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The American Ruling Class
You have been warned!
"In an extraordinary speech the EU Commission president said he would push for Ohio and Texas to split from the rest of America if the Republican president does not change his tune and become more supportive of the EU. "
European Union - EU boss threatens to break up US in retaliation for Trump Brexit support | Politics | News |
Originally posted by Danny B View Post"In an extraordinary speech the EU Commission president said he would push for Ohio and Texas to split from the rest of America if the Republican president does not change his tune and become more supportive of the EU. "
European Union - EU boss threatens to break up US in retaliation for Trump Brexit support | Politics | News |
With the forced conscription of Luxembourgers into the Wehrmacht from September 1942, the divide between the occupiers and the occupied population increased widened dramatically.[1]:139 However, according to German reports about 1,500 to 2,000 Luxembourgers had volunteered by August 1942 for the German armed forces, including 300 for the Schutzstaffel (SS), and this does not seem to have been pure propaganda.[1]:139
Juncker family’s link to Nazi regime
Originally posted by Danny B View PostThe chosenites use islam to accomplish cultural destruction
General Wesley Clark, (paraphrased), "we're going to bomb the snot out of 7 countries to provide millions of radicalised refugees"
Global Warfare: ?We?re going to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran..? | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
The D.C. chosenites provided millions of refugees so that the European chosenites could inject them into Western Europe and destroy all cultural cohesion.
This jihadi virus was to be injected into ALL European States. While the chosenites were hard at work to expel the jihadi virus out of their little slice of heaven on the mediterranean, the pushed and shoved the trash into Europe. Saudi Arabia and other islamic States refused to take on external viruses.
The chosenites had already created a beachhead of heaven-on-earth in Marseilles. This was to be a diffusion point to infect the rest of France. Le Pen represents a setback for their plans. Every muslim attack in Europe advances the cause and popularity or Le Pen. the latest attack in London was another in a long list of wakeup calls. The buffoons in Westminster were quick to claim that islam had nothing to do with the motivation for the attack.
The chosenites flung obummer into office because he is a Marxist and islamic. Dearborn MI was a nice beachhead and the whole program needed to be expanded. The chosenites are big movers and shakers in the banking power and they used their leverage to inject their jihadi virus into America. The same 7 States that Clark referred to are also suppliers of the virus to America.
Trump is working against the banker's plan.
The U.S. Plan To Topple All 7 Countries On Trump’s Refugee Ban List
Soros wants open borders so that the whole world can sink down to the level of islamic States. The chosenites don't mind destroying all of society and culture in the world as long as they perceive that it would lessen the threat to themselves. A threat that they created.
Sweden was the most open society in Europe so, they got the BIGGEST does of the jihadi virus. The jihadi virus seems to be first injected into populations that have a high number of christians.
The Eastern Roman Empire was nominally "100" % Christian. Since the Turks destroyed it in the 15th century, it has now become 98% islamic.
A State doesn't have to be Christian to get overrun by islam. The "conversion" of India required 80 million deaths. Various other States and cultures have been over run and "absorbed".
Saudi Arabia has 2 things; radical islam and a single oil deposit that is 150 miles long. The oil has allowed them to finance the spread of their retrogressive operating system far and wide.
Islam is an operating system for the continuation and furtherance of a brutal patriarchal system. The control, enslavement and occasional mutilation of women is just one facet of it's brutality. Islam seems to take no notice of limitations on physical resources. They celebrate runaway fecundity and pump out offspring with wild abandon. Overrun the world with little jihadists.
Out of necessity, islam focuses on keeping it's adherents ignorant. The runaway procreation results in a very low standard of living but, most of them don't seem to mind living like rats. This isn't universal. Germany has spent $2 billion supporting them.]
As European wake up (belatedly) to the threat, they are starting to resist the virus.
“If Europe continues this way, no European in any part of the world can walk safely on the streets”.
“This Europe is the racist, fascist and tyrannical Europe of the pre-World War Two era”, he fumed." (Erdogan)
If one takes a stand against the cultural rape from islam, one is an islamaphobe. BUT, a phobia is an unreasonable fear. Roy Sullivan has been hit by lightning 7 times. If HE has a fear of lightning, it ISN'T a phobia.
The same is true of islam. After centuries of attacks, there is no such thing as "islamaphobia".
The chosenites control a great deal of the financial world. The chosenites are using this power to force European leaders to commit cultural suicide. The chosenites are VERY upset that Christian Russia has rebuffed their efforts at conquest. Christian Russia stands as a very big obstacle to worldwide Marxism and cultural destruction.
It remains to be seen if Europe can preserve society and civilization.
