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The American Ruling Class

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  • Trump's Contract with America and His Warning

    ENORMOUS 27K Rally In Tampa Florida! 10/24/2016

    Last edited by aljhoa; 10-25-2016, 05:38 PM. Reason: 605,187


    • couple of informative links

      2016: The Final Season of the United States Reality Show
      2016: The Final Season of the United States Reality Show

      Welcome to the George Orwell Theme Park of Democracy.
      Slouching Towards Election Day - KUNSTLER


      • We'll fight each other

        "Two of the greatest inventions in making propaganda easy to sell have been political parties and television. In the days of kings, it was common to hate the king and want his downfall, but, with political parties, it’s possible to get one half of the people hating one party and the other half hating the other party. Then, all that’s necessary is to assure that each party has roughly the same amount of apparent power and the people will focus all their attention on the hatred of the opposing party and fail to notice those who are pulling the strings equally for both parties"
        The Elimination of Reason | International Man

        Alex Jones reports that there have been about 20 movies made recently like Machete and Roots that are laying the groundwork for the coming race wars.
        It's too late to go back now.


        • Turning point with the Bundys

          "Since the Federal government’s abuse of “conspiracy” where they do not actually have to prove you committed a crime just wanted to, their conviction rate has soared to over 98%"
          "Why do I see this verdict on the very day of the Economic Confidence Model important and not just a passing moment?"


          • Neocons,,, war and collapse

            "The winds of change are now swirling so rapidly that it's hard to make sense of what’s happening. And adding to the confusion is an all-out effort by the establishment to convince the masses that, despite the multiplying signs of instability, "everything is fine".
            "But this all is going to come crashing down, because it has to. Not because of a sudden case of enlightenment by the elites, but because of math.
            Simple math, too.
            While there are lots of sub-equations we could parse through, the parent of them all is this one: Endless exponential growth on a finite planet is impossible."
            "We Risk Being Collateral Damage In The Neocon Lust For War" | Zero Hedge


            • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
              "The winds of change are now swirling so rapidly that it's hard to make sense of what’s happening. And adding to the confusion is an all-out effort by the establishment to convince the masses that, despite the multiplying signs of instability, "everything is fine".
              "But this all is going to come crashing down, because it has to. Not because of a sudden case of enlightenment by the elites, but because of math.
              Simple math, too.
              While there are lots of sub-equations we could parse through, the parent of them all is this one: Endless exponential growth on a finite planet is impossible."
              "We Risk Being Collateral Damage In The Neocon Lust For War" | Zero Hedge

              Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding

              Last edited by aljhoa; 10-30-2016, 05:36 PM. Reason: 605,930


              • Death throes

                "The United States is not in danger. The Empire is."
                The Loosening Grip: A Beginner’s Guide to Death Throes | Fred On Everything


                • Thinking about the Trump supporters this morning and it opened up some very strange possibilities.

                  For instance the next time some good Christian pipes up I could say say...who in the hell are you to judge anyone. When you voted Trump you basically agreed with rape, compulsive lying and racism. I mean you could hardly do any worse and you have zero credibility so how about you shut the old pie hole.

                  Or if an adult who supports Trump is giving there kids heck for being bad we could say...Uhm you obviously support rape, lying and cheating so whats the problem?. I mean who in the hell are you to judge anyone let alone your kids who probably know the difference between right and wrong.

                  Or when some fat drunken slob rapes their wife or daughter we could say...Uhm you agreed with this kind of debauchery when you voted didn't you?. Or is it just okay when it's someone else's daughter because that's different?.

                  I mean the possibilities are endless because the fact remains that anyone who votes Trump also agrees with him as a person and with his behavior. As well those good Christians would seem to have a lot of explaining to do. Now let me get this straight... your always going on about being a good person, being righteous and all and now your supporting a compulsive liar who likes to assault women and grab their crotch. I mean really?. Personally I think they are liars because you cannot go to church on Sunday then support a man who assaults women on Monday and expect to have any credibility.

                  I mean it is just so utterly ridiculous if not pathetic it boggles the mind. There is also talk of a court case in early 2017 claiming Trump raped a 13 year old girl. In which case you all would have elected a pedophile to be your new glorious leader, lmao.

                  I think you people have some serious moral issues you need to sort out.

                  Last edited by Allcanadian; 11-01-2016, 11:10 PM.


                  • THE RIGHTEUOS AND THE UNWISE

                    @ Allcanadian

                    When you voted Trump you basically agreed with rape, compulsive lying and racism. I mean you could hardly do any worse and you have zero credibility so how about you shut the old pie hole.

                    You are again ill informed and did not do proper research regarding Trump,and believe what CNN says(Clinton news network),you have an obvious dislike in older people than you because they are different...find out what the difference is....and then maybe shut your pie hole

                    Uhm you obviously support rape, lying and cheating so whats the problem?. I mean who in the hell are you to judge anyone let alone your kids who probably know the difference between right and wrong.

