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The American Ruling Class

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  • @DannyB
    Rense, US District Attorney Vows To Charge Obama With Treason

    This reminds me of Breitbart news which references their own false claims in other articles to substantiate new false claims. They suggest that someone said this which suggests someone thinks that and there is a great deal of suggestions however there is no proof to be found which suggests to me it's fake news.

    As if to say the lie I told today must be true based on the lies I told yesterday. Are people really that stupid?, I was really hoping they weren't but my god the proof is overwhelming.

    I would love to see those people try that BS here in Canada at a job interview. Our employers here would probably piss there pants they would be laughing so hard just before they kicked there ass out onto the street.

    Last edited by Allcanadian; 02-20-2017, 05:39 AM.


    • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
      Recycled thoughts

      Psychopaths' Bandwagon

      Last edited by aljhoa; 02-22-2017, 06:38 AM. Reason: 631,176


      • Moving out of fascism and into the fire

        The ruling class just went too far. Regulatory capture leads to crony capitalism. Crony capitalism is the road to fascism. The economy shrunk because the rich just pulled out too much of the money. With wages gone and the consuming population shrinking, fascism has ruined the economy just as surely as socialism would have. The pendulum is swinging the other way.
        America is leading the way on the road to socialism but, since it has the reserve currency, it is a laggard at going broke.
        Here is the socialist roadmap to going broke, French style.

        Credit is used to pull future earnings to the present. How many children were born because their future wages were spent to birth and support them in the present? What will they do when their future wages are not forthcoming?
        They will die. LePen believes/hopes that investors won't pull their money out of France. The French government could conceivably print the money that was needed in the economy rather than depending on investors.
        I believe that plan is just a bridge too far. The French GOV already spends about 54% of the GDP.
        Socialism never ends well. What happens to the plans of LePen when the markets crash?

        The financial industry is guilty of MANY sins but, the worldwide body of bureaucrats is a bigger drain. The GDP of the European states was reduced by 20% from the bureaucratic overload of the EU.
        "A study released by the Open Europe think tank, which wants to control the influence and scale of the EU, has found that 170,000 people now work for EU institutions."
        "How come there are 10,000 EU bureaucrats each of whom is paid more than British Prime Minister?"
        40,000 EU bureaucrats for banking supervision. The Prime Minister of Spain has 2500 advisers.
        The norm for a private school is 29 administrators for every 100 teachers. In the L.A.U.S.D. there are 127 administrators for every 100 teachers.

        The average C.P.A. has gotten rid of his employees and just depends on good software. We live in the information age. Every increase in information-handling must be met with more hiring from GOV. Frederich Hegel demanded that everybody work for GOV. That's pure socialism.
        Communitarianism - Final Synthesis In Hegelian Dialectic
        It never worked before when there was less automation. It certainly won't work now. Donald Trump promised to bring efficiency to GOV. The resulting howls of rage are coming from people who's income depends on inefficiency in GOV.
        Automation has brought on a bureaucratic overload. The pendulum is broken and the old rules don't work anymore.


        • @DannyB
          It never worked before when there was less automation. It certainly won't work now. Donald Trump promised to bring efficiency to GOV. The resulting howls of rage are coming from people who's income depends on inefficiency in GOV.
          Who would benefit the most from replacing public sector jobs with private sector jobs?. The corporate elite and shareholders of course so your basically talking about redistributing wealth and power to CEO's and shareholders who have little interest in the public's best interests.

          So you can expect GOV powers to be gutted and replaced by corporate powers. Like removing all environmental regulations and bringing back inefficient outdated coal to create jobs. Most of Trumps so called policy concerning jobs seems to follow the broken window fallacy. Why not bring back the horse and buggy and coil oil lamps to create jobs while your at it?.

          Last edited by Allcanadian; 02-24-2017, 02:04 PM.


          • Productive capacity matters — a lot. But when lots of people who want jobs aren’t doing hobs, you’ve got a different problem. A failure to mobilize the productive people you already have. In the scheme of things, that’s a good problem to have since it’s much easier to solve. But it’s also a much more frustrating problem to solve precisely because there’s no good reason it should be lingering like this.

            "Trump promises to 'bring back' millions of manufacturing jobs for dispossessed workers by modifying the terms of trade:
            by renegotiating NAFTA, rejecting the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and slapping China with tariffs," according to Brookings' Muro.
            "But the fact that the U.S. manufacturing sector has been succeeding by many measures in recent years makes President-elect Trump’s promises
            seem like false dreams."

