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The American Ruling Class

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  • Weiner sings?

    At this early date, it is just scuttlebutt. We'll see;


    • MARCH 15TH:

      Last edited by aljhoa; 03-14-2017, 04:37 PM. Reason: 638,869


      • Religion and Corporations are not owned by the community lmao.
        By definition they are, Community: "A community is commonly considered a small or large social unit (a group of people) who have something in common. Your not liking or understanding the definition does not change this fact.

        They are regulated to the extent that they dont cause harm or break the law, beyond that they can do whatever the hell they want and theres nothing you can do about it.
        Of course there is something I/we can do, we can elect new people who will change the laws and regulations then enforce them.

        They dont charge me a dime unless I say so.
        Thats the thing called freedom.
        No that is a thing called ignorance.
        In fact you do subsidize religion through taxes and if you do not pay your taxes you go to jail.
        The federal revenue acts of 1909, 1913, and 1917 exempted nonprofits from the corporate excise and income taxes at the same time that they allowed people to deduct charitable contributions from their incomes. In other words, they gave tax-free status to the income of, and to the income donated to, nonprofits.
        You pay the taxes religion and those who support religion are exempt from so you do pay because the government demands you pay.

        As well Corporations receive subsidies, they can write off all expenses against profit, they can expand capital written off against profit so they pay no tax and the tax rate they pay is lower than personal taxes. Increased costs are always passed on to the consumer including taxes. So yes you do pay in the form of taxes or you go to jail, your choice.

        You can choose socialism. I choose freedom.
        Denying you are a socialist doesn't make it any less true especially when you support socialist ideals. Do you support health care insurance, home and car insurance or religion?, then by definition you are a socialist or have socialist beliefs. The fact remains that corporations or organizations exempt from tax or those given subsidies are supported by all taxpayers as a form of social welfare or socialism. As a capitalist why should I have to support you or your beliefs?, the government shouldn't be "giving" anyone a job or forcing someone to create them in my opinion. If you have no real skills or knowledge of real value then your unemployable in my opinion.
        Last edited by The Magician; 03-15-2017, 08:39 PM.


        • Originally posted by The Magician View Post
          Denying you are a socialist doesn't make it any less true especially when you support socialist ideals. Do you support health care insurance, home and car insurance or religion?, then by definition you are a socialist or have socialist beliefs. The fact remains that corporations or organizations exempt from tax or those given subsidies are supported by all taxpayers as a form of social welfare or socialism. As a capitalist why should I have to support you or your beliefs?, the government shouldn't be "giving" anyone a job or forcing someone to create them in my opinion. If you have no real skills or knowledge of real value then your unemployable in my opinion.
          P/S by definition?

          So, an average of 11.4 million people are expected to be in Obamacare policies during 2017.
          Obamacare 2017 enrollment hits record, despite Trump's threat to repeal - Dec. 21, 2016

          The Obama administration doled out more than $77 million to promote the former president’s signature health care legislation in what could be its final full year of existence, contracts obtained by The Post on Sunday reveal.

          They show the federal government contracted with Democratic-leaning p.r. firm Weber Shandwick to spend $74.15 million on July 28, 2016, and another $3.69 million on Sept. 9, 2016, promoting the plan.

          Of that, $64 million funded an advertising blitz — including TV, digital and radio — $4 million went to creative development and production, $5 million to direct response marketing, $2 million to campaign strategy, $1 million to branding and $1.5 million to encourage small business enrollment.

          Obama admin spent $77M to hype ObamaCare in 2016 | New York Post

          Last edited by aljhoa; 03-18-2017, 03:46 AM. Reason: 640,075


          • $77 million,,, chump change

            $77 million, huh" What about the $2 BILLION for the website?
            "Obamacare's Website Is Crashing Because It Doesn't Want You To Know How Costly Its Plans Are"


            • David Rockefeller dies
              Guardian of Rockefeller fortune, philanthropy dies at 101 - ABC News

              The conspiracy theories and family history match up with evil.

