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  • anonymous calls and searches

    Originally posted by rickoff View Post
    in the future then all they have to do is to use a non-caller-identifiable phone to actually call 911 and claim they are the resident, or a neighbor of the resident who suspects that the people at the resident may be in danger.
    Rick, I had an experience with this.

    In 1999, I was sharing a house with two friends here in town.

    I was getting ready to go to work at a holistic doctor's office and it was
    about between 10am and 1pm or so...something like that.

    As I walked out the front door and pulled the locked door behind me,
    a cop ran up to me with a gun pointed to my head. Suddenly about a half a
    dozen other cops rushed in. I was cuffed and not arrested but "detained"
    right there on my front porch.

    The said they had an anonymous call that someone was screaming for
    help from my basement. They said they wanted to search the house and
    make sure everything was OK. They did not have a warrant and required one.

    The only thing I did was repeat my mantra literally about 50 times.

    "You do NOT have my permission to search my house." That is all I kept
    repeating every time they spoke almost no matter what they
    said or asked.

    They told me about the anonymous call they got and I kept repeating the
    same thing.

    Of course they tried to manipulate their way in. "All we want to do is come in
    and look around a bit - if we don't find anyone, we'll apologize profusely!"

    I didn't care about their lies and deceptions - I just kept repeating they
    did NOT have my permission to enter and search my house.

    The fact is, an anonymous call is not a legitimate witness and cannot
    replace a warrant. There was no 911 call from my home phone and if it
    was an anonymous call from a pay phone to 911, they still have no right
    to search someone's home. From what I found out later, I don't believe
    it was a 911 call but a crime check call.

    One law-breaking cop started to thumb through my day timer sitting on the
    porch next to me, which is a complete illegal violation of my privacy.
    The others left and one said they are going to talk to their supervisor about
    this - the supervisor would have zero authorization to tell them to search
    my house.

    After violating my constitutional rights for another 10 minutes or so,
    one of the other law-breaking cops came over, uncuffed me and let me
    go. They said I could leave. I said, "What? You do all this and you're saying
    I can just leave?"

    After I got home from work that night, one of my friends was home and
    talked to the next door neighbor on the corner of the two cross streets.
    They said that they were the ones that called the cops and was sorry
    for what the police did.

    Here's the thing that is beyond pathetic.

    They told the police to go two houses north of the E/W street. Instead,
    they came to my house, which was two houses south of the E/W street.
    Beyond incompetent - that between 7 or so cops, they didn't even know
    the difference between north or south.

    The next day, I had a few baked cakes, etc... from some of the neighbors
    because they felt bad for the reckless incompetence of the local police,
    which are notorious for such incompetence.

    I then went to the police station and got a list of all the badge numbers
    and names of the incompetent law-breaking cops that showed up at my
    door and cuffed me, threatened me, put a gun to my head and illegally
    thumbed through my private day timer. I wanted to do something but
    I didn't have money at the time to pursue this in any legal manner
    whatsoever and in addition to that, the justice system here is non-existent
    as it is across the nation. It is a criminal system, not a justice system.

    Anyway, I believe 911 can trace every call whether it is unlisted, blocked
    or whatever so there is not really any such thing as an anonymous 911
    call from a residence or business. But there can be one from a pay phone
    and if so, I don't believe that gives them a right to act on anything unless
    they visit the scene and visually witness something.

    This was all pre-911 (Sep 11) before the Constitution was shredded more than it already was.
    already was.

    I like the concept of the Liberty Bell - there have been concepts like
    this shared in some Cop Watch organizations in different towns.

    But that Schaeffer says INSTANTLY to 1500 people by calling one person.
    However, what is the logistics behind that? A home phone cannot dial
    that many people and the incident would be over before a handful of people
    would be notified.

    A war-dialer on a computer calling out couldn't do that either with a typical
    single land line at a home.

    I CAN see this happening if everyone had internet and they had a skype
    group so that everyone would instantly get the notification, which would
    be much faster than email.

    I wonder what their actual method of contacting 1500 or however many
    people "instantly" is. Any ideas?

    For active duty military, there were call sheets where one person would
    call a couple people, they would call a few people they were supposed
    to call, etc... and so on until the entire organization of whatever
    detachment, squadron, etc... would be contacted. That was before
    the internet days.

    But let's face it - that depends on too many people doing something and
    in the civilian world, that is way too unreliable. It works in the military
    but that is because someone will get busted if they don't follow thru.
    For something like this, anyone could flake out like it is no big deal.

