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The American Ruling Class

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  • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
    Trump is going to lose and the world will be a better place for it.

    ''The War On Putin''

    Last edited by aljhoa; 10-18-2016, 04:39 AM. Reason: 603,849


    • Most readers here would be familiar with the term "Shadow Government," which refers to a secret government working invisibly behind the scenes. The first mention of an invisible government actually came from Theodore Roosevelt, who said, “Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today.” It wouldn't appear that Teddy was successful at doing so, and the several detestable and unconstitutional happenings in 1913, just four years after his term as President ended, would appear to establish that fact.

      The idea of an official shadow government existing for legitimate reasons was first proposed during the Eisenhower administration as a necessary means for carrying on government functions in the event of a successful enemy attack upon Washington D.C. Under the plan, high level government officials from the various departments and agencies would be assigned to live in fortified underground locations for 90 days at a time, and would then be replaced by others who would be rotated in to take their place. Such a plan made sense, of course, and the contingency plans were worked out, but were never actually implemented until George Bush jr did so after the 9/11 incidents. Since 9/11 was a pre-planned inside job designed to give government far greater powers, while stripping away individual rights, it makes sense to question who the members of this official shadow government are, and precisely what their agenda is. Whoever has the ultimate say so in appointing shadow government members would of course also have the power to implement the final stages of a new world order takeover by causing an attack (either real or another 9/11 type inside job) that would destroy Washington, thus giving the NWO shadow government immediate and absolute control over America. With all the talk about Russia and the United States entering into a World War III scenario, this sets the stage for such a takeover to occur. The same group from which the men came from that formed the "invisible government" that Teddy Roosevelt spoke of, in their quest to implement a new world order, never disappeared. They only grew stronger as their agenda advanced, and today they are positioned as high level members of the U.S. government, as well as the official shadow government.

      There has been much speculation as to who the members of this elite shadow government actually are, but quite interestingly an FBI document related to the Hitlery Rotten Clinton investigation mentions the shadow government as being "a powerful group of very high-ranking STATE officials that some referred to as "The 7th Floor Group," or "The Shadow Government." The FBI document then goes on to name some of the members. See it in the second paragraph on page 56 of this FBI document.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
        Trump is going to lose and the world will be a better place for it.
        He may well lose, especially if the corrupt lamestream media and establishment politicians can have their way, but if Trump loses, as you hope, then Hitlery Rotten Clinton wins. Do you actually believe she would make the world a better place? If so, what is the basis for your belief?
        "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


        • HyperNormalisation

          Watch a Short Film Adam Curtis Made for VICE About Your Life | VICE | United Kingdom


          • @Rick
            He may well lose, especially if the corrupt lamestream media and establishment politicians can have their way, but if Trump loses, as you hope, then Hitlery Rotten Clinton wins. Do you actually believe she would make the world a better place? If so, what is the basis for your belief?
            I would call Clinton the lesser of two evil's even if her closet is littered with skeletons. I could say many things about Trump, the list is long, however it is the complete lack of empathy I find most disturbing. If a man is willing to degrade someone to the sub-human level then he is willing to do it to anyone. My guess is he will turn on his supporters like a rabid dog given the chance which makes him a danger to everyone.

            I agree Clinton is a basket case and it would seem she intends to hold the status quo. The problem I see which also exists in Canada is both major parties have taken extreme positions to define themselves. Both have lost their marbles and there is no mainstream centrist alternative.

            We see this all the time and the moment the right proposes a partially left wing solution or vice versa they are accused of stealing an idea or selling out the party. What ever happened to the best solution wins?, what happened to serving the best interests of the people first above all else?.

            Not to mention the fact your upcoming election and our last one was defined by people who said their primary goal was to win above all other considerations. Now we see people adopting the same insanity as if to say my party must win no matter how insane the candidate is or how ridiculous their platform may be. We have common problems and I think we should adopt Iceland's policy... fire the whole damn works from the top down and start over.

            I'm on the fence, I am both right and left wing and sometimes neither. I do not vote for parties I vote for people based on their credibility and substance. Unfortunately your upcoming election and our last one in Canada seem to demonstrate a complete lack of these qualities in our candidates.



