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The American Ruling Class

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  • Civil libertarians question the constitutionality of civil forfeiture

    This entire civil forfeiture racket just boils my blood. It just goes to show the cops are nothing but thug criminals with badges and run a criminal racket where they can do this illegal crap and get away with it. If someone sets those police cars and the entire police station on fire and lets it all burn to the ground I'd say Karma was doing its job.

    If the LEOs are reading this post this is just one of the many reasons why the people (AKA general public) are so against you and no longer trust or respect you. You pigs are nothing more than criminal thugs like the mafia or gangs that use extortion and intimidation

    There is no honor in such actions when you refuse to abide by the constitution or even a general code of morals and ethics even when there is criminal activity involved by those you have detained.

    The Mississippi city of Richland has a new $4.1 million police station, a top-level training center and a fleet of black-and-white Dodge Charger police cars.

    All of it was paid for through civil forfeitures of property and cash seized during traffic stops of what police say were suspected drug runners on Interstate 20.

    Civil libertarians question the constitutionality of civil forfeiture, which has become a key part of revenue for state and local law enforcement agencies nationwide. Under the laws of many states, citizens can be deprived of their property or even cash if police merely suspect the owners to be involved in criminal activity.

    Mayor Mark Scarborough and police chief WR “Russel” James of Richland — population 7,033 and located south of Jackson on I-20 in Rankin County — say they’re not only giving city taxpayers a bargain, but they’re also helping do their part to stem the heavy drug trade that travels between Texas and Atlanta on I-20, which eventually trickles down to smaller cities like theirs.
    Richland's $4.1 million police station funded by civil forfeiture -

    Last edited by 5150; 05-18-2015, 08:00 PM.
    Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


    • This is the story of Dominique, a 28 year old woman who sprained her ankle last October while out walking in New York City. Dominique said that the incident occurred because of "uneven pavement," and has filed a lawsuit against the City Of New York, claiming that she was “severely injured, bruised, and wounded,” as a result. Dominique wants the city's taxpayers to cough up $5 million as restitution for the injuries she claims to have suffered. Strange then, that just 2 months after the alleged incident, Dominique was seen sporting high heel shoes, and even climbing a ladder to decorate a Christmas tree, in photos shown at social media websites. Well, actually it isn't so strange, and that's because Dominique learned how to portray herself as a victim through the lessons taught to her by her father, Al Notso Sharpton. Yes, the same Al Notso Sharpton who is a MSNBC host, confirmed liar, race-baiting activist, and tax cheat. According to the IRS, Al is $4.5 million in arrears and has been for several years. Funny how if any one of us was just a few thousand in arrears, we'd be hustled off to tax court and have our property confiscated and sold at a tax sale, and yet Al Notso Sharpton gets a free ride, presumably because he has friends in high places. It's even funnier that the amount Al owes, and the amount Dominique wants, is approximately the same. Perhaps this whole thing with Dominique is just Al's idea of a way to pay off the IRS using OPM (other people's money). Or perhaps not. Maybe Dominique wants the whole $5 mil and figures she is entitled to it. Will the City pay? If they don't then surely this whole thing will me made out to be white racists denying justice to Dominique simply because she is black, and the daughter of a black activist. Besides, what's it to city officials anyways? It's no skin off their backs if they pay up. They'll just have the taxpayers cough up a little extra. Incidentally, the latest addition to this sordid tale has Dominique hiking to the top of a mountain in Bali just a couple of days ago, while on vacation there. Poor Dominique! That must have been a very painful experience, right? Might we suppose that she stepped on any uneven, perilous ground during this outing? If so, this may well have exacerbated her previous ankle "injury." If that's the case, perhaps her next lawsuit will be filed against the government of Indonesia for maintaining an unsafe mountain trail.
      Last edited by rickoff; 05-19-2015, 03:20 PM.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Rick,

        The sharptoon family is a perfect example of the declining moral values of the nation. Greed, power, and a sense of entitlement seem to run rampant in all social economical and racial groups these days and its not just a "black" thing but this particular family sure stands out as being nothing short of vultures of greed, power, and fame. such a sad reflection of how things are in life, but heck who am I to throw rocks while living in a glass house or having lunch at Twin Peaks Bar & Grill in Waco Tx.
        Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


        • Privilege?

          Black Privilege, Police Privilege, Politician Privilege, Lawyer Privilege, Doctor Privilege, Presidential Privilege, Military Privilege, Government Privilege, etc. I'm sure I might think of more if I tried harder, LOL.
          There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


          • Originally posted by 5150 View Post
            who am I to throw rocks while living in a glass house or having lunch at Twin Peaks Bar & Grill in Waco Tx.
            Were you there for the luncheon?
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
              Were you there for the luncheon?
              No I wasn't, just thought I'd throw that "twin peaks" comment in there because it was what was in the news at the time.