    Having one person contact that could send a message to 1000 people on a
    skype group I think is the way to go. What else?
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
      Schaeffer says INSTANTLY to 1500 people by calling one person. However, what is the logistics behind that? A home phone cannot dial that many people and the incident would be over before a handful of people would be notified.

      A war-dialer on a computer calling out couldn't do that either with a typical single land line at a home.

      I CAN see this happening if everyone had internet and they had a skype
      group so that everyone would instantly get the notification, which would
      be much faster than email.

      I wonder what their actual method of contacting 1500 or however many
      people "instantly" is. Any ideas?
      I'm not yet certain of the precise method they use, but after joining the responder registry they are given a certain number to call which they can program into their home and cell phone autodialer. When a call comes in at the control center, I would assume that the operator quickly prepares a brief responder alert voice and/or text message which is then sent out to as many as 1500 people whose registered locations are within say a 5 mile radius of the caller's location. I would assume that they do have a viable means for doing this quickly, rather than placing one-on-one phone calls. If their database is set up right then they would only need to pinpoint the caller's location, and the computer would then rapidly identify and prepare the responder calling list, and send the prepared message. While it is highly unlikely that 1500 people would actually respond to a call, it does seem likely that at least several dedicated people would in fact respond. How often they are willing to respond, though, will probably have a lot to do with whether or not they become targets of harassment, intimidation, and threats. This won't be like a stroll in the park. It will require committed and dedicated people who are willing to stick their neck out a bit, and who will do for others as they hope others will do in their time of need. People will have to realize that by joining the registry they are making a commitment to respond to calls that they receive, and that rapid response by the largest number of people possible is the best and safest way to safeguard everyone's freedom and interests.

      Your personal story is quite thought provoking, and definitely a rude injustice to you by the perpetrators. Surely things would have gone a lot better for you if several of your neighbors had shown up at the scene with cameras in hand.

      I too was once in a scary situation with a pair of police detectives who showed up at my home and asked me to go for a ride with them "to assist in an investigation." They didn't act as though they were investigating me as a suspect, but that was in fact the case. After riding for about a half hour, during which time they only made idle chit chat with me, we came to a large hospital building. At that point, I asked them what this was all about, and their only response was, "curiosity killed the cat." That was my first indication that trouble was brewing. The detectives had me go inside with them and ride an elevator to a high up floor. Then we walked down a corridor and stopped in front of a room. One of the detectives told me to wait with the other one until he called for me, and then he went inside. A minute later, he called for me to enter the room, and the detective accompanying me told me to stop and face the other detective, who was standing next to a patient in bed. That detective then said to the patient, "Is this the person who robbed your store and stabbed you seven times?" The patient looked at me for a moment and then said, "no, that's not him." I went from schocked disbelief to a sigh of relief in that moment, of course, and I have often thought how the situation could easily have gone bad for me if the patient had actually identified me as being the perpetrator of the crime against him. Of course the detectives were disappointed that I wasn't identified by the victim, but they didn't let on that they were, and when they dropped me back off at home they said, "thanks for coming along with us. We're glad it wasn't you." Yeah, sure. I was only 17 at the time, and I had been taught to trust authority figures, but that was the incident that made me always question authority afterwards.

      I think you will find that the police actually do have not only the right, but also a duty to enter and search a home when a 911 hang-up call, or call indicating possible violence at a residence comes in. The reasoning behind this is that a man could have beaten his wife half to death or shot her, and then tell police that everything is fine inside when they show up. The same could be applicable in the case of someone entering a home and holding the resident's family at gunpoint while telling the homeowner to "get rid of the cops or someone is going to die." So these are likely scenarios when police answer a real 911 call, and they would be acting improperly if they didn't investigate thoroughly. I do think that could, and should could be accomplished in a civil manner, though, that doesn't require handcuffing the homeowner or putting a gun to his head.

      As far as the 911 telephone calls needing to come from the caller's or a neighbor's residence to appear authentic, that's no problem for some sly officers. All homes are now equipped with an outdoor junction box where a phone cord can be plugged in to make the 911 call. All they need is a screwdriver to open the hinged cover on the junction box. It's unlikely, in the dark, that people would notice anyone out in their yard at the side of their house. And if they did notice because of a dog barking, and go for a look, they would only find a police officer who could then say they were investigating a report of a prowler in the neighborhood. Yeah, sure, but how many people would actually argue with that explanation?
      Last edited by rickoff; 04-08-2010, 05:55 AM.
      "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


      • home security

        That is pretty easy to plug into the phone box outside - I've done it
        plenty of times to test my own line when I have noise on my phone inside
        to see if it is inside or noisy at the box too indicating it is the line out on
        the pole.

        I think most of those gray boxes have a padlock clasp - might as well not
        make it too easy. Besides the police or anyone else pulling a 911 stunt like
        that, long distance calls can be made at the home or business owner's
        expense. Good point by the way!

        I'm grateful that all my neighbors are vigilant and are always looking to
        see who is prowling around. There are a lot of motion sensor
        security lights and my back yard has a high fence and is always locked.
        Anyone that messes around will be lit up like Fort Knox.

        Crime is going up with the undeniable unemployment rate. I can't blame
        them all as they have to eat somehow but I'd rather someone ask for
        food than damage my property to take something and pawn it. So,
        home security should be carefully considered by everyone in my opinion.

        Tonight, I bought a few of these online:

        This company seems to have the very best motion sensors to turn on
        halogen or other security lights. There are lights that have sensor that
        go up to 270 degree scanning or more. This one is only 180, BUT,
        it has a sensor dome on the very bottom that scans 360 degrees up to
        maybe a 15 foot radius directly underneath.

        Last year, I borrowed a family member's car for something. It has a nice
        stereo and I stupidly left the stereo faceplate on the stereo when I
        parked it overnight in front of my garage. I usually trust the regular motion
        sensor light I have as it works pretty good. Next day, found out the car
        got broken in to. Someone ripped out the lock on the passenger door
        and tried to get the stereo but they couldn't pry out the brackets holding
        in the whole thing and the face plate would have been useless.

        Turns out, someone snuck under my motion sensor light, pushed it up
        a bit and unscrewed both spot lights just enough so they couldn't turn on.

        So, nobody will sneak under the sensor listed above. Also, as a tip,
        the best security lights are the halogens where the cover is attached with
        screws and some have little cages around them. That way, nobody can
        unscrew them. I never thought about that way of defeating them until
        it happened to me.

        That sensor listed above is the one with an X10 transmitter. - Security Cameras, X10 Home Security, Wireless Camera, Home Automation, Electronics and More!

        All that security equipment has no monthly fees attached as it it owned
        by you. At my store, I had it setup so any motion would activate cameras
        that would snapshot pics and send them one after another to a website
        or my email online - so from anywhere in the world that has internet
        access, I can use a name/pw and see any pics that come up.

        I have loads of that equipment from when I still had my health food store.
        Bought it all after a break in at night.

        When is paritcular motion sensor goes off, I can have it trigger cameras, chimes,
        etc... anything I want. Another thing, if I give a plug in a chime and select
        the right transmitter code setting, all my neighbors can hear a chime when
        someone activates the sensor.

        Another local home security Liberty Bell concept!

        I can't wait until I get it. One of those sensors could be wired anywhere
        I want and can be put close enough to the street to capture all traffic
        walking by at late hours and anyone going by will not go unnoticed by all
        surrounding neighbors.

        Little off topic for the thread but does tie in to vigilance overall.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
          That is pretty easy to plug into the phone box outside - I've done it plenty of times to test my own line when I have noise on my phone inside to see if it is inside or noisy at the box too indicating it is the line out on the pole.

          I think most of those gray boxes have a padlock clasp - might as well not
          make it too easy. Besides the police or anyone else pulling a 911 stunt like
          that, long distance calls can be made at the home or business owner's
          expense. Good point by the way!
          Yes, the gray telephone junction boxes on the side of each home do have a place where you can insert a lock, and is an easy way to safeguard against tampering. Without that, just a few turns with a screwdriver will open the hinged cover and you are at the mercy of whomever wants to make life miserable for you with a 911 hangup call, or a long distance call to one of those pay-per-minute "love" lines as advertised on TV. An hour of time on the love line could cost you $200 on your next phone bill, and you would have no recourse. Recently I even heard of a scam where someone in South America sends you an e-mail urging you to call a certain phone number under the bogus statement that they are authorities who have apprehended someone carrying identification and credit cards in your name. If you call the number, there is a "connect fee" of over $1,000 that you are not made aware of, and telephone companies say that they can not do anything about the charge since it is from a foreign country.

