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The American Ruling Class

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  • IMF will announce in Oct. that Chinese Yuan will become a Global Reserve Currency.

    China has become worlds largest economy.
    China is the worlds second largest Creditor.
    The Chinese Yuan has become the second most-used currency in global trade.
    China holds over 1.3 Trillion in American debt.

    The Dollar will soon lose much of its value. The price of gold will skyrocket.


    • Avoiding war

      Decades ago, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed. This was long predicted because socialism demands a command economy. The distortions eventually bring it down. Russia agreed to go peacefully if the West promised NOT to expand NATO.
      Israel is determined to control the world. Israel and her *****, America kept pushing to control Eurasia and diminish Russia. Several years ago, Netanyahooo secretly went to the Kremlin and demanded that Putin stop meddling in anything that israel did. Putin threw him out of the Kremlin and told him that he could turn israel into a sheet of glass in 24 hours.

      Israel used foreign aid money to buy congress. Congress used the reserve-currency status of the dollar to push the agenda of israel. Netanyahoo is insane and his "leadership" is causing congress to take insane actions. The world has reached a point where it can't survive a widespread war. The weapons are just to destructive. The Brookings institute seems to believe that America can incrementally encircle Russia and destroy it. I think that they are mistaken.

      A few years ago, a Chinese submarine launched an ICBM from off the coast of Los Angeles that went all the way to China. A few years ago, the Chinese surfaced a rubber-covered submarine INSIDE the perimeter of an aircraft carrier battle group. A few months ago, a Russian warplane shut down the entire defence system on an American warship and made mock missile runs against it for 1/2 hour.
      These are the actions of countries that want to AVOID war.

      America has dumbed-down it's students and people in general. China has more honor students than America has students. Warfare is moving away from kinetic systems and moving towards cyber systems. We have dumbed-down students and dumbed-down politicians. America is fighting for mastery, Sino-Russia is fighting for survival.

      You can't run faster that that bear,,,, I only need to run faster that you

      Yesterday saw cyber attacks on just a couple of targets. The United Airlines attack was particularly telling. What would happen if lots of planes suddenly fell out of the sky? Boeing has the autopilot with a hijack mode where the pilot can't interrupt it. Suppose somebody got control of that.
      This page shows some of the attacks.
      Major Collapse Scenario Underway? 6 Unusual Events That All Happened | Healthy News and Information

      Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark is suing Bush and Cheney for starting the Iraqi war. This isn't pissing into the wind if the military allows him to be extradited. A former member of the world court expects Cheney to be charged.
      Immorality and commerce are mutually exclusive. The world wants to get back to business and stop the wars and waste.
      Palestine has sued israel in the International Criminal Court. Hopefully, all the big criminals will be hauled up and tried. Israel has the "samson option" where they have hidden nukes in many cities to force compliance. This isn't going to be boring.


      • Project Semicolon

        Have you guys seen this s**T?

        Damn I'm a trend setter... but on a much larger level.

        People always trying to copy me. But I started first and I said fu*K the simple semicolon; I went balls to the walls and went all out and inked my neck with a billboard proclaiming I'm a mental "5150" psycho. Semicolons are for emos and pussies

        That and the fact I haven't overcome my mentally psychosis, I'm just as crazy today as I was 5 years ago ..and 10 years ago and I don't need any sympathy or "understanding" for being bat sh*t crazy. I'm not all emotional or in recovery or any of that crap but rather just hard core crazy.

        It’s about mental health and destroying the negative stigma attached to it. If you’ve seen a person with a tiny semicolon on their wrist or arm, you’re facing someone who has overcome serious mental health issues — from depression and anxiety, to schizophrenia — and has chosen not to end their lives, but rather to move forward anew.

        The tattoos are part of a larger campaign known as Project Semicolon, which unites people who have struggled with mental illness. On its website, Project Semicolon describes itself as "a faith-based non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and love to those who are struggling with depression, suicide, addiction and self-injury.
        The Encouraging Message Behind These Semicolon Tattoos

        These emos would now like you all to hold hands and sing a song..

        In conclusion when you see anyone with a semicolon tattoo you're not only dealing with someone who has mental issues, you're dealing with a Emo Sheep AKA follower who is not a leader or is emotionally or mentally strong.

        Heck when history starts repeating itself and they go to rounding people up like they did in WWII Germany these douches have already inked themselves up for the enemy to easily identify.

