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The American Ruling Class

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  • 9-11 Suspects

    Here's a link to one video in the 9-11 Suspects video series as done by the Corbett Report. This one is about Robert Baer, a 21 year CIA veteran, who admitted in an interview that he knew someone who had profited on 9-11 by cashing out on it the day before, using foreknowledge passed to him by a brother who worked at the Whitehouse. This may well have been one of several people who used put options on airlines stock, knowing in advance that the stock would take a huge dive on September 11, 2001. While Baer himself may not have been part of the conspiracy, he indicated that he directly knew someone who's brother was linked to it through his job at the Whitehouse. You'd think that such a revelation should have prompted an immediate and extensive investigation to determine who Baer was talking about, and how this inside information was handed down at the Whitehouse, but this never happened. Many people in the Bush administration obviously had foreknowledge of the planned 9/11 events, and several did pass this info on to friends and relatives, advising them not to travel by plane or enter the World Trade Center on 9/11.
    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


    • Donald Trump on 9-11-01

      jet fuel fire

      The Jet Fuel
      In the popular imagination, the jet fuel was the biggest factor in bringing down the towers. News reports emphasized that the transcontinental flights were fully loaded with fuel, while later government reports stated that the 767s were carrying about 10,000 of their 24,000-gallon capacity, and that most of the jet fuel likely burned off within five minutes. Thus, the jet fuel primarily served to ignite the post-crash fires rather than sustain them.
      Impacts and Fireballs

      Last edited by aljhoa; 09-11-2016, 07:39 PM. Reason: 598,255


      • The 9th circuit rabble rouser

        I haven't read up on the links but, It appears that the 9th circuit court is raising hell.
        The Fabricated Trials in Oregon are Over


        • What's In This Picture?

          That brings us to Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump has never studied the Constitution and makes no allusions about it. Yet he will swear an oath to protect and defend that Constitution while his left hand rests upon a bible.,,,”
          k * The massively ignored fact in this “selection” is that both of these political parties are broken beyond repair. If Trump wins in a landslide victory, then both of these so-called political parties will implode, almost immediately.

          That will happen because it will mean that both “political-parties” will have finally lost control over the population which they both have both sought to own for the last hundred plus years. That's true because there is no longer two parties, there is only one.
          The truth in this statement is possible because people have never needed this government to “lead” Americans anywhere * that task is reserved for individuals with intelligence and determination to protect themselves and their fellow human beings in a free nation.
          Freedom has never been FREE. It can never be given to anyone, because each new generation must win their freedom for themselves * and this gutless mass of sycophants and cowards have always been looking for someone else to secure their freedom and safety * which is always promised but has never been delivered.

          “ Of course, this swearing in will have taken place after Donald's secret briefing. We've all heard about how the newly elected Presidents are taken to a secret location and briefed about the secret technologies, e.t.'s, etc....and the rumors, I understand, are mostly true.”
          The newly selected President Trump will be taken to a special room in the basement of the Capitol Building, or CIA Headquarters in Langley ( I think Carter was briefed at Langley as I recall ) and he will be shown a 1/2 hour video and certain documents and then......He will do nothing. He will do as he is told. He will shut his mouth. And NO, he will never prosecute a former president and Obama will get away with his crimes because the next president will also betray every man, woman and child in America in addition to betraying our Constitution.
          All of these things are experienced by every President since Kennedy, I am sure. There are others far more knowledgeable about these secret Presidential briefings than myself, make no mistake. But nevertheless, the newly selected President will come out of this briefing a little shaken by what he has been told and seen, and that is why you will never, ever have a honest and forthright person in the Whitehouse ever again, no matter what they promise or say...”

          - See more at: What's In This Picture?

          Last edited by aljhoa; 09-16-2016, 05:22 PM. Reason: 599,004


          • CDC to detain Americans

            CDC to detain Americans... give your comments!

            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
              CDC to detain Americans... give your comments!