            • I was thinking about the debate concerning Donald Trump when a few conflicting thoughts came to mind. Trump is extreme right wing but what is right wing?, it is defined as...

              Right wing beliefs value tradition, they are about equity, survival of the fittest, and they believe in economic freedom. They typically believe that business shouldn’t be regulated, and that we should all look after ourselves. Right wing people tend believe they shouldn’t have to pay for someone else’s education or health service. They believe in freedom to succeed over equality.
              After reading this it occurred to me that there are several conflicts with right wing behavior and Christian values. I am conservative or mildly right wing and an atheist however I hold the same values as most all real Christians should. Do not obsess over material possessions or covet, do not bear false witness or lie, do not steal or cheat and treat others as we would like to be treated.

              The conflict I see with the far right wing is it revolves around the notion of survival of the fittest and success over equality which relates to animal like behavior devoid of empathy and being driven to succeed at any cost. The popular perception of success is also defined almost solely by the ownership of material possessions or to covet.

              In effect far right wing values dictate that everyone should be driven to success and collect the most material possessions and not treat others equally and care only about themselves because it is survival of the fittest. I mean Donald Trump and far right wing beliefs are basically a shopping list of everything you shouldn't do as a person with any real Christian values.

              I believe the largest support for Trump is generally white people and a majority identify themselves as Christian. So the question just begging to be answered here is why are they supporting Trump when their core values are in complete opposition to the core values Trump has demonstrated. As a conservative minded person with values similar to most real Christians I find this almost impossible to believe because Trump supporters seem to be saying one thing then doing the opposite.

              It just boggles my mind what in the hell they could possibly be thinking. Hell I am no saint but I do the know the difference between right and wrong and I do know Trump is a self-serving psychopath through his own actions.

              Last edited by Allcanadian; 10-19-2016, 04:39 AM.


              • Values Profile Summary
                When considering Mr. Trump’s values profile in summary, we see a clear driver for status. He wants to win, be in charge, be famous, and create a legacy for himself. Combined with his penchant for making money, Mr. Trump has all the markings of an Enterprising (or Entrepreneurial) individual. Enterprising people are interested in leading others and making decisions. They are not afraid to take risks and are often quite persuasive (for better or worse). ...

                Donald Trump's Values

                In conclusion, the data are consistent with the assertions made by me and USA Today. People who share Donald Trump’s values are in fact more likely to support Mr. Trump. However, neither USA Today nor I can take credit for this idea. In 1956, Newcomb’s article on predicting interpersonal attraction noted that perceived similarity is an essential component of attraction. In 1972, an experimental study by Hogan and colleagues confirmed that people like those who share their interests. Finally, a paper published in 1997, showed that our attraction to those who share our values is not for nothing; teams who were congruent in their values showed decreased amounts of conflict. To sum up then, although neither USA Today nor I can get much credit for origination of this idea, we can both say that the data continue to support the notion that people like and support those who share their values.

                Who Supports Donald Trump?

                Last edited by aljhoa; 10-19-2016, 05:28 AM. Reason: 604,007


                • Values Profile Summary
                  When considering Mr. Trump’s values profile in summary, we see a clear driver for status. He wants to win at any cost, have absolute control, be famous, and create a legacy for himself. Combined with his penchant for lying, Mr. Trump has all the markings of a self-serving psychopath. Enterprising people are interested in manipulating others and taking control. They are not afraid to take risks at others expense and are often quite persuasive (for better or worse). ...
                  The fact remains that claiming to have values but not demonstrating these values when it really matters has no inherent value.

                  Meanwhile in America... Donald Trump claims if he doesn't win the election must be rigged. Which begs the question if he does win is it still rigged?. I'm quite excited because it brings back all those memories of pre-school.

                  Last edited by Allcanadian; 10-19-2016, 09:03 AM.


                  • USA 16 – Thoughts from England

                    I'm finding this US election fascinating for many reasons, but the biased coverage against Trump and the widespread media support for Clinton is obvious. Especially telling is the refusal to show the large crowds of Trump supporters at his rallies - I read that Trump since July had about 500,000 people turnout compared with 35,000 for Clinton - if this is the actual case then there is some major gerrymandering going on.

