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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by Shamus View Post
    The so-called health care reform passed. Well, this was a "must-be" as they call it in the upper circles of power, so I'm not surprised at all that it passed. All I can say is, you ain't seen nothing yet.
    All I can say is, you ain't seen nothing yet.
    This is for certain. Although the meaning and definition is open ended. The people must understand that this perceived fallacy of correcting everything at the ballot box is one big joke in the political circles.

    If the 3% wait much longer there may be no recovery at all and it will be left to evolution and time to clean itsself and start over in the full circle of things. If not corrected now it could indeed be 50-75 years for a self correction and then who knows if enough sanity will be left to understand what is to be obtained.

    "THEY" now feel they have the momentum to pull off everything "THEY" want and I also am sure that the next year will be critical in the survival of the (Free) United States.

    If enough are left that can think for themselves one has to decide if their remaining years are worth it to save what we have degraded to. I myself now question if its worth saving and maybe it is best left to allow the free-loaders, takers and dumbed down to savor in their so called victory.


    • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
      This is for certain. Although the meaning and definition is open ended. The people must understand that this perceived fallacy of correcting everything at the ballot box is one big joke in the political circles.

      If the 3% wait much longer there may be no recovery at all and it will be left to evolution and time to clean itsself and start over in the full circle of things. If not corrected now it could indeed be 50-75 years for a self correction and then who knows if enough sanity will be left to understand what is to be obtained.

      "THEY" now feel they have the momentum to pull off everything "THEY" want and I also am sure that the next year will be critical in the survival of the (Free) United States.

      If enough are left that can think for themselves one has to decide if their remaining years are worth it to save what we have degraded to. I myself now question if its worth saving and maybe it is best left to allow the free-loaders, takers and dumbed down to savor in their so called victory.
      LAWS are only are good as the ability to enforce them. I will NOT COMPLY as a protest to this communist socialist agenda, AND many others in great numbers will NOT COMPLY either. Join the resistance!!! FORCE THEM TO ENFORCE IT ON THE MASSES ...THEY CAN'T WE OUT NUMBER THEM 1000's to 1

      "ANY LAW THAT ABRIDGES THESE RIGHTS IS NULL AND VOID" US CONSTITUTION...its not to be complied with.....Good Day 24


      • Originally posted by 1NRG24Seven View Post
        LAWS are only are good as the ability to enforce them. I will NOT COMPLY as a protest to this communist socialist agenda, AND many others in great numbers will NOT COMPLY either. Join the resistance!!! FORCE THEM TO ENFORCE IT ON THE MASSES ...THEY CAN'T WE OUT NUMBER THEM 1000's to 1

        "ANY LAW THAT ABRIDGES THESE RIGHTS IS NULL AND VOID" US CONSTITUTION...its not to be complied with.....Good Day 24
        I hope you are not missing the primary factor in you belief that a law is only as good as the ability to enforce it. That fact is that unless the resistive mass exceeds a particular level "Resistance is Futile". It can get very lonely in one of those military based "Opposition Camps" without critical mass.


        • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
          I hope you are not missing the primary factor in you belief that a law is only as good as the ability to enforce it. That fact is that unless the resistive mass exceeds a particular level "Resistance is Futile". It can get very lonely in one of those military based "Opposition Camps" without critical mass.
          I am a man of principle Doc, not one to follow fear or make discissions based on a fear. If I was the only one in that critical be it, better DEAD then red. But truth be known the truth movement is much larger then your TV god has told you or tried to convince you otherwise of. TURN OFF THE MIND CONTROL TV TUBE AND GET UNPLUGGED FROM THEIR MATRIX, there is NO LIFE on TV whatsoever. Otherwise your opinions and fears will be formed by the ruling class for you, and feed to you VIA the BOOB TUBE....why ya think they call it "TV PROGRAMMING"...YOUR the one being programmed. Its time to wake up from the dream they have created and be free.....but thats just my take on it all, follow your fears if you wish.



