight.

                          "We, as in mankind, the human species, didn’t develop to have just a few of us take decisions for hundreds of millions of us. It is simply too much for our brains to comprehend, and that is true for both the brains of the rulers and of the ruled. For some of us, though, the brains developed in such a way that they are geared towards seeking maximum power over others. Those people are called sociopaths or psychopaths, depending on the case.

                          "We’re not going to solve this the way we are. We need a much deeper and more comprehensive change to how we’ve organized our societies. Syriza understand this, and they’re acting on it, but they can’t do it alone, and besides their priority must be the Greek population, not the systems that are strangling the world, because that’s what they were voted into office for. We need to support them much more than we have so far, or both their fight and ours will end in defeat.

                          "Supranational organizations will all tend towards developing dictatorial traits, both because of their very structures, and because of the type of people they attract to rise in their ranks.

                          "I’m by no means the only one to say that NATO should be disbanded, Ron Paul made a passionate speech about it in 2008. The problem is that if NATO is not disbanded, it will run amok (it already has). NATO’s purpose was to defend Europe from the Soviet Union’s communist threat. When Russia was no longer a threat, some 25 years ago, the whole apparatus was still left intact, albeit with a few budget cuts, and so NATO went looking for a purpose. I give you: Ukraine.

                          "Whether it’s NATO, or the IMF, or the EU, they’re all part of the same problem. A problem that won’t be solved as long as these institutions are in place. That is not possible. They are organizations that find their purpose in NOT solving problems, because once they’re solves, they no longer have a reason to exist. And they’re not going to volunteer to become obsolete. They’re going to find a reason to find relevance, even if that hurts whoever it is they’re supposed to represent.

                          "We’re never ever going to find a solution to problems like Ukraine or the Eurozone, because we’ve – all over the world – allowed an alphabet soup of institutions to build up that we have no control over, and that we claim can and will solve the issues for us.

                          "We have put the sociopaths in charge, in an international and largely anonymous dictatorship. Who really pulls the levers in the IMF, or NATO etc? We have no way of knowing. And that’s the problem. And that is what Syriza, and precious few besides them, are set to fight. And why they deserve – and need – our support. Because if they don’t win, we don’t."
                          The entire system has been pre-empted by, first, the wrong kind of organizations, second, the wrong kind of people, and third, the wrong kind of multinational corporations. As in, Wall Street banks, Big Oil, Big Ag -including Monsanto and Sygenta – and a few handfuls of the likes of GE, Boeing, a bunch of carmakers, plus Halliburton etc. They control the planet, they send us to war, they decide what does and does not go. And we’re not going to get rid of them until and unless we realize, loudly and screamingly, that they must go or else.
                          Behind The Global - Game Of - Thrones - The Automatic Earth

                          Arthur Rothstein Going to church to pray for rain, Grassy Butte, North Dakota Jul 1936



                          • Россия подготавливает выпуск доказательств причастности американского правительства и спецслужб к атаке 11 сентября.
                            ??? ?????? ????????????? ?????????? ??????????? ???? ???????? 9/11 - ??????.??

                            Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11



                            • GOV gave me my rights,,, didn't you know?

                              CUOMO: Our rights do not come from God. That’s your faith. That’s my faith, but not our country. Our laws come from the collective agreement and compromise.

                              MOORE: It’s not a matter of faith, sir. It’s a matter of organic law, which states, ‘We hold these truths to be held equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ And the only role of government is stated in the next sentence is to secure those rights for us. The government starts taking those rights away from us, then it’s not securing and it is defiling the whole purpose of government.
                              CNN?s Cuomo: 'Our Rights Do Not Come from God' - Breitbart


                              • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                                CUOMO: Our rights do not come from God. That’s your faith. That’s my faith, but not our country. Our laws come from the collective agreement and compromise.

                                MOORE: It’s not a matter of faith, sir. It’s a matter of organic law, which states, ‘We hold these truths to be held equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ And the only role of government is stated in the next sentence is to secure those rights for us. The government starts taking those rights away from us, then it’s not securing and it is defiling the whole purpose of government.
                                CNN?s Cuomo: 'Our Rights Do Not Come from God' - Breitbart
                                The quote of Justice Roy Moore that you see in text at the above linked website, and which you copied and pasted to your post, is incorrect. What Moore actually stated was an exact quote from the Declaration of Independence's second sentence, which should read, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

                                Moore's argument, that our unalienable rights do come from a Creator (a God) is indisputable if we accept the Declaration of Independence and Constitution as our founding legal documents and the supreme law of the land. To accept Cuomo's statement that "Our rights do not come from God," one would have to reject the Declaration of Independence and Constitution as non-binding. And to accept Cuomo's theory that laws created by men can render anything stated in the Declaration, or the Bill of Rights, as being overruled by a judicial opinion, or a legislated statute, is total nonsense. Further, our rights as stated in the Bill of Rights (the first ten Amendments to the Constitution) are not right created by man that can be diminished or taken away by legislators or judges. The so-called Bill of Rights would more appropriately have been named the Bill of Prohibitions, because everything stated therein prohibits the federal government from doing anything which violates what is stated. The tenth Amendment makes it very clear that the only powers which the federal government has are those which are expressly enumerated by the States within the Constitution, and that all other powers reside with the States, and ultimately the People of each State. Moore was absolutely correct when he said that the only purpose of government is to secure and protect our rights.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