              The bible prophesy say that the survivors would come out of *every nation.
              David Rockefeller used his money to contradict the bible with a false kingdom
              run by opportunist.

              The bible uses the word joy is the feeling among the righteous.

              Proverbs 11:10 When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy.


              • The Denomination Of Pathocracy

                A 2014 study by Carmi et al. published by Nature Communications found that Ashkenazi Jewish population originates from mixing between Middle Eastern and European peoples. According to the authors, that mixing likely occurred some 600–800 years ago, followed by rapid growth and genetic isolation (rate per generation 16–53%. The study found that all Ashkenazi Jews descent from around 350 individuals, and that the principal component analysis of common variants in the sequenced AJ samples, confirmed previous observations, namely, the proximity of Ashkenazi Jewish cluster to other Jewish, European and Middle Eastern populations".

                The most detailed genetic analysis study of Ashkenazi was published in September 2014 by Shai Carmi and his team at Columbia University.[14] The results of the detailed study show that today's 10 million Ashkenazi Jews descend from a population of only 350 individuals who lived about 600–800 years ago. That population derived from both Europe and the Middle East.[15] There is evidence that the population bottleneck may have allowed deleterious alleles to become more prevalent in the population due to genetic drift.

                Throughout history, psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists, and assorted antisocial-personality-disordered individuals have ruled societies.

                Psychopaths and sociopaths often exhibit glibness and superficial charm, have a grandiose sense of self-worth, are pathological liars, display extreme narcissism, are deceitful, cunning and manipulative, exhibit a lack of remorse or guilt, show a callous disregard for the feelings of others, have no conscience, lack empathy, and fail to accept responsibility for their actions.

                In a competitive world, the people who act immorally, who have no regard for truth, are going to have an advantage over those who play by the rules. The result is that those who achieve positions of power will be the most ruthless, the most sociopathic, the ones without conscience.

                In societies run by psychopaths, ambitious individuals and sycophants, who are not clinically psychopathic, are induced to model themselves after powerful psychopaths in order to achieve power. The result: psychopaths breed more psychopaths.


                Last edited by aljhoa; 03-21-2017, 04:39 PM. Reason: 641,439


                • part one

                  It wouldn't post in one bite.
                  Aljhoa, a note of interest. The Caesars complained about the "scheming" jews. Rome fell about 470 A.D. It was a process, not an event. That was the end of the Western Roman Empire. The Eastern Roman Empire was headquartered in Constantinople.
                  "The origins of the great civilization known as the Byzantine Empire can be traced to 330 A.D., when the Roman emperor Constantine I dedicated a “new Rome” on the site of the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium. Though the western half of the Roman Empire crumbled and fell in 476, the eastern half survived for 1,000 more years, spawning a rich tradition of art, literature and learning and serving as a military buffer between the states of Europe and the threat of invasion from Asia. The Byzantine Empire finally fell in 1453, after an Ottoman army stormed Constantinople during the reign of Constantine XI."
                  Who knows how long the Eastern Roman Empire could have lasted if not attacked by the turks?


                  • Part two

                    Jews were not persecuted in the Eastern Roman Empire. They were not allowed to "participate" in politics, banking or education. This appears to have kept them relatively safe. There were a lot of pogroms against the jews.
                    A History of the Jews, a list of expulsions for 2000 years
                    "There can be economic and social or racial anti-Semitism. It didn't reach epidemic proportions until 175 B.C. Previous uprisings against Jews were not really anti-Semitic. It began almost exclusively in countries which later became part of the Roman Empire. Prejudice flared it seems because Jewish people in honouring their Jewish laws, appeared to be in defiance of Gentile governments. The false assumption began to emerge that Jews didn't have any respect for whatever was held in esteem by the rest of humanity. "
                    This has been a VERY common belief.
                    The jews that I know are just regular people. I even went to israel to see for myself. Henry ford wrote pamphlets complaining about the actions of the International jews. It just seems that those jews who rise to the "top" have the worst inclinations.