          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
          Crime is going up with the undeniable unemployment rate. I can't blame them all as they have to eat somehow but I'd rather someone ask for food than damage my property to take something and pawn it. So, home security should be carefully considered by everyone in my opinion.

          Tonight, I bought a few of these online:
          RAB LIGHTING - STL360XW

          This company seems to have the very best motion sensors to turn on
          halogen or other security lights. There are lights that have sensor that
          go up to 270 degree scanning or more. This one is only 180, BUT,
          it has a sensor dome on the very bottom that scans 360 degrees up to
          maybe a 15 foot radius directly underneath.

          Another local home security Liberty Bell concept!
          Thanks for the security light tip Aaron. We really do have to start thinking more about security. As things get worse for folks we will be seeing a lot more people shift to the "five finger discount" philisophy, and if you are in a populated area you will be at a much higher risk for break-ins and theft. Simple deterrents, detection alarms, and membership in a Liberty Bell responder network could offer some real peace of mind.

          "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


          • Look what's headed for Obama's residence

            America's tea-party movement is set to explode in less than one week with taxpayer rallies in an estimated 800 U.S. cities and a massive march on the White House.

            Read more about this here: Look what's headed for Obama's residence
            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


            • Arizona is sixth state to tell feds to stuff their gun regs

              A sixth state – Arizona – now has declared that guns made and kept inside its borders essentially are free from federal application, registration and ownership regulations in a surging movement among states that one supporter describes as a direct challenge to "a government monopoly on the supply of firearms." Six states have now passed a "Firearms Freedom Act," and similar legislation has been introduced in another 20 states. This is important news to Liberty Bell Movements that aim to form citizen militias.

              Read more about this here: State No. 6 tells feds to stuff their gun regs
              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


              • Hi folks, heres a quote from the late Bill Hicks for all you folks that feel were not in the same boat. Even these people in the so called club are in the same boat, they have just convinced themselves there not.
                Quotes by Bill Hicks:
                “It's just a ride and we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money, a choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one.”
                Children are smarter than any of us. Know how I know that? I don't know one child with a full time job and children.
                “The world is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question: "Is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey, don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride." And we kill those people.”
                “I left in love, in laughter, and in truth, and wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit.”
                peace love light


                • SkyWatcher;

                  Judging from those quotes Bill Hicks, whoever he was, needed a reality check.

                  Last edited by ANTIQUER; 04-09-2010, 04:21 AM. Reason: typo


                  • More bumper stickers

                    "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                    • Amnesty Bill

                      CNN Report

                      111th CONGRESS
                      2d Session
                      H. RES. 1026
                      Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)



                      • Hi folks, Hi Antiquer. im sorry to say that Bill Hicks was giving us a reality check. Though its understandable some see it the other way round, because some may have forgot from whence they came. Good luck on your path.
                        peace love light


                        • Hi Rick;

                          I got this from a local candidate today showing the low tricks/tactics the liberals at all levels are pulling to try to hold on to their office or block a decent candidate:

                          This email is NOT spam. I am a candidate for Orange County Mayor who will end the reckless spending that is mortgaging our children's future. Please send to your friends.

                          As a true fiscal conservative I have been active in the grass roots "Tea Party" movement. The movement is a tri-partisan group of taxpayers who want to end the reckless spending that is mortgaging our children's future. I make no apology for associating with American taxpayers voicing concern over our future.

                          The "Florida Tea Party Party" is a separate political party not affiliated with the grassroots tea party movement. I do not believe a third party will achieve anything expect for dividing the conservative vote and helping progressives remain in office. I suggest and invite followers of the Florida Tea Party Party to join me in the Republican Party and support true conservatives to lead our nation out of our spending induced economic problems.

                          This week the Florida Tea Party Party sent a fundraising letter to Republicans in Orange County using my name to promote donations to the "Florida Tea Party Party." I did not provide authorization to use my name in the letter nor do I endorse or support the Florida Tea Party Party. The letter came as a complete surprise to me.

                          Because I know these blind requests for donations cost more to mail than they bring in donations there is a hidden agenda behind the Tea Party Party fundraising letter. The letter may have cost $8000 to mail and if they are lucky bring in $1000 in donations. Someone other than the Florida Tea Party Party leaders paid for the mailing.