              You Can Be Fined and Jailed for Disobeying CDC Orders

              And if the CDC finds you guilty of disobeying their orders and they believe you transmitted an infection to someone else, you can be fined "$100,000 if the violation does not result in a death, or one year in jail, or both, or a fine of no more than $250,000 if the violation results in a death, or one year in jail or both."

              Plus, they have added this curious language without explanation: "Violations by organizations are subject to a fine of no more than $200,000 per event if the violation does not result in a death, or $500,000 per event it the violation results in a death."

              Right now, measles is not officially on the "detain and quarantine list." But measles easily could be put on that "isolate and quarantine" list if CDC officials convince the president to issue an Executive Order if or when the NPRM becomes law after October 14, 2016.

              Millions of Americans Want Vaccine Freedom of Choice

              Public surveys show that 87 percent of parents have declined one or more federally recommended vaccines for their children45 and one-third of all U.S. adults46 and 42 percent of Americans under age 3047 don't think parents should be forced to vaccinate their children.

              That is a lot of Americans wanting to exercise freedom of thought, speech and conscience when it comes to vaccination. But even supporters of mandatory vaccination laws need to pause and reflect upon a federal government plan to take into custody and quarantine people who have a rash or cough a lot.

              Just read the hundreds of public comments already posted on the CDC's website by outraged citizens.48 After you do that, please post your own comment too, BEFORE October 14, 2016, and contact your members of Congress,49 who may not be aware of what the CDC is trying to do.

              Signing an online petition or "liking" an article on Facebook is not enough. You need to make direct contact by phone, email or in person with the people who represent you in Congress and express your sincere concerns.

              The CDC's proposed change to the Public Health Service Act is not about health. It is about taking away civil liberties that keep Americans safe from tyranny. It is about getting permission to tag, track and force individuals against their will to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, so there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow.

              The question is: Will American people let them get away with it? Will you let them get away with it? Or will you stand with the growing citizen army of enlightened Americans who are defending the human right to freedom of thought, speech, conscience, religion and informed consent in this great country of ours?

              You know what needs to be done. Stand up and protect your civil liberties now, so you will never have to wish you had when you still had the freedom to do it. Go to and to learn more. It's your health. Your family. Your choice.

              CDC to Amend Public Health Service Act

              Last edited by aljhoa; 09-22-2016, 05:58 AM. Reason: 599,786


              • Re: CDC regulations

                Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                CDC to detain Americans... give your comments!

                Thanks for bringing this up, Aaron. I think we'd all agree that, when dealing with things like Ebola, it is better to be safe than sorry. Anyone coming to the USA from another country, whether from overseas or from Canada, Mexico, or South America, is a possible carrier of a highly infectious communicable disease. We all remember Thomas Eric Duncan, who in October of 2014 stumbled into a Dallas hospital and soon afterwards died from Ebola. He had come to the USA from Africa to visit relatives. Shortly before leaving Africa, he had helped to carry the body of a deceased Ebola victim for a funeral. The Dallas hospital did not immediately recognize the threat that they faced from Duncan, as they were more concerned with treating his symptoms than determining how he might have acquired them, and this placed hospital staff at high risk. A nurse assigned to monitor and treat Duncan later developed Ebola, but recovered from that situation after receiving special proprietary treatment, as did also an American doctor who fell ill with Ebola after returning from treating Ebola victims in Africa. Interestingly, the US relatives of Duncan sued the hospital after Duncan's rapid decline and death, saying that he could also have been saved if the hospital had properly diagnosed his illness when he first appeared at the hospital. He was actually sent back home by hospital staff, who made incorrect assumptions, and became far more ill by the time he returned to the hospital. The Dallas hospital settled with Duncan's relatives for an undisclosed amount without going to court, and probably reached a similar settlement with the infected nurse. While the hospital did err by not following CDC protocol, Duncan was the first case of Ebola in the USA. It seems rather strange that someone who brought Ebola here, placing countless Americans at risk, should be rewarded (actually his relatives) for doing so when he (and they) should have realized the likelihood that he had contracted Ebola and should have made that clear to hospital staff.