                    • Part three

                      The Russian jews who were the "founders" of israel represent the WORST. In Deir Yassim, they slaughtered women and children,,, and stacked up the bodies for photo-ops.
                      "The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when around 120 fighters from the ..... Menachem Begin hailed the taking of Deir Yassin as a “splendid act of conquest" that would serve as a model for the future"
                      With this kind of inception, it is no wonder that the situation has continually gotten worse.
                      Modern jewish scholars have conceded that there was one commonality to all the expulsions,,, the jews. You don't hear about the Amish or Mennonites getting expelled. They are invited into many countries. They work hard and mind their own business.
                      The chosenites in the promised land have created VERY bad pollution. You would think that they would take good care of the one little country that they claim as theirs.
                      Israel's Environmental Challenges ? Green Zionist Alliance: The Grassroots Campaign for a Sustainable Israel
                      The same is true for organized crime in the promised land. All in all, they haven't been good stewards. In 1948, israel was 7% jewish. It has taken a lot of ethnic cleansing to get it to it's current %. Rahm Emmanuel's father was partially responsible for blowing up the British command in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. The terror groups, Stern, Irgun and Nehi formed the basis of the israeli armed forces.
                      Currently, the jews are trying to stir up war with Russia. Russia supports Syria and Syria owns the Golan Heights. A VERY strategic place that not only overlooks israel, it has TONS of oil. Israel claims it,, the U.N. says NO.
                      Trump's actions towards Iran will tell us if he is going to war for israel.



                        Last edited by aljhoa; 03-22-2017, 05:42 AM. Reason: 641,634


                        • Whose neck will the guillotine kiss?

                          Funny you should mention the guillotine,
                          Ynetnews News - Guillotine display stuns Rothschild's 'tent city'
                          Looks VERY functional to me.
                          The israelis aren't stupid people. They get much the same treatment that we get,
                          In a country of 4.1 million, 450,000 took part in a demonstration in Tel Aviv,,,, against the GOV. Israel is more densely populated than India and has huge shortages of housing.
                          Israel Hayom | 'Kissinger said Israel won't exist in 10 years'
                          Iran's Supreme Leader says Israel 'will not exist in 25 years' |

                          Israel crashed their bond market in the early 80s. Our bond market is soon to go into default. Their little peace of heaven is in a VERY bad neighborhood. They built all those walls to keep out all the hordes they pissed off. What will they do when the American bond market crashes?
                          Judaism is a real downer of a religion that concentrates on all the bad things that bad people have done to them. They aren't getting a lot of converts.


                          • 800000-attend-yosef-funeral

                            Thousands @ Isaac Rosenberg's funeral, New York


                            Does Israel recognize Ivanka Trump as Jewish? It does now

                            Last edited by aljhoa; 03-23-2017, 04:41 PM. Reason: 642,176


                            • Originally posted by Danny B View Post
                              The chosenites use islam to accomplish cultural destruction

                              General Wesley Clark, (paraphrased), "we're going to bomb the snot out of 7 countries to provide millions of radicalised refugees"
                              Global Warfare: ?We?re going to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran..? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
                              The D.C. chosenites provided millions of refugees so that the European chosenites could inject them into Western Europe and destroy all cultural cohesion.
                              This jihadi virus was to be injected into ALL European States. While the chosenites were hard at work to expel the jihadi virus out of their little slice of heaven on the mediterranean, the pushed and shoved the trash into Europe. Saudi Arabia and other islamic States refused to take on external viruses.

                              The chosenites had already created a beachhead of heaven-on-earth in Marseilles. This was to be a diffusion point to infect the rest of France. Le Pen represents a setback for their plans. Every muslim attack in Europe advances the cause and popularity or Le Pen. the latest attack in London was another in a long list of wakeup calls. The buffoons in Westminster were quick to claim that islam had nothing to do with the motivation for the attack.

