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The American Ruling Class

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  • Danny,

    Yes Cecil Rhodes was covered in the article in detail and it is very interesting how the author pulled it all together. I appreciate these types of authors who expose the truth and do it with overwhelming evidence to back up their writings.

    As for the tribal blacks in sub Sahara Africa they have been on borrowed time for years and those in Power have been working on exterminating them for the total access of all the natural resources they can profit from.

    I also agree on the food support coming to a screeching halt one day and more than half the population there dying of hunger because they are both dependent on the charity as well as unable to figure out how to make it on their own. A very sad situation for sure!
    Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


    • In the latest example of excessive force being used by police, a Georgia police officer gunned down and killed an obviously unarmed man. I say "obviously," because the man obviously had nothing concealed upon his body. In fact, the man, a resident of an apartment complex, was found to be running around outdoors within the complex wearing nothing but some athletic shoes.

      The shooter fired two shots at the man's chest as the man approached at a rapid jog. Was the officer afraid that he might be run over? Perhaps, but if so then why not utilize a taser or pepper spray, both of which he had available? The killer has been placed on "administrative leave" pending an investigation, which means that he is free and also continuing to draw a paycheck for who knows how long until the investigation is completed. So in other words, the killer gets a paid vacation for several weeks, while his naked victim only gets a burial. Hows that for "justice?"

      Read more about this story at this link.
      Last edited by rickoff; 03-17-2015, 03:07 PM.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • The UN ruling class members of Bretton Woods.
        As an example 9/11 If the UN did not control the major media then we would see
        a different perspective such as this:


        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
          In the latest example of excessive force being used by police, a Georgia police officer gunned down and killed an obviously unarmed man. I say "obviously," because the man obviously had nothing concealed upon his body. In fact, the man, a resident of an apartment complex, was found to be running around outdoors within the complex wearing nothing but some athletic shoes.
          The runner received his Darwin Award but at the same time the LEOs (police) are doing nothing to help their own case. When the two officers were recently shot in Ferguson I actually felt it was Karma coming back on police in general and know more is coming their way and rightfully so. My opinion on that Ferguson shooting has nothing to do with the Michael Brown situation nor is it connected with the BS hands up because I feel Michael Brown also received his just deserved Darwin Award

          but make no mistake these cops all over the country due to their own actions are just asking for more of their own to be shot in the head on a regular basis and I honestly feel no sympathy for them at all.
          Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


          • More Government BS

            A privilege rich foreigners have that Americans lack when buying a home in the US

            Turns out, buying a home in the US with laundered money is OK for foreigners. But don’t try to do this if you’re American. And that’s on purpose, thanks to the most un-American, big-brother, insidiously misnamed law that just doesn’t stop giving: the Patriot Act. The New York Times explains

            A privilege rich foreigners have that Americans lack when buying a home in the US.

            Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


            • How liberal discipline policies are making schools less safe

              New York public-school students caught stealing, doing drugs or even attacking someone can avoid suspension under new “progressive” discipline rules adopted this month.

              Most likely, they will be sent to a talking circle instead, where they can discuss their feelings.

              Convinced traditional discipline is racist because blacks are suspended at higher rates than whites, New York City’s Department of Education has in all but the most serious and dangerous offenses replaced out-of-school suspensions with a touchy-feely alternative punishment called “restorative justice,” which isn’t really punishment at all. It’s therapy.

              “Every reasonable effort must be made to correct student behavior through…restorative practices,” advises the city’s new 32-page discipline code.

              Except everywhere it’s been tried, this softer approach has backfired.

              How liberal discipline policies are making schools less safe | New York Post

              I ask myself what these liberals / politicians are thinking (or not thinking) when they come up with such stupid policies.