              You do know what the lunch special was that day right? it was roasted DUCK

              Still them bikers don't hold ship compared to them Tacos down south; their shootout today killed 43 and 3 police and there were dead bodies all over the place. Looked like a Mexican version of Jonestown but with bullets and blood rather than just simple spiked cool-aide Them Mexicans don't be playing around

              Borderland Beat: Federal Police in Tanhuato Michoacán 43 Sicarios killed 3 FP
              Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


              • Y'all just don't appreciate your country enough

                "The manual also describes how prisoners will be processed through internment camps under the guidance of the 326-page U.S. Army Internment and Resettlement Operations manual (FM 3-19.40) prepared for the Department of Defense, which outlines how internees would be "re-educated" into developing an "appreciation of U.S. policies" while detained in prison camps inside the United States. "
                Police Militarization: Preparation for Economic Collapse, Food Shortages, Civil Unrest and Martial Law


                • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                  "The manual also describes how prisoners will be processed through internment camps under the guidance of the 326-page U.S. Army Internment and Resettlement Operations manual (FM 3-19.40) prepared for the Department of Defense, which outlines how internees would be "re-educated" into developing an "appreciation of U.S. policies" while detained in prison camps inside the United States. "
                  Police Militarization: Preparation for Economic Collapse, Food Shortages, Civil Unrest and Martial Law
                  **** the people who don't stand up now deserve what they will get. Just like the Jews who sat back and never thought their little walk to the showers...urr gas chambers was going to go so horribly wrong.

                  Sometimes the herd just gets culled and often times its the passive ones that end up bearing the brunt of the killing.

                  To think the government is there for the people to serve the people and if this isn't a wake up call like the many thousands of other wake up calls before it then the people will never "get it"
                  Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                  • It turns out that many of the people who were protesting and rioting in Ferguson were actually hired for their participation, but now they are protesting again because they haven't been paid the $5,000 a month that was promised them by the George Soros funded race baiting group Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE)! Read more about this here.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • It looks as though Rand Paul was successful in his efforts to prevent the Senate from passing any of their proposed "Patriot Act" extensions. The Senate adjourned for a short vacation, but of course they will be back again and Senate majority "leader" Mitch McConnell will be pressing for a last minute vote to extend the liberty bashing provisions of the Act. Like all other Acts which Congress has passed in recent years, the so-called "Patriot Act" is inappropriately named and has absolutely nothing to do with patriots or patriotism. They simply give it a name that makes it sound acceptable to the public. And now the current administration, working with GOP "leadership" in both houses of Congress, has come up with a new name for a proposed Act which they say will "reform" the parts of the Patriot Act that the public finds objectionable. This "reform" proposal is named the "USA FREEDOM ACT," and if passed would preserve the NSA's ability to spy on the American People, through at least 2019, without the need of obtaining a warrant. Like Rand Paul says, that of course is totally unacceptable. Trouble is, though, Rand is pretty much a "lone wolf" in standing up against a tyrannical government hell bent on gaining and maintaining absolute control over every aspect of our lives. You can safely bet that McConnell will be cutting all kinds of deals with any senators who are either siding with Rand or are undecided as to how they would vote.
                      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                      • Hi Rick,
                        Ron Paul warned us of this back in Nov. 2014.

                        Here Ron speaks about jade helm.
                        Last edited by gene gene; 05-29-2015, 04:10 AM.


                        • It looks as though the Maine Legislature has finally done something right in passing a "constitutional carry" bill that allows carrying a concealed weapon on one's person, or in their vehicle, without the need of obtaining a permit. Legislators appear to be waking up to the fact that the People are fed up with statutes that attempt to impair our natural, unalienable rights. That's good, but as I've stated before, what we really need done is a repeal of all statutes that impair or natural rights, rather than creating new statutes that grant us certain privileges. Unlike unalienable natural rights, privileges can be taken away at any time that a legislature wants to remove them. Still, I guess we can say that approval and passage of this constitutional carry bill is a small step in the right direction after decades of repressive legislation.
                          Maine House Overwhelmingly Passes Constitutional Carry

                          Christine Rousselle | Jun 01, 2015

                          The Maine House of Representatives has overwhelmingly passed a bill to allow citizens to carry concealed weapons without a permit. L.D. 652, which would eliminate the permitting requirement to carry a concealed weapon (and also permit people to carry a weapon in a car), passed with bipartisan support in a 83-62 vote. The bill passed through the Senate on May 28. Gov. Paul LePage has indicated that he will sign the bill into law.
                          Maine, a "shall-issue" state, has issued over 36,000 concealed weapons permits, including permits to out-of-state residents. Maine has exceptionally low crime rates, and a relatively high rate of gun ownership.
                          It was already legal to openly carry a firearm in the state of Maine. Seven other states, including fellow New England state Vermont, have "Constitutional Carry" laws on the books.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • more spying ship

                            FBI behind mysterious surveillance aircraft over US cities

                            more of your tax dollars working for you ..or in this case against you

                            WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is operating a small air force with scores of low-flying planes across the country carrying video and, at times, cellphone surveillance technology — all hidden behind fictitious companies that are fronts for the government, The Associated Press has learned.