        I know what some are thinking, what about you 5150, are you not all inked up too... and yes I am but I'm the kind who will go out with a fight while smoking a huge joint
        Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


        • Donald Trump’s got a real hit out on him now.

          The presidential hopeful called the FBI to investigate threats against him on Twitter by the son of Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, the infamous Mexican drug kingpin who escaped prison for a second time over the weekend.

          “Keep f–ing around and I’m gonna make you swallow your b–ch words you f–king whitey milksh–ter,” tweeted @ElChap0Guzman, (an account reportedly run by the drug lord’s son, Ivan)

          The attack, written in Spanish, was a smoldering rebuttal to Trump’s Twitter rant on Sunday about Guzman’s escape.

          Borderland Beat
          Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


          • Originally posted by ethan View Post
            The Dollar will soon lose much of its value.
            As written, that statement doesn't make sense. How can anything which has no value to begin with lose any value? I'm assuming, of course, that you are talking about Federal Reserve Notes (FRN's) as "dollars." FRN's are debt instruments, not money, and have no actual value whatsoever. They do, however, have a perceived value, which is the imagined value that anyone willing to accept one of these debt notes may choose to attach to it. Since 1913, when the non-federal Federal Reserve took control of our monetary system, the generally perceived value of the "dollar" has fallen more than 97 percent, while the true value of an ounce of gold has remained constant. That is the only reason why the "price" of gold is currently set so high in relation to the US "dollar." Thus, a more accurate statement than the quoted one above would be, "The dollar will soon lose most or all of what little amount of its perceived value remains." That, of course, will happen when no other nation will accept any payments that are made in, or tied to, US dollars, and the People of this nation realize that what they hold in their wallets, bank accounts, investment accounts, and retirement funds, is worthless.
            Last edited by rickoff; 07-20-2015, 01:42 PM.
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Frederal Reserve Notes...Yes, they say dollar, on the front of them.
              As you said, they have a perceived value, and that value will drop.
              So yes they can lose value, although yes it is perceived value.

              Either way they can be exchanged for Silver and Gold.
              The more Americans that do so...The better.


              • the last nail in the coffin

                Those federal reserve notes are soon to gain a LOT of value in the domestic market,,,except for buying gold.

                "This new “strategic depth” in Sino-Russian relations has brought into reality the greatest nightmare of the father of British geopolitics, Sir Halford Mackinder, whose views shaped the US postwar foreign policy.

                The geo-strategist had repeatedly warned against Russo-German rapprochement, saying that such a force may crush the British Empire, while his followers stressed that a Sino-Russian alliance would ultimately hammer the last nail into the coffin of the US global hegemony.

                “However, the Chinese high command as well as the Russian also studied Mackinder thoroughly. This is today’s Silk Road, integrating for the first time in history the vast untapped resources of Eurasia,” American-German strategic risk consultant and lecturer F. William Engdahl notes."
                Pentagon's Panic Over 'Russia Threat' May Well Be Genuine


                • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                  Those federal reserve notes are soon to gain a LOT of value in the domestic market,,,except for buying gold.
                  Legal Tender cases

                  Legal Tender cases, lawsuits brought to the U.S. Supreme Court involving the constitutionality of the Legal Tender Act of 1862,
                  which was passed to meet currency needs during the Civil War. The act had authorized the issue of $150 million in
                  "United States notes" (see greenback) without any reserve or specie basis. Intended originally as only a temporary measure during wartime,
                  about $450 million had been issued in greenbacks by the end of the war. The paper money depreciated in terms of gold and
                  became the subject of controversy, particularly because debts contracted earlier could be paid in this cheaper currency.
                  Many cases concerning the greenbacks were entered in the courts, but it was not until 1870 that the Supreme Court attacked
                  the constitutionality of paper money. In Hepburn v. Griswold (1870), the Majority opinion, written by Chief Justice Samuel P. Chase,
                  declared the act unconstitutional as a violation of Fifth Amendment protections against the taking of property without due process.
                  President Ulysses Grant, angered by the decision, promptly nominated two Republican justices to the Court who
                  reversed the decision in Knox v. Lee and Parker v. Davis (1871), ruling that the act was valid on the basis of the implied powers of Congress.
                  The constitutionality of the act was more widely sustained in Juillard v. Greenman (1884).

                  Legal Tender cases

                  Here's the truth: The Constitution was written to limit our government, not to control the people.
                  So, the real question is not, "Where in the Constitution does it say we have a right to travel?" but
                  "Where in the Constitution did the People grant to the Federal government the power to take away our right to travel?"

