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The American Ruling Class

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  • Sorry Rick,
    I must have done something wrong while posting. The images show up on my computer.
    I will try to delete them.
    My bad, Gene

    P.S. The images even show up in your post to me??

    Post #6043 was a quote of Ben Stein
    "Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove
    they are insured.... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen."
    "And now, any of those who refuse, or are unable, to prove they are citizens
    will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to buy
    insurance because they are citizens."
    Last edited by gene gene; 12-18-2015, 10:54 PM.


    • Comment

      • I hope all can see these they appear about 6" x 6" in Rick's reply to me.
        Sorry for the mix up, Gene
        Last edited by gene gene; 12-18-2015, 11:37 PM.


        • Sandy Hook update

          Three years ago, on December 14th, and for some time afterwards, we talked about the many unanswered questions and oddities concerning the media reports of shootings at the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. Because of the many things that just didn't add up, the general consensus was that the reports were likely a false flag hoax designed to sway public opinion and demands for stricter gun control legislation. Since that time, we see each new shooting report in the media milked for all it is worth, and both media and "government" operatives fanning the flames to condemn "gun violence" as something that "government" must do something about. The most recent reporting of the San Bernadino shootings, and deaths of 14 victims, is a prime example of how such reporting drags on for days, or even weeks, while the fact is that the number of people killed in Chicago on a regular basis is never even mentioned. Of course that is because Chicago already has very strict gun laws which haven't done anything to curb gun related homicides in that city, so reporting on those deaths would be counter-productive to the gun control agenda.

          Getting back to Sandy Hook, an Internet search on Sandy Hook will bring up countless pages and images relating to what has now become known as the "Sandy Hoax," or "Sandy Hook Hoax." Among such Internet pages are one that points to the elementary school having been closed since 2008, well before the purported "shootings, because of the school being contaminated with toxic substances. That page offers several convincing evidences to support that conclusion.

          You might remember that we talked about how "Robbie Parker," the reported father of "victim" Emilie Parker, was caught on video joking and laughing just before making a statement for a national news report. He looked like an actor, doing some deep breathing and putting on his best sad face before beginning to speak. It turns out that someone has figured out that the part of Robbie Parker was played by actor Samuel Travis Delaney. Whether or not that is factual remains to be admitted or proven, but one thing is certain - that Robbie Parker's performance, as captured on video, is highly suspicious.

          Yet another website offers interesting conclusions that several of the photos of child "victims" at Sandy Hook were actually photos taken several years earlier.

          A convincing book titled "Nobody died at Sandy Hook" was featured at for about one month before being banned. A free download of the book, however can be downloaded at this link. James Fetzer, who had a major role in writing the book along with several other researchers, now offers a website in which he offers evidence to "debunk the debunkers." One of the other researchers involved in the book, Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy, was just given a termination notice two days ago for statements contained in the book that are attributed to him. Figures, huh? If you can't kill the book, then go after those who wrote it.

          Another interesting web page shows a photo of the Sandy Hook principal said to have been killed, alongside another photo which is obviously a close-up of the first one, but which is said to have been used to identify someone said to have been an eyewitness to the later "Boston Bombing" event. Even was unable to offer up a reasonable explanation or denial of the claim. If the claim is true, it offers concrete evidence that same photos, and/or photos of the same people, are often used more than once to depict witnesses or victims in events occurring at different times and places.

          Also worthy of note is this web page, featuring a story about the trillion dollar lawsuit filed in federal court against mainstream media by film maker and author William Shanley.

          Other web pages investigating or reporting on Sandy Hook hoax aspects are too numerous to mention, but many of them are worthy of consideration.
          Last edited by rickoff; 12-19-2015, 06:06 PM.
          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
            Both the U.S.S.R. and the EU have demonstrated that central control of a large economy can never work. That doesn't stop the PTB from trying. The Eurocrats were told in the beginning that a currency union without a debt union had NEVER worked. They went ahead anyway and have admitted that they knew that it would all crash down.
            Apparently, "they" will continue to crash "capitalistic" economies until we figure out that top-down control of socialism is the way to go. The Irish voted down the Lisbon treaty. They were forced to keep voting until they finally got it right.
            We will have our crash and then, we will figure out that socialism is the best way to go.