              Of course if you notice its the black students that cry how they are targeted by race (not their behavior) and then cry foul. I'll be accused of being racist for pointing out the truth including how I think the ruling class really want these types of policies and the erosion of the entire USA and its core fabric.
              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


              • U.S. vs Russia

                I found a very interesting article about U.S. vs Russia.
                Stratfor Chairman Straight-Talking: US Policy Is Driven by Imperative to Stop Coalition between Germany and Russia - Russia Insider
                Essentially, America is willing to ride roughshod on any States that don't go along with the program. BUT, America is soon to crash financially. They are seriously short of wealth. The U.S. dollar and the international banking system is the source of much of the wealth in the country. This has brought some interesting situations.
                "U.S. Begs Russia to Remain in ‘SWIFT’; the One Bank Fails Again"
                U.S. Begs Russia to Remain in ?SWIFT?; the One Bank Fails Again ? Bullion Bulls Canada ? Sprott Money News

                Russia and China have built institutions to compete with the IMF, SWIFT and the World Bank. Obummer has tried to keep other States from joining the new China bank. Dozens of countries have joined including Great Britain, France and Germany. Russia is the second most active user of SWIFT. They have never had a seat. Now, they are being offered a seat.
                They are well aware that the neo-cons are trying to obliterate them. The American PTB must be insanely desperate to try to sway them.

                Desperate is the word of the day. Greek bonds are expected to get a 95% haircut. This will poison both the European bond market and the derivatives. This contagion will soon arrive in Japan and America.
                Oil is headed for $ 37. This will take a $ 125 trillion in energy derivatives.
                After all the uneconomical fracking shuts down, the R.O.W. will stop exporting oil to America. There are plenty of buyers for oil with Uncle Sam.

                Things are generally looking bad financially.
                Things Are Unraveling At An Accelerating Rate | Peak Prosperity

                The $ 64 million question is this; When America is crashed financially, can it still maintain it's empire of death? If Western Europe has signed up with the Chinese bank, I believe that this indicates we will be cut off and ostracized.
                Everything runs on diesel fuel ( JP4 is pretty close to diesel 1 ) If diesel fuel goes to $ 10 a gallon, much of the economy will die.
                There are already 102 million Americans of working age who are unemployed. As the economy winds down, GOV will be too busy with the domestic problems to maintain empire.


                • Danny,

                  You’re so right with this post. I have never been one to claim to be very educated but I am blown away with how many people cannot see what’s coming at the end of this year yet I can see it so clearly.

                  As soon as this new China / Russia “Redevelopment Bank” (Formerly known as the BRICS BANK) launches in early 2016 with all the 35+ countries that are joining it will be the death of the Dollar. Once the Dollar collapses it’s over for the USA as a global power.

                  I’m not sure what will happen to the USA when all of this happens but I do know that there are a huge chain of events in the works right now that will drastically cripple the USA in their recovery efforts. The USA imports the majority of its crude oil from Canada and Mexico (more than the US gets from all the Middle East). At this time the Mexican government which gets the largest portion of its operational budget from its oil revenues is hurting because these revenues with the current crude oil prices are now half of what they normally are. China has made agreements to fund many of Mexico’s infrastructure projects and is currently (this year alone) investing billions of dollars in Mexico. When the US Dollar does collapse who do you think Mexico will be partial to the USA or China? China will buy as much of that crude oil and refined gasoline as possible thus driving up the prices of Americas own gas prices since their supply will be cut in half. Mexico will also become a member of this new bank as well.

                  When the gas prices go through the roof in the USA when the Dollar is no longer the global currency the cost to transport goods inside the USA will increase by double digits over night and continue to rise.

                  I can hypothesis all day long and be wrong on almost all of it but I know one thing for sure, when such an event does happen it’s going to be ugly for EVERY AMERICAN!
                  Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                  • 2 officers remain 'critical' following fatal wrong-way crash

                    I’m sure many here have already seen this story of the drunk off-duty cops who drove the wrong way up a highway and collided with a tractor-trailer resulting in the death of one of these police officers and his friend.

                    The argument is that these 4 guys must have all been drunk off their asses because not one of them had the sense to say “hey we’re driving the wrong way up the highway” but I’m leaning more of the opinion that they were so drunk their attitude was “hey we’re cops we can do whatever the f**K we want to and if we get pulled over we’ll just pull out our badges and all will be fine” and then they proceeded to challenge the front end of a fast moving tractor-trailer that when hauling ass down a highway at 70 mph really doesn’t give a damn about badges especially if those badges are drunk and coming at them the wrong way.