                Anyways, all of that news about Ebola scared the hell out of a lot of Americans. Here in Maine, there were two flights which landed at Bangor International Airport carrying medical personnel who had contracted Ebola while treating Ebola victims in Africa. There was also a nurse returning from Africa who returned to Maine on a commercial passenger jet, and our governor wanted to have her placed under quarantine for two weeks to be on the safe side, but was unsuccessful in that attempt. The courts ruled that she could return to her home and go wherever she wanted with no restrictions. Smart, huh? I, for one, believe that a two week quarantine period is not at all unreasonable, as it takes about two weeks for someone to become ill after contracting Ebola, and this nurse was obviously a person with a definite risk factor involved. For that matter, even though she was not feeling ill when she left Africa, let's suppose that she could have contracted Ebola 12 days before traveling here. If that had occurred, everyone she came in contact with during her flight and arrival here would have been placed at risk, and this could have mushroomed into more than 100 cases of Ebola in the USA and even started an epidemic. So, what I'm saying is that there do need to be strong precautionary measures, and some of those measures must include rules which persons, whether US nationals or not, must comply with.

                What I don't like to see, though, is agencies of the federal "government" making up their own regulations that Americans will be expected to abide by, and I am also opposed to administrative courts of such agencies being allowed to handle cases where someone is charged with violating that agency's regulations. That's tyrannical government, at best. One can easily see how the unconstitutional presidential executive orders enabling such CDC rule-making power could be used by a tyrannical government to subvert individuals, groups, cities, or entire states. For example, if there is a likelihood of rebellion in a particular state, regarding protest against an unconstitutional government action or inaction, Ebola could intentionally be introduced within that state, and a quarantine order could then prevent people in that state from congregating with others, leaving their homes, or from using any means of travel to other cities or states. Those who would not obey such orders would be subject to immediate arrest and indefinite detainment, probably at FEMA camps, but maybe at even more secure facilities. Because of the horrors of this dreaded disease, most people would be unwilling to go out in public, and the majority of the public would be begging the government to do whatever is necessary to get the situation under control, which is exactly what the federal government had wanted. This is not at all unimaginable considering what we already know about government corruption, deception, and its willingness to place its citizens at risk.
                Last edited by rickoff; 09-24-2016, 06:05 PM.
                "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                • Yes, we can all see that there is a large scale awakening going on here in America, and worldwide. Hardly anyone now is not aware that something is very wrong. There aren't very many who are blinded enough by the dream world they have lived in to believe that their governments are somehow going to start doing right by them. Unfortunately, though, the Ruling Class ploy of dividing the people into opposing camps is still working quite well. The upcoming election is a prime example. Roughly half the nation will vote Democrat believing that all Republicans are the opposition, and Republicans will vote in a like manner. The real question this time around is whether or not enough people understand that there really aren't two major parties, as they are actually one and the same - the parties of the Ruling Class elites.

                  I do believe that a huge number of people did realize this, and that because of their disaffection for the Republican party for having failed to take a stand in their behalf as promised, this was the prime reason for Trump's successful campaign. It's not so much that people believe Trump is the best possible choice to lead this nation, but rather that they chose him because they believed he could be more trusted than any establishment politician. That's a very reasonable assumption, but of course we must wonder how successful Trump could possibly be at restoring our republic and our Constitution, and hacking away at the tentacles of an aggressive and overgrown government, unless Congress is willing to go along with such an agenda, and I really can't imagine that there is going to be much of a positive change in Congress from the members currently seated. Still, I suppose that Trump could still do a lot of good things by circumventing Congress through executive orders, like the other presidents have done.