            By design the morally bankrupt oligarchic system is structured in such a way as to identify, groom and regularly promote up the power pole ladder slick psychopaths who play their cards right. They inherently know how to say the right words to the right persons at the strategic moment to calculatingly scheme and coldheartedly plot their rise to the highest echelons of power. As mere policymaking stewards for their puppet master oligarchs who are not just the shadowy, full fledged members of an elitist club of psychopaths, but like everything else, they are in fact bona fide role models and outright owners of this exclusive club of psychopaths. Without any conscience, remorse, guilt or even second thought, they wield increasingly absolute power and control over the earth’s dominions, causing unconscionable amounts of suffering and pain to billions of fellow human beings in this world. For all the theft, death and destruction they perpetrate, if oligarchs are not psychopaths, than they are simply not human.

            “Masters of Manipulation”: Psychopaths Rule The World



            • Eisenhour's warning

              "This ship is sinking," retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson tells Abby Martin, adding that "today the purpose of US foreign policy is to support the complex that we have created in the national security state that is fueled, funded, and powered by interminable war."

              The former national security advisor to the Reagan administration, who spent years as an assistant to Secretary of State Colin Powell during both Bush administrations reflects on the sad but honest reflection on what America has become as he exposes the unfixable corruption inside the establishment and the corporate interests driving foreign policy."
              "America's Ship Is Sinking" Former Bush Official Exposes The Unfixable Corruption Inside The Establishment | Zero Hedge


              • Originally posted by gene gene View Post

                I hope all can see these they appear about 6" x 6" in Rick's reply to me.
                Sorry for the mix up, Gene
                This one appears to be about 1" x 1", and the picture in the post above that (#6047) is about double that size. Of course this entirely depends upon the resolution one's browser is set at. I could read the picture text in #6047, but not in this one, although I know what it says because I have seen it before.

                Last edited by rickoff; 12-23-2015, 12:20 AM.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Yes, the Texas secession movement is becoming a hot topic these days, and it looks as though it may actually get placed on their primary election ballots in March. Election fraud could be used to alter the voting results, but the voting public wouldn't believe any result that doesn't overwhelmingly approve secession. Texans appear to be getting ready for secession, as they want to withdraw their 560 gold bars, stored at a New York bank, and move it back to Texas for safekeeping. I hope it is not being held at the Federal Reserve bank of New York, as it would probably be long gone if that's the case.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • Vets ( terrorists)

                    Something interesting on vets; Police Whisper Into Protesters? Ear: ?Keep On Protesting? | Zero Hedge


                    • Roberts

                      In France Marine Le Pen’s National Front Party could bring political change. In the UK Nigel Farage’s UK Independence Party or Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party could bring political change. But in the US there is no prospect of change from elections. Change can only come from collapse or from bloody revolution. The American Establishment will not accept change.

                      And most likely, the American Establishment would assassinate Le Pen and Farage and Corbyn before accepting change in France and the UK.
                      Donald Trump: An Evaluation -- Paul Craig Roberts -


                      • Predictive Programing


                        BK D3C0D3D



                        • Roberts and his Christmas message

                          Our mass media is so saturated with lies that it is hard to get any sense of truth and history. Here is an EXCELLENT article from Paul Craig Roberts that lays out the whole sordid, murderous history of the war party; Christmas 2015—–Why There Is No Peace On Earth | David Stockman's Contra Corner

                          It is long but, comprehensive. Bush sr. could have turned around the direction of the world from war to peace. This was not to be. The PTB claim that ONLY war can hold the country together;
                          Since WW II, we have had 70 years of war against about 70 countries. Since war is "necessary", it wasn't difficult for israel to convince america to war against israel's enemies. The defence contractors were all on-board.
                          The war budget is huge. The social safety net budget is huge. When the U.S.S.R. bond market collapsed, BOTH of these sectors collapsed.


                          • "When I say that Capitalism is organized crime,
                            I’m talking about the way business today has taken for itself more power
                            over our government than the individual has who does not own a business."

                            When we talk about lobbyists and corporations buying our government,
                            we can't lose sight of the fact that there are two sides to this "crime":
                            it is not just legislators being bought, but corporations doing the buying.

                            Both sides, organized together to remove the ordinary citizen from the picture.

                            While that is not legally criminal, it is an ethical crime, and therefore,
                            the title of this blog: Capitalism is Organized Crime!

                            I say it that way because, though Capitalism is simply private ownership of capital assets,
                            it is how those assets are being used by corporations - the large, powerful corporations - that has become criminal.
                            Capitalism is Organized Crime!