                    Who said anyone on this forum supports what you just said?come on man use your head not your emotions.

                    mean the possibilities are endless because the fact remains that anyone who votes Trump also agrees with him as a person and with his behavior.

                    Not true,but tell us if he is so bad according to you,will you vote for Clinton?

                    As well those good Christians would seem to have a lot of explaining to do. Now let me get this straight... your always going on about being a good person, being righteous and all and now your supporting a compulsive liar who likes to assault women and grab their crotch. I mean really?

                    I think they are liars because you cannot go to church on Sunday then support a man who assaults women on Monday and expect to have any credibility.

                    Where did you get that information,do you know it for a fact?or is it perhaps propaganda? Please tell us wiseguy
                    Then we must conclude that you are not christian and do not hold the same values,as we as Christians also have wisdom that you obviously lack,and who are you to judge anyway,are you perfect in every sense?

                    I mean it is just so utterly ridiculous if not pathetic it boggles the mind. There is also talk of a court case in early 2017 claiming Trump raped a 13 year old girl. In which case you all would have elected a pedophile to be your new glorious leader, lmao.

                    Yeah,how many woman came forward so far claiming to have been sexually assaulted by Trump,none was proven to be the truth so far,so who must we believe,CNN?

                    I think you people have some serious moral issues you need to sort out.

                    The perfect righteous are full of yourself,tell me,how much does the Clinton campaign pay you?



                    • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
                      Thinking about the Trump supporters this morning and it opened up some very strange possibilities.


                      The house of hair has you voting Hillary but it won't matter. All have sinned
                      are tempted falling far short of pure LAW and ORDER. This is the will of GOD

                      The will of GOD is to put you in a sinful world and let you taste the good
                      and the evil. As for Trump I am sure he has tasted of many evils just like
                      you and I have then rejecting that behavior.

                      I see now that you are crying out for the low down on true Christian
                      thinking. It is simply this. Sin and you will die spiritually a little more day
                      to day til you operate on the level of a beast. A creature with 4 feet who
                      can not look upwards.

                      This state of a man is one phase and the WILL OF GOD. Next the weight
                      of many darts or sins will depress your soul and you need relief but may not
                      know it and carry that burden your entire life til death. This is not the will
                      of God.

                      The will of God is that men are given the choice of good and evil so that
                      after having sampled both could take their pick, God of course saying that
                      people should go with LAW and ORDER.

                      I know you do not see what I am getting at with Donald so let me say that
                      thru out the BIBLE (Of which you think is a joke I understand) GOD uses the
                      pagan KING to get HIS job done.

                      When the KINGDOMS of the past degraded to such a degree that children
                      were torched on fire in service to a god the younger generation rose to the
                      challenge of savior of the defenseless.

                      But you go ahead and hope Hillary gets in, she looks so much better in
                      the media. Her designer attire and smart words that dazzle the intellectual
                      however it won't matter because TRUMP has already won. You see GOD
                      is GOD and HE does what HE wants to do WHEN HE wants to do it and
                      no one can stop HIS hand.

                      The self existent one loves HIS sinful flock and intends to heal their
                      inconsistent behavior as HE has allow them to travel down the wrong
                      road for a time so that they may experience the pangs of wrong doing.

                      How does it feel?

                      11 year ago Donald was a leading member in a soap Opera which
                      many millions set around watching a man and woman almost have sex
                      on the set. The spirit of lust takes over those on TV in these programs.

                      Now as for the people who say that they have never sinned I say that you
                      are a self righteous dishonest hypocritical liar. Same ole, different day.

                      So don't start throwing rocks expecting me to consider you are one who
                      has none. This is the basis of your argument.

                      Last edited by BroMikey; 11-02-2016, 06:50 AM.


                      • @Bromikey
                        Almost every news agency has carried the stories that Trump has assaulted women in the past, 11 women to date I believe. As well there is the claim of a pending court case concerning the rape of a 13 year old girl.

                        The obvious question is do you believe all of them are just making this up to spite you?. All these women are lying and coming forward to be attacked by the media simply because they do not want Trump to win the election?, Really?.

                        As a Christian how do you feel about someone habitually raping women?, is this acceptable to you or only in certain cases?. Would you support and do business with men who do this?.

                        Next we have the issue that you seem to believe everything you don't want to hear must be propaganda and everything you want to hear must be true. Uhm doesn't this mean you dictate the truth solely through your beliefs rather than actual facts?. We generally call this delusion if not denial.

                        Next you go on some tirade about your god forgiving... do you choose who he forgives?. I mean you seem to think god will forgive Trump for his excess of sins but not so much for Clinton who deserves what she gets. It would seem to me you are deciding what your god must be thinking which is kind of like declaring yourself a god isn't it?, you dictate his words?.

