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The American Ruling Class

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  • Podesta and his sex slave,,, S.O.P. for politicians

    The litany of crimes committed by various leaders was a steady drumbeat leading up to the election. The deep State wants it's revenge. BUT, the termination of the election doesn't necessarily bring the termination of the drumbeat. Politicians seem to have an obsession with kids;
    Pedophile Politicians
    "researched in a dossier compiled by John Mann, an MP for Bassetlaw in the Midlands, which was then submitted to the London Metropolitan Police for further investigation. These five rings all included at least one current or former member of parliament, with a total of 24 politicians having been identified in Mann’s dossier. Six of those 24 are currently serving members of the UK government, including three MPs and three members of the House of Lords. "

    It now appears that Podesta is involved in child rape and murder. Do John and Tony Podesta Have a Connection with Missing Child, Madeleine McCann? – Victurus Libertas
    If this goes far enough and the outrage is high enough, many members of the deep state will find that they are in deep do-do.
    A lot of honest people in GOV put their careers and lives on the line to bring down the major criminal. Had she won, they would have been dead in many cases. Let's hope that they still come forward with evidence to completely disgust the outrageous decadence in the political establishment.


    • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
      The litany of crimes committed by various leaders was a steady drumbeat leading up to the election. The deep State wants it's revenge. BUT, the termination of the election doesn't necessarily bring the termination of the drumbeat. Politicians seem to have an obsession with kids;
      Pedophile Politicians
      "researched in a dossier compiled by John Mann, an MP for Bassetlaw in the Midlands, which was then submitted to the London Metropolitan Police for further investigation. These five rings all included at least one current or former member of parliament, with a total of 24 politicians having been identified in Mann’s dossier. Six of those 24 are currently serving members of the UK government, including three MPs and three members of the House of Lords. "

      It now appears that Podesta is involved in child rape and murder. Do John and Tony Podesta Have a Connection with Missing Child, Madeleine McCann? – Victurus Libertas
      If this goes far enough and the outrage is high enough, many members of the deep state will find that they are in deep do-do.
      A lot of honest people in GOV put their careers and lives on the line to bring down the major criminal. Had she won, they would have been dead in many cases. Let's hope that they still come forward with evidence to completely disgust the outrageous decadence in the political establishment.
      No-Go Zones in America

      Last edited by aljhoa; 11-22-2016, 03:36 PM. Reason: 610,251


      • The Reptilian and the Eurosceptic

        The reptilian Queen has invited Trump to her lair in London.
        The Queen to invite Donald Trump to UK – POLITICO
        He returned fire with a fill broadside;

        All the rich and the blue bloods are up in arms about Brexit. Richard Branson's Virgin to bankroll secret Blairite campaign to stop Brexit | The Independent
        Nigel Farage is "mister brexit". For Trump to request Farage for British ambassador is a big "titty-twister for the lizard queen.
        Last edited by Danny B; 11-23-2016, 02:11 AM. Reason: Moare info


        • Trump speech that addresses specifically world governance.


          • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
            "Just a week after the election, Google, Facebook, Twitter and other internet giants are now declaring a war on so-called fake news sites, trumpeting the idea that unregulated information is confusing and misleading the public and interfering with our ability to make sound decisions."
            Self-Proclaimed Truth Czars Create Lists of 'Fake News' Sites to Control Your Mind : Waking Times

            Here's the list;
            And here's the true list of fake news outlets, nearly all of which were exposed by Wikileaks for colluding with the Clinton campaign:
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Finally! Some 9/11 truth from a NIST employee!

              On September 7th of this year I posted information to the "Something New on 9/11" thread (post #56) about a feature article appearing in the magazine of the European Physical Society, "Europhysics News," titled 15 years later: on the physics of high-rise building collapses.