                              The chosenites flung obummer into office because he is a Marxist and islamic. Dearborn MI was a nice beachhead and the whole program needed to be expanded. The chosenites are big movers and shakers in the banking power and they used their leverage to inject their jihadi virus into America. The same 7 States that Clark referred to are also suppliers of the virus to America.
                              Trump is working against the banker's plan.
                              The U.S. Plan To Topple All 7 Countries On Trump’s Refugee Ban List

                              Soros wants open borders so that the whole world can sink down to the level of islamic States. The chosenites don't mind destroying all of society and culture in the world as long as they perceive that it would lessen the threat to themselves. A threat that they created.
                              Sweden was the most open society in Europe so, they got the BIGGEST does of the jihadi virus. The jihadi virus seems to be first injected into populations that have a high number of christians.
                              The Eastern Roman Empire was nominally "100" % Christian. Since the Turks destroyed it in the 15th century, it has now become 98% islamic.

                              A State doesn't have to be Christian to get overrun by islam. The "conversion" of India required 80 million deaths. Various other States and cultures have been over run and "absorbed".

                              Saudi Arabia has 2 things; radical islam and a single oil deposit that is 150 miles long. The oil has allowed them to finance the spread of their retrogressive operating system far and wide.
                              Islam is an operating system for the continuation and furtherance of a brutal patriarchal system. The control, enslavement and occasional mutilation of women is just one facet of it's brutality. Islam seems to take no notice of limitations on physical resources. They celebrate runaway fecundity and pump out offspring with wild abandon. Overrun the world with little jihadists.
                              Out of necessity, islam focuses on keeping it's adherents ignorant. The runaway procreation results in a very low standard of living but, most of them don't seem to mind living like rats. This isn't universal. Germany has spent $2 billion supporting them. ]

                              As European wake up (belatedly) to the threat, they are starting to resist the virus.
                              “If Europe continues this way, no European in any part of the world can walk safely on the streets”.
                              “This Europe is the racist, fascist and tyrannical Europe of the pre-World War Two era”, he fumed." (Erdogan)
                              If one takes a stand against the cultural rape from islam, one is an islamaphobe. BUT, a phobia is an unreasonable fear. Roy Sullivan has been hit by lightning 7 times. If HE has a fear of lightning, it ISN'T a phobia.
                              The same is true of islam. After centuries of attacks, there is no such thing as "islamaphobia".

                              The chosenites control a great deal of the financial world. The chosenites are using this power to force European leaders to commit cultural suicide. The chosenites are VERY upset that Christian Russia has rebuffed their efforts at conquest. Christian Russia stands as a very big obstacle to worldwide Marxism and cultural destruction.
                              It remains to be seen if Europe can preserve society and civilization.

                              The term “Zionism” was first coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum. The concept, though modern, is, as this article will unfold, an integral part of Judaism. The modern Zionist movement calls for a return of the Jewish people to Eretz Yisrael, their ancient ancestral Homeland for the renaissance and re-establishment of Jewish sovereignty there. Theodore Herzl was the visionary who expounded, promoted and toiled relentlessly to turn the idea into a reality. Herzl’s vision was to establish a Jewish state based on the Jewish principles of justice and equality as outlined in the Torah.

                              It is this strong connection between Judaism and Zionism which I will endeavor to highlight and emphasize. They are two facets of the same thought and belief system, two sides of the same coin.

                              Together, Judaism and Zionism constitute the intertwined threads of the fabric of our national and spiritual essence, the elixir of our Jewish survival and the promise of our perpetual endurance as a nation, as a culture and as a civilization.

                              Zionism and Judaism the heart and soul of Israel, the Jewish state.

                              Last edited by aljhoa; 03-24-2017, 08:14 PM. Reason: 642,666


                              • Nullification and sucession

                                This is an excellent article about nullification and polarization.
                                "Over the past 40 years, Republicans and Democrats have moved to communities of more like-minded people. According to Bill Bishop in The Big Sort, “… [in] 1976 … Just over 26 percent of the nation’s voters lived in landslide counties [counties where one party won by 20 percentage points or more] … By 2000, the number had risen to 45.3 percent.”

                                And it’s only gotten worse since then."
                                "Right now the United States is extremely divided and growing more so with every passing day. There are massive differences of opinions between north and south, the coasts and flyover country, urban, suburban and rural and regarding race, religion, and political beliefs."