          • Originally posted by 1NRG24Seven View Post
            I am a man of principle Doc, not one to follow fear or make discissions based on a fear. If I was the only one in that critical be it, better DEAD then red. But truth be known the truth movement is much larger then your TV god has told you or tried to convince you otherwise of. TURN OFF THE MIND CONTROL TV TUBE AND GET UNPLUGGED FROM THEIR MATRIX, there is NO LIFE on TV whatsoever. Otherwise your opinions and fears will be formed by the ruling class for you, and feed to you VIA the BOOB TUBE....why ya think they call it "TV PROGRAMMING"...YOUR the one being programmed. Its time to wake up from the dream they have created and be free.....but thats just my take on it all, follow your fears if you wish.

            Very true statements INRG but calm down!
            You can choose to be irate or settle in total control of your being. The ruling class are no dummy's. Shallow yes, but they have a focus and cannot be easily deterred. They do have controls in place to prevent a real uprising. Nutrition and TV are the gifts that keep on giving.
            Now that you know what you want, explore P.A.T.H.S


            • Originally posted by 1NRG24Seven View Post
              I am a man of principle Doc, not one to follow fear or make discissions based on a fear. If I was the only one in that critical be it, better DEAD then red. But truth be known the truth movement is much larger then your TV god has told you or tried to convince you otherwise of. TURN OFF THE MIND CONTROL TV TUBE AND GET UNPLUGGED FROM THEIR MATRIX, there is NO LIFE on TV whatsoever. Otherwise your opinions and fears will be formed by the ruling class for you, and feed to you VIA the BOOB TUBE....why ya think they call it "TV PROGRAMMING"...YOUR the one being programmed. Its time to wake up from the dream they have created and be free.....but thats just my take on it all, follow your fears if you wish.

              Your taking what I am saying out of context or totally missing what I am saying.

              For one thing I am a bit more knowledgeable than you might imply and it is not from the so called 'TV Programming' you talk about. Yes indeed I watch the pundits, I can't get enough of how great the economy is growing and the new health control bill is like Xmas to the free-lunch crowd. Hey you have to see what they are saying in order to understand how screwed their rhetoric is.

              Now for the masses, well if the polls, and the ones I speak of are from both sides, state that 70% of the people did not want the health controls, then if 70% is not a critical mass, you and I are (SCREWED). You are damn lucky to get a 51% and much has been done on less (look a actual voter turn outs).

              Now I ask a question, when the personnel carrier pulls up 300 yards from your house armed with 50 cal's and lets toss in a few launchers, yeah you will be dead and they will not even think it was anything but target practice.

              My gut says we can not offer resistance unless the military backs the action.

              Anyway that is enough of that, but don't think I'm some scared loser here....


              • I hope that no one here feels that we are defeated because of what happened with ObamaCare. Although we put up a good fight, we more or less expected the outcome, and that Obama, Pelosi, and Reed would ram this down the throats of the American people by any means necessary to accomplish their goals.

                Now that this is done, though actually not over, it is time to think ahead as to what needs to be done next. I read an article written yesterday by Matt Kibbe, of Freedom Works, that offers some good advice, and suggest this as pertinent reading material. You can find it here:

                Wake Up, There Is Work to Do! | FreedomWorks

                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Originally posted by DrStiffler View Post
                  Your taking what I am saying out of context or totally missing what I am saying.

                  For one thing I am a bit more knowledgeable than you might imply and it is not from the so called 'TV Programming' you talk about. Yes indeed I watch the pundits, I can't get enough of how great the economy is growing and the new health control bill is like Xmas to the free-lunch crowd. Hey you have to see what they are saying in order to understand how screwed their rhetoric is.

                  Now for the masses, well if the polls, and the ones I speak of are from both sides, state that 70% of the people did not want the health controls, then if 70% is not a critical mass, you and I are (SCREWED). You are damn lucky to get a 51% and much has been done on less (look a actual voter turn outs).

                  Now I ask a question, when the personnel carrier pulls up 300 yards from your house armed with 50 cal's and lets toss in a few launchers, yeah you will be dead and they will not even think it was anything but target practice.

                  My gut says we can not offer resistance unless the military backs the action.