                            Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                            • Asia’s Top Commodity Trader Ends a Turbulent Year With Cut To Junk (BBG)
                            Mom And Pop Are The Greater Fools (ZH) Not by choice. Their pension fund invested in junk.
                            • China’s Yuan Posts Biggest Annual Loss In 21 Years (BBG) Hmmm, is that bad?
                            China’s Financial Growing Pains Caused World of Hurt in 2015 (WSJ) They have barely started.
                            Turkey ‘One Step Away From A Civil War’ (NY Times) That is what happens when you dance with a bear,,, not to mention, mess with the Kurds.
                            Greek Pension Cuts Back On The Table (Kath.) No problem, they can get by on 5 bucks a day.
                            • Greek House Price Drop Second To Worst In The World (Kath.) Maybe because they have no money.
                            Merkel Urges Germans To See Refugee Arrivals As ‘An Opportunity’ (AFP) Quite true. An opportunity for complete destruction, Liberals Find Out What Happens When You Open Your Home To Muslim Refugees
                            12/31 European stocks plunge to worst December since 2002 – Zero Hedge
                            12/31 Battered yuan posts worst year since 1994 as HSBC preaches calm – Bloomberg Not to worry, the Yuan has just been included in the SDR basket.
                            12/31 You can't trust the Fed – Sovereign Investor ENTIRELY untrue. You can trust the FED to completely screw everybody but the banks.
                            And a bonus headline, 12/30 Sanders hits back after Trump calls him 'wacko' – Examiner What did he do? Whack trump up the side of the head.
                            The bankers would happily play us off against each other and leave them alone. Great wealth disparity often brings down a society.
                            Meet Madame Guillotine!

                            Another way to look at it is that there is this energetic field that contains limitless possibilities.
                            You pull from it what you want to create the reality you desire. Now without understanding this bit of important information
                            you think that reality is fixed and objective. And that the only way to better your circumstances and world you need an outside savior.
                            This is the great lie of our time.
                            Here is where Predictive Programming comes into play and we have to get around to
                            coming up with a nomenclature that best fits the function I am about to describe.
                            When the illuminati implant ideas into movies and TV shows such as Robin Williams death
                            what they are really doing is using you to manifest and create that circumstance for them.
                            You take in the programming and your spirit works to pull one of an infinite number of possibilities out of the energetic field.
                            See how it works. There is nothing “Predictive” about it.
                            Rather, it’s rather like a rape of your powers to serve the evil agenda of another.

                            The Truth About Predictive Programming

                            Last edited by aljhoa; 01-01-2016, 06:34 PM. Reason: added Danny B


                            • Roberts again,,,,,,, and Samson

                              Roberts really puts the information together; America Is Being Destroyed By Problems That Are Unaddressed -- Paul Craig Roberts -
                              You can't talk about the American ruling class without specifically talking about the jews. Unfortunately, what is good for israel is often BAD for America.
                              “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002.
                              There is a problem. In spite of all the military assistance given to israel, it is facing annihilation. It was drug into Lebanon much to it's sorrow. Hezbollah is gaining a lot of strength. The most recent problem is that there is an increasing amount of Syrian action in the Golan Heights. Israel claims the Golan heights for strategic reasons. Lots of oil was discovered there also.

                              Israel is facing increasing criticism from Europe. Israel recently announced that it's weapons could reach ALL of the European capitals. Israeli Professor - 'We Could Destroy All European Capitals'

                              One has to wonder at the stupidity of creating numerous enemies.
                              General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.[30]

                              One wonders why the European leaders follow orders to destroy Europe with islamic immigration. There are NUMEROUS claims that Israeli has hidden nukes all over Europe to force their will by blackmail. It is part of the Samson Option and it makes perfect sense.
                              I've been to israel. They picked real estate in a bad neighborhood and they are having problems with bad neighbors.
                              SO, what happens in D.C is closely related to what happens in Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv has said that they will not allow Iranians in Syria. Will they allow Hezbollah? How far will they go to stop or prevent this?

                              Gotta finish,,, coulda lost it.
                              There is no doubt that Netanyahooo is a psychopath or just plain nutcase. How far will he go? How much will the U.S. support him?,,,, the military? Obviously, power and GOV attract psychopaths. Psychopaths, Basketball Players & Politicians
                              How far will this go? Is it WW III ?
                              Last edited by Danny B; 01-01-2016, 06:20 PM. Reason: I shouldn't have double clicked

