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The American Ruling Class

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  • The tribe brought socialism to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. That didn't work and now they are trying to bring socialism to America. They know that they can't infest America with socialism unless they first break it down. Obummer was the loon brought on board.

    Edit Best thing is to just erase the list. We all read tons of stuff on the net. We naturally apply critical thinking to everything we read. The problem comes in that it takes a lot of reading to find corroboration for a given item. It is often not worth the time to corroborate everything. I posted the list so that readers could see a list of possible transgressions.
    The human brain operates by looking for patterns. When we find an item that doesn't fit a given pattern, we either investigate it or ignore it. We generally have pre-formed opinions. Think, Ron Paul.

    The list was supposed to illuminate items that possibly deserved further reading, not a list of hard facts. Barry is a loser and it isn't necessary to enumerate his failings. As far as smoking pot goes, the only bad effect that I see is; it kills motivation and incentive. Our golfer-in-chief doesn't seem very motivated. Contrast that with Trump who said that he would be too busy in the White House to have time for his wife. Think about how busy Howard Huges was . For another example, think of Fidel Castro.

    You can well imagine that it takes me a LOT of reading to stay informed about the economy. The original list here about Mr. Soetero was just an effort of a few seconds in case anybody had previously missed an item. I learn a LOT from reading comments on blogs and vids.
    I read hundreds of pages of murky information. There is a lot of temptation to get sloppy.
    So, Rick,,, keep me honest.
    Last edited by Danny B; 01-16-2017, 01:09 AM. Reason: Too sloppy


    • Secondhand knowledge

      Once again, I tried to do a post and was completely blocked. I'm going to try to post an abbreviated form.

      "Portions of the PTB are always trying to bring world GOV and world socialism to better control the deplorables. Are you a deplorable? oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: Are You a Deplorable? Take This Quiz to Find Out
      They can't very well enforce socialism until they get rid of capitalism. Like it or not, capitalism is the only system that is compatible with human nature. This doesn't stop the "world improvers" from sequentially trying to force socialism down our throats. It sequentially fails. The current crop of "one world" socialists believes that tribalism must come to end for socialism to flourish. The immigrant influx to Europe is a perfect example of how they plan to kill tribalism. Soros represents the tribe that is behind this push to destroy Europe.
      The Kalergi plan is the playbook. The same tribe is behind the push to destroy Western society. Why does National Geographic have a "brave" tranny boy on it's cover? What does that have to do with geography? The Atlantic has taken up the cause of trannies and gender equality."

      Man can't survive on this planet without society. Society can't survive without a strong family. What about socialism?
      What happens when you destroy the family?
      5 Ways Socialism Destroys Societies - John Hawkins

      The intellectuals tell us that we must be more tolerant. They are hard at work to destroy the family, not recognising that the destruction of the family brings a general destruction of mental health.
      The deep State, the intellectuals and the ruling class all know what is best for us. What is an "intellectual"?

      Here is where I'm shortening the post. I did several excerpts but, I will just post the article instead.
      It's worth reading the whole article.


      • The excerpts

        The intellectuals tell us that we must be more tolerant. They are hard at work to destroy the family, not recognising that the destruction of the family brings a general destruction of mental health.
        The Deep State, the intellectuals and the ruling class all know what is best for us. What is an "intellectual"?

        "The term "intellectuals," however, does not at once convey a true picture of the large class to which we refer, and the fact that we have no better name by which to describe what we have called the secondhand dealers in ideas"
        " This is neither that of the original thinker nor that of the scholar or expert in a particular field of thought. The typical intellectual need be neither: he need not possess special knowledge of anything in particular, nor need he even be particularly intelligent, to perform his role as intermediary in the spreading of ideas"