                            The planes' surveillance equipment is generally used without a judge's approval, and the FBI said the flights are used for specific, ongoing investigations. The FBI said it uses front companies to protect the safety of the pilots and aircraft. It also shields the identity of the aircraft so that suspects on the ground don't know they're being watched by the FBI.

                            In a recent 30-day period, the agency flew above more than 30 cities in 11 states across the country, an AP review found.

                            Aerial surveillance represents a changing frontier for law enforcement, providing what the government maintains is an important tool in criminal, terrorism or intelligence probes. But the program raises questions about whether there should be updated policies protecting civil liberties as new technologies pose intrusive opportunities for government spying.
                            U.S. law enforcement officials confirmed for the first time the wide-scale use of the aircraft, which the AP traced to at least 13 fake companies, such as FVX Research, KQM Aviation, NBR Aviation and PXW Services.

                            Even basic aspects of the program are withheld from the public in censored versions of official reports from the Justice Department's inspector general.

                            The FBI also has been careful not to reveal its surveillance flights in court documents.

                            "The FBI's aviation program is not secret," spokesman Christopher Allen said in a statement. "Specific aircraft and their capabilities are protected for operational security purposes." Allen added that the FBI's planes "are not equipped, designed or used for bulk collection activities or mass surveillance."

                            But the planes can capture video of unrelated criminal activity on the ground that could be handed over for prosecutions.
                            more at FBI behind mysterious surveillance aircraft over US cities

                            gotta love the US government
                            Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                            • I'm not sure who discovered this, but the word is now out.

                              If you call the phone number
                              1-800-382-5968 you will find that you are calling the Obummer administration's Health Care Hotline. While that in itself is certainly not anything noteworthy, look at your phone's key pad as you make the call, and note the alphabetical characters displayed for the corresponding numerals. Since most keys on a telephone keypad can represent 3 alphabetical characters, and the '9' key represents 4 possible characters, there are of course a great many possible combinations if the numerals were converted to alpha characters. The question is, though, how many of these combinations actually spell out something you could recognize as being intelligible? Everyone is familiar with certain 800 numbers that are designed to fit well with a product being offered, such as1-800-flowers, a national number to call when ordering flowers, but what does the Health Care Hotline number spell? The answer should be of no surprise to anyone who opposes ObummerCare. FYI, this number was set up by Barry's Department of Health and Human Services, and corresponds to 1-800-F-U-C-K-Y-O-U
                              Last edited by rickoff; 06-06-2015, 04:25 PM.
                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • The corporate takeover

                                Everyone knows that the Trans Pacific Trade partnership is strict corporate control over the State. Hedges has more observations on this change.
                                "We have, to quote John Ralston Saul, “undergone a corporate coup d’état in slow motion” and it’s over. The normal mechanisms by which we carry out incremental and piecemeal reform through liberal institutions no longer function. They have been seized by corporate power — including the press. That sets the stage for inevitable blowback, because these corporations have no internal constraints, and now they have no external constraints. So they will exploit, because, as Marx understood, that’s their nature, until exhaustion or collapse."
                                ?We Are In a Revolutionary Moment?: Chris Hedges Explains Why An Uprising Is Coming ? And Soon | Alternet
                                The mentality of a parasite allows no vision of limitation or control. The military-industrial juggernaut is a good example.
                                Report Reveals $8.5 Trillion Missing From Pentagon Budget | Crooks and Liars

                                The legal system has run amuck in it's quest to create profits for corporate power.
                                40 Reasons Our Jails and Prisons Are Full of Black and Poor People | Alternet
                                There is no death-count that is too high for the chemical companies (Big Ag and Big Pharma).
                                Absolute control of every facet of our lives is just around the corner.
                                Bill Bonner: A warning from Argentina | The Crux

                                A corporation is a pile of money looking to grow larger. It has no brain, heart or soul. History has repeatedly proved that no economy can survive when morality is absent. A corporation has legal immunity. How can it be expected to have any morality?
                                We form societies for our mutual benefit. When that benefit is stolen, we abandon society.