                    In any other reality, the pay to play politics, playing fast and loose with state documents, illegal servers, covert operations shipping arms to terrorists, various sex scandals, hiring political disrupters etc, would have knocked a candidate out - but not it appears! Watching the oversight committee with Trey Gowdy is especially insightful - no wonder the hashtag #DrainTheSwap is out; but this is not covered in the UK by the likes of the BBC.

                    As I see it, this election is about two very different ideologies. The first ideology is fronted by Clinton, the NWO follower, no borders, no protection of culture, the people used as a corporate tool, unlimited immigration, an aggressive and destructive corporate lead foreign policy and a plundering of external resources - the voter sweetener being an all providing protective PC socialist government. The second option- Trump, wants to have an accountable government, create individual responsibility with independence (American Dream?), get out of foreign wars, revitalize home production of goods/services, thus creating and protecting US jobs and making the USA resilient to external economic factors.

                    Recently the UK had a referendum to leave the EU, and one of the major issues was the ‘essential’ trade with the EU. The UK has a year on year trading deficit with the EU which is very bad – we require balanced trade. If you are trading goods and services at a raising deficit, looked at from the money supply viewpoint, your means of exchange is being ripped away from your country. Taken to the extreme, if a deficit is allowed to continually build up – there would be no currency left! Let’s go back to basics and ask the question - Why do countries trade? Here is a typical ‘textbook’ definition:
                    ‘Countries trade with each other when, on their own, they do not have the resources, or capacity to satisfy their own needs and wants. By developing and exploiting their domestic scarce resources, countries can produce a surplus, and trade this for the resources they need.’

                    So just how much trading does the USA actually need to do? Can you manufacture your own goods? If you look at the natural resources in the USA (CIA world fact book) it has vast natural resources: coal, copper, lead, molybdenum, phosphates, rare earth elements, uranium, bauxite, gold, iron, mercury, nickel, potash, silver, tungsten, zinc, petroleum, natural gas, timber, arable land. The US has the world's largest coal reserves with 491 billion short tons accounting for 27% of the world's total. Obviously there is no shortage of materials, just a will needed.

                    Would not the USA, with a restructured economic model, based around home consumption, be capable of self supporting? I believe it could. I also believe that running a compounding trade deficit, which is so harmful to a country, is a tool deliberately used to destroy a countries economic integrity.

                    If the choice only falls between selecting either Clinton or Trump, then Trump appears to be the only sane choice to vote for in this troubled world.




                    • Wikileaks Dead Man Drop: Piles of Files – Is Assange Dead?

                      Wikileaks Dead Man Drop: Piles of Files - Is Assange Dead? | Blogging/Citizen Journalism


                      • @johng
                        If the choice only falls between selecting either Clinton or Trump, then Trump appears to be the only sane choice to vote for in this troubled world.
                        It may very well be that Trump is a National Hero.

                        Trump has done something very few people in our history have ever managed to do. He has convinced every religious right wing kook to come slithering out of their hole into the light of day for all to see who they really are. Trump has exposed the fact the religious right wing are ready, willing and able to sell out the values and beliefs of their country for their own personal gain and represent a clear and present threat to democracy.

                        Well played Mr. Trump



                        • Originally posted by rickoff View Post
                          "Shadow Government," which refers to a secret government working invisibly behind the scenes. The first mention of an invisible government actually came from Theodore Roosevelt, who said, “Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today.” It wouldn't appear that Teddy was successful at doing so, and the several detestable and unconstitutional happenings in 1913, just four years after his term as President ended, would appear to establish that fact.

                          As regular readers well know by now, the ultimate culprits behind the disaster of World War II were the high-level masters of the New World Order crime gang (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Sulzberger, Baruch et al), and their skilled operational henchmen of the political world (FDR, Churchill, Daladier, Stalin et al). By the way, this is the same self-perpetuating crime syndicate now agitating for confrontation against Syria, Iran and ultimately Russia and China. Same game; new players, long story.

                          And so, by 1939, the New World Order crime syndicate and the British & French chauvinists had nearly run out of all options and all propaganda pretexts for instigating another war against peaceful and prosperous Germany, as they had done in 1914. The last hopes for starting the war to re-enslave Germany rested on the shoulders of one man, and one man only. His name was Edward Smigly-Rydz; the criminal fool who started World War II.