                  If you could propose the 5 executive orders that Trump should issue first, if elected, what would they be? As far as I'm concerned, I doubt that all this, or perhaps any of it, would be what happens, but here's my list:

                  1. Declare that all previous executive orders are hereby rescinded, effective immediately, that the NDAA is rescinded as being unconstitutional, and that the newly appointed Attorney General (Trey Gowdy, Jason Chafetz, or Judge Jeanine Pirro, to offer a few suggestions) will immediately begin full scale investigations of alleged wrongdoing by Hitlery Rotten Clinton and other government figures and agencies.

                  2. Declare the 14th Amendment both unconstitutional and improperly ratified, thereby eliminating the provision in Section 4 that "The validity of the public debt of the United States....shall not be questioned," and also eliminating the corporate citizenship which Americans were subjected to in Section 1. Appoint a citizen's committee to investigate all Amendments to the Constitution, made from Amendment 11 onward, to determine which others are also unconstitutional and/or improperly ratified, and to submit their report to the President within one month for further appropriate action.

                  3. Declare the Federal Reserve and IRS unconstitutional, and seize all their assets as having been unlawfully obtained through extortion and seizure. With the national debt having been effectively canceled in order #2, the assets should be returned to their rightful owners - the American people. Income taxes would be abolished.

                  4. Declare that no private banking institutions will be allowed to handle the monetary affairs of The United States Of America. The original Department of the Treasury will be reinstated, and all assets of the corporate de facto government now held in their treasury will be transferred to the reinstated Department of the Treasury.

                  5. Declare that all federal and state courts will immediately begin operating as intended by the Constitution - in common law, and using only the original federal Constitution (with first 10 Amendments) and original state constitutions as applicable law. Citizen operated grand juries, independent of the courts, and with full power to investigate reported unlawful activity and write indictments, would become effective immediately, and the right to "practice law" as a counsel, without any required license or fee would be recognized as an unalienable right. Any claim of "immunity" previously enjoyed by state or federal authorities of any capacity or level of authority would be stricken as unconstitutional.

                  I think that would be a good start, and could all be done the first day in office. Of course Congress could override these orders, but would do so in peril of extreme public condemnation and retaliation. Whether any of the above will be done or not remains to be seen, but if actually done would in large part restore our republic, our Constitution, and our justice system, in all due haste. An overnight and lasting boom to our economic condition would also take place, saving this nation from the doom that otherwise awaits us if we continue to be subjected to the will of the American Ruling Class PTB, the banksters, and the Bar Association. They aren't going to want to give up their stranglehold over every aspect of our lives, and will obviously let Trump know (if they haven't already) that his very life, and those of his family members, are subject to termination if he goes against their will and refuses to be be their political puppet.
                  "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                  • The Commission heard testimony from experts and scholars in the field and a majority of the
                    Commission made findings and recommendations. Some of those findings were that:

                    1. Civil rights protections ensuring nondiscrimination, as embodied in the Constitution,
                    laws, and policies, are of preeminent importance in American jurisprudence.

                    2. Religious exemptions to the protections of civil rights based upon classifications such as
                    race, color, national origin, sex, disability status, sexual orientation, and gender identity,
                    when they are permissible, significantly infringe upon these civil rights.

                    3. The First Amendment’s Establishment Clause constricts the ability of government actors
                    to curtail private citizens’ rights to the protections of non-discrimination laws and
                    policies. Although the First Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause and the Religious
                    Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) limit the ability of government actors to impede
                    individuals from practicing their religious beliefs, religious exemptions from nondiscrimination
                    laws and policies must be weighed carefully and defined narrowly on a
                    fact-specific basis.

                    4. With regard to federal government actions, RFRA protects only First Amendment free
                    exercise rights of religious practitioners and not their Establishment Clause freedoms.
                    Prior to RFRA’s enactment, the U.S. Supreme Court had held in Employment Division v.
                    Smith, 494 U.S. 872 (1990), that the First Amendment “had never been held to excuse [an
                    individual’s religiously motivated conduct] from compliance with an otherwise valid law
                    prohibiting conduct that the state is free to regulate.” This holding strengthened
                    nondiscrimination laws and policies against actors who asserted religious justification for
                    civil rights discrimination. RFRA now supersedes Smith as a controlling source of
                    federal authority. Some states have enacted statutes modeled after RFRA which impact
                    state-level nondiscrimination civil liberties and civil rights protections.