                  Read Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution. There, the powers granted to the Federal government are plainly spelled out.
                  Where does it say the government can limit travel? It doesn't.

                  Then read the Tenth Amendment, in the so-called Bill of Rights.
                  It says, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States,
                  are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
                  That means it is not on me to prove the Constitution has granted me the right to travel;
                  it means the onus is on the government to prove that there is a phrase or a clause in the Constitution
                  granting it the right to infringe on my right to travel. It isn't there.

                  Our 'unenumerated' rights by John Silveira



                  • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                    The industrial Revolution created such enormous wealth that it is/was impossible to "store". The Chinese don't have a sovereign bond market because they have so much stored wealth in currency reserves. Rich Chinese have resorted to storing wealth in real estate and whole cities. The West stores wealth in paper debt rather than building extra cities. These 64 million dwellings are empty because nobody can afford to buy them. A collapse in the bond market will mean that nobody will WANT to buy them.

                    Without some viable means of wealth storage, the whole economy drags to a standstill. Traditional socialism prevents capital formation. The Swedish system of quasi-socialism does not tax wealth. Capital formation still works.

                    The PTB / mega bankers are adamant that we don't revert to a gold standard because they can't inflate it to their desires. China is buying up all the gold. It looks like China will back a new SDR rather than domestic gold-bonds.
                    The indications are clear that this crash was planned. It is safe to say that the PTB have an exit plan. A world currency seems to be central to the plans. The upcoming disaster that is a result (partially) of the currency wars will be used as a justification for a one-world currency that can never be subject to a currency war. The lessons from Greece don't bode well for a unified currency.
                    ALL paper is going to burn. If the world-improvers can't convince the rich that the SDR (paper) is a reliable store of wealth, then gold will make a comeback.
                    The value of an object or an asset is related to how many other people value that same asset. Gold stands ahead of everything inorganic as far as popularity. The available gold supply will be going down as the cost of energy goes up. PEAK GOLD vs. PEAK SILVER: Must See Chart : SRSrocco Report
                    Much depends on the attitude in Asia towards gold.

                    Historically, politicians have always fought for the power to create money out of thin air, so they can increase their spending without having to directly increase taxes. The staggering growth of political power throughout the twentieth century -- the century of war -- was largely made possible by replacing money limited by gold with paper currencies, which can be printed at will by government-controlled banks.

                    Cryptocurrencies are the first self-limiting monetary systems in the history of mankind, and could be our greatest chance to check the growth of political power since the Magna Carta. Join Stefan Molyneux, the host of Freedomain Radio - the most popular philosophy show in the world - as he reveals the hidden political and military power of government currencies, and shows how cryptocurrencies could be greatest revolution in human history, and the foundation of a truly free and prosperous planet.

                    The Cryptocurrency Revolution - Stefan Molyneux


                    • REINS act

                      The multitudinous bureaucrats of Brussels are very willing to crash every economy in Europe to preserve their jobs. The District of Corruption is right up ( down ) there with them.
                      "Two trillion dollars...
                      That's how much federal regulations costs the United States economy EACH YEAR!

                      Two trillion in lost wages and lost capital that could have been used to create new businesses and jobs...

                      This week, the House of Representatives took a step toward lifting this burden when it passed the REINS Act. "
                      YES, this capital could have been used by the productive economy to produce wealth. BUT, it could NOT be used by useless bureaucrats to create wealth. Parasites produce offal rather than useful things. One out of every 11 persons in the beltway is a lawyer. Their speciality is to start fights and then,,, rob the resulting carcasses.

                      Ron Paul;
                      President Obama wants more time calling the shots . . .

                      Not by changing our Constitution to enable him to run for President again -- but by stacking federal agencies with hordes of statist bureaucrats determined to impose a Big Government legacy that lasts for decades!

                      Dan, even as I write you, I’m afraid the Obama administration is cooking up sweeping new regulations designed to stifle political speech, wreck private enterprise, crush the American economy with new draconian environmental rules - and more . . .

                      All without so much as a vote in Congress. "
                      The public food trough,,,, a place for people who can't make the cut to work at the doughnut shop.


                      • Right To Travel

                        Every police officer should keep the following U.S. court ruling --discussed earlier -- in mind before issuing citations concerning licensing, registration, and insurance:
                        "The claim and exercise of a constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime." Miller v. US, 230 F 486, 489.