A challenge to Allcanadian
Originally posted by ethan View Post@rickoff
Wow, what a great post above, regarding republic/democracy and the canadian monarc. I learn so much knowledge from your highly intelligent posts.
Im proud to see true conservatives dispelling the hatred and lies being extruded from progressive socialists like Allcanadian. A guy who mocks our nationalism while using a nationalist username. A guy who compared the right to bear arms as the right to bear weapons of mass destruction and therefore decided we should bear neither. A guy who cannot argue the true merits of an immigration order suspending travel, who would rather lie and call it a discrimination ban based on race and religion. (Notice how he ignored your last post rickoff). A guy who readily insults all trump supporters (just like hilary clinton herself) simply because he disagrees with them.
Keep up the good fight @rickoff.
Ive been reading your posts for years and you continue to impress me.
Yes, I did notice how Allcanadian seemed to have ignored my last post, but that's okay. In looking back at some of his anti-Trump diatribes, I think I can understand how his opinions were formed. In reality, those opinions are identical to what is often stated by American leftists, as well as by GOP establishment career politicians like McCain, Graham, and other RINO's.
In one of Allcanadian's recent posts he mentions, "I think it's wonderful so many in America feel compelled to defend Trump however in Canada our leaders can defend themselves. I was also seriously considering getting a Conservative party membership so we in Canada might avoid the embarrassing fiasco we see south of the border. Obviously we cannot have our prime minister contorting his hands, grunting and whining while mocking disabled persons or speaking of grabbing women by the crotch or fabricating ridiculous alternate facts on national television because it would make everyone look immature if not incompetent." Is this not typical of the ongoing and ceaseless barrage of attacks against Trump by the American lamestream news media? I would suggest that either Allcanadian is watching American "news," or that his Canadian "news" shows are controlled by the same or similar corporate interests which seek to manipulate public opinion.
What Allcanadian if referring to in the above quoted statement, is of course the widespread story that Trump mocked a disabled reporter, as well as the even more widely and incessantly dispersed story that Trump sees nothing wrong with grabbing women by the crotch. Then too, he brings up the news media's favorite assertion about "alternate facts." This is all stuff that is oft repeated by the lamestream news media, and parroted by those who tune into it and accept it as gospel truth. If Allcanadian would accept a small and simple challenge, I would ask him to set aside those preconceived notions for a day, and to see if he can do some research that comes up with compelling facts and arguments which demonstrate that Trump is not a racist or misogynist, did not make fun of a reporter's disability, and neither grabbed any woman by the crotch without her consent, nor advocated that anyone else do so. One could call this an experiment in playing "Devil's advocate," whereby one at least temporarily does his or her best to make a case for an argument that may be an unpopular one, and may be in direct confrontation with their already accepted point of view. If one goes about this in an honest and open-minded way, putting forth a real effort to show that the unpopular point of view has merit, then he or she will then be able to understand what is really meant by "alternative facts." Of course the actual facts of a matter cannot be explained in two ways that contradict each other, and thus only one explanation can be factual. Leftists, and leftist oriented news media, will claim that they are offering the true facts about matters they report on, but a great many Americans now realize that those "facts" are merely propaganda, and hence do their own research and prefer alternative news sources to the lamestream media. Thus, when the "facts" as stated by alternative news sources are in conflict with those reported by lamestream media newscasters, they can be said to be "alternative facts," and when these alternative facts are borne out by evidence which shows them to be more credible than lamestream media "facts," the alternative facts must be accepted as being the actual facts.
I hope that Allcanadian will take on this friendly challenge, and that he will do his absolute best to attempt to show us that the anti-Trump, or "Never Trump" movement's story line has it all wrong. If he tries his level best, but fails to find any compelling evidence, I will at least thank him for having made the effort and will not attack his integrity. I only ask that he present the best argument that he can offer, whether compelling or not.Last edited by rickoff; 04-06-2017, 06:09 PM."Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff
Ron Paul: "Zero Chance" Assad Behind Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria; Likely A False Flag
“It looks like maybe somebody didn’t like that so there had to be an episode,” said Paul, asking, “who benefits?”
“It doesn’t make any sense for Assad under these conditions to all of a sudden use poison gases – I think there’s zero chance he would have done this deliberately,” said Paul.
Ron Paul: "Zero Chance" Assad Behind Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria; Likely A False Flag | Zero Hedge
Chemical weapons found in Mosul in Isis lab, say Iraqi forces
Iraqi and US officials have repeatedly warned of efforts by Isis to develop chemical weapons. When Iraqi forces retook Mosul University this month, they found chemistry labs they believed had been converted into makeshift weapons labs.
Rangel: Reinstate the draft
His Draft Act would open the draft to women and require everyone between the ages 18 to 25 to register for the Selective Service System.