                          Ironically, what Smigly-Rydz was not able to see was, again, very clear to Hitler. In that same Danzig speech, Hitler spoke about how Poland had been played for chumps:

                          "For these men (British warmongers) Poland, too, was only a means to an end. Because today it is being declared quite calmly that Poland was not the primary thing, but that the German regime is. I always warned against these men. I pointed out the danger that in a certain country such men could rise and unmolested preach the necessity of war - Herren Churchill, Eden, Duff-Cooper, etc."

                          The circumstances surrounding the outbreak of this unnecessary war haunted Hitler until his dying day. Hours before his suicide, Hitler dictated his final political testament; in which he stated:

                          "It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish descent or worked for Jewish interests.

                          Three days before the outbreak of the German-Polish war I again proposed to the British ambassador in Berlin a solution to the German-Polish problem—similar to that in the case of the Saar district, under international control. This offer also cannot be denied. It was only rejected because the leading circles in English politics wanted the war, partly on account of the business hoped for and partly under influence of propaganda organized by international Jewry.

                          Meet the Man who Started WWII

                          Last edited by aljhoa; 10-19-2016, 02:44 PM. Reason: 604,106


                          • "Expert Rigging"



                            Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                            The Electoral College; " There is NO constitutional or federal law that compels an elector to honor any “pledge” and that is a hole big enough to fly a fleet of 747 planes through. Therefore, if they bull$hit the people enough with the media supporting them, we will see the Electoral College hand it to Hillary regardless of how the people vote. This would be in line with our model which forecast 2015.75 was the peak in government and it’s all downhill from there. "
                            "Our models are pointing to 2032 as the meltdown in the political system."
                            " It appears 2016 will live up to its target. Civil Unrest will rise significantly by rigging this year’s election."

                            Last edited by aljhoa; 10-21-2016, 04:08 PM. Reason: 604,612


                            • DDos and the election

                              I found an interesting comment that refers to the latest cyber attack;

                              "Submitted by abundance on October 21, 2016 - 3:08pm.

                              on, alsi..has lots of merit

                              another cyber hit...and trade mkts/today was merely a "nuclear test"

                              My suspicion here with this DDoS attack is partially supported by the fact that my suspicions have not shown up in the MSM who would never blow the lid off this, if it were to be true.

                              It starts here: This presidential election is throwing down the gauntlet for the globalists. They cannot lose this election. They've built up their position through Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama and they must continue their momentum through Hillary. They've got control and domination within their reach. In 8 years, Hillary should be able to deliver the goods. They're very close to completely pushing the USA and Western Europe into enough chaos to provoke the implementation of their radical takeover plans. This is not a traditional partisan election between two American ideals. For the first time there is a major candidate (Trump) that truly threatens the globalist momentum. This truly is not just an election. This is war. Not figuratively. Literally. Behind the scenes, this election is a fight that is literally a bloodless coup (not quite...though Scalia apparently didn't bleed out when they assassinated him).

                              Given the context of how serious this election is to those who are unopposed to violence and subversion. This Internet attack, my suspicion, was a trial run to see how thoroughly the US Internet can be taken down. Wikileaks is 100% dependent on the Internet. They cannot disseminate their massive trove of information and data by any other means. Who is going to be able to see and read what they're releasing without the Internet? Even if they mailed out thousands of emails in a box, who would be able to read them? Who could search them? Who could distribute the information? It would take months of time to attempt to manually distribute the information and of course, national MSM paper media would not touch it. We are learning great secrets in real-time. Without the Internet this would be impossible for us.

                              Wiki has said the most damaging information is yet to be released. They say they're saving it for the last few days of the campaign. Now is the time to check those Internet exploits to see what effects they long can they keep the Internet in the dark. How wide can they extend the darkness? Can you imagine the Internet getting simply and unexpectedly shut now? What ability would we on this forum have for communicating as we take for granted? How would an attack on election day affect the election? How would results be tallied and data sent? There is no real electronic backup system for the Internet. Making our elections dependent upon the Internet for vital transfers of data is a tremendously risky and potentially catastrophic decision. Sure the elections can be affected and disrupted "by the Russians"...and by these globalists as well. They conveniently omit that caveat, and to be honest, the globalists are the ones with the publicly stated agenda of overthrowing capitalism and necessarily democracy with it. The smoking gun is in their hands. Not the Russians'.