                        3) The undersigned has NEVER willingly and knowingly entered into ANY Contract or Contractual agreement giving up ANY Constitutional Rights which are secured by the CONSTITUTION, the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. This Common Law Citizen has NOT harmed any party, has NOT threatened any party, and that includes has NOT threatened or caused any endangerment to the safety or well being of any party and would leave any claimant otherwise to their strictest proofs otherwise IN A COURT OF LAW. The above named Citizen is merely exercising the BASIC RIGHT TO TRAVEL UNENCUMBERED and UNFETTERED on the Common public way or highway, which is their RIGHT TO SO DO!!! Please see Zobel vs. Williams, 457 U.S. 55, held the RIGHT TO TRAVEL is Constitutionally PROTECTED!!



                        • The right to travel is certainly valid, but the title given above is not, and for these reasons:
                          1. The word "vehicular" denotes a motor vehicle, rather than an automobile, and both Black's Law and Bouvier's Law dictionaries define a motor vehicle as a commercial vehicle used for the purpose of transporting goods or passengers for a fee. This is why each state has a "Motor Vehicle" code, and a "Department" or "Division" or "Bureau of Motor Vehicles" which charges registration fees and distributes license plates. They do this because they do have the power to regulate commerce, and simply bamboozle everyone else (travelers) who are not involved in commerce into thinking that they must also register annually and pay these fees.
                          2. The term, "Driver's License," only applies to those who carry goods or passengers commercially. Conversely, a traveler may carry non-paying passengers such as family and friends, and may also carry personal belongings of themselves and their passengers. A license to do anything creates a privilege that grants certain permissions while the license remains valid, but that privilege and those permissions can be taken away at any time. One only needs a "license" when one wishes to do something that he or she would not otherwise have a right to do, and since we have an unalienable right to travel freely we do not need a license of any kind in order to do that.
                          3. The use of the word "Constitutional" is inappropriate because the Constitution is not what gives us the right to travel. In fact, the Constitution does not give the People any rights. Instead, it simply recognizes that We The People do have unalienable rights and stipulates that the federal government may not interfere with, diminish, or abolish those rights. Even though the first ten Amendments to the Constitution have become known as the Bill of Rights, it would better be understood and labeled as the Bill of Prohibitions, as each one of these Amendments merely prohibits the government from transgressing against the unalienable rights of the People who established the government, and who are thus above the government.

                          For a whole lot more on your right to travel, and your right to travel using an automobile without being tricked into paying registration and licensing fees, see this file. This is all you need in order to assert your right to travel non-commercially, and to defend yourself when harassed by code enforcement officers and inferior courts.
                          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                          • Similarities between now and 1776

                            How the British Gun Control Program Precipitated the American Revolution | Tenth Amendment Center
                            There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                            • Thomas Jefferson in his "Commonplace Book" copied a passage from Beccaria related to the issue of gun control: "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." and his only notation on this passage was, "False idee di utilità.



                              • The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) just recently found polluted water in an old Colorado gold mine, and last Wednesday a work crew supervised by EPA accidentally released 3 million gallons of this toxic wastewater into the Animas River, which then dumped this toxic cocktail into the San Juan River and continued to flow all the way to Lake Powell in Utah. The spill actually turned the Animas River yellow. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, upon learning of the spill, immediately issued a disaster statement and closed the river to recreational use. This was the right thing to do, since there are several highly toxic compounds involved which are dangerous and carcinogenic even in parts per billion concentrations. EPA chief Gina McCarthy, however, held a press conference (with the public excluded) and stated that EPA water testing has shown that there is no danger to public health, and that the river has already returned to its previous state and is safe to drink. What hogwash! Maybe someone should fill a glass with water at the below location and tell Gina to drink it down. Would you drink this water?

                                While EPA downplays this avoidable disaster, those who understand the science related to this spill effect say it will take years to clean up this mess if it is actually possible to do so. Very little has been said by the lamestream media regarding this disaster, and as can be expected the MSM is relying far more on the EPA's "official" statements rather than on aggressive investigative journalism. And while that is nothing new, anyone with half a brain should be able to see the hypocrisy of EPA and the MSM in their reporting of the incident. If this had been caused by a mining company, there would be no end to the reports of catastrophic damages to the ecosystem, and the billions of funding required to make things right.
                                Last edited by rickoff; 08-18-2015, 05:06 PM.
                                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff

