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The American Ruling Class

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  • Nyet, you no fly

    "He implicitly argues that the Israeli Air Force, along with the U.S. Air Force, has and should continue to have the divine right to cross national borders at will, drop bombs on civilians and national governments as they choose, and be free from any and all consequences of doing so. The “exceptional” people and the “chosen” people thus make a very good team, complete with the blessings of God"
    "First, it is perhaps the case that the United States and Israel have violated human rights and national borders for so long that neither their citizens nor their cheerleaders have any grasp of the difference between imperialism and self-defence."
    Russia's "No-Fly Zone" Prevents US, Israel, UK From Bombing Syria
    Richag-AV radar and sonar jamming system Don?t panic, but Pentagon now thinks Russia can jam American air-to-air missiles « Hot Air


    • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
      Once again, I'm trying to pull together ideas and info to form a "construct". A particular view / interpretation of the world.
      Keynes was a very smart guy. In the peace conference at Versailles after WW I, he told them that they were setting up for the next war by making the settlement so punitive.
      Keynes also said that; after about 9 or 10 decades, the world would have so much accumulated wealth, that we could stop working. Churchill said, " WW II could have been avoided but, the bankers wanted it". After the war, many currencies went to zero. There are many claims that all wars are banker wars. WHY?
      Reportedly, WW I started over the killing of an archduke. Who cares about one archduke? We have seen an endless chain of false-flag attacks to start wars. From the sinking of the Maine in Havana harbor to claimed poison gas attacks in the middle-East. Fortunately, not all attempts to start a war are successful.
      This Heroic Captain Defied His Orders and Stopped America From Starting World War III
      With every war comes enormous destruction of wealth. Keynes' 8 or 9 decades is upon us. There is enormous wealth worldwide. True, it is concentrated in a small number of people. Since we have little tangible wealth, we have to be satisfied with paper and electronic "proof" of our wealth.
      Californians have been over-taxed by something close to $7 trillion and Cal GOV accounts hold about $ 8 trillion. Californians’ $8 trillion in tax surpluses: What to ask your state, local representatives Washington's Blog
      The financial reports from GOV show a total of about $ 60 trillion. CAFR1 Home Page
      The major income for GOV is for earnings, NOT from taxes. The Grace Report under Reagan reported that GOV doesn't receive one dime of taxes. The FED takes it all in. Walter Burien at Cafr 1 clearly shows that GOV only shows it's liabilities, not it's assets. WHY?
      The wealth accumulation that Keynes foretold is around us. It gets smashed back by regularly planned wars. So, we have to keep working to replace destroyed wealth. The G-20 represents the 20 wealthiest developed countries. the G-20 just adopted bail-in laws where banks would be made whole in the event of a crash. The money would be taken from bondholders, stockholders and depositors.
      The banks have created a pile of obligations / derivatives with a notional vale of $ 1---1.5 quadrillion. Should they fail, the amount is adequate to suck in all wealth from investors and depositors. Should this happen, we will all have to work much harder to replace the lost wealth.
      This is all electronic wealth and will be gone when THE BANKERS SAY THAT IT IS GONE.
      Economic warfare and cyber warfare have replaced kinetic warfare. They aren't near as destructive as the good old days of dropping millions of tons of bombs. Wealth destruction is much more difficult than it was in the good old days.
      The Central banks have blown an ENORMOUS bubble. It will make an enormous mess when it collapses. There will be a huge amount of wealth destruction / loss. You will lose just as much as the banks say you lost.
      Keynes said that there will be so much wealth accumulated that we could stop WORKING. The bankers repeatedly vaporize wealth and we have to keep WORKING. The pile of wealth has grown so huge that it is ever more difficult to vaporize it. The synthetic pile of derivatives had to be grown so monstrous that it could devour the entire pile of wealth.

      "All wars are banker wars" should be changed to Bankers regularly and sequentially destroy wealth to keep us working. When money was paper, the bankers had to destroy currencies to make the paper money worthless. Now that it is digital, they just have to tell you that all your money is gone. There is no possible way for you to argue.
      This confiscation is not so much to take your wealth. It is more focused on forcing everybody to keep working. The Rothchilds may have a net worth of a gazillion dollars. That isn't the point. The point is that you are poor and have to keep working.
      You had to do REAL work to produce real earnings to give to GOV. From that point on, the money becomes more and more of a phantom. The same is true at the bank. Your deposit becomes an unsecured loan to the bank and part of their operating capital. It is just a ghost blowing in the financial winds.
      GOV/Banks constantly steal the fruits of your labor so that you keep working. As automation takes over more and more of productivity, there are fewer and fewer people who are actually working. GOV/bankers induce poverty to keep us working. The poverty is still here but, the employment is not. At one time GOV could create enough make-work jobs and wars to keep people productive but this paradigm is falling apart.



      • Yemen and HAARP

        Yemen has 1 million soldiers on the border of Saudi Arabia. Yemen has a new problem. "The U.N. weather agency says a rare and rapidly intensifying cyclone is poised to hit Yemen in the coming days, possibly dumping more than a year's worth of rainfall "
        Rapidly Intensifying Cyclone Heading Toward Tumultuous Yemen
        Wonder if America is involved in any way.


        • Originally posted by gene gene View Post

          You are so right. Even here in rural Wisconsin with our sparsely populated small towns. When speaking to our sheriff, or anyone running for office, if you quote our founding fathers or speak of the constitution they look at you like you are some kind of nut!

          They are all brainwashed or dumbed down. They do not realize that we are standing up for their rights as well as our own.

          Best regards, Gene
          Yes, Gene. Unfortunately there are actually very few sheriffs or LEO's who have joined CSPOA, the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. I'm sure they have all heard about it, so that's not the problem. Here in Maine, as I expect is the case in most other states, every sheriff department is a corporation and all LEO's are private municipal corporation operatives rather than public officials. There is no longer any such thing in Maine as Peace Officers, who would understand that their function is to serve and protect the People while ensuring that peace is maintained. We now only have code enforcement officers who believe their primary duty is to catch and cite any of the People who violate any of the multitude of legislated statutes and codes. Every such violation is now considered a crime, and we know this is true because every such violation carries a stipulated fine. Civil offenses do not impose fines - only criminal offenses do. Thus, one can be regarded as a criminal for failure to buckle their seat belt, despite the fact that there is no victim to this "crime," and no sworn affidavit of complaint from an accuser claiming to have been injured in some way due to the seat belt not having been buckled. Such statutes are absurd, of course, and are unconstitutional both at the state and federal level, yet code enforcement officers will insist on enforcing them anyways, as this is how they have been instructed and they believe this is what their job is all about.

          As far as legislators go, those serving in state legislatures have little or no understanding of their state's constitution as most have never read it. The Maine constitution, as most other state constitutions, makes it abundantly clear that any legislated statute which is repugnant to the state constitution is automatically void as it cannot supersede the state constitution. I doubt that any state legislator understands this, but if they do understand then they should be repealing and revoking the statutes currently on the books rather than creating dozens of new statutes and regulations during each successive legislative session. Try and get your legislators to actually read the state constitution, or sit down with you and discuss what it says, and you will find it is impossible. Of course if they did that then they would have to acknowledge that you are right.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
            As far as legislators go, those serving in state legislatures have little or no understanding of their state's constitution as most have never read it. The Maine constitution, as most other state constitutions, makes it abundantly clear that any legislated statute which is repugnant to the state constitution is automatically void as it cannot supersede the state constitution. I doubt that any state legislator understands this, but if they do understand then they should be repealing and revoking the statutes currently on the books rather than creating dozens of new statutes and regulations during each successive legislative session. Try and get your legislators to actually read the state constitution, or sit down with you and discuss what it says, and you will find it is impossible. Of course if they did that then they would have to acknowledge that you are right.
            Carlin - Voting



            • Revisiting Iceland 7 years later

              We all surely remember that during the 2008 world financial crisis the Icelandic people took control of their government and the country's banking institutions after throwing the banksters in jail. This was played up by the media as a foolhardy move on the part of the people of Iceland that would result in an utter and unrecoverable financial disaster. We really haven't heard much of anything about Iceland since then, and my guess is that the Ruling Class and media elite simply don't want us to know how well things have gone for Icelanders since the 2008 crisis, as that could very well be the impetus for every other nation to follow Iceland's example. Here are some interesting facts:

              1. Iceland is the only European nation to have fully recovered from the 2008 financial crisis.
              2. Iceland even managed to pay off its entire outstanding debt to the International Monetary Fund - ahead of the due date!
              3. Iceland recently jailed its 26th banker, with 74 years of prison time between these crooks, for having caused the financial chaos. Contrast this to the US, where no bankster was jailed or held accountable in any way, and were actually paid exorbitant windfall bonuses.
              4. If Iceland's Finance Minister Bjarni Benediktsson has his way — and he likely will — Icelanders will be paid kr 30,000 after the government takes over ownership of Íslandsbanki, which would be second of the three largest banks under State proprietorship. Contrast these payments to the Icelandic people with the massive US bankster bailouts at the expense of taxpayers. Quite a difference, wouldn't you agree?
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • I have a lot of respect for the Icelandic people who took control of their government and the country's banking institutions without a shot being fired. The sad fact is that the USA is so divided that it will take a major event like nothing ever seen before for the people here to do the same.

                The government and bankers are the true organized crime syndicates that are parasitical in nature and wont stop until they are effectively eradicated.

                I read somewhere where a person was voicing their opinion that the Black Lives Matter movement is good in the sense that people are standing up to the murderous cops and finally taking a stand. Recently there was even a Judge shot down in Texas.

                Basically the gist of this persons claim was that killing cops and judges and even politicians is needed to enforce the point that the people have had enough and even as misguided and some might feel the Black Lives Matters people are at least they have the balls to do something other thank just talking about it.
                Obamisim ; “descriptive term” ; = Something so blindingly full of hope and optimism to heal or fix any situation yet only resulting in a most catastrophic cluster f*ck of failure.


                • Former U.S. Rep. Allen B. West noted on his website, "Instead of being thankful for getting off the unemployment line for a few weeks and having a little fun protesting, the paid rioters who tore up Ferguson, MO, are protesting again.

                  "First of all, can you even imagine getting paid $5,000.00 a month for running around holding a sign and burning down an occasional building? That's around $1,250.00 per week. Try making that at McDonald's or Starbucks."

                  Ferguson Protesters Now Protesting Over Not Getting Paid

                  Liberal billionaire George Soros donated $33million to social justice organizations which helped turn events in Ferguson from a local protest into a national flashpoint.

                  Billionaire George Soros spent $33MILLION bankrolling Ferguson demonstrators to create 'echo chamber' and drive national protests



                  • Sandy Hook revisited....

                    With the 3rd anniversary date of the December 14, 2012 Sandy Hook incident only a few weeks away, I thought it might be an appropriate time to look at developments which have taken place since we first discussed the story in this post. Among those developments, what I find particularly interesting is an article from July 2014 concerning the retirements, disappearances, and deaths of several officials and other individuals who had been involved in the Sandy Hook saga.

                    In another related disappearance, that of William Shanley - the author and documentary filmmaker who filed a $1 trillion lawsuit against big media for alleged fraudulent coverage of the Sandy Hook incident - Shanley was arrested on December 31, 2014 on one felony and two misdemeanor counts, and held on $50,000 bail for 43 days, then released on February 11, 2015. Shanley says that he was actually assaulted by the three police officers who accused him of "assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest," and was later beaten by four prison guards and drugged with Haldol for 9 days of which he has no remembrance. After being released from Corrigan Prison, Shanley filed additional documents in US District Court regarding his alleged rough and abusive treatment by Connecticut law enforcement officials.

                    Shanley's trillion dollar lawsuit, of course, was dismissed by the judge hearing the case, for the stated reason of being "frivolous." The dismissal occurred on January 15, 2015, while Shanley was still incarcerated. Rather convenient, don't you think? Of course it was a no-brainer from the very start that the case would be dismissed either on grounds of being frivolous, or on Shanley having no standing to file the suit. And now, after his arrest, and slandering as being somewhat of a nut case, Shanley's credibility has been damaged. It would have been much more difficult to dismiss a suit brought by someone who had been closely involved in, was personally affected by, or who had foreknowledge of, the Sandy Hook incident - perhaps someone like Douglas Cottle, the 62 year old dentist from Ogden, Utah, who was the grandfather of alleged child victim Emilie Parker, who is said to have died at Sandy Hook. We'll probably never know whether she actually died, or who the actual perpetrator of the crime was if her death was factual, but as pointed out in the first linked post above, something about Robbie Parker's TV news interview caused a lot of people to believe that he was simply play-acting the part of Emilie's grieving father. What if Doug Cottle actually knew the truth of the matter, having been told of the planned ruse by his daughter, Alissa Parker? What if he had been unwilling to go along with such fraud against the American public, and had threatened to expose what he knew? That would appear to be a pertinent question when one considers the fact that Doug suffered 30 fractures to his facial structure during his 9th LOTOJA bicycle race on September 9th of 2012, and died 20 days later, less than 3 months before the Sandy Hook incident. Cottle was the only bicyclist in LOTOJA's 30 year history to have sustained life threatening injuries. Coincidence, perhaps? Or was this one of many questionable incidents regarding those closely connected with the Sandy Hook/Newtown story?

                    You may remember me mentioning in 2013, in the last paragraph of post #4860 concerning the JFK assassination, the fact that an actuary (one who considers the mathematical probability factors of past or future statistics) calculated the odds of 18 material witnesses dying within 3 years of witnessing the assassination at being 1 in 100,000 trillion! Such odds can only be explained by those deaths being non-coincidental, and as having been planned and carried out by those wanting to ensure that these witnesses were forever silenced. One can't help wondering what an actuary would say about the deaths and disappearances of those related to the Sandy Hook incident. While we will probably never know the truth about Sandy Hook, at least one thing does seem certain. If Sandy Hook was in fact a pre-planned, staged event, as a great number of people believe, and if Doug Cottle or any of the others now dead or missing had threatened to expose that plan, there is no way that the planners could have allowed them to reveal any part of what they may have known.
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Why It Might Be Time To Refinance Your Mortgage

                      Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                      The biggest economic crime of all? The biggest economic crime is when international bankers lend the entire money supply of a nation at compound interest, placing the burden of providing national purchasing power upon home buyers and and home equity refinancers where the standard contracts stipulate front-loading of interest payments, so that when deflation from interest drain makes it impossible for households to pay their bills without refinancing to consolidate credit card debt etc. they refinance and in so doing forfeit 100 percent of the interest they have worked so hard for so long to to pay so they must start over paying full interest on principal that, that in many cases has not been paid down even one cent. Over 90 percent of people who refinance do not realize that in doing so they make a gift to the owners of the bank of all the interest they have been paying for, often several years as they are forced to start all over paying full interest on the original full principle -- except that over this time deflation continued and earning each dollar of principal and interest will be even harder than before. The biggest economic crime of all is having this kind of monetary system, this kind of theft of people kept in ignorance of the crime, when money can and should be provided free of charge by government as a public utility, as necessary infrastructure required for a market economy that serves the common good.
                      ~ Dick Eastman Yakima, Washington



                      • Actually, it would be a better time for people to awaken to the fact that their current mortgage loan, or any new mortgage loan they are contemplating, is a total fraud on the part of the banksters. That is because the amount they "loan" to you is not at risk to them for even a penny, because they didn't use "their" bank reserves, or any banking customer deposits, to loan you anything. The amount funded in the "loan" is actually created out of nothing by the borrowers signature. In other words, the "borrower" is actually loaning his credit to the bank, which the bank then loans back to the borrower to be repaid at interest. You see, the bank actually takes the promissory note signed by the borrower, and ledgers this as a deposit for the full amount of the stated "loan." This "deposit" of the borrower's credit is what provides the funding for the "loan."

                        Quite a scam, huh? This is how the funds, which previously did not exist, are created. The borrower then busts his butt to work for 30 years just to pay the principal + interest on the "loan." Those who are awakening to this scam, and properly notifying the banksters of their fraud, are successful at ending their payments to the pirate banksters, and getting those banksters to cancel the mortgages. Go here to learn more about the scam.
                        Last edited by rickoff; 11-18-2015, 06:47 PM.
                        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post

                          Actually, it would be a better time for people to awaken to the fact that their current mortgage loan, or any new mortgage loan they are contemplating, is a total fraud on the part of the banksters. That is because the amount they "loan" to you is not at risk to them for even a penny, because they didn't use "their" bank reserves, or any banking customer deposits, to loan you anything. The amount funded in the "loan" is actually created out of nothing by the borrowers signature. In other words, the "borrower" is actually loaning his credit to the bank, which the bank then loans back to the borrower to be repaid at interest. You see, the bank actually takes the promissory note signed by the borrower, and ledgers this as a deposit for the full amount of the stated "loan." This "deposit" of the borrower's credit is what provides the funding for the "loan."

                          Quite a scam, huh? This is how the funds, which previously did not exist, are created. The borrower then busts his butt to work for 30 years just to pay the principal + interest on the "loan." Those who are awakening to this scam, and properly notifying the banksters of their fraud, are successful at ending their payments to the pirate banksters, and getting those banksters to cancel the mortgages. Go here to learn more about the scam.
                          Good post Rick, same as the banking scam. The mortgage scam is being tested in the UK courts and for those who do not understand the banking scam, you can get a free book, written by my friend Justin, explaining all -

                          Kind regards



                          • Playing with firecrackers in the nitroglycerine factory

                            US, French Aircraft Carriers Rush Toward Syrian Coast To Find Numerous Russian Warships Already There | Zero Hedge
                            EDIT; Well one fo the firecracker seems to have lit a fuse. ( Yes, I know that you don't uses fuses with nitroglycerine).
                            NATO Member Turkey Shoots Down Russian Fighter Jet; Putin Vows Revenge
                            Last edited by Danny B; 11-25-2015, 03:57 AM. Reason: update


                            • The western Oligarchy is made up of about 800 elite that are engulfed in globalism.
                              These are mostly liberals that live in large cities surrounding themselves in global citizenry.
                              Their sense of national character shows no regard to protecting the nation and even less
                              concern for the average worker. The problems they make interfering in foreign
                              countries is sometimes the seed producing retaliation on Americans.
                              Last edited by mikrovolt; 11-25-2015, 01:50 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                                Jim Willie has said all along that Deutsche Bank is going to go bust.
                                "Deutsche Bank Bankruptcy Will Be Declared Soon And It Will Wipe Out The Entire Banking System. FED Is Preparing For This Event."
                                Deutsche Bank Bankruptcy Will Be Declared Soon And It Will Wipe Out The Entire Banking System. FED Is Preparing For This Event.
                                They hold $ 70 trillion in derivatives. How do you prepare for an explosion like that?
                                The West allowed the derivative bubble to grow to enormous size. China allowed the shadow banking industry to do the same. This Time Is Not Different: China Faces 'Internal Debt Crisis'—Carmen Reinhart (Page 1)
                                Douglas MacArthur, "History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline.

                                There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster."
                                We are definitely on track for that.
                                Signs of a Dying Society
                                When morality leaves the scene, trust walks out hand-in-hand with it. Credit trails along behind. The "trust horizon" moves inbound. Capital withdraws and investment runs for cover. Never before has a society been so dependent on credit. Never before has such a large segment of public & private enterprise been so over-leveraged.
                                The world improvers and the world destroyers have worked hard to bring world socialism. Socialist distribution to the rich in a fascist top layer and bread & circuses for the rest. The plan is incompatible with a high degree of machine productivity.
                                The old standby of war to distract the populace from their poverty is close to being realized. Of course, profit is the main motive. Actor Donald Sutherland: The Hunger Games an Allegory for the United States of America | We Are Change
                                We live in a different world. It is far too complex and integrated to withstand a big war. A big war would crash all domestic economies and bring revolution.


                                давай за...-davai za...-A toast to...