                    I post the article because what I found interesting are the many comments left by readers who all notice and raise the argument of how Cops seem to think they are above the law and how the cops here are portrayed like good guys out for the night trying to find a future wife and have a family yet the article doesn’t go into the fear the other drivers faced or the medical and psychological issues of the tractor-trailer driver. Only the readers raise these concerns

                    a few of the comments

                    Can't agree with you more, Carl. Americas finest in blue have always and will continue to live a double standard. The truck driver probably will lose his job and never get another driving job because of them three idiots.
                    Why is the sergeant making excuses for these drunk officers? It takes 30 minutes to do a BAC. This surviving officer should be under arrest and handcuffed to his hospital bed. Police do it to non-officers who drink, drive and kill people, why not this officer?
                    Three officers and none of them knew that they were driving the wrong way on a highway?
                    They are investigating if alcohol played a part in it. WOW bet they wouldn't do that for a regular person. IF he turned on and went down a highway the wrong way, and had an accident, I think it's safe to say YES alcohol was the reason they are all dead.
                    Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                    • An interesting story, 5150. There's not very much left of the passenger car, so it's a wonder that one person survived. He was probably drunk as a skunk, and didn't even realize a crash was imminent or had occurred. Tensing up in apprehension and fear is what does most people in, and he was probably loose as a goose. Notice the NYPD sign in the lower right foreground of the photo. It looks as though these signs were put up by first responders to act more or less as curtains to shield the view of dead bodies from passing motorists. We all know that NYPD has always been the acronym for New York Police Department, but perhaps after this crash it should be changed to mean New York Police Drunkards. In truck lanes, it might be taken to mean No Yielding to Police Drunkards. I'm sure that you folks could think of a few more that would apply equally well.

                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                        We all know that NYPD has always been the acronym for New York Police Department, but perhaps after this crash it should be changed to mean New York Police Drunkards.
                        James Darrell Edwards / Agent J
                        You see this?! Huh?!
                        NYPD! Means I will kNock Your Punk-ass Down!

                        Men in Black (film - Wikiquote)



                        • [IMG]Wikiquote does not have an article with this exact name.[/IMG]


                          • Fake gun shop opened in New York City

                            Anti-gun activists have now opened a fake gun shop in New York City for the purpose of shaming potential gun buyers in hopes that they will be discouraged from wanting firearms. A sign at the store entrance appeals to "First time gun buyers" to come into the store. Inside, the store looks pretty much as you would expect a real gun shop to appear, with several rifles and handguns on the wall and in the display case behind the counter. A store "employee" acts friendly and begins showing weapons to the customers, making suggestions as to what might be the best weapon of choice, but then tells the customers that this was the same weapon used in a fateful shooting incident, such as Sandy Hook, etc. Once the customers hear the gruesome details, of course, they are pretty much dissuaded from wanting a gun, and leave the store with forlorn looks on their faces, feeling shamed for having even considered a gun purchase.

                            Watch a video of "customer" interactions at this fake gun store, prepared by the anti-gunners. To my thinking, it is quite possible that the "customers" seen in the video were just anti-gunners posing as fake customers, as none of them presented an argument supporting how armed people have in many cases thwarted the plans of criminals who would have used their guns to kill innocents. It all looks like a well scripted setup using actors to play all the parts. Would you folks not agree?
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                              It all looks like a well scripted setup using actors to play all the parts. Would you folks not agree?
                              I wouldn't put anything past anyone these days including this. I think the entire thing was set up and actors played a part. Had it been real I'm sure real people would have this gun was used in a crime how did it get out of the evidence locker ... or wow this gun was used in that crime, does it come with any authenticity and documentation as it might one day be wroth a lot more to a collector of history.

                              But overall I think its just a huge publicity ploy that will be exposed

                              BTW I get my guns on the black market, why pay those huge retail costs and go through all that government red tape .. especially when the same government who is restricting our rights is giving guns to criminals in all these war zones and as in the case of the "Fast & Furious" scandal and never being held accountable.
                              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                              • Originally posted by gene gene View Post
                                [IMG]Wikiquote does not have an article with this exact name.[/IMG]
                                NYPD MIB - u tub

                                "I do not think that the Danes fully understand the consequences of what
                                happens if Denmark joins the US-led missile defence," Ambassador Mikhail Vanin wrote in the daily [Jyllands-Posten].

                                "If this happens Danish warships become targets for Russian nuclear missiles."

                                Russia Threatens To Nuke Denmark, Of All Places