                              So...Internet outage along the entire East Coast? The globalists have reason to disrupt both the election as well as the progress being made by Wikileaks, which despite their best efforts to blackout the Wikileaks' information via the MSM, has been very damaging to this ongoing coup attempt. They are simply reacting in real-time and testing their abilities to conduct electronic/IT warfare. Disrupting the Internet is one of their most important weapons to counterattack the effectiveness of Wikileaks, and if necessary, the elections as well.

                              OK...that's my "conspiracy theory" du jour. If we continue seeing these kinds of activities in the days and coming weeks before the elections, I think this theory will be given legs and validated. If the MSM trumpet the talking points that this is an attack by the Russians, we'll certainly know that my theory is true. At this point, all I've seen is speculation that maybe as in the past they're going after the banks. Again, if there are more attacks and especially if they become more effective in their reach and the length of time that they can keep up the attack and the Internet blackout, the speculations and claims that point in any other direction than the globalists, I will become even more convinced that the globalists are behind these attacks. If this is true and if this continues, be sure that we may be fed the lie that this election is like any other, but I contend it is an actual and stealthy coup.

                              Crazier things have been found to be true in recent years. We've seen crazy truth coming out of these Wikileaks...Scalia assassinated?!? War has already been declared. It's just been under the radar as the MSM, bought and owned by the globalists are keeping us all in the dark. Wikileaks has blown that cover, but they'll resort to nothing to find a way to stop Wikileaks. They cut of Assange's Internet and threatened Ecuador with who knows what to finally shut down Assange. But...alas...just as he said, there are others working for Wikileaks. Apparently, the globalists are not locating these truth patriots fast enough. The blanket approach of killing the Internet is their "red button" should they need to push it. Today was just a nuclear test.
                              Comex gold October delivery patterns | TF Metals Report


                              • The United States sent 63 representatives to observe the election process
                                during the recent elections to the State Duma, the lower house of the country’s parliament,
                                a member of Russia's Central Election Commission responsible for international cooperation said Monday.


                                U.S. government denies Russia's request to monitor American
                                polling places on Election Day in Oklahoma, Louisiana and Texas
                                Russian officials requested monitoring polling places on Election Day
                                U.S. State Department declined the request, calling it 'a PR stunt'
                                Government officials said if Russian agents show up they will be put in jail
                                Oklahoma, Louisiana and Texas say they received requests from Russia
                                State law only allows voters, election officials in polling place on Nov. 8

                                US government denies Russia's request to monitor polling places on Election Day 2016 | Daily Mail Online

                                Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                                EXCELLENT vid on the media;
                                EXCELLENT vid on the Grand Sicko; Jimmy Kimmel Children's Book for Hillary Clinton - Donald Trump Parody - YouTube
                                The polls that are honest show Trump way ahead. BUT, what about the experts?;

                                She just has SO MANY enemies;
                                State Department Releases 122 Clinton Emails
                                Ex Haitian Senate President - Clintons Are 'Common Thieves'
                                Over 60% In US Fear Govt Corruption Above All
                                The PTb have given us a common-cause.
                                WikiLeaks Poisons Hillary’s Relationship With Left
                                Our Long National Nightmare Is Just Beginning

                                As everyone knows, Bush was just a ventriloquist-dummy for Cheney. Alex Jones claims that Killary will be a ventriloquist-dummy for Soros.
                                Christianity is making a big resurgence in Russia. Soros tried very hard to disrupt everything that he could in Russia. They kicked his sorry a$$ out of the country. SO, he is now making great waves in the West trying to bring everything down,,, and at the same time, get back at Russia.
                                Soros is a jew and it is telling that ISIS is killing as many Christians as possible. It is also telling that Christian refugees from Syria are almost non-existent. They get no help. They get no free passage. They are left to be killed.

                                hillaryagenda pdf?

                                Last edited by aljhoa; 10-24-2016, 08:03 PM. Reason: 605,070