                  Anyway that is enough of that, but don't think I'm some scared loser here....
                  Well Doc don't take it personally I just used it as an opportunity to vent a little, it just frosts my coconuts if you know what I mean. I know your smarter than the average bear and most likely see through like you stated all their twisted rhetoric and thinking. But would like to remind everyone that less than 10% of the people were for standing up against the Red Coats when this great Nation was founded. Critical mass at that time was less than 10%. And I realize we have a different situation today in this modern world of ours but consider the signs for a moment. These elitists globalist are trying to do everything all at once on us, which to me is a sign they are running scared it might slip away from their final plans for world domination and globalisation. In large part due to all the information people have access like forums as these. The only way they can pull it off is if they do so very quickly. So I see them jumping the gun which is a sign to me they are grasping for straws, they have a narrow window in which to get their agenda accomplished before to many more people wake up. But as they are in a panic that serves to wake up more people. The logistics of doing what they want to do on a global scale is not doable. This is why they want the elimination of upwards to 90%of the worlds populations to get it to a level they can totally dominate and control. They have admitted such which is another sign to you. If you or anyone else for that mater is a target for elimination then you have nothing to lose by standing up to resist, even if it means losing your life that those who remain might be free. I am will to die for what I believe in, just like those who before us paid a great price that freedom might be so for future generations. But freedom can only be held onto if we the people take a stand as the rightful rulers over those servants who swore an oath to protect our constitution against all enemies foriegn and domestic. That oath was to a document and the enemies of that document, if they did not really mean it too bad, we can take them out for aiding and abetting its enemies. And do it by citizens grand juries and remove them in accordance with that document. They should have never sworn an oath to it if they were not planning on following through. The penalties for going against it are to have all citizenship, everything stripped from them and only by a vote of 2/3rds of congress can they get it back. Most of Congress can be charged now for doing it. But its we the people whom must enforce the terms of the oath or allow them to take us to our own destruction, its just that simple. We could take this country back in a heart beat as all the provisions to do so are already laid out in that document, many have yet to read it. We the people are the kings, and they the servants are the peons, NOT the other way around. Well that is another one of my rants for awhile, be at peace Dr Stiffler and have a wonderful day...24


                  • Hi folks, maybe you've heard this saying before, but this phrase ' serving the good of all ' if used as a yard stick to know whether ones intentions or ideas are positive or not, works great. Think about it, money systems, insurance, taxes in any form, health care, yada yada yada. All these systems do not serve the good of all and i'm sure you know why they are designed that way.
                    Hi dr. stiffler you said:
                    Now I ask a question, when the personnel carrier pulls up 300 yards from your house armed with 50 cal's and lets toss in a few launchers, yeah you will be dead and they will not even think it was anything but target practice.

                    My gut says we can not offer resistance unless the military backs the action.
                    No disrespect to your opinions, however the only reason any military was formed in any country was to serve these control agendas, ultimately. What purpose does it serve to point out the fact that there are obviously many ignorant humans running around with weapons and dont hesitate for a second to take orders from any tom, dick and harry to kill people. Will pointing this out bring us real freedom for all people. You be the judge.
                    I've seen and experienced things in this life that can only be explained from a non-physical point of view, meaning no one is above another, and this authority mindset is the illusion that is foisted on us from many angles. It is not real, though it may seem it is and that is part of this journey to realize who we are. And this is why 1NRG24Seven points out correctly, that they are running scared, because our awareness is being awoken and the manipulators whether seen or unseen are scrambling in a futile effort to prevent it. Personally, i have stopped focusing on there manipulations. After all without our participation and attention, they have no show.
                    peace love light


                    • Originally posted by SkyWatcher View Post
                      And this is why 1NRG24Seven points out correctly, that they are running scared, because our awareness is being awoken and the manipulators whether seen or unseen are scrambling in a futile effort to prevent it. Personally, i have stopped focusing on there manipulations. After all without our participation and attention, they have no show.
                      peace love light

                      Wehrmacht Buckle "God With Us"


                      • Health Care passed

                        Actually it only shows how well this Democratie works. Or Not.
                        Politicans do the different from that what Peoples want.
                        Even if they have to grease somebody first to pass her Plans.
                        And strange, isnt it, the Economy is weak, but they still have Money
                        for War and 'Health Care', to knock it further down.
                        Actually here, Peoples get faster declared as Nuts,
                        when they spend more Money as they actually really have on her account.
                        But just not the Politicans. Merkel did do the same,
                        and some Peoples did sue her, but since she have political Immunity,
                        they dont touch her.

                        Political Immunity, what a artificial Word, Politicals should pay for anything,
                        what they do wrong, as anyone else have to also.

                        But same for this EU, they passed now that Genmanipulating technology for food is allowed.
                        Even when we got an Example close here, where a Farmer did feet
                        genmanipulated maize, the Cows had white runs, the whole herd did die after Time
                        and his fields are polluted now with Toxin.

                        But this Clowns serve further the Pharma companys and sit in an Office,
                        where they dont have to care when somebody dont agree with them.
                        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                        • "health care" bill

                          Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                          I hope that no one here feels that we are defeated because of what happened with ObamaCare.
                          Absolutely not! This can be stopped at the state level. In my state,
                          Washington, the AG is doing his thing while Gregoire is already threatening
                          to do what she can to stop the suit against the bill!

                          Washington State sues to block health care bill

                          Washington State is one of 14 states trying to sue to block the new health care law. Washington State filed suit on Tuesday, joining 13 states that sued immediately following President Obama signing the health care bill into law. The official lawsuit was filed in the federal court of Pensacola, Florida. The attempt by these states is to block the health care bill from affecting their specific states, and a very bold statement that leadership of those states don't agree with what the health care bill could mean.

                          In Washington State, it is Republican Attorney General Rob McKenna that has joined in the lawsuit, but he is acting outside of approved Government channels according to some. Washington State Governor Chris Gregoire has stated that she is going to fight the lawsuit in order to have the health care bill take effect in Washington State. This is definitely going to lead to a lot of political turmoil in Washington, especially with A.G. McKenna not getting the support of any Washington governing body before attaching the state's name to the suit.

                          McKenna is well within his rights to join in on the lawsuit against the health care bill, but it is also something that may hurt him in any lawsuit argument if he doesn't have the state behind him. He has the power and authority to do what he has done, and in support of the Republican Party, he probably also cannot be blamed for the action that he took. It's unclear if this lawsuit will have any effect on how things play out with the health care bill, and the potential exists that it could get thrown out of court if there isn't enough high-ranking political support to have it heard.

                          As for Washington State, brace for what is sure to be a lot of back-and-forth in the press as the Attorney General and the Governor air out their politics on why the suit is either good or bad for the state of Washington. It is quite clear that this argument could end up affecting the next set of elections for Washington State as well.


                          What Dr. Benjamin Rush reportedly said about the Constitution around 1787:
                          "The Constitution of this Republic should make special provision for medical freedom. To restrict the art of healing to one class will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic. ... Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship and force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what the dictating outfit offers."
                          American Physician and political leader, member of the Continental Congress and signer of the Declaration of Independence. 1746-1813
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • Secceed

                            Write a new constitution.

                            Succeed !

                            Power to the people.


                            • Whenever you have a 2 party preferred system of government this sort of thing is inevitable, they both become puppets with their strings being pulled by the same masters.
                              Capitolism or democracy as some like to call it is a convenient distraction from what is really going on.
                              One government does something we don't like and the next one then gets a turn to screw us again.
                              If a government was run like jury duty (with no permanent members) and important decisions deliberated upon by a broad cross section of the community, maybe justice would prevail and corruption could be monitored.
                              Obamas' handlers have taken the opportunity to turn the U.S. into an outright communist state with a percieved free market economy.
                              The next time you purchase something made in china, remember you will bow down them in the near future as they already own your ass.(personal fortunes skyrocket while the country sinks into an impossible debt spiral) so keep paying your taxes (even though the law states that you don't have to)
                              By the way China is communist and they shoot treasonous criminals, the U.S. gives them a kings ransom for a pension.


                              • Sign the Declaration of Healthcare Independence

                                Declaration of Health Care Independence
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