        "Until one begins to list all the professions and activities which belong to the class, it is difficult to realize how numerous it is, how the scope for activities constantly increases in modern society, and how dependent on it we all have become. The class does not consist of only journalists, teachers, ministers, lecturers, publicists, radio commentators, writers of fiction, cartoonists, and artists all of whom may be masters of the technique of conveying ideas but are usually amateurs so far as the substance of what they convey is concerned"


        • The other half of the excerpts

          I couldn't post the whole thing;
          "There was probably at no time a majority of economists, who were recognized as such by their peers, favorable to socialism"
          "Yet it is not the predominant views of the experts but the views of a minority, mostly of rather doubtful standing in their profession, which are taken up and spread by the intellectuals"
          "Almost all the "experts" in the mere technique of getting knowledge over are, with respect to the subject matter which they handle, intellectuals and not experts"

          " it is the absence of direct responsibility for practical affairs and the consequent absence of first hand knowledge of them which distinguishes the typical intellectual from other people who also wield the power."


          • The second half of the half that wouldn't originally post

            "It is not surprising that the real scholar or expert and the practical man of affairs often feel contemptuous about the intellectual, are disinclined to recognize his power, and are resentful when they discover it. Individually they find the intellectuals mostly to be people who understand nothing in particular especially well."
            " These intellectuals are the organs which modern society has developed for spreading knowledge and ideas, and it is their convictions and opinions which operate as the sieve through which all new conceptions must pass before they can reach the masses. "


            • Trew Gowdy on the prowl

              I've given up on trying to past the last 2 paragraphs.
              Most politicians rise up through the ranks of power after they started out as lawyers. Trey Gowdy has a long history working as a prosecutor. Youtube is full of him verbally eviscerating quite a few bureaucrats and experts. He is NOT somebody that you want to be questioned by.
              A poster by the name of Amicus Humani Generis has posted a lot of his vids. In this vid, he is questioning the head of IndyMac. The name of the vid is quite suggestive and is taken from a statement by Mr. Gowdy. "The Bus is Driving Through The Gates Of Hell"
              Trey has reamed out the best of them. Hopefully, Trump will give him, the opportunity to fry a lot of crooked scum. Mr. Gowdy will enjoy every minute of it.

              Trey Gowdy destroys Wolf Blitzer on TV
              Elijah Cummings gets his A$$ Handed to him by Trey Gowdy
              Trey Gowdy RIPS INTO Obama's STUPID Lawyer !!!!
              Trey Gowdy Grills 8 Corporate Chumps Without Breaking A Sweat
              TREY GOWDY SENDS Hillary Clinton INTO A INSTANT COUGH ATTACK !!!


              • Which ruling class?

                You can't speak of the American ruling class without directly mentioning israel and the jews. To further muddle the dialog, you must differentiate between the average jew, the zionists and the Khazars. Our current American president is from Keyna. The origin of Benjamin Netanyahu is equally cloudy.
                " Benjamin Netanyahu was born in Tel-Aviv Israel. His parents came from Poland, and their original last name was Mileikowsky. "
                "Mr "Netanyahu" is a just a typical Khazar in hiding. His real name is Mileikowsky, but his father, Benzion Mileikowsky, changed the family name to "Netenyahu" after illegally immigrating to Palestine and attempting to start a new life as a fake-Semite. "
                " Golda "Meir" was born Golda Mabovitch. Ariel "Sharon" was born Ariel Scheinerman. "Ben-Gurion" was a Grun, Ehud "Barak" a Brog and Shimon "Peres" a Perski."
                Not an ethnic Semite in the bunch.

                It doesn't really matter. The current ritual is, for all candidates for public office in America must make a pilgrimage to israel to be vetted by the isralies. We send them foreign aid and they use part of it to buy elections. Rich American donors add a lot of money to the pot. They contribute as directed by Tel Aviv. They are quite proud of the fact that they control the media in America.
                They have a lot of control over congress and consequently, the U.S. military. Though, they rarely serve in the military, they are happy to have control of it.
                The head of the FED is typically a jew.

                They have parleyed their control of U.S. GOV to initiate wars that are in their favor. Americans pay with their lives and their treasure to advance the causes of israel. We have garnered a LOT of enemies opposing peoples who are no threat to us but, pose a possible threat to israel. None of these actions by israel are illogical or surprising.

                Israel crashed their sovereign bond market back in the early 80s. The FED is in the process of crashing from over-reach,,, mostly for the cost of wars. It would have been in israel's best interests to not bleed America to the point where it crashes. Netanyahu is NOT a statesman. He is just a typical short-sighted buffoon. Netanyahu, "America can dry up and blow away when we are done with it." A lot of hubris for a crappy little State that survives on about $ 100,000 of foreign aid per person per year.

                Martin Armstrong is showing a total collapse of the U.S. sovereign bond market. How will this affect israel? How will American politicians respond to israel's demand for continued support? Much of the class that rules America is situated in London and Tel Aviv,,, not to mention the banking heads in NYC.
                The only thing that has prevented a financial meltdown in America is; we are the best horse in the glue factory.
                Zero Hedge has observed that the FED is going to war with Trump. They should be careful what they wish for. Trump has said that he is going to re-open the 9/11 investigation. He and Bannon are plenty smart enough to throw the blame on israel and saudi. How much foreign aid would flow to israel if MOSSAD was outed as a main party in the attack?

                For the time being, israel is the mother country. They have convinced lots of Christians that the jews are the chosen people. They have a lot of support. What happens if Trump undermines that support?

                Obummer has refused to block the security council resolution on palestine. Netanyahu shot off his big mouth and it is costing him.
                PressTV-‘US vote was Obama revenge on Netanyahu'
                When Netanyahu came un-invited and addressed congress (his paid employees), they gave him 26 standing ovations. They know who is responsible for their elections. They also know who has the keys to the closet where all their skeletons reside.

                They are crying the blues but, how long did they think it could go on?
                Israel, of course, has no plans to abide by the security council resolution; TASS: World - Israel will not adhere to UNSC settlements resolution ― prime minister's spokesperson
                Israel has always ignored U.N resolutions.
                AIPAC Hysterical Over Obama Failure To Veto SC Res
                US Senate Committee To Suspend UN Aid?

                There is going to be a lot of fallout in America related to israeli actions. McCain and Ryan are already in tears. It will be interesting to see what the (purported) American ruling class does when economic sanctions hit israel. They can retaliate against the West through their control of banking but, that might very well bring self-immolation.


                • american failure on the grand chessboard

                  Here is an excellent article on the American drive for world hegemony. The United States and The Race for Global Hegemony
                  World domination has just gotten too expensive. We tried to do economic strangulation to obtain control. The mindset of the average American does NOT run to hegemonic control of the world. We were led down that stony path by bankers, neocons and others who dream of world control. The FED is a big part of what facilitated the push for globalization and the attempted economic strangulation of Eurasia.
                  Trump has said that American-caused regime change is coming to an end. He believes in cooperation with Russia as opposed to a deeper cold war. He's a businessman and cooperation is always cheaper that confrontation. The neocons are frothing at the mouth at the prospect of world hegemony slipping away.
                  Germany would NEVER invade France again now that their economic ties are so strong. Should Trump forge strong economic ties between America, Russia, Europe and Iran, the chances of the neocons to dominate the world through belligerent domination would be forever gone.


                  • Robert Steele

                    Here is a guy with some answers on how to drain the swamp permanently;
                    Former CIA Spy Has A Christmas Message For Trump | Zero Hedge


                    • Originally posted by MagnaMoRo View Post
                      Your employer can never pay you back the valuable hours you invest in them! So, they compensate you with the value of your hours, providing you with monetary value in the form of currency.

                      But they have to report that compensation in Box 1 of Form W2, as Taxable Income.

                      Well, compensation is NOT gain.

                      The income tax is a tax on gain.

                      What is to be done?

                      This video answers. >>



                      Official Blog of Sherry Peel Jackson

                      Last edited by aljhoa; 12-27-2016, 06:18 AM. Reason: 617,579


                      • The Security Council decision

                        There is no way to over-state the importance of the Security Council decision on East Jerusalem. They made it clear that the pre-1967 borders still stand. That means that Palestine has a legal right of ownership to all of East Jerusalem. It also means that Syria is still owner of the Golan Heights,,, and the oil there.
                        The UN Security Council Has Just Officially Given Every Inch Of East Jerusalem To The Palestinians
                        Today, more than half a million Israelis live in East Jerusalem and the 137 settlements that are scattered throughout the West Bank.

                        The Grand Chessboard has been given quite a kick.
                        Putin will work to destroy ISIS.
                        Trump has said that he will work to destroy ISIS
                        But, MOSSAD is ISIS. The war in Syria is a proxy war between israel and Russia. Israel is a pipsqueak without backing from America.
                        Trump has said that he will re-open the 9/11 investigation. Does this indicate that he will let the chips land wherever they fall?
                        The Security Council vote can not be reversed by Trump. This is going to get very interesting to see what israel will do.
                        PressTV-Israel waging war on US: Congressman
                        Netanyahu Snubs May Over UN Vote
                        Police Call For Criminal Probe Of Netanyahu

                        How Long Will Israelis Put Up With Netanyahu?

                        Trump Owes Nothing To Jews, He's Free Agent - Haaretz
                        Israeli DM Tells French Jews To Leave France
                        Israel Tells US To Stop Funding UN After 'Settlement' Vote
                        Last edited by Danny B; 12-28-2016, 02:28 AM. Reason: Moar info


                        • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                          The tribe brought socialism to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. That didn't work and now they are trying to bring socialism to America. They know that they can't infest America with socialism unless they first break it down. Obummer was the loon brought on board.

                          1. First President to be photographed smoking a joint.

                          2. First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.

                          3. First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.

                          4. First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.

                          5. First President to violate the War Powers Act.

                          6. First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

                          7. First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.

                          8. First President to spend a trillion dollars on "shovel-ready" jobs when there was no such thing as "shovel-ready" jobs.

                          9. First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.

                          10. First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.

                          11. First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.

                          12. First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.

                          13. First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.

                          14. First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space.

                          15. First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.

                          16. First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.

                          17. First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.

                          18. First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases.

                          19. First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.

                          20. First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).

                          21. First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.

                          22. First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).

                          23. First President to fire an inspector general of AmeriCorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.

                          24. First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.

                          25. First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.

                          26. First President to golf more than 350 separate times in his eight years in office.

                          27. First President to hide his birth, medical, educational and travel records.

                          28. First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.

                          29. First President to go on multiple "global apology tours" and concurrent "insult our friends" tours.

                          30. First President to go on over 17 lavish vacations, in addition to "date nights" and Wednesday evening White House rapper parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayers.

                          31. First President to have personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife and her mother.

                          32. First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.

                          33. First President to fly in a personal trainer from Chicago at least once a week at taxpayer expense.

                          34. First President to recite the "Holy Quran" and tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.

                          35. First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50 states (Mexico vs Arizona).

                          36. First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they "volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences."

                          37. Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.

                          Obummer has pardoned as many people as the last 11 presidents. I doubt that he can expect a pardon from Trump.
                          Obummer added $3.6 trillion to the national debt in the last year. Socialism is EXPENSIVE. The tribe wants to break down all societal bonds,,, witness Europe. If the world reaches a point of a disintegrated society, there will be no group to oppose the tribe.
                          The jews are real smart. You would think that they would catch on the the manipulation from the Khazars.
                          ZOG - Constitutional Crisis

                          As President Barack Obama winds down his second term, he leaves the United States of America mired in a profound constitutional crisis.

                          • Every executive order that he signed is now null and void.

                          • Every international treaty that he signed is null and void.

                          • Every piece of legislation that he signed is null and void.

                          Simply put, the sitting POTUS failed to legally fulfill the most basic qualification to run for the highest office in the land. More importantly, a number of serious felonies were committed to successfully attain the Office of the President.

                          There will be severe consequences to go all around. And President-elect Trump is bound by law — especially by the relevant federal statutes — to have the FBI and DOJ fully investigate and prosecute these crimes against the American people.

                          Scientific Evidence: Obama Birth Certificate Copy Proven Fake And Forged

                          Last edited by aljhoa; 12-28-2016, 06:50 AM. Reason: 617,773


                          • The battle lines are being drawn

                            From rense;
                            Trump To Cut Neocon Deep State Off At The Knees
                            Trump Splits With 'Sr Advisor' Ex CIA Chief Woolsey
                            Powerful People In The US Govt Want War, Mass Death
                            Trump Stunned FBI Never Asked For Access
                            To The DNC’s ‘Hacked Servers’
                            70% In US Believe WikiLeaks Over US Intel Officials

                            House Res Supporting Illegal Israeli Settlements
                            Jordan Warns US Not To Move Embassy To Jerusalem
                            If India Makes More ICBMs, Beijing Will Help Pakistan
                            India and Pakistan have already fought a couple of wars.
                            Trump Sides With Assange

                            Russian Hacks On US An 'Act Of War' - Madman McCain
                            Trump Picks Former Sen Coats As National Intel Director
                            "Trump has been considering ways to restructure intelligence agencies to streamline operations and improve efficiency. Transition officials have been looking at changes at both ODNI and the CIA" Wait and see.
                            Trump To Revamp, Clean House On Politicized Intel Agencies With and axe
                            Trump Energizes Push For Audit The Fed Bill
                            Attempted Coup Against Trump Continues
                            Mexico Panics - Trump Leverage Far Greater Than Thought

                            Congress Drafting Anti-UN Bill To Avenge Israel


                            • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                              This has been my position for the past half year — that globalists were planning to allow conservative and sovereignty movements to take the reins of power, that they would allow the passage of the Brexit and the rise of Trump, just before they pull the plug on the system’s life support."
                              The False Economic Recovery Narrative Will Die In 2017
                              This article is about the planned demolition of the economy and our forced use of the SDR.
                              "The world was gloomy before I won - there was no hope. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over a trillion dollars!"

                              Now, if you know anything about the true fiscal situation, you would think this statement is a severely idiotic move by Trump. No incoming president with any sense would try to take credit for the largest equities bubble in history. But, take credit is essentially what he did. That said, if you ALSO understand that the globalist narrative is engineered so that conservatives take the blame for the coming crash, AND if you believe that Trump is knowingly participating in this narrative (as I now do after he lied about "draining the swamp" and front loaded his cabinet with banking elites), then Trump's statement makes perfect sense. Trump is playing the role of a future bumbling villain, the populist maniac who gets too big for his britches and brings disaster down on people's heads.

                              The false recovery narrative will indeed die in 2017, and it will be because the globalists WANT it to die while nationalists are at the helm. This is perhaps the biggest con game in recent history; with conservatives as the fall guy and the rest of the public as the gullible mark. One can only hope that we can educate enough people on this scenario to make a difference before it is too late.

                              Last edited by aljhoa; 01-08-2017, 06:00 PM. Reason: 620,384


                              • Robert David Steele

                                Steele is retired CIA. He has been in the background for quite a while. He has vids on how to take back control of GOV FOR the people. I corresponded with him briefly about a year ago. He recently wrote an article saying that the FBI was totally corrupt. He NEVER mentioned that the CIA is 10 times worse. He wrote that he can not publish anything without permission from his former employer. Knowing that the CIA disappears a LOT of people, I'm sure that he gets permission. With the ascent of Trump, he has stepped forward with info, plans, and ideas of how to get GOV where it belongs. Like a lot of people, he sees the possibility of great changes under Trump. A LOT of people in GOV and the intelligence community have exposed themselves to danger and death to defeat the wicked witch of Whitewater.

                                This article is about the collapse of the soft coup against Trump. There is always the thought; what will they do now that the soft coup has failed? There are a lot of troops and armor moving up to the border of Russia that all plan to be in place by Aug. 20. Obviously, Trump will move them away on the 21st. The efforts to de-legitimise Trump have failed. What does the deep state plan as an alternative?

                                Steele; "As a side note, it is not possible to understand the CIA without first recognizing that it was created by Wall Street to serve as a secret secure foundation for the Deep State within the US Government; that CIA under Allen Dulles was the principal savior of fascists leaders and their treasures as WWII wound down and was also the principal actor in the assassination of John F. Kennedy; and that CIA has for decades, under the guise of “national security,” been using military aircraft and US military bases abroad to move drugs, guns, money and gold for the elite."

                                " Julian Assange has promised an exciting 2017 * I believe his focus will be on destroying the Republican Party, the Vatican, and the Rothschild-banking cabal that manipulates interest and exchange rates".
                                " If I have learned one thing in my forty years as a professional intelligence officer * apart from the fact that spies tells a lot of lies and know very little * it is that all strategy, policy, and intelligence is suspect if you do not have rock solid counter-intelligence. Many of the Members of Congress are being blackmailed, not only by the CIA and NSA, but by the Vatican, the Mossad, crime families, and beyond."

                                "What has changed in the USA in the last 90 days? Three “icons” have been de-sanctified. The public is now realizing that the secret intelligence community, the mainstream media, and our politicians are deeply flawed and cannot be trusted in their present form to serve the public with integrity. This is the opportunity of a lifetime.

                                "Whether Donald Trump will rise to the challenge * or take the $20B bribe from the Rothchilds * remains to be seen. At this time he has my prayers and the benefit of the doubt.
                                The US IC was bluffing and Donald Trump called their bluff.
                                This may be the beginning of the end of the Deep State in the USA."

                                "CIA was bluffing, produced no evidence * Russians did not “hack” the election. Is this the beginning of the end of the Deep State in the USA? Can Trump clean house & wage peace?

                                Aided by enormous restraint on the part of Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, the soft coup in the USA has collapsed. Not only has the US Intelligence Community (US IC) lost all semblance of credibility with incoming President Donald Trump, but the blackmail by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham has been revealed by investigative journalist Wayne Madsen."
                                - See more at: The Soft Coup Collapses – Blackmail Revealed – What Next?

                                This is all very interesting. Here is another article that is VERY telling.
                                "Outgoing US President Barack Obama has warned Americans and his successor Donald Trump that Vladimir Putin is an “adversary” who should never be trusted over the US intelligence community."
                                The very fact that he even said this shows how discredited and desperate the deep state had become.
                                Trump has said that he will re-open the 9/11 investigation. The evidence is all in. If the general public can easily find much of the truth, you can bet that the intelligence agencies have far more info. Much of what happened when the holograms hit the twin towers was of a financial nature. It was the biggest bank hiest in history. One hologram hit directly on the offices of Cantor-Fitzgerald. They were under investigation for selling bogus treasury bonds. The boss didn't come in that day. Another hologram, disguised as a cruise missile, hit the Pantagram directly where the office of budget and management was investigating the disappearance of $ 2.3 trillion dollars.

                                Building 7 held a big financial investigation by the FBI when it mysteriously collapsed.
                                The financial PTB have had general invulnerability for so long that they have gotten blatant and sloppy about their manipulations.
                                I wouldn’t be completely surprised if they vaporized half of D.C. to erase their current mega-problem on Aug 20. They could blame it on Russia and proceed with the pre-planned invasion.