              The article brought overwhelming attention to the truth involved in the so-called collapses of World Trade Center building 7, as well as the twin towers, and the article has been viewed nearly 350,000 times. One of the persons who happened to read the article is Peter Michael Ketcham, who worked at NIST from 1997 until 2011. Ketcham readily admits that he wasn't involved in the NIST investigations of the WTC collapses, and that he didn't even start seriously looking into the matter until August of this year. After giving due consideration to 9/11 Truth articles concerning the "collapses," and following the trail to the "15 years later" article in Europhysics News, he wrote a stunning letter to the editor of the magazine supporting the "15 years later" article. In conclusion, Ketcham said that "NIST had reached a predetermined conclusion by ignoring, dismissing, and denying the evidence,” and called on NIST to blow the whistle on itself now, while there is still time.”

              See my post #60 in the Something New on 9/11 thread for further details, and a link to view and download Ketcham's letter.
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Thanksgiving Messages


                Last edited by aljhoa; 11-24-2016, 04:42 PM. Reason: 610,809


                • The name that must not be printed

                  I tried to post here yesterday. When I clicked "enter", the screen changed to white on the normal format. I clicked "back" and removed some suspicious names.,,,, no go. I tried again and removed both links,,, no go. I hit the back button and got a screen saying that I had timed out,,, after 20 seconds. I eventually reached a point where I couldn't even access the forum.
                  6 years ago, I started a thread at Burning Man, Coup de Etat, US military
                  It seemed to really piss people off.
                  All the leading people in Trump's cabinet are military and ex-military.

                  B-N-J-A-M-I-N-F-U-L-F-O-R-D has a very interesting article and a vid. He talks about this and the fact that not a single member from a certain tribe (K) is represented in Trump's picks. If you do a google search for BF (he who must not be mentioned), set the time preference for the last week.
                  BF is often seen to be WAY out there. If he is whacko, why block him?
                  This is really shaping up to be a huge battle. Politicians advance by deviousness and their tolerance for collateral damage. Military advance by merit. You can be assured that the "other" side of the battle lines includes, large chunks of the CIA.

                  I also started a thread several years ago, Islam, a danger or no This thread is missing from the roster.


                  • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                    Politicians advance by deviousness and their tolerance for collateral damage. Military advance by merit. You can be assured that the "other" side of the battle lines includes, large chunks of the CIA.
                    There has been so much vile and relentless commentary from the lamestream media regarding Trump's appointments of Steve Bannon and Michael Flynn to high positions in his administration. According to the media smears, and the political memes posted and reposted on Democrat websites, you'd think that these two fellows are the worst possible choices that Trump could have made, and that they represent the epitome of evil. The actual facts are quite different, though. You're quite right about "large chunks of the CIA" being at the forefront of the battle against Trump's appointees. As the following article points out so well, Bannon is the architect of "Drain The Swamp," and Flynn is the most qualified and dedicated person to clean out the corrupt actors within the Intelligence agencies. Fear and Loathing within the Deep State
                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • The insiders and their children

                      Crony capitalism is a big boost up for people for those in power who want their children to take the reins of power in their time,,, regardless of merit.


                      • “Unconstitutional gerrymander”:
                        Federal court strikes down Wisconsin’s GOP-drawn redistricting
                        The case will likely to be appealed to the Supreme Court and could impact on partisan redistricting nationally

                        Wisconsin’s legislative map, drawn up by Republicans in 2011 after they took full control of state government in the 2010 elections, divided the Badger State into 99 Assembly and 32 Senate districts. Democrats, who have been a minority in the Legislature for six years, lost seats in both chambers following this November’s election — leaving Republicans in the state with a 64-35 majority in the Assembly and a 20-13 majority in the Senate.

                        A three-judge panel comprised of a federal judge from the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals and two District Court Judges ruled Monday that the Republican plan was an unconstitutional partisan gerrymander.

                        The ruling comes six months after the panel heard testimony in federal court from a group of state Democrats who have called the Republican’s redistricting plan “one of the worst partisan gerrymanders in modern American history.” Lawyers for the Democrats argued in court that the 2011 plan was drawn specifically to disenfranchise Democratic voters and presented evidence that Republicans went to great lengths to exclude Democrats from the redistricting process.