                          The brains behind the Florida Tea Party Party is political operative Doug Guetzloe. Doug's current political customers on his radio show advertisements include Congressmen Alan Grayson and my opponent Mildred Fernandez. I suspect Mildred Fernandez has employed Doug Guetzloe to do what he does best; to throw mud on opposition candidates. I now view the Florida Tea Party Party as a political consulting firm not a political party.

                          It is clear to most political observers the use of my name with the Florida Tea Party Party is a deliberate attempt to alienate me with conservative Republicans. Maybe some other year these tactics might work but in this year policy is what matters. My opposition candidates cannot hide the fact they gave a $600 million taxpayer funded arena to a billionaire. (This is the new arena for The Magic basketball team. A serious local (hotel owner Rosen) offered to build it for them for free!) My opposition candidates cannot hide the fact they voted for a $1.5 billion rail project with no dedicated funding sources. My opposition candidates cannot hide the fact they gave $300 million to one company to create 150 jobs.

                          So to all of the people trying to prevent a true fiscal conservative from leading Orange County out of this tax induced recession I suggest they save their money. If we have learned anything from New Jersey, Virginia and Massachutes, it is that the taxpayers are fed up with politics as usual. I am running against four incumbents who spent billions on corporate welfare programs.

                          No matter what mailers are sent and what the liberal media says people want a new direction in government. I represent the new direction to a fiscally responsible government and I look forward to your support on August 24th.

                          We can win. With your help we WILL win.

                          Matthew Falconer
                          Then tonight this;

                          Is Rep. Alan Grayson a party crasher?

                          Grayson also attempted to have the attorney general prosecute a woman for saying her congressman (Grayson) was nuts!

                          This is the kind of "change" we got in the last election and shows how badly we need to boot them out.



                          • I'm not quite sure where Grayson actually stands, although he did make it abundantly clear that he was an ardent supporter of ObamaCare. I do give him credit, though, for being one of very few representatives in Washington who were willing to publicly question the actions of the Federal Reserve.

                            YouTube - Alan Grayson: "Which Foreigners Got the Fed's $500,000,000,000?" Bernanke: "I Don't Know."

                            Of course this sort of thing may just be some grandstanding to make his constituents think that he is serving their interests by taking the Fed to task. While the video makes Grayson look good, it doesn't actually harm the Fed because Bernanke simply gave no answers. The 'Audit the Fed' bill is a good and essential first step in eliminating the Fed, but is in stalemate. The 'Audit The Fed' bill did in fact pass in the House, but the Senate has done practically nothing with their version (the "Sunshine Act'), as only about 1/3 of the Senators have co-sponsored it. And as Ron Paul pointed out, even if both the House and Senate versions pass, he expects that Obama would veto the Act.

                            Here's a list of the top eleven senators involved in blocking progress of the Audit The Fed movement:
                            Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Bob Corker (R-TN), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Harry Reid (D-NV), Arlen Specter (D-PA), Jim Webb (D-VA), Mark Warner (D-VA), Ben Nelson (D-NE), and John McCain (R-AZ).

                            As you can see, both Democrats and Republicans are the culprits working hard to shield the Federal Reserve. These senators are doing everything they can to ensure that the Sunshine Act does not get a roll call vote, and now there is an effort to actually scrap the Sunshine Act and pass other legislation that would expand the powers of the Federal Reserve. This expansion effort, being led by Chris Dodd and backed by the White House, is trying to ram through a so-called "financial regulatory reform" package that would continue and even expand the same practices that created the latest economic crisis.

                            Folks, if you haven't already done so, please sign this 'Audit The Fed' petition to the Senate, and then contact your state's senators and demand that they either co-sponsor the Act ( S 604) and do everything they can to bring it to a vote, or that they explain to you why they will not:

                            Campaign For Liberty — Campaigns

                            Last edited by rickoff; 04-10-2010, 06:24 PM.
                            "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                            • Most of you are probably aware that both Barack Obama, and his wife Michelle, were once registered lawyers in Illinois. Neither are currently active registrants, or permitted to practice law, and this can be confirmed by visiting the online Illionois Attorney Registration website and conducting a Lawyer Search. For Barack this is:

                              Notice the search shows the following results, and that I have added notes in red text:

                              "Seek wisdom by keeping an open mind to alternative realities, questioning authority, and searching for truth. Only then, when you see or hear something that has 'the ring of truth' to it, will it be as if a veil has been lifted, and suddenly you will begin to hear and see far more clearly than ever before." - Rickoff


                              • Viva Obama