                        The perfect righteous are full of yourself,tell me,how much does the Clinton campaign pay you?
                        I hate to always be the one stating what should be perfectly obvious but... I'm Canadian. Uhm...I live in Canada and I find it very strange that you would jump to the wild conclusion the Clintons are somehow paying me simply because we disagree, Really?. Is everyone who disagree's with you paid for by the Clintons?.

                        No I am not righteous but I do know the fundamental difference between right and wrong. I could never support nor do business with a compulsive liar for obvious reasons. As well I could never support a man who openly stated he assaults women and has numerous women claiming he did. Do we need to be righteous to know this is morally wrong?, I don't think so in fact it seems pretty obvious me.

                        Myself I vote on the credibility, history and substance of the person and in many previous Canadian elections I voted independent or third party. I did this because I do have a conscience and I thought the main stream parties lacked credibility and had become corrupt. What I see in the U.S. is people voting along twisted cult like party lines for vile people with no credibility not unlike a third world country and it is disturbing.

                        On a side note everyone I talk with outside the U.S. thinks this fiasco is embarrassing and that you all have lost your minds. In essence it is not "who" you are voting for Bro it's the twisted justification as to "why" you are voting for any given person. I'm just a guy Bro, nobody special in any way, who likes to make observations regarding human nature.



                        • Politicians and stockbrokers share many of the same characteristics as criminal psychopaths.
                          The only difference is that career high-flyers usually stay within the law.
                          Some could be defined as "successful psychopaths", according to Lisa Marshall, a psychologist at Glasgow's Caledonian University.

                          Q: What's the difference between a politician and a psychopath? A: None | The Independent

                          Justin Trudeau's eulogy


                          Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                          This is a fairly long article that starts out slow. It is well worth reading.
                          "Resultantly, if Secretary Clinton were to win the election he would have not only the legal authority but the duty to proceed the day she is inaugurated before she first sits down in the Oval Office because the Office of the Presidency is under the House’s jurisdiction to check the powers of the executive and judicial branches. But the proceedings would have much greater scope than this narrow matter and would wield absolute investigative power compared to the intentionally-hamstrung FBI proceedings. "

                          "They" are dumping Killary because she must be automatically investigated by the House. And, what would they find?

                          Wiki Just Released Hillary Full Isis Donor List With Names!
                          NYPD To FBI - Hillary, Huma & Weiner Part Of DC Pedo Ring
                          Insiders Expose Hillary's Pedophile Sex Ring
                          NYPD-FBI Insiders Leak - Hillary Email To Take A Sick Turn
                          HOW SICK?
                          Ex FBI - Clinton Emails Linked To Political Pedophile Sex
                          So, while a Trump presidency would be a catastrophe for the powers that be,,,, the outing of lots of politicians as pedophiles would, evidently, be a greater catastrophe.
                          Obummer could pardon some here and there but, he can't do a wholesale pardon. Even then Pres. Trump can always re-open the investigations. I believe that the Dems, pedophiles and various assorted criminals will agree to let the election go smoothly in exchange for avoiding public condemnation.
                          Last edited by aljhoa; 11-02-2016, 04:56 PM. Reason: 606,352


                          • Hillary's #1 aide Huma Abedin: Undeniable ties to terrorists & 9/11 funders

                            Last edited by aljhoa; 11-02-2016, 06:42 PM. Reason: 606,368


                            • C. H. Smith

                              Now, we've come to expect corruption. After all, power corrupts and attracts the already corrupted. Killary has ventured into high treason for profit. That isn't setting too well with the District of Corruption. She was to be their new flagship. She has turned into a loose cannon. EVERYBODY is afraid of assassination from her. BUT, the PTB must face a new problem.

                              In terms of finance and communications, politics as usual--political candidates and narratives mandated by the parties' Ruling Elites and the MSM--is dead.
                              Hillary and Trump are symptoms of a fatal condition: politics as it has been practiced for 70 years is dead.
                              Hillary's disdain for average Americans of all genders and ethnicities is not an outlier; it's the unspoken norm of the Ruling Elite.
                              Accustomed to passive, unthinking obedience, the Party Establishments are recoiling in enraged horror that the little people are refusing to follow their orders.
                              As G.F.B. observed, technology has leapfrogged the parties' reason to exist and the Mainstream Media's role of coronating the parties' candidates and policies

                              The MSM and the parties' raison d'etre has been dismantled by technology.
                              oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Politics As Usual Is Dead

                              Edit: The silver lining. It's a happy thought,,,, even if it isn’t true.
                              Poll: More than 1 in 4 Americans would consider leaving if Trump wins | TheHill
                              Last edited by Danny B; 11-03-2016, 03:29 AM. Reason: moore info


                              • Killary, a Chinese agent?

                                At 4:20