                        So, lawyers in Wisconsin set out to develop the test Justice Kennedy sought. Using a measure called the efficiency gap, Democrats showed how breaking up blocs of Democratic voters and packing them within certain districts results in wasted votes and reduced the number of swing districts in the state from 19 to 10.

                        Still, Republicans argued that the dilution of the Democratic vote that appears to stem from gerrymandering is actual a result of natural sorting along ideological lines.

                        The ruling also comes as outgoing President Obama has made clear that he plans to focus his immediate post-presidency on the ambitious goal of tackling partisan gerrymandering. Former Attorney General Eric Holder has been tapped by the president to coordinate campaign strategy, direct fundraising, organize ballot initiatives and put together legal challenges to state redistricting maps across the country.

                        Last edited by aljhoa; 11-27-2016, 04:08 PM. Reason: 611,396


                        • The "Elites" are squirming

                          The FED controls dollar liquidity. They can give or withhold depending on whether you are friend or foe.
                          Denmark FM - We Do What The US Tells Us To
                          It is safe to assume that Merkel is on the refugee train at the insistence of the district of corruption. Germany's Merkel Announces Plan To Deport 100,000
                          Muslims - She'll Say ANYTHING To Gain Re-Election

                          COOOOOOL, start packing the trains today.
                          Israel to Drive China Tech, Science Innovations Boom Did the israelis decide that China was the future donor for the israeli lamprey?

                          15 Euro Leaders Want New Arms Deal With Russia So, do you think the sanctions will survive long after the Kenyan chump and his tranny vacate the WH?
                          Fillon Win In Franch Presidential Primary = Earthquake
                          He's not LePen but he will crash the status quo.
                          Hillary's Fundraiser Arrested For Child Rape
                          Case Leads Directly To Barack OBAMA
                          Gee, what a surprise.

                          "In Part 2: Why The Ruling Elite Are Becoming Frightened, we examine a hybrid argument that synthesizes each of these categories in a single narrative that explains well what is likely truly going on: The masses have (finally!) reached the point where the pain of maintaining the status quo now exceeds that of breaking it. A People's Coup has been set in motion, of which the election of Trump is just an early example of the unexpected and jarring surprises that lie ahead."

                          This struggle isn't just for the presidency and control of the Supreme Court. 9/11 and the FED could get some real airing out.


                          • Quotable quote of the day.....

                            "A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have." - President Gerald Ford, in an address to a joint session of Congress on August 12, 1974.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Breaking the chain of pardons

                              "Abedin told FBI agents she “had to tell the White House” every time Hillary Clinton changed her email address to make sure Obama’s device would accept it. Therefore, Obama outright lied saying the first time he heard of Hillary’s private emails was when the New York Times broke the story.

                              Abedin says she had to notify Obama of Hillary’s private emails so he knew what she was doing. The trail of evidence with Norway and Obama being given the Noble Peace Prize for nothing means that Obama was clearly a co-conspirator with Hillary. No wonder the FBI and Justice Department have stood down. They had to, otherwise Obama could be criminally charged as well."


                              • A few youtube vids

                                Trump closed out the MSM in favor of going directly to the people through Twitter. Some want to stop that;
                                The Dems seem to have a lack of viable leaders.
                                He could really upset the apple cart;

                                Fixing the errors of the election; Yikes: Ten Radical Ways the Lawless Left Plans to Put Hillary Clinton into the White House on Jan 20 | The Daily Sheeple
                                I see no way that we are going to have a peaceful transition.

                                EDIT Fulford says that Soros is dead. BREAKING INTEL: George Soros DEAD » The Event Chronicle
                                Snopes says that the MUCH loved philanthropist is alive, George Soros Dies of Heart Attack :
                                Brandon smith says that the twinkies are going to turn violent,
                                Last edited by Danny B; 12-01-2016, 02:42 AM. Reason: moare info,,,, spoof url