            Trump's promise to bring back manufacturing jobs seems like a false dream | Deseret News

            Last edited by aljhoa; 02-24-2017, 05:18 PM. Reason: 632,081


            • Ivory Tower Psychosis

              "the Ivory Tower. If you haven't heard this expression
              before, it refers to the high brow raised lip attitude class of University
              Professors and their associates. They have influence on every aspect of
              society. "
              " Their influence however should be noted;
              they've influenced Presidents of the United States, Bankers, the Media (most
              notably) and literally every aspect of human life in America. "
              "But the Ivory Tower class remains; and it remained until the
              Trump victory in November - a major influence on society and hallmark of
              American culture. But all that's been shattered. "

              "What does this all mean? We're experiencing a
              major paradigm shift, (this is an Ivory Tower word, from Thomas Kuhn's "The
              Structure of Scientific Revolutions - a must read for investors).

              As a bright example take
              a look at what Brian Nosek is doing to crack the glass bubble surrounding the Ivory Tower:"
              "The implications for politics and the broader economy are huge.
              Studies, focus groups, corporate funded research retreats, are one of the
              Establishment's, and the Ivory Tower's biggest tools. The election was a
              crack in the dam - it's a proof that you can't manipulate public opinion to fit
              your own. But it's far from the only crack, just the most obvious one. What's
              happening is a major system-wide Ivory Tower Psychosis, the most basic form of mental illness
              "The Ivory Tower Bubble has popped; and we're seeing the casualties
              on a daily basis. It's certainly not the last establishment-class that
              we're going to see crack from the pressure of reality."
              Trumpocalypse: Liberal Ivory Tower of Academia collapsing | Zero Hedge


              • Ivory Tower Psychosis

                TRUMP IS THE SWAMP

                Last edited by aljhoa; 02-26-2017, 05:56 PM. Reason: 632,665


                • @DannyB
                  "But the Ivory Tower class remains; and it remained until the
                  Trump victory in November - a major influence on society and hallmark of
                  American culture. But all that's been shattered. "
                  Your post reminds me of a man who is told a very large meteor will destroy most of Earth by scientists. The man called it fake news by fake scientists and said god will save us. However obviously you cannot debate supposed facts nor beliefs with a big chunk of rock. You see in reality the meteor is just a rock and it doesn't care what you think or believe or if you even have an opinion about anything one way or another because in reality it's just a big old rock which will do what natural law dictates not man.

                  In reality nothing has been "shattered" because nothing has changed in reality other than your misguided opinion of it.

                  "The implications for politics and the broader economy are huge.
                  Studies, focus groups, corporate funded research retreats, are one of the
                  Establishment's, and the Ivory Tower's biggest tools. The election was a
                  crack in the dam - it's a proof that you can't manipulate public opinion to fit
                  your own. But it's far from the only crack, just the most obvious one. What's
                  happening is a major system-wide Ivory Tower Psychosis, the most basic form of mental illness
                  The problem I see is that you can spout rhetoric and belittle others all day long however obviously that does not make intelligent people any less intelligent nor you any more intelligent. Only you can make yourself more intelligent at which point "you" would become more like "them". In reality by definition psychosis is thinking your more intelligent but not actually being more intelligent... you see proof is required.

                  Do you know what I like about intelligence?, it is the ultimate equalizer and when I walk into a room full of suits and I'm wearing blue jeans, a T shirt and a camo baseball cap they may think I'm a redneck. However all that changes when I speak and there is no question they can ask that I cannot answer and no problem I cannot solve. You see Danny it's a reality thing, a reality check if you will and BS can only take you so far. Reality matters in reality and the more we understand the more we can do.

                  Last edited by Allcanadian; 02-27-2017, 05:37 AM.


                  • Here's a thought for all those Trump supporters bashing intelligence, Engineering and Science. I understand everyone thinks there a rocket scientist however thinking is not doing. Most people like to think there pretty smart however this does not last very long when something goes wrong.

                    Now imagine your car or your high efficiency furnace or your appliances bristling with electronics and sensors shuts down. Or your computer shuts down or the power plant down the road stops working or the water treatment plant or natural gas services stop working. Are you going to call Fred the handyman next door with a grade 12 education who works as a walmart greeter and is an avid Trump supporter?. Well no because Fred is almost as helpless and completely dependent on people more intelligent than himself as most are.

                    You see this day dream most people live in works until something in "Reality" we are dependent on doesn't work. At which point if your not intelligent or skilled enough to do something about it then your completely dependent on someone who is. The fact is damn near everything Fred next door has is because of someone one hell of a lot smarter than he will ever be. Otherwise Fred would probably be living in a cave trying to run down deer in the woods and stab them with a spear.

                    Maybe people should think about this the next time they start running off their big mouth about intelligence and Engineering and Science. When something goes wrong or stops working or you need a complex problem solved what can you do about it?... what can you do?. You see all this gum flapping and rhetoric works fine until you have to prove your intelligence in reality by doing something tangible at which point it generally becomes a big problem for most people.