                    Team Obama launches a shocking broadside against religious faith | Fox News

                    Last edited by aljhoa; 09-25-2016, 03:05 PM. Reason: 600,349


                    • Oliver Stone’s American History: ‘We’re Not under Threat. We Are the Threat’

                      American controversies are Oliver Stone’s forte. The Hollywood movie director has turned his cameras on the assassination of John F Kennedy, the Vietnam War and the 9/11 attacks. But, when researching his television series, The Untold History of the United States, it was American exploits in the Middle East that left him with the most lasting impression, he told Middle East Eye on Wednesday.

                      “When I studied the untold history, one thing that really hit me hard was the history of our involvement in the Middle East,” Stone said. “It was a nefarious involvement.” Stone traces Washington’s hand in the region back to the 1930s, but he says it reached a peak when President George HW Bush sent hundreds of thousands of US troops to liberate Kuwait after the Iraqi invasion of 1990. The Soviet Union had recently collapsed and the region was wide open to a lone superpower, he said. “We never got out of there. Once we were in, we’re in forever,” Stone said.

                      “We’ve destabilised the entire region, created chaos. And then we blame ISIS for the chaos we created,” he added, referring to the Islamic State (IS) group that now rules swathes of Iraq and Syria.

                      Stone researched and wrote the series and book with Peter Kuznick, a scholar at the American University who specialises in the US nuclear strikes on Japan that ended the Second World War. “It’s all about the oil. You remember the bumper sticker: What is our oil doing under their sand?” Kuznick told MEE. Washington’s hunger for fuel underpins its alliance with Saudi Arabia, the CIA-backed coup against Iranian prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953 and its support for anti-Soviet religious militants in Afghanistan in the 1980s, he said.

                      “We create these messes, then we have a grand military plan to solve them. And the military solutions just don’t work,” he said. The views of Stone and Kuznick are not likely to raise eyebrows on the streets of Cairo, Moscow or Paris. But in the US they are not mainstream.

                      The way Stone tells it, Americans live in a bubble and are spoon-fed information by a school system, politicians and a media that portrays the US as a beacon of stability and a force for good in the world. In one famous example, former President Ronald Reagan called the US a “shining city on a hill”. “It’s very comforting to be an American,” Stone said.

                      You get the sense that you are safe and have prosperity of material goods, and that you have enemies everywhere – Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. You get into this cocoon where you have a big country, two oceans, but that you’re always under threat. Stone says he understands this well because he lived it himself. He was raised in New York, the son of a Republican stockbroker, Louis Stone. He was always creative – he often wrote short plays to entertain his family – but never questioned how his history teachers puffed up the US, he said. “I had only gotten a part of the story, which emphasised American exceptionalism, America as a selfless and beneficial country to the world,” he said.

                      He has also interviewed foreign statesmen who defy Washington – from the Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro to the ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Untold History of the United States, a 10-part documentary series and a 750-page book, offers Americans an alternate perspective on US history from the Second World War through the Cold War to the present day. Stone says he wants to counter the “educational crime” of misleading American schoolchildren. “American exceptionalism has to be driven out of our curriculums,” he said. “We’re not under threat. We are the threat.” - Oliver Stone’s American History: ‘We’re Not under Threat. We Are the Threat’


                      • Just in Florida? No, all across the USA

                        There are 3 types of people: Those who make things happen. Those who watch things happen and those say "what happened" when things go to hell in a hand basket. JUST IN FLORIDA - How many new churches and synagogues have you seen being built these days?... JUST IN FLORIDA (see link for extensive list of Mosques and Islamic centers in Florida) Read to the end... ... Right under our noses. ALL OF A SUDDEN. MESSAGE FROM A CONCERNED CITIZEN:

                        "Has everyone lost their ability to see what is happening in the USA? Think America! Before Obama, there was virtually no visible presence of Islam in America.

                        All of a sudden, Islam is taught in schools.

                        All of a sudden, we must allow prayer rugs everywhere and allow for Islamic prayer in schools and businesses.

                        All of a sudden, we must stop serving pork in public places and institutions.

                        All of a sudden, we must allow burkas to be worn everywhere even though you have no idea who is covered up under them.

                        All of a sudden,Muslim training compounds are popping up throughout the USA.

                        All of a sudden, Muslims are suing employers for being expected to do their jobs.

                        All of a sudden, all of our aircraft carriers are recalled for maintenance by Obama rendering the Atlantic unsupported.

                        All of a sudden, our troops are withdrawn from the middle east.

                        All of a sudden, there is no money for American poor, disabled veterans, jobless Americans, hungry Americans, or displaced Americans, but there is endless money for Obama's refugee programs.

                        All of a sudden, Obama fills the Federal Government with Muslims in key positions.

                        All of a sudden, there is an ammunition shortage in the USA.

                        All of a sudden, Americans are threatened by the Federal government for complaining about Muslims.

                        All of a sudden, the most important thing for Obama to do is disarm American Citizens.

                        Now, why is it so important for Obama to disarm America? Why? Because a disarmed country is ripe for takeover by the Muslim Army that Obama has imported into the United States.

                        Nikita Krueschev, the Russian Dictator who visited the USA in the 1950s said the USA could never be occupied by any army because of it's citizen Army. Obama knows this fact and is doing everything within his power to disarm our Citizen Army. If Obama can't do it legally, he will abuse his power and take every gun from Americans because he knows he must do that to turn the USA over to Islam. Be watchful. Obama's actions speak far beyond his words. Obama won't even say the words "Islamic Terrorist", WHY?" History will show he was born in Kenya and muslim all his life, abusing his power to fund and support muslims who kill and maim worldwide and invade our country.


                        • Originally posted by quantumfanatic View Post
                          Oliver Stone’s American History: ‘We’re Not under Threat. We Are the Threat’

                          American controversies are Oliver Stone’s forte. The Hollywood movie director has turned his cameras on the assassination of John F Kennedy, the Vietnam War and the 9/11 attacks. But, when researching his television series, The Untold History of the United States, it was American exploits in the Middle East that left him with the most lasting impression, he told Middle East Eye on Wednesday.

                          “When I studied the untold history, one thing that really hit me hard was the history of our involvement in the Middle East,” Stone said. “It was a nefarious involvement.” Stone traces Washington’s hand in the region back to the 1930s, but he says it reached a peak when President George HW Bush sent hundreds of thousands of US troops to liberate Kuwait after the Iraqi invasion of 1990. The Soviet Union had recently collapsed and the region was wide open to a lone superpower, he said. “We never got out of there. Once we were in, we’re in forever,” Stone said.

                          “We’ve destabilised the entire region, created chaos. And then we blame ISIS for the chaos we created,” he added, referring to the Islamic State (IS) group that now rules swathes of Iraq and Syria.

                          Stone researched and wrote the series and book with Peter Kuznick, a scholar at the American University who specialises in the US nuclear strikes on Japan that ended the Second World War. “It’s all about the oil. You remember the bumper sticker: What is our oil doing under their sand?” Kuznick told MEE. Washington’s hunger for fuel underpins its alliance with Saudi Arabia, the CIA-backed coup against Iranian prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953 and its support for anti-Soviet religious militants in Afghanistan in the 1980s, he said.

                          “We create these messes, then we have a grand military plan to solve them. And the military solutions just don’t work,” he said. The views of Stone and Kuznick are not likely to raise eyebrows on the streets of Cairo, Moscow or Paris. But in the US they are not mainstream.

                          The way Stone tells it, Americans live in a bubble and are spoon-fed information by a school system, politicians and a media that portrays the US as a beacon of stability and a force for good in the world. In one famous example, former President Ronald Reagan called the US a “shining city on a hill”. “It’s very comforting to be an American,” Stone said.

                          You get the sense that you are safe and have prosperity of material goods, and that you have enemies everywhere – Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. You get into this cocoon where you have a big country, two oceans, but that you’re always under threat. Stone says he understands this well because he lived it himself. He was raised in New York, the son of a Republican stockbroker, Louis Stone. He was always creative – he often wrote short plays to entertain his family – but never questioned how his history teachers puffed up the US, he said. “I had only gotten a part of the story, which emphasised American exceptionalism, America as a selfless and beneficial country to the world,” he said.

                          He has also interviewed foreign statesmen who defy Washington – from the Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro to the ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Untold History of the United States, a 10-part documentary series and a 750-page book, offers Americans an alternate perspective on US history from the Second World War through the Cold War to the present day. Stone says he wants to counter the “educational crime” of misleading American schoolchildren. “American exceptionalism has to be driven out of our curriculums,” he said. “We’re not under threat. We are the threat.” - Oliver Stone’s American History: ‘We’re Not under Threat. We Are the Threat’


                          Last edited by aljhoa; 09-26-2016, 05:17 AM. Reason: 600,438


                          • Will the real Hillary please stand up....

                            There are countless stories circulating on the Internet lately regarding Hitlery Rotten Clinton. Among the most numerous are speculations about her state of health, and questioning whether she is seriously ill, dying, or has already died. A spike in these stories happened after the release of a video showing Hitlery apparently collapsing on September 11th, and being helped into a van. She was whisked away to the building where Chelsea Clinton has an apartment, and then was seen a bit later that day out on the sidewalk and appearing quite spry, although that appearance is thought to actually be a body double stand-in because the woman who emerged from the building is shorter and has a skinnier torso. Other recent "Hillary" appearances also appear to have been faked by body doubles, and it is suggested that Hitlery's campaign has used at least 2 different body doubles besides better known impersonator Teresa Barnwell, who has been doing Hitlery impersonations for 23 years. With Hollywood style makeup artistry, Barnwell could easily pass for Hitlery Clinton in most any situation. The other two doubles aren't nearly as convincing, being either too short and skinny, or appearing about 20 years younger than Hitlery and not having the tell-tale facial features you expect to see on Hitlery's neck and face - heavy wrinkles, the "joker smile," etc. One YouTube video does a very good job of pointing out the facial feature differences. After you watch the video, I suggest that you take the Hillary Clinton Guessing Game quiz to test what you have learned, or you might even take the quiz both before and after watching the video.

                            Shortly after the video of Hitlery's collapse was first shown on the Internet, two other stories began circulating - the first being a report that what was seen in the "collapse video" was really Hitlery being arrested and unwillingly dragged into the van, but while I would have liked to believe that it just didn't sound very probable. The second alternative story was that Hitlery had actually died. That story was shown on a live newscast done by WABCTV channel 7 in New York City. As seen in this video, the story was later retracted by ABC news, but it left many people wondering if Hitlery actually had died, and theorizing that the Democrat campaign had quickly squelched the story and run a cover-up operation using Hitlery doubles. After watching the debate, I'm not so sure about Hitlery having dropped dead, as the person on stage really did look like Hitlery, but several factors regarding the debate do raise many questions. If this was Hitlery, then there is no doubt that she cheated, and that Lester Holt, the moderator, was complicit in the cheating. If this was a Hitlery body double, it goes to show that the double was provided with every conceivable form of assistance in carrying out the faked debate. Here's a video that shows what could have been a teleprompter at Hitlery's podium. Not that she would have needed a teleprompter if she already knew the exact questions that would be asked of each candidate, and had a folder containing the written answers at her podium. The folder was quickly whisked away by a "mystery man" (an ABC employee) immediately after the debate ended. It might be reasoned that the "teleprompter" was actually just a reading light, but the upright board placed before the "reading light" would have blocked the light from shining on the folder containing the notes. Also, there was enough overhead lighting that a secondary reading light would not have been needed even if the blocking board wasn't in place. Trump had notes on his podium, and was able to see them just fine without additional light. So it is quite possible that this light at Hitlery's podium was actually a wide format teleprompter which could have been feeding her coaching advice and answers, and that the written notes were simply a back-up prop for use only if the teleprompter failed. Of course Hitlery, or her double, could also have had a small and indiscernible hearing device placed in her ear canal as well, allowing a backstage team to tell her exactly what to say - or not to say, and telling her when to signal Holt that she was ready with a "zinger."