It also calls for the reinstatement of a lottery to draft them into the military whenever an authorization for use of military force (AUMF) or declaration of war is in effect.
Rangel: Reinstate the draft | TheHill
The Ecstacy of Gold
French ruling class
The French ruling class just got a poke in the eye;
The downward slope
"America as a country, a society, is not effective enough anymore to win anything, there’s no chance of a concerted effort, it’s too inward looking and distracted by TV-shaped reality and ‘social’ media, and its entire society is aimed only at maximizing profit at the expense of one’s own neighbors. America has turned into cats in a sack.
But yes, these are often the most dangerous times in the existence of an empire. The waning days. The downward slope. The swans that will pop up in that are definitely black; there’s no predicting those graceful beauties."
Only clowns need apply
Post WW II, America was blessed with a credit card, thanks to the Bretton Woods conference. Having the reserve currency meant that all other countries in the West had to sell to us so that they could save dollars. This forced us to run a deficit so that they could get enough dollars.
BUT, corruption always follows the money. As the money flowed in, so too did the jackals from the eastern Mediterranean. Psychopaths need money to run for office and the bankers provided it,,, for a price.
This great wealth that we produced was funnelled into endless wars. Our great wealth was siphoned away,,, and then some. We now have great debt.
No matter the level of debt, the jackals scream for more war. They work to ruin anybody who contests their stranglehold on the finance system.
"Andrew Jackson drew a censure resolution from the Senate over his actions in opposition to the Second Bank of the United States. When he moved the federal government’s deposits to state-chartered banks in defiance of Congress’ wishes, he triggered a financial panic. As President Andrew Jackson began to remove money from the Bank and deposited it in the so-called “pet banks”, the Senate voted to officially censure him in 1834. Jackson filed a protest with the Senate, saying the Bank’s abuses of power made it his “duty” as chief executive to rid the country of the Bank. "
"Andrew Johnson was against being hard on the South and opposed the Radical Republicans who demanded the South be punished. During the mid-term election, the Radical Republicans gained more seats and nullified any possible veto of Johnson"
"My study of history revealed that the common denominator was human nature and that never changes over the centuries so there is no synthesis of a Utopian state as Marx believed based upon Hegel – only one side dominates the other for brief periods of time until the pendulum swings back to the opposing side. "
"This is why markets cannot go up forever nor down forever. Markets will always reach that maximum point of energy being expended in each direction"
"This is why you cannot write a law to change human nature. You can outlaw prostitution and drugs, but you cannot eradicate it. All you do is subsidize such activity making it tax free because it goes underground. You will never change human nature this is also why career politicians can never be honest – impossible."
" Politics relies upon linear thinking. They promise vote for them and they will change the future in some manner typically engaging in class warfare. Politicians cannot solve any problem, for they are the source of all problems. "
"“The Chinese believe in constant change, but with things always moving back to some prior state. They pay attention to wide range of events; they search for relationships between things; and they think you can’t understand the part without understanding the whole. Westerners live in a simpler, more deterministic world; they focus on salient objects or people instead of the larger picture; and they think they can control events because they know the rules that govern the behavior of objects.”
"Politics has become a daily "conflict game", dominated by career politicians concentrated on winning points on the other side, rather than on developing and delivering good public policy, and good government. "
"Unfortunately, the skill sets and experience required of a career politician essentially make them incompetent to govern effectively. "
Career politicians aren't qualified to run the country
Originally posted by Danny B View Post"Politics has become a daily "conflict game", dominated by career politicians concentrated on winning points on the other side, rather than on developing and delivering good public policy, and good government. "
"Unfortunately, the skill sets and experience required of a career politician essentially make them incompetent to govern effectively. "
Career politicians aren't qualified to run the country
what steps can companies take to help prevent costly and damaging hiring and promotion mistakes?
The Disturbing Link Between Psychopathy And Leadership
Are they psychopaths or morons?
"Anyone who tells the truth is by definition against the United States of America. And the moron Pompeo intends to get them."