                    This is why I became an Engineer involved in research, science and technology because I didn't want to be some useless twit who thinks he knows everything but can't prove anything or do anything that really matters.

                    Last edited by Allcanadian; 02-27-2017, 04:37 PM.


                    • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                      TRUMP'S WHITE-HOUSE

                      The white house is and
                      the senate here in the USA have
                      always been the policemen of the world.

                      WE are a nation of laws.

                      Trump has sworn to jail Hillary and
                      stated that to her face on live Television and
                      here is what he knows that you don't.

                      This film is for grown ups. No weakling should enter.

                      The rest of you, suck it up it ain't pretty.


                      Why Trump Will Never Jail Hillary Clinton? #PizzaGate

                      Last edited by aljhoa; 02-27-2017, 05:24 PM. Reason: 633,096


                      • Federalized EU

                        The globalists are desperately trying to preserve their control of the European Union. They knew that it could never work without a debt union. They went ahead planning to bring the noose much tighter after the inevitable crash. True to form, they are now demanding a federal union of the European States.
                        EU Lawmakers Urge "Federal Union" For European States... Or Else | Zero Hedge

                        So, who is in control of all this? The not-so-secret parliament;
                        Vid; "EUJS President Benny Fischer at the Knesset "
                        Vid; 'EUJS President Benny Fischer at the United Nations "
                        Hopefully, the planned EUSSR will never come into existence. Meanwhile, the tribe continues to undermine everything they can.
                        PressTV-‘Israel trying to destroy al-Aqsa Mosque’


                        • @rickoff

                          Wow, what a great post above, reguarding republic/democracy and the canadian monarc. I learn so much knowledge from your highly intelligent posts.

                          Im proud to see true conservatives dispelling the hatred and lies being extruded from progressive socialists like Allcanadian. A guy who mocks our nationalism while using a nationalist username. A guy who compared the right to bear arms as the right to bear weapons of mass destruction and therefore decided we should bear neither. A guy who cannot argue the true merits of an immigration order suspending travel, who would rather lie and call it a discrimination ban based on race and religion. (Notice how he ignored your last post rickoff). A guy who readily insults all trump supporters (just like hilary clinton herself) simply because he disagrees with them.

                          Keep up the good fight @rickoff.
                          Ive been reading your posts for years and you continue to impress me.
                          Last edited by ethan; 03-05-2017, 11:49 AM.


                          • US intelligence chiefs have confirmed that the National Security Agency has used
                            a "back door" in surveillance law to perform warrantless searches on Americans’ communications.

                            The legal authority to perform the searches, revealed in top-secret NSA documents provided
                            to the Guardian by Edward Snowden, was denounced by Wyden as a “backdoor search loophole.”

                            Many of the NSA's most controversial programs collect information under the law affected by the so-called loophole.
                            These include Prism, which allows the agency to collect data from Google, Apple, Facebook, Yahoo and
                            other tech companies, and the agency's Upstream program – a huge network of internet cable taps.

                            “When it comes to telephone calls, nobody is listening to your telephone calls. That’s not what this program’s about,” Obama said.
                            “As was indicated, what the intelligence community is doing is looking at phone numbers and durations of calls.
                            They are not looking at people’s names, and they’re not looking at content.”

                            Obama was referring specifically to the bulk collection of US phone records, but his answer misleadingly suggested
                            that the NSA could not examine Americans’ phone calls and emails.


                            Last edited by aljhoa; 03-06-2017, 03:37 PM. Reason: 635,995


                            • When Will The Left Come For You?

                              "Everything left-progressive is positive and everything right-regressive is negative."
                              "The left has become regressive while the right is now expressing the qualities of a progressive society. The core argument that the left is now regressive is best expressed in the spread and abuse of political correctness and social justice."
                              "The progression of the regressive-left continued through the decades with similar tactics and methods of social engineering."
                              "The pendulum swing has gone so far to the left that equal rights for all has now morphed into anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-traditional, anti-male, and anti-Capitalism."
                              "To marginalize a majority as Islamophobic and hateful because it does not want to lose its cultural identity to the onslaught of a culture who, by its very expressed purpose, wants to spread and take over the host culture, is one of the greatest travesties of our modern world."

                              "There is a concerted effort to criminalize the behaviour and opinions which the liberal-left find undesirable."
                              "A man who recently burned a copy of the Koran was charged with blasphemy. How is this even possible? Our governance system which has become dominated by the left, is using that very same system to restrict the rights of varying demographics. It is ironic that the liberal-left mandates, which were born in seeking equal rights for all, like women having the right to vote, is now attempting to restrict the rights of those who do not agree with its transformed goals and objectives."
                              When Will The Left Come For You? | Zero Hedge