                            The debate was definitely and unquestioningly rigged against Trump. Holt interrupted Trump 41 times, but never interrupted Hitlery, and never asked Hitlery even one question regarding her many scandals and corrupt dealings. This of course led to Trump spending more time defending himself than in exposing Hitlery's corruption. Shortly before the debate I received an e-mail from the Trump campaign asking for advice about the issues Trump should focus on, and also asking what he should and should not do. I responded that none of the moderator's questions were likely to be about any subject of real importance, and that Trump should give very brief and unrebukable answers, and use his remaining time to talk about things that do matter - like the Federal Reserve, IRS, the banksters, and the fake national debt, and how none of this would change if Hitlery is elected. As to what Trump shouldn't do, I said, "Don't interrupt Hitlery when she's speaking, don''t raise your voice or otherwise appear agitated, and don't go into attack mode. Instead, end your timed responses by asking Hitlery a leading question that she won't want to talk about, and that will put her in defensive mode." Evidently, either the Donald never saw these suggestions or just didn't take them to heart.
                            Last edited by rickoff; 10-01-2016, 06:15 PM.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • inbred psychopaths

                              Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                              "The State is a gang of thieves, writ large, the most immoral, grasping and unscrupulous individuals in any society. “If you have the power to print money, you’ll do it. Regardless of any ideologies or statements, that you should limit your counterfeit operations to three percent a year as the Friedmanites want to do. Basically you print it. You find reasons for it, you save banks, you save people, whatever, there are lot of reasons to print.” — Murray N. Rothbard WARNING: We Are Going To Be Living In An Incredibly Chaotic World | King World News



                              Last edited by aljhoa; 10-04-2016, 12:52 AM. Reason: 601,405


                              • TRUMP: ICANN'T EVEN! America won't hand over internet control to Russia on my watch

                                Trump's policy director Stephen Miller goes on to say: "Internet freedom is now at risk with the President's intent to cede control to international interests, including countries like China and Russia, which have a long track record of trying to impose online censorship. Congress needs to act, or Internet freedom will be lost for good, since there will be no way to make it great again once it is lost."

                                TRUMP: ICANN'T EVEN! America won't hand over internet control to Russia on my watch • The Register

                                ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Board is already a threat to our liberty

                                Putting aside the voices of those of the “International Stakeholder Group”, who are the main advocates of this transition, those of us who know ICANN know that ICANN is already under Government influence. ICANN has given the organization it created, namely the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) enough veto power that it allowed it to object to any applicant it wants frivolously, without following its own consensus based policy, created over many years by the community.

                                ICANN only self corrects itself temporarily when caught in the act

                                ICANN cannot self-regulate, in principle no institution should, certainly not by an International Stakeholder Group of free riders, who have conveniently set up the guidelines themselves under the rules where “the gatekeeper is also the poacher”. The conflict of interest of their associations is very prevalent. ICANN wants us to trust the new accountability program it created without being tested, but it has not demonstrated to fix what it has already broken. As Henry Ford was known to say, “But you can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do”.

                                ICANN is already under foreign government influence: the proof is in the pudding | TheHill


                                Last edited by aljhoa; 10-04-2016, 03:14 PM. Reason: 601,502