"The answer is: Washington is a collection of morons, people stupid below the meaning of stupid. People so far outside of reality that they imagine that their hubris and arrogance elevates them above reality. "
A Government of Morons -
G Edward Griffin
Griffin is an exceptional writer. Here are a couple of his titles;
World Without Cancer; The Story of Vitamin B17 Dec 18, 1974
The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve 2002
Tragedy and Hope 101: The Illusion of Justice, Freedom, and Democracy Apr 24, 2014
The End of Freedom: How Our Monetary System Enslaves Us (The preppers's guide to surviving economic collapse and loss) (Volume 1) Oct 27, 2015
Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations June 1964 by G. Edward Griffin
I got this in mail;
Whistleblower Reveals That A UN-Planned Invasion By Refugees Into The US Is Already Underway
G. Edward Griffin
"US: A Missouri woman is interviewed by radio-show host, Josh Tolley, and tells how she became involved in her state’s refugee-immigration program and how the program is far more extensive and advanced than most people realize. She describes how the UN, under the heading of Agenda 2030, is planning immigration into the US similar to what is happening in Europe. The goal is to create chaos and lay the foundation for breaking the US into smaller political units with equal UN representation – and the end of America as a sovereign nation. -GEG
Radio show host Josh Tolley interviewed an unidentified American woman from Missouri who learned about her state’s refugee immigration program by attending UN-sponsored meetings and participating in the programs. She said that refugees are brought into the US in alliance with the UN Refugee Resettlement Organization Offices of Refugee Monitoring out of Washington, DC. In her state, Missouri Social Services administers the refugee programs that provide welfare for housing, food stamps, and medicare, in addition to cash and jobs.
The refugees receive US passports and Social Security numbers so they can receive Social Security benefits. They are screened and, where possible, encouraged to apply for lifetime disability benefits under Social Security.
Many refugees are allowed into the US who have communicable diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, and smallpox.
The woman reported that there is ZERO vetting of refugees and that most are “FUNUs” which is an acronym for ‘full name unknown’. Most of them are males aged 15 to 45 instead of women and children.
She said that Trump reduced the number of refugees from Obama’s proposed 110,000 down to 50,000. From October 2016 through February 2017, the US had taken in 34,000. Democrats are not the only supporters of increased refugee immigration. Paul Ryan advocated bringing in 300,000 refugees.
The refugees usually are transported for settlement in the dead of night, not because of the lower air fares, but because that avoids being seen by large crowds at airports.
The federal government is secretive about how many refugees are being resettled in the US, and many governors are totally unaware of how many are in their states. The governors of Texas and Tennessee have refused to accept any more refugees and now are being sued by the US government.
The Wilson-Fish program allows the US government to circumvent state sovereignty in refugee resettlement by funding third-party organizations. She mentioned several third-party organizations that benefit from taxpayer money in this way. They include the Jewish Vocational Services (which also uses the name Jewish Technical Services), Catholic Charities, and Lutheran organizations. They receive $2500 to process each refugee plus block grants to staff offices. She said she believed they are making huge amounts of money above their costs..
Her closing comment was that she believes the refugees are a tool of invasion used by the United Nations under Agenda 2030 to remove national borders. If the UN officially recognizes a group of refugees, then UN ‘Peacekeeper’ soldiers may be placed wherever the refugees are located. She said that there have been sightings of UN trucks in her state. She also said that there is a scheme to remove county sheriffs in order to implement total UN authority in local areas.
She ended the interview by exhorting people to get involved locally to learn what is going on in their communities, to read about their states’ refugee programs on their Social Services websites, and then to meet with local and state lawmakers to stop this covert UN scheme for destruction."
I can't leave out the politicians in OZ;
"I scratch my head at the blindness of these pro-refugee activists to the realities of world politics, as evidenced by the recent revelations that of the 12,500 Syrians slated to arrive in Australia under a one-off humanitarian intake, 500 were on an international terror watch-list, with 30 of them known by name to ASIO."
Bow to Islam and we’ll be Easter bunnies | Perth Now
"We talk about Islamophobia and how people give a bad name to our country and our religion. No one is giving a bad name to our country or our religion. We are doing that all by ourselves. We are enough for that," Yousafzai said in the video message. "
"On Thursday, Mashaal Khan, a 23-year-old journalism student in Pakistan was murdered by a screaming lynch mob+ on his university premises. The mob said Mashaal posted 'blasphemous' content on his Facebook account. Not only did the lynch mob beat to a pulp and then shoot dead Mashaal, it then continued to pound the boy's lifeless body with sticks - all of this in the clear light of day."
He was lucky that they were university educated and smart. Other wise, it might have gone badly for him.
The 6000-year Reign of the Psychopaths
Originally posted by Danny B View PostFidel Castro was an educated lawyer. Ernesto Guervara was an educated doctor.
Most everything that you read about Castro is a lie.
This has spurred a lot of discussion in the legal community (see, e.g., Above the Law, ABA Law Journal).
Dutton argues that psychopathic traits such as arrogance, ruthlessness, deceitfulness, manipulation, and
charisma can help CEOs and attorneys succeed in their professions. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Psychopaths?
Why Are There So Many Lawyers in Congress?
Lawyers benefit from a sizable fundraising advantage during the early stages of candidacy.
On average, lawyers raise twice the amount raised by non-lawyers during the initial months of their campaigns,
with fundraising from fellow lawyers accounting for much of the advantage.
Preparing For Financial Armageddon | King World News